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Let's Talk About The Rest Of The Family


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I debated starting a thread just about Robbin Robin or to post what I want to post here. With Mrs. McGreedy trying to make a name for herself riding on Dr. Phub's coattails she's kind of deserving of a snark filled thread of her own. I'm going to bring my post from elsewhere here too since I just found the forum for Dr. Phub's show here.

I'm also tired of Robbin' Robin and the way Dr. Phub (Phil/Chub) acts as a schill for his family, friends and children of friends crap so often. I used to watch for people with issues I could relate to and to see what kind of help they'd get. Of course that was during the time when Dr. Phub seemed genuinely interested in his guests and getting them help without trying to tie in whatever he was trying to sell at the moment. These days I watch mainly for the snarkworthy stuff that goes on and to see how he and his family are going to try and top their last self serving venture. They haven't disappointed in that arena in quite a few years.

It was blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes that  Dr. Phub didn't partake in using his own diet related products that ended up with lawsuits all those years ago. The drama from that is what really sparked the inkling of a feeling that he really was disingenuous and was trying whatever he could to bring in more money so he'd never have to go back to doing private practice work again.

You can tell all of Robbin's "ventures" were well thought out in advance seeing as they are all tied to one another in some way. To a person who isn't a McGreedy worshiper it all comes across as a borderline money funneling scheme. The Revelation mention in her "foundation" name just plain looks weird and doesn't make much sense to me. If you look at the site for the foundation they don't even have a professional email address with the domain name at the end they just have a Gmail address listed.

Now we know Robbin' Robin has a lip gloss line coming out too. No idea if it will be on HSN or if it was mentioned there because I didn't watch when she was on there schilling her stuff. The McGreedy's say all proceeds from it will go to her foundation which as we all know has the same name as her skincare line. When Robbin' Robin told the story about her Mom and how what happened "inspired" her to create the skincare and etc. I laughed because most of the audience they panned to looked less then impressed. Apparently the glosses are named after women in the family to try further to make it all look sincere.

I wonder if the McGreedy's got permission from Rick Warren when working out names for Robbin's 'purpose-driven' lifestyle brand.

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I almost commented the other day to say how nice it was not to have heard from Robbin' Robin in awhile and then there she was yet again. After Dr. Phub was done humiliating the catfish victim and that tease about guessing what made the audience so happy I said out loud "Oh shit she's back..." and sure enough in true Dr. Phub form she was. It seems like almost everytime there's a show that's about a woman getting humiliated and etc. at some point in the show Robbin' Robin pops up with her "beauty advice" and is there to shill her crap or someone else's. I almost thought she was going to say she partnered with the hair dryer people to make a special version she was going to sell so color me surprised when she was just giving away regular ones.

My Mom was watching with me and even started commenting on what a flake Robbin' Robin is. Showing pics of that pouty granddaughter wearing that lip gloss that's named after her made me sick. Using a child that young to hawk makeup to grownups. Of course neither Robbin' or Dr. Phub have any shame left give two shits about anymore. All they seem to want to do is shill, shill and shill some more.

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I really don't know how it is legal for him to profess to be a dr helping people with psychological problems, yet uses this format to shill one of his many products. It was bad enough when it was just him, but then getting Robin in on it was too much & I had to stop watching .

Haven't seen it in awhile. Just flipped the tv on & he is hawking "dr on demand" app. Supposedly thought up by him & his son Jay. He has also schilled Jay's book & Robin's.

Robin's "beauty" line, give me a break! Woman has had plastic surgery!

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Can anybody tell me what the damn deal is with show ending grab Robin from the audience and quick step out of the studio? Can Phil not leave the studio alone? Is Robin serving notice to other women that that's her man? Are they trying to convince me of a united front?

Just what is the reason for me having to see her yanked back face every show?

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I get the weekly email alerts from the show saying what episodes will be on each week so I can know ahead of time.


Instead of that email which I usually get on Sunday mornings I instead got this email today which contained this drivel.



The Dr. Phil show is delighted to partner with Robin McGraw Revelation, the purpose-driven lifestyle brand launched by philanthropist, television personality and best-selling author Robin McGraw, to bring you "Revelation 365™" -- an email series that places the world of beauty, self-betterment and unique, purposeful products at your fingertips.


on how to live a purposeful, revelation-driven life

photos, video interviews and special events

including samples, deals, giveaways and more!

including sneak peeks of new arrivals

Edited by Jaded


Can anybody tell me what the damn deal is with show ending grab Robin from the audience and quick step out of the studio? Can Phil not leave the studio alone?

It seems pretty clear, to me anyway, that she is trying to depict the Obedient Christian Wife who tends to her man at all times.  So it bolsters Dr Flim Flam's masculinity by extension.  How often does he give the husband a good talking to about how he should be the hero and be responsible for protecting his family physically, spiritually and emotionally?  Every show. He's trying to demonstrate how he takes care of his wife because she's never out of sight.  Well, she's there so he can prop her "career" too. He's close friends with one of those megachurch  moneygrubbing preacher sharks, I can't remember the name.


Back to Robin, she was pretty annoying today when Flim Flam put up 3 pictures of Jay, I mean, BABY, and shared with us what she was saying at the time.  She said basically the same thing for each picture.  You're the most brilliant person I've ever known and your thoughts are so important I want you to write them down.  Ok, it's touching to give the kid a diary if he's in hs or college but Jay is 35 year old middle aged man.  My 25 yr old wouldn't put up with the googly eyes and ego stroking for more than 30 seconds.  But I guess since Flim gave him his career that's the downside. 

Edited by QuelleC
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During that whole deal with Robin "reacting" to those photos of Lil Phub I was laughing at what seemed like fake crying with no tears. Those noises she was making were just obnoxious. As has been said before with her being in the audience like that since the show started years ago it gives the impression she can't leave him alone. He seems alone when he appears on late night shows though.

Edited by Jaded
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QuelleC, are you thinking of TD Jakes?

"megachurch, moneygrubbing, preacher sharks" ! Thank you for the perfect definition. MMPS are the foulest people on earth IMO. My sister (just one DNA marker from a sheep) went to one of those churches. She and her husband had no problem forking over 10 o/o While the SIX "pastors" drove high end luxury cars, wore thousand dollar suits and lived in mansions. Drove me insane.

Seems like MMPS & Schill are perfect running buddies.

Eta: Robin's over the top fawning, googly eyes at her son are almost incestuousy. I notice the other son keeps a pretty fair distance from the show.

Edited by zillabreeze
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 She and her husband had no problem forking over 10 o/o While the SIX "pastors" drove high end luxury cars, wore thousand dollar suits and lived in mansions. Drove me insane.


The 10% is called a Tithes and it is in the Bible. However, given the number of homeless and hungry plus undereducated it doesn't seem to be used very well so your assessment is way fair.

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During that whole deal with Robin "reacting" to those photos of Lil Phub I was laughing at what seemed like fake crying with no tears. Those noises she was making were just obnoxious. As has been said before with her being in the audience like that since the show started years ago it gives the impression she can't leave him alone. He seems alone when he appears on late night shows though.

Oh thank you, that went way beyond her normal mush mouth and you're right about the "crying".  Oh, I didn't know you were going to show these pictures.  Robin didn't know I was going to show these pictures.  They doth protest too much.. 


I get the idea Schill wants her there for reasons I mentioned above.  He has an ego and she is submissive. 

Edited by QuelleC
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But despite her growing career and duties as a mother and grandmother, Mrs McGraw says that her husband ‘is my number one priority.’

She advises other women looking to balance work and family life to ask their husbands: ‘”What can I do for you? Tell me what you need from me, what you need to hear from me, what you need to see me do. I’ll do it.”’

She also recommends checking in with one’s husband on a ‘regular basis,’ adding: ‘Phillip always needs to know I’m proud of him and the loves to hear that I appreciate him.’


Even when she gave birth to Jay in 1979, Mrs McGraw sat Phillip down to tell him that he would still be a priority for her, even with a child in the house.

She explains: ‘From that moment on, he could say to himself, “Oh good, I’m not going to be in second place. She’s not going to forget about our relationship.”’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2610638/People-think-not-natural-never-fight-Dr-Phils-wife-Robin-McGraw-secret-37-year-marriage.html#ixzz3F8uAkIVH


Oh. Good. Dog. Sorry, you freaks but a baby is an actual baby who needs care and attention to survive. I suspect she suffers from the low self esteem Schill blames other women for. 

Edited by QuelleC
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~small voice~ I think she's really pretty. Although I find the majority of the McGraw's shilling annoying ("did you know my son, Jay, runs a publishing company?"), I have to say that I am very impressed with her work against domestic violence, especially the Aspire Initiative. Just the phone app alone that allows you with one touch of a button to discreetly send selected people in your life an emergency text letting them know they need to come NOW, seems like an excellent, life-saving tool.

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There is something very odd about her face. It just looks peculiar. I can't stand when she addresses dear hubby as 'Philip.'. Phony ass woman.



She probably has always called him Philip and the tag Dr Phil was created for his stage work.  


I FF through her and TD Jakes so I never knew what she did or does until I read it here!  


I will continue my FF habit.  :>)  


As for her being in the audience and walking out together, I think that is good.  When he was first offered the show he was clear that he wanted Robin to be part of it.  I think that was smart.  Many rise to stardom and lose their marriage and family in that ascent.  


I like Phil and his wit, wisdom and delivery.  I am not into Robin hawking her products in the name of whatever it is she does.  ???  I have FFed though it all and don't want to educate myself on her goings on.  

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For every bottle sold Mrs. Phub and HSN Cares will donate $1 yes 1 whole dollar to her "Revelation"Foundation. I've yet to watch any of her appearances on HSN due to not having anti-nausea meds strong enough. If anyone else wants to attempt to watch her on there to snark as it says on the banner she's booked for the 28th.


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It was her day to shill all her stuff at the end of the show today. I hate it when people like Mrs. Phub have had as much plastic surgery as she has go on to sell skincare without admitting to anything. They want to dupe people into believing their skin will look the same if they use the products from the line that's being sold.

Edited by Jaded
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Back to Robin, she was pretty annoying today when Flim Flam put up 3 pictures of Jay, I mean, BABY, and shared with us what she was saying at the time.  She said basically the same thing for each picture.  You're the most brilliant person I've ever known and your thoughts are so important I want you to write them down.  Ok, it's touching to give the kid a diary if he's in hs or college but Jay is 35 year old middle aged man.  My 25 yr old wouldn't put up with the googly eyes and ego stroking for more than 30 seconds.  But I guess since Flim gave him his career that's the downside. 

How weird! I haven't watched Dr. Phil in years, but caught an episode today because I happened to be home avoiding doing stuff I needed to do. Robin was on and I was shocked at how frozen her face seemed. So, I googled her, and landed here on this page, only to find the above quoted comment. This is exactly the episode that was on today - 7 months after you posted about it! What are the odds?


I didn't understand why Robin was crying about some diary she gave her son (who does that??). Also couldn't figure out how she knew exactly what she said to her son in each picture. I mean, it was a series of rapid-fire shots from the same moment. How could she know that in the third shot she told him she 'always thought he was brilliant', as opposed to the second shot, when she merely told him he was brilliant? LOLOLOL. Oh, and the flowing tears!!! It was beyond ridiculous. Really an insult. They must believe their audience is a herd of barn animals.


My late father (may his memory be a blessing) used to always make fun of the McGraw family shill business. He used to call Jay McGraw, "my son Jay" [as in: hey, did you hear? My Son Jay just got engaged!!"]. ROFL! 


The endless money-making schemes are so blatantly in-your-face, it's as if they're mocking their audience ... as if they're saying, "y'all are too stupid to see that we're trying every way imaginable to separate you from your money, so we're going to be totally unabashedly obvious about it, just to see how far we can go with you sheeple".


I used to actually like Dr. Phil. He had a fresh, non-coddling approach to people who were looking to get help. A lot of his advice was real and resonated with me. But now he's just the face of McGraw Family Inc., and all its perfumes, bath oils, "lifestyle" and "advice" books. I mean, who is My Son Jay that I should spend money on something he wrote? Who is "television personality" Robin McGraw that I should listen to her about ... anything??  :-/

Edited by deedee2
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Looks like HSN has clearanced out all of Robbin Robin's skincare and etc. and all that's left is one item. I meant to post this a few weeks ago when I checked and saw they only had 4 items from her line left all on clearance but forgot. I wonder what this means for her skincare line in general?


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Anyone see the McGraws on Celebrity Family Feud last night?  She was an embarrassment.

She looked like a creepier miniature version of Marilyn Manson. They must use a special lens slathered in vaseline for her when she's on Dr. Phub's show because she looked her age and worse on Celebrity Family Feud. My Mom kept remarking on how different she looked and not in a good way so I know it wasn't just me who noticed it.

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My 39th Anniversary Gift To Phillip (You Know Him As Dr. Phil)

By: Mrs. Robin McChub

(Obviously the comments were disabled for this video)



Why is Guy Fawkes making an anniversary video for Dr. Schill?


But seriously:  I get the sentiment, I do, but really? I laughed so hard!  She looks ridiculous! If she were genuinely trying to be sweet and sentimental, she would have kept it a private gift, but no, not Flobbin (Flaunting-Robin).  She is trying so hard to look 25-ish, which is exactly the age-range I can see doing this type of video. 


Don't get me wrong, ANY woman/person of ANY age could do it if they want; I'm not ageist (I am 43, ftr) Sure, it's kind of corny but also kind of sweet...just not in this case. It's "Wheeee, look at me, I am forever young and never-aging!" disguised as sentiment. 


The thing is, when your overworked-face looks like you have tightening screws hidden behind your ears, you lie and claim "no plastic surgery",  and your talons and legs look like the Crypt-Keeper's in contrast to your frozen face, it's a bit  ridiculous to flounce around like this. 


When I saw her hands and legs, I said, "YEP, there is the proof she is lying". If she had some miracle potion/exercises as she claims, she needs to put it on her legs and hands. Believe me, I pay close attention to mine, as well as my chest, neck, etc. They can age a person so fast!


Someone up-thread said the cameraman must use a ton of Vaseline, and I believe it. The lighting they use is supposed to make her look younger, but it makes her look so weird! In this video, I actually saw imperfections, so at least there was that. If she'd let her flaws show a bit. she'd at least look human. I don't see her very often, but each time I do, I am **shocked** at how weird and overdone she looks. 


I just cannot stand her and her ridiculous lies. 


Also, I love that song, so eff you Robin for ruining that for me. :p 

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Robin is strange-looking. Her head is huge and doesn't seem to fit her body. She acts like a giddy school girl or someone who needs to have her meds adjusted.

Her skincare line apparently is a,flop because it is no longer on HSN.


I just recently started watching Dr. Phil because frankly I could never stand him, but a show with a real psycho was on one day and peaked my interest and I've been watching ever since.  I really hadn't paid too much attention to his wife but today they flashed a closeup of her with that big grin on her face and the first thing that came to my mind was Stepford wife.  She looks so plastic and when they do their little walk off holding hands I always wish they would both trip and fall.  (I know, I'm mean)

My 39th Anniversary Gift To Phillip (You Know Him As Dr. Phil)


By: Mrs. Robin McChub



Good Grief!  Does this Stepford freak ever close her damned mouth?  I guess that's the price you pay when you get those humongous veneers.  Ugh!

Edited by swankie
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She is yet another woman who is doing everything she can to keep old age at bay but you know what, honey? It aint working!


She is way too thin - women her age need a little meat on their bones because too skinny is really aging. Her hair is too much for that little body. Why doesn't she stop dyeing - embrace your silver fox- and maybe get a nice short do? Not super short but something SHORTER, maybe layered, would be much more flattering. She's had too much Botox and/or fillers. Looks eerie and unnatural. 


Her teeth are freakishly white and appear too big for her mouth. And what's with the dark, bushy eyebrows? Too much, again! And don't get me started on her voice! 


Why must she be at EVERY SINGLE SHOW? Probably so she can flog her line of products.

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I love it when they occasionally do the make over shows on women and robin tells the women how they don't need to spend tons of money on surgery, just use her recommended natural products just like she does. I doubt robin looks as "good" as she does at 61 with no botox or plastic surgery. I wish i could afford veneers and had a tennis court, swimming pool and in home gym. Such fakery.

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I didn't look at what had to be done when I posted that screenshot. I got a notice about it in my email since I signed up to get those a couple years or so ago. I just looked at what they want people to do so they can enter this thing and geeze. I wouldn't want to win any of that stuff. I guess it's for die hard Robbin Robin and Dr. Phub fans.


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