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S08.E06: A Shocking Revelation

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7 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Oh I think Kody has that market cornered.   I have a lot of empathy for Meri this episode, especially coming fast on the heels of Kody basically telling her that he is not really interested in therapy right now but might as well give it a shot (after she was so pleased that he wanted to hit the catfisher to protect her).

Maybe if Meri learned to tell the truth & was there for her daughter instead of  me me me as usual...she wouldn't need constant empathy. 

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, mythoughtis said:

Mariah is a brat. She sits there with a smirk on her face because she's thrown a curve ball to Meri's head. 

I'm sure she got a little pleasure by telling her mother she was not spiritual and not religious.

Mykelti:  "Meri, you are something blue."
Me: "Does her mood count?"

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 11

Veda Pierce, I agree! Every kid should experience unconditional love, and Kody did a great job with expressing that tonight.

On another note, I've heard many many times of small children expressing they'd like to grow up and marry their opposite sex parent. I've just never seen a ceremony, pretend or otherwise, for it. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 2

I am only about 20 minutes into this thing so far - alternating between this and Golden Globes, and Kody is both impressing and infuriating. 

For one, the continuation of Mariah's coming out scene had me wondering if elves where in my room cutting onions under my nose because there was this strange salty discharge coming from my eye area. What the deuce?!?! The impressing part of Kody? I loved the embrace between Mariah and Kody and he said, mostly all the right things and it seemed like things Mariah needed to hear. No doubt Kody and Meri were totally stunned because they sat there for a while after the rest had such positive reactions. The slightly infuriating part? It is just always about him and how important it is that Mariah was born into HIS family, under HIS care and that it is oh so important that she feels safe with HIM

I have no problem with Meri needing a minute or 10 to wrap her head around this revelation.

Mark your calendars. Star date 1/8/2017. I had no issue with Robyn and her buttinski over emotional self this episode. I brought what she was selling tonight.  The fact that Meri realizes that she needs Robyn the Rosetta Stone in order to translate human speech into Kody is just really sad. Even sadder still, the stupid argument over where to even have the conversation - the living room, the kitchen counter or dining table. Yikes!!

Meri says she never had a son?!?! Um.... wasn't that the biggest plus of living plural, having 70 -11ty kids and all the sister wives kids are your kids and you are a mom 70-11ty times over?!!? Still can't keep their lies straight I see. 

  • Love 24
15 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Let's see how he'd react if one of his sons came out vs just a daughter from the wife he wants rid of anyway.


If it were a top-tier son like Logan, Hunter or Solomon, he would absolutely lose his shit.  He'd be cool with Paedon or Dayton.

He would be fine with Lesbian daughters (they go to his planet) --- but Gay sons -- no way!

In this episode, Kody remembers that he has a Truley.  Also, Caleb is a better father-figure to Truley than the girl's own father.

Janelle only has two left in the house?  Wow.  Another empty McMansion.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 18
3 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I am only about 20 minutes into this thing so far - alternating between this and Golden Globes, and Kody is both impressing and infuriating. 

For one, the continuation of Mariah's coming out scene had me wondering if elves where in my room cutting onions under my nose because there was this strange salty discharge coming from my eye area. What the deuce?!?! The impressing part of Kody? I loved the embrace between Mariah and Kody and he said, mostly all the right things and it seemed like things Mariah needed to hear. No doubt Kody and Meri were totally stunned because they sat there for a while after the rest had such positive reactions. The slightly infuriating part? It is just always about him and how important it is that Mariah was born into HIS family, under HIS care and that it is oh so important that she feels safe with HIM

I have no problem with Meri needing a minute or 10 to wrap her head around this revelation.

Mark your calendars. Star date 1/8/2017. I had no issue with Robyn and her buttinski over emotional self this episode. I brought what she was selling tonight.  The fact that Meri realizes that she needs Robyn the Rosetta Stone in order to translate human speech into Kody is just really sad. Even sadder still, the stupid argument over where to even have the conversation - the living room, the kitchen counter or dining table. Yikes!!

Meri says she never had a son?!?! Um.... wasn't that the biggest plus of living plural, having 70 -11ty kids and all the sister wives kids are your kids and you are a mom 70-11ty times over?!!? Still can't keep their lies straight I see. 

So agree! Meri with the control freak thing on where to talk, Kody says over here, Meri says, "no, over there", ugh! Meri also can't handle anything close to conflict. She fell apart the second their talk about the lehi house reno got stressy, she hid behind Christine when he didn't like the table setup at thanksgiving, she hid behind her again in Hawaii when Meri wanted the umbrellas in the sand moved, and hid again behind Sol (or tried to) when she wanted to take him on a journey to visit Mariah after catfish. I just really saw tonight how incredibly insecure Meri is. She really can't stand strong and solid on her own two feet. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

True, true, but for now, all I can judge him on is his reaction to this first kid coming out, and so far, I'm impressed and dare I say... Actually proud of him. :) I guess I just am moved by people being kind to kids. There's so much mean and nasty in the world, that I cheer when I see a bit of sweetness towards one another. Shrug 

You do realize that this is all edited and producer-driven for ratings, right?  Behind the scenes I bet things are quite a bit different. 

TLC:  "Now, Kody, here's what you need to say to rope in sympathetic viewers.  If you blow off your daughter, the ratings will tank for sure.  And since Robyn is on everyone's shit list, make her sympathetic as well".

Kody:  "You betcha.  Gotta keep that gravy train on track.  Just tell me what to say and I'll make the wives toe the line because I am, after all, the Lord High Prophet on Earth.  Or something like that. Whatever".

  • Love 18

I refuse to watch another damn clip show, especially one about their stupid road trips.

That was two hours of mind-numbing wheel-spinning. I'm glad the family is supporting Mariah. Robyn was right that Meri needs to work through her shit away from Mariah (and I HATE that I have agreed with Robyn twice in one episode).

Whatever that was Tony was cooking did look good. Of course the way to the Brown's hearts is through their stomachs.

I yelled at Janelle to stand up when she was bent over behind Truly and her fish on the boat. Not a good angle.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, hisbunkie said:

The family could have refused to show this but they didn't, they could have made it about their religion, but they didn't.  

Contractually they may not have had the choice.  Once you sign a contract for a reality show, you don't have a say in what gets filmed. And you know good and well that Asshat would never do anything to jeopardize his only source of income.  

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

You do realize that this is all edited and producer-driven for ratings, right?  Behind the scenes I bet things are quite a bit different. 

TLC:  "Now, Kody, here's what you need to say to rope in sympathetic viewers.  If you blow off your daughter, the ratings will tank for sure.  And since Robyn is on everyone's shit list, make her sympathetic as well".

Kody:  "You betcha.  Gotta keep that gravy train on track.  Just tell me what to say and I'll make the wives toe the line because I am, after all, the Lord High Prophet on Earth.  Or something like that. Whatever".

Oh, for sure, I'm as cynical as anybody else! I get that it's producer driven, it's a SHOW first and foremost... I'm in the advertising/marketing field working in nyc for almost 20 years, but maybe I'm a sap or they got me at the right time tonight, but damn if I wasn't impressed with their words and the way they handled a very sensitive moment. Even Robyn won me a little...don't worry, I'm sure I'll be back to making fun of these fools the second they hide in a toilet stall (Christine) or empty an rv waste tank on their shoe (Kody) or try to eat a donut on a string. 

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Contractually they may not have had the choice.  Once you sign a contract for a reality show, you don't have a say in what gets filmed. And you know good and well that Asshat would never do anything to jeopardize his only source of income.  

Yes.  If Kody said anything negative about LQBTQ and it became public, TLC would drop the family in an instant.  He knows that, especially in the post-Josh Duggar reality tv world.  He doesn't have Phil Robertson's FU money.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4

I just can't stand Christine. She's all good with Tony now because he makes great Mexican food (which looked really good, btw). Ok, then,Christine. That's all it took to finally sell you on FT, huh? Now you can rest easy. 

When she was comparing the daughters relationships I just wanted to smack her. 

"Mykelti and Tony are just like me and Kody." 

"Maddie and Caleb are just like Janelle and Kody."

And all the wives shaking their heads in agreement. What in the effing hell are these people smoking and why does everything that comes out of their mouths when they are sitting on the couch together sound like a 10 yr. old ?? 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I just can't stand Christine. She's all good with Tony now because he makes great Mexican food (which looked really good, btw). Ok, then,Christine. That's all it took to finally sell you on FT, huh? Now you can rest easy. 

When she was comparing the daughters relationships I just wanted to smack her. 

"Mykelti and Tony are just like me and Kody." 

"Maddie and Caleb are just like Janelle and Kody."

And all the wives shaking their heads in agreement. What in the effing hell are these people smoking and why does everything that comes out of their mouths when they are sitting on the couch together sound like a 10 yr. old ?? 

That was beyond passive aggressive. Is she suddenly promoting how great it is that Mykelti is married, while Mariah is a Big Fat Lesbian, AND trying to show that the marriage like hers is whimsical and fun, while Maddie's is dead boring? The competition never stops, does it?

Just say your kids are better than the sister wives kids, Christine's. You know you want to.

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What in the effing hell are these people smoking and why does everything that comes out of their mouths when they are sitting on the couch together sound like a 10 yr. old ?? 

They were so isolated growing up and that extended into adulthood. There was little opportunity to develop social skills. Truley's wedding was insightful because each wife lamented that they never got to be bridesmaids. They had no friends. The sisterwives hated each other. They're always going to sound like 10-year-olds because of the lack of social development. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, sweet201 said:

I used to think Kody was the biggest narcissist I'd ever seen, but I think Meri may have him beat - or maybe she just seems worse because, despite the bazillion sessions we've seen with Nancy and all of her therapy-speak, she is apparently completely unaware that the world does not revolve around her and her "fillings." Mariah still comes off as a brat, but as the child of two narcissists myself, I can understand why she's so pissed off. Meri always has thought of and treated Mariah as an extension of herself, and is STILL doing so. Meri is just, in everything she does, in every relationship, 100% Meri-focused. She wants to know what Mariah feels...about Meri. She wonders what Mariah is thinking...about Meri. Even my 12 year old son could see this when he walked into the room midway through the porch conversation. Why, why can't Meri?! 

Truth! ⬆️

My 2 year old dog always  hangs his head when Meri is talking.

I'm like...oh please don't you start crying now. ?

  • Love 10
45 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Flipping back and forth now (watching the Golden Globes, catching clips on commercials). On the note of sounding superficial, during the interview session when Meri's talking about the catfish-er (clips from the episode, Meri Catfished), I am just realizing how scary she looks with that make up job.

Meri's makeup is positively ghastly. I was shocked when I saw how young, thin and lovely she looked on some of the couch session clips during the road trip show compared to now. I feel like they've all aged a lot but Meri really does not know how to work with what she's got.

On the same token, WTF is up with all the older girls' dark hair and terrible eyebrows? I'm all for people looking the way they want to look, but man, Madi, Mykelti and Mariah were all absolutely beautiful with blonde hair and natural brows. Now it seems they all go in on the jumbo size burgundy Miss Clairol, and Mykelti and Mariah draw their brows on with Sharpie while Madison's have disappeared completely. Not a good look for anyone.

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Steff said:

I'm so confused!   I LIKE the way Kodouche & Robin handled Meri in this discussion.  Having a brother who came out, they are saying many of the same things we said to religious relatives who didn't get it.  I'm just shocked that it came from the 2 worst people on the show. 


It's becoming super clear that Robyn is becoming the matriarch of the family. Well it looks like she already is. 

Notice how she joins kody for every important conversation. It's like the transition period for when Mary finally REALLY takes off. (or is politely asked to leave by Robyn) hahaha


"Mary, you and your horrible eyebrows are the weakest link. Goodbye."

Edited by lilsadone
  • Love 18

I really liked this episode. I didn't get the feeling that the reaction was just for the cameras. Although I do believe they already knew it was coming. (I find it impossible to believe these things are filmed first without the family already knowing.) 

There are a lot of things about kody that drive me nuts, but I do feel he was genuine in everything he said in this episode regarding mariah and about wanting his kids to feel safe. I really don't think that changes when the cameras are off. I also appreciated Robyns thoughts too and her talk with Meri. I thought what she said was spot on in during the kitchen table talk. That said, I can understand Meri feeling conflicted. I'm sure it was also very hard coming at a time when her and mariah are not the best place in their relationship. Where I didn't agree with Robyn was later in show when she said Meri needs to give mariah space and she'll talk when she wants. I think at this point Mariah is starting to hold the catfishing stuff over meri's head. Shes becoming vindictive about it and punishing Meri over and over again.

I had a different feeling about Meri and Mariahs conversation compared to what some are feeling on the board it seems. Yes, Meri was stumbling, and laughing nervously throughout, but I could completely understand and emphasize with her. I felt like she was doing the best she could and considering their relationship is so strained now and mariah is so guarded because of it, it made the conversation particularly difficult. Mariah's attitude was awful during the conversion, imo. I found it hard to watch. Obviously she has a lot of hostility toward meri with the catfishing, but all the same Meri is her mother and I feel she is being consistently disrespectful and unnecessarily cold to her.  While I think it's great that mariah came out and I'm glad that she feels a weight lifted, I'm finding myself liking mariah less and less due to how she is treating her mother. I sympathized with mariah initially, but at this point her attitude is really starting to grate on me. She is acting like a complete brat. She's punished Meri enough and needs to start to. let it go. 

Anyway, overall I was surprised and pleased with how openly this topic was handled on the show. I felt there were a lot of genuine emotion shown in dealing with a topic that (sadly) causes upset and conflict in many families, especially religious families. I definitely gained some respect for the family in this one.

  • Love 20
4 minutes ago, lilsadone said:


It's becoming super clear that Robyn is becoming the matriarch of the family. Well it looks like she already is. 

Notice how she joins kody for every important conversation. 

 I've noticed this too. It must be so weird for Meri. It's always robyn and kody together as a united front and then Meri over there by herself listening to their advice or whatever else. It's weird.

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, thebalconyfool said:

 I've noticed this too. It must be so weird for Meri. It's always robyn and kody together as a united front and then Meri over there by herself listening to their advice or whatever else. It's weird.

For the record, not a Robyn fan & I do agree she's a stealthy bitch.   BUT, none of the other women were willing to step up to fill that matriarch position.  None of them wanted to be the leader, but also didn't want to follow without bitching.  Robyn took it & ran with it.   Stealth bitch or not, they left the spot open for so long that eventually someone new was gonna take it.  

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I still think Mariah is a brat

I'm kinda getting sick of her. I get that she was pissed for good reason LAST YEAR, and I get that only she can decide when she will get over her hurt, but I'm getting sick of this grudge. Enough already with the pissy attitude, it's getting old. Your mother didn't kill anyone, or abuse anyone. Their chat on the deck was disturbing. Even sneaky old Meri doesn't deserve this relentless mean attitude coming at her from her only daughter. If Meri has fatal heart attack tomorrow Mariah would carry the guilt over her treatment of her mother forever. She's lucky she has a mother that loves her so much. So many people don't and miss it terribly. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Steff said:

For the record, not a Robyn fan & I do agree she's a stealthy bitch.   BUT, none of the other women were willing to step up to fill that matriarch position.  None of them wanted to be the leader, but also didn't want to follow without bitching.  Robyn took it & ran with it.   Stealth bitch or not, they left the spot open for so long that eventually someone new was gonna take it.  

I agree. They made it easy for robyn really. I can't even tell if the other wives even care at this point. 

9 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm kinda getting sick of her. I get that she was pissed for good reason LAST YEAR, and I get that only she can decide when she will get over her hurt, but I'm getting sick of this grudge. Enough already with the pissy attitude, it's getting old. Your mother didn't kill anyone, or abuse anyone. Their chat on the deck was disturbing. Even sneaky old Meri doesn't deserve this relentless mean attitude coming at her from her only daughter. If Meri has fatal heart attack tomorrow Mariah would carry the guilt over her treatment of her mother forever. She's lucky she has a mother that loves her so much. So many people don't and miss it terribly. 

Agree 100% 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, thebalconyfool said:

I agree. They made it easy for robyn really. I can't even tell if the other wives even care at this point. 

They made it really easy.  Plus she's the Kodouche whisperer.  good or bad, sometimes they need that to cut thru his bullshit. 

They really need to bring the idiots back next week, because I am not liking siding with Robyn & Kody.  LOL 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

Maybe if Meri learned to tell the truth & was there for her daughter instead of  me me me as usual...she wouldn't need constant empathy. 

She's not gonna tell the truth. It's ovah. I accepted it tonight. And if she isn't going to come clean 100%, then I don't want to hear about the catfish crap again. 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, zenme said:

Veda Pierce, I agree! Every kid should experience unconditional love, and Kody did a great job with expressing that tonight.

On another note, I've heard many many times of small children expressing they'd like to grow up and marry their opposite sex parent. I've just next seen a ceremony, pretend or otherwise, for it. 

The wedding of Sol and mommy was ... off. It was a bit indulgent perhaps, first I thought it was weird, then it was sorta cute....kind of? But then I went back to feeling weird about it. Don't all those adults and teenagers have iPads and phones to play with? Wtf was that? Go back to solitary iPad existence, while grunting at each other...like at my house! Too much twee whimsy for me. ;)

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 5

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