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S07.E09: Harry's Meat And Gatsby's Fete

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16 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


She also said she doesn't like parties where people are having fun she would rather sit around and have deep conversations about her sobriety and journey.   She had a difficult time getting people to engage with her at Dorit's party.  Apparently she overlooked the part where it was PK's birthday and Boy George there to celebrate the day.   She talked about her mental illness and apparently it presents with all kinds of delusion and really high expectations of others to accommodate her. 

omg *read the room*, girl!

  I had an acquaintance like that once...like most (all?) people, I can have deep convos or just sit there laughing like a complete lunatic.  This chick only liked about 40% of my personality.  yeah, that didn't last very long...

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1 minute ago, swankie said:

I think he's known for reviving the bob, not inventing it.  He upgraded it and made it popular again.  For a while, almost every woman in Hollywood was sporting it.

Eden said her father invented the bob.  Big difference between reviving and inventing.  It is a sore point with me because Eden is all about #truth.  I do agree he was certainly iconic but why dim his star with BS?

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It looked to me like PK was zeroing in on Erika's breasts, when she was seated at the party and he was standing behind her. Maybe he wasn't, but since I find him to be so sleazy that was my initial thought. 

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10 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Kyle has had that look on her face for more than the Gatsby party.  She looked practically ill at Rinna's too.

I don't think Eden is doing this because Rinna stirred up feeling about her own sister.  She strikes me as one of those people who "overcome" addiction or figure out weight loss or healthy eating and need to impart their superior knowledge to everyone they perceive as sharing the problem they "overcame".  Suddenly they view themselves as the nearest thing to a self help guru.  Generally, I also think its a sign that their own recovery isn't as on solid footing as they think it is.

That or the producers assigned her to stir shit up with Kyle and Eden is a combination of desperate and unoriginal that doesn't allow her to change tactics.

You nailed it about Eden! And what zoeysmom just posted about Eden on the After Buzz show. If she wants deep conversation where she's evaluating everyone's life without being asked to, she needs to talk to herself in a mirror. What a wet rag!

6 hours ago, queenjen said:

12 hashtags this episode to add to last week's total on the hashtag counter (I kept count last week, I'll add them)

Did you know that before hashtags became a hashtagThing, Eden Sassoon was addicted to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's one of those people. I'm counting them also. Eden is very frustrated in this blog post, so she's reverted for emphasis to adding exclamation marks. There are 13 of those in this blog post alone. 

Did you know that Eden has 'mad respect' for LVP. We'll see...

Hahaha! I love this! Thank you for taking one for the team on Eden's hashtagging abuse!

I love all the descriptions y'all come up with to describe PK. Never gets old!

I would have enjoyed Rinna's BBQ. The food looked delicious and she really does have an incredible view. Now I want some pie.

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Anyone else notice Kyle's make-up artist's lips??   They were the oddest form of fish lips I think I've ever seen.  She couldn't close her mouth and her top lip didn't match her bottom lip.  It was quite freaky.   Lisa R's wig was atrocious at the Gatsby party.   Looked like she found it at the bottom of a bin at a dollar store.    Erika looked fantastic at the party. 

PK creeps me out more with each episode.   The look on his face was kinda scary when Vanderpump told him to go get her a drink.   He was definitely not pleased, yet he did it.  Guess he didn't want to cross her.

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10 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

PK creeps me out more with each episode.   The look on his face was kinda scary when Vanderpump told him to go get her a drink.   He was definitely not pleased, yet he did it.  Guess he didn't want to cross her.

Oh yea, Lisa wanted him out of that scene immediately!  

Kyle is being extremely composed and gracious with Eden. I would have thrown her over that magnificent cliff at the Gatsby party. 

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3 hours ago, Sai said:

From LisaR's Blog:

"Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to hang out with my favorite scene stealer and 7th housewife, Lola."

She's such an ass.  She's know damn well if there's a dog who's going to be a housewife dog it's going to be Bambi or River.  She really does try so hard to be relevant.  

(In best Mean Girl voice) Lisa...stop trying to make Lola happen.

Lola obviously has great comedic timing, but Lola is no Giggy. Let it go Rinna.

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12 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

All right.  Someone needs to send me Eden's address so I can fly to California and slap her upside the head.  Obviously no one else is going to do it.

And, how inconsiderate was it for Dorit and Pigpen to arrive at Kyle's house and not throw a ball for Bambi?  She opened the door for them and everything. 

Send it to me.  I'll drive down for you from San Francisco and save you the airfare.

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3 hours ago, Sai said:

From LisaR's Blog:

"Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to hang out with my favorite scene stealer and 7th housewife, Lola."

She's such an ass.  She's know damn well if there's a dog who's going to be a housewife dog it's going to be Bambi or River.  She really does try so hard to be relevant.  

Giggy begs to differ!

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1 hour ago, Pickles said:


It looked to me like PK was zeroing in on Erika's breasts, when she was seated at the party and he was standing behind her. Maybe he wasn't, but since I find him to be so sleazy that was my initial thought. 


I noticed that as well, so you're not the only one. Everything about him just screams lech to me. 

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I loved seeing Harry Hamlin this episode.  He seems like such a nice person and he'll always be Perseus to me (SO HOT!), but I just can't understand why he would even want to be around Rinna.  I just baffles me.  He seems so down to earth and I like him more and more each time I see him. 

The Eden thing is just so awful.  She says she's reached out to Kyle and Kim but they don't reciprocate.  Guess what?  They don't want or need your help.  Let it go.  I can give Rinna some of the blame for Eden's actions, but she has now been told repeatedly by many people to back off.  Now her ignorant behaviour is on her.  Also, Kyle handled those crazy long hugs with so much grace.  I am not a hugger, so I would have immediately put a stop to that.  It was SO UNCOMFORTABLE even to watch.  I'm also sick of the enabler talk.  Every path is different and I think that stupid word needs to stop being thrown around.  Unless you are very close to the situation, it is hard to make the determination of enabling or caring.  Neither Eden nor Rinna are close enough to gauge it.  If my choice is talking to someone I love or hanging up on them and having them die, I guess I'll choose to enable.  That situation alone is enough to make me not like Eden at all, especially since she shares it like it's the "non-enabling badge of honor."  Just vile.

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Eden: "If I had someone like ME to talk to Cat & I before she died ... could it have saved her life?  Maybe ... Maybe."

If your sister had YOU to talk to the day she died, could it have saved her life, Eden?  Maybe ...  Maybe.

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11 hours ago, AndySmith said:

I think former cast member Marisa Zanuck (at least, I think it was her) once said a person would only agree to be a part of and stay on this due to one or more of the following reasons: they need the money, they're trying to sell a product/build a brand/give their company or business a platform/etc, or they're just trying to expand their fame.


10 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

I had completely forgotten she was on the show. So that was a fail for her if you follow her logic.

What was Marisa's reason for coming on the show?  

Speaking of her, I was sad to learn she and Dean got divorced.  Saw that coming, though.

Is this OFFICIALLY the most BORING season of any housewives show ever?  There is nothing here, no one has anything going on.  The ladies are very much aware of the image they are presenting, and they do not act crazy or fun.  They don't have anything to offer!  Why should I watch?

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11 hours ago, Thumper said:

Right, those porta potties??  The best I have seen.   Not a problem.

The Andy Gump toilets they rent for the parties are top-of-the-line.

Some are heated, have running water and actually flush.

Lyle Waggoner - the guy from the Carol Burnett show - started a biz called "Star Waggons" that supply specialty trailers for rental, mostly to film crews.

Edited by ElDosEquis
I forgot to flush
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24 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

EDEN! LIGHTEN UP! My GOD. What's worse, Dorit's fake accent or Eden's dark, joyless heart...I seriously don't know.

I'll take Dorit's weird accent over Eden's joyless nature any day! 

I also noticed that PK was making Rinna and Eileen laugh like crazy in the background of some of the scenes at the Gatsby party.  Whatever else he is, it seems the cast doesn't find him as creepy as many of us do. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Rinna's BBQ looked really cute, more my speed than any of the previous "BBQs". I liked how hands on HH was with the food. 

Did anyone else notice that when HH was crimping the bottom crust it was already (professionally?) crimped and looked just like the crust you buy in the tin? I'd bet he prepared the berries but used premade crust. No big deal because I'm still impressed and like Erika I'd eat his meat too. BTW did they get the as previously promised Kobe beef?

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9 hours ago, queenjen said:

12 hashtags this episode to add to last week's total on the hashtag counter (I kept count last week, I'll add them)

Did you know that before hashtags became a hashtagThing, Eden Sassoon was addicted to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's one of those people. I'm counting them also. Eden is very frustrated in this blog post, so she's reverted for emphasis to adding exclamation marks. There are 13 of those in this blog post alone. 

Did you know that Eden has 'mad respect' for LVP. We'll see...

Hash tags are her last attempt at relevance, hoping more people will read her crappy tweets. Edam is just a cheese, she's moldy and not in a good way. Time to toss her.

Edited by Giselle
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42 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Poor POOR Kim's unfortunate jacked up knee and "Gatsby" look. She's more Bette Davis's "Baby Jane" every single time I see her. Cut the hair, admit your age and be fabulous. Right now we're just seeing a sad clown.

Would someone please sneak into her house and steal every container of blush she owns!

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So last night Kim Richards live tweeted for the first time.  And it wasn't all that bad.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kim-richards-reacts-to-lisa-rinna-comments-on-sobriety  After seeing the clip for next weeks episode she tweeted Rinna to, "zip it".  Wasn't it Rinna who told Eden that she had the best chance at getting through to near death Kim?  Rinna blew Kim off with one of her, "I wish you well."

As much as I like Harry Hamlin, I think this clip of when he was asked about his reaction to Rinna's threatening texts to Kim was "go girl."  I get defending your wife, but even she said it was uncalled for. http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/harry-hamlin-defends-lisa-rinna-kim-richards-texts  I don't see Kim apologizing any time soon to Harry Hamlin for "the let's talk about the husband."  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kim-richards-lisa-rinna-feud-where-does-it-stand-today

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12 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Did anyone else notice that when HH was crimping the bottom crust it was already (professionally?) crimped and looked just like the crust you buy in the tin? I'd bet he prepared the berries but used premade crust. No big deal because I'm still impressed and like Erika I'd eat his meat too. BTW did they get the as previously promised Kobe beef?

Well, he did need a rolling pin and flour and didn't we see him kneading some dough so I'm going to assume he is a very talented pie crust maker. The berries are the easy part. Too bad his wife and daughters would never touch a slice of his pies!. 

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3 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

Would someone please sneak into her house and steal every container of blush she owns!

It is the look you get when your stylist has her crotch ripped out by your vicious dog.  Seems her stylist had some extra time on her hands for Kim.


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8 hours ago, queenjen said:

My expectation of this show is that it will be cast with women who live a glamorous high end lifestyle in their particular city. That's the bill of goods we were sold once they refined OC. It was supposed to be 'behind the gates' of the gated communities. Obviously the immediate problem is that real wealth whispers and society women are not going to expose themselves in such a vulgar manner as to appear on the stage participate in a reality tv show, a woman should have her name in the paper only 3 times: when she's born/married and dies (I may have misquoted that).

BH is different in that it is a show business community. The wealth was traditionally built around the industry. So Eileen and yes, to a lesser extent, Rinna (I HATE admitting that) and Kyle are show business royalty in that town. LVP has her restaurants, Eden's father was Vidal, Erika is a performer and married to a litigator, Camille married to Kelsey (not for long) and also a producer. BH is authentic in that respect. Rinna is the neediest and thirstiest of the bunch, though. 

Tinsley Mortimer is a cautionary tale. She was a legitimate member of NYC high society and was shunned after she starred in a reality show about her life. She lost her husband, her friends, her position in society and has recently been in the papers in Miami because of a bad relationship with an abusive boyfriend. How dreadful. And next season of RHONYC, she's Sonja's roomie and the new ho on the show. 

I agree with what you originally said and were getting at: the women they are casting now are doing it because they are schilling something, whether it's themselves, a product or a brand. So as an audience, we don't feel we are authentically being given that glimpse behind the curtain that was the original concept. Atlanta has got way out of hand and is now so improbable it's got to be scripted and in some cases, we are actually being misinformed (Kenya's fake boyfriends, Sheree's uninhabited 'chateau' etc). The key is the 'Real' in 'Real Housewives'.

Oh, no....seriously??  I watched Tinsley's show - (and, I'm loathe to admit it, but I read her novel, which was horrible)...I don't think she will be bringing much to the show!  :-(

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Doing my best Rosemary Clooney impression: Harry Hamlin, I serenade thee: 

Come on-a my house, myyyyy house

and make me tri tip steaks and berry pie cakes, 

Come on-a my house, myyyyy house.

Okay not great but at least it rhymed compared to Bravo's episode title.

Eden? What isn't a sign of addiction? Kim not falling all over herself to greet Eden = sign of addiction.  Kim feeling a certain kind of way about Eden's intrusive questions = sign of addiction. Kim clapping back at Rinna = sign of addiction. Kim feeling anxious about her new grandbaby = sign of addiction. Kim's bum knee making getting down steps tricky = sign of addiction. Hell, I bet she could link Kim being peri-menopausal to addiction too.  STFU!!

Rinna's home makes me a bit itchy because it looks and feels so cluttered, However, it is the most lived in looking house in the whole franchise. Her yard and view are stunning. Do they not have a pool though. Also, I love seeing people with larger dogs like that Rottweiler they have. So cute!

I just want to say a thousand, no a million newps to Lisa's daughters getting TH and storylines. I don't want to see any struggle Gigis. 

Kyle looked so lovely at the BBQ. 

Nice to see LVP finally be so unequivocally ride or die for a friend. 

Erika looked great at the Gatsby party and thought she did super well at her audition.

4 hours ago, imjagain said:

I do get a laugh,  with the fact that Kyle's party planner is a very large overweight sweaty man, lol.  I guess I should be ticked at myself for being so closed minded.  When I think of party planners that is not what I think of,  and that is my bad. 

I am more fascinated by Kyle's makeup artist. She has a very unique look. Reminds me of a gefling from The Dark Crystal. 

9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, he did need a rolling pin and flour and didn't we see him kneading some dough so I'm going to assume he is a very talented pie crust maker. The berries are the easy part. Too bad his wife and daughters would never touch a slice of his pies!. 

I don't think he made that pie crust, other wise he would have already had the flour as he would need that to make the crust.  For me more than half the battle with a pie is with the crust. Maybe he can make it but he didn't this time.

Edited by islandgal140
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10 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

Would someone please sneak into her house and steal every container of blush she owns!

And risk being mauled by Kingsley?

How much you payin'?   I'm broke enough to risk it, if it pays for some of my diabetic cat's vet bills.  (My insurance covers dog bites).   ;-)

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7 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't think he made that pie crust, other wise he would have already had the flour as he would need that to make the crust.  For me more than half the battle with a pie is with the crust. Maybe he can make it but he didn't this time.

Good point. Although, it could have been filmed out of sequence. Who knows with these "reality" shows...

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I like how they were careful not to include the jack in the box sign in the shot of Kyle on the bluff.

The pie crusts were premade. They showed the bottom crusts rolled and crimped in the pan but didn't know where the flour was and had to search for the rolling pin to roll the top crusts out. They didn't even know if they had either one. I wouldn't call him a "master pie maker" as Rinna did but I appreciate his effort and admire his varied skill set.

Loved their stove but it's not the cobalt La Cornue that I want.

Edited by Giselle
Auto correct
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4 hours ago, imjagain said:

I do get a laugh,  with the fact that Kyle's party planner is a very large overweight sweaty man, lol.  I guess I should be ticked at myself for being so closed minded.  When I think of party planners that is not what I think of,  and that is my bad. 

I do always love Kyle's parties. They always look fun and we'll planned. Ok,  maybe not her non BBQ, barbecue. 

I think that is the same party planner that Kyle has been using for years - except, I think he has gained some weight since we last saw him (whenever the last White Party was filmed).

I will take that party planner any day over Kevin whatever-the-hell-his name is, that LVP used - he was/is completely annoying (possibly worse than Dwight from RHOA)!!  

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51 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I love Erika. Still. Her open usage of the word "cunt" is freaking hilarious. It's a WORD. And it makes people drop their jaws every time. So ridiculous.

I'm personally not a big fan of the word, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it either. It's odd to be that LVP, with all her cheeky double entendres, took issue with it. 


14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, he did need a rolling pin and flour and didn't we see him kneading some dough so I'm going to assume he is a very talented pie crust maker. The berries are the easy part. Too bad his wife and daughters would never touch a slice of his pies!. 

Right??? I bet he was excited that people who actually eat (compared to his wife) were coming over. 

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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I will take that party planner any day over Kevin whatever-the-hell-his name is, that LVP used - he was/is completely annoying (possibly worse than Dwight from RHOA)!!  

Oh no, Kevin Lee. Do not speak his name! I'm afraid of what might happen!

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2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I like how they were careful not to include the jack in the box sign in the shot of Kyle on the bluff.

The pie crusts were premade. They showed the bottom crusts roles and crimped in the pan but didn't know where the flour was and had to search for the rolling pin to roll the top crusts out. They didn't even know if they had either one. I wouldn't call him a "master pie maker" as Rinna did but I appreciate his effort and admire his varied skill set.

Loved their stove but it's not the cobalt La Cornue that I want.

MMMMMM, tacos......

Probably should have had them cater the party?

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It's getting so I'm not sure whether I'm watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. Is this entire season just meant to be a showcase for Mauricio's listings? And do they really think that it's likely they'll find a buyer for any of these multi-million dollar listings amongst the people watching RHOBH? And note to self: don't invite Eden to any party that doesn't involve a dead body and a graveside service, and even then expect her to bring the fun level WAY down.

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8 hours ago, queenjen said:

Kathy Hilton mentioned consulting a lawyer this week in a tweet with respect to Eden's comments about Kim. I heard before this season that one of the women ends up being hated by everyone. I cant stand Dorit, so it seemed obvious at first, but now I'm seeing the light. It's Eden

Other than a cease and desist, what's a lawyer going to do? Kim is a public figure. To prove defamation, you have prove that Eden has said what she's said about Kim with actual malice (that she made her comments knowing they were false or recklessly made them with no clue about the truthfulness of them). Eden observed Kim to be sober, but not emotionally strong. While Rinna has told her another story. Eden didn't really have an opportunity to clarify with Kyle until the barbecue. Although she did have that lunch with Kyle and Rinna where Eden asked around the issue. The other thing that they have to prove in a defamation suit against Eden is actual damages.  Kim has no income and her reputation is garbage.

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Didn't Vidal Sassoon, according to Eden invent the bob?  Interesting because the Gatsby era was 1925 and Vidal Sassoon was born in 1928.  The continuing BS of Eden Sassoon.

I was listening to Eden Sassoon on AfterBuzz, as she broke down the episode.  For someone who is so helpful, her first response about Kim, is instead of helping her down the stairs she should have made her crawl.  So another BS persona from Eden Sassoon.  She spent an inordinate amount of time talking about the Reunion.  Maybe she doesn't realize her part could be minimal.  The four anchors got her off her recovery and New Age nonsense long enough to ask about her relationships and contact  with the others and no one is talking to her. HAHA and yet she prattled on about next season and what she would do differently.  She pretty much feels like road kill because of Rinna.

Eden has been part of three previous reality shows that failed to make it to air.  Might explain her desperation.  She claims she was approached and asked Josh Flagg about doing the show and he said, " you know Lisa Rinna."  So their stories just don't jive.  She made it sound as if she highly sought after.  To her credit, she did not say (this round) anything about production pushing an agenda.

She also said she doesn't like parties where people are having fun she would rather sit around and have deep conversations about her sobriety and journey.   She had a difficult time getting people to engage with her at Dorit's party.  Apparently she overlooked the part where it was PK's birthday and Boy George there to celebrate the day.   She talked about her mental illness and apparently it presents with all kinds of delusion and really high expectations of others to accommodate her. 

This explains a lot about Eden - she doesn't know how to have fun.  I wonder if it is leftover issues from her drinking days - that she doesn't know HOW to have fun without drinking?  Or, if she really is just such a Debbie Downer that people having fun and good times depresses her even more.

I still think she's a buttinsky bitch who needs to keep her nose out of other people's business.  Yeah, I get that Rinna set the spark to flame, but Eden is taking that flame and turning it into a raging fire.  

And, like others, I LOVED LVP coming for Eden, in defense of Kyle.  I really enjoy Kyle and LVP when they are good friends.  You can see that there is a true friendship there.

I hope that Kyle really goes after Rinna (and Eden).  Kyle needs to be the one to do it - Kim will get nowhere before getting frustrated and loud.  

If anything, the Reunion should be interesting!  

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14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm personally not a big fan of the word, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it either. It's odd to be that LVP, with all her cheeky double entendres, took issue with it. 


Right??? I bet he was excited that people who actually eat (compared to his wife) were coming over. 

Lisa has said she didn't like that word before, she prefers the word "pussy" instead.

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14 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Everyone knows that you make the BEST FUCKING pie crusts with real, cold butter.


I call bullshit on HH's pie making skill and challenge him to make bread from scratch.


I swear my Grandy could use earwax and her crusts would be flakey and delicious. Her's were usually lard (known for flakiness) or butter (strong point: flavor) and crisco on occasion.

She would always say use a light hand and keep it cold.

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3 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Other than a cease and desist, what's a lawyer going to do? Kim is a public figure. To prove defamation, you have prove that Eden has said what she's said about Kim with actual malice (that she made her comments knowing they were false or recklessly made them with no clue about the truthfulness of them). Eden observed Kim to be sober, but not emotionally strong. While Rinna has told her another story. Eden didn't really have an opportunity to clarify with Kyle until the barbecue. Although she did have that lunch with Kyle and Rinna where Eden asked around the issue. The other thing that they have to prove in a defamation suit against Eden is actual damages.  Kim has no income and her reputation is garbage.

When Kathy tweeted that she could have been speaking about Rinna as much as she was Eden. She didn't name any 1 HW in her tweet. LOL

1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

This explains a lot about Eden - she doesn't know how to have fun.  I wonder if it is leftover issues from her drinking days - that she doesn't know HOW to have fun without drinking?  Or, if she really is just such a Debbie Downer that people having fun and good times depresses her even more.

I still think she's a buttinsky bitch who needs to keep her nose out of other people's business.  Yeah, I get that Rinna set the spark to flame, but Eden is taking that flame and turning it into a raging fire.  

And, like others, I LOVED LVP coming for Eden, in defense of Kyle.  I really enjoy Kyle and LVP when they are good friends.  You can see that there is a true friendship there.

I hope that Kyle really goes after Rinna (and Eden).  Kyle needs to be the one to do it - Kim will get nowhere before getting frustrated and loud.  

If anything, the Reunion should be interesting!  

I think because Rinna said things like "near death", "mostly sober" and used "enabler" in current context, she set Eden's alarm system into over drive and this is the result. IMO, Rinna not only lit the fire, she threw gas on it on purpose and as always, is claiming she has now "moved on" and is "done with the subject"! LOL

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Eden: "If I had someone like ME to talk to Cat & I before she died ... could it have saved her life?  Maybe ... Maybe."

If your sister had YOU to talk to the day she died, could it have saved her life, Eden?  Maybe ...  Maybe.

That is exactly what I was thinking!  Maybe, just maybe, if you didn't hang up on your sister, things would be different.  

I would assume this is one of the things that plague Eden with guilt.  

It's amazing how one person can be so down on everything around her, yet still have such a high opinion of herself, isn't it?  And again, I will say that until Eden shows us a counselor/therapist/psychologist degree of some sort, she should just shut the fuck up about how she is such an expert.

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12 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Other than a cease and desist, what's a lawyer going to do? Kim is a public figure. To prove defamation, you have prove that Eden has said what she's said about Kim with actual malice (that she made her comments knowing they were false or recklessly made them with no clue about the truthfulness of them). Eden observed Kim to be sober, but not emotionally strong. While Rinna has told her another story. Eden didn't really have an opportunity to clarify with Kyle until the barbecue. Although she did have that lunch with Kyle and Rinna where Eden asked around the issue. The other thing that they have to prove in a defamation suit against Eden is actual damages.  Kim has no income and her reputation is garbage.

I think Kathy Hilton is a whole lot of bluster and knows damn well that Eden has a certain immunity.  Some of the statements about Kim getting dead sister started on drugs might fall out of the exceptions but who they going call as witnesses?  There is a certain bite in the my lawyer can beat your lawyer up mentality.

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20 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I love Erika. Still. Her open usage of the word "cunt" is freaking hilarious. It's a WORD. And it makes people drop their jaws every time. So ridiculous.

I'm personally not a big fan of the word, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it either. It's odd to be that LVP, with all her cheeky double entendres, took issue with it. 

I don't mind the word. I don't use it often but I've been known to call a bad driver a cuntasaurus in the privacy of my own car. That said, I think both LVP and Erika are being salacious for drama's sake. Erika knows it's not part of a respectable vernacular but she calls herself cunty anyway and repeats it over and over again to throw people off. And LVP drags it out of her every time. Instead of ignoring it she's like "you said what? cunty? you said that? you called yourself a cunt? i hate that word. did you really call yourself a cunt? it's so dirty. i prefer pussy." 

It's why I love the show. And frankly it's a nice reprieve from a lot of the other shit that happens on this show.

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22 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Here's more info on the trailers/porta potties that the studios rent.


Once you use a nice one, you'll ALWAYS think of it when you have to use one of the regular crappers.

You're not wrong. I was at a really fancy event in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore a few years ago and they had the fancy ones set up. I made everyone I knew at the event go in there and some people I had just met because they are SO FREAKING NICE I couldn't believe it! I even took the guy's card for future events because man! Those things are really nice! When I saw Rinna and Eileen walking up to it I yelled "It's the fancy porta potties!!" and then went on to say they needed to show the other side of the conversation when they were walking out marveling at how nice they were, because that's what likely happened... of course that's not fun to show so we will never know. 

ETA for anyone who cares, these are the ones they had in Baltimore. So nice! I'd say they're even a step up from the star wagons (which are also super nice). 

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13 hours ago, Megan said:

Sorry it's only cause they are my absolute fav  - it's Statler and Waldorf.

Erika looked awesome. Though I thought more 30's maybe?

I thought Erika looked good but, yeah, maybe with a more general Erte vibe than the costume-flapper look the others seemed to be displaying?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 hours ago, ivygirl said:

I've been in those kinds of porta potties and they ARE nice. They look like little (I mean, *little*) "regular" bathrooms. Some even come stocked with (fake) flowers and mints.

Incidentally this week's ep title bugs me a bit. It's supposed to rhyme right? I'm mentally pronouncing it "Harry's Met and Gatsby's Feht" (though yes, I know some people pronounce "fete" as "feet" or "fayt" in the good old USA).

I went to a party and there was a TV in the fancy porta pottie!

Agree about the title. Some people may pronounce fete as feet, but they would be absolutely wrong. It's a French word. They should have used feat instead.

Lisa warning Eden to back the fuck up gave me life. I rewound that bit a million times. The woman will not learn!

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Just now, Lisin said:

You're not wrong. I was at a really fancy event in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore a few years ago and they had the fancy ones set up. I made everyone I knew at the event go in there and some people I had just met because they are SO FREAKING NICE I couldn't believe it! I even took the guy's card for future events because man! Those things are really nice! When I saw Rinna and Eileen walking up to it I yelled "It's the fancy porta potties!!" and then went on to say they needed to show the other side of the conversation when they were walking out marveling at how nice they were, because that's what likely happened... of course that's not fun to show so we will never know. 

That would have been the most interesting conversation Eileen and Rinna have had all season.

Years ago I had to rent a deluxe Porta Potties for a charity event and the price was $3,500.00 for one night.  I believe the name was Royal Flush.

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