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Season 1 Discussion

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Guy Williams was perfect for the role of Dr. John Robinson.   A man of science, the stern but loving father, brave but never reckless, handsome ... a real man's man.  The story without him just isn't Lost In Space.   

William Hurt was a pathetic substitute in the cinematic version.

All of the original characters are iconic.   To try and reboot this show is like a cover band doing the Beatles.

Other thoughts:

Don West sounds too much like Han Solo in the Netflix version.

I wish they had left out Dr. Smith altogether.   The gender switch ... meh.   Battlestar Galactica already broke that ground.

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I'm going to check the trailer out when I get home.  I've been looking forward to this although I absolutely laugh at the idea of humanity colonizing worlds in 30 years.  We might, MIGHT have a Mars landing in the next 30 years.  Should have put it at least a century into the future and that's probably not nearly enough time to be realistic too.  Also, I don't mind serious but I hope they remember to make this show FUN.

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Bill Mumy (original Will) said he saw the Lost in Space and said on twitter "Indeed. Gonna be Boss!". I guess that's a good thing, right? LOL!!! Somehow, I totally missed that they were doing a new Lost in Space (or I heard it and forgot) but the short promo looked promising. It's only 10 episodes so it shouldn't take too much of my time. I was a big fan of the orignal (I'm 53) so I will check it out. I'm about 10 years younger then Bill Mumy so were almost the same age. LOL!!! I wanted to be Don West. I thought Mark Goddard was so cool. That said, he had to put up with the annoying Judy. Of course, he was Lost in Space and had a limited dating pool. LOL!!!

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I just found out about this and watched one trailer.  I saw the parents and Will.  In front of them was a young black girl and a young white brunette.  They looked almost the same age.   So who is Penny and where is the older hot sister?  And the single guy she had sexual tension with?  

Are there more than one trailer?  Didn't like the Robots voice.  That is going to be very hard to deal with.  

Edited by marys1000
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I'm 61 and this was must see TV for me.  I hope I love it.  First Family of Space!  

Not sure its appropriate here but there is a you tube of all of Dr. Smith's screams that is sort of hysterical for those of us fans of the original.  

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I think the movie failed largely because it revolved around a big ending where a grown-up Will Robinson played a major role in the story, and I think they were banking on Bill Mumy playing that part. When that deal couldn't be reached they should have scrapped the whole idea because it was just weird and baffling. The movie actually started out rather well but fell apart about halfway through. 

I've seen the pilot the WB made back around 2000 and it looked like it would have been pretty good so I was always disappointed they didn't pick it up. 

I'm really looking forward to this - I don't necessarily need to see cameos from original cast members but I hope we get a few sly references to the original show here and there. I don't want it to be campy but it has to have some humor.

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Episode Synopsis:

Set 30 years in the future, colonization in space is now a reality, and the Robinson family is among those tested and selected to make a new life for themselves in a better world. But when the new colonists are abruptly torn off course en route to their new home, they must forge new alliances and work together to survive in a dangerous alien environment, lightyears from their original destination.

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Episode Synopsis:

The Robinsons start to adjust to life on a new planet following their crash landing, but unbeknownst to them, they’re not the only colonists to have survived. A terrifying storm threatens everyone’s safety.

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Episode Synopsis:

When the Robinsons discover that the Jupiter 2 has a major fuel leak, they must act quickly to free the ship with any remaining power before the glacier collapses around them. Light is shed on Dr. Smith’s mysterious past.

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Episode Synopsis:

John and Maureen make a surprising discovery, explaining why they haven’t been able to make contact with the Resolute. Judy learns the truth about the Robot's mysterious past and forces Will to make a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Dr. Smith is ready to launch a plan of her own. 

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Episode Synopsis:

The survivors work together to build a massive light tower to send a signal to the Resolute, but the Robot is noticeably absent from the group. Dr. Smith’s plan takes shape as she feels her time on the lost planet is running out. Maureen makes a daring discovery.

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Episode Synopsis:

Not wanting to panic the others, John and Maureen quietly grapple with her discovery, but Penny overhears their conversation and is anxious to share her secret. Will learns a valuable lesson as he takes responsibility for the Robot’s actions, and Judy accompanies Don on a critical search for fuel that turns treacherous. Dr. Smith manipulates a vulnerable situation into one that could prove deadly.

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Episode Synopsis:

Judy, and Don race home across the desert with their precious cargo, but an accident pressures them into making a life-changing decision. John and Maureen are dealt a heavy blow when their vehicle gets stuck in a tar pit and they're forced to confront their past transgressions. Penny does her best to comfort Will.

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Episode Synopsis:

Just as Maureen and John start to rebuild their relationship, the Robinsons are pulled apart again when John volunteers to undertake a risky mission. Tensions run high as family members do their best to prepare him – everything comes down to this moment, their only chance at survival. But Dr. Smith has another plan that tests even her manipulation skills.

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Episode Synopsis:

The Robinson children are forced to come to terms with the fates of their father and Don. Will and Penny seek out an unconventional energy alternative that could power the remaining Jupiters to launch into space, and Judy sets out to find Maureen who has been taken captive by Smith. But Smith won’t let her go easily.

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Episode Synopsis:

The Robinson family scrambles to launch their Jupiter from the Lost Planet, stage an impossible rescue, and reach the Resolute before it leaves orbit for good. Unfortunately, Dr. Smith and the Robot have other plans.

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This show is pretty good. Way better than I expected it to be.

I thought the kid playing Will Robinson gave a weak to middling performance and when the focus was on his character I usually felt bored or irritated.

Everyone one else was excellent.

The Robinson sisters worked perfectly. When Penny almost broke down when Judy was in the ice I was sold on their dynamic instantly. I wish the show explored their relationship more.

Molly Parker and Parker Posey played so well off each other! They made their characters' interactions--friendly or antagonistic,--feel natural and effortless. Was Dr. Smith's line, 'How can I help you fit something in your box?' supposed to sound dirty? Did Parker Posey do that on purpose?

John Robinson was great, too. The original series John Robinson was bland and entirely forgettable and the 1998 version, although more memorable, was kind of an asshole. This version brought a vulnerability I did not expect, and I dug it.

Don West is my second favorite character. I really liked everything about him. His shadiness, his halfhearted selfishness, and most of all I like the character avoiding the love interest trap. I really can't stress enough how refreshing it was to see Don doing the right thing out of decency and friendship rather than the need to get into Judy's pants.

Dr. Smith. I love her. Every devious, self-serving, manipulative, psychopathic inch of her do I love! She was the perfect mix of mercenary and desperate. Jonathan Harris will always have a special place in my heart, but Parker Posey owns the role of Dr. Smith now.

A few observations and musings:

Having Parker Posey and Selma Blair, two indie darlings, play sisters was pretty cool.

Victor Dhar being a decent guy was almost a plot twist.

Not Evan! I liked Evan!

When Will ordered Robot to restrain Dr. Smith I said out loud: "Wow. And I thought Dr. Smith had no shame."

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I get Molly Parker confused with Carrie Coon.

On 5/16/2017 at 4:37 PM, SmithW6079 said:

Ugh. More PC gender swapping just because.

As an older male, I'll never get why this would bother anyone in any way shape or form. WHO CARES! And I hate PC. That is, REAL PC idiocy.  lol

Edited by 100Proof
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I never watched Lost in Space (the original or the movie). In fact about the only thing I knew was there was a family, lost in space, and a robot said "Danger, Will Robinson." So I have no  idea how much this show deviates from the original. And for that, I'm kind of grateful. I can just enjoy this on its own merits.

And enjoy it I did. It was pretty non-stop. The brief flashbacks provided good information, and while the final one should have been predictable, we were surprised.

I loved the sibling relationship between the two girls. The dynamics of the entire family looked like it would provide some interesting stuff going forward. Plus Will did pretty well for a kid who failed his stress reaction evaluation. (paused it so we could read it)

I won't be binging, but it is on my list. I'm very glad there are separate topics for each episode, thank you @SilverStormm.

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That was pretty tense. i was beginning to wonder if they were going to go for shock value and kill the oldest daughter off in the first episode. I'm glad they didn't as i like her and her siblings. I'm not really a child person but they all seemed likeable and not too annoying. I'm less keen on the parents but that's because I don't enjoy watching parents snipe at each other. Hopefully the adversity will strengthen their relationship rather than damage it further.

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Seriously Chicken Guy, you're going to go back out there and get "Dr. Smith's" necklace? If she cared that much about if she would be more careful with it.  Also, she has legs doesn't she? She can fetch it herself. She's not the one who carried an unconscious person over rocky terrain. I know it was part of a scheme by Dr Smith to ditch what she considers to be dead weight and escape the storm but it wouldn't have worked if Chicken Guy was less of a sap. He seems like a decent guy and I'm glad he saved that woman but at a certain point you have to draw a line. Save the chicken, save the woman but the necklace is a step too far.

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1 hour ago, snowwhyte said:

That was pretty tense. i was beginning to wonder if they were going to go for shock value and kill the oldest daughter off in the first episode.

I wondered that too, but when the sisters were talking to each other and coaching each other, I decided they wouldn't throw away that kind of chemistry.

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Enjoyable. I'm a little worried that the robot/alien will be a Mary Sue/Data type thing -- it's already saved Will, Judy and the rest of them from freezing in the first episode. But the dynamics were all pretty good, and I like that there's real tension between John and Marion. While I haven't seen beyond the first episode, I think it's not a bad thing they left Don out of this one. he always made the over group kind of weird. 

And the idea that there might be other Jupiters out there somewhere was pretty cool, too. Maybe not as lost as they thought. 

With my slow internet speeds, I can only watch at the gym. So I'm almost excited about Mondays' workout :)

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50 minutes ago, whiporee said:

, I think it's not a bad thing they left Don out of this one. he always made the over group kind of weird. 



I am pretty sure that Don was the mechanic with the other female mechanic ( a redshirt if I ever saw one) that joined Dr. Smith at the end.

I'll say this for the show and that is they had Brass Cajones for setting Will up to be a Wesley Crusher whiz kid with all the solutions (magnesium) that made the father dumbfounded. Given the reception Wesley got back in 1987 I'm surprised they would go there.

Most curious about Judy being black. At first, I ran the scenario that she was the father's kid from a previous marriage but then Maureen referred to Judy as her baby girl so it seemed fairly certain that she was a biological daughter...so maybe she was previously married? I don't know. I'm sure they will explain it but I kind of wish it had been addressed in the first episode.

Overall a good start and I'm in. I have a rule of thumb that anything Molly Parker is cast in gets props because I love me some Molly Parker...I even liked THE WICKER MAN!

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I've never seen the original series and I'm generally not a huge fan of space stories or anything too sci-fi heavy, but I'll watch anything with Toby Stephens in it so here I am.  This episode probably should have been titled The Robinsons Have the Absolute Worst Day Ever.  I like that all of the family members are obviously smart and capable even if the reality is that half of them would have died the first night on their new planet had the alien not conveniently showed up with all the right powers in the nick of time.

First impression is that I really liked this.  All the visuals were really terrific to look at and the special effects were well done enough.  I'm interested in what the family dynamic with the kids is too, and there's obviously some story there with Mr. Robinson having been mostly AWOL the last few years to the point that he can ask if his wife is divorcing him long distance to run off to space with the kids.  I get that there will be more backstory coming explaining how all of this came about, but right now the family's trip to colonize a new planet is reading a little like a marriage saver.

Even having never watched the original I'm aware that Parker Posey playing Dr. Smith is a gender swap of the role.  Love the sly nod to that with her character pulling a Don Draper and assuming the male Dr. Smith's identity to save her own skin.  I'll be curious to see where that goes.

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually squealed when I realized that the actor playing the real Dr. Smith in this episode was the original Will Robinson from the 60s TV series - and sure enough, there was Bill Mumy's name in the credits!

As someone who was glued to the TV watching the original series as a kid, I'm really enjoying this take on the story so far. Parker Posey is the wild card for me - I'm curious to see how her version of Dr. Smith plays out. I sincerely doubt they'll go as campy as the Jonathan Harris version, but Posey is capable of playing anything from straight-up drama to total farce, so I seriously have no idea what to expect. It's gonna be a fun ride!

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That was a pretty mediocre start, I'm not a fan of deus ex machina solutions or flashbacks and the fractured family dynamics were predictable and annoying. Jude is the most confusing of all the characters so far. 

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4 hours ago, giovannif7 said:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually squealed when I realized that the actor playing the real Dr. Smith in this episode was the original Will Robinson from the 60s TV series - and sure enough, there was Bill Mumy's name in the credits!

As someone who was glued to the TV watching the original series as a kid, I'm really enjoying this take on the story so far. Parker Posey is the wild card for me - I'm curious to see how her version of Dr. Smith plays out. I sincerely doubt they'll go as campy as the Jonathan Harris version, but Posey is capable of playing anything from straight-up drama to total farce, so I seriously have no idea what to expect. It's gonna be a fun ride!

Don't be embarrassed - I did a bit of a fannish moment also.

I found the first two thirds to be incredibly dull and cheap looking and nearly turned it off, the OH was encouraging the use of the fast forward but I stuck it out and it did get much better. I wish they had led with some of the quality production value parts.

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8 hours ago, giovannif7 said:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually squealed when I realized that the actor playing the real Dr. Smith in this episode was the original Will Robinson from the 60s TV series - and sure enough, there was Bill Mumy's name in the credits!

As someone who was glued to the TV watching the original series as a kid, I'm really enjoying this take on the story so far. Parker Posey is the wild card for me - I'm curious to see how her version of Dr. Smith plays out. I sincerely doubt they'll go as campy as the Jonathan Harris version, but Posey is capable of playing anything from straight-up drama to total farce, so I seriously have no idea what to expect. It's gonna be a fun ride!

I totally missed Bill Mumy - and I knew him primarily from Babylon 5, so I should have been able to recognize him. Especially since my daughter and I were looking at images from the original show, and I specifically pointed out Bill and talked about B5. Dang. I'll have to go back and take a look.

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So far, it's lacking the fun of the original show. Now, don't get me wrong - I don't want it to be all campy or anything. But the original show didn't go full-on camp until the 2nd or 3rd season. I just thought way too much time was spent on trying to rescue Judy - about an hour and a half of that, filling the entire episode. Seemed like kind of a slow start to the show. Hopefully Dr. Smith and Don will shake things up. The visuals are great but I'm a little bored with it so far.

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13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I am pretty sure that Don was the mechanic with the other female mechanic ( a redshirt if I ever saw one) that joined Dr. Smith at the end.

I'll say this for the show and that is they had Brass Cajones for setting Will up to be a Wesley Crusher whiz kid with all the solutions (magnesium) that made the father dumbfounded. Given the reception Wesley got back in 1987 I'm surprised they would go there.

Most curious about Judy being black. At first, I ran the scenario that she was the father's kid from a previous marriage but then Maureen referred to Judy as her baby girl so it seemed fairly certain that she was a biological daughter...so maybe she was previously married? I don't know. I'm sure they will explain it but I kind of wish it had been addressed in the first episode.

Overall a good start and I'm in. I have a rule of thumb that anything Molly Parker is cast in gets props because I love me some Molly Parker...I even liked THE WICKER MAN!

One of the reviews I read stated that Judy is Maureen's child from her first marriage. 

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7 hours ago, wayne67 said:

So far the only characters I like are 1 Chicken, 2 Robot (even if it's Iron Giant amnesia plot is tedious), I find the family reckless and annoying. 

I know they established that Maureen wanted a divorce, but that doesn't excuse her jerkass with a side of bitch act. 

The middle girl being a snot could get tiring. 

The oreo commercial wasn't as bad as it could have been

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