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S34.E05: Dirty Deed

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I'm honestly at the point where I've moved from neutral on Sandra to disliking her. But I'll be damned if part of me doesn't want her to win. If these fools keep thinking it's safe to keep her around, they deserve what they get. Her little puppets are dancing, seemingly oblivious to the strings.

JT is a moron and I cackled when he didn't play his idol. But in his defense a tiny little bit, I believe his annoyance with Mikayla at the challenge was that she didn't want to speak up on her strengths or make a decision. She seems to fall back and let others place her, yet she's always pissy when her tribe doesn't win. If you're so damned great and strong, speak up and take the risk! Her little meek routine would annoy me too, knowing how she'll suddenly have a lot to say if things don't go her way.

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Ugly personalities were on display tonight. I hated everything Debbie did. She may have had a point buried in there somewhere, but her childish actions were miles worse than anything Brad may have been doing. Sandra was doing her usual shit-disturber shtick, which is clever but mean at the same time. And Michaela...I didn't care for her smug celebratory drink at tribal council. I can see why it was mildly amusing, but I just can't side with someone who loves gloating that much. It's not fun to play a game with people who do that. And JT also had some mean comments that felt unnecessary.

On the positive side, I love everything Andrea is doing. Is she just plain good at everything? She is quietly one of the best challenge players I've ever seen on this show. Not dominant, but always competent.

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3 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Is Debbie delusional?? Or just nuts?



2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I'm still puzzling over Debbie. Crazy or crazily clever? Totally paranoid bonkers or doing a preemptive strike to get everyone uncomfortable and tentative, trying to avoid her minefield of delusional craziness?

I think she's insane, she really rewrote what happened & believed it, & her constant screaming would make me ram a branch into her heart.

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I'm with Andrea as well. I get that people might enjoy watching Sandra, but I loathe her. Her manipulations, while successful, are always mean-spirited, and designed to cause angst. And, if her teammates don't have the smarts to vote her off, I have no sympathy for any of them. What are they waiting for?

Debbie is an angry woman...so angry she is almost incoherent. Yes, older women have a hard time, and yes, Hali benefits from being young and pretty, but she is also not wasting her energy in being enraged. What's the age difference between Debbie and Sandra? It's hard to imagine her doing it, but Debbie would be better served by being shrewd and underhanded, like Sandra, rather than confrontational.

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21 minutes ago, GaT said:


I think she's insane, she really rewrote what happened & believed it

It's an epidemic these days.

I'm sick of Tai and the idols.   It feels like a rerun.

If Tony returns on that boat, I'm voting myself off this island.

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Because I find most Survivor challenges tedious, I usually do something else while they are on and just listen to the commentary. So when Debbie was ranting about being good at the challenge and being dictated to by Brad, I thought I had just misunderstood what happened. You all have confirmed that I'm not the one that is confused, Debbie is. She was so over the top that I am now concerned that she's not the hilariously delusional eccentric that I thought she was. She seemed truly unwell and that's not funny. 

I wish they had shown us the instances where Mikaela irritated Aubry. I was left with the impression that Aubry was simply accepting JT's irritation as her own. I hope that's not the case because I want to like her. I just hate it when people pile on when someone is getting criticized. 

While I admire people who maintain their cool and refuse to return insults, I don't really hold it against people who can't keep up that level of maturity. Mikaela was very much provoked by JT so I was laughing at her retaliation rather than blaming her for it.

Sandra's sugar eating trick may come back to haunt her. If I were Mikaela, I wouldn't forget.

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58 minutes ago, Superpole2000 said:

And Michaela...I didn't care for her smug celebratory drink at tribal council. I can see why it was mildly amusing, but I just can't side with someone who loves gloating that much. It's not fun to play a game with people who do that. And JT also had some mean comments that felt unnecessary.

Your comment about J.T. points out why I loved Michaela's celebratory drink.  He was so damn sure that he'd gotten her out that he had no problem saying all of the things he said to and about her.  He was arrogant all around, so certain of his own victory, that he basically got hit by his own hubris.  I think after weathering all of those attacks leveled at her both before and at Tribal Council, Michaela earned the right to drink, and in front of him, to boot.

As for other parts of the episode, I loved the challenges.  And I loved that Sarah doesn't want to go the obvious path on Tavua and actually wants to upset the apple cart a bit by working with the lone outsider, Troyzan.  And while I don't love Debbie, I continue to love how she makes a target of herself with her own delusions.  It seems that in addition to those delusions, she has a persecution/victim complex, too, and it's doing her no favors.  But hey, if her behavior moves Hali up the ladder there, then I'm good with it.  But what's this "board" that Tai has to soak to find another hidden Immunity Idol?  Hmm. . . . I wonder. . . .

I liked Aubry a whole lot last season.  But the fact that she fell in with a douchebag like J.T. really doesn't give me confidence in her.  I was actually glad to see her on the outside for a vote.  That's how much I hated her siding with him.

As for J.T. himself, I'd always thought of him lucky enough to have Stephen with him in Tocantins and that he won on social game alone.  His gameplay and even basic personality both in Heroes vs. Villains and here in Game Changers have both given me validation and vindication in those thoughts and feelings.  He really is a terrible player.  And his remarks throughout the episode have me thinking he's probably not a very good person, either, outside of the game.  He gets Malcolm voted out, and then basically ensures his own vote-off by being so arrogant and complacent that he doesn't even bring his hidden Immunity Idol with him to Tribal Council.  And he's then voted out.  He's probably the only three-time player to do worse each time.

And I love that he is.  Someone's gonna have to play massively badly to top his poor gameplay this season.

Good episode.  Good, gooooooood episode.

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Quick thoughts before reading because long thread!  Sandra: absolutely amazing.  She is really on a whole 'nother level this season.  That is some amazing Survivor she just played.  She has such a light touch, such subtlety.  I feel like it's been a long long time since we've seen that kind of thing, and it's fucking beautiful to watch.

Not amazing: the editors.  There was never a doubt in my mind JT was going home the entire episode.  He really blew it all around (didn't even bring his idol??), but they gave him such an edit I couldn't imagine any other outcome.  That was like a Project Runway bootee edit, amateur hour.

I wish Debbie was not there.  I like Sarah looking for options, but I'm not impressed by her execution.  Ozzy, still incredible after all these years.  Hali looking strong, Andrea still a total challenge monster. 

It's amazing that this season is so full of fan favorites and big players but they're all basically invisible, but if it's just going to be Sandra Being Fucking Awesome for 39 days then I'm fine with that, honestly.

Edited by KimberStormer
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I'll echo how great this season has been for Sandra fans. Is she going to win (again)? Probably not. But you knew there were all kinds of Russell fanboys who were going to come out the woodwork if she had gotten voted out second or something, and it's been an absolute joy to watch her just bulldoze all these supposedly better players than her.  

Edited by loki567
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This show deserves a lifetime Emmy because 34 seasons in, I'm still entertained.
Bye, JT. Won't miss ya.
I was hoping Culpepper would throw the challenge just so I could see Debbie voted out. Delusional Deb (nice job, Editors) needs to go now.

Edited by laprin
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Just now, KimberStormer said:

Not amazing: the editors.  There was never a doubt in my mind JT was going home the entire episode.  He really blew it all around (didn't even bring his idol??), but they gave him such an edit I couldn't imagine any other outcome.

I have to admit that I am not the best at picking out editing, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I honestly thought he might stay when he found the idol. And I was pissed. It was especially satisfying to see him go with the idol in hand...or at camp, as the case may be. 

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5 hours ago, vb68 said:

That stunt with the sugar really was classic Sandra.  The same person who burned Russell's hat and dumped the fish back in her first season.  Those stunts always work for her for some reason. 

Because she really is The Queen!

5 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I am so glad JT went over Michaela.  I love Micheala.   I still don't know why no one is considering Sandra at tribals.

JT was.  It was Sandra's brilliant sugar caper that diverted him away from her.  So had he managed to find the votes or have not bought the ruse and remembered to bring his idol (an idol, don't leave home without it) she still wouldn't have gone home.

5 hours ago, MKL122788 said:

So, real talk, does anyone think Sandra's primary goal was to make sure there cannot be another two time winner?

I'm pretty sure Sandra's primary goal is to make sure there is a three time winner.

3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

And what the hell was up with Sandra trying to throw shade onto her (me: Mikaela here) as a sugar thief? For what benefit? To what possible end was that. It made no sense.


It made every sense.  JT was serious targeting Sandra like I said above.  It removed the target from her.  Then she turned around and had Michaela's back and basically saved her after having set her up and in the process formed a strong bond/alliance with her.  Brilliant at both ends. (And I should have added what someone else noted.  She owned the sugar stuff after the fact and Michaela was cool with it and they all laughed.  Amazing).

I agree with the posters above.  She is both putting on a Survivor masterclass AND playing chess where everyone else is playing checkers.  And also providing us with both awesome and hilarious memories.  Add The Sugar Gambit to her scrap book now. 

Yes I agree she will probably be out sooner than later because fairy tales don't come true but man she is so freaking great.  A giant among mere minions.  How she has lasted this long is beyond me.  It shouldn't have happened.  Especially on a tribe constantly going to TC and so needing "stronger" players to stem the losses.   Well played, my Queen, well played!

Edited by green
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Oh I remembered one of the previous challenge strategy segments.  It was when Brad said he would do the puzzle part of a challenge in Cook Islands and Nate got mad because he thought Brad should be swimming because puzzles are for women.  Or something.

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JT is a f'n idiot. If you are a fan of this show you should know if everyone at tribal council is telling you you're safe, you're not. 

I don't like Sandra at all. WTF is wrong with these people. She wants to take you to "39" with her. Really? Do you really think you're going to win if Sandra is still in the game at 39?

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This episode was a pretty good balm to last week's. Sandra was hilarious with her sugar eating and bombast ("all I know how to do is get to day 39"), JT hilariously left the show idol in pocket (actually, back at camp), Debbie Comaneci let her crazy flag fully fly -- I'm still baffled as to how she believed that Hali took 10 minutes "dicking" around during the reward challenge and she finished in 2 minutes. To give her the benefit of the doubt, we even rewound and watched the challenge again and not even editing would explain her delusions. Hopefully, Malcolm returns on that boat.

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I wonder what Debbie was thinking when she watched this episode...

"Oh, here's the part where Brad forced me to do the balance section. See how bossy he gets right after I said that I was really good at balancing."

"Yup, I got there in 30 seconds, while Hali keeps falling off.  Hmmm, I don't remember Hali borrowing my clothes.  And that hot sun did Hali no favors - she looks like a scrawny old lady trying to get across."

"Man, I sure was upset.  You can tell by the way I am doing those push-ups, but no one else noticed, since, when I get mad, I just exercise harder.  Wow, that is a strange choice for background music - sounds like a crazy woman yelling her head off."

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4 hours ago, Nedsdag said:

Michaela sipping her cup at TC as Ernest T. went home? Classic Survivor television. It'll make an awesome gif.

Hah! Hopefully this was the last we see, of Ernest T. Bass.

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2 hours ago, Subrookie said:

Do you really think you're going to win if Sandra is still in the game at 39?

I think they believe that they can beat her, and it would be incredible feathers in their caps to do so. Now, I think Sandra very well could win a third time if she got to 39, but I don't believe the other survivors agree. 

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4 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

Ugly personalities were on display tonight. I hated everything Debbie did. She may have had a point buried in there somewhere, but her childish actions were miles worse than anything Brad may have been doing. Sandra was doing her usual shit-disturber shtick, which is clever but mean at the same time. And Michaela...I didn't care for her smug celebratory drink at tribal council. I can see why it was mildly amusing, but I just can't side with someone who loves gloating that much. It's not fun to play a game with people who do that. And JT also had some mean comments that felt unnecessary.

On the positive side, I love everything Andrea is doing. Is she just plain good at everything? She is quietly one of the best challenge players I've ever seen on this show. Not dominant, but always competent.

I was just about to post that Debbie is most certainly nuts. But then I saw someone else posted that as a question.

Tonight's episode will live on in infamy forever. From  now on, no one who has an idol will ever leave it somewhere and not bring it to TC.

I can't find too much fault with JT. He was up against some extremely wicked and evil people. Or maybe it was really just Sandreck. She may well have exerted some kind of mind control over Mikaela. I feel disappointed with Mikaela. But when it comes to Sandreck, I am at the point of evil rage. I've wanted to see her voted out for the longest time. But after tonight, I now want to see her suffer some incredible and unspeakable evil.  I have never felt this way about any other Reality TV contestant.  By the way, I call her "Sandreck" because the world "dreck" means something very nasty in a foreign language that many of you may never have heard before.

Too bad that Probst has so little imagination. Otherwise, he would have told the audience that from now on, the principle of always bringing your idols to TC - just in case - will forever more have the name, "The JT Principle".  I have a great deal of sympathy for JT. Can you imagine just how glorious it would have been if he had played the idol and somehow Sandreck would have been bounced?  Delightful.

35 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

I think they believe that they can beat her, and it would be incredible feathers in their caps to do so. Now, I think Sandra very well could win a third time if she got to 39, but I don't believe the other survivors agree. 

If anyone can arrange to bounce her it will be Sandreck herself. She is her own worst enemy. She calls herself the "Queen" and she don't care who knows it. She is just asking for it and I hope she gets it in a most painful and humiliating way. 

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24 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

 But when it comes to Sandreck, I am at the point of evil rage. I've wanted to see her voted out for the longest time. But after tonight, I now want to see her suffer some incredible and unspeakable evil. 

She is just asking for it and I hope she gets it in a most painful and humiliating way. 

Sugar-stealing...it's serious stuff!

25 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

By the way, I call her "Sandreck" because the world "dreck" means something very nasty in a foreign language that many of you may never have heard before.

Dreck is an English word too. Same meaning.

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11 hours ago, mishap said:

So, if someone finds that idol, is is still valid?  No one knew he had it, so they won't know to look, but you could stumble on it, couldn't you? Or do they have staff remove the idol, if something like that happens? 

Nope.  That idol is considered "dead" since J.T. never officially passed it off to anyone before he was voted out.  So it can't be used or played by anyone.

Edited by Vyk
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9 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I am so glad JT went over Michaela.  I love Micheala.   I still don't know why no one is considering Sandra at tribals.

I think it is because she's taking charge of the boot conversations.  Way, way back, I filled in on a switchboard when the normal person was on lunch/break.  There were 3 options for callers if the person they were calling wasn't available.  There were 3 choices:  message, hold, call back.  I didn't like the 1st one so I gave them 2 options:  hold or call back.  It didn't occur to 95% of them that there was a 3rd choice.


And JT was an idiot not to at least bring the idol with him, just in case.

With regard to Debbie, most people at least wait a bit so it is not so fresh in people's minds before rewriting history...

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2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

II can't find too much fault with JT. He was up against some extremely wicked and evil people. Or maybe it was really just Sandreck. She may well have exerted some kind of mind control over Mikaela.

Debbie, is that you?


2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

Too bad that Probst has so little imagination. Otherwise, he would have told the audience that from now on, the principle of always bringing your idols to TC - just in case - will forever more have the name, "The JT Principle".  I have a great deal of sympathy for JT. Can you imagine just how glorious it would have been if he had played the idol and somehow Sandreck would have been bounced?  Delightful.

Pretty damn magical since I'm pretty sure Sandra the Queen continues to hold the "never had a vote cast against her" title after 2 1/2 seasons now.

I actually went back and rewatched the Reward Challenge segment to make sure Debbie was as delusional as I thought.  She is:

1)  She bragged about her balance skills and Brad was like "Great!" and assigned her the 2nd balance beam position, the ANCHOR position.  Yet she says Brad is a dictator who doesn't treat her with respect.

2)  Their tribe was in FIRST PLACE when Hali completed her segment.  They were.  Ozzy beat Hali across the first beam, but Hali made up time on the 2nd one, and Sierra's skill with the grappling hook had put them back in lead.  Yet Debbie believes that Hali cost them the challenge.

3) Debbie was incompetent at getting across that beam.  Yet she continues to brag about her gymnastics skills. 

I think Debbie is monstrously insecure inside, which is why she has these delusions and has to brag so much about all the jobs and accolades she supposedly holds.  The thing is, I think she actually makes herself believe that all that she says is true, and then when facts contradict it, she can't handle it.  Deep down, she sees the truth, but the truth cannot be allowed to pierce that fragile cloud of lies she has created because then that massive ego would have to face what a small, pathetic person she really is.  Thus she lashes out at anyone and anything and rewrites the facts in her head to protect her delusions.  I actually really pity her, but I don't have to live with her on a beach 24/7.  I don't know how Brad and Hali, especially, managed to restrain themselves from just straight out calling her on her shit. 

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Another accidental posting continued... My first thought when JT found the idol was that Sandra is gone!  JT was so obsessed with booting her last episode, he can now just about guarantee she goes.  

Instead he got manipulated like a little child, talked when he should have shut up, and has thrown into question (at least for me) his masterful-seeming win in Tocantins.  

I don't think leaving the idol at camp mattered a bit.  JT looked so smug, so sure he was safe and Michaela was getting clipped, no way he would have played the idol IMO.   

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5 hours ago, Vyk said:

Your comment about J.T. points out why I loved Michaela's celebratory drink.  He was so damn sure that he'd gotten her out that he had no problem saying all of the things he said to and about her.  He was arrogant all around, so certain of his own victory, that he basically got hit by his own hubris.  I think after weathering all of those attacks leveled at her both before and at Tribal Council, Michaela earned the right to drink, and in front of him, to boot.

As for other parts of the episode, I loved the challenges.  And I loved that Sarah doesn't want to go the obvious path on Tavua and actually wants to upset the apple cart a bit by working with the lone outsider, Troyzan.  And while I don't love Debbie, I continue to love how she makes a target of herself with her own delusions.  It seems that in addition to those delusions, she has a persecution/victim complex, too, and it's doing her no favors.  But hey, if her behavior moves Hali up the ladder there, then I'm good with it.  But what's this "board" that Tai has to soak to find another hidden Immunity Idol?  Hmm. . . . I wonder. . . .

I liked Aubry a whole lot last season.  But the fact that she fell in with a douchebag like J.T. really doesn't give me confidence in her.  I was actually glad to see her on the outside for a vote.  That's how much I hated her siding with him.

As for J.T. himself, I'd always thought of him lucky enough to have Stephen with him in Tocantins and that he won on social game alone.  His gameplay and even basic personality both in Heroes vs. Villains and here in Game Changers have both given me validation and vindication in those thoughts and feelings.  He really is a terrible player.  And his remarks throughout the episode have me thinking he's probably not a very good person, either, outside of the game.  He gets Malcolm voted out, and then basically ensures his own vote-off by being so arrogant and complacent that he doesn't even bring his hidden Immunity Idol with him to Tribal Council.  And he's then voted out.  He's probably the only three-time player to do worse each time.

And I love that he is.  Someone's gonna have to play massively badly to top his poor gameplay this season.

Good episode.  Good, gooooooood episode.

I agree about Michaela and JT.  JT was gloating all through TC, putting Michaela down and mocking her.  She who gloats last, gloats best.

I wonder if Aubry was just trying to go along with what she thought the rest of the tribe was thinking.  Sandra and Varner were pretending to want Michaela gone and JT obviously wanted her gone.  From Aubry's perspective there wouldn't have been much point in making waves.

IMO, Debbie is a dangerously mentally ill person and this was obvious from her first appearance on the show.  She is delusional and thinks she is an expert on everything.  She endangered people's lives by falsifying water purity reports after Katrina and was convicted of a felony.  On her first season she tried to browbeat her tribe into drinking questionable water without boiling it claiming she could tell it was safe by looking at it.  

She belongs in a secure, mental health facility.

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10 hours ago, Michichick said:

Varner's obvious delight at assorted shenanigans is a pleasure to watch. I crack up watching him crack up.

Yes! I don't think he's all that good at playing Survivor--although who knows how he might've done in his original run if Kimmy hadn't blabbed about him having votes to someone, making him the obvious target at the Australia merge--but I get such a kick out of his reactions and comments.

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6 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I agree about Michaela and JT.  JT was gloating all through TC, putting Michaela down and mocking her.  She who gloats last, gloats best.

I wonder if Aubry was just trying to go along with what she thought the rest of the tribe was thinking.  Sandra and Varner were pretending to want Michaela gone and JT obviously wanted her gone.  From Aubry's perspective there wouldn't have been much point in making waves.

And in addition to that, she was smart to wait till the actual vote-reading.  It's clear she felt confident enough that the votes to send J.T. packing were all locked in, but she didn't start the drinking till she was absolutely sure that his ouster was assured, which was when he didn't play his idol, as playing it would've made all of the locked-in votes for him not count.  And even better still, it was also smarter to wait because doing so before then might've tipped him off that she knew she was safe, and he might've played it . . . had he had his idol with him.

And I don't think Aubry was just going along with things, sad to say.  She was whispering and laughing with J.T. about Michaela and the thought of voting her out, so she really wanted to do it.

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39 minutes ago, ferretrick said:

Debbie, is that you?


Pretty damn magical since I'm pretty sure Sandra the Queen continues to hold the "never had a vote cast against her" title after 2 1/2 seasons now.

I actually went back and rewatched the Reward Challenge segment to make sure Debbie was as delusional as I thought.  She is:

1)  She bragged about her balance skills and Brad was like "Great!" and assigned her the 2nd balance beam position, the ANCHOR position.  Yet she says Brad is a dictator who doesn't treat her with respect.

2)  Their tribe was in FIRST PLACE when Hali completed her segment.  They were.  Ozzy beat Hali across the first beam, but Hali made up time on the 2nd one, and Sierra's skill with the grappling hook had put them back in lead.  Yet Debbie believes that Hali cost them the challenge.

3) Debbie was incompetent at getting across that beam.  Yet she continues to brag about her gymnastics skills. 

I think Debbie is monstrously insecure inside, which is why she has these delusions and has to brag so much about all the jobs and accolades she supposedly holds.  The thing is, I think she actually makes herself believe that all that she says is true, and then when facts contradict it, she can't handle it.  Deep down, she sees the truth, but the truth cannot be allowed to pierce that fragile cloud of lies she has created because then that massive ego would have to face what a small, pathetic person she really is.  Thus she lashes out at anyone and anything and rewrites the facts in her head to protect her delusions.  I actually really pity her, but I don't have to live with her on a beach 24/7.  I don't know how Brad and Hali, especially, managed to restrain themselves from just straight out calling her on her shit. 

Yup, while Debbie floundered on the balance task, which she never completed, until after the challenge was over:

1) JT finished the 2nd obstacle of the FIRST round.

2) Varner grappled the handle.

3) Michaela dug up the 2nd bag.

4) Aubry completed the same task Debbie was doing, from start to finish.

5) Sandra did the slide puzzle.

Debbie is totally delusional.

All that aside, even if her alternate reality had been true, she asked for a balance task and was given one.  It appears that 2 different tribe members had to do the 2 rounds.  Brad wasn't being a "dictator".  He gave her exactly what she asked for.

So, she got her way and fouled up the challenge and single handedly blew it for her tribe.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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Episode observations:

1)  Without Malcolm, is there any reason to watch at all?  Just sayin'.

2)  OK, Debbie is a wackadoo, but it's not like this show doesn't have a history of the men and the "hot young girls" treating older women like trash.

3)  Were JT's issues with women this much on display in his first season?  I know in his second he was an ass, and he was an ass in this one.  Did Fischbach really provide THAT much cover?

4)  I never got how Sandra was able to win twice.  Now I do.  Sandra and Michaela would be the snarkiest F2 ever.  Make it so.

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17 minutes ago, Vyk said:

And in addition to that, she was smart to wait till the actual vote-reading.  It's clear she felt confident enough that the votes to send J.T. packing were all locked in, but she didn't start the drinking till she was absolutely sure that his ouster was assured, which was when he didn't play his idol, as playing it would've made all of the locked-in votes for him not count.  And even better still, it was also smarter to wait because doing so before then might've tipped him off that she knew she was safe, and he might've played it . . . had he had his idol with him.

And I don't think Aubry was just going along with things, sad to say.  She was whispering and laughing with J.T. about Michaela and the thought of voting her out, so she really wanted to do it.

Hard to say on Aubry.  She praised Michaela during TC, while also criticizing her.  She also very quickly tried to get back in with the tribe, congratulating them on rhe blindside and giving Sandra praise for her sugar scam.  I think she might have voted Michaela either out of group think (everyone hates her so she must be bad) or just to not alienate the tribe by trying to stop what she thought was inevitable.

It is interesting that Sandra and Varner did not trust her to let her in on the blindside.  

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8 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

3)  Were JT's issues with women this much on display in his first season?  I know in his second he was an ass, and he was an ass in this one.  Did Fischbach really provide THAT much cover?

There were hints, such as when he pushed for Sydney, a woman who was healthy and could've given them numbers at the merge, over Joe, whose infected knee got him evacuated at the merge and his original tribe's numbers down to 6-3 instead of the less insurmountable 6-4 they would've had had Sydney stayed.  Also, the way he talked about Sierra in that season wasn't particularly favorable.  But because he won, the editors had to hide them as well as they could.

Since he didn't win either of his next two seasons, the editors could more freely show his true colors.

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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

JT was getting hot, physically, but I got really icky vibes from him from his treatment of Michaela. He really zeroed in on her and couldn't think straight.  His "complaints" about her were totally bonkers.  I never could get through his season and I never cared for him anyway so whatever.

I suspect that in addition to having issues with women, he has issues with black people, and a strong black woman is a double whammy threatening his alpha-maleness.  *snerk*.  He IS from rural Alabama, after all.

Edited by brilliantbreakfast
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Of all the people to have an idol, not play it, and get voted off.... JT now ranks as the dumbest of the dumb. He didn't even bring it to TC with him, so he has no souvenir!! Even John Rocker got to take his home. His ego got the best of him.

Sandra was so sneaky, which is why she's an entertaining Survivor. But I don't bet on her sneakiness helping her much longer. Even Probst sort of telegraphed it when he said something about how what you do now will come back to haunt you later, or however he phrased it. 

Debbie.... I have no words. I'm with Tai, she scares me. There's people who act out on TV for attention, then there's Debbie who acts nutty because she's crazier than a shithouse rat. I would have loved to have been watching her face last night as this all played out on TV, and how badly she came across. "Oh, I meant to do that, I really did. I wanted to scare the crap out of everyone. My years as a gymnast helped me to act all batty and unbalanced, you see."

Edited by cooksdelight
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2 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I can't stand JT and love Michaela, but absent proof of sexism or racism I would just chalk it up to him being a stupid jerk.

1 minute ago, cooksdelight said:

Of all the people to have an idol, not play it, and get voted off.... JT now ranks as the dumbest of the dumb. He didn't even bring it to TC with him, so he has no souvenir!! Even John Rocker got to take his home. His ego got the best of him.

Sandra was so sneaky, which is why she's an entertaining Survivor. But I don't bet on her sneakiness helping her much longer. Even Probst sort of telegraphed it when he said something about how what you do now will come back to haunt you later, or however he phrased it. 

Debbie.... I have no words. I'm with Tai, she scares me. There's people who act out on TV for attention, then there's Debbie who acts nutty because she's craizer than a shithouse rat. I would have loved to have been watching her face last night as this all played out on TV, and how badly she came across. "Oh, I meant to do that, I really did. I wanted to scare the crap out of everyone. My years as a gymnast helped me to act all batty and unbalanced, you see."

There has to be some sort of an "I'm a gymnast!" meme to come out of this.

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I don't think it's so much that Sandra is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers, but that Sandra is playing checkers while some others are playing kick ball.  Players like J. T. (really bad players) are so caught up in the physical challenges they seem to have forgotten this is a game of personalities.  In a game for a million dollars, J.T. thought it was more important to get someone out for eating all the sugar than to get out a two time winner who calls herself the queen.  I'll never believe Sandra is brilliant while she's playing against someone that stupid.  Stealing something while setting someone else up to take the blame is grade school stuff.  If J.T. hadn't been arrogant as well as stupid he would have played his idol and Mikaela would have gone home based on Sandra's frame up.  I just can't enjoy that kind of play.  It may be within the rules but it's not sportsmanlike.

Aubry and Varner are taking it all in though and Brad is definitely playing the social game this time, while still being awesome at the physical side.   Right now my money is on, "anyone but Sandra," winning.

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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Either like I said, she actually is ahead in all of the worlds, or she is lying.  I wouldn't feel bad for her if Column A and I don't think I'd feel bad if Column B.  I don't think there's a Column C here.  It's one or the other.

Column C is that she's delusional and has psychological issues.  Which is what makes me feel sorry for her.  

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I still can't come to grips with the fact that JT didn't even bring the idol with him.  That is the textbook definition of "Too stupid to live."  But of course it wouldn't have mattered if he did bring it because he fell for Sandra and Mikayla's 7th grade production of Our Town acting skills and never thought for a second he was in danger.  Well played, ladies, truly.  Even my elderly father who has never missed an episode of Survivor, yet rarely has a clue as to what's happening, said "They're tricking him." 

I wondered for a bit why the rest of Debbie's tribe kept following her around and sitting with her after her initial outburst, but then I realized they were just trying to keep an eye on her so she didn't sneak up behind them at camp and split their skulls with a machete.

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What a satisfying episode! Almost makes up for last week. Bye Felicia, indeed! 

FTR, I really liked JT the first time he played. I thought he was a good guy and played a good game; I wasn't one who thought he completely rode Stephen's coattails to the end. That being said, that kind of game was not going to work every time. It happened to work very well that time with that specific cast. JT's problem is that he is not adaptable, not interested in learning and growing as a player. He thought being a winner was enough. It made him think he was brilliant and invincible. 

You'd think he'd have gained some humility from the colossally stupid mistake he made during HvV, but apparently not. He's STILL making colossally stupid mistakes! He gives Brad some info, thinking that Brad will due him a solid and vote his target (Sandra) out for him. You know, quid pro quo. Except - NO pro quo! Brad took that information and gave nothing in return, and his team was able to save all their members and vote out the other team's strongest player. Why would the Red tribe care about voting Sandra off? She's a two time winner who doesn't excel in challenges and rubs a lot of people wrong. Not being on THEIR tribe, she isn't really an issue for them right now. Taking Malcolm out weakens their tribe and gives Red a better shot at ICs. 

Again, JT is fucking dumb. He is blinded by his arrogance. He went home with a damn Idol in his pocket. Before the damned duo-tribal last week, everyone on his tribe seemed good with voting out Sandra if it came down to it. Now suddenly Sandra isn't even an issue. He really screwed up. 

And, as much as I don't care for Sandra, I have to give it to her - she played brilliantly this week. The sugar thing was kind of mean, but it ended up being really hilarious and I don't think Michaela cares much. I don't know if Sandra knew she was ever a target, but stirring up shit between Michaela and JT certainly worked in her favor. But beyond that, she did at TC what I always WISH people would do - lied through her fucking teeth and made it believable. She clearly made references to keeping JT this week and then boom! Sent his ass packing. He didn't see it coming. Executed like a boss. I will give her that. 

And I'm glad to see Michaela stick around another week. I really don't see the "babysitting" and "handholding" JT is talking about. Michaela has always struck me as a hard worker and someone who COULD go far in this game if she had a bit better control of herself. She's young; she'll learn. I did love her sipping "tea" during TC. That was everything. 

I'm just worried about my girl, Aubree. She was clearly tight with JT and there's a good chance she'll be on the outside now - unless they swap again, which wouldn't surprise me at all. She was my favorite her season and I want to see MORE from her this season. Although she did crack me up when she couldn't even say her tribe name correctly. Girl, I feel ya. I can never keep up with all those tribe names. 


Onto the Red tribe. Wow. Debbie is fucking bonkers, no? She has no basis in reality. Everything she says - it's the opposite of reality. 

Let's start with the IC, SHE insists she has a good sense of balance, so she's going to do one of the balancing aspects of the challenge. Then proceeds to drop the ball 50 times. But then....it gets better! Instead of apologizing or showing remorse for sucking at something she thought she'd be good at (hey, it happens), she decides it's Brad's fault for dictating who would do what (didn't happen) and Hali's fault for "dicking around on the balance beam for 10 minutes". That also didn't appear to happen. Obviously we don't have an exact time on how long each portion took; but from what I saw, Hali struggled a bit and then got it down. Meanwhile, DEBBIE dropped ball after ball and cost them a ton of time in the end and they lost. Hali didn't cost them PBJ, Debbie did. 

Then she goes back to camp and stomps around and now is accusing Brad of being up Hali's ass and giving her everything she wants. Hali was two seconds from going home last week!!!! Delusional. But go on with your maniacal laugh and pushups, it's really helping your case. 

So now they're at the next challenge and this time she insists she WON'T do the balance portion and when whoever does it is struggling, it's the tribe's fault for not choosing the "10 year gymnast"! And let's not even get into her bragging about being the first one over the wall. Fifty times. In the middle of the challenge. She's lucky her tribe didn't lose, because she'd surely be sent home. JT wants to complain about tension at camp? Blue ain't got nothing on Red. 


Not much to say about Green this week. I was really hoping they'd lose for once, so they could get a chance at TC. 

I will say, Sarah's little "strategic" talk with Troyzan was ridiculous. She keeps claiming she's going to play a different game this time...well, it sure as shit isn't BETTER. She appears to be in a core alliance, but she wants to mix things up because "that's boring"? Not the time, honey. Not the time. 

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1 hour ago, ferretrick said:

I think Debbie is monstrously insecure inside, which is why she has these delusions and has to brag so much about all the jobs and accolades she supposedly holds.  The thing is, I think she actually makes herself believe that all that she says is true, and then when facts contradict it, she can't handle it.  Deep down, she sees the truth, but the truth cannot be allowed to pierce that fragile cloud of lies she has created because then that massive ego would have to face what a small, pathetic person she really is.  Thus she lashes out at anyone and anything and rewrites the facts in her head to protect her delusions.  I actually really pity her, but I don't have to live with her on a beach 24/7.  I don't know how Brad and Hali, especially, managed to restrain themselves from just straight out calling her on her shit. 

Plus, she's a criminal IRL.

Someone posted here in this thread how she falsified water reports from Hurricane Katrina. 3 felonies.

I only feel sorry for her in that she needs some serious mental help.


Looks as though someone posted the same on this page but I don't know how to delete!

Edited by sadiegirl1999
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In Debbie's defense, two episodes ago, she did reveal that she believes dictatorships function by majority rule. So when she herself was part of the majority who agreed that she should take on the balance beam, she was totally supporting the dictatorship of Brad and Hali. There was at least an internal logic to her blow-up; it's just that Debbie's internal logic was based on her being as bad at knowing what words mean as she is at walking across a balance beam.

All of which is to say that I didn't find her at all entertaining in her first go 'round and find her even less so this time.

I did enjoy how completely chill Hali remained throughout Debbie's entire adult temper-tantrum; Debbie was warpathing about "Princess Hali" directly to her face, and Hali just stood there calmly like, I played with Dan Foley. You're always going to be playing for the silver medal when it comes to toxic self-delusion, but knock yourself out, Deb...

Meanwhile, Sandra continues to expand on her legacy as one of the game's greats. Even if she goes soon-- which seems likely-- I don't think it hurts her reputation at all, based upon how skillfully she was able to take out the only other winners, both of whom were actively gunning for her. Pre-season, I was excited by the prospects of seeing Sandra and Jeff work together, and this episode fulfilled that. His outright glee in taking part in her shit-stirring and manipulation was fun to watch.

JT, on the other hand, has only lessened his status each time out. I thought his win in Tocantins was fully-deserved (though Stephen would also have been deserving and, if not for one of the worst-ever Final TC performances, he should have earned at least a few votes), but his misogyny and stubbornness were his undoing in both of his return appearances. 

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WTF with Debbie??? Is she truly delusional or doing it for show???!!!

For the first time ever, I like Sandra.....she is a master and she cracks me up! I hope she sticks around for the long haul!
I miss Malcolm!!

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1 minute ago, omophagia said:

In Debbie's defense, two episodes ago, she did reveal that she believes dictatorships function by majority rule. So when she herself was part of the majority who agreed that she should take on the balance beam, she was totally supporting the dictatorship of Brad and Hali. There was at least an internal logic to her blow-up; it's just that Debbie's internal logic was based on her being as bad at knowing what words mean as she is at walking across a balance beam.

All of which is to say that I didn't find her at all entertaining in her first go 'round and find her even less so this time.

I did enjoy how completely chill Hali remained throughout Debbie's entire adult temper-tantrum; Debbie was warpathing about "Princess Hali" directly to her face, and Hali just stood there calmly like, I played with Dan Foley. You're always going to be playing for the silver medal when it comes to toxic self-delusion, but knock yourself out, Deb...

Meanwhile, Sandra continues to expand on her legacy as one of the game's greats. Even if she goes soon-- which seems likely-- I don't think it hurts her reputation at all, based upon how skillfully she was able to take out the only other winners, both of whom were actively gunning for her. Pre-season, I was excited by the prospects of seeing Sandra and Jeff work together, and this episode fulfilled that. His outright glee in taking part in her shit-stirring and manipulation was fun to watch.

JT, on the other hand, has only lessened his status each time out. I thought his win in Tocantins was fully-deserved (though Stephen would also have been deserving and, if not for one of the worst-ever Final TC performances, he should have earned at least a few votes), but his misogyny and stubbornness were his undoing in both of his return appearances. 

There is really no defense for Debbie.  There was no "dictatorship", she lobbied for a spot in one of the balance beam tasks.  The tribe seemed to want Hali and Tai to do it, but they gave in to her, and she totally fouled it up.  Before the immunity challenge, she again insisted she had great balance and wanted to do the balance part.  Brad was ready to give into her again, but she passive aggressively changed her mind and refused to do it.  If there is a dictator, it is Debbie's Crazy.  The whole tribe bends over backwards to soothe her craziness.  

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7 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

I have to admit that I am not the best at picking out editing, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I honestly thought he might stay when he found the idol. And I was pissed. It was especially satisfying to see him go with the idol in hand...or at camp, as the case may be. 

I never know what the editors are doing either! I usually never pay attention to stuff like that, but then when I do - I'm wrong. I thought Michaeala got a lot of air time last night, so I was figuring it would be her, especially with JT's Idol. I was happily surprised.


4 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I can't find too much fault with JT. He was up against some extremely wicked and evil people. Or maybe it was really just Sandreck. She may well have exerted some kind of mind control over Mikaela. I feel disappointed with Mikaela

For what? JT was targeting Michaela, why shouldn't she target him back? JT isn't some super nice guy. He called Michaela a "place filler" or some such nastiness, while holding himself up high as a "game changer". The same guy who gave away his Idol to Russel freaking Hantz. 


1 hour ago, wallflower75 said:

Yes! I don't think he's all that good at playing Survivor--although who knows how he might've done in his original run if Kimmy hadn't blabbed about him having votes to someone, making him the obvious target at the Australia merge--but I get such a kick out of his reactions and comments.

Same. I just can't help but love Varner. He often says what I am thinking. "What else did you tell Culpepper???"  YASSSS. Just what DID you say, JT???


41 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Do you think the guy in the coffee cart will look at me funny if I ask for 7 drops of coffee on a spoon of sugar?

Please do it!!!! And report back. 

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