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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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Javi is so immature. Out of all the available young women with which to get involved, he picks Brianna? She has two children by two fathers, her live-in mother and sister are totally enmeshed in her life and she has zero skills. Any relationship between them would compromise the relationships of their kids with the other parents because they live 1,000 miles apart. Stupid and famewhoring. Some things you cannot undo. 

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On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 0:08 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

Omg these people. I'm so glad my family doesn't use social media for the airing of grievances.

I'm totally gonna start.

"so I LOVE it when #somepeople leave half-drank water bottles in their bedroom.  And, FYI, just so you're  your aware, toilet seats also go down"

(wow, that was invigorating!!!  now to go find out if my phone

 contains a Twitter Machine...)

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On 12/25/2017 at 0:08 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

Omg these people. I'm so glad my family doesn't use social media for the airing of grievances.

Yes! Thank god we do it the right way...gathered 'round the Festivus pole.

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On 12/26/2017 at 0:36 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

Javi is so immature. Out of all the available young women with which to get involved, he picks Brianna? She has two children by two fathers, her live-in mother and sister are totally enmeshed in her life and she has zero skills. Any relationship between them would compromise the relationships of their kids with the other parents because they live 1,000 miles apart. Stupid and famewhoring. Some things you cannot undo. 

I remember his sad expression while watching Kail with her baby. Javi, why would you willingly sign up for MORE heartache? Do you really think your relationship with Briana will last forever? Likely not, so why are you doing it? Now is the time to find a NICE girl. Find your Vee! There are so many available women out there with class, and most of them didn't JUST have a random baby with some loser they met at the club. Javi, you always wanted a large family. If you impregnate bri, you will be on number FOUR already!!!! Good luck with that on your airman's salary! Find a nice young lady with zero, or maybe one kid...or worst case scenario, more, but not under trashy circumstances. You really want to throw away your chance to have more kids because you have to feed and clothe the fruit of Bri's bad choices? If you want a woman with two kids already, find a sweet military widow or a nice woman with two kids by the same dad...who pays child support. Javi, your lack of self-awareness is killing me!!!

Edited by Christina87
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23 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I remember his sad expression while watching Kail with her baby. Javi, why would you willingly sign up for MORE heartache? Do you really think your relationship with Briana will last forever? Likely not, so why are you doing it? Now is the time to find a NICE girl. Find your Vee! There are so many available women out there with class, and most of them didn't JUST have a random baby with some loser they met at the club. Javi, you always wanted a large family. If you impregnate bri, you will be on number FOUR already!!!! Good luck with that on your airman's salary! Find a nice young lady with zero, or maybe one kid...or worst case scenario, more, but not under trashy circumstances. You really want to throw away your chance to have more kids because you have to feed and clothe the fruit of Bri's bad choices? If you want a woman with two kids already, find a sweet military widow or a nice woman with two kids by the same dad...who pays child support. Javi, your lack of self-awareness is killing me!!!

@Christina87 I love you, and this advice would be wonderful IF Javi wasn’t a huge fame whore with a Capt Save A Ho complex! 

A nice normal girl with no kids (or one kid by an ex who was a good dad) wouldn’t pull Javi’s heart strings. He wouldn’t get to be the knight in shining armor who rescued her from her awful life. 

22 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

@Christina87 Javi is only looking for ONE quality in a woman..."on tv". 


Edited by Scarlett45
Fake is not the same as FAME- autocorrect
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17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I love you, and this advice would be wonderful IF Javi wasn’t a huge fake whore with a Capt Save A Ho complex! 

A nice normal girl with no kids (or one kid by an ex who was a good dad) wouldn’t pull Javi’s heart strings. He wouldn’t get to be the knight in shining armor who rescued her from her awful life. 


@Scarlett45 sadly you are right. Javi is more into drama than any girl I've met!!! It'll be funny when he realizes it's cost him his dream of having a large family and getting to he Big Papi (excuse me while I throw up lol). When Briana inevitably gets pregnant in a couple months, he will have four kids that fall solely on him to support! For now, both he and bri will stay on the show, so they will be fine. Later on, the coven will turn against him because he will "leave" them to go on deployment, so they will break up. I'll laugh the day he moves on from her and finds some other common hoe with four kids who all have different deadbeat baby daddies, and he'll realize he already has to support six kids, only two of his own biological children. Then he'll realize his Captain Save a Ho complex really is working against his best interests! It's sad when Kail really is the best decision he's made. If Kail had been into him, they could have had several more children, even after the show ended, because she has hustle (though I'm sure she will LOUDLY bitch about working when she has to, she will). These idiots he's going for now will expect him to 100% support them and all their various children, which is not going to be a pretty picture!

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I agree with the above comments and can't figure Javi out either. Obviously he's a family oriented guy who'd probably prefer a traditional girl. So assuming that's the case, why does he continually date the skankiest lowlifes he can find? There are millions of girls out there who are attractive, kind and come with no baggage. Instead he goes for Brianna, who has no education, two kids who were basically the products of one-night stands and an obnoxious, overly involved family. This is really who he wants to hitch his wagon to? It boggles the mind. His Captain-Save-A-Ho complex is worse than Kroy Biermann's.

Edited by BitterApple
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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree with the above comments and can't figure Javi out either. Obviously he's a family oriented guy who'd probably prefer a traditional girl. So assuming that's the case, why does he continually date the skankiest lowlifes he can find? There are millions of girls out there who are attractive, kind and come with no baggage. Instead he goes for Brianna, who has no education, two kids who were basically the products of one-night stands and an obnoxious, overly involved family. This is really who he wants to hitch his wagon to? It boggles the mind. His Captain-Save-A-Ho complex is worse than Kroy Biermann's.

It’s the same thing when a young woman claims she wants a traditionally heteronormative life (marriage, kids the whole she-bang) but keeps dating losers, deadbeats, married dudes etc. I think some people are afraid to be happy OR they are just lazy to put in the work for the life they want- they expect it to fall into their lap. 

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2 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

It’s the same thing when a young woman claims she wants a traditionally heteronormative life (marriage, kids the whole she-bang) but keeps dating losers, deadbeats, married dudes etc. I think some people are afraid to be happy OR they are just lazy to put in the work for the life they want- they expect it to fall into their lap. 

Absolutely, and believe me, I know plenty of those girls. The nice guys are "too boring" so they continually date assholes who treat them like dirt.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Absolutely, and believe me, I know plenty of those girls. The nice guys are "too boring" so they continually date assholes who treat them like dirt.

Sometimes I think that deep down, these girls are skanks themselves. I knew a girl who was pretty and sweet, but did have a very vulgar side sometimes. She had slept with a zillion people, had a very casual attitude towards sex, and absolutely relished being the wronged party. She was in law school, and dated this guy forever who was unemployed, lived with his trashy baby mama, refused to be on any type of social media with her, no education, basically was Adam 2.0. She begged and begged him to pay her attention, and fought with him allllllll the time. 

Then a really hot law school guy got a crush on her. He came from old money, was 6'4" and handsome in a Cole-type way, had zero baggage, and wanted to treat her like a queen. Honestly he was way out of her league, and seemed intrigued by her worldliness. Everyone kept telling her that this was a no-brainer, so she begrudgingly chose the nice guy. He was so amazing to her, but she didn't appreciate it at all! I started feeling resentful on his behalf, like he needed to dump her because he could do better anyway, annnnnd deserved someone who didn't want a skank over him. She dated the wholesome guy for years, but pined over her loser ex and guys like him the whole time. I felt catty when they broke up and I was happy for him, but seriously! There are so few guys who are so high quality out there that they need to at least be with someone who realizes how lucky they are!

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3 minutes ago, akr said:

I don't think this is obvious at all

How do you figure? He married Kail at 19, joined the military so he could have a stable career, treated her son as his own, continues to have a relationship with that son even though he's not obligated to, he's close to his parents and was devastated over the divorce. He only started seeing other girls when Kail was dick-hopping with half the guys at DSU. Despite his flaws, I believe he values family life way more than most of the yahoos on this show.

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15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

How do you figure? He married Kail at 19, joined the military so he could have a stable career, treated her son as his own, continues to have a relationship with that son even though he's not obligated to, he's close to his parents and was devastated over the divorce. He only started seeing other girls when Kail was dick-hopping with half the guys at DSU. Despite his flaws, I believe he values family life way more than most of the yahoos on this show.

He also made it VERY clear that he would prefer that Kail stay home and have child after child. A barefoot in the kitchen housewife seemed to be his ideal. It's pretty obvious he'd prefer a traditional girl, because most non-traditional girls would be repelled by the thought of this lifestyle...as was Kail. 

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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I will say that having had many partners and having a casual attitude about sex doesn't make someone trashy, IMO. 

I just feel that if it's casual enough, being exclusive is going to be tough. I've known plenty of people with a really casual attitude about sex who think nothing of cheating on their partner at the slightest temptation. "Oh, ooops! We were drunk! Why are you mad at me?! I couldn't help it!!!!" Or "I was bored, because we hadn't done it in awhile. It's not that big of a deal. I still love you!" I've known many "sex is casual" people who have done this kind of thing, and it is trashy, IMO, as is partying and having one-night stands every weekend (I'm not talking about sex with boyfriends and the occasional fling...but IMO it IS trashy to get trashed on the regular, sleep with a stranger, and then have a hard time keeping it in your pants when you're in a relationship). 

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Not to speak for you @DangerousMinds but I think what you’re trying to say is not wanting to be in a serious romantic relationship or engaging in (Safe consensual) casual sex doesn’t necessarily make one trashy. @Christina87 is trying to say that cheating on someone you’ve claimed be exclusive with, playing the “wholesome innocent wallflower who just wants a white picket fence” when you’re the one being dishonest IS trashy and hypocritical. 

@Christina87 I know what you mean. I knew a girl like that, who was cheating on her boyfriend with a guy I went out with twice, then acted like I was the worlds biggest slut, for going on a DATE and she was cheating on her boyfriend with him. I got as far away from that as I possibly could. 

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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

He also made it VERY clear that he would prefer that Kail stay home and have child after child. A barefoot in the kitchen housewife seemed to be his ideal. It's pretty obvious he'd prefer a traditional girl, because most non-traditional girls would be repelled by the thought of this lifestyle...as was Kail. 

I think this might be his ideal--until he gets it, most likely in Briana. Then he'll realize how hard it is in the modern world  to support a SAHM and a gaggle of children compared to the great yesteryear of the 1950s, especially if TM2 goes away.


8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Instead he goes for Brianna, who has no education, two kids who were basically the products of one-night stands and an obnoxious, overly involved family. This is really who he wants to hitch his wagon to? It boggles the mind. His Captain-Save-A-Ho complex is worse than Kroy Biermann's.

Honestly, if I actually thought they were capable of it, I'd wager that Javi and Bri are mostly together for monetary purposes. Keeping up the drama means more screen time and a possible pay increase down the road from TM2. But I doubt either is that calculating. I know we always assume Javi is a fameho, which he is, but I think some of his antics are driven by trying to maintain the lifestyle he had with Kail. He likes nice things and I suspect he helped support his family somewhat, especially his parents. If he was smarter he would go back to school to increase either his military or civilian career potential, or look into an easy side business (like Jo did with buying up houses). But no one can accuse the Javster of being smart.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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43 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Not to speak for you @DangerousMinds but I think what you’re trying to say is not wanting to be in a serious romantic relationship or engaging in (Safe consensual) casual sex doesn’t necessarily make one trashy. @Christina87 is trying to say that cheating on someone you’ve claimed be exclusive with, playing the “wholesome innocent wallflower who just wants a white picket fence” when you’re the one being dishonest IS trashy and hypocritical. 

@Christina87 I know what you mean. I knew a girl like that, who was cheating on her boyfriend with a guy I went out with twice, then acted like I was the worlds biggest slut, for going on a DATE and she was cheating on her boyfriend with him. I got as far away from that as I possibly could. 

@Scarlett45 you are always so good at putting what I'm trying to say into words!!! Yes, exactly. And that girl sounds totally annoying. I hate holier than thou types, especially when they are hypocrites themselves!!!

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4 hours ago, Christina87 said:

He also made it VERY clear that he would prefer that Kail stay home and have child after child. A barefoot in the kitchen housewife seemed to be his ideal. It's pretty obvious he'd prefer a traditional girl, because most non-traditional girls would be repelled by the thought of this lifestyle...as was Kail. 

To be fair, Kail also gave him the impression (per interviews she gave) she'd like to have more children with him and was content being an air force wife. 

47 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:


Honestly, if I actually thought they were capable of it, I'd wager that Javi and Bri are mostly together for monetary purposes. Keeping up the drama means more screen time and a possible pay increase down the road from TM2. But I doubt either is that calculating. I know we always assume Javi is a fameho, which he is, but I think some of his antics are driven by trying to maintain the lifestyle he had with Kail. He likes nice things and I suspect he helped support his family somewhat, especially his parents. If he was smarter he would go back to school to increase either his military or civilian career potential, or look into an easy side business (like Jo did with buying up houses). But no one can accuse the Javster of being smart.

I am with you - Javi and Briana are hoping for bigger paychecks by bringing on the crazy. Endorsements and such will likely be shown a lot more on their social media pages. 

I never felt Javi was supporting his parents. Are they even together as a couple? Javi mentioned his father cheated on his mother on that other show. Kail gave an OK! interview where she said Javi's mother moved in with them so she could take care of the boys for free. In fact, the reason Kail gave for them buying a bigger house was because they needed an extra room for Javi's mother. 

What amount of money would Javi be pulling in from the air force at this stage of his career? 

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Back in Kail’s scarf wearing days she gave me the impression that she was very into having more kids and being the best scarf wearing mom she could be.  Lol When she and Javi moved into the bigger house she started acting as of her sh!! didn’t stink. 

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On 12/29/2017 at 9:08 PM, Mkay said:

Back in Kail’s scarf wearing days she gave me the impression that she was very into having more kids and being the best scarf wearing mom she could be.  Lol When she and Javi moved into the bigger house she started acting as of her sh!! didn’t stink. 

She put the scarf away, brought out the "ripped black jeggings" got her bmw suv, bought her degree, got her ass, nose, lips, gut, and teeth done.... and now we have KWALE aka KANAL aka HULK aka "laughing/crying emoji face going to bed cause im so fucking furious" beast!

Edited by JuliesMommy
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12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Not to speak for you @DangerousMinds but I think what you’re trying to say is not wanting to be in a serious romantic relationship or engaging in (Safe consensual) casual sex doesn’t necessarily make one trashy. @Christina87 is trying to say that cheating on someone you’ve claimed be exclusive with, playing the “wholesome innocent wallflower who just wants a white picket fence” when you’re the one being dishonest IS trashy and hypocritical. 

@Christina87 I know what you mean. I knew a girl like that, who was cheating on her boyfriend with a guy I went out with twice, then acted like I was the worlds biggest slut, for going on a DATE and she was cheating on her boyfriend with him. I got as far away from that as I possibly could. 

Exactly. I was talking about safe, consensual, casual sex in a non-exclusive relationship. Not cheating on someone.

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34 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Exactly. I was talking about safe, consensual, casual sex in a non-exclusive relationship. Not cheating on someone.

Yes! I totally agree with you about that. If someone wants that and they are honest and upfront, all the more power to them!

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I think it was @Uncle JUICE who nailed it when he called Javi a stage 4 famewhore. A non-famewhore would realize the best revenge is living well. Kail tried to trap the guy she was thirsty for with a baby and it backfired on her in spectacular fashion. Good luck trying to find a decent partner with 3 kids by 3 different men. Meanwhile, Javi was free to evaluate what he really wants relationship- wise and find someone who fit that criteria. He could still appear on show as needed since he is Lincoln's dad and still collect a check. But no, the famewhore is strong  with this one so Javi jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire! 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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14 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think it was @Uncle JUICE who nailed it when he called Javi a stage 4 fame whore. A non-famewhore would realize the best revenge is living well. Kail tried to trap the guy she was thirsty for with a baby and it backfired on her in spectacular fashion. Good luck trying to find a decent partner with 3 kids by 3 different men. Meanwhile, Javi was free to evaluate what he really wants relationship wise and find someone who fit that criteria. He could still appear on show as needed since he is Lincoln's dad and still collect a check. But no, the famewhore is strong  in this one so that Javi jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire! 

Javi jumped between those ass cheeks of Briana. First he spit, then he jumped in. 

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2 hours ago, MissMel said:

"My dream is coming true... I'm going to Japan! I just want to do everything."

"Now that my dream is coming true, and I'm going to Japan, I just want to do everything." 

I know this comment wasn't necessary. I just couldn't live with the construction of that tweet. And it still doesn't even make sense.

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Ugh, I'm a bit ashamed that Bri is going to show her ignorant, unclassy ass all over Japan. As if Americans don't get a bad enough rap, it doesn't help to have the dumbest among us representing overseas. This is why I'm fine that most of the other basic momses stick close to home, to be honest. I'd be embarrassed to see them be generally dismissive of the history and cultures in other countries. I doubt the fools know American history that well.

I wonder if MTV will be filming Bri's trip? That would makes sense, I'm sure it would make it cheaper for her.

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While tasteless, it's a lot better than any of the racist/homophobic slurs that are the norm for Jenelle & a couple of her baby daddies, and I never saw a headline calling for her ouster...and the fuck does Mara Jane think Teen Mom is supposed to be?? An example of leading a productive, well adjusted life?! 

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Every time I see the little flame next to the thread title I say to myself, “Is this bitch pregnant again?”  

I’m disappointed. 

Capt. Save A. Ho, USAF, will put a ring on her finger and a baby in her womb. Not necessarily in that order. 

Edited by CofCinci
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23 hours ago, Mkay said:

She’s wanting to go to the suicide forest after seeing that horrible video Logan Paul did.  She’s sick. 

I had some idea who Logan Paul is because he was recently on Top Chef.  Basically, he's an idiot.  I also had some idea what this video was about but I was reluctant to Google it because I definitely did not want to catch a glimpse of it.  And now to hear fools like dumbass Brianna and tweeters joined in on making light of this situation?  Yeah, fuck all these asswipes.  Fuck all the way off and then fuck off a little more.  Vile, disgusting, disgraceful waste of space.  The whole lot of them.

And if production has a problem with Farrah because she participates in porn, they better have a complete and utter meltdown and vow to never film with the coven ever again over this stunt.  I can't even imagine what total lack of decent humanity can laugh after seeing a human body that no longer has life because, for whatever reason, that person made the decision to end it.  Bringing Brianna back was always a stupid decision to me but this?  No excuse.  None.  And production thinks Farrah is a problem.  Not hardly compared this nasty trashbox.  

(Sorry, I just had to get all that out.)

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On 1/5/2018 at 11:22 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

Ugh, I'm a bit ashamed that Bri is going to show her ignorant, unclassy ass all over Japan. As if Americans don't get a bad enough rap, it doesn't help to have the dumbest among us representing overseas. This is why I'm fine that most of the other basic momses stick close to home, to be honest. I'd be embarrassed to see them be generally dismissive of the history and cultures in other countries. I doubt the fools know American history that well.

I wonder if MTV will be filming Bri's trip? That would makes sense, I'm sure it would make it cheaper for her.

Let's petition MTV to send Randy to Japan! Only classy one in the whole bunch lol. He can bring Janet and/or Eddy along if they want, and can get along. 

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6 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Every time I see the little flame next to the thread title I say to myself, “Is this bitch pregnant again?”  

I’m disappointed. 


I think that every time I see Kail's thread title highlighted. 

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On 12/28/2017 at 3:46 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

@Christina87 Javi is only looking for ONE quality in a woman..."on tv". 


He disgusts me more and more. I used to have a lot more sympathy for him. I used to think he was putting on arrogant airs a little bit to avoid getting hurt, but now I don't think he was "snowed" by Kailyn as much as he was by his own ego, which told him to put up with anything as long as it got him attention, fans, airtime and money. Her ego is massive, too, so they deserved each other. Same with Bri. No normal girl would be "good enough" in Javi's eyes now.

Funny how Jo came across a certain way when he was 16 but ended up being a totally decent guy. Javi seemed too good to be true...and he was.

On 1/5/2018 at 11:54 AM, Mkay said:

She’s wanting to go to the suicide forest after seeing that horrible video Logan Paul did.  She’s sick. 

Pardon my language, but what a fucking bitch.

Edited by Lm2162
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Re: whether he wants "traditional" or "non-traditional," I am really confused myself. He certainly made it seem in the past that he wanted a bunch of kids and an at least somewhat traditional gendered dynamic/division of labor.

Yet now he wants to be with Briana and when he dates girls who aren't famous and don't want to be, he "doesn't understand where they're coming from?" Good luck finding an MTV star or wannabe reality show hanger-on who wants to do nothing but raise children and submit to Big Papi Javi, dude. That makes absolutely no sense. He would have been better off dating just about any normal local girl, but he'll never do that now, and instead will try to demand loyalty from girls who are as famewhorish as he is. It's nonsense and it's not going to work out. He strikes me as one of those faux-macho, proving-his-manhood types who wants to have his cake and eat it too: save a ho, make her a housewife...then have a reality show about it. What?

On 12/29/2017 at 11:28 AM, Christina87 said:

@Scarlett45 sadly you are right. Javi is more into drama than any girl I've met!!!

Yes, I love how Kail says that she's bi but girls are too much drama. Um...have you met your ex-husband or most recent baby daddy? Or for that matter, YOURSELF?

Edited by Lm2162
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On 12/29/2017 at 7:31 PM, Christina87 said:

I just feel that if it's casual enough, being exclusive is going to be tough. 

LOL I will say that if I hadn't had as many sexual partners as I did before I got married, I wouldn't be so fiercely loyal now. I sowed my oats, figured out what I wanted and I never have any "what ifs." No shame here. Everybody's different though. I have found that being too extreme on either side--extremely jealous and prudish or extremely prone to unprotected sex--is a good indicator of potential cheating and future issues with sex, as are issues with substances, impulse control and using protection (don't use protection? don't even try to touch me). I see a lot of red flags with people like Javi and Briana in terms of serial monogamy, not necessarily promiscuity. Bri, for example, is promiscuous without protecting herself or her partner physically or emotionally, then wants them to be monogamous forever with her. Then what that doesn't work out, she moves on to the next one. It's a weird hybrid of pretending to be sex-positive without actually doing it, sleeping around without protection, but also being possessive and demanding of loyalty and commitment in a way that doesn't fit with what she's actually doing.

Edited by Lm2162
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