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The Gang Makes You Laugh Your Ass Off : Favorite "Sunny" Moments/Episodes

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What are some of your favorite episodes and/or moments from the show? Here are some of mine:

Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare - highly quotable episode, my favorite probably being "I'm a recovering crackhead and this is my retarded sister; we'd like some welfare please." Also loved Dennis and Dee struggling to order crack from the dealer (Dee: "Two cracks, please!")

Hundred Dollar Baby - if only for "I will eat your babies, bitch!"

The Gang Gets Invincible - I think this might have been the first episode I saw; between Elvin from The Cosby Show playing Donovan McNabb and Greenman, I was made an immediate fan and had to buy the first two seasons immediately.

  • Love 6

Off the top of my head...

A Very Sunny Christmas: Charlie's mall Santa confrontation. Watching this episode has become a Christmas tradition in my family.

The Gang Gets Held Hostage: The McPoyle brother fork stabbing scene. Great episode in general.

Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire: It's funny from the title card on. Dee being repeatedly set on fire, her screaming and throwing the box of kittens.

The Gang Buys a Boat: The wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man dance.

Frank's Pretty Woman: Depressing in hindsight, but the scene where Charlie pretends to be a rich cowboy type and projectile vomits blood on a woman in the back of a limo was super over-the-top and hysterical.

The Gang Saves the Day: Charlie's fantasy randomly ending with him as the old man from UP.

Season 7 was probably the funniest for me in recent memory, though I don't think I used any of those episodes as an example.

eta: The final scene with Dee losing her mind and breaking dishes as she spews abuse at her therapist at the end of "The Gang Gets Analyzed."

Edited by JayKay
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Frank's Pretty Woman: Depressing in hindsight, but the scene where Charlie pretends to be a rich cowboy type and projectile vomits blood on a woman in the back of a limo was super over-the-top and hysterical.


Anytime Roxy said anything in that episode made me laugh (love her voice!)

I don't even know what season the show is on now, but one of my favorites from one of the later seasons is the High School Reunion episode. Mac's real name being Ronald McDonald made me laugh way harder than it should have. Then when the bullies tried to give Charlie a wedgie and his underwear fell apart...I hollered

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Oh my gosh, the welfare episode!!!  No one, NO ONE!!, I know likes this show, so there have been a few times I have tried explaining why it is so very funny and I always use the welfare episode. Unfortunately, just the memory of it makes me laugh so hard that I am literally crying I am lauging so much and now my friends think I'm a complete whack-job.

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Also "The Nightman Cometh", with lines like:

"There's no rape scene!  What are you talking about?"

Dee singing about being "in real life, at least an 8 or a 9..."

"Who's the mark?"  "Yeah, what's the scam?"
"Laughs are easy. I'm going for gasps."


And Charlie's big song at the end.


I also laugh every time I think about the Christmas episode, especially when Charlie looked forward to the Santas coming over, and Mac's slow realization that his family tradition wasn't quite what he thought it was.

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The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis is my all-time favorite episode.  So many hysterical parts in that one.  

"We are going to hit you where it hurts."

"Your dick"

"What?  No bro, not his dick"


The Waitress is Getting Married is a close second for me, all for Dee's line reading of "Yeah?  Well I ain't giving you shit you old bitch."


I also love The Gang Gives an Intervention.  For whatever reason, when they're at the actual intervention and everyone starts using "intervention" as an accusatory verb, it cracks me up.  And then I just lose it when Charlie salts Gail the Snail.


The entire "blackface" conversation in Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth is freaking hysterical. 

"See?  James Earl Jones is doing a great blackface!"

"James Earl Jones HAS a black face!"

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Of recent eps, "Mac Day" is fantastic. Mac getting excited about oiling up the muscle guys, Country Mac actually DOING an ocular pat-down... too bad it had to end.


"The Gang Buys a Boat" is a fave. Dee learning dance moves from the inflatable guy. A horrible glimpse into Dennis Reynolds' heart of darkness. And "how'd you lose your hand?" "Diabetes." "Ohhh..."


Random moments: Frank's birth-canal-like emergence from the leather sofa is a train-wreck moment of awesomeness. As is Dee's gagging stand-up routine.

The scene in "Who Pooped The Bed?" where Sweet Dee runs out of the shoe store head first into a car makes me cry I laugh so hard every time I watch it!


In "Who Got Dee Pregnant?" when they're with the McPoyles and Dennis runs out of the room to be sick and one of the brothers says in a creepy, low voice, "Don't flush."


Charlie's Butt Dance.


Charlie telling the gang the ins and outs of high school politics.  And when they all laugh at Mac for not having a date to Prom.


The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore-ALL OF IT!


The Waitress is Getting Married-"I'll have a milk steak, boiled over hard, with a side of jelly beans, raw."  And "how much cheese is too much cheese?"  (Because I'm with Charlie!)

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"Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games" is my favorite episode. It is the episode that made me realize that I need to watch every single episode of this show. I can't believe it took me so long to watch it.

From the recent season, "The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award" and "Mac Day" are my favorites. Poor Country Mac. I am not proud of it, but when Frank says "suicide is badass" I laugh hard.

Edited by VanillaBear85
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In "Who Got Dee Pregnant?" when they're with the McPoyles and Dennis runs out of the room to be sick and one of the brothers says in a creepy, low voice, "Don't flush."



It's so wrong, but I just die when the two McPoyles imitate Mac having sex with their sister.  And I always cry with laughter when they tell Mac she's waiting to hear from him, he says he's not going to call her, and the one McPoyle just screams "YOU WILL CALL HER!"  Actually, any episode where the McPoyle's are a central focus are fantastic: The Gang Get Invincible, The Gang Gets Held Hostage, The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre are all hysterical. 


I also have a soft spot for "Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia".  All of the snarking on the reviewer, then the botched kidnapping and Mac trying to prove he's a good bouncer just slay me.  I completely lose it at "Now we have a diabetic cat in the mix??" and then when Charlie out of nowhere breaks the bottle over the guys head and says "I really don't like this guy."  

  • Love 3

Three of the more patriotic episodes will be broadcast tomorrow on Comedy Central starting at 2:52: "Charlie Gets America All Over Everybody's Ass," "The Gang Cracks The Liberty Bell" and "The Gang Wrestles For The Troops."


It's hard to pick a "go to" episode. The Jersey Shore episode resonates with me, mostly because, hey, who wasn't tired of Jersey Shore? I once got a free phone charm from a few artists a while back at an anime convention . . . I was the only person to point out why the Lorax in an inner tube screaming, "RUM HAM!!!" was so funny. "The Gang Gets Analyzed" (correct title?) was also funny, since we had Kerri Kinney (who played insane deputy Trudy Wiegel on Reno 911!) as Dee's shrink. Also: Dennis overanalyzing everything and Frank's breakdown and revelation that Dennis and Dee ate a triplet in utereo. I don't even question that.


Oh, and the Christmas special was funny, even if you have to deal with Frank getting "birthed" out of a sofa. Watching Charlie go sickhouse on a mall Santa never gets old.

Edited by Lantern7

I don't even know what season the show is on now, but one of my favorites from one of the later seasons is the High School Reunion episode. Mac's real name being Ronald McDonald made me laugh way harder than it should have. Then when the bullies tried to give Charlie a wedgie and his underwear fell apart...I hollered


I also loved the big dance sequence in the second reunion episode, where we saw two versions of it. They really looked good in the first version, which is what the gang thought they looked like. Then I was kind of hoping that they really pulled the dance off, when we got the second version, the way the dance really looked. 


It is really hard to explain this show to others. I didn't start to watch until Season 6, mainly because even though the reviews were really, really good, I just couldn't imagine how such reprehensible people could be funny. But the humor comes almost totally from knowing the characters, so it's not a show you can quote from and have people get the humor without explaining a lot of background.

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It is really hard to explain this show to others. I didn't start to watch until Season 6, mainly because even though the reviews were really, really good, I just couldn't imagine how such reprehensible people could be funny


The first time I saw this show I watched about 10 minutes and was horrified. I had to change the channel.  I tried again for some odd reason, and suddenly I got it.  

I also love the episode of Mac Is A Serial Killer, where Dee and Dennis are chasing the Waitress and Dee is wearing shoes that honk when she walks, and the scene with Pepper Jack the Pimp.


I don't know why I finally recognized the humor, but then I come across an episode description such as this, and realize it's pure genius.  There's no way to translate that humor to someone who has never seen the show.


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I also love the episode of Mac Is A Serial Killer, where Dee and Dennis are chasing the Waitress and Dee is wearing shoes that honk when she walks, and the scene with Pepper Jack the Pimp.

Oh I love that episode. All the Dee insults, Charlie the lawyer, the "Catch a Predator" ending, and my favorite moment is Dennis needing to be reminded that he and Dee weren't really going to murder the Waitress.

From the AV Club: a creepy (yet funny) supercut of Dennis. I would like somebody to explain the wacky outfits Dee and Dennis are wearing at the 2:01 mark.

That's from the episode where everyone thinks Mac is a serial killer. To test this theory, Dennis and Dee decide to "get into the mind of a killer," which Dennis takes disturbingly literally. He decides he'll pretend to be a painter to get into women's homes. And Dee is a murder clown.

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Between that episode and the one where Dennis revealed that he had BTK stuff in his trunk like Dexter (the HS reunion or the zombie wedding, can't remember), Dennis is almost canonically a serial killer and/or rapist.

I also liked that episode when Frank pretended the twins' mom had faked her death, and Dennis casually mentions how he's having trouble "feeling things." The way he underplays such a terrifying line makes it hilarious.

This is a show that I always said to myself that it looked funny and I knew I was going to like it, but also knew I wanted to catch from S1E1.  so, I'm finally watching it.  I'm on Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare.  It is so funny!  Looking forward to the upcoming episodes you all mentioned above!

  • Love 2

Oh my God, I love this thread.  I literally watch Sunny every single day.  I usually put it on when I'm getting ready for work in the morning or doing stuff around the house.  I also just sit down and rewatch it, yes, I'm that much of a fan (loser?).  


This thread has opened my eyes to funny things in episodes even I have never noticed-and I have probably seen every episode at least a good 30 times. 


Now I am off to rewatch some of the scenes to catch the hidden gems I've missed. (like Charlie's underwear falling apart when he's getting a wedgie).


edited to add one of my favorite quotes: Dennis to Mac after Mac explains he isn't fat he is cultivating mass: "You are not cultivating mass, and if you are, stop cultivating and start harvesting"


I also love the song Charlie does for the waitress in The Nightman Cometh.  If any guy sung that song to me I'd marry them.

Edited by mothmonsterman
  • Love 4

Love this show. Can't even pick an all time fave but if forced at gunpoint - the one where Dee and Charlie walk a mile in each other's shoes. Watching Charlie's nightime routine hilarious - eating cat food, huffing glue, jars of piss everywhere. Classic. However, Dee dry heaving while doing a comedy routine? The single funniest moment in the show's entire history. The patron saying "Jesus Christ" in the audience never fails to make me laugh. 


The Gang Dances their Asses off is a fave - shut up street rat! Charlie's dance routine. Cricket's bionic legs "Technology has failed me."


Mac is a serial killer




Manhunters - the Charlie/Dee storyline in particular


Frank's Pretty Woman - when Roxy says 'tighter than dick skin' I fall the hell out.


Dee and Dennis' Mom dies - Dee and Frank asking the lawyer to give the mom a message when she is dead is ridiculous - tell her I said she is a bitch. LOL! Frank's going off in the lawyer's office is my everything. 

  • Love 1

You are not - that episode is hilarious.  I love when Charlie won't trade his shoes with Dee because her big feet with stretch them out.  And then Frank on the boat tour is just side-splittingly hilarious - to hear all the gang's exploits said so nonchalantly is fantastic.  

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Dennis explaining about the implication never fails to creep me out, in the best possible way.  As does the scene during the high school reunion when he retrieves his tools.  I really like how they've slowly rolled out Dennis' psychopathy over the seasons.  The scene of Dennis and Sweet Dee trying to purchase a gun and finding out he was merely a "person of interest" in those cases and Dee's line reading of "You try to burn ONE bitch..."  are dark, lovely things of beauty.  As a denizen of the City of Brotherly Love, I am grateful these guys have channeled their darkness into comedy. 


Love this show. Can't even pick an all time fave but if forced at gunpoint - [snip]



islandgal140, my sentiments exactly. 

I think my favorite episode overall is Chardee MacDennis.   


However my favorite storyline is Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person, her trying to figure out if Lil' Kevin is retarded or not.  It reminds me of the Seinfeld where elaine can't figure out if the guy she is dating is black or not.  Those two episodes are perfect for comparison of Seinfeld vs Its always sunny.....


Can't wait for the new season

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I'm so grateful both my daughters (early 20s) like this show and made me watch it. I still haven't seen all the episodes/seasons, though.


My favorites thus far:

- Mac Day: Everything about this episode cracked me up, though it really drove home once and for all what a loser Mac is. Love how Country Mac is gay and cool

- Nightman Cometh: Enough said

- The episode with the glory hole, especially the "orgy" they go to, which is just a bunch of overweight middle-aged people sitting around in their undies eating crappy food (this is one of my favorite Dennis episodes for some reason)

- The episode with the wrestling match for the troops - enjoyable for how truly hateful Dee is and just because of the wrestling match itself

  • Love 1

You are not - that episode is hilarious.  I love when Charlie won't trade his shoes with Dee because her big feet with stretch them out.  And then Frank on the boat tour is just side-splittingly hilarious - to hear all the gang's exploits said so nonchalantly is fantastic.

I loved the Japanese(?) tourists on the boat reaction to Frank's stories ("Who is Charlie?", etc).

Wasn't there an ep in which Charlie and Mac invented Muscle Milk and made a demo tape?

I forgot to mention the Manhunters episode. Just picturing Dee and Charlie bellowing for 'human meat' makes me laugh.

The Manhunters episode was the one where Dennis wanted to teabag Cricket when they caught him, right? I thought Mac's idea of "Gorilla Mask"turned out to be way funnier.

I just rewatched The Gang Reignites the Rivalry and I forgot how funny that episode is from start to finish. You've got Frank's skinny jeans, Charlie trying to pull a Good Will Hunting on the college kids, Dennis screaming about "idiots" and being a "legend", followed by he and Frank messing up Art Sloan's house, and then the guys being ok with poisoning Dee in order to get back at the frat guys.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm doing this jerk-off's taxes! Next year, they're gonna audit the piss out of him!"

"That's so weird!! That's some long term shit!"

What got me interested in the show was seeing a clip of Frank as The Trashman from "The Gang Wrestles For The Troops."


Other favorite moments:


-Charlie as the Wild Card (plus the scene where he pretends to be a Texas oil man)

-Rum Ham (goes without saying)

-I frequently get the Troll Toll song stuck in my head at random times.

-The Kitten Mittons commercial

-I forget which episode it was but it was an early one, where one of the gang tries to damage their car to look like it was in accident just rams it into a wall.

-The ending to "Sweet Dee Gets Audited," where they stage a baby funeral with the corpse of the dog they found in the alley.

-I forget which episode it was but it was an early one, where one of the gang tries to damage their car to look like it was in accident just rams it into a wall.

That's Mac and Charlie die, another one of my favorites. The ramming in the wall was on purpose, it was that Mac claimed he could jump out of the car in time, but couldn't.

Which then sets off the hilarious run of him having a concussion and being obsessed about the wedding dress he and Charlie see in the pawn shop.  And then buying it, and wearing it for the next scene where they try and blow up the car.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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I am not proud of it, but a psychopathic Dennis rant is one of my favorite things.

It's why "The Gang Group Dates" is now one of my all-time favorites.





That's Mac and Charlie die, another one of my favorites. The ramming in the wall was on purpose, it was that Mac claimed he could jump out of the car in time, but couldn't.

Which then sets off the hilarious run of him having a concussion and being obsessed about the wedding dress he and Charlie see in the pawn shop.  And then buying it, and wearing it for the next scene where they try and blow up the car.

Ah, thanks for clarifying that. It's been years since I saw that, my memory got fuzzy.

I love this show. I've always loved it and rooted for it. Its one that I really wanted to see develop, and shit if it hasn't been wonderful every step of the way. Ten seasons is a huge thing for a show to do and I couldn't be happier that they are still going. 

Favorite lines for my most recent episode, The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award: 
Dennis: What's with the black friend that no one is acknowledging...is black? I feel like its weird if you don't talk about that. 
Mac: It's strange to have one black friend and not be constantly talking about it. 
Dennis: Yeah, shine a light on it, make sure everybody sees and knows, like, "I have a black friend," and that's a thing. 
Mac: Cuz it's weird that a black person is friends with white people.

Random anecdote: In the summer I am a wildland firefighter and it can be a tough job that really kicks my ass. We were doing work for the forest service last year, and was a shit job in shit conditions in the heat of summer. But it was close enough to home that rather than camp us out, the bosses had us drive home every night. It meant we could sleep in our own beds at night, but it made for super long days and almost no time off at the end of shift. So I'd come home bruised and worn out and immediately take a hot bath. Sunny was always the show. I needed some cruel, twisted jokes and before long it became a thing to watch Sunny in the bath. And now whenever I think about that, I hear Frank explaining a deleted scene in my head in my head, "It's my bath show. You know...the show you watch in the bath! It's a big deal to me! We're very connected Charlie!" 

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