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S05.E12: Tracey's Story

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Nice, sweet lady. I felt bad for her and hope she will get down to her goal weight with the help of Dr.Now. I think she will. 
Great job of Tracey to lose 200 pounds all by herself! 
Bf gets kudos for helping her and working outside the home. I wasn't very impressed with Anthony's parking skills. He was a good dude overall. 
Thought the mom and Tracey could use a haircut and hair dye. 
Anyone else thought she has such pretty hands? Long slender fingers. No fat on her hands. Probably one of the first who was easy to stick (an iv in).
It was heartwarming to see her in the front seat of the car and holding hands with Anthony. 
Love to see a follow-up on her when all surgery is done on her legs and she is down to 200 pounds. 


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I am so impressed! Go Tracey! Husband was on shaky ground there for a bit, but he recovered nicely and I am rooting for them both!

Zero shade from me tonight, all bets are off for next week.

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Just saw a promo for next week. The patient is yelling at hospital staff, and Dr. Now chastises him. We're in for a doozy!

On rewatch, Anthony is absolutely right to make her do things on her own. Dr. Now sent a personal care assistant to help her get to her lymphedema appt. She was embarrassed that someone other than Anthony was helping her. He can't always be at her beck and call, though.

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She even said that Anthony working made her get up and do things for herself.  I thought she was moving around so much better.

At the beginning, I thought I saw some smallish butt wings.

She met Anthony online while she was a 500 pound nursing home patient.  I can't help but wonder what attracted him to her online profile.  

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If you feel sick, why would you cheat on your diet? Wouldn't eating healthy make you feel better?

That made total sense to me. If I'm coming back from an upset stomach, I want crackers, rice pudding, bananas, dry toast...in other words, carbs. Those are fine in moderation for healthy people, but not for Tracey. Maybe some dry shredded chicken would have worked for her. But there's no way that I could struggle through nausea to eat fish, grilled meat, scrambled eggs, or any other staples of a protein-based diet.

This might be the most self-aware enabler I've ever seen on TV. "I loved that she needed me to take care of her." Well, that's nuts, because she's your spouse and not your infant, but the first step is admitting you have a problem, so it makes sense that Anthony was able to take a bunch more steps, too.

Did I hear right that Dr. Now said Tracey didn't need the weight-loss surgery at all? That seems awfully optimistic to me. I mean, she did amazing this year, but it's a whole different challenge to keep the weight off for the next 30+ years. Her body clearly likes to hang on to whatever she eats.

The one moment of silliness was when they said the hotel kitchen was too small, leading to drive-thru meals. I mean, sure, I wouldn't want to cook Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchenette, but if you have a stove, sink, and fridge, you don't need to eat out.

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Her body was so disproportionate because of her lipidemias that she probably doesn't need the stomach surgery to keep the weight off.  She looked obese but not super obese in need of a gastric sleeve obese until you got to her waist.

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6 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

What was so wrong with the kitchen in the hotel?

I'll have to watch again but I don't think it had a stove/oven.  I'm sure it was hard to cook without one. Microwaves can only do so much.  I was hoping Tracey was going to mention it to the nutritionist so she could make suggestions. I didn't think the nutritionist was that great but then again we probably didn't see her entire visit.

6 hours ago, Anchorabu said:

What a roller coaster! Mom's still watching but she had to lie down. ??

Bless her heart.  I keep thinking of her when I watch James' episode again & again.

I wonder why Dr. Now waited to send her to the lymphadema specialist. I would have thought she would have gone very soon after the first Dr. Now visit. The doctor & his assistant seemed so nice, they explained things so well.  

I've never been so happy to see a patient succeed especially after watching that lump last week.  By the way Anthony talked at the end, it sounded like she had been to many doctors who couldn't help her.  How discouraging.  

ETA:  It was Soooooo nice to see a dining table that was used for dining at their house in Ohio.  (Since that is one of my pet peeves with all these people.)

Edited by Barb23
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9 hours ago, GussieK said:

Plus sometimes they would pull out a shotgun. Somehow I've made it through. 62 years with no one ever having pulled a shotgun in my home. Anyone else?  

My ex-husband pointed a shotgun at me once. Not a fun feeling. He also gave me black eyes another time. 

The best thing I ever did in my life was divorcing that guy.

9 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

And when she's getting out of the back of the car at the end of a long day on the road, she's NICE and PLEASANT. Imagine THAT!  

Not all of us super morbidly obese people are assholes.  :-)

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8 hours ago, Christina said:

She probably IS on antibiotics. If it isn't draining, the treatment for cellulitis is in pill form. At least it is in my experience, which isn't personal, just another family member who has had it quite a few times.

Last July my cellulitis came back for the third time. For the first 3 weeks I was in the hospital having IV antibiotics 4 times a day and then when I got discharged they gave me 2 prescriptions for 2 very very strong antibiotics in pill form that I had to take 4 times a day. for 10 days. Those did quite the number on my stomach and generally made me feel blech but they did work to clear what was left of the infection.

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1 hour ago, Lizzie Jones said:

Not all of us super morbidly obese people are assholes.  :-)

I'm not obese but riding in the passenger seat for that long would make me cranky and mean. In the back hatch? I'd probably equal James K. in assholishness. Nah, that's not possible, but I'd definitely be so sore and achy heads would turn at my bellowing, "Ahh, mah leg! Mah arms! Mah entire body!" and people would think I was possessed.

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10 hours ago, SkinnyMinnie said:

I always wondered why Dr. Now doesn't let the patients eat fruit. I thought fruit was good for losing weight. I never see any of the patients eat any.

In other episodes, he says that fruit is high in sugar. I don't think you get to be 600 pounds eating just apples and bananas. One banana has about 100 calories and has lots of vitamins and nutrients along with antioxidants and potassium. Bananas, however, are higher in carbohydrates. Fruit, in moderation, has lots of vitamins and has high fiber so you feel more full and just feel better. I try eat about 10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I eat at least one banana and one apple each day and other fruit that is in season. I lost over 200 pounds through diet and exercise without surgery and have maintained a healthy weight for four years now. A lot of studies support the health benefits of a plant-based diet rather than eating processed food.

Does anyone else think that Dr. Now is a little "pudgy" and could lose a few pounds himself? Overall he looks pretty good for a 70 year old man. He seems to carry more weight around his abdomen which is more of a concern. He wears a lab coat most of the time which hides some of his belly fat. He could probably do a little more exercise and benefit from eating more fruit.

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First off, Anthony has issues. 

She lives twenty minutes from Cleveland, home to the Cleveland Clinic, one of the top hospitals in the country, if not the world. But instead of getting treatment there, it's better to stuff her into the back of a minivan and schlep her down to a storefront doctor in Houston for a five minute appointment where he tells her to lose weight?  Couldn't Dr. Now do that over skype?  And why did it take so long for her to see a Lipedema specialist?

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4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I'll have to watch again but I don't think it had a stove/oven.  I'm sure it was hard to cook without one. Microwaves can only do so much.  I was hoping Tracey was going to mention it to the nutritionist so she could make suggestions. I didn't think the nutritionist was that great but then again we probably didn't see her entire visit.

Bless her heart.  I keep thinking of her when I watch James' episode again & again.

I wonder why Dr. Now waited to send her to the lymphadema specialist. I would have thought she would have gone very soon after the first Dr. Now visit. The doctor & his assistant seemed so nice, they explained things so well.  

I've never been so happy to see a patient succeed especially after watching that lump last week.  By the way Anthony talked at the end, it sounded like she had been to many doctors who couldn't help her.  How discouraging.  

ETA:  It was Soooooo nice to see a dining table that was used for dining at their house in Ohio.  (Since that is one of my pet peeves with all these people.)

all long term hotels have a kichenette, sink, microwave,  refrigerator, oven and dishwasher.--thats how they are able to bill it as long term --curious how expensive that had to be. also, many of those hotels will put out a decent buffet for breakfast, and a not so good one for dinner.

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1 hour ago, Michael Stabosz said:

My favorite thing about Tracey was her honesty.  She cheated on the diet, but she was straightforward and volunteered this information to Dr. Now.  Plus, when she cheated, it would be in the form of eating a modest amount of high carb food such as rice or pasta.  It wasn't gorging herself on big plates of Chinese food, or trying to delude herself into thinking it was okay through some tortured logic.  When she came in a few pounds heavier at her 3rd appointment, she owned up to it, admitted she had faltered, and vowed to do better.  Then she did do better.

This x1000. This includes her matter-of-factness when she told her life story. I must admit that I cringed a little bit when she talked about her husband physically abusing the children and not divorcing until she learned he was cheating on her, but she didn't make excuses for that, either. None of us is perfect. The important thing is that she did divorce him and move on with her life. She was very involved in her children's lives until she had major issues with the lymphedema, and the children seem to like her and enjoy being with her. They got past that bad part of their lives and seem to have a good relationship.

I also liked the way Anthony and Tracey communicated. No yelling, no insults, just honest discussion. Anthony got his point across that he needed to work and couldn't be around all the time to help without being a jerk about it.

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47 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

She lives twenty minutes from Cleveland, home to the Cleveland Clinic, one of the top hospitals in the country, if not the world. But instead of getting treatment there, it's better to stuff her into the back of a minivan and schlep her down to a storefront doctor in Houston for a five minute appointment where he tells her to lose weight?

It's possible that her insurance didn't cover it -- or it's possible she didn't have insurance at all. 

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11 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

all long term hotels have a kichenette, sink, microwave,  refrigerator, oven and dishwasher.--thats how they are able to bill it as long term --curious how expensive that had to be. also, many of those hotels will put out a decent buffet for breakfast, and a not so good one for dinner.

I stayed in one in California for several months, and it ran about $2000/month. It may be cheaper in Texas. That may seem like a lot, but you get pretty good kitchen facilities, a breakfast buffet, housekeeping, laundry facilities, and a fitness center. The parking is free and you can park the car right outside your door. The one I stayed in was in a nice neighborhood with supermarkets, dry cleaners, a hair salon, etc. within walking distance, and a mall a short drive away. If Anthony is working and she has limited mobility, having the housekeeping service is a huge help. If you don't want to deal with the whole process of leases, background checks, and security deposits, it's a good way to go, especially if you are staying less than a year, or if the length of your stay is uncertain.

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Also, how many times have we seen families come to Houston, stay in a regular hotel/motel with just a microwave, and then they end up eating crappy fast food? And how many times have we seen people renting homes in Houston sight unseen, and it's either a dump or in a crime-ridden neighborhood? It makes sense to me to stay in an extended-stay hotel, have decent kitchen facilities, and have some time to research other homes more thoroughly before moving into a less-expensive option.

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11 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

What was so wrong with the kitchen in the hotel?

They didn't have any kind of stove. Just a fridge, sink and microwave. I guess they could've gotten a hotplate but I bet that wasn't allowed due to the potential fire hazard. 

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7 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

They didn't have any kind of stove. Just a fridge, sink and microwave. I guess they could've gotten a hotplate but I bet that wasn't allowed due to the potential fire hazard. 

I swear I saw a 2 burner smooth cooktop. 

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Late to the party, but I just have to say that after the horror that was last week, Tracy's honesty and humility in battling her issues was absolutely refreshing. It was nice to have someone that we could really root for after the past few weeks.

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Regarding comments about what Tracey ate when she was nauseous.  I had the two worst morning sickness pregnancies in the history of modern civilization.  I threw up all day every day for months.  My doctor told me to eat what I craved, and that I'd be more likely to be able to hold it down.  So I lived on grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti.  

This episode sure was a breath of fresh air!

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When I feel sick I cant eat my normal healthy diet. I need comfort food. I even drink Sprite. It settles my stomach.

Het oldest son was quite obese,  as was her mother. Generational obesity. I was concerned for him. He also had big legs. I wonder if women are more prone to retaining fluid in their legs than males.

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3 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

First off, Anthony has issues. 

She lives twenty minutes from Cleveland, home to the Cleveland Clinic, one of the top hospitals in the country, if not the world. But instead of getting treatment there, it's better to stuff her into the back of a minivan and schlep her down to a storefront doctor in Houston for a five minute appointment where he tells her to lose weight?  Couldn't Dr. Now do that over skype?  And why did it take so long for her to see a Lipedema specialist?

I was thinking that too.  Patients travel from around the world to consult with docs at the Cleveland Clinic.  Surely they had lymphedema specialists, too, like the one she saw in Houston. 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

First off, Anthony has issues. 

She lives twenty minutes from Cleveland, home Herthe Cleveland Clinic, one of the top hospitals in the country, if not the world. But instead of getting treatment there, it's better to stuff her into the back of a minivan and schlep her down to a storefront doctor in Houston for a five minute appointment where he tells her to lose weight?  Couldn't Dr. Now do that over skype?  And why did it take so long for her to see a Lipedema specialist?

This show is about Dr Now and her treatment is paid for.  She would not have that benefit in Cleveland.  That is why everyone travels to him!  :^)

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3 hours ago, legalwriter said:

In other episodes, he says that fruit is high in sugar. I don't think you get to be 600 pounds eating just apples and bananas. One banana has about 100 calories and has lots of vitamins and nutrients along with antioxidants and potassium. Bananas, however, are higher in carbohydrates. Fruit, in moderation, has lots of vitamins and has high fiber so you feel more full and just feel better. I try eat about 10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I eat at least one banana and one apple each day and other fruit that is in season. I lost over 200 pounds through diet and exercise without surgery and have maintained a healthy weight for four years now. A lot of studies support the health benefits of a plant-based diet rather than eating processed food.


Congrats! Very impressive!!! especially the fact that you are able to keep it off. 

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3 hours ago, legalwriter said:

In other episodes, he says that fruit is high in sugar. I don't think you get to be 600 pounds eating just apples and bananas. One banana has about 100 calories and has lots of vitamins and nutrients along with antioxidants and potassium. Bananas, however, are higher in carbohydrates. Fruit, in moderation, has lots of vitamins and has high fiber so you feel more full and just feel better. I try eat about 10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I eat at least one banana and one apple each day and other fruit that is in season. I lost over 200 pounds through diet and exercise without surgery and have maintained a healthy weight for four years now. A lot of studies support the health benefits of a plant-based diet rather than eating processed food.

Does anyone else think that Dr. Now is a little "pudgy" and could lose a few pounds himself? Overall he looks pretty good for a 70 year old man. He seems to carry more weight around his abdomen which is more of a concern. He wears a lab coat most of the time which hides some of his belly fat. He could probably do a little more exercise and benefit from eating more fruit.

Congratulations!  Dr Now wants to get them in ketosis so the weight comes off rapidly, thus the high protein and no sugars at all.  It is much more than just calorie reduction.  

I just watched an episode from season one, I guess that is at least 5 years ago.  He looks much younger!  He had more hair, better coloring and slimmer.  And yes, he might benefit from eating less, but I doubt he will eat more fruit.  

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11 hours ago, Ivylady said:

Just saw a promo for next week. The patient is yelling at hospital staff, and Dr. Now chastises him. We're in for a doozy!

On rewatch, Anthony is absolutely right to make her do things on her own. Dr. Now sent a personal care assistant to help her get to her lymphedema appt. She was embarrassed that someone other than Anthony was helping her. He can't always be at her beck and call, though.

Earlier this month, one or both of those guys were on Facebook shouting about this, which is a violation of their contract.  They're not allowed to discuss it until it airs. I was shocked.

I *think* one or both of the guys were on some other reality show?  I don't really remember.  I just saw that they were advertising themselves and was disgusted that they'd violate their contracts, so I didn't pay much attention.

Anyway, WOW TRACEY!  What a great show!  I was so angry at first with the eating bad things, the 2 generations of babies without fathers (grandma at age 40), the going so many years with the problem legs... and wow.  We have a motivated patient who gets it, and a support system of family who love each other, and a husband who goes out and works for a living.  Astonishing.

Another 2 bonuses - no little dogs running all over the place.  I always feel horrible for and worried about the pets that are stuck in dysfunctional homes.  If they can't care for themselves, they no business taking on the responsibility of helpless animals.

And no tattoos up and down everybody's skin.

20 minutes ago, wings707 said:

This show is about Dr Now and her treatment is paid for.  She would not have that benefit in Cleveland.  That is why everyone travels to him!  :^)

The show doesn't pay for the surgery.  Medicare does.  The show gives them nothing other than a small amount for the move, like $1500 or $2500.

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I was happy to see a positive ending for Tracey, there are way too many negative endings. I'm not sure it is fair to compare her with the other 600 pound people. I think she was a 300 pound lady with 250 pounds of fluid in her legs. Dr. Now cut out only a small portion of her skin and fluid can be very heavy. I did notice Dr. Now is getting a bit chubby himself; old age is hard.

I wonder if he works with vegetarian diets. I have been a vegetarian since age 8 and cannot change now. I eat dairy products but no meat of any kind. Vegetarians can be fat like anyone else, but many years of research has shown people get less heart disease and cancer on a plant based diet. I do make sure I get enough protein, but I just don't believe in an all protein diet.

I liked her husband Anthony and I didn't make too much of him saying he liked to care of her. My husband says that to me; but he means in terms of doing little things for me (I work and am not super obese or bedridden). People fall in love for different reasons, and it was clear that Anthony felt good about Tracey making improvements and feeling good enough to travel. Hope she and her kids can live together and learn to be healthy. 

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13 minutes ago, Trees said:

The show doesn't pay for the surgery.  Medicare does.  The show gives them nothing other than a small amount for the move, like $1500 or $2500.

Wow, that is all.  Well, it does make sense insurance would pay but I would think they might get a little more. 

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I read somewhere (no documentation to prove) that someone on the show says they got $4,000 from TLC for transport and relocation.  Tracey was one of the few who wasn't "moving" to Houston.  Perhaps they owned their home in Lorain.  Most of those on this show appear to be renters, so they just move to a full rental property in Houston.

So James got $4,000, PLUS whatever his father got from the second mortgage on his home.

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I so enjoyed Anthony and Tracy - the anti-Lisa and James.  So self-aware and honest.  He was honest about being an enabler and liking to take care of her.  She was honest about how and why she got to this point, and about cheating on her diet (and that was a small amount of rice, compared to the mounds of frayyyyyiiiiied rayyyyyyce that James was eating).  I'm so happy for her success, and that they both seem so happy now.  I can't hardly wait for an update on them, and pray that her further surgeries go as well or better than her first.  Instead of "free Bayley", I can exclaim, "free Tracy's legs"!

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15 hours ago, GussieK said:

Plus sometimes they would pull out a shotgun. Somehow I've made it through. 62 years with no one ever having pulled a shotgun in my home. Anyone else?  

The first time anyone ever did anything of the sort around me would be the last. At my house my son and his friends (all in their 20's btw!) LOVE to play with nerf guns. First rule? "never, ever shoot a nerf dart at Mama Mostly"


14 hours ago, aliya said:

Yeah, I thought that. But I also thought this - unlike a lot of these caretakers, he's working. I'm pretty sure he's not doing brain surgery, and whatever work he's doing may be physical. Even if it's not, anybody can have a bad job that makes them less than likable when they come home. So, he's working all day and coming home to doing a lot for Tracey, who's been home all day, and he's tired.  I dig it.

I just saw the part where Dr Now approved her for skin surgery. Anthony seemed pleased for her. I'm gonna cut him some slack right now. We'll see what he's like by the end of the show.

I liked Anthony. He likes to be needed but he's not a doormat. He doled out some tough love for which I applaud him. Sure, Tracy has health issues and needs his kindness but he's a person too, with his own problems. I don't know why he can't be tired or cranky sometimes.

4 hours ago, Christina said:

I'm not obese but riding in the passenger seat for that long would make me cranky and mean. In the back hatch? I'd probably equal James K. in assholishness. Nah, that's not possible, but I'd definitely be so sore and achy heads would turn at my bellowing, "Ahh, mah leg! Mah arms! Mah entire body!" and people would think I was possessed.

Hahaha, that's me every single day when I get off my bus coming from work! Our public transit in Boston is terrible and my bus ride home is over an hour long on a good day. The seats are hella uncomfortable and after unfolding myself from that hellish torture chair my first utterance is "ow! shit! man my back is killing me! ow mah laigs!" or some variation. That Tracey endured a bumpy ride in the back of a van while suffering so much with her poor legs without biting everyone's head off is something I regard with awe. Good for her, I hope she does well from here.

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My husband and I were snow birds for a couple of years from MA to FL.  We did the 21 hour drive in two days with 4 dogs!  I didn't mind it, didn't love it but we listened to audio books and I packed good food.   A comfortable car is key. 

ETA.  We were of normal weight.  That is key too.! 

Edited by wings707
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I kept looking at her legs and just trying to imagine the pain.  The pain from the condition, the pain from the surgery, OMG.  It really boggles the mind. I now view other's pain much differently than I used to.   A little over a year ago, I sustained an infection in my middle finger tip.  It was cellulitis. I ended up in the ER, then Urgent Care, then, hand Specialist.  THEN infectious disease control specialist. It was antibiotic resistant. Finally, after 3 surgeries, many meds, and doctors later it finally healed. (Still numb.)  The pain from that little finger tip caused me so much anguish that I consider it PTSD.  I CANNOT FATHOM HAVING LARGE PIECES OF LEG INFECTED WITH CELLULITIS.  It's really heartbreaking.  The pain alone........I PRAY that she is getting relief.  Prayers and well wishes to her and her family. 

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I am looking forward to a follow up on her.  It is going to be a good one.  I don't expect to see her legs look normal though.  You cannot surgically remove the condition but the excess tissue that was containing the fluid must have eliminated the amount of fluid that is possible for her to retain.  Her husband had the best attitude of any caretaker I have seen.  His tough love benefited her now and will in the long run.   Kudos to you both. 

Now we have to wait to hear the end of this.  tap tap tap 

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Regarding comments about what Tracey ate when she was nauseous.  I had the two worst morning sickness pregnancies in the history of modern civilization.  I threw up all day every day for months.  My doctor told me to eat what I craved, and that I'd be more likely to be able to hold it down.  So I lived on grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti.

Agreed. I didn't throw up but I was nauseous all day, and even though I'd been kind of a health nut up until pregnancy, I ate a TON of McDonalds in the first trimester. The thought of eating raw veggies (which I'd eaten every day before) made me retch.

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Congratulations!  Dr Now wants to get them in ketosis so the weight comes off rapidly, thus the high protein and no sugars at all.  It is much more than just calorie reduction.  

But he also goes low fat and low salt. I know they have fat to burn but doesn't it help you keep your energy up if you keep your macros where they need to be. I know salt is important too.

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14 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am looking forward to a follow up on her.  It is going to be a good one.  I don't expect to see her legs look normal though.  You cannot surgically remove the condition but the excess tissue that was containing the fluid must have eliminated the amount of fluid that is possible for her to retain.  Her husband had the best attitude of any caretaker I have seen.  His tough love benefited her now and will in the long run.   Kudos to you both. 

Now we have to wait to hear the end of this.  tap tap tap 

Most patients don't get followup episodes.  You might never hear the long term result.

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you can't get fat eating fruit.  it's impossible. 

Blueberries are a superfood for their nutritional value.  Cantelope is a superfood for its nutritional value.  It's ridiculous to say that eating fruit would be bad for these people.  They may end up sh!tting themselves even more, but hey, the vitamins alone are probably something they've never had.  OMG strawberries, grapes, oranges, watermelon, honeydew- and then add in veggies with hummus, that would be so good for them.  Despite being 600 + lbs they are severely malnourished. 

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Just now, Michael Stabosz said:

Most patients don't get followup episodes.  You might never hear the long term result.

Yes, I have learned that, I am new to this show.   Some do, right? and I think if anyone will, it will be Tracey because of her success and maybe James since he was controversial.  I have a hunch it is not that interesting to see the follow up on many because though, they lose and have a better life, the end product is not awesome.

Also this show is produced by his son so when Dr Now is finished, he may not be interested.  

4 minutes ago, Lesia said:

you can't get fat eating fruit.  it's impossible. 

Blueberries are a superfood for their nutritional value.  Cantelope is a superfood for its nutritional value.  It's ridiculous to say that eating fruit would be bad for these people.  They may end up sh!tting themselves even more, but hey, the vitamins alone are probably something they've never had.  OMG strawberries, grapes, oranges, watermelon, honeydew- and then add in veggies with hummus, that would be so good for them.  Despite being 600 + lbs they are severely malnourished. 

I don't see anyone saying this.  He has them on a diet to create the state of ketosis in their body, so they will lose rapidly.  Fruit takes you out of that state.  It is not a forever restriction but we have not seen anyone on maintenance yet, or even close! 

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