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S06.E12: The Ties That Bind


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Amber and Matt invite Matt's son to move in; Farrah visits Derek's family; Cate and Tyler want to celebrate their first anniversary; Maci has a bridal shower; Ryan tries to apologize to his father.

I got this figured out already:

Matt invites his son to move in without asking Amber; she sits her ass on the couch and does nothing

Farrah visits Derek's family aka visits Daddy Derek's grave so she can fake cry

Catelynn is depressed, but is up to going out of town to celebrate their anniversary

Maci is in Las Vegas where she shakes her ass and acts a fool while enjoying alcoholic beverages on MTVs dime

Ryan mumbles

  • Love 14

So we have tonight's episode and "Ginger's Last Binger" next week.  Then 2 weeks of reunion shows and 1 week of unseen moments.  And that leads us to "ReUnited." And it won't feel so good.  Hey!  That should be the title of that thread: "ReUnited: And it doesn't feel so good".

Edited by Marisagf
The EPA has nothing to do with this post!
  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

So we have tonight's episode and "Ginger's Last Binger" next week.  Then 2 weeks of reunion shows and 1 week of unseen moments.  And that leads us to "ReUnited." And it won't feel so good.  Hey!  That should be the title of that thread: "ReUnited: And it doesn't feel so good".

There is no episode tonight. See the date up above. It is airing November 7th.

I was wondering since my guide wasn't showing TM at all, but some articles mentioned there was an episode tonight. I guess MTV is trying to tie-in TMOG with that "passion project" which airs the first week of December, and to do so, they are skipping this week.

Edited by SPLAIN
Forgot to add my last sentence.
  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

There is no episode tonight. See the date up above. It is airing November 7th.

I was wondering since my guide wasn't showing TM at all, but some articles mentioned there was an episode tonight. I guess MTV is trying to tie-in TMOG with that "passion project" which airs the first week of December, and to do so, they are skipping this week.

That was my thought exactly.  All Teen Mom OG episodes from this season will take us through November so "ReUnited" can take it's time slot.  If it's a one-off, they'll fill the time slot with something else for the rest of December and come back in January with Teen Mom 2 or more OG.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

You know we are all full of crap. We're going to watch it so we can snark on his pompous tiny headed self.

Ha ha that is why I didn't post anything. Of course I am going to watch. If I admit I would watch "No Heifers" and "Copy Room Kathleen", then some shitty show from Tyler Bacteria will be on my watch list just so I can then come here and snark the hell out of his show.

16 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

If none of you are going to watch Tyler's stupid thing then I won't either, because I only want to see it so I can come on here and make fun of it with yous peoples. :(

It is the only reason to watch! :-)

  • Love 10
On 11/4/2016 at 10:23 PM, AhFillAck said:

Yeah I had hoped you were all full of crap!!!

Will we hear Cate say "anxiety and depression" or "mental illness"? Gee, ya think?

I really hope there are some good Farrahisms in the next episode. I live for those.

I miss hearing Amber say "gel". That made me laugh so hard every time.

If I see Cate wearing those lint-covered leggings, I am drinking a margarita. With no margarita mix. 

  • Love 12

Amber stays up to 4 am every night. No wonder she can't parent Leah. Also love their hypocritical rules for matts son. No booze and you need to get a job.


And Cate and her convo about more kids. Having another baby will give her an excuse to be a "SAHM" because being a SAHM means passing your daughter off on your alcoholic mother and doing nothing all day. The only reason why Cate wants more children isn't because she has the desire to raise a large family, but because it'll give her a reason/excuse not to do anything with her life.

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 14

That wasn't a science experiment, that is some kind of substance Sophia secreets when she is in her  true form!

Watching that scene again, it rubbed me the wrong way, seeing Theresa having Dawn do her dirty work regarding the termination of the yearly visits. But then again, having Dawn do it and explain it to them in the most gentle way possible will spare Brandon future harassment at work by psycho fans. Lol 

  • Love 5

I mean.. I feel more for Catelynn than Tyler only because I think Catelynn would have always abided to Brandon and Theresa's rules. I do think it was sad for Cate to hear it from dawn and not Theresa herself. But they probably did need to hear it.. 

I always feel so uncomfortable when they bring up Daddy Derek. Obviously Farrah has real unresolved feelings but it feels so wrong when its on this show.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 6

Looks like Nova is starting to hit her Mother randomly in the face...do toddlers normally go through a stage like this? I can't remember any one I've known whose child did this. Too bad she doesn't hit Tyler instead. Farrah's ass is ridonkulous. Also, Hey, Everybody! Patterned tights are not trousers, and they're not flattering. At all.

Edited by pheebs
Wonky paragraphs. My bad.
  • Love 4

Just some thoughts - - - Is Tyler gaining weight? It sure looks like it to me. I feel kind of bad for C though. When adoption lady was going over the agreement, you could see the light bulb going off over her head. "We agreed to all this."  Farrah - you have 0 communication skills and deep down, you are a horrible person, BUT I gotta hand it to you. You are a hustler. Selling froyo at one end of town and apartment furniture at the other end. And driving your truck too! That's waaayyy more than any of the other's are doing for sure. Good on you. You're still kind of a beast though.

  • Love 15
12 minutes ago, JustDuckie said:

Just some thoughts - - - Is Tyler gaining weight? It sure looks like it to me. I feel kind of bad for C though. When adoption lady was going over the agreement, you could see the light bulb going off over her head. "We agreed to all this."  Farrah - you have 0 communication skills and deep down, you are a horrible person, BUT I gotta hand it to you. You are a hustler. Selling froyo at one end of town and apartment furniture at the other end. And driving your truck too! That's waaayyy more than any of the other's are doing for sure. Good on you. You're still kind of a beast though.

Tyler is clearly putting on the lbs. He eats complete shit just like Cate. Metabolism must finally being catching up to him.

  • Love 11

Question - If Amber is awake until 4 a.m. (I believe it BTW) that means she is not getting up in the middle of the night to eat food from the refrigerator, like T-bone steaks, as was mentioned in the episode where Matt was also lying about the yummy and delicious diet bars. Amber stated she has no recollection of doing such things, but she was finding food on her nightstand. How so if she is awake all night long?

  • Love 8

These adult children irritate me so much!  Amber's layabout manchild just about killed me when he started lecturing the son he's had virtually nothing to do with until now about how he needed to get and keep a job if he was going to remain under Amber's roof.  Sorry, but what the hell is his job?!  Hiring a crew to rehab and flip the houses that Amber buys, using Amber's money?  I think I need a drink; I'm defending Amber.  I bet each and every one of you $100 apiece that Gary will have an issue with a sorta, kinda recovering drug addict and alcoholic living in the same house where his daughter visits (and I don't blame him one bit).

Farrah.  All I can remember is her absolutely massive, bulbous, synthetic ass in those hideous patterned-leggings-that-are-not-fucking-pants and her tirade at her mother next to the furniture truck.  Did she really call her mother a "genius fuckface?"  I would still be scooping up my teeth from the ground into a plastic baggie if I had ever spoken that way to my mother.

I am no fan of either Dawn's or Bethany Christian Services, but she was right to bring that contract and put it right in front of Catelynn and Tyler to remind them of what they signed.  I totally get Catelynn's tears, but if we're really honest, she has Teen Mom and Tyler's big-ass mouth to thank for Brandon and Teresa's lockdown on Carly.  I do not blame them one bit for tightening the reins.  I thought it was really sweet at first that they agreed to allow Catelynn and Tyler periodic visitation and even allow the cameras to film the reunions.  They did a lot more than a lot of adoptive parents, but that simply isn't sustainable in this situation, in my humble opinion.  Carly will be a preteen before they can blink and have access to social media with or without her parent's permission (no naivete here).  Tyler will not mature in the ensuing years.  He will get worse and he will be even less shy about getting his opinions out there.  Brandon and Teresa are right to slam the door shut.  Carly is their main priority, as it should be.  Frankly, it's time for Catelynn and Tyler to focus on that poor little baby they do have at home, who I virtually never see wearing pants over her sagging diaper.  I was a single mom practically from day one when my ex-husband decided he couldn't hack the whole married-with-kid life, so I try really hard not to judge disadvantaged, emotionally-fragile young mothers, but Catelynn would benefit greatly from booting the 180 pounds (and counting) of obnoxiously-goateed dead weight she's been toting around for over a decade.  (By the way, Catelynn?  Nova is hitting you because she's dying for attention and thinks that's the only way she can get it.  Lay the bong aside for a while, give her some positive attention, and watch as the hitting melts away.  You're welcome.)

Maci and Shirt Pocket: Don't care.  Not even a little bit.

Once again, I reiterate what I've said for years now: This show is the worst thing to ever happen to some of these formerly teen moms (and "moms"). *cough* Farrah! *cough*

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 15

This show has caused me to argue with my SO on numerous occasions. He thinks it's trashy and is horrified by what he sees on the screen. He doesn't understand why I watch it. And until tonight, I told him I found it fascinating to see how people behave - a social experiment of sorts. But, tonight I couldn't help but feel anything but disgust. Farrah is an awful human. It's not ok how she speaks to people. Maci clearly hates her life (and Taylor). Everyone on this show secretly wishes she was with Ryan. Despite his awful personality and fading good looks, it's clear that everyone involved wishes they could go back in time and make Ryan and Maci work things out. Then there's Amber. Ugh. I want to like her. She's made an effort to look cute and Leah is adorable. But, I just can't with Matt. He's so obviously using her. And now he's bringing his disgusting son into the mix. Just goes to show how powerful DNA can be. Matt didn't raise his kid but they both jumped onto that gravy train when it came by. Gary deserves so much credit for keeping the peace. If that were my situation, my kid would never be staying overnight at that house.

Which leaves Cate and crew. Nova is so stinking cute. Poor kid got a bum deal in life (as did her parents). As much as Tyler annoys me, Catelynn is not helping her cause at all. That relationship died long ago. Let it go. Seriously, get divorced and find a happier life. As for Dawn and the adoption contract, can someone please pull out the manipulative video of her reassuring Cate that this was an open adoption?! That agency took advantage of young and ignorant teens. Screw her and her contract - let's hear what she SAID to manipulate those kids into thinking an open adoption was more than it turned out to be.

End rant

  • Love 4

Slim pickings tonight as far as snark for me. There were not even any really choice options as far as taking pics of the tv screen. I took a few and may post later.

It was bizarre. Farrah was downright pleasant in the "we had fish time!" scene. Cate was cute and animated in the cake scene. Ryan seemed normal, for Ryan. No saucer eyes. What was I watching?

Cate's "I want to physically talk to Theresa on the phone." and Farrah's "I don't even know how to work a truck." were funny, at least.

I really don't have much else. Poo.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

#1 Dad - animation for Matt.



No. Just no. Fuck you MTV.

What was that?!?! Seriously. 

I feel bad for Catelynn a little. It's obvious that her life was different in 2009. But as someone who has no real personal experience themselves with adoption, I've kind of always disliked the idea of open adoption. Just my personal preference. Even before this show I just always assumed it would be a really difficult balance and then this show proved me right. I'm sure this show is just a really heightened version of it but it does seem like it's hard to find a balance with both sides.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 5

It cracks me up that Amber schedules the Dr. Drew trip during one of the weekends she's supposed to be with  Leah - when she only sees her every other weekend.  She truly doesn't give a shit about spending more time with Leah, let alone getting joint custody.  I never thought I'd say this, but Gary's turned into a good and responsible dad, and Leah is lucky he makes her a priority, when she's clearly not one in her mother's life.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 19

Way to milk drama. B&T haven't changed anything. They've chosen not to deal with C&T directly on this matter and had Dawn (in the role she's paid for) mediate and reinforce the terms of their agreement. Just because Catelynn wants to visit Carlie doesn't mean B&T have to accede to her wishes on Cate's desired timeline. I think it's healthy to establish boundaries that they're not one big happy family and that B&T place Carlie's well-being ahead of C&T. When the contract was signed Cate and Tyler were going to college, putting off marriage and kids until after at least Tyler started working...none of that has come to pass. I'd imagine seeing C&Ts public struggles with their marriage, Cate's breakdown and treatment, both acknowledged drug use* and Butch back in their lives...all playing out for the world to see...make B&T trepidatious about C&T's future stability.

* weed use, granted. But the show hints at Cate toking in her car.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

It cracks me up that Amber schedules the Dr. Drew trip during one of the weekends she's supposed to be with  Leah - when she only sees her every other weekend.  She truly doesn't give a shit about spending more time with Leah, let alone getting joint custody.  I never thought I'd say this, but Leah is lucky Gary makes her a priority.  He's turned into a good and responsible dad.

Gary deserves that #1 Dad animation in every.single.scene. I want to tweet #1 Dad to him on a daily.


 Nova is so stinking cute.

Or just stinking.

  • Love 12

I wish Dawn would have followed up when Catelyn said something like "knowing what I know now" re: the adoption.  I don't remember the full exchange.  I think Dawn tried to finish Catelyn's sentence about why this is hard and then  Catelyn added that part on the end.  What does she know now? That she ended up getting those dollar dollar bills y'all and could have raised Carly after all?  Dawn sure didn't look thrilled at Catelyn's obvious regret and despair over the adoption.  I don't think anyone can allow them to speak about how wonderful adoption is after this when Catelyn basically said she wished she didn't do it.  But Catelyn's attitude about the whole thing was really bratty, she was practically throwing a temper tantrum.  Dawn was talking to her like she was 7 years old.  And I said this when the clip came out last week but I don't like how Dawn said "oh no if they were going to cut off visits forever they would have told you that."  Really Dawn? How do you know they aren't cutting it off?  Catelyn and Tyler are so, so dumb.  They will cling to that sentence forever.  Why give them that false hope when it's totally possible that they COULD pull visits for ever?  I feel like that's a very real concern after everything we have seen?  It's really not right of Dawn to pretend otherwise.

  • Love 6

I've written this before, but I'll say it again after that scene with Catelynn and Tyler and the adoption counselor - their story is the saddest one of all the Teen Moms, for me, at least.  I always liked them and rooted for them, and I applauded them them for making the right decision about giving Carly up because it was for all the right reasons - they were too young, they were still in high school, they were living in unsafe and unstable environments with irresponsible parents and drugs, they wanted a future that included college and careers, and they wanted a life for their daughter that offered more than what they could offer.  Seven years later, they haven't moved forward in their lives at all - it's like they're in the same spot as seven years ago, and it even seems like things are worse for them, esp. Catelynn.  She's overweight and depressed, and she and Tyler sit around doing nothing all day every day, smoking pot and talking about having more babies.  They're still intertwined with their drug addict and always-jail-bound parents, they have no job, no ambition, no career aspirations, and they seem so lifeless and joyless.  I feel like I need to sever my relationship with them (TM Farrah), and I'm kinda sad and angry at them about this.  

  • Love 8

I don't go to bed until 6 or 7 am. I stay up and work at night because I work from home and that's when the house is the quietest. I know lots of mothers who work 3rd shift and do the same. It is totally possible, with the assistance of a supportive partner, to effectively parent a child even when you're not getting up until after noon. 

Amber still wouldn't be able to do it, even if she went to bed at 9pm. 

  • Love 9

I was happy to see Ryan make up with his parents.  He's still a mess (and we haven't been shown what is really happening) but I love Ryan's parents and want them to be happy.  Since I don't think Ryan is capable of getting better, I'm glad his mom can find some happiness in Maci's life and hope she doesn't have to deal with Ryan and his dad fighting.  

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, pheebs said:

Looks like Nova is starting to hit her Mother randomly in the face...do toddlers normally go through a stage like this? I can't remember any one I've known whose child did this. Too bad she doesn't hit Tyler instead. Farrah's ass is ridonkulous. Also, Hey, Everybody! Patterned tights are not trousers, and they're not flattering. At all.

I haven't watched the episode yet, but my daughter is 19 months old (3 months younger than Nova) and thinks it's funny smacking me in the face with her baby hands. I have never put a hand on my children and I'm VERY attentive (annoyingly attentive ?).

For some kids they get giggles out of seeing your reaction to being smacked. Whittle baby smacks NOT Butch style smacks - baby smacks lol.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Amber stays up to 4 am every night. No wonder she can't parent Leah. Also love their hypocritical rules for matts son. No booze and you need to get a job.


And Cate and her convo about more kids. Having another baby will give her an excuse to be a "SAHM" because being a SAHM means passing your daughter off on your alcoholic mother and doing nothing all day. The only reason why Cate wants more children isn't because she has the desire to raise a large family, but because it'll give her a reason/excuse not to do anything with her life.

In a way, it's just another version of all of the wealthy housewives who want to "stay at home," but have multiple nannies for their kids and spend their days shopping, getting beauty treatments, and eating out.

  • Love 5

Every time we see Farrah spending more and more time with Derek's family I get super nervous. I'm just super worried, because I really don't think she can hold herself together for super long. She's bound to fly off the handle at some point. And those people are super nice, and super don't deserve it. 

Oh, I'm sorry, am I overusing the word "super"? I got that from Farrah. I thought that was how people who were blessed with a brain speak. No? 

Anyhow, I really think Farrah is a sociopath. She seemed to totally be faking her emotions while she was with them and reacting in a way that seemed mimicked. But as soon as she's back around Deb, she can let her true colors show. Deb - "I missed you!" Normal person - "I missed you too." Farrah - "Get the fuck over it, mom. People miss people. It's life. Move on." 

And I'm always skeptical about all of her business ventures. I fully believe something shady is involved with each and every one of them. 


So I had a totally different picture of Maci's grandparents in her head. The way she spoke about her grandmother, especially, I was picturing this rigid, old school marm. But they didn't look much older than her parents. I think EVERYONE in that family had kids young. But they seem perfectly nice and accepting. 

Something was weird about Ryan and his dad making up. I'm not sure whether to appreciate that they didn't want to do it on camera, or to be skeptical about what they were talking about. Oh well, I'm just glad Jen has her family together again. But would it kill Ryan to hug his mother or at least acknowledge her when she's crying? Damn. 

Also, bag your fucking trash! Don't just let it spill all over the ground like that. Fucker. 

Is it me or does the new girlfriend seem "old" for Ryan? I don't mean she's literally old. But he usually has these young, party type looking girls. This new one seemed like a prim and proper elementary school teacher, and he's sitting there with his bed hair and neon shirts. Just odd. 

I did like seeing Maci and Jen together at the shower. They're so cute, and I love that they have maintained a relationship over the years. Was Maci's mom even there? 


Of course Amber went to LA during one of Leah's weekend. OF COURSE. She can't be bothered. But taking in Matt's loser kid is a real priority. Because - you know - storyline. It's a real symbiotic relationship. They're all using each other in different ways. That's why I laughed so hard every time Matt and Amber tried to give those lovely pearls of wisdom to Christopher, and he just nodded and glazed over. Dude gives NO fucks what they have to say. I'm not even convinced he's off of drugs. He just wants a place to crash and some money. It's so obvious. 

It was especially rich when they told Christopher that he HAS to work. Why? You don't. You sit around and grill enough food for 10 and get fat and act like you know shit all day. What amazing examples. 


Tyler and Cate - give no fucks about their anniversary. Isn't there a better way to store the top of the cake, so it's not all nasty? It's like they just threw it in there with the box not even closed all the way. 

"My mom is taking Nova so we can do something for our anniversary". Edit that to - "My mom is taking Nova because it's a day that ends in a "y" and what else would she do?"

Tyler freaked me out when he said he feels like they were meant to have a lot of kids. No. Just no. I think he sees the writing on the wall - they're losing their Carly story time, and the Duggars fucked up their chances of being on TV. So he's going to try and fill that void by being the next Jim Bob, siring a whole brood of unruly kids. I mean, what on earth would give him the feeling they were meant for a lot of kids? The fact that you tried to break up with your wife 248930258 times before finally getting dragged to the altar? The fact that your MIL and dogs are raising the ONE kid you do have? The fact that your wife is legit mentally unstable and has yet to address the real issues at hand? Just, please, no. 

I feel the adoption thing has been discussed to death already, so I have little to say about that. I wish they would stop talking about it as well. Show some respect. Maybe you'd get a visit if B&T knew it wouldn't be discussed to death on MTV. 

  • Love 16

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