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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


Culture Check: How can we come up with catchy or snarky topic titles and still remember the human behind the title? 

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3 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

Excuses, excuses, that's all I'm reading.  And her "workouts" aren't doing her much good.  I like the little box on the side of the People article showing her "working out" her using the punching bag is amusing.   Should someone her size be lifting weights?  Shouldn't she also be doing water aerobics or something that would burn more calories?  I was always under the impression you should do both types of exercise, aerobic and weights.

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12 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

Haha!! So true!  When you mentioned the famous 100, it reminded me of something!  Remember Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite?  He was always living in his past HS football star days. That’s like Whitney with her Prom Princess days and her 100lbs weight loss.  “I lost 100lbs before, I already lost 100lbs, Remember when I lost 100lbs, I was Prom Princess, Remember how pretty I looked in my coral dress when I was Prom Princess!” Just like Uncle Rico! Well she does call herself Uncle Whitney! 

Uncle Rico Eats All the Steak.And he coulda took State.

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Whitney is right, working out isn’t a good way to lose weight.  It’s a much better way to work up an appetite.  Especially if she’s gorging on refined carbs that keep her insulin levels high.   Learned recently that different gut microbes thrive on different foods, and if you overfeed those microbes they’ll disproportionately multiply and call out for more.  So microbes that favor sugars and refined starches create a vicious cycle if you’re willing, like Whitney, to cater to them.  It’s why for many people you can tone down a sweet tooth by avoiding sweets for a period of time.  I don’t think that works for me, but I can dream!

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22 minutes ago, ozzy said:

Uncle Rico Eats All the Steak.And he coulda took State.

Hahahaha!!!! Awesome Ozzy!!

53 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

Excuses, excuses, that's all I'm reading.  And her "workouts" aren't doing her much good.  I like the little box on the side of the People article showing her "working out" her using the punching bag is amusing.   Should someone her size be lifting weights?  Shouldn't she also be doing water aerobics or something that would burn more calories?  I was always under the impression you should do both types of exercise, aerobic and weights.

Shouldn’t someone her size be lifting cars? lol

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On 4/8/2018 at 10:13 AM, kar328 said:

Her form is terrible. There's nothing wrong with pushups from your knees, but the idea is to keep your body in a plank, not push your butt up first, then your back. A good trainer would also be commenting so you can adjust as you go along. And slow down! You get more out of it if you do less in better form. 

My back hurt watching this. I'm about to stop dawdling and get my butt to the gym. 

Yeah watching this makes my back hurt too. Why is the trainer waving the stick above her? I thought she was going to whack her!

On 4/8/2018 at 10:52 AM, SevenCostanza said:

That drives me nuts she does that all the time.  When she did the 8K she started power walking right from the start, or when Will had her run up all those stairs,  I'm not a trainer but I would think someone of her size should start slowly and work on her form.  She hurt her back just lifting her leg in one episode, if she injures her back she's going to become even more immobile and then she won't be able to work out at all.

I agree. But knowing Whitney, it's probably an "all or nothing" attitude towards exercise. 

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3 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

Thanks for sharing this article. @LordOfLotion. I can't understand why People so often gives Twit so much print, but their writers really seem to think she's worth all the space.

I couldn't understand this comment:



"Thore recently got back into her workout routine after recommitting to herself.

“I think when you really realize that if you don’t take the risks and if you don’t do what you desire, the only person who loses is you,' she told PEOPLE Now of getting over her fear of the gym."

What risks? What fears?

Is Twit talking about the risk she is taking by following the instructions of an unqualified trainer?

And since when did she fear the gym? From the beginnings of MBFFL, she's exulted over how much she loves working out.

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On 4/8/2018 at 9:22 PM, aliya said:

From the video, "How can we stop people's worlds from shrinking?"  Well, you could manage your weight better.  We've got disabled veterans coming back from Afghanistan who may really need information about accessibility, but you need an app because you can't close your mouth?  

My PhD is in information science. I know a number of people who do research on accessibility technology (including creating apps that address needs for different abilities).  I don't think any of them create apps for large people. Now, there may be some need for this population to know where there's an accessible bathroom, but for the rest of this, jeez louise...

We frequently ask ourselves why don't people 'wake up' when they are 300/400 pounds. Now we see why. Why should they when they can just app their way around town?

I had a former student who was very similar to the spokesperson in the video. Sadly, she passed away a year ago. She needed special seating in class because she couldn't fit the regular desk. A number of students went from class to jobs (this was grad school), so I let them eat during class. She would spread out so much food on her table. I wanted to say something, but it's hard - you say the wrong thing and they've got the disability people down on you for daring to bring up the topic.  Alas, it wasn't a wake up call when she couldn't fit in a desk, it wasn't a wake up call when we discussed insulin and she was taking tons of it due to her poor eating, it wasn't a wake up call when the other students had a sandwich and fruit for lunch and she had a big take out spread.  I am sorry about what happened to her and don't know if anything I could have said would have made a difference. 

Totally agree. It shouldn't be the public's problem if your disability is due solely to overeating to the point of morbid obesity. I can hardly believe something like this exists. 

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21 minutes ago, Dot said:

Thanks for sharing this article. @LordOfLotion. I can't understand why People so often gives Twit so much print, but their writers really seem to think she's worth all the space.

I couldn't understand this comment:



"Thore recently got back into her workout routine after recommitting to herself.

“I think when you really realize that if you don’t take the risks and if you don’t do what you desire, the only person who loses is you,' she told PEOPLE Now of getting over her fear of the gym."

What risks? What fears?

Is Twit talking about the risk she is taking by following the instructions of an unqualified trainer?

And since when did she fear the gym? From the beginnings of MBFFL, she's exulted over how much she loves working out.

I think she's afraid they'll actually make her do something. You know, anything.

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So she got booed when she was chosen prom princess? Hmmm, I wonder why???

Yeah, that's interesting isn't it? She can't blame it on being fat.

Another interesting thing from the article. She admits to having had an eating disorder  (nevermind that it was a speshul showflake type of bulimia) and just "magically" recovered. She completely ignores the real truth which is that she is food addict.

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3 hours ago, Dot said:

Thanks for sharing this article. @LordOfLotion. I can't understand why People so often gives Twit so much print, but their writers really seem to think she's worth all the space.

I couldn't understand this comment:



"Thore recently got back into her workout routine after recommitting to herself.

“I think when you really realize that if you don’t take the risks and if you don’t do what you desire, the only person who loses is you,' she told PEOPLE Now of getting over her fear of the gym."

What risks? What fears?

Is Twit talking about the risk she is taking by following the instructions of an unqualified trainer?

And since when did she fear the gym? From the beginnings of MBFFL, she's exulted over how much she loves working out.

It's her "comfort zone!" At least, that's how she described it in the comments to her instagram video of her "hike" with Tal.

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If people believe that she hardly eats anything at all, they should really watch the show.  Between the ice cream and cookie in the car, the cupcakes, the stack of pizzas for a few friends, etc., it's very clear why she is morbidly obese.  And it has nothing to do with PCOS.  

She reminds me of the people on M600PL, who profess to not eating much, until they are put in the hospital on a 1,200 calorie diet and lose 75+ pounds in a month.  What OTHER than food intake has changed?

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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:



What ever happened to "cookie"

a.   She fed it to some squirrels in the park

b.  She hid it under her seat and consumed it in 2 bites after filming


We all know that just didn’t enough time to inhale the whole cookie before getting to the gym and that she was going to eat the rest of the cookie on the way home from the gym!  I think it’s hilarious that she’s trying to play it off as “I think about how good I did by only taking one or two bites” and that’s all she was going to eat of that cookie.  Laughable! ???

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Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.  Here is one of Whitney alone in front of the Discovery Channel slogan. It's rare that Whitney posts current, dated pics of herself, so I am looking at them as a benchmark for how successful her current diet and exercise program is, as she has said the show hasn't started filming for next season yet.

For future reference: these photos were taken on or about April 10, 2018

Edited by Ketzel
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1 minute ago, Ketzel said:

Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.  Here is one of Whitney alone in front of the Discovery Channel slogan. It's rare that Whitney posts current, dated pics of herself, so I am looking at them as a benchmark for how successful her current diet and exercise program is, as she has said the show hasn't started filming for next season yet. 

Wow nothing but nice comments, I see the words "beautiful" "pretty" and  "gorgeous" used quite frequently.  I'm guessing Donna's on stand by deleting any comment that doesn't contain one of those words.

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Discovery Channel?  What is she doing with them?

The dress sort of "works" in that it makes it difficult to clearly see her outlines.  (I think it makes her look larger but hard to know that for sure...)

No filming yet?  Then why has she been killing herself in the gym!  LOL

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13 minutes ago, Brooks said:

Discovery Channel?  What is she doing with them?

The dress sort of "works" in that it makes it difficult to clearly see her outlines.  (I think it makes her look larger but hard to know that for sure...)

No filming yet?  Then why has she been killing herself in the gym!  LOL

Discovery is the parent company that owns TLC and a bunch of others - like the Travel Channel. So she works for them until she’s cancelled. 

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Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.

Too bad Dr. Now isn't there...

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3 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Wow nothing but nice comments, I see the words "beautiful" "pretty" and  "gorgeous" used quite frequently.  I'm guessing Donna's on stand by deleting any comment that doesn't contain one of those words.

Gawd. I wish I could wear a huge tent and have people kissing my (much smaller) ass!

"That dress is everything!" Really? I mean, really? C'mon, people!

Edited by jennylauren123
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1 hour ago, jennylauren123 said:

Gawd. I wish I could wear a huge tent and have people kissing my (much smaller) ass!

"That dress is everything"! Really? I mean, really? C'mon, people!

More like that dress encompasses everything, like the entire membership of the UAW that it takes to hold her up, because you know she is not standing up by herself long enough to take all those pictures.

Sorry. Sometimes I need to let it all out.

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2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.  Here is one of Whitney alone in front of the Discovery Channel slogan. It's rare that Whitney posts current, dated pics of herself, so I am looking at them as a benchmark for how successful her current diet and exercise program is, as she has said the show hasn't started filming for next season yet.

For future reference: these photos were taken on or about April 10, 2018

She's got a couple of other pix in NYC spots. Who's taking all these photos? I'd  bet Poodle Tal is in town with her.

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30 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Okay, this clip of Randy Fenoli (Say Yes To The Dress) is hilarious. She obviously asked him to say something for her instagram video. He obviously forgets her name while graciously taping it.

I love Twit's scowl before the video starts. It's kind of an outward & visable sign of her inner ugliness

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I will say one thing about that dress/tent. Sleeves do wonders for Whitney. She should always wear sleeves. I don’t know if she’s actually losing a little weight. It’s impossible to tell in that shape dress. But her arms look so much smaller with sleeves. Even if they aren’t. 

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Just now, 3girlsforus said:

I will say one thing about that dress/tent. Sleeves do wonders for Whitney. She should always wear sleeves. I don’t know if she’s actually losing a little weight. It’s impossible to tell in that shape dress. But her arms look so much smaller with sleeves. Even if they aren’t. 

Omg!! I’m dying...dress/tent! ??? Yes! She should be covering up those ham hocks!

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41 minutes ago, Tosia said:

She's really pushing the Torrid line, isn't she?  

She's been doing that since she attended the CurvyCon. My guess is someone from Torrid hooked her up with a "clothing for credit on Facebook" deal while she was there.

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1 hour ago, sixlets said:

She had a (free) tummy tuck when she had the six kids.  I do give her a lot of credit for maintaining it after all these years though. 

The best part of her IG photos are all the people commenting she got to meet Bill.  Some tossed Randy & Monty in there, but Bill is a bigger (no pun intended) pull.

And yet, there are still those of us who have to go to Wikipedia to know who Bill Klein is. (Also Randy Whatsis.) I suspect, in the world of TV viewers, most TLC "stars" are unknown.

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8 minutes ago, Dot said:

And yet, there are still those of us who have to go to Wikipedia to know who Bill Klein is. (Also Randy Whatsis.) I suspect, in the world of TV viewers, most TLC "stars" are unknown.

I think there are many people that watch her show to snark on her and laugh at her. Then she has her big fat fans that watch her.  However, she’s a D lister at best and not that many people know who she is.  I was laughing so hard about her article in People.  There were so many comments “who is she” “where is she from” “who is this large woman.”  In her eyes, everyone knows who she is and she’s as well known as Julia Roberts or someone who is an ACTUAL celebrity! She needs a wake up call! She’s just fat and has an unfabulous life!! 

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22 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Okay, this clip of Randy Fenoli (Say Yes To The Dress) is hilarious. She obviously asked him to say something for her instagram video. He obviously forgets her name while graciously taping it.

Picture Whit going to Kleinfeld's and Randy dealing with her, sweaty and half-dressed, in the showroom.

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On 4/11/2018 at 4:47 PM, Dot said:

I love Twit's scowl before the video starts. It's kind of an outward & visable sign of her inner ugliness

Does she not know that the first frame of the video is the still image that shows up before it plays?

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On 4/11/2018 at 11:24 AM, Ketzel said:

Whitney is posting instagram pictures of her current visit to New York, where the Discovery Channel is having a media event for its shows. Here is one of Whitney with the casts of several of the shows.  Here is one of Whitney alone in front of the Discovery Channel slogan. It's rare that Whitney posts current, dated pics of herself, so I am looking at them as a benchmark for how successful her current diet and exercise program is, as she has said the show hasn't started filming for next season yet.

For future reference: these photos were taken on or about April 10, 2018

At least she has on clothes.

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She had a (free) tummy tuck when she had the six kids.  I do give her a lot of credit for maintaining it after all these years though.

She would have had to, almost - the amount of loose skin she would have had from her belly stretching so much would have been both uncomfortable and disfiguring. 

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Okay, this clip of Randy Fenoli (Say Yes To The Dress) is hilarious.

Notice how (in true Twitney fashion) she offered her lips for a kiss but he went right to her cheek? And, pretty far away at that.

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On 09/04/2018 at 8:22 AM, lightninggirl said:

Tonight she's pushing an accessibility app for larger folk. I wonder if she's being compped for this in any way?
(PS that cat is SO her)

As our co-founder Rebecca says, “I don’t have time to scroll through 1500 photos of ravioli just to figure out whether a restaurant’s chairs have arms!”

Certainly not with that shortened life expectancy.

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On 4/11/2018 at 5:38 PM, Tosia said:

She's really pushing the Torrid line, isn't she?  

And, in my opinion, those clothes are not designed to be flattering on big women. The last thing a huge woman needs is a huge flower pattern on the dress. Makes her look bigger.  A tiny flower pattern would work much better.  Just like the picture she took with a black top with the red skirt. Her bottom is bigger than her top - the color should be reversed. Melissa McCarthy’s clothing line is designed to flatter a large figure. Not Torrid’s.  So, not only does Whitney have no class, she also has no taste (with regard to fashion).

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