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S01.E02: 1:00pm - 2:00pm


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When Ben Grimes demands payment for the list he seized from a safe box in Khalid's compound, Carter must go back to his roots to help obtain the money; Rebecca is determined to figure out who leaked the Rangers' files.

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Would they really leave $4M in an evidence locker room? I don't think so. Surely they'd have a more secure place to hold such valuable seizures. 

Not smart for Carter's brother to confess he was going to dump his girlfriend knowing that she was likely still lurking around the house and on top of that had set up the deal that was going to put him back on top. Interesting twist with the wife likely getting caught up in this power struggle. I wonder how it will intersect with the main terrorist plot.

The campaign manager being exposed this early seems like a redherring. I think someone might be setting her up.

Intense episode, especially the last 10 minutes. 

Edited by Enero
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Okay, that was ridiculous, but I loved that episode. Breaking into the police evidence room to steal money?! Preposterous, but I loved the tension as Rebecca and Andy got caught.  

Is Bailey Chase's character Locke gay because I am so down with that.

So is the campaign  manager really the leak? If yes, I am glad we got that out of the way early. If not, I dread the dragging out of the secret.

I so hoped that the kid would not get killed, but yep, it happened. Poor guy.

I am not interested in the drug brother's story, but I wouldn't mind Nicole putting a beat down on the girlfriend.

Edited by SimoneS
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I didn't stay up for the pilot and couldn't find it available before this episode, so maybe it will be better once I go back and watch from the beginning.

I will say I did have a flashback to some of the old 24 episodes that I was less interested.  It went something like this:

1:36?  Damn, it was 1:30 about twenty minutes ago. Will this never end?

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15 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Is Bailey Chase's character Locke gay because I am so down with that.

Man, as soon as he shut down Andy I was like 'Could it be....?' Forget everything else I want the details on Andy and Locke!

Locke from afar looked like a taller Tomy Almeida. In fact initially I thought it was Tony.

Poor Drew. A teenaged boy caught up in adult games.

Aisha is doing better so far in her coup attempt than the bad guy henchman.

Eric going back to his brother asking for money was hilarious. Isaac freaking out when he realized Eric was serious about robbing the precinct was great. 'Dummy I was just messing with you!'

Some interesting commentary on how bad off vets can be after they serve. The ones who seemed to be moving on get offed, others like Eric can't let the rush or responsibility go, Ben is paranoid and bitter, and the guy Carter talked to was homeless and also struggling. 

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The last few minutes was good.

Not needing the brother, or the teacher at the school killing the kid. They must have some involvement, yet. Robbing the precinct was good. Not likely to happen, but nicely over the top. Too easy for the campaign manager to be set up/coerced.

Ford and Samsung are sponsors. Maybe Samsung has a nice new phone coming out.

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Watching both episodes back to back,im still kind of on the fence,as im in the "No 24 without Jack Bauer" camp(though something tells me he'll get a one-sentence mention  in the final minutes of the season finale..)

Edited by TDT
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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Ford and Samsung are sponsors. Maybe Samsung has a nice new phone coming out.

Carter: Dammit Ben! I need more time!

Grimes: Quit stalling

Carter: No games...I need to find more exploding phones as a diversion...

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Well that's a 24 first, a character getting interrupted in the middle of a blowjob! I was wondering why the rating was LSV (language, sexuality, violence... might just be a Canadian thing) for this episode.

Silly Eric for searching the same evidence boxes over and over again. Doesn't he know you only find things in the last place you look?

Interesting to see 24 acknowledging racism. Before it was "we're the sympathetic Muslim characters making a ham-fisted attempt at apologizing for all those brown-skinned terrorists Jack Bauer has been gunning down since Day 1". In this episode it was "I'm a black man standing on this particular corner, won't be long until I'm hassled by the man." And then the obviously racist cop gets called into the Captain's office because of another incident where he went too far. Interesting, although strangely similar to how Marvel has never really mentioned race before but it suddenly became a huge thing in Luke Cage. Well, FWIW I'm Canadian. No issues here with Black Bauer.

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I loved Jack Bauer...Chloe...all of the seasons.  This is a good reboot, but I feel like a Debbie Downer because...  Just once I would like to see the terrorists portrayed as US citizens.  A militia group...the KKK...White Supremists.  When you think about the attacks and attempts we have endured, so many of them have been perpetuated by people who look and talk just like us.  I think it would be a nice surprise (and probably riveting) to see home-grown crazies.  But this is a great, tense show that stands on it's own.

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I never watched the original 24. Was having one guy rob a police station off-the-cuff in broad daylight a normal kind of plot development? The ridiculousness of it almost took me completely out of the show. The side story with the drug dealer has me rolling my eyes too, especially with the random lapses into I what guess must be some English major scriptwriter's concept of "urban speak." It comes across as "trying too hard" to me.

I know Fox has put a lot of support on this show but I have to wonder who their target audience is other than dedicated fans of the Jack Bauer version. Whatever, I'm pretty much only watching for Corey Hawkins. (But what a great surprise to see Miranda Otto again after her short run on Homeland.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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10 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Was having one guy rob a police station off-the-cuff in broad daylight a normal kind of plot development?

That's nothing!  I forget what season it was, but one time Jack Bauer cut the head off of an imprisoned child molester to impress some nefarious gang he was trying to infiltrate.  My point is if you like over the top drama and suspense this is the show for you.  If it's hard to maintain that suspension of disbelief because of ridiculousness and bad dialogue this is probably not the show for you.

More about Andy and Locke stat!!!

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I loved Jack Bauer...Chloe...all of the seasons.  This is a good reboot, but I feel like a Debbie Downer because...  Just once I would like to see the terrorists portrayed as US citizens.  A militia group...the KKK...White Supremists.  When you think about the attacks and attempts we have endured, so many of them have been perpetuated by people who look and talk just like us.  I think it would be a nice surprise (and probably riveting) to see home-grown crazies.  But this is a great, tense show that stands on it's own.

There have always been US citizen enablers- e.g. Ira Gaines; assorted CTU moles; Pervy Science Teacher - the problem with homegrown terrorists is the lack of levels / bosses to sustain the 24 hour suspense.

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16 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I didn't stay up for the pilot and couldn't find it available before this episode, so maybe it will be better once I go back and watch from the beginning.

I will say I did have a flashback to some of the old 24 episodes that I was less interested.  It went something like this:

1:36?  Damn, it was 1:30 about twenty minutes ago. Will this never end?

This 2nd ep was better than the 1st, but it all feels very old hat.  I gave up on the original show shortly after Pres Palmer was assasinated, in I believe season 5, and the show had become very formulaic/boring/predicatble by then.  This reboot seems to be a continuation of that.

At least it's better than APB which apparantly hired Ernie Hudson to stand around and look pretty.  

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10 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

Oh boy, that was intense, and why would someone rob a police station????

So one can get the money to pay off their mentally unstable fellow veteran who's threatening to sell information to radical jihad terrorists!  It happens all the time!

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37 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

I know about the money, but are there any other options aside from a police station with hundreds of cops in it?

He had "No time" to get the $2MM cash--which was conveniently sitting in the evidence room of the police station.

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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

I loved Jack Bauer...Chloe...all of the seasons.  This is a good reboot, but I feel like a Debbie Downer because...  Just once I would like to see the terrorists portrayed as US citizens.  A militia group...the KKK...White Supremists.  When you think about the attacks and attempts we have endured, so many of them have been perpetuated by people who look and talk just like us.  I think it would be a nice surprise (and probably riveting) to see home-grown crazies.  But this is a great, tense show that stands on it's own.

Season 2 of the original series had an American blond girl as a terrorist

9 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

That's nothing!  I forget what season it was, but one time Jack Bauer cut the head off of an imprisoned child molester to impress some nefarious gang he was trying to infiltrate.  My point is if you like over the top drama and suspense this is the show for you.  If it's hard to maintain that suspension of disbelief because of ridiculousness and bad dialogue this is probably not the show for you.

More about Andy and Locke stat!!!

You're talking about season 2 I believe 

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4 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

Oh boy, that was intense, and why would someone rob a police station????

Please... don't let Locke be gay...

Why do you want Locke to not "be gay"?

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5 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Season 2 of the original series had an American blond girl as a terrorist 

Who was radicalized by Sayed Ali.

This is the 10th season in the franchise and approximately half (roughly alternating) have included Islamic antagonists.

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Robbing the police station in the second hour?  I'm not sure even Jack Bauer would be that brazen.  Then again we already found out there is a mole at CTU in the first hour.  I think the writers are on steroids.

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8 hours ago, jayjay said:

Who was radicalized by Sayed Ali.

This is the 10th season in the franchise and approximately half (roughly alternating) have included Islamic antagonists.

Communist China; Mexican Drug Lords...But remember the two Muslim brother gun-shop owners that saved Jack on the streets of L.A. after the EMP induced blackout? 

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I don't think there has been.

And uhhh, piequinn35, you don't want him to be gay because you like him? I'd advise you not dig yourself in even deeper than you already did from your first remark.

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14 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

I like the guy haha! Was there a gay ctu field agent in 24?

Zachary Quinto played a field agent in season six. Quinto is gay but there was no reference to his character sharing his orientation. And let's not forget Chase, Kim's boyfriend from season 3. I imagined that Jack had a talk to him after cutting off his hand and explained how that was for touching his daughter. When Chase realized what Jack was going to cut off next there was no going back from there.

Also, spoiler alert:


Tony Almeida has been in jail for a few years now so if we have a scene in which someone tells him he's got huge cajones and he responds "thanks, you're the first person to tell me that since I got out of prison"...

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17 hours ago, BigDfromLA said:

Ben is so spaced out on drugs that they should have just given him fake cash. He wouldn't even know the difference. 

Carter: Ben,  I got you a prepaid VISA card with $2,000,000

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We have already reached 24 level ridiculousness.  "There's no time!  I've got no other choice then to rob the police station!"  Of course, there were about a million other choices he had.  Seeing as he knows exactly where Grimes is waiting for him, why not just meet him there without the money to get the flash drive back?  Or bring less than $2 million?  Is Grimes really going to sit there an count it all in the train station?  Give him the TV trope of stacks of one dollar bills with the $100 on top so he thinks it is more than it is?  You only have to fool him long enough to get the flash drive.  What, is Grimes going to kill Carter for double crossing him?  And wouldn't Carter be a lot better in a fight than Grimes if it gets to that?  How can Grimes call the terrorists and get his money while fist fighting with Carter.  What leverage does he have?  If he threatens to destroy the drive... that's exactly what Carter wants!  And Carter has a gun.  Don't know if Grimes has one.  What if Carter just does the greater good thing and just takes out Grimes.  You know Jack Bauer wouldn't hesitate.  

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Well, it didn't take long for the new 24 to revert to the old 24 shenanigans and suspension of disbelief.  Robbing the police station to steal $2 million?  Yeah, sure, why not?  What's so unbelievable about that?  Seems like it makes sense to me.

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On 2/9/2017 at 2:42 AM, dwmarch said:

Zachary Quinto played a field agent in season six. Quinto is gay but there was no reference to his character sharing his orientation.

Quinto was an analyst Adam Kaufman in Day 3 (Season 3). He and Chloe and Kim were the new crop of analysts.  Andy is actually more reminiscent of Adam than Chloe now that I think about it. And yeah no mention of Adam's orientation.

By Day 6 (Season 6) Quinto was Sylar on Heroes and about to launch into Star Trek.

Adam and Chloe were squabbling snitchy bitchy fun. But Chloe won out since she went on the S4 and ultimately 24 infamy as an MVP and Adam disappeared. Given what happened to the majority of the analysts at CTU he was one of the lucky ones!

Really intrigued at the possibilities of Andy and Locke.

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On 2/6/2017 at 9:05 PM, SimoneS said:

I so hoped that the kid would not get killed, but yep, it happened. Poor guy.

The teacher was like "Ohmigod, I just killed a student.  Good thing nothing like that will happen when we blow up the school!"

On 2/6/2017 at 9:31 PM, marinw said:

That was a good episode, action wise. I am coveting Eric's backpack, if not all of its' contents.

Beats the man-purse, doesn't it?


On 2/7/2017 at 10:03 AM, sugarbaker design said:

If it's hard to maintain that suspension of disbelief because of ridiculousness and bad dialogue this is probably not the show for you.

Nuclear bomb blows up in LA.  Tennis lessons resume that afternoon.

19 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Season 2 of the original series had an American blond girl as a terrorist

This one has the teen as a terrorist.  I believe the OP was referring to the main group and the "big bad" as home-growns.  It would mean dialing back on the amount of danger but stopping another Oklahoma City bombing (funny how we don't talk about that one!) would work.

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I stopped this episode midway to come here and see the consensus.    The cliche of the high school student getting killed after a 30-second push-n-shove is what brought my viewing to a halt.

My vote: the show sucks.

Carter can't hold a candle to Jack Bauer.   But even if I never heard of Jack Bauer, this would still be a pretty lackluster production.   Maybe the formula's just too played.  Enough with Gerald McRaney as a political player.  And when will Jimmy Smits ride off into the sunset?   Aren't there any other geriatric actors out there?  Nice seeing Eowyn though.

I so would have preferred a 24 reboot with Yvonne Strahovski.

Edited by millennium
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I don't understand why Carter didn't give Rebecca and Nu-Chloe the meeting spot with Ben, so a sniper could take Ben out.  Wouldn't that have been much easier?

I'm so not interested in the inner workings of a drug kingpin's business.  And I'm going to need Isaac to stop saying a'ight constantly.  And while Carter's wife started out totally kick-ass, I fear she's the new Kim.  Meaning, every week it will be the trials of Mrs. Carter, and what mess she's stumbled upon. 

I love that Keith and science teacher were Austin and Lester of Masters of Sex.  Glad they got another show. 

I really wish the Russians could be the bad guys.  Too much Islamo-phobia going on right now. 

Is Jimmy Smits sounding funny to anyone else?  It's like he's forcing a generic non-accent.  Not liking that a man his age is called in to daddy's office.

Still liking it.  There's so many red herrings so far, it's hard to tell what's the truth. Two characters have already switched from probably bad to probably good, and we're only two eps in. 

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On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 9:05 PM, SimoneS said:

Okay, that was ridiculous, but I loved that episode. Breaking into the police evidence room to steal money?! Preposterous, but I loved the tension as Rebecca and Andy got caught.  

Is Bailey Chase's character Locke gay because I am so down with that.

So is the campaign  manager really the leak? If yes, I am glad we got that out of the way early. If not, I dread the dragging out of the secret.

I so hoped that the kid would not get killed, but yep, it happened. Poor guy.

I am not interested in the drug brother's story, but I wouldn't mind Nicole putting a beat down on the girlfriend.

I didn't catch who Locke was!  Butch from Saving Grace.  I got the impression he may be gay, too.  I'm going to have a problem with his name, because there's only one Locke in my mind.

I wasn't so sad the high school was dead.  He was stupid, and the actor was so OOT that I was grateful he was gone.  "I knew you were lying" *finger point -finger point*  I was bothered that Amira, who seems to be clearly manipulating the teacher, acted all tearful and horrified by the violence - considering she's helping setup a massacre of some sort.

On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 9:23 PM, TobinAlbers said:

Locke from afar looked like a taller Tomy Almeida. In fact initially I thought it was Tony.

I thought it was, Tony, too. 

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44 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm so not interested in the inner workings of a drug kingpin's business.  And I'm going to need Isaac to stop saying a'ight constantly.  And while Carter's wife started out totally kick-ass, I fear she's the new Kim.  Meaning, every week it will be the trials of Mrs. Carter, and what mess she's stumbled upon. 

Let's hope there aren't any cougars lurking around D.C. neighborhoods.  :)

And yeah, the drug kingpin/Carter's brother needs to stop with the a'ights, and soon.

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On 2/11/2017 at 8:04 PM, millennium said:

I stopped this episode midway to come here and see the consensus.    The cliche of the high school student getting killed after a 30-second push-n-shove is what brought my viewing to a halt.

My vote: the show sucks.

Carter can't hold a candle to Jack Bauer.   But even if I never heard of Jack Bauer, this would still be a pretty lackluster production.   Maybe the formula's just too played.  Enough with Gerald McRaney as a political player.  And when will Jimmy Smits ride off into the sunset?   Aren't there any other geriatric actors out there?  Nice seeing Eowyn though.

I so would have preferred a 24 reboot with Yvonne Strahovski.

I SO WANTED a reboot with Yvonne Strahovski. I really liked her in Live another day. And of course loved her as Sarah in Chuck.

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Loved the episode.  It's ratcheting up slowly but surely.  I like Carter a lot and although I do miss Kiefer, I will say that Corey Hawkins sprints a lot more convincingly.  I especially loved his plan to exploit police profiling.

The Donovan/mole plot is a bit weak.  The main villain is okay but I really don't find Islamic radicals very interesting antagonists on '24'.  I always preferred a greater range of villains and a greater range of motives -- Gaines, Salazar, Logan, Hodges and, of course, Tony were a lot more interesting in this respect.  I really hope this goes to S2 and we return to the format of alternate seasons having a different kind of threat.

The drug storyline is okay but could get interesting.  The school storyline kind of spent the potential drama when the kid was killed, I felt; he's the only sympathetic character there.  We'll see though.

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