In2You February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 There was alot of drama cut out of this episode and I'm not even sure why because not like they filled the gaps with anything important. Link to comment
mcmrdh February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I can't look at Jasmine, she is gross 2 Link to comment
Madding crowd February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Nick seems so bored at times, it's just odd. And then him storming in the room with tears running down his face, trying to make the women feel bad because Why? He isn't feeling it? The man is 36 years old and if he were truly looking for marriage he wouldn't act so immature. And the mumble lisp is so terrribly annoying to me. I still don't understand why the girl's were crying during the volleyball game. Something must have happened that we didn't see-did he make out with Corinne while they stood around watching? Still can't stand Corrine and while the thing with Lorna was 100% staged, she went along with it. I like Vanessa and Rachel. Rachel has that pretty, girl next door vibe combined with being a fun, upbeat person. I really want her as the next bachelorette. I agree it is good that Nick is asking about real things with the girl's. But it would be better if he showed some interest in their answers. I'm sure Nick will pick someone at the end, but, I don't see him as having any real interest in marriage. I guess I am a combination of right/wrong reasons viewer. If the lead has zero interest in the women or getting married it all falls apart for me, but. I love the train wreck stuff as much as the next person. 10 Link to comment
huahaha February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 10 hours ago, TheFinalRose said: I was left wondering if I'd missed something during the volleyball game o'tears. Why did everyone sit separately and look into the waves? I mean, I really dislike volleyball too, but not to the point where I have sit alone and stare off into space, recovering from what I've just been through. I thought I'd missed something too. How long could that volleyball game have gone on? And... it's volleyball. In Saint Thomas. Bump the ball. Dive for it. Miss. Whatever. Why is it so much more horrible than all of the soccer games, sumo wrestling matches, goat milk drinking, being jumped on by pigs in pig waste water, etc., of seasons past? So far, this show has been very low in humiliating moments for the contestants, and I appreciate that. It's disappointing to see the women freak out over basically nothing. 6 Link to comment
In2You February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 4 minutes ago, Madding crowd said: Nick seems so bored at times, it's just odd. And then him storming in the room with tears running down his face, trying to make the women feel bad because Why? He isn't feeling it? The man is 36 years old and if he were truly looking for marriage he wouldn't act so immature. And the mumble lisp is so terrribly annoying to me. I still don't understand why the girl's were crying during the volleyball game. Something must have happened that we didn't see-did he make out with Corinne while they stood around watching? Still can't stand Corrine and while the thing with Lorna was 100% staged, she went along with it. I like Vanessa and Rachel. Rachel has that pretty, girl next door vibe combined with being a fun, upbeat person. I really want her as the next bachelorette. I agree it is good that Nick is asking about real things with the girl's. But it would be better if he showed some interest in their answers. I'm sure Nick will pick someone at the end, but, I don't see him as having any real interest in marriage. I guess I am a combination of right/wrong reasons viewer. If the lead has zero interest in the women or getting married it all falls apart for me, but. I love the train wreck stuff as much as the next person. They left the reason why the girls were crying during the volleyball game on the cutting room floor and thought people wouldn't question it. I don't see Nick as having real interest in these women either. I didn't see any connection with him and Kristina( anyone with a heart would be moved by her story) and then he gave her the stay another week pity rose. 5 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Vanessa seemed to be trying REALLY hard to stand out this episode. Jumping around like a crazy person, yelling out her favorite ice cream flavor. It seemed really forced from what we've seen of her before. And I loved Rachel talking about the clear blue water and sun as she's on a boat on a CLEARLY cloudy and not terribly warm day. Got to get the travel plug for the Virgin Islands Tourist Board in there. 6 Link to comment
LittleCabbage February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) Nick, Nick, Nick... has there ever been a bachelor who is so ambivalent about being there? (This is a sincere question, as I haven't watched every single season.) Last night's episode was difficult to watch as we saw Nick floundering more than ever before. Part of the problem, I suspect, is that he is rabid-ass drunk about 90 percent of the time. That's not just a mumble we're hearing... he's actually slurring his words. Why isn't Jorge at the bar to cut him off? He seemed so despairing toward the end that it makes me think he was never that keen on being The Bachelor to begin with... but the famewhorish temptation to do reality TV yet again was too much to bypass. Now that the number of girls is thinning out, he's less and less interested in the looming possibility of a fiancee. That's one theory. The other theory is that he's already made up his mind on who he wants but has to play along from week to week for the sake of the show. I have idea of whom that person is, but since it's speculation I won't voice it here... I'll just say that this feels like one of the most heavily edited seasons for sure, with lots going on that we aren't seeing. When Nick came back to the room bawling like a baby, I noticed Corinne looked like she was going to cry, too. She was one of the few who made direct eye contact with him while he wept. Her concern seemed genuine. Maybe not such a mean girl after all? Edited February 7, 2017 by LittleCabbage 9 Link to comment
adhoc February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I saw the first 10 minutes, then the evening date with Kristina, and then the evening date with Danielle L. I skipped everything else as I had other things to do. So based on what I saw: I could not help contrasting 24-year-old Kristina's story (well, what we heard) and demeanor with 24-year-old Corinne's. I was, like, glad to see Danielle and, like, her hookerwear leave. Her tacky wardrobe offended me. I was impressed with Kristina's demur white dress as she sat there with Nick. This season, so many contestants have what I consider to be trashy garments designed to leave little to the imagination. It was nice to see a dress that actually covered the contestant's boobs. 7 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Did Jasmine ever have a one-on-one date? I feel like she must have, but I can't remember a thing. 1 Link to comment
operalover February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 8 hours ago, thejuicer said: Watching Danielle L. articulate why she was "falling in love" with Nick was embarrassing. She basically recited every cliche from every romantic comedy ever. She reminds me of me when I 12 years old writing notes to my "boyfriend" of 3 days. She is just an airhead. After her one on one date 2 weeks ago, when she got a rose, that night at the party, she was the first to pull Nick aside to talk to him - all the other girls were really mad because she already had a rose. If you listened to what she said to him during their talk, it was exactly that- all the Bachelor cliche's rolled into one run-on sentence: I needed to like talk to you because like I am really feeling a connection with you and our date was so amazing and like I feel like you could be someone I could see spending like the rest of my life with and like I hope like our amazing connection continues to grow and like we have a possibility for like a future together" I said to myself: she just said absolutely NOTHING to him! Why did she pull him aside? She said NOTHING. Looking back on how Nick felt when he was with Andi, I don't think he has similar feelings for any of these girls, which is why he was crying. Even with Katelin he felt a lot of chemistry. He is not feeling that RAW attraction and connection (there I said it) to any of the girls left. He is the kind of guy that shows all of his feelings on his face - I only say this because of the way he was with Andi and Katelin. We don't see any of that here, he really screwed up, possibly sent the wrong "one" home 4 Link to comment
operalover February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 7 minutes ago, dleighg said: Did Jasmine ever have a one-on-one date? I feel like she must have, but I can't remember a thing. And no she did not, and you must have missed the entire episode because that is all she talked about the entire time how she was the only one who didnt get a one on one. 1 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 1 minute ago, operalover said: And no she did not, and you must have missed the entire episode because that is all she talked about the entire time how she was the only one who didnt get a one on one. Sorrrrryyyyy. I thought she was one of those who got an early one on one and then thought she deserved another. 1 Link to comment
operalover February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 1 minute ago, dleighg said: Sorrrrryyyyy. I thought she was one of those who got an early one on one and then thought she deserved another. Oh I don't blame you, I can't pay attention to this stupid show either! all the whining and complaining and nonsense! 3 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 1 minute ago, operalover said: can't pay attention to this stupid show either! I watch it online (really, listen to it as I read this thread). Much better to know which parts I need to *see*, like the choking thing and Raven's bad bathing suit. 11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Nick immediately regretted keeping her once he actually sat down to have a conversation with her. That was hilarious. The look on his face. It was like his face kept crumpling further with every sentence she spoke. His eyes were literally glazing over. It was hilarious. 10 Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I'm one that doesn't hate Nick. I don't mind whatever speech impediment he has and I think he actually listens to the women and then has something relevant to say back. All the other bachelors I've seen have no idea what to say and when a woman comes with a concern the bachelor just kisses her to get her to shut up presumably. When Rachel had her concerns, he actually asked how she felt and really validated her feelings. He let her speak but fully took part in the conversation with intelligence and understanding. I notice that about him and that's something I really appreciate. On the other hand when Jasmine was talking to Nick, he couldn't get a word in to comfort her at all. She didn't allow him to ask her any questions or respond to her concerns. The only thing he actually said besides 'no' several times when she offered to choke him, was "how do you think our conversations have gone so far?" Hint hint shut the fuck up jasmine. I can see why the women had a problem with the stupid volleyball bullshit. Nick can't be 36 and want a woman (not a girl but a woman) and then repeatedly take them on group dates where all they're doing is being forced to play games. Not that we don't love an occasional playful date but really these are smart women and they want something on a deeper level than volleyball. I cant stand Vanessa. She was trying way too hard this episode. "D. Lo"? Really? Must we with everybody's name nowadays? So annoying. 6 Link to comment
operalover February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I usually fast forward through the one-on-one dates, but I'm glad I listened to Kristina's story. It was a huge difference from the usual girl with a "sob story" that can't wait to break it out on the first night. I also fast forward through "coming up next" any thing where Chris Harrison is talking (he never says anything of importance. I cannot waste 2 hours of my life on this drivel. But for some strange reason I can't give it up completely, like I need to be in the know, lol. This thread helps! I agree whatever happened at volleyball was edited out because I actually had to rewind because I thought I missed something, so I wound up watching that nonsense twice! 4 Link to comment
fib February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 58 minutes ago, adhoc said: I was impressed with Kristina's demur white dress as she sat there with Nick. This season, so many contestants have what I consider to be trashy garments designed to leave little to the imagination. It was nice to see a dress that actually covered the contestant's boobs. You cleary missed the part of the date where they danced. That dress was so short but also flouncy that if she moved you would get a view of her hoo-ha. So yes. Business in the top, party in the bottom. 9 minutes ago, operalover said: I agree whatever happened at volleyball was edited out because I actually had to rewind because I thought I missed something, so I wound up watching that nonsense twice! I think the main thing that happened is that intelligent adult women werent having fun playing a game they dont like in bikinis with drunk people (jasmine/corinne). Nick wanted to have a fun date, but instead of going somewhere fun on a beautiful island, they... played volleyball. Im pretty sporty and even still I hate beach volleyball: sand goes uncomfortable places, theres a lot of jumping and bouncing in undersupportive bathing suits, and balls are flying at your face. When a bunch of female friends get together to have fun, beach volleyball in string bikinis is unlikely to be on the list of Activities. Add into things that most of the women on the date have had one-on-ones, and the timing was off. They wanted to do something that at least presented an opportunity for quiet intimate moments with Nick. Instead, the date played to their bouncy-house Corinne frustrations: Several of them have already said to him: "If you want to jump around with a girl in a princess castle bouncy house, then Im not the woman for you." The beach volleyball date was essentially: lets all bounce around in bikinis while you watch and figure which one of our bouncing bodies you like best. Not: lets talk and see if we connect" 11 Link to comment
Amy Beth February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 If Shakespeare wrote Hamlet about a dating show instead of the Danish Royal family, it would be about Nick this week. So much wishy-washy nonsense, so much angst. "To date or not to date..." 3 Link to comment
fib February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) 11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: It was gross though. Corinne comes from a household where she has an adult nanny (not normal) and then her eyes lit up when she found out that there'd be paid help for her in this other place. She was excited and 'nice' because she had another person to treat like the help. She found that a source of comfort the way another person might find a bed, or some food. I don't know. It's weird to me. I agree. It was gross. Not because Lorna was doing her job, but because Corinne think people of color cater to her every whim because they enjoy it, not because they get paid for it. It was the 'Raquel will be jealous' comment, which i know was a joke, that just grated. Especially on a show with a terrible history of race insensitivity that just went to a plantation house for laughs. Edited February 7, 2017 by fib Sentences structure is nice. 21 Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 He probably can't imagine living the rest of his life hearing Danielle's extreme vocal fry. And her constant rambling with all the 'likes' and upspeak must have really gotten on his nerves. I think Nick's crying was due to anxiety bordering on a panic attack. When he was talking to Rachel he said something about having anxiety. And when he was telling her about his experiences on the bachelorette he said at this stage of the game he was having panic attacks but he said, "MY panic attacks." The wording made me think that maybe it's something he struggles with on a normal basis. Jasmine's facial expressions are so annoying and she seems to think she's the shit. The choking thing was embarrassing. Especially when she implied that she would choke him during sex and he told her he wasn't into that. Lol. 10 Link to comment
booboopbedoo February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Quote trashy garments designed to leave little to the imagination. It was nice to see a dress that actually covered the contestant's boobs. I was thinking Hooker fashion from Fredericks Of Hollywood. Nick looks so uncomfortable and I do not think he will pick anyone. I would hate being on a beach with my hair and nails done, wearing my best bikini and someone wanting me to play Volleyball. He could have turned it around but chose to pout. Who do you think they will pick from this group for Bachelorette? 1 Link to comment
Zung Li February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 3 minutes ago, Nowhere said: He probably can't imagine living the rest of his life hearing Danielle's extreme vocal fry. And her constant rambling with all the 'likes' and upspeak must have really gotten on his nerves. The funny thing is she really toned that down for this show. When she was being sleuthed as a contestant I (embarrassingly) watched some videos of her youtube show "Roll Models" and her upspeak and vocal fry were way worse than they are now. 2 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 11 hours ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said: It seemed that Lorna was woman who happened to work at the hotel and she was just doing her job. I would have been much more offended if Corinne just ignored Lorna and didn't acknowledge her, the way others seemed to. I think they "ignored" her because they felt uncomfortable having someone sent to do stuff they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. 9 Link to comment
ljenkins782 February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Quote DLo was way too boring for Nick. She was way too boring for me too. I remember thinking their last 1-on-1 date seemed interminable and last night's conversation felt the same way. There's just no "there" there. I did think it sucked for him to let her ramble on about falling in love with him just to dump her a minute later. That could have been handled better. Quote I was left wondering if I'd missed something during the volleyball game o'tears. Why did everyone sit separately and look into the waves? I mean, I really dislike volleyball too, but not to the point where I have sit alone and stare off into space, recovering from what I've just been through. Ha! I feel like I missed something too. But I assume it had something to do with feeding them all shots first and then making them play a group sport that meant none of them got to actually talk to Nick. Or maybe Bachelor women just really hate the beach. Remember Ben's season on that Bahamas date (where, in fairness, they did SWIM WITH PIGS, WTF??) where everyone was utterly miserable by the end. Quote My main takeaway from the beach date was that all the girls had really hideous swimsuits. Truly hideous. What was going on with Corinne's suit? There was a weird, random strap going across her midsection, which incidentally, appears to be showing the effects of weeks of drunken eating binges. And Danielle M's suit top looked like a really unfortunate training bra. Quote Josephine looked so pretty in the rose ceremony! She really did. That must have been a good color on her, she looked stunning. Just a bit too late, I guess! Quote Nick actually seemed sad to see Alexis go. She was fun, and I wish they showed more of her interaction with Nick. I missed seeing her in the closing credits. That sendoff seemed very genuine, I think they would have had a blast hanging out together on BiP, but she just doesn't fit into this narrative. Although why he kept the heretofore invisible Whitney just to dump her immediately upon speaking to her is a mystery. Quote Danielle L may be the least distressed surprise reject we’ve seen. She musters up a few inauthentic tears but is clearly plotting her next move. She’s a dead certainty for Bachelor In Paradise but with her cosmopolitan looks and hot bod she has to be the new favorite for The Bachelorette. Dear God, I hope not! She has the personality of someone who only has to interact with people for a short amount of time, she can keep up the small talk for a small window, but anything beyond that, she's out of ideas. Quote Nick is not really into any of that. He prefers to stroke legs and cry and mumble in the corner with girls. If it makes the macho guys crazy that his shtick is working, all the better. He is the last kind of guy who really wants to be chased by a bunch of women declaring their love when they haven't even talked to him. On the other hand Nick has no interest in doing the work of drawing out a Whitney. I know the show is edited and we don't see every interaction, but given the fact that most of us didn't even know there WAS a Whitney and they never showed any meaningful conversation between them, I found it very odd that he seemed to be stroking her upper thigh while they were talking on the beach. Even moreso because her body language didn't seem to welcome it and she comes across as fairly reserved. Oh, and also because he dumped her pretty much immediately after that. Jasmine was embarrassing to watch. Besides the weird choking conversation, her repeated insistence that "of course you notice me, of course you see me" seemed like an odd thing to highlight. By that logic, he's seeing you, noticing you and you STILL didn't get a one-on-one so do the math on that one! 8 Link to comment
Tara Ariano February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! The Bachelor Is Terrible At Playing Games He has a bad time with volleyball, and seems totally uninterested in a game called 'Chokey.' Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 10 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said: And Danielle M's suit top looked like a really unfortunate training bra. That suit did her NO favors. I loved how Nick put Danielle on the spot: "so putting aside honesty and (whatever else he said) which are a given, what do you need in a relationship?" She thinks really hard and comes up with "Love, and Trust." That is a deep mind folks. 7 Link to comment
Lemons February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 33 minutes ago, mingming said: The funny thing is she really toned that down for this show. When she was being sleuthed as a contestant I (embarrassingly) watched some videos of her youtube show "Roll Models" and her upspeak and vocal fry were way worse than they are now. Is she popular on YouTube ? I hate upspeak a thousand times more than vocal fry. It gets on my nerves when 11 year olds do it, never mind grown women. Link to comment
Bookish Jen February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 7 minutes ago, Lemons said: Is she popular on YouTube ? I hate upspeak a thousand times more than vocal fry. It gets on my nerves when 11 year olds do it, never mind grown women. In this age of vocal fry, upspeak, "sexy baby," and like, being, like, inserted, like, into, like, every, like, sentence, like, uttered by, like these child-women, I now know why young men tell me I have a sexy voice. I'm not a huge Bachelor devotee, but this is a the best of womanhood this show could come up with? I like a couple of these ladies, but they seem to get short shrift when compared to the tiresome antics of Corrine, Jasmine, Taylor et al. I know reality show is faker than a three dollar bill, but still give me somebody to root for. As cynical as I can be, I still believe in the concept of true love or at least common human decency. 5 Link to comment
Alison February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) In other corners of the Bachelor internet where I lurk, a screenshot is making the rounds of a Facebook post allegedly from Rachel's sister. It gives a bit more context to the volleyball game from hell: "FYI, on this last episode, they cut out Jasmine really flipping out and telling Nick she slept with one of his friends when he cut her. He also wanted to send her home earlier but producers wouldn't let him. The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. It doesn't show any of that, so their reactions don't make sense as to why some of them are pissed." Edited February 7, 2017 by Alison Clarifying what the screenshot is! 17 Link to comment
adhoc February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Quote I was impressed with Kristina's demur white dress as she sat there with Nick. This season, so many contestants have what I consider to be trashy garments designed to leave little to the imagination. It was nice to see a dress that actually covered the contestant's boobs. You cleary missed the part of the date where they danced. That dress was so short but also flouncy that if she moved you would get a view of her hoo-ha. So yes. Business in the top, party in the bottom. You're right; I did miss that part. Link to comment
adhoc February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Quote The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. Haha, if that's true, what an idiot. (Nick, I mean.) 3 Link to comment
ribboninthesky1 February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 5 minutes ago, Alison said: In other corners of the Bachelor internet where I lurk, a screenshot is making the rounds that's allegedly from Rachel's sister. It gives a bit more context to the volleyball game from hell: "FYI, on this last episode, they cut out Jasmine really flipping out and telling Nick she slept with one of his friends when he cut her. He also wanted to send her home earlier but producers wouldn't let him. The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. It doesn't show any of that, so their reactions don't make sense as to why some of them are pissed." Holy moly! Now this is drama that should have been shown. I ain't evah been a Vanessa fan, so not at all surprised she allegedly threw a fit. 10 Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 10 minutes ago, Alison said: In other corners of the Bachelor internet where I lurk, a screenshot is making the rounds that's allegedly from Rachel's sister. It gives a bit more context to the volleyball game from hell: "FYI, on this last episode, they cut out Jasmine really flipping out and telling Nick she slept with one of his friends when he cut her. He also wanted to send her home earlier but producers wouldn't let him. The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. It doesn't show any of that, so their reactions don't make sense as to why some of them are pissed." Jasmine obviously has some issues. She pushed Corinne down really hard for no apparent reason. 3 Link to comment
nutty1 February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I read that too. But really, maybe 1% of viewers would know that. They need to get some new editors there. 1 Link to comment
Flyin.Bryan February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 My strong suspicion is that the volleyball game was supposed to be one of those "winners get more time, losers go home" things. Either the women rebelled or the producers changed their mind and brought everyone to the evening part of the date. That explains why nobody was spending alone time with Nick, why there was a chalk scoreboard, and why you ended up with so many people staring off into the distance super sad at the end. I think it was going to be Raven and maybe one other girl spending the evening with Nick. 2 Link to comment
Zung Li February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, Lemons said: Is she popular on YouTube ? I hate upspeak a thousand times more than vocal fry. It gets on my nerves when 11 year olds do it, never mind grown women. I don't know- one minute I was looking at potential contestants and the next I was sucked into a world of import models and go-go dancers. I'm guessing she's more popular for the soft core porn...? Edited February 7, 2017 by mingming 1 Link to comment
kingshearte February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 2 hours ago, Nowhere said: "D. Lo"? Really? Must we with everybody's name nowadays? So annoying. Who even is D.Lo.? I haven't actually watched the episode yet, but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who is being referred to this way. 1 hour ago, dleighg said: I think they "ignored" her because they felt uncomfortable having someone sent to do stuff they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. I had that thought too, based on reading comments here. I know that on the rare occasions when I've been in a situation where I was being waited on (beyond just someone bringing food to my table), I've found it very awkward and uncomfortable, and I have no idea how to behave. I try not to just shut down and pretend it's not happening, but maybe there was some of that going on here? 2 Link to comment
dleighg February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 4 minutes ago, kingshearte said: Who even is D.Lo.? Danielle L Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 3 minutes ago, kingshearte said: Who even is D.Lo.? I haven't actually watched the episode yet, but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who is being referred to this way. Danielle L and the only one who called her that was Vanessa. She said it maybe 3 or 4 times. Nick already knows who he's going to pick and he knew from day one. Just like Kaitlyn knew and JoJo also knew who they were picking from day one. I have a hunch it's Vanessa and that's why she can continue to make demands and he just does whatever she wants. That's probably why they didn't show that part of the volleyball argument. It would be too obvious to the viewers how much he wants Vanessa. 1 Link to comment
fib February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 5 minutes ago, dleighg said: Danielle L Its a reference to her name (danielle lombard) and propensity for insanely low cut booby dresses ala JLo's green versace dress at the oscars. 2 Link to comment
kingshearte February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 @dleighg and @Nowhere Thank you! Just read the recap where that was stated too. Apparently I should have done that first. I did think of Danielle L., but I thought I'd seen a reference to her like that and as D.Lo. in the same post, so I was confused. Anyway. Thanks again. 1 Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 3 minutes ago, fib said: Its a reference to her name (danielle lombard) and propensity for insanely low cut booby dresses ala JLo's green versace dress at the oscars. Yeah but they do this a lot now. Like when they call Jennifer Lawrence JLaw or Taylor Swift T. Swizzle. Nobody can have a real name anymore. I can't think of any other examples at the moment but I know there are a few. I find it to be quite ridiculous and annoying. Of course Vanessa has to be the one to show how super cool she is by calling Danielle D.Lo. 1 Link to comment
alannaofdoom February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I loathe this “rose ceremony at the beginning of the episode” thing they’re doing. It makes the episodes feel topsy-turvy and structureless – just a heap of otherwise unconnected incidents. And what I can’t understand is – this franchise is more than a decade old; how are they this bad at it? I think my soul actually left my body during Corinne’s Ode To Lorna and how she “always loves someone that’s able to do stuff for me.” I felt a tearing, despairing sensation in my chest; heard a far-away scream; and then I blacked out. I just went into the bathroom and discovered that I no longer have a reflection in the mirror. Any advice? The beach volleyball massacre date seemed like a terrible time and was certainly a chore to watch. I did enjoy Danielle M putting on her Coach voice: “Come on buddy. Bring it back around. Focus in.” That bikini on Raven was not flattering. She should bring back the neon number she was wearing in an earlier episode - she's a knockout in that one. Ridiculous ending. “What happens now?” “He’s gone.” I mean, I’m glad they didn’t actually try to sell us the possibility that Nick would force them to scrap the rest of the season by, like, throwing himself bodily into the sea and turning into foam like the little mermaid in the original Hans Christian Andersen tale. (Though I would watch the hell outta that.) At least it looks like we're getting to Corinne's Platinum Vagine Fireworks Factory next week. I guess I'll stick around for that. 19 Link to comment
MBJ February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, Nowhere said: I'm one that doesn't hate Nick. I love how he seems to care about not leading any women on, not wasting any of their time. How could I not? @Nowhere, your entire post, top to bottom, agree with all of it. Jasmine didn't let Nick get a word in edgewise in that entire strangling monologue. His panic levels were reaching 11. And I also can't stand Vanessa. Consider your entire post co-signed. And another post to praise: @alannaofdoom. Lol you're too funny. I love reality shows for the editing - Survivor is great at it, Idol was great at it - But Bachelor has hooooorrrrrific editing. Why do they always spoil future clips at the beginning of the episode? Can't I just see how it plays out organically? Nothing makes sense. Also why is there always a promise of a cocktail party AND THEN THE COCKTAIL PARTY IS ALWAYS CANCELLED. What the fuck is that? Corinne's Platinum Vagine Fireworks Factory We should start a rock band with this name. Edited February 7, 2017 by Ms Blue Jay 6 Link to comment
TiaLou February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 Quote "... The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. It doesn't show any of that, so their reactions don't make sense as to why some of them are pissed." This makes 100 percent sense to me. I mean, I'm not sure about the Vanessa crying part (I know she cried to the camera), but maybe, yes, she was clearly unhappy about how things were going so Nick just switched up the plan to keep her happy/not upset. And surely the other women figured that out, right? I hate volleyball a lot. And Jasmine was bizarre, pushing Corinne down the way she did, to say nothing of insisting to Nick that she'd like to choke him during sex. Surely people who are into that know how to signal their interest in a more subtle manner, right? It was noticeable that no one seemed anti-Corinne in this episode. Maybe with Taylor gone, the anti-Corinne feeling has lessened a bit? Nick's date with Danielle L was so sad -- he gave the editors lots of shots of him looking pained and uncomfortable. I didn't buy the chemistry they supposedly had during the one-on-one in his hometown ... I think he realized he wasn't interested in her back then, and just hadn't gotten around to getting rid of her until now. 5 Link to comment
Andromeda February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 A bunch of small-minded losers who ruined what was once a fantastic site. I'm a Mighty Big TV girl, myself. I only got banned three times from TWOP, haha (I was also on Mighty Big TV before that). For extremely small things. It was such a weirdly over-moderated place. This place is heaven by comparison. I wonder if the volleyball game just went on way too long. It'd be OK for a half hour or hour, but it might have been into second or third hour, which would have driven me to the edge (of the sea), too. 7 Link to comment
FamilyVan February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 (edited) If you watch the beach volleyball date back again knowing what really happened it makes a lot more sense. The 3 girls crying were the loosing team, and they all mentioned missing out on time. I don't know why the show chose to edit this all out, maybe they are sick of having to compete with RS? It didn't work well for the show. Quote And when he was telling her about his experiences on the bachelorette he said at this stage of the game he was having panic attacks but he said, "MY panic attacks." The wording made me think that maybe it's something he struggles with on a normal basis. He said "Mild" panic attacks. I know his speech impediment makes it difficult to understand him LOL. Edited February 7, 2017 by FamilyVan 4 Link to comment
JudyObscure February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 When Nick came in crying, I think he was expecting all the women to gather around, tell him how wonderful he was, how kind and sensitive, hug him blow his nose, and stroke his thigh. When he waited a few beats before slumping off, I almost felt sorry for him. It does look like Corinne of the said low emotional intelligence may be the only one with a nurturing instinct, even if it's a little bit warped. 5 Link to comment
Nowhere February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I guess I missed how Corinne acted any differently than the others during the Nick situation. What did she do to stand out? That's a genuine question. 1 Link to comment
slowpoked February 7, 2017 Share February 7, 2017 I was looking forward to this episode because me and the hubby are going to St. Thomas in June, and I want to see in advance what we are in store for and possible places we might go. This episode was edited clunkily, especially during the volleyball part. There's just no way that the ladies are enjoying playing volleyball, laughing with each other and all of a sudden they retreated to their own private corners crying without any specific, valid reason. I was expecting that maybe Corinne dropped her top again but it seems like it wasn't the case. Just a badly edited episode all around. And whatever happened to the group date rose?! Are we not to see those anymore? It's the second time this season they didn't show who got the rose. St. Thomas is beautiful. Too bad the women couldn't enjoy it too much. Link to comment
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