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S07.E10: Hostile Hacienda

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14 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Rinna's blog: "Those six words, “They’re this close to Kim dying,” have now been twisted into a dirty piece of gossip that implies that I think Kim is on the brink of death when what I was talking about was what Kyle shared with us all in the Hamptons last year."

Well, they're = they are, NOT they were. It's a completely different context from 'in the past Kim was close to dying' to what she said which conveyed she is currently close to death.

I haven't loved nor hated Rinna but I'm now sick to death of her saying whatever the person she is with wants to hear. Anything to fit in and be liked never mind about being truthful. Or.... theory two is her brain is too drug addled to remember things clearly. Maybe it's theory two? I mean, she spoke with Kyle in her store and said, straight faced, she had no idea what Eden knew about Kim. 

Quoting myself here to clarify something:

Re my phrase if Rinna is "too drug addled".  I don't think Rinna is using anything illicit but I wouldn't be surprised to hear she abuses some prescribed meds (for weight control I would suspect). Toting a big baggie of supplements would be an easy cover for popping other pills all day without suspicion. Just me speculating...

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1 hour ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

No. You're not missing anything!

They're (they are) and is... yes, they are the same. Rinna is trying to get us to believe that when she said "they're this close to death" she meant they were close to death, back when Kyle talked about it way back when. If I was Rinna I would be saying whoops, I meant to say they 'were' close to death. But she ain't the smartest sandwich in the picnic basket.

Thank you for the Rinna clarification, Crinklecutcat. lemme slip on my Rinna-vision specs here so I can understand what she's getting at. Seems she may be another from the "alternative set of facts" school, attempting to have us believe that "they're" is a contraction of "they were".  But even with the Rinna vision perspective goggles, and assuming (ahem) that she meant to say "they were..." in my view, it's still a very long way from "Kyle's worry about getting a phone call re: Kim" to "Kim is/was near death". Kyle expressed her fear that she might get that call (for any number or reasons -- driving drunk accident/trip and fall/OD-- she didn't say "Kim is near death".  One is a statement of general anxiety, the other is a statement of fact. I don't see Rinna being able to explain this one away, or own it away, or whatever she does. But I'll tune in to watch her try! (It might be Rinna who ends up hated this year, not Eden).

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I loved when Eden was saying to Lisa V., "Thank you for having me over before you leave!" and Lisa V looked at her with a shocked/serious face and said, "Well, you asked me if you could come over." HAHA busted! It was clear she was the last person she wanted to see. Eden made it worth her while by spilling the beans about what Rinna said. Love that. Eden is not the dummy I thought she was.

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Thank you for the Rinna clarification, Crinklecutcat. lemme slip on my Rinna-vision specs here so I can understand what she's getting at. Seems she may be another from the "alternative set of facts" school, attempting to have us believe that "they're" is a contraction of "they were".  But even with the Rinna vision perspective goggles, and assuming (ahem) that she meant to say "they were..." in my view, it's still a very long way from "Kyle's worry about getting a phone call re: Kim" to "Kim is/was near death". Kyle expressed her fear that she might get that call (for any number or reasons -- driving drunk accident/trip and fall/OD-- she didn't say "Kim is near death".  One is a statement of general anxiety, the other is a statement of fact. I don't see Rinna being able to explain this one away, or own it away, or whatever she does. But I'll tune in to watch her try! (It might be Rinna who ends up hated this year, not Eden).

Maybe she'll go with her other old stand by "That was then and this is now and I've already moved on."  Because if she's moved on from the shitty things she's done everyone else should have too.

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4 hours ago, zulualpha said:

I think he was also in a suitcase on the driveway at one point as well.  Maybe the kid just likes enclosed spaces.

I think Erika's crying in the previews has something to do with her son who's an LA police officer.  Maybe she's worried about him, I sure as hell would be.   I'd love it if she was crying about her devastating disappointment in the bedroom with Tom or something juicy like that but I doubt it.    She probably wouldn't embarrass Tom on tv.

Rinna read the room instantly when she arrived in Mexico.  Hahaha.  Kyle's going to rip her a new one and LVP is going to love it.  Should be good.

I'm SURE her fat husband has a limp d**k

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How delusional is Lisa Rinna thinking that because she's "close friends" with Cindy Crawford, she's picked up any of her good qualities?  

And that walk-off with her daughter in the hallway was so embarrassing!  Where's Hansel to show them how it's done?  https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/shnXJ_RofPETnxB-AjsVbWfsTv4/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/09/16/656/n/1922564/874884c50e968196_tumblr_mkhyuxHanX1qddi5do2_250.gif

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OMG LR just stop now!   Her over enthusiastic need to please everyone, agree with everyone, is exhausting.   She talked to Eden openly,directly and very clearly about her feelings on Kim's sobriety.  There was no hesitation.  So now she feels she was misunderstood and betrayed.  Are you kidding me?  It really wasn't what she said, it was her intention.  She wanted to "relate" to Eden - a kindred spirit - like she does with everyone.  She said it thinking she was going to come off as sympathetic and could relate to what Eden had gone through - all the while doing her usual Kim is an addict, I'm the only one who will say it outloud, and Kyle is an enabler because she doesn't agree with me and cut Kim off completely (meaning why does Kyle invite her sister to things I'm invited to).     I know that spin classes are big now, but I think people would lose much more weight, and be in better shape if they took up the Lisa Rinna Back Peddling Class.     If I were LVP and Eden spilled the beans on why she got into Kim's business, I'd be doing cartwheels with the ponies. 

How many B list celebrity kids are now "walking" in fashion week.  Cripes  it seems they all are.   If I were Rinna, I'd be checking out Jr. Colleges for Delilah because she's going to need some type of job skills.  I mean Cindy Crawfords kids, Jude Law's, Madonna's, Will Smith's, the Beckhams', etc.  All way more famous than Lisa Rinna.  

Erika's voice is starting to grate on me.  I think more than any of the other women, she's the most judgemental - in her "non-judgemental" way.    She has fun with Kyle, as long as Kyle is having fun Erika's way.  She always seems like she'd rather be hanging out with her gang of paid sychophants but  puts up with the other women, all the while making mental notes of things she can make fun of to dish with Mikey.   The few times we've seen her with Tom, she manages to tone down her voice, her behavior, and her cutting remarks.   She always says Erika Jayne is a stage persona alter ego, but I think Erica Girardi is the real act.   

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So who braided Erika's hair in Mexico?

I really like Kyle. She's not the most interesting or intelligent person in the world, but she seems truly kind. She loves her family very much. And I read more about Big Kathy and their life; it is a miracle that Kyle ended up so well-adjusted. But can someone remind me: wasn't it LVP who sneaked the tabloids about Mauricio cheating into a suitcase that they were taking on a trip with Kyle? So she is not always protective of Kyle, right? And were there rumors that Mauricio was cheating with transvestites or something? Am I getting any of the correct?

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5 hours ago, princelina said:

I forgot about this - every season one of these women pisses me off by being a crybaby about the room she's been given (in a beautiful, luxurious house on a free vacation!) Dorit wasn't as bitchy as, say, LVP or Yolanda, but on the other hand - I really didn't need to hear (more than once!) about all the sex she and PK were hoping to have on the trip!  If she mentions it again I bet Mauricio will give them separate rooms next time :) 

So I just quoted myself to show that Ronnie K. from the Trash Talk Tv recaps agrees with me :)

I don't know how to post a link but here's what he said:

They get to the house and Mauri shows everyone around and assigns them rooms. Dorit and PK are assholes, so they have to take the room with two double beds. Dorit laughs “Mauriciah! We DEW wanna have sayx!” Mauricio stops, barfs on the tile floor, and runs away.


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10 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So who braided Erika's hair in Mexico?

I really like Kyle. She's not the most interesting or intelligent person in the world, but she seems truly kind. She loves her family very much. And I read more about Big Kathy and their life; it is a miracle that Kyle ended up so well-adjusted. But can someone remind me: wasn't it LVP who sneaked the tabloids about Mauricio cheating into a suitcase that they were taking on a trip with Kyle? So she is not always protective of Kyle, right? And were there rumors that Mauricio was cheating with transvestites or something? Am I getting any of the correct?

Brandi made that claim that Lisa told her to bring the tabloids with her but both Yolanda and Carlton were also at Brandi's house when this supposedly happened and both claim they never heard Lisa say or suggest this. I am not inclined to take Brandi's word on this especially since it was Brandi, herself, that brought up the tabloid rumors of Mauricio cheating at Carlton's lunch. Yes, they, Lisa/Kyle, have had their ups and downs but Lisa did not betray Kyle IMO.

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5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Is this the home in Mexico?  $8,000 a day.  Not bad considering you get a chef and dedicated wait staff.  It says the house sleeps 16.    http://www.theagencyre.com/vacation-rentals/cuixa-del-mar-punta-mita-mexico/

My family rented a Villa for $5k  a day it slept 24 and 20 of us went. It included cook meals and liquor for the week. Jet skis and other recreation items. a very good time a housekeeper as well,

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Brandi made that claim that Lisa told her to bring the tabloids with her but both Yolanda and Carlton were also at Brandi's house when this supposedly happened and both claim they never heard Lisa say or suggest this. I am not inclined to take Brandi's word on this especially since it was Brandi, herself, that brought up the tabloid rumors of Mauricio cheating at Carlton's lunch. Yes, they, Lisa/Kyle, have had their ups and downs but Lisa did not betray Kyle IMO.

Lisa just brought it up in Kyle's home in front of Portia :). This is one time I actually do believe Brandi.  Carlton had an irrational beef with Kyle and Yolanda's a huge liar too.  But I'm glad Kyle and LVP have made up.

Edited by princelina
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2 hours ago, princelina said:

Lisa just brought it up in Kyle's home in front of Portia :). This is one time I actually do believe Brandi.  Carlton had an irrational beef with Kyle and Yolanda's a huge liar too.  But I'm glad Kyle and LVP have made up.

At the time Brandi leveled her allegations, she and Carlton were so close that they were literally locking lips - and Carlton was waxing in talking heads after the fact about how sexually besotting the Glanville charms are in person. She donated a five figure sum to Brandi on The Celebrity Apprentice in the months thereafter. Nary a public disagreement between the two. And she still wouldn't cosign Brandi's insistence or the narrative that Lisa had callously "dropped" her, Carlton, after filming ended. 

Yo was already salivating in PR at the chance to upbraid Lisa for, well, not obsequiously submitting to a round table about why she was an awful person. This is a woman who continued to maintain that Ken had struck her when the tape showed her making contact against him. And even she wouldn't support the premise that Lisa made Brandi pack the tabloids. 

Lisa can be an outright asshole at times - I never saw her the same way after the Joyce pile on - but when a woman who's either clinically dissociative and/or a brazen liar like Yo won't even vouch for an account of events despite overt motivation to do so, that undermines the credibility of that account rather than the other way around imo

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8 hours ago, princelina said:

Lisa just brought it up in Kyle's home in front of Portia :). This is one time I actually do believe Brandi.  Carlton had an irrational beef with Kyle and Yolanda's a huge liar too.  But I'm glad Kyle and LVP have made up.

No, not quite, Lisa did not bring up the tabloids then either, Kyle did. The problem was that Kyle was referring to a lesser tabloid rumor, that she was pregnant, but Lisa thought she was talking about the big one, the cheating rumor.

As for Carlton not backing up Brandi's claim because of Kyle, that doesn't make sense. Carlton was "close" to Brandi, not Lisa or Kyle, so she would have backed up Brandi not Lisa if it were true and she would have jumped at the chance to stick it to Kyle. Yes, Yolanda is a liar but again, she would have jumped at the chance to stick it to Lisa, who she has never liked, given the chance had Brandi's claim been true but she denied any knowledge about it, as did Carlton, even though they were both present when this supposedly happened. LOL

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In next week's episode, after LR's arrival, the women go shopping in the local town and pick up some Mexican wrestler masks.

kyle and lr put on a Cage Match, to the death, for the group's entertainment the next evening.

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Looks like the crap is about to hit the fan for Lisa Rhinna. I swear this woman just can't keep her nose and BIG LIPS out of Kyle's and Kim's business ! What the Hell are these people thinking, you stood there and said all of this mess about Kim and Kyle to Eden on CAMERA knowing this is going to be filmed and appear on the show, and now next week you are pretending that you don't remember that conversation ? Your tears next week are ridiculous, because you need to shut your mouth Lisa . It does not matter that Eden told Lisa V about the conversation, you are on camera, you IDIOT !!!!!!!!

Edited by byrd
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On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:08 PM, chick binewski said:

It is part of my journey to think Rinna is completely off her rocker.

Yes, the woman is NUTS ! LAY OFF THE DRUGS !


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Rinna is doing damage control in her blog but it doesn't add up. You can't claim responsibility for your behaviour but every word before and after that is you blaming someone else for saying and doing what you've done. That's the exact opposite of accountability. Turns out she didn't really learn anything from the whole hoopla with Kyle and LVP last year.

-Saying someone is mostly sober is saying that they aren't sober. You're either sober or you're not. There isn't an in between. Semantics won't save you.

-After the limo incident, Rinna inserted herself into Kim's business full force and has initiated confrontation in Kyle's presence. Labelling Kyle an enabler because she doesn't speak up for YOU against her sister is not an example of her enabling. Kyle has been honest about her fears about Kim and about the delicate nature of their relationship. Rinna indirectly places the blame of her actions on other people - playing her own game, it's really Rinna's fault that Kyle is an 'enabler' because she constantly puts Kyle in the position where she has to 'enable' Kim by her refusal to get involved in their stupid arguments. And Rinna can't hide behind this notion that sharing her 'Kyle is an enabler' opinion isn't new. She made peace with Kyle and apologized for her behaviour and then she shares her opinion with a complete stranger who took her opinion as fact (because she presented it in that way). I think her mouth works overtime because her brain likes to take really long vacations...often.

-Rinna "They're" means "They are"...ARE is present tense. Eden didn't get your words wrong. Your words implied that Kim's addiction is so severe that she is currently close to death.

-No, you aren't responsible for how Eden handled the situation, but you wanted Eden to get involved and when you say how poorly Eden handled it, you left her for her dead and only told her to stop meddling after the awkwardness at your BBQ.

-Rinna also tries to play the betrayed victim card. Rinna knows damn well that Eden didn't misrepresent her words..she's just doing damage control and trying to distract from her stupid big mouth by highlighting the fact that Eden betrayed her trust. For one, unless you explicitly asked Eden not to repeat the information, then it wasn't a betrayal of trust. And more importantly, you shared the information with Eden with the suggestion that she could help. Eden can't get involved if she's not utilizing the information shared to her as a means to insert herself into the situation to 'help'. You can't provide information to someone in that context and think there's any confidence in that conversation. If you're so concerned with that information getting out, at the very least don't talk about in front of cameras...idiot.

Edit: This whole situation and her subsequent blog is proof of her hypocrisy. Rinna is on the other side of the fence from her situation last year with Kyle and LVP. Let's see if she realizes this at any point...and let's see if the truth warrior Eileen ever calls her out for this.

Edited by RHJunkie
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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Rinna is doing damage control in her blog but it doesn't add up. You can't claim responsibility for your behaviour but every word before and after that is you blaming someone else for saying and doing what you've done. That's the exact opposite of accountability. Turns out she didn't really learn anything from the whole hoopla with Kyle and LVP last year.

-Saying someone is mostly sober is saying that they aren't sober. You're either sober or you're not. There isn't an in between. Semantics won't save you.

-After the limo incident, Rinna inserted herself into Kim's business full force and has initiated confrontation in Kyle's presence. Labelling Kyle an enabler because she doesn't speak up for YOU against her sister is not an example of her enabling. Kyle has been honest about her fears about Kim and about the delicate nature of their relationship. Rinna indirectly places the blame of her actions on other people - playing her own game, it's really Rinna's fault that Kyle is an 'enabler' because she constantly puts Kyle in the position where she has to 'enable' Kim by her refusal to get involved in their stupid arguments. And Rinna can't hide behind this notion that sharing her 'Kyle is an enabler' opinion isn't new. She made peace with Kyle and apologized for her behaviour and then she shares her opinion with a complete stranger who took her opinion as fact (because she presented it in that way). I think her mouth works overtime because her brain likes to take really long vacations...often.

-Rinna "They're" means "They are"...ARE is present tense. Eden didn't get your words wrong. Your words implied that Kim's addiction is so severe that she is currently close to death.

-No, you aren't responsible for how Eden handled the situation, but you wanted Eden to get involved and when you say how poorly Eden handled it, you left her for her dead and only told her to stop meddling after the awkwardness at your BBQ.

-Rinna also tries to play the betrayed victim card. Rinna knows damn well that Eden didn't misrepresent her words..she's just doing damage control and trying to distract from her stupid big mouth by highlighting the fact that Eden betrayed her trust. For one, unless you explicitly asked Eden not to repeat the information, then it wasn't a betrayal of trust. And more importantly, you shared the information with Eden with the suggestion that she could help. Eden can't get involved if she's not utilizing the information shared to her as a means to insert herself into the situation to 'help'. You can't provide information to someone in that context and think there's any confidence in that conversation. If you're so concerned with that information getting out, at the very least don't talk about in front of cameras...idiot.

That's it in a Nutshell !

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9 minutes ago, dmeets said:

Yeah how inconsiderate of Eileen, wasting her therapist's time learning to cope with grief over the deaths of her mother, father in law, and two siblings within a 2 year period while trying not to negatively impact her teenage son.

I comend her for therapy, I  need some after my fathers death. I dont respect it been recorded for tv. Cheapens it and makes me think less of her.

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14 hours ago, stcroix said:

My guess is that Rinna has something on Tommy Hilfiger.....  I certainly wouldn't put it past her.

HEY!  That's Tommy Heffelferger to you!!!

17 minutes ago, dmeets said:

Yeah how inconsiderate of Eileen, wasting her therapist's time learning to cope with grief over the deaths of her mother, father in law, and two siblings within a 2 year period while trying not to negatively impact her teenage son.

I would be more apt to commend Eileen if she wasn't attending therapy on camera.  I agree she has many reasons to grieve, but when people do therapy on camera, I begin to question their judgment and motives and those of their therapist. 

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LisaR lies alot or tells the truth then backtracks. 

Why would anyone say she used a strap on with their husband, if you haven't.  Now its Kim is near death, how doe her brain work. Then she laughs and claps her hands like a monkey saying oh no what did my mouth do. Also she called instagrammers fat slob who couldnt see their own V's.  Trash

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I would be more apt to commend Eileen if she wasn't attending therapy on camera.  I agree she has many reasons to grieve, but when people do therapy on camera, I begin to question their judgment and motives and those of their therapist. 

In her case, it's no big deal, IMO. Clearly they're not showing us Eileen's actual session. It's all of two minutes, if that, with nothing deeply personal or serious being discussed or delved into. If she's OK with that, I feel no reason not to be.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On 2/7/2017 at 7:36 PM, LizDC said:

Lisa Rinna's blog...


So, pretty much everyone is responsible for what's happened. 

Wow, this idiot is delusional and is doing the polar opposite of owning anything.  She forgets that we've seen footage of her saying what she said, and to say that Eden only shared the "salacious" part of her words is a ridiculous comment and an admission of guilt all wrapped into a nice little package.  There wouldn't have been anything to repeat, if she'd kept her blown up lips shut.  Also, EARTH TO LISA: EDEN IS NOT SOBER!!  

I've always been convinced that Rinna is as dumb as a rock and an attention-seeking flake, but now I'm of the belief that she is under the influence of lots of stuff - probably an Adderall/Xanax combo for starters, 24/7.  I don't think she's in her right mind most of the time, and her judgment sucks.  Lisa, you might want to take a little bit of that inhibition and discernment back.  (Maybe consider getting sober?)

Also interesting is that she blames Kim for just about everything else, and that an example she gives of Kyle "enabling" Kim was that she didn't defend Rinna at that dinner a couple of episodes back.  Hey, Rinna!  You keep using the word "enabler" - I do not think it means what you think it means... also in question is your definition of the expression "near death". 

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Rinna is doing damage control in her blog but it doesn't add up. You can't claim responsibility for your behaviour but every word before and after that is you blaming someone else for saying and doing what you've done. That's the exact opposite of accountability. Turns out she didn't really learn anything from the whole hoopla with Kyle and LVP last year.

-Saying someone is mostly sober is saying that they aren't sober. You're either sober or you're not. There isn't an in between. Semantics won't save you.

-After the limo incident, Rinna inserted herself into Kim's business full force and has initiated confrontation in Kyle's presence. Labelling Kyle an enabler because she doesn't speak up for YOU against her sister is not an example of her enabling. Kyle has been honest about her fears about Kim and about the delicate nature of their relationship. Rinna indirectly places the blame of her actions on other people - playing her own game, it's really Rinna's fault that Kyle is an 'enabler' because she constantly puts Kyle in the position where she has to 'enable' Kim by her refusal to get involved in their stupid arguments. And Rinna can't hide behind this notion that sharing her 'Kyle is an enabler' opinion isn't new. She made peace with Kyle and apologized for her behaviour and then she shares her opinion with a complete stranger who took her opinion as fact (because she presented it in that way). I think her mouth works overtime because her brain likes to take really long vacations...often.

-Rinna "They're" means "They are"...ARE is present tense. Eden didn't get your words wrong. Your words implied that Kim's addiction is so severe that she is currently close to death.

-No, you aren't responsible for how Eden handled the situation, but you wanted Eden to get involved and when you say how poorly Eden handled it, you left her for her dead and only told her to stop meddling after the awkwardness at your BBQ.

-Rinna also tries to play the betrayed victim card. Rinna knows damn well that Eden didn't misrepresent her words..she's just doing damage control and trying to distract from her stupid big mouth by highlighting the fact that Eden betrayed her trust. For one, unless you explicitly asked Eden not to repeat the information, then it wasn't a betrayal of trust. And more importantly, you shared the information with Eden with the suggestion that she could help. Eden can't get involved if she's not utilizing the information shared to her as a means to insert herself into the situation to 'help'. You can't provide information to someone in that context and think there's any confidence in that conversation. If you're so concerned with that information getting out, at the very least don't talk about in front of cameras...idiot.

Edit: This whole situation and her subsequent blog is proof of her hypocrisy. Rinna is on the other side of the fence from her situation last year with Kyle and LVP. Let's see if she realizes this at any point...and let's see if the truth warrior Eileen ever calls her out for this.

My issue with Rinna is her self-description as both a people pleaser and her definition of hustler.  They are kind of on opposite ends of the spectrum.  A people pleaser is someone who is subservient or obsequious and regularly bends to people they work for.  Asskisser might also describe the person.  Rinna is as Kim says, "a fake and a phony."  She tells people what they want to hear in the moment and then backpedals like crazy and starts tossing the blame around.  A good example was when they were at dinner before the Yulin March, Eileen begged off, Erika feigned illness, and all of a sudden Rinna comes up with, "Harry doesn't want me to drive."  So she was certainly trying to please Eileen with her soft bailout and then the following day, there is her mug front and with Harry and arm in arm with LVP.  

The way she uses hustler, is opportunist might work better, if she is front and center at every opportunity but then she does this. "don't hustle the hustler."  Does she mean she will step on anyone who gets in her way?  I take it to mean she will again manipulate facts and try and deflect to whoever she wants off the show.  It worked with Brandi and Yolanda.  I think her anger issues with Kim are misplaced and she should be angry with production for continuing to hire Kim.

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3 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

Wow, this idiot is delusional and is doing the polar opposite of owning anything.  She forgets that we've seen footage of her saying what she said, and to say that Eden only shared the "salacious" part of her words is a ridiculous comment and an admission of guilt all wrapped into a nice little package.  There wouldn't have been anything to repeat, if she'd kept her blown up lips shut.  Also, EARTH TO LISA: EDEN IS NOT SOBER!!  

I've always been convinced that Rinna is as dumb as a rock and an attention-seeking flake, but now I'm of the belief that she is under the influence of lots of stuff - probably an Adderall/Xanax combo for starters, 24/7.  I don't think she's in her right mind most of the time, and her judgment sucks.  Lisa, you might want to take a little bit of that inhibition and discernment back.  (Maybe consider getting sober?)

Also interesting is that she blames Kim for just about everything else, and that an example she gives of Kyle "enabling" Kim was that she didn't defend Rinna at that dinner a couple of episodes back.  Hey, Rinna!  You keep using the word "enabler" - I do not think it means what you think it means... also in question is your definition of the expression "near death". 


Rinna is a total headcase and admittedly a pill-popper, which should be entertaining but she just comes off as annoying. No sweet clue how/why she's still on this show.

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12 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So who braided Erika's hair in Mexico?

I really like Kyle. She's not the most interesting or intelligent person in the world, but she seems truly kind. She loves her family very much. And I read more about Big Kathy and their life; it is a miracle that Kyle ended up so well-adjusted. But can someone remind me: wasn't it LVP who sneaked the tabloids about Mauricio cheating into a suitcase that they were taking on a trip with Kyle? So she is not always protective of Kyle, right? And were there rumors that Mauricio was cheating with transvestites or something? Am I getting any of the correct?

Now that I have an account I can finally ask...


what at is the story behind Kyle's past?

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Every time I hear Rinna and "hustler" I think back to years ago on The Soup seeing a clip of her and Harry on some talk show promoting a reality show that they had at the time about their boutique. During the interview Harry gets a call from his security company saying there's a break in happening right at that moment. Lisa's response? Telling the interviewer "You see? That's the kind of thing that happens, when you watch our show." Yeah, hustling for drama that is. Since then, I've thought there's little genuine about her, except her friendship with Eileen.

I find that both of the Lisas tend to think that just saying words like "I OWN IT" or "I'm sorry" means it's automatically true and everyone needs to accept it, even when it's followed up by words or actions that completely negate it.

Edited by dmeets
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On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:36 PM, LizDC said:

Lisa Rinna's blog...


So, pretty much everyone is responsible for what's happened. 

I did not say “Kim was on the path to destruction” or “near death” the way Eden relayed it to her eager listener. What I said was, “They’re this close to Kim dying.”

The above is quoted from Rinna's blog.  Rinna, these are the same thing!  "near death" and "close to dying" are identical.  Stop lying!  Eden may have changed the words, but not the meaning of what you said.

Eden, #stopwiththehashtags #theyareannoying #reallyannoying #iamnotkidding #stop

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I think the only genuine emotion Lisa R expresses is anger and the rest is fake gaspy exclamations of praise and agreement for whatever is next to her or said to her. I do think Rinna's distaste for Kim is very real, and she completely hates her and she would hate her sober or not sober imo. I don't really get why Rinna hates Kim so much, but she needs to get over it. It's not entertaining and it makes her look small-minded and petty. 

I do think Kyle was genuinely pissed (and not at all surprised) that Lisa Rinna was talking shit about Kim to Eden. Kyle has got to be so tired of it.

Jagger is just adorable. He is a sweet little kid. Some kids are a little slow to talk, but he will get there eventually. 

Erika cracked me up when she said in her TH, "No one can own the color pink. It's impossible.... And why would you? It's not that great." I cracked up on that, such a funny thought, cuz you know she pondered actually owning the color and thinking it would be a waste of money or something. Hhahhahaha.

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3 hours ago, dmeets said:

Yeah how inconsiderate of Eileen, wasting her therapist's time learning to cope with grief over the deaths of her mother, father in law, and two siblings within a 2 year period while trying not to negatively impact her teenage son.

Boo hoo.  Her endless well of grief hasn't stopped her from participating in reality show.  Also hasn't stopped her from having her therapy sessions on camera.  I would open a vein to get away from Eileen.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

I did not say “Kim was on the path to destruction” or “near death” the way Eden relayed it to her eager listener. What I said was, “They’re this close to Kim dying.”

The above is quoted from Rinna's blog.  Rinna, these are the same thing!  "near death" and "close to dying" are identical.  Stop lying!  Eden may have changed the words, but not the meaning of what you said.

Eden, #stopwiththehashtags #theyareannoying #reallyannoying #iamnotkidding #stop


lol #eden #is #not #trending #pass #it #on #hashtag

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I'm fascinated by therapy so I like Elieen's scenes with her therapist. I've found the therapist to be very interesting-- she isn't hollywood-ish, she seems very plain (compared to some of the Hollywood therapists I've seen on air) and she has that really calm voice and talks to Eileen as though she is a soul having a "human" experience. It makes me wonder where the therapist went to school and what her orientation is. She doesn't seem clinical, more Psy.D than Ph.D. But I think it's good for Eileen to visit someone and talk it out, and I do think she found a good therapist for her. Again, I'm fascinated by therapy and the client-therapist relationship. I think Elieen's therapist and her match very well. Her therapist really seems to be invested and interested in her and her experiences, which is sort of hard to pull off if it's fake. It's like she is really feeling Elieen's pain. It's very good therapy. 

Lisa Rinna is a total stage mom. Just like Yolanda. I think Lisa Rinna doesn't get along with people that are like herself. She doesn't like to be figured out. Kim may have been bluffing about what she knows about Harry, but Kim senses something is up there and it was confirmed with Lisa Rinna's vitriol reaction to the suggestion. I think Lisa R. could benefit from a therapist, but they would probably want her to start eating (it's good for feeling and acting normal) and her eating disorder addiction is too strong. Lisa R is definitely underweight and she definitely restricts, which does classify her, clinically, as anorexic. Personally, I think this is why she avoids getting help for all her issues. 

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Boo hoo.  Her endless well of grief hasn't stopped her from participating in reality show.  Also hasn't stopped her from having her therapy sessions on camera.

I'm not sure why the two have to be mutually exclusive.


Her therapist really seems to be invested and interested in her and her experiences, which is sort of hard to pull off if it's fake

Yeah, I don't get the vibe that the therapist finds Elieen insufferable or is thisclose to slashing her wrists just to get away from Eileen.

Edited by AndySmith
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2 hours ago, dmeets said:


I find that both of the Lisas tend to think that just saying words like "I OWN IT" or "I'm sorry" means it's automatically true and everyone needs to accept it, even when it's followed up by words or actions that completely negate it.

Except when LisaV says "sorry" or that she will never do "whatever again", she keeps her word and never repeats the offending behavior again, Rinna on the other hand, does repeat almost every single time and her apologies never last, ever. So, they are not alike at all IMO.

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:12 PM, KenyaJ said:

Erika’s voice grates on my nerves so much. 

Mine too, yet I would probably pay up to three dollars to have "I want a BURRITO!" as my new ringtone. 


On 2/8/2017 at 0:24 AM, breezy424 said:

And they're at PJ Clarke's.  I use to work, many decades ago, right by there on Third Avenue.

My now-husband and I went there on our first date!

It annoys me disproportionately that some of the husbands are on this season's ladies' trip.  That's just my truth. 

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On 2/8/2017 at 2:49 PM, thesupremediva1 said:

No offense, but taking a Xanax doesn't make one "not sober." Alcoholism and drug addiction are completely different animals from the two xanax and bag o' vitamins that Lisa Rinna carries around with her.

If one has a massive anxiety disorder, one takes medication prescribed by a doctor. It doesn't affect sobriety - it just allows you to function. I get that Kyle's annoyed with Rinna and Eden, but making that comparison made her sound foolish and... like the enabler she truly is.

23 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Actually alcoholism and drug addiction are very similar, and recovering alcoholics are generally advised to avoid any and all mood altering substances. 


That would be a very outdated approach to treating a substance use disorder. Fifty percent of individuals with a substance use disorder have an underlying mental illness that most of the time is untreated. Neither DSM-V or ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) recommend not providing psychoactive medications to a person in substance use recovery. If you have a co-occurring substance use disorder and mental illness, you should receive treatment for both. It could be that the untreated mental illness is driving some of the substance disorder. Total abstinence is not a best practice and has been actively rejected by policy and practice leaders in both fields for at least 20 years. Maybe you heard that from an old timer, but it's a strategy that is not effective and tends to result in a lot of recidivism.

thesupremediva1 is correct. 

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21 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I feel sorry for Eileen's therapist. It must be exhausting listening to her non-problems.  Hope she's being paid well

One of the vloggers I watch just started recapping BH this season. He calls Eileen the Haunted Heffa - dunno why but it makes me giggle.

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3 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Boo hoo.  Her endless well of grief hasn't stopped her from participating in reality show.  Also hasn't stopped her from having her therapy sessions on camera.  I would open a vein to get away from Eileen.

Most people have to work while they lose people they love dearly (had to work the day after my dad died).  I am not sure how a reality show is any different since its a job.  While I think she is sort of boring I was interested in hearing what her therapist had to say having lost both of my parents in the last 10 years.  Like Eileen I tend to not let myself go there.  And I know I should.

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1 hour ago, ladle said:

Mine too, yet I would probably pay up to three dollars to have "I want a BURRITO!" as my new ringtone. 


My now-husband and I went there on our first date!

It annoys me disproportionately that some of the husbands are on this season's ladies' trip.  That's just my truth. 

Is this the lady trip of the season or does it come later on when they go to Hong Kong?


Edited by yourmomiseasy
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19 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Erika's voice is starting to grate on me.  I think more than any of the other women, she's the most judgemental - in her "non-judgemental" way.    She has fun with Kyle, as long as Kyle is having fun Erika's way.  She always seems like she'd rather be hanging out with her gang of paid sychophants but  puts up with the other women, all the while making mental notes of things she can make fun of to dish with Mikey.   The few times we've seen her with Tom, she manages to tone down her voice, her behavior, and her cutting remarks.   She always says Erika Jayne is a stage persona alter ego, but I think Erica Girardi is the real act.   

Erika Giradi/Erika Jayne blurs the lines when she is in group settings.

At the Great Gatsby party – she was there as Erika Giradi wife of a prominent lawyer dressed up as a gangsta moll. She already had a negative incident with PK & Dorit. She knows via Dorit that allegedly her husband saw her pretty little puss all night long. PK has no social skills whatsoever and is a pig. He’s hovering over Erika and you know he is leering down her dress.  She should have said can you stand over there by your wife as I don’t want Dorit to say that you saw my pretty little nipples. No instead she says she cold and she’s a cunt. She loves that word. She doesn’t seem to get that saying that in front of PK (Prick King) will have him thinking she is that literally and he’s looking for any excuse to treat her in a condescending manner. In my opinion those are words Erika Jayne would use NOT Erika Giradi.

As for makeup and hair in Mexico..I kind of think Mikey was in that double bed next to her. Screaming Next Level!!!!  off camera behind every bush, sand castle and banana tree.

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5 hours ago, KikiBda said:

what at is the story behind Kyle's past?

First Welcome! Read "House of Hilton" there's lot of info on "Big Kathy" the mom as opposed to Kathy Hilton the sister. If only half true she was a piece of work and there does seem to be some truth that she promoted getting knocked up by rich men as a way to secure your future. Her three girls, Kathy, Kim and Kyle do seem to idolize her so she may have done something right.

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On ‎2‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 0:49 PM, thesupremediva1 said:

No offense, but taking a Xanax doesn't make one "not sober." Alcoholism and drug addiction are completely different animals from the two xanax and bag o' vitamins that Lisa Rinna carries around with her.

If one has a massive anxiety disorder, one takes medication prescribed by a doctor. It doesn't affect sobriety - it just allows you to function. I get that Kyle's annoyed with Rinna and Eden, but making that comparison made her sound foolish and... like the enabler she truly is.

Eden since trying to be a cool girl hanging with Rinna and talking popping a Xanax has since qualified her statement that she takes Lexapro, which is very different than Xanax.  Kim, has always had a shitload of anti-anxiety medicine and other psychotropics -she reviewed them with Paul Nassif.   

I believe Kyle's comment was directed to Eden who pounds her chest about being sober, under her guidelines and claims she is popping Xanax.  Since she cleared it up, it is pretty evident she does not use the drug in question. 

I am not saying if using Xanax is right or wrong and in addition to the medical constabulary commentary on the need for Xanax, there is the addiction folks who weigh in pretty heavily against the use of Xanax.   https://www.thewatershed.com/blog/xanax-sobriety/

I am always curious if one were recovering from addiction to benzodiazepines  would it be okay for them to drink alcohol or smoke a joint because they were feeling anxious?  I have no answer but it just seems to me in the recovery community these are gray areas and Rinna isn't the person to address them.

I guess I don't see where Kyle is an enabler from her statement.  Was she enabling Eden or Rinna? 

At Brandi's last Reunion she accused Kyle of being a druggie because she gave Kyle, "fear of flying" Richards a Xanax en route to Amsterdam.  I think it is all relative.

I believe the opposite of enabling is letting a recovering alcoholic speak her mind.  Right or wrong it is their opinion to put out there.  Fine line between enabling and controlling.

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