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S07.E23: Ready Or Not

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2 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Jenelle has worn glasses off and on for the entire time she's been on the show. She usually wears contacts. I remember way back when, she was fighting with her roommate and screamed at her for 'messing up my fuckin contacts on purpose, dude'. I bet she bought some for Uncle Creepy so they'd match and she thinks he won't sound quite as borderline literate if he's wearing some honking horn rim glasses. Massive fail. He's still an ignorant creep that sounds like he didn't make it past 6th grade.

Yeah I was more so referring to his glasses not hers, but even if he needs them it's super weird they have matching ones!

Those after shows are unnecessary, especially now since two of the moms are no-shows and the host has to scramble to fill up their air time. Leah sits there like a bump on a log, says the absolute minimum and looks like she can't wait to get out of there. Kail, ever the She-Hulk, loves to talk about herself and control the conversation, refusing to discuss any pertinent questions, saying I don't want to talk about it. You're on a talk show, you idiots!

And both of them were lying through their teeth. Leah's secret to health is guzzling Mountain Dew & pillses, certainly not the gym. And of course  Kail does want to know the sex of her baby so she can Pinterest up a nursery. 

Glad to see the end of these. Hope next year they get a better host and no phony Doctor, Dr. Drew or otherwise. 

  • Love 10

I still don't know why Javi chose to leave his house to Kail. She is living in a house his Air Force money paid for or faciltated a mortgage for. Why should he be the one to lose everything? Yes, it was wrong to break in through the basement but if he already went that far, he might as well stay. Everybody dances around her trying to avoid getting her upset. Somebody needs to stand up to her so that she can finally realize her scheming and manipulation has consequences. Right now, the only ones facing the consequences are the children. 

Barb needs to get a transfer and move to a Walmart far, far away from Jenelle. That kid is clearly being destroyed bit by bit. 

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, CerealKiller813 said:

Leah. Stop lying. You know you are NOT for the commitment school would entail. Who would buy the kids their sugary drinks and canned creamed soups? And for the love of all that is holy, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE HER PUT ALI'S GEAR ON. You can't put on the arm and knee pads AT LEAST?? Also, did anyone else catch the kids faces when she came over to read? Like that wasn't a regular occurrence but for the cameras. 


Ali looked especially annoyed when Leah was hovering over her as she tried to finish her assignments. The poor kid's working quietly and minding her business so of course Leah sees it as the perfect opportunity to disrupt her and play Super Mom. 

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, ghoulina said:

No, really. It's hard to know what the real story is with these two. Kail tells this big dramatic tale about Javi breaking in in the night and scaring them all, but she conveniently leaves out the part about ASKING him to take the boys, then not being willing to wait when he was stuck in traffic, and running off back home. I'm not saying that makes it okay. But then again, it is his house. We've seen how she was holding onto his stuff and wanting to control the entire situation from the moment he got back. She's infuriating. 

Javi isn't handling stuff right. But I see HIS issues are more being really hurt and acting out emotionally. Whereas with Kail, I feel she is intentionally trying to wreck things and ruin lives. She is just out for Kail. 100%

I TOTALLY forgot to talk about this. KailSmash is constantly leaving out her actions where retelling the story. I even think she set up that convo with sterling. She didn't just HAPPEN to be talking to Sterling! Ok boo, maybe you can fool these others viewers but I'm not a novice reality tv or TM franchise viewer. KailSmash looks to DESTROY those in her path and those who dare question her. 

  • Love 11

Wow....Javi's a psycho.  He openly admits in his version of events that he snuck in and once inside went through tons of her belongings.   I'd say Jo has a right to be concerned.  If he did this now that they are divorced, he'd end up with charges.   And Javi was the one who announced her pregnancy.  Petty bastard.   No worries...Kail then outed the name of one of the girls he slept with while he was deployed.    Both are petty as shit.  LOL.  

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

Wow....Javi's a psycho.  He openly admits in his version of events that he snuck in and once inside went through tons of her belongings.   I'd say Jo has a right to be concerned.  If he did this now that they are divorced, he'd end up with charges.   And Javi was the one who announced her pregnancy.  Petty bastard.   No worries...Kail then outed the name of one of the girls he slept with while he was deployed.    Both are petty as shit.  LOL.  

Javi was dead wrong for that, I don't disagree, but if Jo's going to be concerned about Javi's sanity then he should be concerned about Kail's as well. She's not exactly a shrinking violet when it comes to throwing hands and doing crazy shit. Not to mention she was the one who had random dudes all up in her house around their son while her still-husband was deployed. I feel like Jo is scared shitless of Kail. All she has to do is give him a menacing look and he folds like a cheap suit. Jo should know Kail well enough by now to realize anytime she tells a story, 80% of the actual facts are probably being left out. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 19

Never how I saw it.  Never once have I seen Jo scared of Kail.  I think he understands her.  I think right now he enjoys their co-parenting and the positive relationship they have.  I also think he'll always like Kail and likes being her friend.  I imagine Vee doesn't like that much.  While I don't think she has anything to worry about, I can get it.  

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

Wow....Javi's a psycho.  He openly admits in his version of events that he snuck in and once inside went through tons of her belongings.   I'd say Jo has a right to be concerned.  If he did this now that they are divorced, he'd end up with charges.   And Javi was the one who announced her pregnancy.  Petty bastard.   No worries...Kail then outed the name of one of the girls he slept with while he was deployed.    Both are petty as shit.  LOL.  

Wait. Javi didn't announce her pregnancy.  Did I miss that?

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Javi: Can be just as petty and manipulative as Kail.  These two made be made for each other after all.

I personally believe Javi was a good guy who picked up some fleas when he lay down with that dog Kail. I hope he comes out of any not-nice behavior he may've picked up from her.

4 hours ago, JBC344 said:

As much as I would like to blame Kail for this, I believe Joe 100% when he himself said that Isaac was very scared and nervous when Joe showed up to pick him up.  From that episode alone Joe has every right to have an issue with Javi's behavior regarding that day.  I'm not at all mad at Joe for feeling like Javi needs to regroup and get his stuff together before he wants him around Isaac again.

Could it be that Kail's reaction to Javi's entering the house is what made Isaac scared and nervous? So conveeeeenient that most of Kail's drama has happened without being filmed.

  • Love 12
12 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Javi was dead wrong for that, I don't disagree, but if Jo's going to be concerned about Javi's sanity then he should be concerned about Kail's as well. She's not exactly a shrinking violet when it comes to throwing hands and doing crazy shit. Not to mention she was the one who had random dudes all up in her house around their son while her still-husband was deployed. I feel like Jo is scared shitless of Kail. All she has to do is give him a menacing look and he folds like a cheap suit. Jo should know Kail well enough by now to realize anytime she tells a story, 80% of the actual facts are probably being left out. 

Jo is afraid to piss Hulk off. He knows her moods switch from nice to mean as a snake at the drop of a hat. He knows if he pisses her off, Isaac is the one that will suffer because Hulk will stop letting Jo have him for any time other than what's in the parenting agreement. Right now, he sees Isaac all the time, especially since Hulk calls Jo every time she picks a fight with someone or wants her dick to come over and spend the night. I hope Jo talked to Javi and they worked things out so Isaac can still see him. 

I agree that Javi was wrong to go into the house. I wish he would have taken a stand when he came home. Hulk had been leading him on the entire time he was gone, then treated him like last weeks garbage when he came home. If he'd stood up to her and said he was not going to leave his house, there's not a damn thing she could have done about it. She would have had to have her attorney schedule a show cause hearing, go to court and let the judge decide who leaves the house and when. The house was financed with the benefit of Javi  being in the military. Javi told us that Kail is supposed to have it refinanced in her name and she hasn't done it yet. I hope she's blown so much money and owes so much in taxes that she won't be able to secure a new loan. Javi can get the house back and Kail can go live in their rental house.

5 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

MTV broke the fourth wall to show off how much these heifers really are the nutcases they deny they are time and time again. They would constantly put the blame on editing and MTV for how they were viewed by the viewers of this show. Now, the fourth wall just shows them in all their glory. It shows how they treat the crew, the removal and damaging of cameras, it showcases them having full-blown temper tantrums. The removal has done nothing but highlight their flagrant and offensive behavior.

Now on to Barb and whatshername. Sorry for the long post, but this has built up inside me and I need to purge!

That's it. I am done. Seriously, I am done with any last bit of sympathy I had for Jenelle and the abusive relationship with which she found herself in when she hooked up with UBT. If the day comes that UBT extinguishes Jenelle's life, I am not going to be posting here that I feel bad for having posted anything bad about Jenelle and how I wish it never happened and how sorry I feel for her for putting herself in danger.  I will feel bad for Barb for having lost a child. Jenelle is not a victim like the domestic violence victims I witnessed first hand back in the days. She has made her bed and has put UBT in control. She has willingly given him the power to control everything. She is paying him to be this big, bad ass to her ex, Nipples, and to bully her mother. She had no problem telling UBT to stop talking to her mother and to stop giving her any camera time. That was not the actions of someone who I previously thought was deeply afraid of speaking up to UBT.  Far from it. The true victims are the children and Barb.

Jenelle you are detestable and atrocious. I hope your karma comes soon, whatever it may be. If it means you lose your kids and you lose your money, so be it. I will laugh my ass off and thank buddha. Your kids deserve anyone else as their parent/guardian because so far, you are and never have been a parent. What you are doing to your children constitutes child abuse. It may not fall under the perimeters of child abuse for CPS, but any good therapist and any decent person knows what Jenelle is doing to her kids is downright harmful and indefensible. She constantly exerts emotional, verbal, and mental abuse directly to them or in their presence.

Amber, Jenelle, Cate, Tyler, Kail, and Leah, you all want to claim the title of being the best parent? Guess what fuckheads? You all have failed miserably. Want to know what a parent is? Look at Barb! Look at Chelsea. Barb deserves so much credit, recognition, and a fucking vacation with some friends for all the hard work she puts in on a daily basis being a mother to a little boy who was dumped by his own mother.

A parent is what Barb has been doing for Jace for the past 7 years, plain and simple. She may not be the perfect parent - none of us can claim such a thing - but nonetheless she is a parent to Jace. She has made sacrifices and put up with Jenelle's shit at the same time. She put aside her own social life in order to be there for Jace. It is she who provided a roof for Jace, not Jenelle. She has ensured he is fed. She has ensured he is seen by a professional for his ADHD while she pays his medicine. She works hard for her health insurance that I am sure covers Jace as well. She has put him in social clubs and summer camps. She has taken him to school and picked him up. She has read books to him. She makes sure he has clean clothes. She was the one who tended to him when he was ill. She has been there helping him with his homework. She is the one who is there praising him for a job well done. She was the one by his bed side when he went to sleep at night, likely assuring him she would be there the next morning. She has made money from this show and rather than splurge it on countless vacations and expensive cars, she likely has put it away for Jace's future and herself.

God help Barb live a long life, please. If Jace were to lose her anytime soon, he would be doomed with Jenelle as his caretaker. When I watched Barb cry yesterday, I cried. I have watched Barb cry many times, but last night's scene was despicable. I cannot and will not fault Barb for getting caught up, again, in an argument with Jenelle.  Dealing with Jenelle is like dealing with Satan. Barb could have left without saying a word, but eventually Satan Jenelle would have made sure to make her mother's life hell.

I saw Barb's shirt stained with tear drops that had fallen from her eyes. I so badly wanted to go through my television screen, grab her and hug her tight. I lost my mother many years ago. I miss my mother. I have yearned for her over the years. When I see Jenelle, throw their own mother away and call her despicable names, I am livid. I want to beat Jenelle's ass within an inch of her life. I have never beaten up anyone in my life, but if given the chance, Jenelle would be the first one. Kail would be second. 

Jenelle, you are a fucking psychotic bitch. Fuck you. You don't deserve Barb and Jace in your life.

Rant over.

Best.post..ever! I would marry it if I could. Sounds like you need to join me on my NC vacation. It would be my honor to sit in jail with you!

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, nikita said:

I personally believe Javi was a good guy who picked up some fleas when he lay down with that dog Kail. I hope he comes out of any not-nice behavior he may've picked up from her.

Could it be that Kail's reaction to Javi's entering the house is what made Isaac scared and nervous? So conveeeeenient that most of Kail's drama has happened without being filmed.

I found it disturbing the Isaac supposedly said 'You're not supposed to be here' when Javi was in the house. He heard those words from his shitty mother.

  • Love 9
45 minutes ago, CerealKiller813 said:

Leah. Stop lying. You know you are NOT for the commitment school would entail. Who would buy the kids their sugary drinks and canned creamed soups? And for the love of all that is holy, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE HER PUT ALI'S GEAR ON. You can't put on the arm and knee pads AT LEAST?? Also, did anyone else catch the kids faces when she came over to read? Like that wasn't a regular occurrence but for the cameras. 


I thought the same thing about the reading and Ali's gear.  Ali wears her knee pads while swimming but not on the playground.  WTF?  After the fall she took on the swings last year, she should be wearing her helmet on the playground.  Leave it to Leah to try to bribe Addie with doughnuts.  How about a book or a jump rope or something?  Addie gets enough sugar.   I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think Addie would benefit from a good preschool program if Leah can find one that's well there.  I think she spends too much time alone with Leah and could use the structure.

I got choked up when Jace's little arm reached out to comfort Barb.  That poor kid.  Jenelle is so delusional.  If Barb only cared about filming  and MTV money she wouldn't be spending all day her feet making sandwiches at Wal Mart while Jenelle saves ruins lives.  She's smart enough to think about things like a retirement fund and health insurance for Jace.  I'm so sick of hearing Jenelle whine about wanting Jace back.  She can't get back what she never had.  Barb has been Jace's mom since the day he was born and Jenelle has no one but herself to blame for that.

I really hope Kail doesn't come between Vee and Jo.  I have a feeling that when her baby arrives, if baby daddy #3 doesn't step up and doesn't have a family that will clean her house and watch her kids, she's not going to be so concerned about Isaac being alone with Javi.  She'll probably leave the boys with anyone that will watch them.

I don't think I could stomach this show without Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so refreshing to see happy people for a change.

  • Love 16

Watching Jenelle sit in the car on her phone while Jace went to Meme was just infuriating. David saying she was doing real important emailing was so  laughable. Bitch was probably frantically blocking people on twitter and instagram who tell her the ugly truth. Who in hell does Jenelle think she is? She thinks she gets to dictate who she'll film with and when? This train wreck show is supposed to be about the birther (I can't call Jenelle a mom) and the kids. Tough shit that one of your kids has been raised by his grandmother because you more or less abandoned him a few days after he was born. You don't want to film with Jace's real mother? Then go live in the swamp with your latest soulmate and fade into obscurity. The viewers would rather watch Jace being happy with his Meme than your skanky ass any day of the week.

  • Love 18
17 minutes ago, Abmis said:

I thought the same thing about the reading and Ali's gear.  Ali wears her knee pads while swimming but not on the playground.  WTF?  After the fall she took on the swings last year, she should be wearing her helmet on the playground.  Leave it to Leah to try to bribe Addie with doughnuts.  How about a book or a jump rope or something?  Addie gets enough sugar.   I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think Addie would benefit from a good preschool program if Leah can find one that's well there.  I think she spends too much time alone with Leah and could use the structure.

I got choked up when Jace's little arm reached out to comfort Barb.  That poor kid.  Jenelle is so delusional.  If Barb only cared about filming  and MTV money she wouldn't be spending all day her feet making sandwiches at Wal Mart while Jenelle saves ruins lives.  She's smart enough to think about things like a retirement fund and health insurance for Jace.  I'm so sick of hearing Jenelle whine about wanting Jace back.  She can't get back what she never had.  Barb has been Jace's mom since the day he was born and Jenelle has no one but herself to blame for that.

I really hope Kail doesn't come between Vee and Jo.  I have a feeling that when her baby arrives, if baby daddy #3 doesn't step up and doesn't have a family that will clean her house and watch her kids, she's not going to be so concerned about Isaac being alone with Javi.  She'll probably leave the boys with anyone that will watch them.

I don't think I could stomach this show without Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so refreshing to see happy people for a change.

Let's be friends! Lol 

  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

MTV broke the fourth wall to show off how much these heifers really are the nutcases they deny they are time and time again. They would constantly put the blame on editing and MTV for how they were viewed by the viewers of this show. Now, the fourth wall just shows them in all their glory. It shows how they treat the crew, the removal and damaging of cameras, it showcases them having full-blown temper tantrums. The removal has done nothing but highlight their flagrant and offensive behavior.

This! x100. I thought the same exact thing.

Kail is all drama queen. She likely screamed at Javi, as well as said to her friends in Isaac's presence, how Javi should not be in her house or around there or she will call the police. Isaac picked up on that and learned the new rule. He was fearful. When the cops were called, Kail puts on the act, and it gets Isaac all fired up and scared. He is not used to having police at his home and he was likely concerned at Javi being taken away.


Now on to Barb and whatshername. Sorry for the long post, but this has built up inside me and I need to purge!

That's it. I am done. Seriously, I am done with any last bit of sympathy I had for Jenelle and the abusive relationship with which she found herself in when she hooked up with UBT. If the day comes that UBT extinguishes Jenelle's life, I am not going to be posting here that I feel bad for having posted anything bad about Jenelle and how I wish it never happened and how sorry I feel for her for putting herself in danger.  I will feel bad for Barb for having lost a child. Jenelle is not a victim like the domestic violence victims I witnessed first hand back in the days. She has made her bed and has put UBT in control. She has willingly given him the power to control everything. She is paying him to be this big, bad ass to her ex, Nipples, and to bully her mother. She had no problem telling UBT to stop talking to her mother and to stop giving her any camera time. That was not the actions of someone who I previously thought was deeply afraid of speaking up to UBT.  Far from it. The true victims are the children and Barb.

Jenelle you are detestable and atrocious. I hope your karma comes soon, whatever it may be. If it means you lose your kids and you lose your money, so be it. I will laugh my ass off and thank buddha. Your kids deserve anyone else as their parent/guardian because so far, you are and never have been a parent. What you are doing to your children constitutes child abuse. It may not fall under the perimeters of child abuse for CPS, but any good therapist and any decent person knows what Jenelle is doing to her kids is downright harmful and indefensible. She constantly exerts emotional, verbal, and mental abuse directly to them or in their presence.

Amber, Jenelle, Cate, Tyler, Kail, and Leah, you all want to claim the title of being the best parent? Guess what fuckheads? You all have failed miserably. Want to know what a parent is? Look at Barb! Look at Chelsea. Barb deserves so much credit, recognition, and a fucking vacation with some friends for all the hard work she puts in on a daily basis being a mother to a little boy who was dumped by his own mother.

A parent is what Barb has been doing for Jace for the past 7 years, plain and simple. She may not be the perfect parent - none of us can claim such a thing - but nonetheless she is a parent to Jace. She has made sacrifices and put up with Jenelle's shit at the same time. She put aside her own social life in order to be there for Jace. It is she who provided a roof for Jace, not Jenelle. She has ensured he is fed. She has ensured he is seen by a professional for his ADHD while she pays his medicine. She works hard for her health insurance that I am sure covers Jace as well. She has put him in social clubs and summer camps. She has taken him to school and picked him up. She has read books to him. She makes sure he has clean clothes. She was the one who tended to him when he was ill. She has been there helping him with his homework. She is the one who is there praising him for a job well done. She was the one by his bed side when he went to sleep at night, likely assuring him she would be there the next morning. She has made money from this show and rather than splurge it on countless vacations and expensive cars, she likely has put it away for Jace's future and herself.

God help Barb live a long life, please. I get scared that one day she will have a heart attack after Jenelle starts in with her.  If Jace were to lose her anytime soon, he would be doomed with Jenelle as his caretaker. When I watched Barb cry yesterday, I cried. I have watched Barb cry many times, but last night's scene was despicable. I cannot and will not fault Barb for getting caught up, again, in an argument with Jenelle. Poor Barb gets so wound up wanting to have a conversation with her daughter, that any thought of common sense goes out the window.  Dealing with Jenelle is like dealing with Satan. Barb could have left without saying a word, but eventually Satan Jenelle would have made sure to make her mother's life hell.

I saw Barb's shirt stained with tear drops that had fallen from her eyes. I so badly wanted to go through my television screen, grab her and hug her tight. I lost my mother many years ago. I miss my mother. I have yearned for her over the years. When I see Jenelle, throw their own mother away and call her despicable names, I am livid. I want to beat Jenelle's ass within an inch of her life. I have never beaten up anyone in my life, but if given the chance, Jenelle would be the first one. Kail would be second. 

Jenelle, you are a fucking psychotic bitch. Fuck you. You don't deserve Barb and Jace in your life.

Rant over.

100 percent yes to everything you said. Will you be my new best friend? Lol

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Kail's house "used to be a dope-ass crib, and now it's garbage."  Looks like it fell apart rather quickly once Javi's mom was no longer housekeeper.

I worry for Vee's safety now.  She speaks the truth but you can't speak truth to Kail  as she is the spoiled little boy in that Twiligt Zone episode "It's a Good Life."


Yes, and Javi, Jo, and Vee will be out in the corn fields and perish!!

Edited by Grammy
  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, nikita said:

I personally believe Javi was a good guy who picked up some fleas when he lay down with that dog Kail. I hope he comes out of any not-nice behavior he may've picked up from her.

Could it be that Kail's reaction to Javi's entering the house is what made Isaac scared and nervous? So conveeeeenient that most of Kail's drama has happened without being filmed.

Absolutely could be.  All the more reason for Javi to realize that going over there was a stupid mistake, especially when he admits he went over there for no other reason than to cause trouble.  Once the threat of the cops being called is a possibility Javi should of removed himself from the house and thought about the kids.  Javi being wrong doesn't make Kail right and vice versa.  I think they were both idiots, this just happen to be a situation that I believe Javi started. When Kail starts things 85% of the time I call her out on it too.  This one IMO is Javi's.

  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Watching Jenelle sit in the car on her phone while Jace went to Meme was just infuriating. David saying she was doing real important emailing was so  laughable. Bitch was probably frantically blocking people on twitter and instagram who tell her the ugly truth. Who in hell does Jenelle think she is? She thinks she gets to dictate who she'll film with and when? This train wreck show is supposed to be about the birther (I can't call Jenelle a mom) and the kids. Tough shit that one of your kids has been raised by his grandmother because you more or less abandoned him a few days after he was born. You don't want to film with Jace's real mother? Then go live in the swamp with your latest soulmate and fade into obscurity. The viewers would rather watch Jace being happy with his Meme than your skanky ass any day of the week.

Jenelle really does embody the stereotype of the queen bee. She literally does nothing for herself! While UBT shuttles kids around for dropoff, and brings home pizza, she just sits on her lazy ass and looks miserable. Even Barbara brings Jace to her! Why do I never, ever see her in charge of a dropoff? Now she is even going to forbid Nathan to come to her house?

the funny thing is, I bet both Jenelle and UBT think they wear the pants in their relationship. Jenelle has the money, so she is the "boss," and had UBT go here and there, doing all the mundane work for her. The flip side is that this is exactly what a controlling person like UBT wants!!! He gets a thrill out of going to dominoes while Jenelle sits at home, or doing dropoffs with barb. The more he can restrict her from seeing family/friends/acquaintances, the better. The funny thing is, they both think they're winning!

regarding the pizza, how funny is it that Jenelle only feeds her kids junk? I don't believe, unlike Kail and Leah, that this is all she eats. I'm sure the second they go to their other house, pizzas aren't seen again until the next weekend...they are so clearly a bribe. Jenelle is too vain to eat like that constantly. I wonder what she does eat! She seems too miserable to enjoy anything, even food. Maybe she nibbles on celery, and gets the rest of her calories from alcohol?

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4

I keep remembering more things that infuriate me. When Barb and Jace got to Jenelle's, the bitch couldn't even drag her ass of the couch to stand up and hug him or greet either one of them. She sat there, wrapped in a blanket, dicking around on her phone. She couldn't even engage him about the field trip, she didn't even know where he'd gone. Barb tells her he went to the aquarium and nothing. No questions about the fish he saw, what was his favorite, did he have a good time, nothing. Poor Jace knows the drill. Jenelle sits on the couch glued to her phone and he gets the video console controller. Uncle Creepy orders pizza, they eat, Jenelle either yells at Kaiser for having the nerve to be a toddler or never looks up from her phone. Jenelle and Uncle Creepy crawl off to the bedroom and Jace plays video games until he falls asleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 23

Do you guys think if Leah had been filmed putting the lil' cowboy boots upright by using her feet, people would be saying, "OMG, she's too lazy to even bend over to straighten those boots"?

Wasn't Javi cool with Jo until Kail expressed her displeasure with that? Not to mention, narcissists like her have a tried and true mating ritual which involves slagging off the ex as abusive, a cheater, a deadbeat dad and so on. She primed Javi to hate Jo, in my opinion.

Did we ever find out what the intrigue was around Jo's lack of a job?

Did Nathan tell Kaiser to say "love you" to David? Weird! Those drop-offs are so chaotic. It's really hard to tell who's saying what.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Those after shows are unnecessary, especially now since two of the moms are no-shows and the host has to scramble to fill up their air time. Leah sits there like a bump on a log, says the absolute minimum and looks like she can't wait to get out of there. Kail, ever the She-Hulk, loves to talk about herself and control the conversation, refusing to discuss any pertinent questions, saying I don't want to talk about it. You're on a talk show, you idiots!

This. These girls's egos have allllll gotten waaay out of control. They don't think they have to show up for important production events, constantly refuse to film or discuss important topics, etc. It's fucking ridiculous. Like, what, do you think we tune in to watch you paint your nails and talk about your favorite color? Nooo, we tune in for the good shit. We wanna know who, what, where, why, when on all the juicy stuff including breakups, divorces, pregnancies, who the father is, etc. And if you're not willing to share that w/the world, then why the hell are you here, on this show? It may not matter now, but if they keep going on like this, the show's ratings are gonna suffer and then theyre gonna be out of a job. 

If you can't take the heat, get the hell outta the kitchen!!! 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:


Best.post..ever! I would marry it if I could. Sounds like you need to join me on my NC vacation. It would be my honor to sit in jail with you!

Shall I pick you up? I am on the west coast. lol

43 minutes ago, mrsh said:

100 percent yes to everything you said. Will you be my new best friend? Lol

I will pick you up for the road trip. :)


I hope Jo talked to Javi and they worked things out so Isaac can still see him. 

I think they did. Someone here posted a photo of the boys with Javi and Jo at a birthday party.


She primed Javi to hate Jo, in my opinion.

No doubt about that. The hag had it in for Jo ever since he chose Vee as his partner. She is now trying to get Jo to hate on Javi.

Whoever upthread mentioned it, you are spot on about Kail and her face. She looked so greasy and dirty.

Someone mentioned on the Kail thread that Javi tweeted he might be the father of the baby. But he deleted it. Going with the information of how Kail was pulling him back and forth, I have wondered if they had sex so that Kail could try and pass off the baby as Javi's.

Switching gears here for a moment. Baby Vivi is so darn cute!! I just want to squeeze her and hug her. I also have to say that no matter if Vee wears make-up or not, wears her hair up or down, no matter if she wears sweat pants, she looks great.

  • Love 12

It's weird. Nathan and David often seem to get long fine. There's no way in HELL my husband's ex would tell their kids to even acknowledge my existence, let alone ask them to say good-bye and I love you. It's very odd how civil they appear to be. Even David's response to Nathan's drunken "I'm moving to England" text in the previews was pretty neutral and he could've been a real dick about it. Sometimes I think if David didn't have such a shady past, maybe it would be good for him to take control of the situation because Jenelle is so volatile. Then he comes out with some shit-stirring nonsense like "NATHAN ISN'T COMING HERE" for no fucking reason other than to be a dick.  

I don't know, all these people make me nuts.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

MTV broke the fourth wall to show off how much these heifers really are the nutcases they deny they are time and time again. They would constantly put the blame on editing and MTV for how they were viewed by the viewers of this show. Now, the fourth wall just shows them in all their glory. It shows how they treat the crew, the removal and damaging of cameras, it showcases them having full-blown temper tantrums. The removal has done nothing but highlight their flagrant and offensive behavior.

This! x100. I thought the same exact thing.

Kail is all drama queen. She likely screamed at Javi, as well as said to her friends in Isaac's presence, how Javi should not be in her house or around there or she will call the police. Isaac picked up on that and learned the new rule. He was fearful. When the cops were called, Kail puts on the act, and it gets Isaac all fired up and scared. He is not used to having police at his home. Isaac saying, "You're not supposed to be here" sounds like him worrying about his dad being taken away.


Now on to Barb and whatshername. Sorry for the long post, but this has built up inside me and I need to purge!

That's it. I am done. Seriously, I am done with any last bit of sympathy I had for Jenelle and the abusive relationship with which she found herself in when she hooked up with UBT. If the day comes that UBT extinguishes Jenelle's life, I am not going to be posting here that I feel bad for having posted anything bad about Jenelle and how I wish it never happened and how sorry I feel for her for putting herself in danger.  I will feel bad for Barb for having lost a child. Jenelle is not a victim like the domestic violence victims I witnessed first hand back in the days. She has made her bed and has put UBT in control. She has willingly given him the power to control everything. She is paying him to be this big, bad ass to her ex, Nipples, and to bully her mother. She had no problem telling UBT to stop talking to her mother and to stop giving her any camera time. That was not the actions of someone who I previously thought was deeply afraid of speaking up to UBT.  Far from it. The true victims are the children and Barb.

Jenelle you are detestable and atrocious. I hope your karma comes soon, whatever it may be. If it means you lose your kids and you lose your money, so be it. I will laugh my ass off and thank buddha. Your kids deserve anyone else as their parent/guardian because so far, you are and never have been a parent. What you are doing to your children constitutes child abuse. It may not fall under the perimeters of child abuse for CPS, but any good therapist and any decent person knows what Jenelle is doing to her kids is downright harmful and indefensible. She constantly exerts emotional, verbal, and mental abuse directly to them or in their presence.

Amber, Jenelle, Cate, Tyler, Kail, and Leah, you all want to claim the title of being the best parent? Guess what fuckheads? You all have failed miserably. Want to know what a parent is? Look at Barb! Look at Chelsea. Barb deserves so much credit, recognition, and a fucking vacation with some friends for all the hard work she puts in on a daily basis being a mother to a little boy who was dumped by his own mother.

A parent is what Barb has been doing for Jace for the past 7 years, plain and simple. She may not be the perfect parent - none of us can claim such a thing - but nonetheless she is a parent to Jace. She has made sacrifices and put up with Jenelle's shit at the same time. She put aside her own social life in order to be there for Jace. It is she who provided a roof for Jace, not Jenelle. She has ensured he is fed. She has ensured he is seen by a professional for his ADHD while she pays his medicine. She works hard for her health insurance that I am sure covers Jace as well. She has put him in social clubs and summer camps. She has taken him to school and picked him up. She has read books to him. She makes sure he has clean clothes. She was the one who tended to him when he was ill. She has been there helping him with his homework. She is the one who is there praising him for a job well done. She was the one by his bed side when he went to sleep at night, likely assuring him she would be there the next morning. She has made money from this show and rather than splurge it on countless vacations and expensive cars, she likely has put it away for Jace's future and herself.

God help Barb live a long life, please. I get scared that one day she will have a heart attack after Jenelle starts in with her.  If Jace were to lose her anytime soon, he would be doomed with Jenelle as his caretaker. When I watched Barb cry yesterday, I cried. I have watched Barb cry many times, but last night's scene was despicable. I cannot and will not fault Barb for getting caught up, again, in an argument with Jenelle. Poor Barb gets so wound up wanting to have a conversation with her daughter, that any thought of common sense goes out the window.  Dealing with Jenelle is like dealing with Satan. Barb could have left without saying a word, but eventually Satan Jenelle would have made sure to make her mother's life hell.

I saw Barb's shirt stained with tear drops that had fallen from her eyes. I so badly wanted to go through my television screen, grab her and hug her tight. I lost my mother many years ago. I miss my mother. I have yearned for her over the years. When I see Jenelle throw her own mother away and call her despicable names, I am livid. I want to beat Jenelle's ass within an inch of her life. I have never beaten up anyone in my life, but if given the chance, Jenelle would be the first one. Kail would be second. 

Jenelle, you are a fucking psychotic bitch. Fuck you. You don't deserve Barb and Jace in your life.

Rant over.


  • Love 5

Mr. Guilfoyle@pp doesn't think Javi is a psycho for going into the house after Kailyn ditched him at Chipotle. I disagree. I do think it was wrong ethically, although not legally, for him to enter a house where his estranged wife is living with children. However, MG said "What if there was something wrong? He'd be the hero." I noticed how Kailyn left out the BS about ditching him at Chipotle in the retelling at Jo's house.

We don't plan to divorce (who does?) but having this knowledge encourages me to aim for an amicable split should it occur. 

It could be that Kailyn set up a scenario that she knew would infuriate Javi, and since he'd already entered the house once before, she was trying to get him to do it again so she could act the victim, call the police and run to Jo for support in distancing Javi from Isaac. I'm not a ruthless bitch, but I am aware of the Sun Tsu assertion "If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him." Javi makes it easy.

Also, Mr. Guilfoyle should be wary of my potential ruthlessness should we split. I'm a big fan of giving people enough rope to hang themselves. 

He also had an interesting theory about why Jo was entertaining Kail's rants. He thinks Jo would be open to banging Kail again. Not as a relationship, but per the man in my house, Kailyn has a new booty, she's no longer his problem, she's into revenge sex, and she's pregnant so she can't get pregnant again. So, per Mr. Guilfoyle, Jo sees Kailyn as available booty and the same thing happened with Jordan. Also, Kailyn has zero morals when it comes to banging anyone, but especially exes.  Her stank is already on him.

Vee may or may not know this, but he thinks she does. 


5 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Sweet! Me, too. I'm in WA. You're in CA, right? We'll head east and pick up anyone who wants to join us along the way. We should probably rent a Suburban.

I'm in Oregon! I'm down. I can drive a stick, too!

  • Love 8

It isn't black and white that if you are on a show that you can't have a say in what is shown or taped or talked about.  It's all about the negotiations and what's in the contract.   They don't have to allow access to any and everything.  

My issue when people like Kail or Jenelle make claims that the won't film this topic or that topic...is that neither have the emotional maturity to follow through.  And let's be real, MTV knows it.  Once either one of them gets triggered or pissed off...all hell breaks loose and they will give MTV exactly what they want.  So MTV will say okay to either or both of them and just wait.  Chelsea on the other hand says she won't talk or film certain things and gosh darn it, she follows through.  

7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Sweet! Me, too. I'm in WA. You're in CA, right? We'll head east and pick up anyone who wants to join us along the way. We should probably rent a Suburban.

Yes! We need to pack light or else we will be like Leah with shit blocking our rearview mirror.


5 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


I'm in Oregon! I'm down. I can drive a stick, too!

Automatic here!

I agree with your post except Jo wanting Kail. I think he has had enough of Mother Russia's stank ass. He knows what he has with Vee and his daughter. He ain't about to give up that for a romp in the sack with Mother Russia and her 236243 diseases.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

That's it. I am done. Seriously, I am done with any last bit of sympathy I had for Jenelle and the abusive relationship with which she found herself in when she hooked up with UBT. If the day comes that UBT extinguishes Jenelle's life, I am not going to be posting here that I feel bad for having posted anything bad about Jenelle and how I wish it never happened and how sorry I feel for her for putting herself in danger.  I will feel bad for Barb for having lost a child. Jenelle is not a victim like the domestic violence victims I witnessed first hand back in the days. She has made her bed and has put UBT in control. She has willingly given him the power to control everything. She is paying him to be this big, bad ass to her ex, Nipples, and to bully her mother. She had no problem telling UBT to stop talking to her mother and to stop giving her any camera time. That was not the actions of someone who I previously thought was deeply afraid of speaking up to UBT.  Far from it. The true victims are the children and Barb.

Yup, I told you guys. Jenelle has a very strong personality, she does NOT suffer in silence or fear. When she wants something or something bothers her, she speaks up. That's one trait (likely the only trait) that she and her mother have in common, they express every single feeling and emotion they have. 

She would drop David like a bad habit if she wanted to or found a guy she wanted more, just like she did w/Gary, Kieffer and Courtland. She's way too impulsive and restless to tolerate anything or anyone she does not like for long. That's not who Jenelle is. She's with David because she wants to be with him. She pays for everything and goes on all those trips w/him because she wants to. She had a baby with David because she wanted to. She's buying a house w/David because she wants to. And she lets him handle her dealings w/Nathan because she wants him to feel comfortable about the situation. 

I'm also thinking her obsession w/getting custody of Jace has to do with the fact that, currently, the child support she's ordered to pay Babs comes out of her Teen Mom 2 paycheck (though we don't know how much, I think the law is usually that it's gotta be a certain % of overall paycheck, which, in her case, is probably a lot). I think it pisses her off to see her mom receive a portion of her paycheck for child support AND receive a paycheck from MTV for being on the show, which is why I think she's refusing to film w/her mom/doesn't want her to have camera time. She's trying to ice her out of the show. 

20 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

She does. And they have it set up so that it automatically comes out of her Teen Mom 2 paycheck. 

An article was written a few years ago. If you google it, I'm sure you'd find it. Jenelle was paying a measly $130 a month in support. Barbara agreed to let her off the hook and not get any child support for Jace from her.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

OH! MY GOD! @guilfoyleatpp, are THOSE1 The WORDS! The I WROTE! Is THAT! EXACTLY! what I ORDERED? NO!!! I SAID! light OIL! on the six GARLIC KNOTS! DUDE! why do you ALWAYS DO THIS! Light OIL! on a PIZZA! fuckin RIDICULOUS! yeah, because that's EXACTLY what I said! FUCK DUDE! 


Ha! I'm reading that less like Jenelle, and more like Mr. DeMartino. Either way it works, though.

She is so toxic. Jace did a great job at jujitsu, but Jenelle trying to all of the sudden be the Jujitsu Mom earned a hard eyeroll from me. Patently ridiculous. Jace's little gasp when he heard it was Meme calling spoke absolute volumes, and the look he gave off camera, whoever he was sharing a smile with, was even more poignant in context of the episode.  

Addie's "I gotta pee" reply to Leah's beautification speech was pretty perfect, and she's not my favorite A by a long shot. That's Ali. Ali, love, keep telling your mom what's up. Leah needs to learn some play skills while she's at it. Some of that playdough pie was definitely for Ali. 

Vee's logic & Vivi's attending to the camera were equally fab. I was glad to see the boys with their dads by the end of the episode. 

Aubree doesn't look like a little girl anymore:( Chelsea's self-conscious camo joke was silly, and their fake baby hijinks were good times.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, CerealKiller813 said:

I want everyone to rewatch Janelle's portions of the episode and watch Jace and his non-verbal behavior. Look at how he brightens up when Janelle says Barb was calling. Look at how he shut down once Janelle starting cursing and yelling at Barb. Watch his affections towards Barb (without being coerced to). Look at his FULL smile when around Barb. My big thing with Janelle is I don't think she can take care of the kids by herself. She will always depend on a man, grandma, friends etc and that can't be your mindset as a parent. You can lose all that tomorrow. What would you do then?? Until recently, Kaiser was constantly in his crib and stuck with a bottle/pacifier in his mouth. What's to happen when David is the next ex and you have the new one crying, Kaiser hungry rolling on the floor and Jace needing help with his hw? What stops you from taking out your anger on the kids? Just stop. Leave Jace alone. Stop the facade. We have about 6 or so more months until David is out and somehow the custody "battle" would be dropped again.  

I had this on while my 12 year old son was in the room with me. He asked me why that kid looked so sad. :-(  I told him because his "mother" is a terrible person. 

I totally agree with you on Vee. She is seeing Jo totally cave to Kail's bullying. I thought Jo was smarter than that but apparently not. She's sending Jo out to do her dirty work by threatening to cut off Javi's access to Isaac. She is so manipulative and Vee sees right through it.  God bless that girl. Kail would love to cause problems, too, between Vee and Jo. 

Chelsea must be desperate for a storyline with that damn doll. Seriously who would choose to ruin a night's sleep doing that crap?

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Barb needed to close up this adoption years ago. You'd think she would have been able to do it when jenelle was doing heroin. But Barb has always weakened in the hopes of giving Jace back. I would totally block it and make her prove something that she cannot. I think Barb enjoys the weekends off at Jace's expense. 

It is not an adoption. It is a guardianship.

I think Barb is scared shitless when she drops off Jace at Jenelle's. I know I am and I am not even a part of their existence. I worry more knowing cameras are not around.

Barb can be blamed for some things, but she is certainly not in the same category as her daughter, Kail, Amber or Leah who would dump their children off for weeks at a time just so they can be rid of them as they go on their merry way with guys and vacations. When has Barb had a vacation without Jace? When has Barb dumped Jace off with Jenelle with no cares in the world only to return a week later? Barb is the one who actually has a job and there is certainly nothing wrong with a decent parent to have time to themselves without the guilt of feeling they are not within their right to do so.

  • Love 19
41 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

An article was written a few years ago. If you google it, I'm sure you'd find it. Jenelle was paying a measly $130 a month in support. Barbara agreed to let her off the hook and not get any child support for Jace from her.

For real? Several people posted here that the child support comes out of Jenelle's paycheck. And on last week's episode, Jenelle stated that she thinks that's the reason Babs doesn't wanna give up Jace. 

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