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S04.E07: A Honeymoon and a Courtship

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Jinger and Jeremy's honeymoon in Australia finally gives them some time alone after the excitement of their courtship, family obligations and wedding preparations. Meanwhile, back in Arkansas, another Duggar appears ready to court.

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Oooh, we finally get to the see courtship of Vanilla Pudding and Soggy Oatmeal. 

Australia has always been a bucket list trip of mine, so I'm really hoping we don't get the usual Duggar Ugly American shtick this time around. If so, I hope a kangaroo punches them in the face. 

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"I think Joy is going to be very surprised because she is not expecting a courtship to take place at this point, but Austin I think is ready, and I think Joy is really ready. They are both very mature, and I think they make a good match."       -Jim Bob Duggar

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52 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

"I think Joy is going to be very surprised because she is not expecting a courtship to take place at this point, but Austin I think is ready, and I think Joy is really ready. They are both very mature, and I think they make a good match."       -Jim Bob Duggar

That is so damn wrong. She's not expecting a courtship, but she's going to get one. Surprise, you're courting now, whether you want it or not.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

"I think Joy is going to be very surprised because she is not expecting a courtship to take place at this point, but Austin I think is ready, and I think Joy is really ready. They are both very mature, and I think they make a good match."       -Jim Bob Duggar

And he thinks this is okay to say pubicly? Imagine what they keep private. Horrible. I can't believe he wouldn't consult her first.

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19 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

And he thinks this is okay to say pubicly? Imagine what they keep private. Horrible. I can't believe he wouldn't consult her first.

Doesn't surprise me one little bit. That's the nature of this family. I swear the only reason they've gotten to remain on tv for so long is that they're so so so so so sick that 99+ percent of the population absolutely can't even fathom how sick they are so they don't notice the level of sickness. And therefore can normalize them in their heads. 


Think of it. Jim Bob Duggar's audience has been essentially helping him get paid -- for years and years now -- to behave this way toward his children. And making it way way harder for the children to walk away from it. .... If JB couldn't afford stuff, more of them would walk. I guarantee it. 

It's like paying a serial killer to continue his pursuits. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Boob's statement pretty much confirms my suspicions that this pairing is TOTALLY arranged. I'm sure Pa Forsyth steered Austin in Joy's direction as much as Boob and Mechelle directed Joy to be receptive towards Austin. 

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Cavet: I don't watch this show. I only caught Jinger's wedding because I was curious in the same way that people slow down to see a car accident.

That said, Jeremy has the potential to be the most normal of the Duggar girls husbands ... except I can't get past the whole wide-eyed, faux innocent thing that he's got going on in his talking heads. He reminds me a bit of Michelle in the way that he speaks. Everything is amazing and awesome and there's a lilt to his diction that normal people don't have.

I don't understand. Jeremy has the most "normal" life of them all - he went to college, played pro(-ish?) soccer, has non-fundie friends, has had girlfriends before, even ... omg, slept with girls before (/sarcasm). He's tall, dark, and handsome. He shouldn't be giving me vague Michelle vibes.

Maybe he's just uncomfortable with being on a reality show?

Edited by McManda
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Bin "Does anybody here believe that?!" Seewald has a semi-working knowledge of what a joey is, but the two Teen Duggar boys drew a complete blank.  It's pretty bad when Bin knows something that others don't.  How the hell does someone over the age of 10 not know that a joey is a baby kangaroo?  I guess the SOTDRT didn't cover that during the one week they weren't discussing religion. 

Edited by SuzyLee
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My god they are even more insipid than I figured and that's saying something. Pfft vanilla custard- it's just unflavored gelatin and plain oatmeal. I want to see them learn something or see how hard it is for them to actually learn something because their skulls are thick as hell and there isn't much brain in there from what I can tell.

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Hey Jeremy. Say "down under" one more time. Heh.

I love that Jeremy's acting like it's some sort of requirement that you speak in an Australian accent while in Australia. Because wherever you go, the locals really love that.

Edited by Portia
poor vocabulary choice
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At least Babe and Cringe actually seem to like and love each other unlike the other wooden Duggar relatives. I'd rather see them sneaking hugs and kisses than dry humping at mini-golf.

Joy and Austin- not much hope there I think.

Edited by Chicklet
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21 minutes ago, Brown eyed girl said:

Is it just me or did I see a hickey on Jinger's neck ? When she has her hair pulled back you can see it. 

mjstrick beat me to it. 

Nah, we jinxed!   I was cracking up when I saw it.  Oh the horror!

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Didgeridoo sounds like a fart! His attempting was incredible...WTF

What were the siblings doing putting vacuum cleaner hoses in their mouths? I don't see how that would have been allowed!.

We know Jinger had no idea who Paul Hogan is.

Jinge does not look dressed for Oz...it's summer in November, now winter. 30 in Oz is NOT 30 Fahrenheit, Jing.

So Austin goes and works out on the Dugg farm? Free labor to prove himself worthy of Joy?

They are eating shellfish? I know pork is verboten in Duggarland..but shellfish.  Jeremy loves sushi...chops to Jing for trying it.

The weirdest thing I've ate? It's I've eaten!

Jinger and her helium voice...

Jinger, take a lesson from Beck, confine your long hair!

Jinger's skin is broken out badly. 

Cant blame Bec for asking them to knock it off, for the sake of safety. 

She couldn't fake her happiness when Austin asked her to court. For all the money Boob spent on braces, why does Joy have an underbite? Not shaming her, but it's not fair if she needed then but didn't get them. Maybe she opted out

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I laughed when Jinger said, annoyed, "It's not like we're newly married or anything," in response to Beck's admonishments. That's the first time I've seen her be a little feisty & show sarcasm.

OK, she was petrified in the car.  I thought religious people who accept Jesus as their lord & savior aren't afraid of anything.  I'm serious.  I thought their manner of thinking was that Jesus will protect you and take care of everything so no need to be afraid.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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Babe and Jinge were like a breath of fresh air between the 'back to Arkansas" scenes.  Did he say his digeridoo playing sounded like a fart?  And did your family have a digeridoo in the house (because it is believed to make you become pregnant).  And the smooching and sleevelessness.  Does Jinge know that sushi is a no-no for preggos?  I enjoyed it. 

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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

"I think Joy is going to be very surprised because she is not expecting a courtship to take place at this point, but Austin I think is ready, and I think Joy is really ready. They are both very mature, and I think they make a good match."       -Jim Bob Duggar

FU Jim Boob. I'm furious?

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How old is Austin? Joy's age? Bc John David said he was closest with Austin - so is he older?

On the car ride to/from the camp and courtship proposal -- the vibe I was getting the whole time was -- Austin needs a wife and is good friends with the Duggar bros, so why not just pick the sister most like her brothers. Similarly I felt like Joy still feels like a tomboy who'd like to hang with her brothers, so of course she's interested in a guy who is most like her bros.

That was the most awkward courtship proposal yet - right up there with Bin and the coffee cup in the office. I mean there was ZERO emotion on either side. He didn't even move in to sit close or put his arm around her or anything; and of course now we know he's also not purposing to hold hands and is full fundie bc he ASKS to give his fiancé side hugs that are pretty much bro hugs. Good luck Joy and Austin -- I don't see that much fun in their future. Contrast it to Jinger and Jer's honeymoon -- they actually had some enjoyment on their faces, esp Jer -- which is to be expected bc he isn't a Duggar so he has some personality. And what's with JB's looks of panic/fear when these guys ask to court (and Austin next season asking to get engaged). He gives the -- oh no -- I'm so torn, whatever will I do look; he even said, let us think about it. Asked ONE question about why he likes Joy (she fits the bill and can run a household and manage kids - essentially - very romantic) and then JB goes - okay, you're good to go . . . . Uh thorough interrogation there Pops.

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Not to get all clinical on all ya'll (its the oxycodone) but given how physically starved for affection these kids have been all their lives its kind of a miracle that Cringe hasn't run the other way from Babe or turned out like Jill and Jessa or deviantly like Josh. She seems, dare I say it, almost like a normal newlywed.

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Joy said Austin vowed not to hold hands in courtship... just as Josh and Anna, and Jill and Derick didn't. Remember the scandalous evening when Jill and Derick( or was it Jessa and Ben? )  were next to each other in a prayer circle and Michelle intervened? 

I am surprised that Joy was allowed to sit in the middle of the truck. Michelle refused to let Jessa sit next to Ben in Bens truck. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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10 minutes ago, Brown eyed girl said:

Don't you know that holding hands leads to other things, according to Joy. Can't have that. 

According to Joyless they are taking the high road and pleasing the "Lort". FU to Jinj and Babe? These people drive me insane

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Really liked Cringe and Babe without the chaperones and stupid rules, so glimmers of hope? I thought the chef was teasing them and just jokingly admonishing them for their pda.

C'mon! Sinner twin isn't one of them. He is obviously stolen. Run sinner twin, run!

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1 hour ago, SuzyLee said:

So, Austin "admires" Joy's diligence and ability to work hard?  Is she a mule or plow horse?  

She'll have a lot to do around the old camp, no doubt. Must be nice to be looked at as a utility to keep the business running. 

See, Joy, this is what comes of having that father that you're always praising to high heaven as doing more to prepare his children for life than any other father on the planet. Apparently he's prepared you for indentured servitude with a side of sex-for-hire and human puppy mill. 

Wonder if she'll ever get to the point in life where she's disillusioned with her evil old man? .... Sort of hope she doesn't, actually, I suppose. Poor little idiot. 

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So Austin has some marketable abilities? He's a mechanic, construction guy/house flipper, runs a bulldozer businesses, and has a pilot's license? Wow. Fundie overachiever. No wonder he gets along with JD. So his dad has said he should (or must?) flip 5 houses before getting married? I assume it's so he gets a business going/saves some money before taking a wife. Not a horrible plan - as much as I hate these people. Apparently 4 flips already done -- fingers crossed they were real sales to someone that isn't JB.

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