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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I personally don’t think what makes the DeJesus women bad influences on Nova is the lack of romantic relationships- not everyone wants to it is able to be in a romantic relationship. I respect someone more for staying single, or keeping their romantic/sexual life private from a child in their care than bringing random people around.

Getting knocked up by random guys, the constant cursing and foul language, involving Nova in adult conversations, using children as pawns- THESE are all bad influences. Some of my most loving and nurturing caregivers were single people (my great aunts and uncles- not to mention my Mom) and I don’t think their singleness was a bad influence on me (although people think I’m odd for not being in a relationship- but I’m childfree so it’s not really a criticism). 


Sorry if it comes off that I’m attacking you (I’m not) I just don’t see the fact that these women are single as a character flaw, or a road block into raising happy kids (especially when they have SO MANY actual character flaws and other roadblocks to raising happy kids!). I admit I’m projecting a bit, my god baby is primarily being nurtured by single people (her great aunt/uncle- siblings to each other and me), and unless her Mom finds a partner it’s going to stay that way, and I think between all of us we are doing a good job raising her to be a productive human. 

I agree! I have an aunt who was widowed when her kids were very young, and she hasn't dated at all and has focused on raising them! She's a stable, amazing person, and now her daughters are high school and college age. They have followed in her footsteps as far as being good people, and she has clearly done an excellent job! Even though they were young when their father died, they know he was a really good man, and they honor their parents' late marriage. 

However, I think the problem is not necessarily the DeJesus women being single, but the complete lack of ANY kind of functional relationship with a man! If Bri could be civil friends CONSISTENTLY with even one of her baby daddies, that would go a long way to exposing these girls to something positive! The way they decide on a whim whether they love or hate the baby daddies is setting both girls up for such disappointment!

Also, we don't know really if Roxanne or Brittany are actively dating, or just choosing to stay single. I do agree that if they are all three actively dating, yet none of the kids have ever seen any of them in a functional relationship, that is very odd. I very much want to be married, and have spent most of my twenties actively dating, and even though I'm single right now, I've had a few decent long term relationships. If the DeJesus women were all actively dating and each had the occasional decent boyfriend, but just happened to all be single now, that would be understandable. The girls would have also seen good relationships modeled, that just didn't work out for some reason. If they are all dating and just scaring guys off quickly or having booty calls, then yeah, I agree, something is not right!

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I personally don’t think what makes the DeJesus women bad influences on Nova is the lack of romantic relationships- not everyone wants to it is able to be in a romantic relationship. I respect someone more for staying single, or keeping their romantic/sexual life private from a child in their care than bringing random people around.

Getting knocked up by random guys, the constant cursing and foul language, involving Nova in adult conversations, using children as pawns- THESE are all bad influences. Some of my most loving and nurturing caregivers were single people (my great aunts and uncles- not to mention my Mom) and I don’t think their singleness was a bad influence on me (although people think I’m odd for not being in a relationship- but I’m childfree so it’s not really a criticism). 


Sorry if it comes off that I’m attacking you (I’m not) I just don’t see the fact that these women are single as a character flaw, or a road block into raising happy kids (especially when they have SO MANY actual character flaws and other roadblocks to raising happy kids!). I admit I’m projecting a bit, my god baby is primarily being nurtured by single people (her great aunt/uncle- siblings to each other and me), and unless her Mom finds a partner it’s going to stay that way, and I think between all of us we are doing a good job raising her to be a productive human. 


Right! I wasn't implying that being single/not dating/being childfree makes you a bad person at ALL (I'm all three lol) or unfit to raise a child, but they simultaneously seem to pin all their self-worth on finding a man and foam at the mouth to skin every man that wanders into their path alive so they can remain a unit. You can't have it both ways. All Nova ever hears is men are awful, men will leave you, men are irredeemable dickbags who will hurt and abandon you. She has no healthy role models to counteract the swamp of negativity she's being raised in. It's fine and sometimes much healthier to be single, but Nova won't learn that because she's surrounded by women who are miserable being single themselves, make poor relationship decisions as a result, and then fester in collective bitterness over every man who's ever wronged any of the three of them.

ETA @Christina87 YES your post is exactly my point! Sorry for your loss <3

Edited by Guest
15 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

DeJesus women being single, but the complete lack of ANY kind of functional relationship with a man! If Bri could be civil friends CONSISTENTLY with even one of her baby daddies, that would go a long way to exposing these girls to something positive! The way they decide on a whim whether they love or hate the baby daddies is setting both girls up for such disappointment!


I see what you’re saying. Loving and respectful relationships with a male figure (their childrens’ fathers, or a grandfather, uncle etc) would be good for the girls. I most certainly agree with that! I had many nurturing male role models in my life and there is no Daddies Girl greater than my Mom (my grandfather passed in 2003).

I just am not going to look down on women for not being in romantic relationships with men (not saying that you are doing that!)- very rarely is a man judged for not having a steady girlfriend or female partner, as long as he doesn’t have children he’s just assumed to be “responsible” (as in he uses contraception) and perhaps gay but in the closet; but a woman without a male partner is assumed to be flawed emotionally/physically (firstly) or secretly a lesbian. 

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Nova never seems to be allowed to leave the Coven bubble. Her world has been watching them slouch on the sofa and eat, shriek, cry, and shit talk their flavors of the month since her birth. Her fate is sealed and I have a feeling she's going to be an impulsive emotional wreck by high school. It's in her blood. 

It really is a perpetual cycle. This truly dawned on me when I watched them get together with all of their single aunts. The whole culture of their family seems to embody man-hating and playing the victim. Just a bunch of bitter hags, who refuse to let anyone in. 


I wonder what would happen if one of them had a boy. 

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Right! I wasn't implying that being single/not dating/being childfree makes you a bad person at ALL (I'm all three lol) or unfit to raise a child, but they simultaneously seem to pin all their self-worth on finding a man and foam at the mouth to skin every man that wanders into their path alive so they can remain a unit. You can't have it both ways. All Nova ever hears is men are awful, men will leave you, men are irredeemable dickbags who will hurt and abandon you. She has no healthy role models to counteract the swamp of negativity she's being raised in. It's fine and sometimes much healthier to be single, but Nova won't learn that because she's surrounded by women who are miserable being single themselves, make poor relationship decisions as a result, and then fester in collective bitterness over every man who's ever wronged any of the three of them.

ETA @Christina87 YES your post is exactly my point! Sorry for your loss <3

You’re right there is so much negativity and man bashing going on in that home and it’s NOT healthy! The only adult figure that seems to take any responsibly for their choices is Brittany, Brianna and Roxanne are always blaming a man for their problems. They are teaching the girls to point fingers and others and play the “victim” when they don’t get their way. Yes the girls are cared for physically, and I think all three ladies would murder anyone who tried to harm them but they aren’t thinking of the example they are setting. 


Not everything is for childrens ears- that’s what your adult friends are for!

  • Love 6
52 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It really is a perpetual cycle. This truly dawned on me when I watched them get together with all of their single aunts. The whole culture of their family seems to embody man-hating and playing the victim. Just a bunch of bitter hags, who refuse to let anyone in. 


I wonder what would happen if one of them had a boy. 

Exactly! Not that every woman needs a man or must be lonely/defective if they're single, but Jesus (no pun intended), you're all adult women. Sitting around all day fuming over every dude that hit it and quit it since you were 16 must be mentally exhausting. No wonder they all feel  victimized.

The boy would have to be gay to join in on the man hating lol or else be kicked out of the Coven like lionesses kicking young males out of the pride. 

30 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Exactly! Not that every woman needs a man or must be lonely/defective if they're single, but Jesus (no pun intended), you're all adult women. Sitting around all day fuming over every dude that hit it and quit it since you were 16 must be mentally exhausting. No wonder they all feel  victimized.

The boy would have to be gay to join in on the man hating lol or else be kicked out of the Coven like lionesses kicking young males out of the pride. 

OR more likely, I think they would do what Kailyn is doing, turning the young man into the “king” of the household, their emotional, and when he gets older financial, husband substitute. If he was heterosexual and interested in a relationship with a woman they would run the woman off OR accuse him of disloyalty by not putting the family first. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

OR more likely, I think they would do what Kailyn is doing, turning the young man into the “king” of the household, their emotional, and when he gets older financial, husband substitute. If he was heterosexual and interested in a relationship with a woman they would run the woman off OR accuse him of disloyalty by not putting the family first. 

You are so right! Isaac is such a sweet, lovely boy in spite of Kail's beastly behavior, so maybe there is hope...although given their examples they're going to choose very manipulative, controlling women even if they do break free. Anyone soft or remotely well adjusted would be spit up and chewed out by the Coven. And can you imagine if Briana has a son who has a baby mama by his 20s? The catfights with the Coven would be unreal.

4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I see what you’re saying. Loving and respectful relationships with a male figure (their childrens’ fathers, or a grandfather, uncle etc) would be good for the girls. I most certainly agree with that! I had many nurturing male role models in my life and there is no Daddies Girl greater than my Mom (my grandfather passed in 2003).

I just am not going to look down on women for not being in romantic relationships with men (not saying that you are doing that!)- very rarely is a man judged for not having a steady girlfriend or female partner, as long as he doesn’t have children he’s just assumed to be “responsible” (as in he uses contraception) and perhaps gay but in the closet; but a woman without a male partner is assumed to be flawed emotionally/physically (firstly) or secretly a lesbian. 

@Scarlett45 you spoke SO much truth there!!! I will never understand why women are thought to be defective without a partner, when it is the male gender who balks so frequently at commitment. If we are going to judge one, we should judge single men! Most likely, they have had more relationship opportunities than single women. Really, though, we should judge neither, but our society is messed up like that. I've only met one never married older woman who fits the "crazy" and temperamental bill, but she was also pretty (was an opera singer and got good roles because of her looks), talented, and intelligent enough to be a professor and get a doctorate. But the more I thought about it, there are plenty of older women who are "crazy" and unpleasant with none of these positive attributes who have been married for decades to men who will put up with anything. It really does come down to luck or preference most of the time! Few people are genuinely so undesirable that no one will have them. 

And it's also sexist how society assumes men are gay if they're single, but they'll assume women are crazy before they get to lesbian. Once again, there's nothing wrong with being gay, so people assume women are flawed before gay. Also, gay male stereotypes are generally more positive. You usually hear, "well, gay men have great style! They are often very intelligent and cultured!" For lesbians, it's more, "how does sex even WORK?" and jokes about lumberjacks. So even being assumed to be gay when single is a more negative experience for women!

the DeJesus women really do seem the type to be single because of unpleasantness, though. They lack charm, intelligence, and most of all, maturity. A mature person would never treat guys the way they do. A mature person would never expect a one night stand to turn into an amazing father, or stand up on a booth in a restaurant to fight your grandchild's father. Roxanne, I am thoroughly convinced, doesn't want any guy to be decent. That doesn't fit into her narrative! Brittany seems to love the drama, too. Bri doesn't think things through enough to have an agenda, but I definitely see her wanting to "prove" the other two wrong, that decent guys are out there. Then, she confuses guys being nice to her when they want to get laid for decency, and is shocked when they lose all interest. Then, when she meets an arguably decent guy like javi (I don't think much of him, but he's better than her usual standard) she is just not interested. It's like they're all only attracted to assholes, and that's why they get hurt. In the process of being with said assholes, they have developed trashy ways that would be offputting to a decent guy. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

 It's like they're all only attracted to assholes, and that's why they get hurt. In the process of being with said assholes, they have developed trashy ways that would be offputting to a decent guy. 

Slow clap to the rest of your post, but so much THIS!!! 

We don’t know how Roxanne was when she was younger but I can see her being immature, getting burned by a legit asshole and rather than working through it, it was easier to emotionally manipulate her daughters and start her “men ain’t shit” mantra. Because if any guy is decent, then there was something wrong with HER as to why she was hurt so (that’s not true at all, sometimes bad things just happen) Brianna is just an idiot.(just really) We have all listed Javi’s flaws but I think that he will be the best she will ever do!

I think if Brittany met the right guy who was into her “tough girl” persona, she would love him, treat him well and they could have something real AFTER she let down her walls (but she would need to get away from her Mom emotionally first). 

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Slow clap to the rest of your post, but so much THIS!!! 

We don’t know how Roxanne was when she was younger but I can see her being immature, getting burned by a legit asshole and rather than working through it, it was easier to emotionally manipulate her daughters and start her “men ain’t shit” mantra. Because if any guy is decent, then there was something wrong with HER as to why she was hurt so (that’s not true at all, sometimes bad things just happen) Brianna is just an idiot.(just really) We have all listed Javi’s flaws but I think that he will be the best she will ever do!

I think if Brittany met the right guy who was into her “tough girl” persona, she would love him, treat him well and they could have something real AFTER she let down her walls (but she would need to get away from her Mom emotionally first). 

Yes!!! And poor Brittany, I agree, could be so happy if she would let down her walls, but I don't se her ever getting away from Mom! I know a dude who still, at 31, can't pee without his mom's permission. Some people are just so codependent, and think if they ever leave, the other will never get over it. They don't realize that they have the right to live their life! I love seeing people like Leah (with her sister, thankfully not so much Mama Dawn anymore) and Chelsea who are close to their families, but not codependent (though Chelsea leans that way with Randy, but has always wanted her independence too). I just can't see bri or Brittany ever moving away from their mother! I wonder what would have happened if bri had legit been into javi and moved. Or if Luis had actually wanted to play house with her, and they got an apartment together. I can't imagine that bri wasn't relieved when she found out he was with other girls, because that gave her the excuse she needed to call the whole thing off! I wonder what in the world Roxanne would do if bri and Brittany moved out, even if they stayed in the area. I also wonder if the members of the coven could adapt to a normal lifestyle. Their weird dynamic creates so many questions!

  • Love 9
On 7/14/2018 at 9:57 AM, zenme said:

Well, that's just a booty call because this relationship will go no where. He's not ready to be a father of 2, plus he doesn't strike me as someone who would enjoy Roxanne.

Someone might enjoy Roxanne? Do these people actually exist. I can't imagine having to spend any amount of time around her or her offspring without drinking myself stupid or gouging out my own eyes with a spoon. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Birdee said:

Someone might enjoy Roxanne? Do these people actually exist. I can't imagine having to spend any amount of time around her or her offspring without drinking myself stupid or gouging out my own eyes with a spoon. 

Well, there's a lid for every pot, and we know someone "enjoyed" Roxanne at least twice! 

Brianna is too trashy for Gus. He's no society boy, but I think these 2 have zero in common. 

  • Love 4

Unpopular opinion here, and I haven’t watched the reunion special yet, but Roxanne was downright reasonable and right when she talked to Javi in the aftermath of Bri’s surgery. Javi also exposed himself as being needy, insecure, and seeking to raw dog it with every female on the east coast and a few on the west coast too. His motives were so transparent. It all showed right when he was packing up his stuff and muttering about ruining “his image” by being around these people. So it’s ok for him to not respect Bri’s (very reasonable) request not to immediately move in together in a state where she knows no one and has no familial support with a veritable stranger? And then they break up (which is fine) and he proceeds to weasel his way back in with Kail right away? While also simultaneously hooking up with this chick who is pregnant now? And where does he get the nerve to be pissed off about who she had helping her after surgery that he didn’t want her to have in the first place? You’re broken up, dumbass! Also think her surgery looks awful and posting it on Snapchat is dumb af, but it’s her body and her choice and he knew when they got together that Snapchat surgery pictures existed. So if your image was such a big deal why get with her in the first place? Javi is so damn thirsty and shady it makes Roxanne look reasonable. Fucking Roxanne of all people looked reasonable. 

Edited by TeenMomAngerMgmt
  • Love 12
10 hours ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

Unpopular opinion here, and I haven’t watched the reunion special yet, but Roxanne was downright reasonable and right when she talked to Javi in the aftermath of Bri’s surgery. Javi also exposed himself as being needy, insecure, and seeking to raw dog it with every female on the east coast and a few on the west coast too. His motives were so transparent.

If Roxanne wasn't just as fame-hungry as Javi I might agree. 

  • Love 13
On 8/8/2018 at 4:35 AM, Scarlett45 said:

A broken clock is right 2x a day though. 

Also pot meet kettle......(Roxanne not you @ghoulina)

Crap I love you guys... between “a broken clock is right twice a day” and “there’s a lid for every pot” I’m brimming with colonialism’s I haven’t heard in ages. They will be used correctly, and often!

  • Love 6
On 8/8/2018 at 12:52 PM, Adiba said:

After watching the clip above, I agree with others here that something is "off" with Briana. She seems a little slow in addition to being clueless and totally unaware of how she comes across.

It really makes me think she may have some kind of cognitive issue.  The girl just seems like she's not all there or something. 

But then I think of how I used to think years ago that Ryan from TMOG had some kind of cognitive issue from a head injury or something, and it was drugs.  It appears Devoin uses (and I'm not talking about pot).  I think Briana really does just have a cognitive issue or something, but after Ryan, now I'm kind of wondering about drugs with Briana. (Obviously, Ryan had more stuff going on that in retrospect, made it easy to see drugs were his issue the whole time, which Briana - as far as we know- doesn't really have.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8
On 8/22/2018 at 12:27 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

It really makes me think she may have some kind of cognitive issue.  The girl just seems like she's not all there or something. 

But then I think of how I used to think years ago that Ryan from TMOG had some kind of cognitive issue from a head injury or something, and it was drugs.  It appears Devoin uses (and I'm not talking about pot).  I think Briana really does just have a cognitive issue or something, but after Ryan, now I'm kind of wondering about drugs with Briana. (Obviously, Ryan had more stuff going on that in retrospect, made it easy to see drugs were his issue the whole time, which Briana - as far as we know- doesn't really have.)

Me being me, I’m always going to suspect a congnitive disability or TBI before drugs. I too thought Ryan had a TBI (as I just couldn’t see his parents enabling his drug issue- but did I know?!!) Yes Devion is most certainly using, Briana seems a bit too pulled together in a practical sense to be a serious drug user- she does work in time share and has for years (so she’s able to get ready and show up on time daily), but her emotional maturity seems SO stunted. That leads me up some type of emotional problem. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I just read that Briana is getting a raise to $100k for this season.

So, good for her. 

Wonder what Britany and Roxanne get?

Doesn't matter, they're already in control, *slap on the back of my head*, cough, I mean ROXANNE is in control of the monies. It's all in the same pot. Aye! 

  • Love 6

Presumably. They bring the drama, even if some of us feel gross witnessing it. 

It is definitely going the way of the jumped shark, manufactured drama, flipped tables and thrown vases.

I know some of y'all have stopped watching, and I feel I can see my own end. Like, I NEED this distraction, but I don't need to watch Jenelle and Briana act out their mental illness to the detriment of their children on my screen. 

  • Love 8

Enjoy your raise Briana, for being an outstanding employee. ?

I hope she holds off on spending that money because I’m about checked out of this show and I’ve been a super fan since day one. It’s too fake now. All about cast drama and dick hopping. 

Teen mom 2 sortove has me for maybe half of the next season although I feel sick watching Leah’s child grow weaker. ? 

As far as the OG cast, I’m not going to watch the new season, adding Palins daughter doesn’t make no sense. 

Teen mom 2 and OG are on last legs, Briana just better not spend that money on another ass surgery and invest in a larger home to get her growing daughters out of that tiny apartment away from the coven.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Enjoy your raise Briana, for being an outstanding employee. ?

I hope she holds off on spending that money because I’m about checked out of this show and I’ve been a super fan since day one. It’s too fake now. All about cast drama and dick hopping. 

Teen mom 2 sortove has me for maybe half of the next season although I feel sick watching Leah’s child grow weaker. ? 

As far as the OG cast, I’m not going to watch the new season, adding Palins daughter doesn’t make no sense. 

Teen mom 2 and OG are on last legs, Briana just better not spend that money on another ass surgery and invest in a larger home to get her growing daughters out of that tiny apartment away from the coven.

I totally thought you were implying to her mom and sister PLUS her kids..when referring to her daughters? Lol might as well be since she foots all their bills as well. 

  • Love 4
On 8/8/2018 at 12:52 PM, Adiba said:

After watching the clip above, I agree with others here that something is "off" with Briana. She seems a little slow in addition to being clueless and totally unaware of how she comes across.

The way she went off like a psychotic demon yelling "LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in a room full of fans and spectators and then throwing whatever she could get her hands on off-stage, there is DEFINITELY something 'off' with her. 

  • Love 12
17 hours ago, gunderda said:

The way she went off like a psychotic demon yelling "LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in a room full of fans and spectators and then throwing whatever she could get her hands on off-stage, there is DEFINITELY something 'off' with her. 

Unless she was told in a round about way that it would be acceptable for her to act like that for ratings I don’t see how she could be soooo stupid to risk a lucrative paycheck over drama with her ex-mans ex wife. Maybe production encourages it.

They loved the crazy that UBT brought but their hands were tied when he made homophobic rants online. MTV is sick in what they will do for ratings. They don’t care that theses teens moms will have DIFFICULTY in the real world when applying for a 9-5 job with a respectable employer with this circulating. The moms and dads are adults and can’t blame it all on MTV but MTV is encouraging it.

She is slow. It’s like she can’t formulate a thought and just zones out while Brittany talks for her. She probably has a learning disability.

@JuliesMommy unfortunately Briana will buy the bigger house for the entire coven. They are going to be glued to each other for a while - at least until Stella is older and while the MTV cameras are there. Briana wi never grow mentally, emotionally and just grow physically (enhancements). She appears sad. I’d be sad to be her. She keeps adding more difficulty to her life and her mom doesn’t care because It makes Briana need her more. Sick.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Unless she was told in a round about way that it would be acceptable for her to act like that for ratings I don’t see how she could be soooo stupid to risk a lucrative paycheck over drama with her ex-mans ex wife. Maybe production encourages it.

They loved the crazy that UBT brought but their hands were tied when he made homophobic rants online. MTV is sick in what they will do for ratings. They don’t care that theses teens moms will have DIFFICULTY in the real world when applying for a 9-5 job with a respectable employer with this circulating. The moms and dads are adults and can’t blame it all on MTV but MTV is encouraging it.

She is slow. It’s like she can’t formulate a thought and just zones out while Brittany talks for her. She probably has a learning disability.

@JuliesMommy unfortunately Briana will buy the bigger house for the entire coven. They are going to be glued to each other for a while - at least until Stella is older and while the MTV cameras are there. Briana wi never grow mentally, emotionally and just grow physically (enhancements). She appears sad. I’d be sad to be her. She keeps adding more difficulty to her life and her mom doesn’t care because It makes Briana need her more. Sick.

1000xs agree with your post! It’s a vicious cycle and unfortunately I don’t see this shit storm ending soon.

  • Love 5
On 9/12/2018 at 12:59 PM, JuliesMommy said:

Because having someone spit into your asshole isn’t crossing the line.

Maybe announcing it to the entire world is crossing the line, but there's nothing inherently wrong with anilingus. Hell, some people do like gold showers and while that ain't my thing (apparently nor Brianna's), I don't think we should judge someone for their sexual proclivities if it's consensual and between adults.

  • Love 2

You know, if bri wanted to talk about this sexual stuff on the internet, there is no reason she couldn't find an anonymous forum! The fact that she does it attached to her name, where any of her kids could see it forever, is the problem to me. I don't care what she does, and I'm sure there are many online forums dedicated to sexual exploits! Just stay anonymous for your kids' sake, especially if you're famous!

  • Love 16
32 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Maybe announcing it to the entire world is crossing the line, but there's nothing inherently wrong with anilingus. Hell, some people do like gold showers and while that ain't my thing (apparently nor Brianna's), I don't think we should judge someone for their sexual proclivities if it's consensual and between adults.

No one is judging anyones sexual preference/ proclivities. What I will judge on is that a mother of 2 has no business putting her sexual business out on social media for everyone to see. Not only does it make her look like the whore that she is in front of the world, but it’s embarrassing for her two daughters. If Dove Cameron (whose a Disney actress) tweeted tomorrow that she likes when someone spits in her asshole and enjoys golden showers, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. 1. Because she’s 22 years old and I expect a immature girl to be in her “attention ho” phase. And 2. Because she has no children and no one to explain anything to. Brianna is a fucking scumbag...and to be quite frank with you, I have to question anyone that would defend her or any of her actions. She’s a terrible mother, and a lazy bitch. When this mtv gravy train is over, she won’t have time to be tweeting her “favorite sexual positions” she will be waiting at the welfare office with her loser mom and sister. 

13 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

You know, if bri wanted to talk about this sexual stuff on the internet, there is no reason she couldn't find an anonymous forum! The fact that she does it attached to her name, where any of her kids could see it forever, is the problem to me. I don't care what she does, and I'm sure there are many online forums dedicated to sexual exploits! Just stay anonymous for your kids' sake, especially if you're famous!


  • Love 18
On 7/14/2018 at 11:28 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:



So her mood all summer was “dog”? Ok..? And her boobs don’t look good and yeah, she should get a bra.

On 7/15/2018 at 9:55 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Breast implants don’t last forever, either, from what i’ve heard. What happens in 15-20 years when she needs to get them redone and can’t afford it?

This. And whatever upkeep is needed for her other surgeries. She’s stupid.

On 7/15/2018 at 11:31 PM, KittyKat133 said:

Are there any pics of her new “deflated” ass? She’s such an idiot, she goes back to the same doctor who did the work on that Gross bubble butt! 

Well, no other doctor was going to do it for free/a huge discount and she needs her plastic surgery! Barf!

On 7/16/2018 at 1:48 PM, Birdee said:

Someone might enjoy Roxanne? Do these people actually exist. I can't imagine having to spend any amount of time around her or her offspring without drinking myself stupid or gouging out my own eyes with a spoon. 

My thoughts exactly. I caaaaaannnnn’tttt with dis lady.

On 8/22/2018 at 1:12 AM, Enya Face said:

Crap I love you guys... between “a broken clock is right twice a day” and “there’s a lid for every pot” I’m brimming with colonialism’s I haven’t heard in ages. They will be used correctly, and often!

Did you mean colloquialisms or is that a phrase I’m not familiar with? No snark.

Edited by Rebecca
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5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Did you mean colloquialisms or is that a phrase I’m not familiar with? No snar


Omg ? no snark interpreted here, and seriously, thank you for pointing out my autocorrect fail. However... I might now be on board with trying to make “colonialism” a new hip term. Thank you again #Rebecca

Edited by Enya Face
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On 10/3/2018 at 5:10 PM, Christina87 said:

You know, if bri wanted to talk about this sexual stuff on the internet, there is no reason she couldn't find an anonymous forum! The fact that she does it attached to her name, where any of her kids could see it forever, is the problem to me. I don't care what she does, and I'm sure there are many online forums dedicated to sexual exploits! Just stay anonymous for your kids' sake, especially if you're famous!

Yes I agree. 

Also, I think there’s this trend of women claiming they are “sexually empowered” when they do stuff like that but it’s not about empowerement at all, it’s about getting attention and validation in inappropriate places. 

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On 10/7/2018 at 4:43 PM, Scarlett45 said:

Yes I agree. 

Also, I think there’s this trend of women claiming they are “sexually empowered” when they do stuff like that but it’s not about empowerement at all, it’s about getting attention and validation in inappropriate places. 


i have an ex friend like that. She claims to be "bi," but really what she is is slutty with both sexes so she can lead people on for attention. And I'm not slut shaming...this isn't a case of a woman enjoying her sexuality harmlessly but having too "high" a number for someone's liking...but she does REALLY inappropriate things (like the time she went over to my bf's at the time in a see-through shirt and then enjoyed his obsession with her and simultaneous waning interest in me). She would constantly invite him places with us, and flirt with him so much that I felt like the third wheel. Then she acted shocked when he came onto her and claimed she had no idea. She uses men and women for attention and $$$, and always seems more interested in women when some sort of gay marriage debate / cake debacle is in the news so she can throw being gay in peoples' faces for a reaction. She has deeply hurt so many women who thought they had a shot at a LTR with her! I'm not sure I've ever bought her being interested in women, which really cheapens it for people who really are lesbians (or bi). Guys meet her and she presents herself as a straight-up lesbian, so they think, "oh, she's such a hot lesbian that I can 'convert' her," and then it works, because she sees a chance to lead them on! Then they go on to be the jerks who don't believe that real lesbians are lesbians, but just need the right D. I think this is a type of histrionic personality disorder, which in my armchair diagnosis opinion sounds like Bri...although her attention-seeking tendencies seem to come out more on the internet than in real life. People who use sexuality to get cheap attention really, really annoy me, especially when they have no qualms of taking someone else's partner, or misrepresenting a legit group of people!

ETA: I think conceiving a baby with a rando in the club bathroom is the least empowered thing I have ever heard of!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

People who use sexuality to get cheap attention really, really annoy me, especially when they have no qualms of taking someone else's partner, or misrepresenting a legit group of people!

I understand (I didn’t quote your entire post), I’m not excusing grown ass Briana for her behavior (or that “friend” of yours, glad she’s an ex friend); but I think it’s a sorry state of our society that in 2018 young girls are still taught this is a way to validate themselves! Girls are seen as sex objects the second they hit puberty, and unless she has really good parents, the luck of the draw with IQ/circumstances believing that your sexual availability (or lack their of) is a way to get your emotional needs met is very damaging. 

Its a branch of what I call “the beautiful woman syndrome”(I’ve described that here before). What worries me about Briana is that Nova & Stella are being given the same messages. Not that anyone needs to be perfect to parent, this wasn’t a sense of “in my youth I did some dumb things, this is why, don’t repeat my mistakes”; she’s still 15 where everything is everyone else’s fault. 

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I understand (I didn’t quote your entire post), I’m not excusing grown ass Briana for her behavior (or that “friend” of yours, glad she’s an ex friend); but I think it’s a sorry state of our society that in 2018 young girls are still taught this is a way to validate themselves! Girls are seen as sex objects the second they hit puberty, and unless she has really good parents, the luck of the draw with IQ/circumstances believing that your sexual availability (or lack their of) is a way to get your emotional needs met is very damaging. 

Its a branch of what I call “the beautiful woman syndrome”(I’ve described that here before). What worries me about Briana is that Nova & Stella are being given the same messages. Not that anyone needs to be perfect to parent, this wasn’t a sense of “in my youth I did some dumb things, this is why, don’t repeat my mistakes”; she’s still 15 where everything is everyone else’s fault. 

Amen!!! It is disgusting how society pushes these messages, and it really does take good parenting to overcome them. For example, I believe that Randy and Mary sent messages to their daughters that they didn't have to flaunt their sexuality to get a man, and I can definitely see Chelsea passing down the same values to aubree (though setting boundaries is what I worry about there). It worries me to see Leah pushing the "being a hot cheerleader is the only way to have a ring and a trailer by 18" narrative, and the sheer volume of nude Jenelle pictures will not send a good message to ensley! I agree that if bri would grow up and learn from her mistakes, she would actually be able to teach her daughters some good lessons, but as it stands now, they will have bad lessons. 

The weird thing about bri to me is that she seems to have such a different persona online. When she's talking to friends in person, she seems to affectedly bashful, like she's the pure little rose who's out there in the big bad world dealing with men. It was weird how when asked if she and Javi were hooking up, she got all shy about it, yet goes to the internet and begs people to impregnate her and spit in her ass. Is that her real personality that she doesn't feel confident being around the coven? It's so strange!

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