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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

To this POS, any non-white is an "awfully bad person."  I know it sounds quaint of me to say, but I never anticipated an openly racist Congressman from Iowa.  A friend of mine in Iowa City who is in med school there, says King might run for Governor w/ Branstad leaving to become ambassador to China...



Rep. Steve King: ‘Some Awfully Bad People’ Among DREAMers

He can take both King and Chuck fucking Grassley with him to China. Steve King is the worst, I'm actually embarrassed he represents my state.. 

Edited by galaxygirl76
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4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Senate failure Linda McMahon is getting a post. Seriously hate the "president-elect." Like I said, I view the WWE as something that should be nuked from orbit. Why give Vince's sister a plum job?

Because the WWE is the epitome of "Small Business", amirite?   SMH

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I hate wrestling. Hate myself for watching that growing up. Aside from Mike Mizanin, who was a mainstay on The Challenge, I couldn't care less. I'd skip John Cena hosting SNL, but I did see Dwayne Johnson's last hosting gig there, and the guy was funny in Trainwreck. Not as funny as LeBron James, but LeBron's busy these days.

To quote John Oliver: "Fuck you, 2016. Fuck. YOU."

ETA: Found this on Facebook. And I'm still expecting YKW to give Surgeon General to Bill Cosby in order to stick it to Larry Wilmore. "Hey, I heard about how you made fun of me every other day on your pathetic canceled show. Guess what? I haven't forgotten about YOU, motherfucker!!!!" Or maybe that post would go to Jenny McCarthy.

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40 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Or maybe that post would go to Jenny McCarthy.

Bite your tongue and don't give Trump any ideas!  All we need to complete our transition to third world country is for people to stop vaccinating and spread diseases we had almost eradicated.

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4 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I am still alive. I am in public meetings that don't get me back to the hotel until 9 PM, and the government hotel I am staying in is on a defense base. I cannot get Internet on my personal computer, so it is extremely tough to reply or write posts from my phone. (My conspiracy theorist mind thinks this is somehow by design.)

People do speak about Trump and the election but not as much as I thought. They claim they did it because he will be good for defense and "stop these terrorists from killing cops." The last is a verbatim quote. 

Actually, instead of directly talking about the election, they talk more derisively of Hillary, Pres. Obama, and democrats in general.

Glad to know you are still alive...hopefully not 'jet lagged"....but I can imagine what you are hearing from military personnel, dont know why they hate Hillary so much and think Trump, the coward who never served in the military, is so 'great"...he will be setting off more wars with his ridiculous tweets! Sigh~~

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On 12/8/2016 at 11:17 AM, Lantern7 said:

My bad. I still say the pandas are as good as gone.

Oh, and two-time Senate failure Linda McMahon is getting a post. Seriously hate the "president-elect." Like I said, I view the WWE as something that should be nuked from orbit. Why give Vince's sister a plum job?

I agree. Thank God Chris Murphy vanquished her when she ran for the Senate in my state. Trump just can't shake this whole fake/reality tv show crap, can he? WWE, them's serious family values, all right. BTW, unless I'm mistaken, Linda is married to Vince. Ugh. 

Edited by SoSueMe
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6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

My bad. I still say the pandas are as good as gone.

Oh, and two-time Senate failure Linda McMahon is getting a post. Seriously hate the "president-elect." Like I said, I view the WWE as something that should be nuked from orbit. Why give Vince's sister a plum job?

Actually, Linda is Vince's wife.  This is the same stunt queen who went along with a WWE storyline where Vince was having a very public flirtation in the ring with female wrestler, Trish Stratus (a Pamela Anderson lookalike).  All of this foolery played out for several weeks while Linda was in a wheelchair (can't remember why) and silently watched as her husband humiliated her and at times berated her to the jeers and boos of the audience.  This fuckery included soul kisses in the ring between Vince and Trish, as well as phone calls to Trish while she sat in a bubble bath somewhere.  This mess culminated in the ring when Vince got on his knees in one episode and apologized to Linda, and she told him she didn't come for an apology but wanted a divorce.*

Apparently, Drumpf's relationship with Vince spans decades, as he helped to bring two consecutive WrestleMania events to Atlantic City.   I vaguely recall Drumpf himself showing up to "wrestle" Vince in the WWE ring.  And, this, ladies and gentlemen, is the trash with money that is going to pollute Washington for the next year or two.  It's still beyond my comprehension that we have gone from a classy gentleman with a beautiful family in the White House to a crude stunt king and his royal court of fools, clowns, fascists and wannabes.

*Disclaimer:  Every Monday night is "Rachet Night" in our household as hubby flips back and forth between WWE and whatever iteration of Love and Hip Hop is airing while I sneer in disgust and hide out in the kitchen or another room with my Kindle and headphones.

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49 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Glad to know you are still alive...hopefully not 'jet lagged"....but I can imagine what you are hearing from military personnel, dont know why they hate Hillary so much and think Trump, the coward who never served in the military, is so 'great"...he will be setting off more wars with his ridiculous tweets! Sigh~~

I was in the Air Force in the 1980s, and was certainly a minority as a Democrat.  Most of the guys loved Reagan (a movie-star soldier) and hated Carter (an actual military veteran) mostly because St. Ronnie bought us lots of shiny toys.  Never mind that he was bankrupting the country to do that.

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34 minutes ago, izabella said:

The Democrats are fighting to extend retired coal miners' health care, which is set to expire at the end of the year.  Hope the coal miners are paying attention to what Trump is not doing for them, nor the Republicans voted back into Congress.


Paying attention? These people don't believe anything they read or hear in the news if it's not against Hillary, Obama and the rest of the "others," if they read at all. Whatever bad things happen to them under a Trump administration will all be blamed on Obama, Hillary, anybody but their Fuhrer. Trump will just make shit up and blame whoever he wants to blame and they'll believe it. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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19 minutes ago, izabella said:

The Democrats are fighting to extend retired coal miners' health care, which is set to expire at the end of the year.  Hope the coal miners are paying attention to what Trump is not doing for them, nor the Republicans voted back into Congress.


The Democrats in Congress are much better people than I, they would have to suffer the consequences of their actions they voted for that and then they should pay the price for it actions and votes have consequences.  The Republican view of their constituents seem to be I'll get rich and you die quick or slow.  I feel sorry for Americans because they have such screwed up priorities.  Say what you will about Fidel Castro but the priorities of the Cuban government are exactly in the right place I am currently reading Island People: The Caribbean and the World (excellent read) and the Cuba chapter reveals something wonderful about the people of Cuba: They really care about their children and elderly.  They have a 99.8% literacy rate and even though they may not have sidewalks and there are medicine shortages you can go see a doctor in Cuba for free.  The Cuban people love it.  Cuban doctors are well regarded throughout the Caribbean and the world.  Fidel Castro was considered "Uncle Fidel" to many for that reason.  The problems of the American electorate is that they cannot understand that their selfish self interest is quite damaging.  Healthcare for everyone would mean exactly that and it chafes some people but good that everyone would be able to see a doctor rather than they think of it in this manner that when they need it they would be able to get healthcare for free.  I do not know what a Trump presidency means for us all exactly but what he is doing and the people that he is putting into positions of power show a lack of interest and empathy for the working class voter many of whom voted for him.  We will all be in the same boat under a Trump presidency but since I did not vote for him his inevitable betrayal will not be a shock at all.  

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2 hours ago, SoSueMe said:

I agree. Thank God Chris Murphy vanquished her when she ran for the Senate in my state. Trump just can't shake this whole fake/reality tv show crap, can he? WWE, thems serious family values, all right. BTW, unless I'm mistaken, Linda is married to Vince. Ugh. 

Nope - he can't shake the reality show stuff. Just read he will continue to be executive producer of the new Celebrity Apprentice. Another interesting position for a president....I'm sure there will be no other benefits to him at all. 

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47 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Paying attention? These people don't believe anything they read or hear in the news if it's not against Hillary, Obama and the rest of the "others," if they read at all. Whatever bad things happen to them under a Trump administration will all be blamed on Obama, Hillary, anybody but their Fuhrer. Trump will just make shit up and blame whoever he wants to blame and they'll believe it. 

The lack of buyers' remorse out there is stunning. Other than waiting for the end of the world as we know it, I amuse myself by ticking off the days until Trump actually does shoot someone on Fifth Ave. I am reasonably sure that he was correct about not losing supporters. Time will tell I guess. :(

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So NBC--major news source-- will be profiting from Tubby and the show he exec produces (and he from them) even as their news department is supposed to be aggressively covering him as president.

No conflict there, no siree!

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

Wow....I am seriously impressed by this guy in the Virginia Tech hat who is interviewed ****NSFW due to some f-bombs****

Why isn't this guy on as a contributer for a news program? Or on a national speaking tour? Someone snatch this smart young man up, no wait I don't want Thing to ever know about him so that he gets ripped apart and threatened.

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

Wow....I am seriously impressed by this guy in the Virginia Tech hat who is interviewed ****NSFW due to some f-bombs****

I'm also very impressed with him.  He is a bit rough around the edges but knows what he is talking about.  I hope he stays active in both the fight for $15 and local politics because we need more people like him to become involved.  He's passionate and knowledgeable about what he believes in and has leadership skills.  He also doesn't talk down to people around him, which is one valid criticism of the Democrats and progressives/liberals. 

The real need for a higher minimum wage in this country is likely, albeit sadly, going to be less of priority in the Trump administration, filled with millionaires and kleptocrats, who have no real idea how many in this country live paycheck to paycheck.  I've worked minimum wage part time jobs and know how hard it is.  It's tough trying to hold down two jobs unless like me where I got lucky that had one that allowed me to set my hours around the other one.  I know most people don't have that luxury or privilege, so I was appreciative.  

The campus I work for raised the campus minimum wage to $9 per hour this fall and I thought that it was a good idea, but one that should have waited until next fall when we could have gotten more money in our student budget to cover the increase. 

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2 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Wow....I am seriously impressed by this guy in the Virginia Tech hat who is interviewed ****NSFW due to some f-bombs****

Bless this man. I hope he keeps on fighting the good fight. We're cheering for you!

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Wow, that guy is awesome and proves that even if someone has a southern drawl, they can still have a perfectly working brain.  Thank you, I hope you end up with a truly good life.   I know I've mentioned this elsewhere, but my maternal grandfather was a Scottish coal miner.  He eventually became the manager of the mine because he was constructed of every admirable thing.  I have a strong and abiding belief in the goodness of coal miners with accents.  Thank you, whoever you are.  I hope your life gets better and better. 

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Who'd expect wisdom from a Waffle House worker? And when it comes to coal, I keep thinking of Danny DeVito's big speech in Other People's Money about how obsolete buggy whips are.

Apologies about misidentifying Linda McMahon. If I should hate somebody, I should know about that person.

Ben Carson is getting a position running HUD. I want him to do public conferences so that the crowd can jeer and chant, "WHERE'S YOUR LUGGAGE?!? WHERE'S YOUR LUGGAGE?!?"

ETA: After watching and participating in the bashing of John McCain here, I had to dig up "Reformed Maverick" from The Daily Show. If you're squeamish about folks in 2016 selling their souls for the chance of power, you might not want to click the link. But it is funny.

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I hope that bit of exposure for young Mr. Smith results in raising waking the masses up. I also hope that he doesn't get assaulted on Twitter over it though I bet he doesn't tweet or,if he does, he won't give a shit. 

One of my Irish great-grandfathers died in the coal mine at 36. I appreciated HRC honesty in saying that certain jobs were not coming back but that new jobs would be coming in. This BS of 100% of jobs returning is nothing more than drumpf's smoke and mirrors show. " There's a sucker born every minute" . 

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12 hours ago, anyanka323 said:

I'm also very impressed with him.  He is a bit rough around the edges but knows what he is talking about.  I hope he stays active in both the fight for $15 and local politics because we need more people like him to become involved.  He's passionate and knowledgeable about what he believes in and has leadership skills.  He also doesn't talk down to people around him, which is one valid criticism of the Democrats and progressives/liberals. 

The real need for a higher minimum wage in this country is likely, albeit sadly, going to be less of priority in the Trump administration, filled with millionaires and kleptocrats, who have no real idea how many in this country live paycheck to paycheck.  I've worked minimum wage part time jobs and know how hard it is.  It's tough trying to hold down two jobs unless like me where I got lucky that had one that allowed me to set my hours around the other one.  I know most people don't have that luxury or privilege, so I was appreciative.  

The campus I work for raised the campus minimum wage to $9 per hour this fall and I thought that it was a good idea, but one that should have waited until next fall when we could have gotten more money in our student budget to cover the increase. 

Not referencing anything about this video, as I haven't watched it yet. But in general, regarding the complaints of many of the trump/Republican supporters who don't like the liberal "elite" looking down at them - sorry, but if you want others to stop treating you like you are stupid, stop being actually stupid. Learn actual facts and pay attention to policies that will help/harm you instead of believing what these jerks with power make up on the spot.  #sorrymaybealittlenotsorry

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16 hours ago, izabella said:

The Democrats are fighting to extend retired coal miners' health care, which is set to expire at the end of the year.  Hope the coal miners are paying attention to what Trump is not doing for them, nor the Republicans voted back into Congress.


Oh, just you wait.  The Tangerine Turd will take all the glory if it's extended, but entirely blame the Dems if it is not.  And the deplorables will go right on believing whatever come out of his mouth.  If the media mentions Dems were responsible for the extension, they'll all say it's lies.

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I wish Obama had asked for that immediately after the election...why wait a month?  Maybe the information could have broken in time to impact the EC vote.  Maybe not, since he doesn't even want to make the findings public. 

And I wish the media had made it a really BIG story during the election that we KNEW Russia was hacking in an effort to influence election outcome and kept hammering it home instead of getting distracted reporting on Trump's Daily Lies...Squirrel!  Just like I wish the media was making Trump's conflicts of interest a huge daily story, pointing out Trump's Daily Violation and how they impact our foreign and domestic policy.  

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

I wish Obama had asked for that immediately after the election...why wait a month?  Maybe the information could have broken in time to impact the EC vote.  Maybe not, since he doesn't even want to make the findings public. 

And I wish the media had made it a really BIG story during the election that we KNEW Russia was hacking in an effort to influence election outcome and kept hammering it home instead of getting distracted reporting on Trump's Daily Lies...Squirrel!  Just like I wish the media was making Trump's conflicts of interest a huge daily story, pointing out Trump's Daily Violation and how they impact our foreign and domestic policy.  

That's why NYT's Charles Blow will continue to be "my dude."  He is one of the few in corporate media who refuses to normalize the Fanta Fucker and his entourage of kinfolk, court jesters, jackals, concubines and other hangers-on.  He consistently speaks truth to power and reminds us that Drumpf is all about the art of distraction.  Here is Mr. Blow's latest masterpiece in response to Time selecting that cretin it's "Person of the Year."

All I can say is, take your time, Charles!  Preach it!

 Madman of the Year

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

I wish Obama had asked for that immediately after the election...why wait a month?  Maybe the information could have broken in time to impact the EC vote.  Maybe not, since he doesn't even want to make the findings public. 

And I wish the media had made it a really BIG story during the election that we KNEW Russia was hacking in an effort to influence election outcome and kept hammering it home instead of getting distracted reporting on Trump's Daily Lies...Squirrel!  Just like I wish the media was making Trump's conflicts of interest a huge daily story, pointing out Trump's Daily Violation and how they impact our foreign and domestic policy.  

Yes, this.  And I'm skeptical about the report although "more" will always be better, even if the only Dems who actually learn anything important are the ones on the Intelligence Committee.

I will be surprised if the govt. does a sincere and thorough investigation--not a whitewash--and does NOT find connections between Putin and the Trump campaign, leading to and explaining the efforts of Russia to undermine Hillary's campaign.   Clearly they wanted Trump.  I don't think that was just because they've read about him in the newspapers and seen him on television. Or even because Putin's self interest, Russia's urge to destabilize democracies...yadda yadda.

If there was no Trump-Putin connection (not even Manafort-Flynn-Putin connection) to undermining Hillary, I think they'll tell us.  If we hear nothing one way or the other, for me, that means they found something.

(The word for that, btw, is "treason".)

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7 hours ago, VMepicgrl said:

Not referencing anything about this video, as I haven't watched it yet. But in general, regarding the complaints of many of the trump/Republican supporters who don't like the liberal "elite" looking down at them - sorry, but if you want others to stop treating you like you are stupid, stop being actually stupid. Learn actual facts and pay attention to policies that will help/harm you instead of believing what these jerks with power make up on the spot.  #sorrymaybealittlenotsorry

I agree. I would love to corral a bunch of these supporters and ask each and every one to define "elite". The definitions I've seen include best, richest, smartest; all adjectives that Trump uses to describe himself.

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According to this report (as well as a few others), Trump's transition team has sent a questionnaire to the Department of Energy to identify specific employees or contractors who participated in global climate talks. They're also looking for ways to keep aging nuclear plants online.

This sounds like the beginnings of a witch hunt for any scientist who supported Obama's climate policies and who believes in global warming.

There are not the words right now to express my disgust and anger, other than Trump and his ilk need to FOAD now.

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On 12/8/2016 at 2:35 PM, galaxygirl76 said:

He can take both King and Chuck fucking Grassley with him to China. Steve King is the worst, I'm actually embarrassed he represents my state.. 

Do people in Iowa have a clue that King truly is a racist?  I mean, I acknowledge "racist" gets used, well, maybe at times when it isn't warranted.  However, when it comes to King, it truly is warranted.

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38 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Do people in Iowa have a clue that King truly is a racist?  I mean, I acknowledge "racist" gets used, well, maybe at times when it isn't warranted.  However, when it comes to King, it truly is warranted.

I know because I see him open his blabbermouth on TV all the time. I swear he used to be on the Daily Show weekly after saying something racist, stupid, or ignorant. His district hasn't elected a Democrat since 1992, and it's almost 96% white. I live in the only of four Iowa districts that has a Democrat in the House, so my views may be skewed. I used to live in a city in southern Iowa and boy were they racist there.

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Looked on the MLB thread. Bobby Valentine is being considered for becoming ambassador of Japan. First thought: "Well, he did manage in Japan. And he won a title there." Yes, the bar is now that low. Or that high, if you're thinking limbo.

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I'm amazed at this CIA story on the Russian interference. Has anyone else read it?

It's pretty stunning. Mitch McConnell is an absolute monster.

If Obama had been elected against the will of the voters with the help of Russian interference he would have been impeached. Trump is illegitimate.

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Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House


“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

I know this shocks about zero reasonably-minded people.

EDIT:  also, DAMN....if you go to the WAPO tweet about the story, the responses are, well...interesting.  So many Deplorables out in force.  LOL, consumers of InfoWars calling WAPO "fake news"....these clowns don't even try to hide how fucking stupid they are.

Edited by Duke Silver
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I mentioned a bit more over on the Drumpf thread as well. It's sick.


1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

I'm amazed at this CIA story on the Russian interference. Has anyone else read it?

It's pretty stunning. Mitch McConnell is an absolute monster.

If Obama had been elected against the will of the voters with the help of Russian interference he would have been impeached. Drumpf is illegitimate.

Word. They stole it. PERIOD.

Mcconnell... ugh. Nothing like trying to hide something from the public. Not just him either. But other Republicans as well.

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1 hour ago, khyber said:

Now they're coming for Social Security. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/top-house-republican-social-security-cuts_us_584b1bb8e4b0e05aded3ff3c  .  And I don't care how much it hurts the racist in-laws.

Figured. They want to gut any and all social program. Any part of the social safety net they want to shred.


6 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I keep hoping that stuff like that negates the election. I know, it's like clapping to bring back Tinkerbell, but I don't know what else to do

I do too. Especially now. Given Russia's illegal participation in it.

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Well....I'm staying in on a Friday night due to the WAPO story that broke; just wasn't in the mood to go out.  I've been mulling over it.

I'm most obviously anti-Trump, and I've had some harsh things to say about the GOP.  However, I am not a Democrat, and most certainly would not identify myself as a "typical liberal" though I do favor liberal arguments on many policy issues.

With that said:  I am shocked at the actions by certain GOP Congressmen, especially Mitch McConnell, in preventing Russian interference in our electoral process from being reported to the American people.  Regardless of whatever political differences there may be, I perhaps naively, previously did not believe that those purporting to be patriotic Americans would allow a foreign power to get away with this level of intrigue.  I am at a loss.  Our country is seriously broken.

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

I know this shocks about zero reasonably-minded people.

EDIT:  also, DAMN....if you go to the WAPO tweet about the story, the responses are, well...interesting.  So many Deplorables out in force.  LOL, consumers of InfoWars calling WAPO "fake news"....these clowns don't even try to hide how fucking stupid they are.

As you say, this isn't shocking. Cybersecurity firms have been saying this, diplomats have been saying this, experts on Russia have been saying this, spies in other countries have been saying this, Homeland Security said this, etc. Russia has been hitting us here and there for years because cybersecurity is so weak all over this country. It's not shocking in the slightest that they would then direct their efforts to the presidency.

As for Trump supporters...their reliance on fake news is generally attributed solely to intellectual laziness but I'd offer up that they grew frustrated with watching things they support be criticized as bad or immoral so they created these echo chambers where everything they like is 'good' and everything they hate is 'bad'. (Seriously, have you seen these sites? The headlines read like they were written by angry teenage boys on 4chan.) So their news is the real news not because it's real (they all know it isn't) but because it's what they want to hear. So 'our' news is the fake news. (Also there's an element of 'I know you are but what am I?' to the fake news accusation, lol.)

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