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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Which brings up a good point.  Again, if we are to believe the story, what happened here is also what happened on Nick's season...Corinne gets drunk, Corinne gets horny, Corinne becomes sexually aggressive.  Now, I'm not sure if Nick just wasn't into her, but maybe Nick was actually smart enough to back off & not take advantage of the situation, since he didn't seem to be drunk & appeared to have all his faculties.  I wonder if the same mess would have happened if he didn't say no.

This is an interesting hypothetical, because I think the entire dynamic of a Bachelor/ette show is different than BiP.

First, I think on a Bachelor/ette show, Production is invested in the Lead not making a complete ass out of themselves (unless the Lead does something to cause a cast mutiny, like Kaitlyn).  So I'd be willing to bet that someone would've intervened very quickly if Nick had gotten as drunk as DiMario claims to have been and Corrine started those antics.  Second, I think the fact that the rest of the cast are all "competing" for the Lead on the Bachelor/ette would've prompted a group of them to get together and either intervene themselves or force Production's hand to stop what happened in the pool if they knew about it.  On BiP, by contrast, assuming no one "wanted" or "needed" a hook-up with either DiMario or Corrine in order to avoid elimination, the pressure to not be the "agitator" in that situation was probably much higher.

Ultimately, though, I do agree that Production knew that Corrine tended to act inappropriately sexual when she was drunk.  They may not have counted on the object of her affection being too impaired to shut her down the way Nick did.  But given the format of BiP, they shouldn't have ruled out that possibility.  

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1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

First, I think on a Bachelor/ette show, Production is invested in the Lead not making a complete ass out of themselves (unless the Lead does something to cause a cast mutiny, like Kaitlyn).  So I'd be willing to bet that someone would've intervened very quickly if Nick had gotten as drunk as DiMario claims to have been and Corrine started those antics.  

Definitely agree with this. It's obvious that BIP is like the franchise's trashy cousin that is in no way handled the same way the main shows Bachelor/Bachelorette are. From the cheap dates, the fact that the couples who get together don't even bother to hide it while the season is airing, etc. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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23 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

This is my assumption but I think she came to that conclusion after they were both shown the footage. Perhaps it is fairly obvious from the tape that DeMario himself was also clearly out of it. 

I thought about this but it actually makes Corrine's case seem worse. It not only opens her up for a sexual assault charge, since she was the one who initiated contact with someone she now believes to be "clearly out of it," it also calls into question her perception and/or honesty since DeMario saw the footage and says he was lucid and so was she. Even the producer who brought the original case said she was concerned for Corrine's state of mind, not DeMario's.

It would still make ABC liable for creating a hostile work environment though, which is a civil and not criminal charge. This is why I think ABC would just pay to make it go away. They're gonna pay either way.

I wonder what happens with the Men Tell All now. Several of the guys on this season of Bachelorette were in Paradise. Can they still come to MTA? Can DeMario come, or will ABC distance themselves?

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6 minutes ago, lids said:

It would still make ABC liable for creating a hostile work environment though, which is a civil and not criminal charge. This is why I think ABC would just pay to make it go away. They're gonna pay either way.

I think this is the crux of any suit the unnamed producer may have against Production.  Her claim would not be that she was forced to watch "soft core porn" on the job, but that she was forced to watch non-consensual sexual activity.  Everyone who signs on to work this show knows they're in for a lot of sleazy, trashy behavior.  But that behavior is understood to be between consenting (albeit dipshit) adults.  This is a whole different scenario.  

In that regard, I agree that someone on the Production side (whether Fleiss & Co, Warner Bros, or Disney/ABC) will get this resolved before having to turn over their e-mails and texts and other documentation that reveal the amount of manipulation that goes on and the knowledge that Production has of how impaired some of the contestants get.

9 minutes ago, lids said:

I wonder what happens with the Men Tell All now. Several of the guys on this season of Bachelorette were in Paradise. Can they still come to MTA? Can DeMario come, or will ABC distance themselves?

I was thinking this just this morning (long ride to work).  I can't imagine them having DiMario on the MTA (which I'm guessing would be filming within the next month or so, right?)  And I'm assuming they'd planned on devoting at least an entire segment to the DiMario girlfriend nonsense.  So now I'm guessing that we'll get an extra-long segment of "Bachelor Nation" bullshit, or an extended "blooper reel" of the contestants swatting at flies during their confessionals.

The After the Final Rose, which would ordinarily be the tee-up for BiP, is a much bigger question-mark.  I think if TPTB have their way, they'll have resolved this issue with Corrine/DiMario/Producer, and have Corrine and DiMario on to "explain" what happened, give a phony mea culpa, and finish up with some bullshit from Harrison about how they're implementing safeguards to prevent future "over-indulgence" in up-coming seasons.  If this situation isn't resolved by then, I think there's a chance they cut the ATFR to just 30 minutes, go through the drill with Rachel and her F3, 2 and 1, tease about whether there's a "wedding" in the future, go directly to naming the next Bachelor, and completely ignore the BiP issue.  

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Agree with your whole post Alapaki.


45 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Which brings up a good point.  Again, if we are to believe the story, what happened here is also what happened on Nick's season...Corinne gets drunk, Corinne gets horny, Corinne becomes sexually aggressive.  Now, I'm not sure if Nick just wasn't into her, but maybe Nick was actually smart enough to back off & not take advantage of the situation, since he didn't seem to be drunk & appeared to have all his faculties.  I wonder if the same mess would have happened if he didn't say no.

It's also possible that the storyline just called for Nick to reject Corrine's advances so there was no danger of him "sullying" himself anyway. 

He was involved in the whole storyline about leaving his heart open for love, which I think was a production's metaphor for sleeping with as many contestants as he needs to. Andi came in and gave that weird speech about letting go of his past and gave her blessing for him to skank it up with all the women in the fantasy suite. At which time, Nick said he was only in love with three of the women and he eliminated Corrine. Corrine cried and was really heartbroken (but don't get it twisted, she's really in love with her boyfriend, y'all). The whole production is messy. Just the Passions of the Days of Our Lives As the World Turns reject storylines rolled in one.

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15 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I've been inappropriately making jokes, but in all sincerity, it HAS to be serious if you think of the MILLIONS of dollars lost--not just in production costs, but think of all of the lost advertising. They now lost FOUR hours of weekly programming if they were planning on following the last few years: 2 hours on Monday, 1 hour on Tuesday followed by the 1-hour live after show. Now what's ABC going to do--play FOUR HOURS of repeats? Their prime time lineup for 2 nights is fucked. If they were smart they'd dust off the archives and replay classic seasons of The Bachelor.

They should have thought of all of that when they were filming such behavior.  Evidently it was all OK until..... 

Personally I hope if this was just a couple of camera people that made a mistake in not stopping it they will be fired.  If there were many, as I suspect from seeing scenes from The Bachelorette where there are many mulling around, then I think they deserve what they got, get in lost wages, sponsorships, footage, weekly programming. 

I also hope their butts are sued.  She and he have no sense but surely somebody in all of that did and are responsible for all of these dumb dumbs that sign up for a drunken, sexual brawl that it doesn't get out of hand...just like it did.  This is What It Is and This Is What They Got.  Who's in charge comes to mind???

14 hours ago, meatball77 said:

I read that Corrine said she didn't have any bad feelings towards or blame DeMario for what happened.  The entire thing is on tape, it should be clear if she was drunk enough for him to know that she was too drunk to consent (they aren't alleging that she could barely move or was unconscious).  The   It seems to me that what they did was get the two of them plastered and then encourage them to go at it in public with the lights on and the cameras rolling.  If anyone is responsible it's the people who encouraged them to go at it.  One of the producers said we should step in because neither of them are sober enough, her boss said no and then she complained to the network who realized things were out of control and demanded a halt to production.

It is rather convenient that all of this is happening this week when Rachel's season is on hiatus.  Keeps everyone talking about the franchise.

Absolutely.  I'll bet Corrine's attorney father is already filing papers to sue!  Soon Corrine will have a nanny and millions of dollars! 

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17 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

 If this situation isn't resolved by then, I think there's a chance they cut the ATFR to just 30 minutes, go through the drill with Rachel and her F3, 2 and 1, tease about whether there's a "wedding" in the future, go directly to naming the next Bachelor, and completely ignore the BiP issue.  

IMO, regardless of whether the situation is resolved, I totally see them opting to ignore the BiP issue.

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1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

Definitely a combination of his not really being into her and being sober and mature enough to see the trainwreck that was Corinne, in my opinion. But yes, it is interesting to wonder what would have happened had that not been the case because similarly, most viewers assumed that the producers instigated a lot of her actions. Hell, when she was going to Nick's hotel room, at one point she took a wrong turn and you hear the person off camera, directing her on where to go. Because Corinne wasn't even that great of an actress.

Nick should have said no, when she took off her top and had him cup her bare  breasts, or when he was in the bouncy castle with her. While the others were on the same date, he freely admits he enjoyed her..

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According to TMZ's interview with Corinne at LAX, she is "hinting" at getting her own reality show. So there you go folks, that explains it all to me. And as a side note, I find it interesting that all of Rachel's "BFFs" she keeps bringing on to The Bach-ette are all members of BIP.

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Just now, saber5055 said:

According to TMZ's interview with Corinne at LAX, she is "hinting" at getting her own reality show. So there you go folks, that explains it all to me. And as a side note, I find it interesting that all of Rachel's "BFFs" she keeps bringing on to The Bach-ette are all members of BIP.

Hmmm..  I don't buy that these are real "friends", but just the group that the producers wanted to show, to promote BiP.

Yeah, we all saw Corrine on the Bachelor, wasn't she hinting that she'd be back?  Maybe she was led to believe she had a shot at the Bachelorette, and got pissed when it didn't happen.   the other women on Nick's season seemed to react to her with a mixture of anger and pity.  It was clear from her antics that she was encouraged to act a certain way, and that she liked the attention.  She exhibited the highest level of sexual aggressiveness that the show has ever shown.   The woman is not well.  Remember when she told the group of women that she had a "nanny", then complained that they were teasing her, and saying she had a nanny?  her insistence that she needed a "nap" instead of going to the rose ceremony?  her bragging about running a million dollar company?   Insisting that her daddy will be proud to see her antics on TV? 

She is not emotionally equipped to be on a show like this.  Her histrionics, her need to be the center of attention, has already led to dangerous behavior, 

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13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

According to TMZ's interview with Corinne at LAX, she is "hinting" at getting her own reality show.

The irony is that for all the money her money her daddy can spend to hire lawyers, if the show's lawyers get Corrine alone, it'll be like the tobacco company and the coffee shop settling their case with Kramer on Seinfeld.  She'd probably settle for anything that sates her famewhore ego.

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22 hours ago, backformore said:

People can be drunk, and appear to know what they're doing, and make choices, then the next day have a black-out, and not recall anything that they did or said. 

A blackout doesn't mean the person was passed out, only that they lost memory of what happened. 

All of this sounds like a continuation of what happened on the Bachelor.  Corrine was encouraged by producers (she didn't go to the store and buy whipped cream, didn't rent a bouncy castle)  to be sexually aggressive with Nick.  She prided herself on their actions, bragged about it.  She also appeared drunk much of the time, missed rose ceremonies because she was "napping".  Yeah, I totally believe that the producers wanted more of that outrageousness and encouraged it.

As for the producer who objected -  I wonder if she heard other production staff talking about Corrine, or viewing the videos, and was unhappy with the level of disrespect shown by the producers toward her.  Perhaps her complaint was about how the video was being dealt with.

Yep, coming here to say the same thing. Reality Steve today seems confused by that term "blackout"...I think he thinks its synonymous with "passed out", but it isn't. You can appear lucid and capable of making decisions and be so intoxicated that your memory of all of it is wiped clean. I think the main issue with all of this is that Corinne is a major alcoholic. Just like Chad, and probably Lace, last season. The person I actually feel sorriest for in this whole mess is DeMario. But I do feel sorry for Corinne too, and hope she uses this as a catalyst to seek recovery.

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Mambo Queen just gave an idea for Corinne's new reality show: "Corinne Seeks Rehab for Sex/Alcohol Addiction." Me, I'm not watching.

I really did not hit post twice, but an unable to remove that dupe since I cannot edit using Safari browser. Sorry guys.

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Ugh. Yes.  

The golden goose stuff - The part of me that is most irate is the part that f-ing hated the Corinne show during Nick's season.  The whole point of it (and the Chad show before it and the "onion/pomegranate/mesa verde" show before that) were to create viral moments to appeal to non viewers and non fans, not to appeal to loyal viewers.   

So I feel taken for granted.  I LIKE the show.  I have always disliked when its obvious people are being misrepresented, taken advantage of, and intentionally hurt.  Thats not fun for me to watch.  

And this whole debacle is a big old extension of that trend getting way out of hand.  I think the production team deserved it for seeking viral success not actual success. But I am angry.  

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New details from a crew member...

"There was hugging and kissing and touching, but before long, she seemed to go limp and was sliding under water. Demario kept trying to hold her up and at the same time he appeared to be having intercourse with her. After he finished — which only lasted a few seconds — he lifted her out of the water and laid her on the cement, where he proceeded to have oral sex with her. She appeared to be unconscious. At that point some of the crew came out and carried her off to her room. She was limp and seemed unable to walk on her own."

Edited by Martinigirl
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3 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

New details from a crew member...

"There was hugging and kissing and touching, but before long, she seemed to go limp and was sliding under water. Demario kept trying to hold her up and at the same time he appeared to be having intercourse with her. After he finished — which only lasted a few seconds — he lifted her out of the water and laid her on the cement, where he proceeded to have oral sex with her. She appeared to be unconscious. At that point some of the crew came out and carried her off to her room. She was limp and seemed unable to walk on her own."

Ugh. Ok, so maybe DeMario is not who I feel sorriest for, if this account is true.

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If she was that out of it then no matter how drunk DeMario was he should have known to stop.  Although, having oral sex with someone who is passed out (assuming he was performing on her) seems strange.

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3 minutes ago, Mambo Queen said:

Ugh. Ok, so maybe DeMario is not who I feel sorriest for, if this account is true.

Worse than we thought or could even imagine if true..... It's being reported in New York Magazine and Daily Mail

Goes on to say...

"The crew member was obviously disturbed by what they saw and by the production team’s response to the alleged assault. “One of the things that really disturbed people was that no one called a doctor or paramedic, which some felt they should have,” the source continued. “Instead someone made the decision to just let her sleep it off. When Corrine awoke the next morning, people began filling her in on what happened the night before, because she claimed to have absolutely no recollection of what transpired.”

Edited by Martinigirl
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The only thing i will add to that is that it doesnt appear to match anything else we have heard so far (like Corinne being falling down drunk hours later or The claim that she initiated the sex) which makes me very confused (and a litte suspect of this version)

But DeMario's demonstrated lack of respect for women (as evidenced by his treatment of his ex and his lying to Rachel)  doesnt work in his favor here.  


The only thing i will add to that is that it doesnt appear to match anything else we have heard so far, which makes me very confused.  

But DeMario's demonstrated lack of respect for women (as evidenced by his treatment of his ex and his lying to Rachel)  doesnt work in his favor here.  

Edited by fib
Added parenthetical statements
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8 minutes ago, Mambo Queen said:

Ugh. Ok, so maybe DeMario is not who I feel sorriest for, if this account is true.

Yes.  Drunk or not,  I would think that at some level he would have known that if he had to hold her up to keep her from sliding under water and drowning, then she wasn't lucid enough for sex.  It's all so weird.  On the one hand, he's lifting her safely out of the pool, not an easy thing to do even though she's tiny, and that seems kind of protective. On the other hand it makes it sicker that he would then perform a sex act on her.

Corinne is 25 and DeMario 30.  They are both plenty old enough to have families of their own and be responsible for others. I really think they are ultimately responsible for their own actions.  But how much responsibility should the show have as in "work place environment?"   

With all the cameras around and every single cast member and producer  interviewed this would actually make a really good documentary.  I would watch that a hundred times before watching a reality show about Corinne  shopping and eating with her mouth open.

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42 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

New details from a crew member...

"There was hugging and kissing and touching, but before long, she seemed to go limp and was sliding under water. Demario kept trying to hold her up and at the same time he appeared to be having intercourse with her. After he finished — which only lasted a few seconds — he lifted her out of the water and laid her on the cement, where he proceeded to have oral sex with her. She appeared to be unconscious. At that point some of the crew came out and carried her off to her room. She was limp and seemed unable to walk on her own."

This I really don't believe. These are TV producers and paid camera people (presumably sober), not drunken fratboys with iPhone cameras. The idea that a whole bunch of people who are aware of liability and laws just stood around and allowed things to happen in this fashion, I don't buy that at all.  says 

The earlier reports that stated it was unclear whether they were both too inebriated and so no one stopped them seems far more plausible. 

And if this story is running unsubstantiated in news outlets and is proven false by the actual footage, I'd say DeMario's got a decent lawsuit of his own. And he may need a settlement, because this show is basically ruining his life.


've been inappropriately making jokes, but in all sincerity, it HAS to be serious if you think of the MILLIONS of dollars lost--not just in production costs, but think of all of the lost advertising. They now lost FOUR hours of weekly programming if they were planning on following the last few years: 2 hours on Monday, 1 hour on Tuesday followed by the 1-hour live after show. Now what's ABC going to do--play FOUR HOURS of repeats? Their prime time lineup for 2 nights is fucked. If they were smart they'd dust off the archives and replay classic seasons of The Bachelor.

All of that plus the fact that the rest of the cast is royally pissed has got to be adding to another layer to whatever Corinne/Demario are going through right now. It's bad enough when you do something stupid or something bad happens in a private setting, but this is splashed all over the news, has disrupted the primetime TV schedule on a major network and has disrupted the summer plans of a whole bunch of people they know and all because they got stupid drunk. That's a lot to deal with on top of the problematic sexual situation. 

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9 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:


And if this story is running unsubstantiated in news outlets and is proven false by the actual footage, I'd say DeMario's got a decent lawsuit of his own. And he may need a settlement, because this show is basically ruining his life.


I take this latest report as a huge grain of salt. It doesn't match ANY of the previous accounts given, including Corrine's version. This is a terrible situation. Yes, they were adults who should know their limits with alcohol but at a certain point production needed to intervene. Corrine will recover from this (and probably show up on my TV screen in the future). Demario could be facing some serious real world repercussions for this and I feel really badly for him.

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23 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

Hmmm, maybe Jorge wouldn't have been any better than whatever bartender they replaced him with:



“You know, I had a rule that I told the contestants: Any time you feel like you want to do a shot and nobody else wants to do a shot with you, I will never say no,” Moreno said in a September 2016 interview with Eater.com. “Oh, Lace Morris, I never let her down, I always said, ‘Let’s do it!’ Sometimes it was the other way and I was like, ‘Lace, I want a shot,’ and she was like, ‘I already had two today,’ and I’d say, ‘You know what, let’s have a shot!’ She is my favorite in that department, as drinking buddies.”

If Lace of all people was trying to limit herself and he was encouraging her to drink more anyway...no good. 

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

her insistence that she needed a "nap" instead of going to the rose ceremony?

Hey there, with disparaging of naps!  Abe Lincoln took naps! :)

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Perhaps this has already been addressed and I just missed it, but is there a reason why none of the cast members who witnessed these events decided to step in before things turned ugly?

It's great that a few of them are talking about how "concerned" they were in hindsight, but couldn't they have walked up to either Corinne or DeMario in the moment and said -- "hey, it looks like things are getting a bit out of control; come take a walk with me." Or if Corinne and DeMario were too inebriated to walk away from the situation, then the cast members should have put them to bed. Seriously.

It seems almost hypocritical for cast members to whine about producers not doing anything (despite them relaying their concerns) when they had JUST as much power to intervene. There's a lot of shifting blame and finger pointing going on here.

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Because people freeze in moments like that. Taking the most disturbing alleged version as accurate for a moment, an encounter that most people would have viewed as consensual (drunken DeMario and Corinne get in the water; she takes off her swimsuit; contact occurs) turns into non-consensual very fast. People freeze. The brain doesn't want to process what it's seeing. It's part of the same reason people being assaulted don't do actions that seem logical to outsiders like yell for help when there's a roommate next door. In this situation, there would be the additional level of the producer authorities. Had one person intervened, everyone would have gone to help, but it's very common for it to take that one particular individual to kickstart things. (this is also why it's important not to read too much into Corinne's alleged friendliness with DeMario right now--she's in early stages of processing an incident she doesn't remember that may have been an assault. Trying to reframe the relationship is a coping mechanism.)

If some of the other accounts are accurate, the situation would have seemed even more borderline for viewers.

But production absolutely should have intervened. I hope Corinne succeeds in her suit. Depending on what information is eventually confirmed or refuted, I may think it would be good for DeMario to join her suit.

It is also horrible that the show didn't have Corinne medically checked out. They didn't have to fly her for a rape kit, but she's a petite person. I don't care that she's a heavy drinker--the margin of safety and needing medical treatment is much blurrier for petite people. Medical should have evaluated her rather than leaving her alone in a room to sleep off the alcohol.

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16 minutes ago, Koala said:

Perhaps this has already been addressed and I just missed it, but is there a reason why none of the cast members who witnessed these events decided to step in before things turned ugly?

It's great that a few of them are talking about how "concerned" they were in hindsight, but couldn't they have walked up to either Corinne or DeMario in the moment and said -- "hey, it looks like things are getting a bit out of control; come take a walk with me." Or if Corinne and DeMario were too inebriated to walk away from the situation, then the cast members should have put them to bed. Seriously.

It seems almost hypocritical for cast members to whine about producers not doing anything (despite them relaying their concerns) when they had JUST as much power to intervene. There's a lot of shifting blame and finger pointing going on here.

Agreed. Even this producer who said she wasn't "allowed" to intervene, what does that mean? Someone physically held her back from approaching them or what? Because unless she was physically restrained from intervening, there's no reason she couldn't have done so. She ended up quitting anyway it seems, so why not do the right thing even if it meant your job if you felt strongly enough to quit over it after the fact. (Again, not knowing what actually happened, so just speculating.) 

The cast especially has no excuse because they're allowed to be on camera and talk to each other, any one of them could have interrupted this if they really thought it was a problem. 

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4 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

Even this producer who said she wasn't "allowed" to intervene, what does that mean?  Someone physically held her back from approaching them or what? 

This is why I'm still (like a broken record haha) thinking this has to do with consent about the filming of the antics & not the antics themselves.  Because you're right, someone "physically" holding her back from approaching them makes no sense, but IMO it makes more sense if by "intervening" she means she tried to get them to stop the cameras & they refused.  I wonder if/when we'll ever know the real truth,

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17 hours ago, F. M. said:

Really? Because I read they had oral sex, and as I posted, she doesn't blame DeMario. Very strange. All those people around, and nobody stopped this date rape? Really....

1. Oral sex without consent still constitutes rape. 

2. She can still be traumatized and not blame DeMario for what occurred.

First, I have friends who were date raped. It is traumatic. It just is. Almost 30 years after the event, after counseling, after going on and living their lives and getting married and having kids, it still affects them. That said, it may be that Corinne sees DeMario as a victim too because of the alcohol. Frankly, DeMario may be a victim, too.

As a bad analogy, as a teenager, while walking down the street, my husband was attacked by three aggressive dogs that had escaped their yard. They bit him extensively, leaving him with physical scars and a fear of dogs. He doesn't blame the dogs for what they did. They were dogs, and they acted in the way their owner had trained them. He blamed the owner, who made the dogs aggressive and then failed to keep them properly penned up. 

3. Many times people don't stop date rape because they aren't sure what to do, or if people will think they're overreacting to people having a good time, or a bunch of other reasons. Add in that this was a show and people had money at stake and were afraid of losing that if they alienated the wrong people and it gets even dicier.

I don't know what actually happened. I'm not going to cast blame on anyone yet. But I did think it was important to point out a couple things, like that people could be traumatized and not blame the direct actor for the trauma.

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1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

People freeze. The brain doesn't want to process what it's seeing. It's part of the same reason people being assaulted don't do actions that seem logical to outsiders like yell for help when there's a roommate next door. In this situation, there would be the additional level of the producer authorities.

Good points, and there would also be a sort of etiquette thing that when people are doing intimate things you politely look away.  If the two had seemed lovey-dovey all day and gradually stepped things up, I would have been trying not to ogle them.   Where it all would have changed for me, and when I like to think I would have stepped in, was if I had seen Corinne's head slipping under water. 

[So sorry about your husband, Simplyme.  How horrible!]

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Reality Steve has a column up today summarizing the information he's received from multiple sources on what happened on BIP between Corinne and Demario. He also has info on what happened the first 3 days of filming and who went out on dates, etc.  


It's a lot of info to summarize, but Reality Steve's information is not very favorable to Corinne.  It paints her as the aggressor that made out with multiple men both before and after her interaction with DeMario. 

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6 minutes ago, LadyHam said:

Reality Steve has a column up today summarizing the information he's received from multiple sources on what happened on BIP between Corinne and Demario. He also has info on what happened the first 3 days of filming and who went out on dates, etc.  


It's a lot of info to summarize, but Reality Steve's information is not very favorable to Corinne.  It paints her as the aggressor that made out with multiple men both before and after her interaction with DeMario. 

If this is the case.......why would they shut down the entire show? That is the one thing that doesn't make sense. Common sense says there is a lot more to it than  just a drunk couple doing the nasty in a hot tub.  

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According to (I think it was) US Magazine, a big chunk of the shows budget comes from the Mexican Tourist Board.  With all this fuss... no matter how it turns out or who was at fault or not at fault, I can't see them wanting to fund this again or being associated with the show. 

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That latest account . . . Holy Shit!  Here's my take (as a trial attorney who's had to deal with conflicting witness testimony for 25 years):

1) The people who've spoken to TMZ and claimed to have seen the footage apparently told them that both Corrine and DiMario seemed "lucid".  We don't know what they meant by that.  Did "lucid" mean "conscious, aware, and in the their right minds"?  or does it just mean "not unconscious"?  Without more, we don't know.

2) Then today's TMZ report quotes "witnesses at the resort" who said that two hours after the pool encounter Corrine was stumbling drunk, eyes closed, slurring badly and wearing her clothes inside out.   

So they've gone from both of them were "lucid", to Corrine was completely out-of-it several hours after the pool.TMZ tries to reconcile these by saying it's possible she was "drunk but still with it at the pool, but as she continued drinking entered the blackout stage."

3)  The most recent description certainly sounds closer to the state in which Corrine is described in today's TMZ story.  But this most recent account pushes back the onset of that state to the time when she was still in the pool. 

These are all unnamed sources.  We need to know the foundation for their statements.  That is: what state were they in at the time; where were they standing; what was their visual point-of-view?; Could they hear anything, or just see stuff?; When did they witness what they witnessed? (i.e., did the "resorts guests" who saw Corrine out-of-it 2 hours later see her not out of it earlier, or was that the first time they were seeing her?).

For the folks who claim to have seen the video: did they see all of the raw footage, from all available camera angles, or did they only see what Production chose to show them?  Was there a time-stamp on the video they saw?; and, as noted above, what do they mean by "lucid"?

I'm not going to discount this latest, really terrible, version of events because it doesn't completely line up with the earlier reporting.  But I think we need to know a lot more.


As far as no one stepping in or doing more, I think that is explainable (though not excusable).  Look at what we saw just last week: the director of the FBI, who should be a pretty tough nut, pressed on why he didn't do more about the President's behavior.  He said, in essence, "I couldn't believe what I was hearing".  

I think a similar thing could happen here.  One minute everyone is sitting around, having fun, probably all somewhat buzzed as their baseline.  They've seen making-out, heavy-petting, and probably even more (between consenting adults) before in this situation.  I can imagine that it might not necessarily register that they're actually viewing someone potentially much, much worse.

Then add in the group psychology.  You're caught off guard and not sure whether this is something to say or do something about.  Everyone around you is probably thinking the same thing.  And all of you are subconsciously scanning to tell if anyone else is thinking about doing or saying something.  Because if they aren't, then there's probably nothing wrong and you're just overreacting.  But everyone else is going through the same process.  And so no one says or does anything!  When, by contrast, if even one person had stepped up and quite vocally said "what the fuck?!?!", then maybe everyone else kicks into gear.

We've heard about this unnamed producer allegedly saying something or trying to do something.  But we don't know the circumstances of that.  Were they talking strictly into a headseat to someone in the control booth?  

So, yes.  Someone should have stepped in.  But I can understand why no one apparently did. 

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RS column. 




Remember, they did actually have 3 days of filming the show before production was shut down, so lets talk about what we’re all gonna miss now that there won’t be a show this summer:

-Remember when People.com released the “initial” cast list of the show and it had 9 girls and 7 guys? Yeah, that wasn’t the initial cast. They left out 5 of Rachel’s guys because they hadn’t been eliminated yet on her season. And Robby didn’t arrive until Day 2. The five guys that they didn’t mention were part of the initial cast were: Iggy Rodriguez, Jack Stone, Kenneth “Diggy” Moreland, Matt Munson, and Dean Unglert. So yeah, anyone still holding out hope that maybe Rachel chose Dean – nope. He was on Paradise. Not to mention…

-Kristina got the first date of the season and asked Dean. Remember before the show I told you how Kristina and Jef Holm were basically in a relationship the last few months? Well, apparently that’s over now because Kristina and Dean hit it off and are now a thing. They are currently traveling together right now. Did I mention that Dean and Jef Holm are neighbors in Santa Monica? This show is so incestual, it’s ridiculous. 

-When Robby arrived on Day 2 (last Monday), he asked Raven on a date. Nothing major happened.

-Matt got a date card, and he asked Jasmine on a date. They had the drag artists date that I posted about back on May 31st. 

-Lacey Mark had to leave filming early on due to a death in the family.

-Filming stopped right before the first rose ceremony was about to happen, so girls were set to give out roses to guys. Since Lacey had left, 8 girls would’ve been giving out roses to 12 guys (assuming Corinne DeMario would’ve been a part of this rose ceremony).

-There were 4 more of Nick’s girls down in Mexico ready to enter the show after the first rose ceremony for episode #2, but since it never happened, they never got on. They were Danielle Lombard, Astrid Loch, Sarah Vendal, and Dominique Alexis. 

-Remember I also reported back on May 31st that I was hearing a former contestant was gonna be brought in to replace Jorge the bartender? That happened. Jorge was there on Day 1, but then Wells came in on Day 2 and replaced him. He was going to be the bartender for the season, talking to people about their problems and handing out drinks, but eventually would’ve been allowed to ask someone out on a date. 

-Some other hookups happened which weren’t on dates. Doesn’t mean these people are together or anything. Just means that in the 3 days of filming, there was a little something but I know nothing about where it’s headed post show:

1) Danielle Maltby and Jack made out.
2) After Raven’s date with Robby, Ben Z. and her were flirty and I believe made out as well.
3) Derek and Taylor hit it off and made out.


Edited by wings707
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Maybe I am a pearl clutcher but it is shocking to me that he would give her oral sex right out in the open in front of the cast and crew. That is so tacky let alone sordid especially if she was passed out.

I do think they cover more for the Bachelor/Bachelorette because they are supposed to be there for a journey of love. Look at Farmer Chris' season, he constantly had a glass of booze in his hand and you wonder if he got sloppy drunk but they didn't air it.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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1 hour ago, Martinigirl said:

Maybe you can answer this? Why would RS takeout  Corinnes' name after posting her name to begin with? Also leave Demario's name in the entire time?

That probably has to do with journalism standards and rape shield laws. Once someone alleges that some sort of sexual assault has occurred, usually the identity of the victim is protected by official sources (such as the police). According to journalistic tradition, reputable journalists also do not tend to reveal the identity, although in some cases the alleged victim identifies him or herself or in some other way goes public. 

Rape shield laws were enacted to protect victims who were already traumatized from being further humiliated, harassed, and threatened. 

The reason DeMario's identity would not have been protected is that he is not an alleged victim of sexual assault, so the technical standards aren't applied to him. Hell, they're barely being applied to Corinne judging from her photo being used some places.

Edited by simplyme
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Just now, simplyme said:

That probably has to do with journalism standards and rape shield laws. Once someone alleges that some sort of sexual assault has occurred, usually the identity of the victim is protected by official sources (such as the police). According to journalistic tradition, reputable journalists also do not tend to reveal the identity, although in some cases the alleged victim identifies him or herself or in some other way goes public. 

Rape shield laws were enacted to protect victims who were already traumatized from being further humiliated, harassed, and threatened. 

The reason DeMario's identity would not have been protected is that he is not an alleged victim of sexual assault, so the technical standards aren't applied to him. Hell, they're barely being applied to Corinne judging from her photo being used.

So, they are def calling it a rape?

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27 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Maybe I am a pearl clutcher but it is shocking to me that he would give her oral sex right out in the open in front of the cast and crew. That is so tacky let alone sordid especially if she was passed out.

I do think they cover more for the Bachelor/Bachelorette because they are supposed to be there for a journey of love. Look at Farmer Chris' season, he constantly had a glass of booze in his hand and you wonder if he got sloppy drunk but they didn't air it.

The only report I've read that said Corinne was passed out drunk was the one in the Daily Mail. Most of the others seemed to imply that she seemed lucid and a willing participant, even though she's stating she doesn't remember what went on that day/evening. Hopefully the truth comes out at some point, but if there's some sort of settlement, I bet none of the parties will be able to talk about it. 


Reality Steve had a column today summarizing things he had heard from his sources regarding Corinne and DeMario's interactions. I have always thought he gets many of his spoilers from the cast of the current season, so there may be some truth to what he's reporting if he got it from people who witnessed it firsthand. 

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This whole thing is a lesson to me about the importance of viewing things from all perspectives. After the first reports, I thought DeMario was probably the victim, then the TMZ report made me think Corinne was the victim, and now, after reading Reality Steve's long article, I'm thinking maybe everybody (Corinne, DeMario and the show) might be the victim of Shelby the Producer.

From RS's account, compiled through various witnesses, Corinne and Demario were laughing loudly, blowing his whistle and purposely putting on a sexy times show for everyone, after which Corinne was still sober enough to approach three or four more guys and do a little flirting and kissing.  It was then that Shelby, Corinne's producer and "best friend,"  became all maternal and protective and decided to call a halt because, in her mind, Corinne was too drunk to consent.

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1 minute ago, Martinigirl said:

So, they are def calling it a rape?

I don't know what anyone is calling it.

It doesn't have to be rape to trigger the identity shield. I'm sure rape shield laws vary by location, and there's definitely some variance in journalism practices. But generally reputable journalists tend to be a bit careful with the victim's identity once they realize an alleged incident is of a sexual nature.

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I personally would not believe the latest account unless they have video evidence of DeMario doing such a thing. If he indeed did it then, yes, he deserves whatever it is coming his way but innocent until proven guilty for me. Like someone said, this didn't happen in a secluded area of a college party, but on a television show set where camera and sound people are everywhere. It would be extremely easy to proof if that's what happened. And this latest account does not match up with any of the initial reports. I guess we can just wait and see if the truth comes out but I'm not ready to paint DeMario in that light yet.

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1 minute ago, simplyme said:

I don't know what anyone is calling it.

It doesn't have to be rape to trigger the identity shield. I'm sure rape shield laws vary by location, and there's definitely some variance in journalism practices. But generally reputable journalists tend to be a bit careful with the victim's identity once they realize an alleged incident is of a sexual nature.

Thanks! There must be a lot more in that film footage to actually shut down the entire show. That is a whole lot of hours to fill in the summer time slots.

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