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S04.E01: While the Kat's Away…

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2 hours ago, Missmissie173 said:

That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

I think they really want to drive home the point of Austen being Shep Jr.,  scoring with this chick that he has no intention of ever calling her again. I mean, that scene was intercut with his TH of how he got out of serious relationship because basically, he wants to screw around still. And he made it sound like it's so cool.

I know some of the things they say are from producer "encouragement", but still, as much as I think no self-respecting woman should allow a man to talk to her that way, I also think no self-respecting man ever says "so your walk of shame won't be too bad, huh?" to a woman, no matter how much of producer prodding there is. 

But oh well, this show isn't for self-respecting men anyway. At least Craig's trying to be.

Edited by slowpoked
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16 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Or what about just moving into the guest house with your children and using the main house for entertaining when you need/decide to? I'm looking forward to watching tomorrow night. (We have to get the final two Black Sails episodes watched tonight. Then we can watch this tomorrow. Then my wife goes out of town for the weekend.)

I think Thomas banishing his kids to the guest house is ridiculous but cramming four people into a guest house when you have a ginormous house seems an even more ridiculous a choice. The truth is it isn't just about them being messy it's about him tightly controlling his environment and how much time he actually spins with them.

 I wonder if the plantation has a guest house, wouldn't want him to have to share a roof with them. I wonder if he had the same arrangement now that he and the kids are living in California.

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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I wonder if the plantation has a guest house, wouldn't want him to have to share a roof with them. I wonder if he had the same arrangement now that he and the kids are living in California.

Well, if they go stay at the plantation, I'm sure he'd just move them into the old slave quarters. LOL (Just kidding!)

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7 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I think Thomas banishing his kids to the guest house is ridiculous but cramming four people into a guest house when you have a ginormous house seems an even more ridiculous a choice. The truth is it isn't just about them being messy it's about him tightly controlling his environment and how much time he actually spins with them.

 I wonder if the plantation has a guest house, wouldn't want him to have to share a roof with them. I wonder if he had the same arrangement now that he and the kids are living in California.

It sounds like he is back from La Quinta and the winter polo season.  Sadly, another day another court battle awaits in Charleston.  I so wish Kathryn could get it together.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4376460/Southern-Charm-s-Thomas-Ravenel-seeks-sole-custody.html

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2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

So is Cooper completely off this show?  Did Patricia force him out for his bitchy comments about her last season?

I like him too.

Thomas and having the kids live in guest house:  I get trying to keep a nice space for adults.  When we were kids we weren't allowed in the living room.  My mom called it the good room.  To have them sleep back there without him is weird.  I don't know why he doesn't have space for their kitchen, bedrooms and a playroom and then still have space for company.

I think I will be rooting for the ruin of Shep this year.

Whitney and Thomas are very skeevy.

13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I think Thomas banishing his kids to the guest house is ridiculous but cramming four people into a guest house when you have a ginormous house seems an even more ridiculous a choice. The truth is it isn't just about them being messy it's about him tightly controlling his environment and how much time he actually spins with them.

I know this is a type but it works as it is too.

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7 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I don't know why he doesn't have space for their kitchen, bedrooms and a playroom and then still have space for company.

He does, the kids both have huge rooms in the main house. 

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4 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I just don't understand her resistance to attempt some sort of professional direction for herself as opposed to simply collecting paychecks from this show for glorified hobbies, and ditto Craig. People keep claiming Shep is so lazy, but the guy at least has two bars he runs and invests in, so at least he has some sort of focus other than just this show and his regular hobbies.

More important, Shep is wealthy and can afford to be lazy. If I were Naomie I'd be worried unless she has some ulterior motives for staying with Craig, like having a boy toy while she finishes her education and then when she's done with that she'll be done with his no-account ass, too. 

People get annoyed with Shep because of his disdain for Craigand how hard he is on him, but I think he's just super disappointed that Craig, whom I think he genuinely cares for, doesn't follow through on things, quits/gets fired and tries to keep up with the Joneses when he doesn't have a pot to piss in. He has no ambition. The people on this show who can actually afford to not work actually work and the broke ones, Blandon and Craig, don't. 

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48 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It might be bad parenting, but I thought it was hilarious that TRav decided he didn't need is messy AF kids destroying his house and just gave them one of their own.  As someone that likes having their own space, I'm not even sold on the bad parenting aspect.  I wish my parents had given me my own house.  Imagine how great it would be to be able to just be a kid and not get constantly nagged at for making a mess and having to worry about spilling shit.  I'm also assuming that their primary caregiver (the nanny) lives in the house with them.  Either way the Ravenel kids are going to be raised by nannies, might as well be in a place they can call their own and have fun and actually sit on the furniture and wear their shoes in the house.  At least they have a human nanny instead of a dog like in Peter Pan -- those were some shitty parents.  

As soon as I saw Saint I assumed he has FAS.  Poor kid.  I hope that if he does have it, it is not that severe.  The cards are already stacked against him given his parents and their problems, he doesn't need FAS too.  

I actually agree with you. As long as he quality time with them I'm cool. It's not like he was ever going to be the children's primary caregiver and the main house is not child friendly, especially that staircase. This way Kensington can run around fearlessly and not worry about breaking shit and they don't have to worry about her hurting herself or trying to navigate the stairs by herself. We'll see what happens when they get older.

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16 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I feel bad for Thomas' and Kathryn's kids.  Eventually the nanny will want her own life and move on.  Then, the kids will have a new nanny (or a series of them) and will seemingly never have real parents.  Sad.  They're not even allowed to grow up in the real house, for Christ sakes.

 TheFinalRose beat me to it!


That is the saddest thing of all about this show and it is hard for me to watch the scenes with the kids, particularly the little toddler girl. Both of their parents acted completely selfishly. When Kathryn was demanding more money, I am sure it was not for the sake of their kids living the lifestyle they were accustomed to, it was most likely for herself and her drugs apparantly. And Thomas can drop the pretense of being a hands-on dad, he s not fooling anyone. Thank goodness they seem to have a wonderful, neutral nanny to raise them. Which is very sad for all involved. I just hope that Kathryn will stop squabbling with Thomas over money - yes, he has a lot of it, and no its not fair to not share a dime with her - but at the end of the day..../ she needs to realize that all that MATTERS is that she can be the best mom she can be to her kids and give them LOVE, her time, attention,  - which is better than any million-dollar guesthouse. 

Edited by Matias130
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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

Don't limit her!  Landon's a moron on a lot of topics.......

But widdle Snowflake is just so precious & special.  She still acts like everything she says & thinks is golden.  Feh!  I did love that just-smelled-poop face she made when someone dared to mention Kathryn's name in widdle Snowflake's presence.

Man, I'd so like to know what Count Chocula is really up to these days.  He's depending too much on nothing convos with Patricia for his cam time.  Meh, boring.  Well, he's one of the producers so it's not likely we're ever gonna get anything too revealing.  Too bad.  Dude's pushing 50 -- I bet he's got tons of stuff to hide.

Who's Horseteeth?  Well, there's only one jackass on here with big fake teeth.  Jeez, I cringe when anyone says he's charming.  His attack on Craig & that awful convo with Naomi revealed him for the nasty shithead he is at his core.  Any surface charm is phony bullshit I see right thru.

I don't know Kathryn's story at all, but I can't help feeling a bit sorry for her for losing custody of her kids.  Was it justified? She is a loon.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Landon who, when Craig and Naomie showed up preparty made a comment on how she loves a good day drinking party (or reason to day drink). Can't remember verbatim-sorry. 

Cheese straw for the road....bwahaha. That's brilliant!! 

Thanks...I love cheese straws by the way!

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To have them sleep back there without him is weird.  I don't know why he doesn't have space for their kitchen, bedrooms and a playroom and then still have space for company.

Well, by the time TRav probably goes to bed at night the little ones are almost up and ready to start their day. So he basically doesn't even want to hear them, either, I suspect. But hey, TRav can still pop around at dinnertime and get the same plate of spissghetti that the nanny made for everyone and then throw Kensie in the kitchen sink for her bath (she is way too old for that).

TRav lost me completely when he said he hopes he doesn't screw up and then the government would have to step in and send the kids to foster homes as if it's beyond his control. Maybe Patricia can adopt them and give them a proper upbringing.

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21 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Man, I'd so like to know what Count Chocula is really up to these days.  He's depending too much on nothing convos with Patricia for his cam time.  Meh, boring.  Well, he's one of the producers so it's not likely we're ever gonna get anything too revealing.  Too bad.  Dude's pushing 50 -- I bet he's got tons of stuff to hide.

Well, he did step aside as a full-time cast member (no longer on the promo shots), to concentrate on producing more. I heard he has other shows in the making, and so he can no longer stay to film SC as he used to.

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14 hours ago, acid burn said:

OMG these people. T-Rav and Whitney are the worst in my book with Landon not far behind.

I don't think Whitney makes the worst list. Foremost, he created this show, so he gets some bonus points for that alone, lol. Replace him with Kathryn, for obvious reasons! But the other two, absolutely!

T-Rav, you bought and remodeled and decorated this house FOR the kids!! We remember periwinklegate! Now suddenly the house is too nice for the kids?! F-- you! That's insane. You didn't have to choose a $30,000 carpet while decorating FOR the kids. It's an excuse to NOT be a full-time dad. The nanny (or nannies? last season there was a day and a night nanny) is raising these kids. T-Rav moseys outside to the guest house once in a while to visit. I almost think this makes him worse than Kathryn because he's choosing to (not) raise these kids like this after fighting for full custody that he apparently didn't want--Kathryn was just too f--ed up to care for them. I guess it may be in the "best interests of the children" to be raised by nannies at this point.

And Landon, OMG, the audacity of this b!tch. She might be absolutely right that Kathryn is a bad mother and on drugs, and that she's been unfairly labeled with a scarlet T-Rav, but her smugness and pettiness just makes me despise her. Oh, yeah, Kathryn is going to meet her next victim in rehab?! You know what, Landon, I hope you and T-Rav do get together. You deserve each other.

Sorry, I don't normally get so worked up over a television show, but these two just--wow--I can't even!

The rest of them--well, actually, I guess they ALL have a superiority complex that makes them think they're above everyone else. Shep is probably next on that list of annoying for me. Oh, great, now we have TWO guys for him to be preoccupied with putting down in comparison to himself. Craig KNOWS he's not better than anyone else, but still has that entitlement that he SHOULD be; so Shep was right in that regard that he's a wannabe molding himself. No thoughts yet on Shep, Jr, though he apparently knows he's cast to be a Shep protege/competition, which means Shep will be jealous of him soon enough. Whitney didn't bother me--but didn't see enough of him; likewise with Kathryn. Camaren is just being Camaren--the only one who truly is above it all. And I looooooove her bathing suit! I must have it! Now that it's a season off, maybe I can find it at TJ Maxx or something. Any leads on that suit?!

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TRave is gonna be picking up those therapy bills years later. 

I really don't like those butler scenes with Whitney and his mom. It's not cute or endearing. 

Landon does continue to grate. She's like oh I'll just take the summer off so I can be serious come fall. Uh no bitch you are still going to be doing nothing with yah life. 

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LOL, I don't know how much Kathryn knows the new guy, but this is just freaking funny:


First, Kathryn says that she was glad to see some new blood introduced on Southern Charm season 4, and she wants to stress that she thinks that both new guy, Austen Kroll and new gal, Chelsea Meissner will be a welcome addition to the show.

“Austen is a great guy, and a sweetheart,” says Kathryn. I just hope he isn’t too sweet and naive for the show!”

I think he fits just right in.

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Thomas gave an interview for Charleston Home and Design and in the interview he mentioned he lived in the back house (guest house) while the main house was being restored.  http://www.charlestonhomeanddesign.com/main/the-magazine?magazine=25  I don't know when the home was officially finished but he did mention they did not modernize things and returned the home to its original grandeur.  It looked to me like the bedrooms were on the  second and third floor.  Maybe the nanny doesn't want to navigate those stairs.  Or there aren't enough bedrooms on the same floor to accommodate the nanny and the children. 

I am both curious and hopeful that Kathryn regains her visitation rights if maybe it would not be best for her if she were to visit the children in the guest quarters away from Thomas with the nanny acting as a supervisor. 

I do agree with Thomas if the two of them continue this finger pointing they may both be visiting their children in foster care.  Kathryn needs to get clean so she can see her kids and not try and bombard Thomas with a lot of accusations.  Get the children out from under the Court's magnifying glass and work together to co-parent.

Edited by zoeysmom
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5 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

No, Austen said he's from Maryland originally. I forget when he first moved to Charleston.

He also said his family moved to North Carolina. I think he moved to Charleston by himself. He said he always wanted to live there. 

TRAV: Why have kids destroy my $30,000 carpet when they can just as easily destroy a $200 one?  Keep on keeping it real, TR. No concept of reality whatsoever!

p.s. I recently bought a $238 area rug from Home Depot. It's gorgeous.

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't know when the home was officially finished but he did mention they did not modernize things and returned the home to its original grandeur.  It looked to me like the bedrooms were on the  second and third floor.  Maybe the nanny doesn't want to navigate those stairs.  Or there aren't enough bedrooms on the same floor to accommodate the nanny and the children.

Or I'd be worried about the kids taking a fall down all the stairs in the main house. I can see him living in the guest house with them, filming in the big house where cameras, wires, lights are set up full time.

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3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I don't think Whitney makes the worst list. Foremost, he created this show, so he gets some bonus points for that alone, lol.

True. He gets points for masterminding this trainwreck I can't stop watching. I still can't stand him, though. IDK if it's his creepy faux-human interactions and that Kelly Taylor cat butt smirk he does or the way he defers to his sentient vodka bottle of a mother. He just sets my teeth on edge. 

I will say I laughed at Patricia's weed lecture. She gets her drug info from Reefer Madness.

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I hate Landon so much I may have to seek therapy. The second she came on screen I wanted to call her on the phone and do a Corky St. Clair on her ass: "I HATE YOU AND I HATE YOUR ASS FACE!" And if I have to hear that screechy, whiny voice again, I'm going to turn my ears inside out, spray paint them gold, and sell them at a local art festival.

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21 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I feel bad for Thomas' and Kathryn's kids.  Eventually the nanny will want her own life and move on.  Then, the kids will have a new nanny (or a series of them) and will seemingly never have real parents.  Sad.  They're not even allowed to grow up in the real house, for Christ sakes.

 TheFinalRose beat me to it!

I feel sorry for those kids because they have immature idiots for parents.  They're probably better off with the nanny.

I wish someone would explain the Landon hate and Kathryn love.  I think both of them are stupid and immature, and that means both of them are perfect for Thomas.

Edited by Neurochick
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When Shep and Landon greet each other at the pool party, she talking head's that he still hasn't apologized to her.  I can't remember - is there something he should be apologizing for or is it just her being delusional?  She told him "maaaaybe I lurv you?!" And he double spit his wine.  But then they talked afterwards and seemed fine no?

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31 minutes ago, acid burn said:

True. He gets points for masterminding this trainwreck I can't stop watching. I still can't stand him, though. IDK if it's his creepy faux-human interactions and that Kelly Taylor cat butt smirk he does or the way he defers to his sentient vodka bottle of a mother. He just sets my teeth on edge. 

I will say I laughed at Patricia's weed lecture. She gets her drug info from Reefer Madness.

Her weed lecture was nothing but a really awkward way for her to insult Kathryn.  I fucking hate Patricia.

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20 hours ago, ivygirl said:

about the guy who smoked weed once* and then ended up at the bottom of the Charleston social strata

So where would that put TRav, who's convicted felon, I believe convicted for federal drug charges (cocaine distribution)?  

I don't give a rat's ass if rich people shove their children to the side, that doesn't make it right.   Maybe the kids are better off not being around the aging hound dog.   I read that TRav did go to rehab before pleading guilty to a lesser charge (so plea deal I'm guessing).  If you go to rehab, isn't drinking off limit, too?  You're an addict, alcohol is a drug, seems simple enough to me.  

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1 minute ago, TexasGal said:


When Shep and Landon greet each other at the pool party, she talking head's that he still hasn't apologized to her.  I can't remember - is there something he should be apologizing for or is it just her being delusional?  She told him "maaaaybe I lurv you?!" And he double spit his wine.  But then they talked afterwards and seemed fine no?


I don't think shep had anything to apologize for. He tried to tiptoe around the issue but I think the worst he said was in a talking head calling Landon a real pit bull. Which I guess is not complimentary but she's the one that forced his hand to speak on the matter. No apologies for Landon IMO!!!! 

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Just now, iloveit said:

I don't think shep had anything to apologize for. He tried to tiptoe around the issue but I think the worst he said was in a talking head calling Landon a real pit bull. Which I guess is not complimentary but she's the one that forced his hand to speak on the matter. No apologies for Landon IMO!!!! 

That sounds like a gentlemanly way of saying Landon's a nasty bitch, which is entirely true and requires no apology.

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10 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

Her weed lecture was nothing but a really awkward way for her to insult Kathryn.  I fucking hate Patricia.

Oh, word--I don't like her either. She's a miserable old pickled bitch. 

Keep in mind I say this as I'm watching it a second time because I DVR'd it for my husband, who is watching it for the first time. He's most disgusted by Thomas, but he also just referred to Shep and Austen as The F--kster Twins.

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32 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

.  If you go to rehab, isn't drinking off limit, too?  You're an addict, alcohol is a drug, seems simple enough to me.  

There are many schools of thought on this and some people find longer term success by not giving up things that wasn't their problem.

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5 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Shep got mad at Landon for not inviting Kathryn to his birthday party last year, right? Is that what they are still feuding about?

They were fin after that I think she just think he owes her an apology for not feeling the same way as she does because she is delusional.

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I am not even reading my fellow posters comments tonight, so apologize if I'm being redundant. I can honestly say I have never stopped watching a Bravo show (including all the Housewives, the stupid ski lodge ones, Below Deck, etc.), but I am drawing the line at this show as of tonight. After watching just a few minutes and seeing that pompous asshole saying he keeps his children in his guest house, I am out. Excuse my language, but who the fuck does that!!?? I am literally sick to my stomach hearing a so-called parent talk about his children that way.  Oh, and by the way, I have watched every season . . . 

Edited by berly57
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3 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

I don't think people necessary love Kathryn. But there's a lot of poor widdle Kathryn was taken advantage of by an older man and forced to do drugs and drink a lot of alcohol as a way of self-medicating going around. And everyone is so mean and picks on her and doesn't want to be her friend because they're jealous mean girls and bullies!

Because if you're a drug addict, you're a victim and don't have to take any responsibility for your actions. And if you're a drug-addicted mom, everyone has to be super careful about what they say around and to you because you're a mother. I mean, Kathryn didn't become addicted to drugs because she likes to party and doesn't want to take responsibility. She's a victim y'all!

Some people think that if a woman is a "mother" she's above all criticism and poor widdle Kathryn was taken advantage of by mean old, nasty Thomas because Kathryn is nothing but a victim who can't make her own decisions and everybody just is SO mean to her, especially Landon... who Kathryn probably thinks is jealous of her because she's (gasp) 35 and child free!

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2 hours ago, acid burn said:

I will say I laughed at Patricia's weed lecture. She gets her drug info from Reefer Madness.

It's especially rich coming from a woman who never has a moment without her martini butler at hand.

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13 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

I don't necessarily like Landon, but I don't have a problem with her and actively root for her against Kathryn. She's done less harm then most of these people and receives twice the hate. I think her voice, "smug" looks, and lack of a "real" job has something to do with it? Never mind that she had a speech disorder or impediment and actually received therapy for it. And it seems she has family money to live off and so half-asses "real" jobs but that is only acceptable if you're Shep. 

I don't think people necessary love Kathryn. But there's a lot of poor widdle Kathryn was taken advantage of by an evil older man and forced to do drugs and drink a lot of alcohol as a way of self-medicating going around. And everyone is so mean and picks on her and doesn't want to be her friend because they're jealous mean girls and bullies!

Because if you're a drug addict, you're a victim and don't have to take any responsibility for your actions. And if you're a drug-addicted mom, everyone has to be super careful about what they say around and to you because you're a mother. I mean, Kathryn didn't become addicted to drugs because she likes to party and doesn't want to take responsibility. She's a victim, y'all!

Is it any wonder she won't get better? She doesn't have to, because it's not her fault. Just ask her beloved Instagram fans!

I exaggerate, but not by much.

I don't take any sides because I don't like either of them - both have their own faults and annoyances that put them to where they are now. I think Kathryn just gets more of the sympathy because it's the mob mentality of sympathizing with the one who is being picked on. But she's not any better than Landon to be honest.

Kathryn does need to take real-life, serious responsibility as a mom, really needs to get better in her addiction and grow up. Her problems are not because of Landon, it's really her own doing. It was her choice to have sex with TRav, party, get drunk and get high. She went to rehab, got better and fell off the wagon again. Being a mom doesn't stop in Instagram posts telling people how grateful you are for your kids and how much you love them.

Sure, Landon can be with any man she wants, but I agree with Shep that Landon seems to like dousing the fire on the gasoline that is Kathryn. She knows what buttons to press to piss off Kathryn, and she does so. I don't think any one would be angry at her if she just chooses to do away with Kathryn - she doesn't need to be friendly with her, etc. But I think Landon deliberately provokes Kathryn and then acts innocent later on - "what did I do???". It's that passive-aggressive shit that she does that makes her the villain to most people in this scenario (they're both villains to me, no one's the hero here). If she just stays away from Kathryn, completely does nothing with her, I don't think anyone will take issue to that. Well, maybe except Kathryn.

Another villain who doesn't get enough credit that he deserves - Thomas. If anything, he should be the one getting picked on. But he has the money and the name, so.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Some people think that if a woman is a "mother" she's above all criticism and poor widdle Kathryn was taken advantage of by mean old, nasty Thomas because Kathryn is nothing but a victim who can't make her own decisions and everybody just is SO mean to her, especially Landon... who Kathryn probably thinks is jealous of her because she's (gasp) 35 and child free!

Kathryn isn't a "mother", she's a mother. And I don't see her as a victim, or "poor widdle Kathryn", nor do I think she was taken advantage of, though you'd think a man more than twice her age would be at least as mature but, alas, no.  And both Landon and her skanky sister are raging bitches at the best of times. They sit around and screechy-voice judge everything Kathryn does, while, at the same time, Landon is quite obviously jealous as hell that, at her worst, Kathryn's life still has more purpose than hers.  Kathryn did too much, too soon, and made bad decisions that I have no doubt she's regretting pretty strongly right now.  But that's really none of Landon's business, nor has Landon achieved anything in her much longer life to really justify her being such a see-you-next-Tuesday over anything Kathryn's done or said.  Kathryn will likely mature and wise up. Landon?  I doubt it.

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2 hours ago, slowpoked said:

I don't take any sides because I don't like either of them - both have their own faults and annoyances that put them to where they are now. I think Kathryn just gets more of the sympathy because it's the mob mentality of sympathizing with the one who is being picked on. But she's not any better than Landon to be honest.

Kathryn does need to take real-life, serious responsibility as a mom, really needs to get better in her addiction and grow up. Her problems are not because of Landon, it's really her own doing. It was her choice to have sex with TRav, party, get drunk and get high. She went to rehab, got better and fell off the wagon again. Being a mom doesn't stop in Instagram posts telling people how grateful you are for your kids and how much you love them.

Sure, Landon can be with any man she wants, but I agree with Shep that Landon seems to like dousing the fire on the gasoline that is Kathryn. She knows what buttons to press to piss off Kathryn, and she does so. I don't think any one would be angry at her if she just chooses to do away with Kathryn - she doesn't need to be friendly with her, etc. But I think Landon deliberately provokes Kathryn and then acts innocent later on - "what did I do???". It's that passive-aggressive shit that she does that makes her the villain to most people in this scenario (they're both villains to me, no one's the hero here). If she just stays away from Kathryn, completely does nothing with her, I don't think anyone will take issue to that. Well, maybe except Kathryn.

Another villain who doesn't get enough credit that he deserves - Thomas. If anything, he should be the one getting picked on. But he has the money and the name, so.

Thomas is a douche of the first order, to be sure.  And if we're to believe that he's really decided to go after Landon as a romantic partner, the douche-factor shoots off the charts.  If you have two children with a woman who is not your romantic partner, how fucking stupid do you have to be to decide to partner up with that woman's arch enemy? You really think the mother of your children is going to be cool to have someone who treats her like shit on her shoe be a step parent to her children?  He keeps his kids in an elegant outhouse like pets because he's afraid they'll soil the carpets and then expects the world to throw him a testimonial dinner because he's paying some woman to take care of his own fucking children.  Thomas needs to get his head out of his ass and grow the fuck up already.  Landon has her own arrested development to contend with and is certainly not going to help with that.

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Kathryn, to me, only looks favorable only when compared to her detractors--horse-faced Peter Pan wannabe Thomas; Landon, the Dorit Kemsley of SC with that accent (girl, please); and pickled old Patricia. 

I'd say Kathryn isn't doing anything the rest of them haven't done (and which some of them probably continue to do), BUT she and Thomas made the decision to have and raise those children, and therefore both of them need to get and keep their shit together for those kids. I hope she can get and stay clean--Thomas too.

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Remember when Kathryn's grandmother and parents were encouraging her to go after Thomas? The family needs money, needs their daughter to marry well. Problem is, she was already a wild child, raised by those same parents. She was a drug user long before she met Thomas, long before she met Whitney. Slept with Whitney, Shep, possibly Craig (I think he confirmed it, can't remember) and in each case was hoping to get pregnant to snare a rich guy. 

At least Landon is not getting herself knocked up in order to snare a rich husband. If anyone is a manipulator in this bunch, it's Kathryn.

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The Kathryn/Thomas situation is just sad to me.  To say he's a better parent because he failed one less drug test is sorta like splitting hairs with me.  I'm glad that he has a the resources to hire a full time nanny, but I certainly hope that they quickly restore a visitation schedule for Kathryn.  Those kids obviously miss their mother.  What drugs did she test positive for? 

The other cast members seemed to understand the gravity of the situation.  Except Landon, of course, for the whom the entire world should circle around.  She's so vapid and not much to look at either.  Why is she getting more air time?  I'd rather any of the others, at least they all have a modicum of charisma.  

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Thomas and Landon is a storyline for television only. If you look at Kathryn, whom every guy was drooling over in season one, and Landon, whom no one drools over, (not to say she isn't perfectly pleasant looking, IMO) but Landon is not Thomas' type. Remember when Thomas wanted Danni first but she dissed him, sending him right into the evil snare of Kathryn? Landon is more of a sporty, girl-next-door type, and Thomas isn't chasing after that. 

Landon, however, who is completely lost at this point in her life (and let's not forget that starring on Southern Charm is her job right now), also doesn't seem to have the fortitude to be point number three in the fake Thomas/Kathryn triangle. Case in point, in her talking heads she is all teary about what people think about her. Girl, have you ever seen Thomas or Kathryn get teary eyed? Nope. Those are two hard and tough cookies but Landon is too hungry for relevance to stay out of it. Hence we get these sad puppy poor Landon confessionals. She is just out of her league here.

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It was obvious how badly scripted this season is during the opening scene. Thomas with a single rose, walking to a bench to sit down and talk. And what an awkward, stilted conversation. Shows like this are always good the first season because the players are usually being themselves and not trying too hard. Now look where we are.

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2 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

For what it's worth (not much), Thomas tweeted this morning that he lives in the guest house with his kids.

I'm sure that is in response to everyone's reaction to what was seen on the episode. Not because he wants to be a more hands on parent. I firmly believe that he feels those children cut into his social life. 

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13 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I feel sorry for those kids because they have immature idiots for parents.  They're probably better off with the nanny.

I wish someone would explain the Landon hate and Kathryn love.  I think both of them are stupid and immature, and that means both of them are perfect for Thomas.

Immaturity at 25 is forgivable; the same level of immaturity at 35 is not.

22 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

For what it's worth (not much), Thomas tweeted this morning that he lives in the guest house with his kids.

Never mind that that's not at all what he portrayed on the TV show.

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17 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

Immaturity at 25 is forgivable; the same level of immaturity at 35 is not.

Agree.  Which is why I have such an issue with Landon while giving Kathryn a slight pass.  Landon knowingly flirted/went after/hung out with Thomas while Kathryn was pregnant with his second child. Yet she's the delicate flower whose feelings were hurt by people talking about her??  

Don't even get me started on Thomas and his expected maturity level at 45/50/however old he is....

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