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Social Media: What's Up With Her?

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On 10/30/2020 at 4:27 PM, Me from ME said:

While we are on the subject of body language, I recently read an article with this title: Body Language Analysis №4193: Hope Hicks, Sexual Attraction, Armpits, and Elbows — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence. In the article by Dr. Jack Brown,  writes

With rare exception, whenever a woman exposes her armpits — and more specifically as Ms. Hicks is doing here — directed OUT LATERALLY (not straight ahead)— it’s a subtype of high-alpha nonverbal behavior. More specifically, this display is very strong signal of both sexual attraction and putting oneself on sexual display.

Hicks’ sexual emotions are being amplified even further via the upward direction of her elbows.

So, I believe Twit was attracted to him, enough have him sit between her open legs in that hammock as well as to expose her armpits. She was sending a message for sure. On FULL sexual display...but, what's new?

Did the article mention anything about burying one's face in the armpits and sniffing loudly?  Whit did that to him on their first "date".

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Speaking of both Whitney's need to sniff armpits, and her need for Jessica to replace Ryan in NoBSActive, here's a LINK to an instagram post exactly two years ago from today. She boasts that she persuaded Jessica to make a video with her, even though Jessica "hates being on camera," (guess that's changed) and also that she likes Jessica because she lets Whitney smell her armpits! Two years, and Jessica is still hanging in with WhitWorld!

Edited by Ketzel
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I’m the first to admit, I am bad at judging Whitney’s weight but amongst Will (the last time), Jessica or Ryan has this woman lost any significant weight? Everytime I see these “Olympic endeavors” she’s involved in involves people carrying, pulling or shoving her across the finish line.  The clip of her “climbing rocks” she appears to weigh 375-400lbs to me (I could be off) but Jessica is pulling her and Jessica’s boyfriend? Is pushing her up at the same time and that guy isn’t tiny.  

We see the same thing every season from Whitney she “dates” and I use that term loosely on a scripted reality show. The “relationship” fails (see every relationship on the show) and she gives up or half-ass some business dealing (BGDC, baseball mascot, Fitness Marshall, radio show, etc.)  Im pretty sure this lady had baggage well before Ryan and Chase ever entered the picture.   The people on Ryan’s IG out there acting like the man personally dumped THEM.

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57 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Speaking of both Whitney's need to sniff armpits, and her need for Jessica to replace Ryan in NoBSActive, here's a LINK to an instagram posts, exactly two years ago from today. She boasts that she persuaded Jessica to make a video with her, even though Jessica "hates being on camera," (guess that's changed) and also that she likes Jessica because she lets Whitney smell her armpits! Two years, and Jessica is still hanging in with WhitWorld!

This I just don't get. Surely Jessica can get many customers for her exercise programs w/out hanging on the Twit's World. Surely her Dad can hook her up with much better clientele.

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3 hours ago, princelina said:

Did the article mention anything about burying one's face in the armpits and sniffing loudly?  Whit did that to him on their first "date".

Apparently it’s a fetish. 

However this article does not say anything about sniffing people you don’t really know or aren’t in a sexual relationship with. 
I can not believe I googled ‘the psychology of armpit sniffing’

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2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Well if that's "the sort of thing they do with subscribers" then sign me up! 🙄

1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

Apparently it’s a fetish. 

However this article does not say anything about sniffing people you don’t really know or aren’t in a sexual relationship with. 
I can not believe I googled ‘the psychology of armpit sniffing’

Well thanks for doing it - it would not have occurred to me 😄   I have always put her armpit sniffing under the category of "the psychology of being a show-off"

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On 10/29/2020 at 2:45 PM, Persnickety1 said:

Can't wipe her own ass, is always in a state of perpetual sweatiness, lives in skintight leggings, and doesn't wear underwear.  

There's a thingy for that, that some 600 lbers use.  She should get one, or her friends could chip in and buy one, and send it anonymously.


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17 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I think she has one but she claims she uses it to apply her "chub rub" cream.  😂



Whitney needs to hear this: when you cannot reach your own privates or inner thighs (for whatever reason), your life stopped being "fabulous" a looooong time ago. This woman continues to be a disaster with a huge case of denial. 

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8 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Whitney needs to hear this: when you cannot reach your own privates or inner thighs (for whatever reason), your life stopped being "fabulous" a looooong time ago. This woman continues to be a disaster with a huge case of denial. 


2 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

And, dare I say it, sexy . . . 🤢

Definitely not Sen-shual. Nope nuh uh.

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On 10/31/2020 at 6:33 PM, Ketzel said:

Speaking of both Whitney's need to sniff armpits, and her need for Jessica to replace Ryan in NoBSActive, here's a LINK to an instagram post exactly two years ago from today. She boasts that she persuaded Jessica to make a video with her, even though Jessica "hates being on camera," (guess that's changed) and also that she likes Jessica because she lets Whitney smell her armpits! Two years, and Jessica is still hanging in with WhitWorld!

Why wouldn't she? She's got no marketable skills to speak of. Hanging around, working out in Daddy's Gym doesn't count. Here's her chance for her 15 minutes, riding on Whitney (yes, I did see that weird picture of them in their Halloween garb - at least I hope that's Halloween garb).


6 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

And, dare I say it, sexy . . . 🤢

EXCUSE ME! She is "senshus". Ahem.


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Sorry, I think im a little behind in seeing this episode, but.....Ugh.....Whit trying to get over that log by herself was painfully cringeworthy.  Yikes.  She has to accept being that weight, she cannot do everything that smaller people do.

   I'm not shocked at all about the Chase/engagement storyline.  Not sure if it was fake, but I knew that engagement would last only a few weeks.   Anyways, no big loss with Chase and Ryan.    Yuk, didn't like either of them.       

Also, please, Whit.....just be with Buddy and get it over with!   I really feel they belong together and I see them having kids together. But neither wants to admit it.  Gotta admit, though... I still like the show.  I can't resist a train wreck!

Edited by suev33 3
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7 hours ago, suev33 3 said:

Sorry, I think im a little behind in seeing this episode, but.....Ugh.....Whit trying to get over that log by herself was painfully cringeworthy.  Yikes.  She has to accept being that weight, she cannot do everything that smaller people do.

   I'm not shocked at all about the Chase/engagement storyline.  Not sure if it was fake, but I knew that engagement would last only a few weeks.   Anyways, no big loss with Chase and Ryan.    Yuk, didn't like either of them.       

Also, please, Whit.....just be with Buddy and get it over with!   I really feel they belong together and I see them having kids together. But neither wants to admit it.  Gotta admit, though... I still like the show.  I can't resist a train wreck!

Whitney routinely drones on about Buddy, and if gave her half a chance she’d be all over him. She is anyway.  Apparently, Buddy has some standards (who knew?) and draws the line at dating Whitney.  I do think he is her friend or at least they have a codependent relationship, but I think he knows she is obsessive and he’d never have a moment’s peace.  He puts up with her for low rent , free trips, a paycheck, but I do think at times enjoys her company.  I’m still not convince their romp didnt take place in one of Buddy’s drunken/drugged stupors because the amount of denial and lame privacy answer he came up with didn’t seem to jive with him rolling around the screen with Chelsea.  He legit seem confused or in total denial and trust me I’m not Buddy fan.  Hell, I probably give him a harder time than Whitney because his mumbling and anger issues  really  bother me.  The only way I see Buddy and Whitney together is TLC cuts a huge check and I think they’d be done by the end of the show.  Honestly, Ithink Buddy thinks he’s out of Whitney’s league....I don’t think so, but that’s how he comes across.


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I needed a little distraction from what's going on in my life (Mom is currently hospitalized with a serious infection but is doing better) so I watched this crap. They really are going to drag out the whole "we're so in wuv" engagement and wedding planning nonsense when we all know what is going to come. Sorry Whit, but we know how this story ends and the frog that you kissed isn't going to be your prince charming.

And joy... we get another moment of Whit making a fool of herself trying to do things that she's not physically up to. Of course she'd lose her shoes in the mud and watching her climb over the log had me laughing (which I needed). It was all kinds of sad and pathetic. And if everyone else is wearing cool weather clothing, how is it that Whitney doesn't even need a light jacket? I guess that layer of protective blubber really is helping her keep warm. Like a walrus.

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@oncesane can we get a thread for the first episode since it’s online and streaming?



If I have to see Whitney sink in mud one more time, I think the group should just leave her there.  Also, one would think, if Chase were really her fiancé he wouldn’t have just run off with Tal and Ryan as Whitney was lugging herself over the log.  Although in his defense he did have to unearth here at the yurt, so he probably still hasnt recovered from that.  


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A couple of thoughts after watching the first new episode . . .



- At a quick glance, Tal looks like a bald Mr. Spock in that blue long sleeved shirt in his talking heads.  That is by far the lightest and most whimsical thought I had during the entire shit show.

- I wonder how much of this was doctored and reshot after the Chase/baby daddy scandal broke.  They were sure playing up the the “this was too quick, they aren’t compatible, this isn’t going to work” angle throughout the entire episode - but did it always look like this, or is there another (older) version that doesn’t look like a set up for the end?

- Throughout the entire scene in the hot tub, all I could think of is how could they all just sit there in a warm stew of Whitney’s urine, like nothing was going on?  Also, why were Whitney and Tal petting and necking in that hot tub while she lectured Buddy about inappropriate touching?  I get the obvious sexual orientation aspect, but none of that seems normal, even taking that into consideration.

- I will literally be put off my food for the rest of the day after being treated to the showing off of Whitney’s split britches, and the comments about easy access . . . 🤢.   I don’t know about you and your friends, but I don’t talk that way, even with my closest friends, if we are in mixed company.  Girl talk or locker room talk is one thing, but it would seem that Twit has desensitized and de-classed this entire group.  I guess at this point, when you have found her in the shower with the curtain wide open and applied her chub rub, you have seen and done it all.

- The final scene where Twit goes off on Buddy was totally unprovoked, out of the blue, and has to be a ploy to set up something else.  I can’t believe they actually made Buddy the rational, sensible voice of reason in this episode.  And now, after Twit just talked to him like garbage, and we know that Chase is going to betray Twit, Buddy is actually going to wait on her hand and foot and fetch her toilet paper in the next (pandemic) episode?  The mind boggles . . .


Edited by HighlandWarriorGrl
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Also, why were Whitney and Tal petting and necking in that hot tub while she lectured Buddy about inappropriate touching?  I get the obvious sexual orientation aspect, but none of that seems normal, even taking that into consideration.

Let's not forget the picture of those two that was taken on the first NoBSatSEA on her balcony - they had their arms around each other and both were NUDE! I think she had it framed and displayed it in the entrance hall of her house.

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25 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

Let's not forget the picture of those two that was taken on the first NoBSatSEA on her balcony - they had their arms around each other and both were NUDE! I think she had it framed and displayed it in the entrance hall of her house.

Was there a third person in the picture with them, I cant remember?   Also did Whitney and Tal sleep together or Whitney said they just attempted to?  


Was there a third person in the picture with them, I cant remember?  

The third person that was discussed was the professional photographer who took the photo on their balcony.


Also did Whitney and Tal sleep together or Whitney said they just attempted to?

I don't think it was on the cruise. It might have been when they were unclothed, high on something and in her closet when they did a short video. And who can forget that she tried to force Todd to sleep in the same bed with her when they went to NYC? I have a hard time imagining that she has turned anyone down.

Edited by Me from ME
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Yes, that's the Greensboro garage - she even says so in her long and chatty introduction to the workout, in case people didn't recognize it.  (She tried to make her move away from Charlotte very mysterious and cliff-hanger-like on her instagram, but as far as I can tell, no one guessed she was going anywhere but back to Greensboro, so I guess she gave up on that.) She also introduces her dog, who she officially named Neeshi, but who Whitney now appears only to call "Puppygirl."

I'm assuming this revised version of NoBSActive is not limited to 24 minute workouts, because she seems perfectly willing to talk for a good chunk of that length of time, while Jessica stands next to her smiling politely in her direction and fidgeting a little, waiting for her part in leading the workout to begin.

Edited by Ketzel
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9 hours ago, Ketzel said:

The revised NoBSActive website has posted a sample workout with Whitney and Jessica.  LINK


The dog was the only interesting part of the video and she looked as bored as I did.  I’m not sure if I’m deaf, but I could barely hear Jessica on parts and heard Whitney way too much. Jessica seems nice, but doesn’t really seem to fit in this video. I’m not sure why exactly, it was like she was doing the workout but seemed to forget the people at home. Also, please plan who is doing what (like counting reps) before the video.  I think Ryan had more of a “personality” for this. Whitney should just make videos of her dog and cats, they’re more interesting. 

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3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

The dog was the only interesting part of the video and she looked as bored as I did.  I’m not sure if I’m deaf, but I could barely hear Jessica on parts and heard Whitney way too much. Jessica seems nice, but doesn’t really seem to fit in this video. I’m not sure why exactly, it was like she was doing the workout but seemed to forget the people at home. Also, please plan who is doing what (like counting reps) before the video.  I think Ryan had more of a “personality” for this. Whitney should just make videos of her dog and cats, they’re more interesting. 

This is my impression too. I only saw a few clips from the Ryan version but he seemed to remember that the point was to teach the people at home. I heard him give instructions and tips on what to not do. He took it seriously. Whit and Jess just seem to be goofing around in the garage in front of a camera. Their point seems to be to make it look fun. They just don’t know how to do that while also making it worthwhile. It’s their job to instruct - not giggle. Frankly even if it was a good workout I couldn’t do it because all the laughing and giggling made me crazy. 

Also - it was a little disconcerting that Jessica seemed audibly winded after that. She looks like she’s in better shape than that. 

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The audio quality in the NOBSActive video is so bad .  Clearly, its just a cell phone microphone with no thought put into it.   The acoustics of the room is also awful, too many hard surfaces that reflect sound. If this was a serious venture, they each would be wearing mics and the sound would be mixed appropriately.  You would think with all those years of theater and TV experience, she would know the importance of sound.  

PS - The shelf with all the framed magazine ads on it is just sad. 

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7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:


Also - it was a little disconcerting that Jessica seemed audibly winded after that. She looks like she’s in better shape than that. 

I wouldn't put too much thought into that. I do a lot of workout videos where the trainer looks tired halfway through and tells his audience they are working hard and doing a great job. Then I glance at the advanced videos with the same trainers and yea....they aren't tired lol.I think they do that so the audience doesn't feel intimidated and feels a sense of belonging. Note I didn't watch the video this is just a thought 🙂

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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I just don't see why the barnacles still hang around this $hitstorm of a show. They can't believe this will advance their TV presence or prestige...is it just for the TLC $$?  Can it really be that good? Most of them have their own separate lives/families why put themselves in the snark range for the Twit? It just boggles my mind why anyone would put themselves out there like this.  But then I am an old 71 yr old gramma, clueless old lady...

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16 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I just don't see why the barnacles still hang around this $hitstorm of a show. They can't believe this will advance their TV presence or prestige...is it just for the TLC $$?  Can it really be that good? Most of them have their own separate lives/families why put themselves in the snark range for the Twit? It just boggles my mind why anyone would put themselves out there like this.  But then I am an old 71 yr old gramma, clueless old lady...

Buddy seems to have a limited skill set, motivation, and possibly opportunities due to his arrest so I think he probably appreciates the money the most. Heather and Ashley I think do it to earn extra money for their families.  Tal and Todd I also throw into the category, but I also think they enjoy the theatrics of it.  Babs and Glen I think do it for Whitney, but Babs is a ham and appreciates her “spotlight”.

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3 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Yep, I think they're ALL doing it for the $$$.  That's it. The end.

Calories burned during the noBSactive workout: 4.  If you lift your foot up off the floor a couple of times... uh, 9.

Call Dr. Now QUICK!  Except he won't put up with Twitney's bullcorn.


4 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Buddy seems to have a limited skill set, motivation, and possibly opportunities due to his arrest so I think he probably appreciates the money the most. Heather and Ashley I think do it to earn extra money for their families.  Tal and Todd I also throw into the category, but I also think they enjoy the theatrics of it.  Babs and Glen I think do it for Whitney, but Babs is a ham and appreciates her “spotlight”.

Sadly I think all true...I have no life...hermit mom in MT of a Fire Battalion Chief in CA and a female Police Captain in CA. I am proud of my kids without any doubt. I feel sad for Glen and Babs...how can they feel proud of this "I don't even know what to call her...faker?"

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1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

The juxtaposition of the latest two IG posts from Buddy and Whitney crack me up. Whitney posts on photo of herself and Buddy and calls him the best life partner ever (although she does say non-romantic). Buddy posts photos of himself with his girlfriend LOL

It would be funny if her life wasn't so damned pathetic. 

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On 11/2/2020 at 7:27 AM, TurtlePower said:

Whitney needs to hear this: when you cannot reach your own privates or inner thighs (for whatever reason), your life stopped being "fabulous" a looooong time ago. This woman continues to be a disaster with a huge case of denial. 

She probably uses that very same grabber-thingy, with remnants of ass wipe and chub rub cream, to get shit off a high shelf so she doesn’t have to do anything but lift her arm a bit. Sorta like when she dances and works out. 

Edited by nytonc
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I rarely look at Instagram but yesterday I happened upon the recent video she posted before the first episode was broadcast. She was opining how weird it was to see herself on TV (as if it was a unique experience for her.) She was shoveling some food in her mouth, drinking some kind of soft drink and talking with her mouth full. The sight of it, the sounds of it were beyond words. She couldn't wait a few minutes? Now, remind me again why she doesn't have a romantic relationship.

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On 11/10/2020 at 11:03 PM, goofygirl said:

Yep, I think they're ALL doing it for the $$$.  That's it. The end.

Calories burned during the noBSactive workout: 4.  If you lift your foot up off the floor a couple of times... uh, 9.

Call Dr. Now QUICK!  Except he won't put up with Twitney's bullcorn.

Yep to all. 

She wouldn't last one month with Dr. Now because she is somehow convinced that all she needs to do to lose weight is find the perfect exercise, but not one that makes you sweat or anything. 

She never wants to control her food intake for more than one or two episodes.  I don't think she can be helped in the weight-loss department, even if she were locked in a room and received only 1000 calories a day and lost 150 lbs. in a week.  She would regain it all in a couple of days.  She refuses to acknowledge the relationship between what she eats and what she weighs.  All she has to do is find the perfect non aerobic, low movement, non-strain exercise.

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