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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


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35 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Speaking of Whitney's odd, to put it kindly, placement of the poster- sized picture of her bare-chested father on the ceiling over her bed, here's another questionable décor decision: I am informed by a reliable source (someone who was more capable than I was of watching Pt.2 of the cat hostage video) that Whitney did a walk-around tour of her house at the end.  As she steered the camera into the entryway of her home, she paused to turn a photograph that was facing the wall back to facing the viewer. "Y'all don't mind nudity, do you?"  she asked. "I turned this around because my father was coming over."  And there in all its glory was a framed, matted copy of the nude photo of Whitney and Tal.  In the entry! Damn, Whitney, exhibitionist much? I could see maybe in the bathroom, if one goes in for that kind of display, but the entry?

I have no words.  Ew?  Supposedly that picture was taken on their last cruise.  Do they actually walk around naked? Is that part of the No Shame thing?  They're definitely outside in that picture, maybe this was just outside their cabin? At least I hope so. 

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On 4/1/2018 at 10:15 AM, SevenCostanza said:

Well good for her for getting out and moving.  Did the person filming have to concentrate solely on her giant ass?  Is it bad that I don't find this impressive?  I'm not on social media at all so I don't get the "oooo look at me, let me film myself doing the most mundane things" mentality. 

Social media is a perfect outlet for someone like Whitney who thinks she's much more important than she really is. It's "me, me, me" on a national level. 

I've taken a big step back from social media too. Surprisingly, I don't miss it. The people I'm close to know how to reach me and I really don't care where my former (30 plus years) classmates are vacationing this year. 

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On 4/3/2018 at 11:15 AM, Ketzel said:

Honestly, I can't understand Will's behavior in regards to Whitney. He nods along with whatever crap she spews about her diet and healthy eating, but then he will contradict her by speaking generally to the panel. For example, when Whitney bloviated about how food has to be a pleasure and not just fuel or medicine, and the way the others were eating was boring and unnatural, Will talked for a while about how healthy eating could and should be delicious, but it required attention and planning, given how easy it was to grab convenient processed junk. The others jumped in with their ways of making their diets tasty, but you could see the blank look settle on Whitney's face once she realized they were talking about actually preparing their own meals, i.e. cooking at home.  And at one point Will and one of the bodybuilders, who is also a trainer, agreed that at this point in their careers, they could recognize someone who didn't really want to do the necessary work with their diets to reach their goals, and they no longer were willing to accept those people as clients because it was too frustrating and a waste of their time. And Whitney nodded right along. She clearly sees herself as an expert, engaging with her peers. Another Whitney delusion!


I can't fathom why Will thought Whitney would be a good addition to the panel.  I can see him wanting to balance the panel with someone who was not a competitive athlete, but who was making significant changes in eating habits to reach a more accessible goal.  But he must know Whitney was not the right choice for that purpose. She fooled him once, shame on her. But I can't believe she could get away with fooling him a second time.  Maybe it is just for the publicity  -- although seeing her enveloping a stool next to the other panelists, looking larger than two or three of them put together, doesn't seem like good publicity for his training regimen!

The one interesting thing I noticed was that neither Will nor Whitney herself has made any reference at all to her "dance career." She's just some ordinary morbidly obese woman who wants to stave off diabetes by  . . . not doing much of anything?

Maybe this is just a build up for the next season? Are her "work outs" being held at his gym? This must be something related to her show because I can't believe that none of the other panel members haven't gone off on her by now.  

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23 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

I said she may find things she or her parents don't want known. As a celebrity, it would be better for her to go about this in private before doing it in public. As for a long-dead creep only affecting you if you let him, you might be surprised at what happens to you when people think they know who your ancestors are. Things don't always happen to you because you "let" them. Switch to a famous last name for a while and see what happens to you.

A situation similar to this happened to one of my cousins during their search. Basically, she uncovered the fact that an older relative had gotten pregnant at a very young age under some very ugly circumstances. Of course, this isn't the kind of stuff you want to be discussing at your family reunion. The only living relative was NOT happy about having their dirty laundry made public. 

1 hour ago, Brooks said:

When Alistair died, Whit should have given Henchi to Babs.

I thought she should have too. It would have been such a thoughtful gesture for Babs and a relief for poor Henchi.

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44 minutes ago, mybuddyspence said:

I thought she should have too. It would have been such a thoughtful gesture for Babs and a relief for poor Henchi.

I really think Babs is the most attached to Henchi out of all the animals. He really does belong with her.

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On 4/3/2018 at 11:15 AM, Ketzel said:

I can't fathom why Will thought Whitney would be a good addition to the panel.  I can see him wanting to balance the panel with someone who was not a competitive athlete, but who was making significant changes in eating habits to reach a more accessible goal.  But he must know Whitney was not the right choice for that purpose. She fooled him once, shame on her. But I can't believe she could get away with fooling him a second time.  Maybe it is just for the publicity  -- although seeing her enveloping a stool next to the other panelists, looking larger than two or three of them put together, doesn't seem like good publicity for his training regimen!

The one interesting thing I noticed was that neither Will nor Whitney herself has made any reference at all to her "dance career." She's just some ordinary morbidly obese woman who wants to stave off diabetes by  . . . not doing much of anything?

That latest video on the eating protocols doesn't have her in it - probably because she never actually followed any kind of eating protocol - but there was still a lot of stuff in that video that bothered me.

Calling GMO foods "injected with chemicals" is scientifically inaccurate, for one. While there was a distinct lack of HAES/FA stuff, there was an over-abundance of "bro science" which flat out isn't actual science regarding food and eating. Getting adequate nutrients is important but it is not true that your body "can only use" some tiny portion of the food you eat, or that if you eat carbs it will automatically mean you gain fat instead of muscle. Provided you're lifting heavy and you're getting sufficient protein (in g/kg of body weight) you're going to be able to put on muscle mass regardless of whether you eat carbs or not. It is not necessary to "eat organic" to eat healthy, either. Conventional farming produces vegetables, fruits and meats that are absolutely nutritionally worth eating and are less expensive. Frozen fruit and vegetables are a great alternative when fresh produce is too expensive to make a tight budget if you get the ones without the added sauces. They bag like crazy on "processed food" but talk about all the protein bars they're eating as if those were just plucked from the mystical Clif tree in the back yard.

So much good mixed with so much bullshit.

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On 4/3/2018 at 2:07 PM, Dot said:

She's doing what everyone does who gets into geneology: seeing how far back thru generations she can go & what she can learn about her ancestors. So far, she reports a great-great grandmother in Poland, but doesn't say whether she's maternal or paternal. It's a hobby for lots of folks. I don't find it strange, but since she's going at it like every other new thing in her life -- staying up researching till 5 a.m. -- I can picture the white board now in 2-3 episodes of story arc boredom in S-6.

Does this mean Glenn will get another "work bonus" and take the fam to Poland for a vacay and to meet great-great-great-cousin Stanislav? Who Twit will try to make a pass at or fondle (as she much touch and smell everyone and everything). Yeah. Cool. Maybe it'll morph into a new series "My Big Fat Polish Wedding".

On 4/3/2018 at 12:55 PM, LordOfLotion said:

I saw that she had a live video going and tuned in for a minute just in time to hear her and her friend talking about how they hate people who don't like to talk about their periods. It became another punchable faces moment so I went back to my all-day Twilight marathon. 

And okay.... are people who don't like to talk about their periods in the minority? Is that a thing? What is hate-worthy about that? 

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5 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

And okay.... are people who don't like to talk about their periods in the minority? Is that a thing? What is hate-worthy about that? 

I'm not sure. I didn't stay with the video long enough to find out, though from what I've gathered from other conversations with younger women over the years, I think I have an idea. I don't care if she hates me for not talking about periods, because I'm just sick of hearing about them. I just want to have them in peace without people taking so much interest in what's going on down there, or wanting me to take interest in theirs. 

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10 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

I'm not sure. I didn't stay with the video long enough to find out, though from what I've gathered from other conversations with younger women over the years, I think I have an idea. I don't care if she hates me for not talking about periods, because I'm just sick of hearing about them. I just want to have them in peace without people taking so much interest in what's going on down there, or wanting me to take interest in theirs. 

 I can’t say I ever really talked about my period to anyone other than my husband and even that wasn’t a regular occurrence.  What exactly is the point of talking about them?

My hot flashes on the other hand....EVERYONE in my house gets to share in that misery.......

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They're definitely outside in that picture, maybe this was just outside their cabin?

They might be on her balcony. Fun fact: ships have surveillance cameras along the side (that's how the crew is alerted that someone has gone overboard). Also the officers can observe the not-so-private balconies from the Bridge.  In fact, one of them said as much in a lecture I attended while onboard.

Oh, nevermind. That's exactly what she would have wanted.

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There are some things you should be ashamed of.  Keeping a poster of your bare-chested father on the ceiling above your bed is one.  French kissing your pussies cats (and filming it) is another one.  

Damn.  This woman.  

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4 hours ago, cherenkov said:

Getting adequate nutrients is important but it is not true that your body "can only use" some tiny portion of the food you eat, or that if you eat carbs it will automatically mean you gain fat instead of muscle.

One of my favorite things about "bro science" (thanks for that, by the way) is when people clamor about how carbs are sooo bad and to avoid at all costs (I've even heard the term "no-carb diet") and then advocate for eating tons of vegetables. Um, what macronutrient do you think vegetables mostly are? Fat? I mean, yeah, they do contain some protein, but they're mostly fiber, water, and carbohydrate. 


I was at my very fittest when I was eating tons of carbs. Of course, I was running 40-60 miles per week, but still. Trying to adjust to a normal person's proportions of carbohydrates only served to get me back in my running shoes.

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9 hours ago, monagatuna said:

One of my favorite things about "bro science" (thanks for that, by the way) is when people clamor about how carbs are sooo bad and to avoid at all costs (I've even heard the term "no-carb diet") and then advocate for eating tons of vegetables. Um, what macronutrient do you think vegetables mostly are? Fat? I mean, yeah, they do contain some protein, but they're mostly fiber, water, and carbohydrate. 


I was at my very fittest when I was eating tons of carbs. Of course, I was running 40-60 miles per week, but still. Trying to adjust to a normal person's proportions of carbohydrates only served to get me back in my running shoes.

Fiber is a carbohydrate. Granted what makes it "dietary fiber" is that it largely passes through us undigested because we don't have the ability to break it down in our digestive system, but it's still actually a carbohydrate. So all those wonderful high fiber foods that are a also high in protein (beans, beans, the magical fruit) are largely made of a carbohydrate that a human being just can't digest.  Wood is a carbohydrate we can't digest (cellulose), so that "parmesean cheese" in the can that's made up of a ton of filler (saw dust) could be nearly 10% a carbohydrate that will pass through the human body undigested.

Whitney had the big famous scene where Will finds her in the car and she's very proud of herself because she only ate a bite out of the big huge cookie and he asks her about the "healthy bars" he told her that she could eat. This continued into the YouTube "Eating Protocols" panels. Her eating habits show up on her social media, and probably will again with all the "workout" videos she's been putting on IG. In the panels, and in the show, Will and Whitney have talked about the "healthy bars" and so too did the bodybuilders. Many of those "healthy bars"  are not much better in nutritional numbers than a candy bar. Nutrition is a big part of my life. To maintain a healthy weight and good performance, I have to make sure i'm getting the right amount of fat, protein, and fiber. Once I hit those targets though if there are calories left for the day, it's show me the carbs! For heavy cardio days, more carbs. I carb load for big runs like half marathon or longer. I use Gu (vitamins, caffeine, and glucose) during endurance events. Bro-science tells me to avoid anything "processed". All of that stuff is processed for a very specific purpose: it's the most efficient way to dump energy into your body during an endurance event. Actual science is a good thing.

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3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

Fiber is a carbohydrate. Granted what makes it "dietary fiber" is that it largely passes through us undigested because we don't have the ability to break it down in our digestive system, but it's still actually a carbohydrate. So all those wonderful high fiber foods that are a also high in protein (beans, beans, the magical fruit) are largely made of a carbohydrate that a human being just can't digest.  Wood is a carbohydrate we can't digest (cellulose), so that "parmesean cheese" in the can that's made up of a ton of filler (saw dust) could be nearly 10% a carbohydrate that will pass through the human body undigested.

Whitney had the big famous scene where Will finds her in the car and she's very proud of herself because she only ate a bite out of the big huge cookie and he asks her about the "healthy bars" he told her that she could eat. This continued into the YouTube "Eating Protocols" panels. Her eating habits show up on her social media, and probably will again with all the "workout" videos she's been putting on IG. In the panels, and in the show, Will and Whitney have talked about the "healthy bars" and so too did the bodybuilders. Many of those "healthy bars"  are not much better in nutritional numbers than a candy bar. Nutrition is a big part of my life. To maintain a healthy weight and good performance, I have to make sure i'm getting the right amount of fat, protein, and fiber. Once I hit those targets though if there are calories left for the day, it's show me the carbs! For heavy cardio days, more carbs. I carb load for big runs like half marathon or longer. I use Gu (vitamins, caffeine, and glucose) during endurance events. Bro-science tells me to avoid anything "processed". All of that stuff is processed for a very specific purpose: it's the most efficient way to dump energy into your body during an endurance event. Actual science is a good thing.

I had a hard time trying to explain to non-endurance athletes that yes, I actually do eat lots of carbs, and yes, this bread is fine for me, fielding questions about how I keep my weight down when I had the audacity to eat *gasp* bread and crackers! When I was injured and not running I had to reduce my carb intake (except vegetables) and it was pretty tough. I try not to harp on it too much because HAES people will take "eating a Gu or three on a 20 mile run is necessary and helpful" to mean "well she eats processed crap all the time and she's healthy, so can I."

The truth is, there is no magical disease, not PCOS or hypothyroidism or Prater-Willi that can actually defy the laws of thermodynamics. Got Hashimoto's? That sucks, get treatment and watch your diet. Powerlifter? Cool, you probably do need more protein, but that doesn't mean it has to be pepperoni-wrapped sausage deep fried. Low metabolism? Hi, welcome to your 30s, you have to be more careful. Everyone has different needs, but your body isn't going to magically convert your disease into extra fat. Like you said, Whitney's habits come through on her social media and on her body.

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 I actually do eat lots of carbs, and yes, this bread is fine for me

My problem is that eating bread or other refined carbs requires more will power to not eat too much. I find it easier to just leave them alone so I won't have the sugar spike that awakens that part of my brain which leads to cravings. I think it's great though that you can eat bread and don't go off the deep end. (See next sentence.)

All that said, when I go on a cruise, where eating is almost a sport, all bets are off. I have been reading the live blog of a guy of normal weight who had 4 breakfasts on Easter while on a ship.

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46 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

Is it possible I struck a nerve? I mentioned in a previous post I'd never heard any of her cats purr. IG post has 30 seconds of Henchi purring

 I guess I was put in my place!

Not at all! It's just a close-up of Henchi's face with purring on a soundtrack.  Or, at the most, Henchi is purring on Tal or Babs' lap - I won't believe this is Whitney-induced purring until I see an affidavit signed by all the cats in the house! :-)

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1 hour ago, LivinLovinLife said:

Is it possible I struck a nerve? I mentioned in a previous post I'd never heard any of her cats purr. IG post has 30 seconds of Henchi purring

 I guess I was put in my place!

Both Twit & Heather (esp.) are known to monitor this forum, so I don't doubt that yr comment caused a purr -- "Is it Memorex or is it real?" -- from Henchi.

What I've noticed in S-5 & on SM, is that Twit no longer does the bugged-eyes-dropped-mouth look of shock or surprise. After years of our snarking about it here, I think she got the message about how foolish she looks.

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So she wants a mostly plant based diet?

I wonder if she knows that plant-based isn't necessarily super healthy. My husband and daughter are vegan. Both are pretty fit. But my daughter LOVES salt and vinegar potato chips. The brand she eats are vegan (not all brands are). They are in no way healthy. But they are "plant based." Oreos are also vegan but not what I would call a health food. 

Also not plant based? The heavy cream she likes in her coffee and the whole milk I've seen her put on cereal multiple times on the show. Swap it for unsweetened almond or soy milk and you'll save fat and calories right there. And it's tasty.

What I really, truly don't understand is Whitney's all or nothing approach. She doesn't have to give up joyous eating to be healthy. She doesn't have to adhere to a super strict diet. Even a few tweaks could help her lose enough weight to improve her mobility and overall quality of life. With meal prep and delivery services, she doesn't have to spend a ton of time or money to enjoy reasonably nutritious meals that are balanced portions and tasty. She could learn some basic cooking skills and spent some time once a week on food prep and it would improve her life dramatically.

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Plant-Based (which might be vegan) and Mostly Plant-Based (which would not be vegan) can be rather different.  More than anything, she wants pasta.  The culinary coach probably explained what Mostly Plant-Based was supposed to mean, and it would not have been predominantly pasta.  As far as prepping once a week, nope she's not interested in that either.

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7 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I wonder if she knows that plant-based isn't necessarily super healthy.

Twit would consider pizza "plant-based" since flour comes from wheat & tomato sauce from a vegetable. (Yes, I know tomatoes are actually fruit.)

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25 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I wonder if she knows that plant-based isn't necessarily super healthy. My husband and daughter are vegan. Both are pretty fit. But my daughter LOVES salt and vinegar potato chips. The brand she eats are vegan (not all brands are). They are in no way healthy. But they are "plant based." Oreos are also vegan but not what I would call a health food. 

Also not plant based? The heavy cream she likes in her coffee and the whole milk I've seen her put on cereal multiple times on the show. Swap it for unsweetened almond or soy milk and you'll save fat and calories right there. And it's tasty.

What I really, truly don't understand is Whitney's all or nothing approach. She doesn't have to give up joyous eating to be healthy. She doesn't have to adhere to a super strict diet. Even a few tweaks could help her lose enough weight to improve her mobility and overall quality of life. With meal prep and delivery services, she doesn't have to spend a ton of time or money to enjoy reasonably nutritious meals that are balanced portions and tasty. She could learn some basic cooking skills and spent some time once a week on food prep and it would improve her life dramatically.

I gave up on vegetarianism mostly because I found myself eating way too many carbs and cheese. LOL. Sugar is vegan too!

Also that is the beauty of CICO. You literally can have your cake and eat it too. Just not the whole damn thing! 

I have two friends who struggle with their weight...they try to do keto for the week, lose steam, binge on carbs over the weekend, then go back to keto...so basically just eating a high fat high protein AND high carb diet. Needless to say it is absolutely not working for them.  


Whit really could still eat a lot of food and lose weight at her size. Even a small change like not drinking her calories would likely help her lose 50 lbs. ( No fraps, no alcohol) 

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

Both Twit & Heather (esp.) are known to monitor this forum, so I don't doubt that yr comment caused a purr -- "Is it Memorex or is it real?" -- from Henchi.

What I've noticed in S-5 & on SM, is that Twit no longer does the bugged-eyes-dropped-mouth look of shock or surprise. After years of our snarking about it here, I think she got the message about how foolish she looks.

But don't you miss it?


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56 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I cannot find the name of the guy who makes fun of her/critics her on youtube. Any help out there??

All Hat No Cattle. Also, some guy whose name is something like Raging Monkey.

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TLC had been airing older episodes late at night. So of course I had to watch this train wreck.  It was the episode with her parents 70th birthday.  It’s amazing what a liar she is!  She goes to a bakery with her brother.  She literally says “funny enough, I’m not a cake person” OMG!!! She literally stuffs her face with every sample of cake!!! The look on her face was embarrassing as such shoveled the cake in!! I’m going to see if I can get a picture of the look on her face and post it. Then Twit asks the owner of the bakery for water to “cleanse her palate” for ROUND 2!!! She lies so much, she can’t keep track of her lies! Yeah, we know Whitney, we know that darn PCOS! 

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Sigh. What the fuck is wrong with ME? I quit watching/recording the show and now I'm ready to quit Whitney forum. Not because I don't like you all but, rather, we've beaten this horse to death. She doesn't get it. She does not want to. Until people quit her, this clown will continue to have a show. And attention. 

Got nothing more to add that hasn't already been said about her. I'm sure I'll see you all on other topics, done with this one. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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On 4/5/2018 at 9:13 PM, TurtlePower said:

Sigh. What the fuck is wrong with ME? I quit watching/recording the show and now I'm ready to quit Whitney forum. Not because I don't like you all but, rather, we've beaten this horse to death. She doesn't get it. She does not want to. Until people quit her, this clown will continue to have a show. And attention. 

Got nothing more to add that hasn't already been said about her. I'm sure I'll see you all on other topics, done with this one. 

I've been having the same thoughts. You probably won't see this but thanks for articulating what I think. It's time to shut off the lights and close the door on Whitney

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38 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

I've been having the same thoughts. You probably won't see this but thanks for articulating what I think. It's time to shut off the lights and close the door on Whitney

Yeah, I go thru this "moral crisis" at the end of each season: do I keep enabling the continuation of this woman's awful platform for her dangerous notions of good health, i.e., MBFFL, or not?

Since she has signaled that there will be another season, I guess I'm gonna stick it out. For a while.

Besides. I enjoy the comments in this forum too much to give them up. At least, not yet.

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On 4/4/2018 at 4:02 PM, LordOfLotion said:

I'm not sure. I didn't stay with the video long enough to find out, though from what I've gathered from other conversations with younger women over the years, I think I have an idea. I don't care if she hates me for not talking about periods, because I'm just sick of hearing about them. I just want to have them in peace without people taking so much interest in what's going on down there, or wanting me to take interest in theirs. 

Let’s just hope she doesn’t want to smell anything. 

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On 4/5/2018 at 12:20 PM, Elizzikra said:

I wonder if she knows that plant-based isn't necessarily super healthy. My husband and daughter are vegan. Both are pretty fit. But my daughter LOVES salt and vinegar potato chips. The brand she eats are vegan (not all brands are). They are in no way healthy. But they are "plant based." Oreos are also vegan but not what I would call a health food. 

Also not plant based? The heavy cream she likes in her coffee and the whole milk I've seen her put on cereal multiple times on the show. Swap it for unsweetened almond or soy milk and you'll save fat and calories right there. And it's tasty.

What I really, truly don't understand is Whitney's all or nothing approach. She doesn't have to give up joyous eating to be healthy. She doesn't have to adhere to a super strict diet. Even a few tweaks could help her lose enough weight to improve her mobility and overall quality of life. With meal prep and delivery services, she doesn't have to spend a ton of time or money to enjoy reasonably nutritious meals that are balanced portions and tasty. She could learn some basic cooking skills and spent some time once a week on food prep and it would improve her life dramatically.

Even if she kept eating the same crap she eats, cut by a third or so, she would probably lose some weight or at least quit gaining. I mean, maybe get used to smaller portions before totally changing what goes in her mouth. Baby steps. 

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On 3/28/2018 at 10:55 PM, Dot said:

Heather & Twit 10 years ago. You cannot make me believe she'd rather be what she is now as opposed to 10 years ago. For example, notice her normal mouth. It's the blubber that has made it into a Joker mouth when she smiles.


Either that's a lot longer than ten years ago, or she mastered the "fatfish" pictures. Didn't she put on at least a hundred of her pounds in her first year of college?

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As I had surmised from Twit's smugness & SM signals, MBFFL will be with us for another season.

In reply to some guy who posted something on her FB page that irritated her, she replied:

"Boot Camp Tulsa You’re an idiot. We, in fact, did get renewed. What’s your wife’s name? I’d love to ask her why she’s lying! ?"

BTW, his post must have been deleted because I couldn't find it. From fan comments, he apparently called Twit a heifer (misspelled) & said his wife works for TLC & told him MBFFL was cancelled. That's what Twit was responding to.

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

"Boot Camp Tulsa You’re an idiot. We, in fact, did get renewed. What’s your wife’s name? I’d love to ask her why she’s lying! ?"

I am willing to bet that comment was 100% bait and she bit on it and swallowed the hook.

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There are no words to describe how totally stupid and useless this workout is. I can't even say Whitney's form is terrible, because I have no idea what she is supposed to be working on. Except possibly injuries to her rotator cuffs, neck and mid-back? Carpal tunnel syndrome?

Edited by Ketzel
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1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

There are no words to describe how totally stupid and useless this workout is. I can't even say Whitney's form is terrible, because I have no idea what she is supposed to be working on. Except possibly injuries to her rotator cuffs, neck and mid-back? Carpal tunnel syndrome?

She's got another exercise on IG & one of her fans asked the question I always have:

"I thought your supposed to take your time doing each exercise for your body to benefit like medium speed not hyper speed ?"

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1 hour ago, rainbowrockgal said:

And what is with the long stick???

It’s to apply lotion to her undercarriage after “working out”

Edited by Kaia40
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3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

I am willing to bet that comment was 100% bait and she bit on it and swallowed the hook.

With luck, they said "we'll renew you, but if you announce it before we do, we'll cancel you."

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1 hour ago, rainbowrockgal said:

And what is with the long stick???

 If I was paying a trainer and went back and saw footage of our training session and the trainer was pretending to hit me with the stick ( like in Whitney’s post) I would fire that trainer so fast her head would spin.

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