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Shannon Beador: Magic Crystals and Nine Lemons

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18 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I thought someone bought the old house, furniture and all??  I thought the ranch on the water was a rental.  I wondered if David was really at the gym after dinner?

Judging from his physique. There is no doubt he was getting ready for the next jump off.

1 minute ago, nexxie said:

Wonder what kind of home Shannon will create for herself now - should be interesting! 

I think that she will stay put for now, with the kids still in school, I doubt that she will want to move again.

I love that house. Maybe she can afford to buy it and fix it and flip it with Jeff Lewis's help?

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I know that Shannon has her reasoning for this incident, she got slipped something in the bar and then she was trying to break down the door or something.  I always thought something about the whole thing didn’t sound kosher.

That RO is not from the incident that Vicki is talking about.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I know that Shannon has her reasoning for this incident, she got slipped something in the bar and then she was trying to break down the door or something.  I always thought something about the whole thing didn’t sound kosher.

Different time. This is from when he was actually arrested. Back when they were first married. The time she said she called the police on him because they were having an argument and she hoped calling the cops would put an end to their fight. 

I wonder if her story on these two domestic violence issues will remain the same in light of the divorce? She made no sense to me on either occasion. But she would hardly be the first victim to protect and continue to love her abuser. Maybe she will be more honest about what actually happened now that she doesn't have to protect him any longer. Or maybe she will continue to want to protect him because of the kids? 

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Being a cynical old maid, I wondered if Shannon gained weight so she had the excuse that would endear her to midlife American women everywhere, "My husband left me because I gained weight!"

I've had similar thoughts. Not necessarily for that purpose. But just for the attention/sympathy, in general. I don't even know that I'd say it was intentional. But I do think that perhaps subconsciously she gained weight so she could have another way of being the victim. 

That being said, she looks amazing at the reunion! 

  • Love 1
On 10/27/2017 at 4:38 PM, ghoulina said:

I'm not ready to celebrate yet. Overall, I think it will be good for them all. But I do worry about the girls. I hope this can be a peaceful separation, but I just don't know. And I wonder who initiated this. Shannon has seemed so unhinged lately. I just want to see this propel her into a brighter, happier future. But I worry she'll just spiral more. 

I think this is very sad news. I feel bad for the kids. This show is bad for marriages. Vicki,Tamra,Kelly & Shannon are going or have gone through separations on this show.

I hope they have an amical separation for the sake of the kids.

  • Love 5

I wish I could remember where I heard it, but I recall hearing recently someone saying something like divorce isn't a bad thing.  It means the marriage was no good and it is a solution.  Traumatic and hard for sure, but divorce can be GOOD.   I think the bigger challenge is dealing with with general emotions, e.g. mourning a loss for what could/should have been, fear of starting fresh, how to support and relate to the children, etc.  and the mechanics, e.g. where to live, etc.  

The good news for Shannon is that she has money and it seems the both parents are able to have reasonable conversations with the girls.

I don't feel bad for Shannon.   1st World problem, for sure.  Life's tough and shit happens.  Takes two to tango, and she and David weren't compatible enough to go the distance.  Simple and common.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 5
22 hours ago, LIMOM said:

I wonder why. It was so highly personalized, it could not have been an upscale flip.

Were there financial issues prior to the show?


22 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Yes the house on the water is a rental but the house that they eventually ended up selling was on the market for years before it finally sold.

Often times in those super pricey areas the house will go on the market not long after the owner moves in.  I'm sure the Dubrow's house is already a hip pocket with some brokerage out there.  A lot of those people will build the house both as a place to live and as an investment - they are always willing to let go of it for the right offer.

  • Love 2
On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 4:02 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

Being a cynical old maid, I wondered if Shannon gained weight so she had the excuse that would endear her to midlife American women everywhere, "My husband left me because I gained weight!"

And  being further cynical, I've wondered if DAVID was gay.  He just seems rather delicate to be in the construction business--of course, that could just be the stereotype that construction workers are big burly guys.  Maybe David's having affairs because he's unhappy in marriage to a woman, not just Shannon, and is compensating. 

Cynical indeed.  I can't imagine a post-menopausal woman putting her health in jeopardy by piling on a significant amount of weight in a short time, with the unlikely goal of becoming beloved by overweight, jilted, middle-aged women .

22 hours ago, nexxie said:

Wonder what kind of home Shannon will create for herself now - should be interesting! 

Wouldn't it be interesting to find that she never needed feng shui to balance her energy, lemons, herbals, Dr. Quack, etc.  All that was required was an absence of a gas lighter.

21 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Does this mean Shannon is literally the devil? 

Perhaps it's a foretelling of her own doom.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Well, good old Dr. Phil always says that kids would rather be FROM a broken home than live in one. I know my niece’s sons would agree with that wholeheartedly. 

I remember watching this segment on the Today Show years ago. It was about a couple who got divorced because their kids told them to. The kids went to the parents and told them that if the parents were staying together for the kids, they should not do it. I don't think the oldest was older than 12. During the interview, the father clarified that everyone told them to get a divorce - waiters, mail carriers, random people on the street, grocery store clerks, the teachers at the kids' school, everyone they interacted with for more than 5 or 6 minutes told them to divorce. Shannon and David aren't quite that bad, but they've seemed miserable for a very long time. 

  • Love 9

I don’t think there was anything Shannon could do to save her marriage. She wasn’t happy, David wasn’t happy and the girls weren’t happy. I do not believe she gained all of that weight to keep David away from her. I really think that David left that relationship a long time ago and just put on a show for RHOC. His demeanor was just creepy to me and he acted like he was always “acting”. Good for both of them for calling it off, moving on and both of them for providing safe, stable and quiet homes for those girls. If indeed they’re able to do that. Shannon needs to get some good therapy and figure out how to live on her own, take care of her children and build a life that fulfills her without a man. 

  • Love 10

  I can't imagine a post-menopausal woman putting her health in jeopardy by piling on a significant amount of weight in a short time, with the unlikely goal of becoming beloved by overweight, jilted, middle-aged women .

Well, a lot of common sense goes out the window when you're going through a divorce.  All the midlife women I know who've gone through that have either GAINED a lot of weight or LOST a lot of weight (2 were almost anorexic).  They all evened out eventually. 

In Shannon's case, I think a lot of the weight was put on by alcohol.  IMHO.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Yep!  A whiney-voiced, crunchy gray curled, and passive-aggressive cheater-sized!

Crunchy gray curls....so apt!  Hair as crunchy as those chips he loves to munch!

im excited for Shannon's next chapter and I hope the divorce isn't acrimonious.  

I experienced severe discomfort just watching S and D on a screen --so I can't imagine what it is like being one of their kids.  

  • Love 3

This is the best thing in the world for all of them. Shannon was miserable, David had completely lost interest, and the kids were just trying to survive it all. From what I have heard, divorce is actually much harder on teenagers than on small children because it is the drastic change in routine that causes issues. Two houses to visit, weekends at one place, and then back to the other. Holidays can be a mess. But if they are aware of that going in, they can minimize all of that. Money is no issue, so they can find a way to make it less traumatic for the kids. I cannot stand strange David, but I think he loves his kids and is involved in their lives. He can keep coaching and things like that to keep their routine as normal as possible. The good thing will come from seeing both parents be happy. And I don't think they have ever seen both of their parents be happy before. 

  • Love 3
On 10/27/2017 at 7:57 PM, peaceknit said:

Another one bites the dust. How many does that make now? The RH franchise, hell, reality shows in general, sure have a bad effect on a lot of marriages. Being under a microscope will do that to you though. You'd think that would deter people...

Perhaps the sort of women who go on reality shows are the sort of women that men end up wanting to leave. Takes a special type of person to think they're fabulous enough to make good television. And an extra special type of person to actually make good television. I don't know too many men who'd want to spend a lifetime with either kind...


Eta:  Same goes in reverse, with self-absorbed men being plenty divorce-worthy too. Only used women in the example since we're talking about housewives.

Edited by Flybutter
Because being a terrible spouse is gender-neutral.
  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Flybutter said:

Perhaps the sort of women who go on reality shows are the sort of women that men end up wanting to leave. Takes a special type of person to think they're fabulous enough to make good television. And an extra special type of person to actually make good television. I don't know too many men who'd want to spend a lifetime with either kind...

Someone whose marriage is in crisis mode due to an affair but decides to stay on a reality show instead of stepping away to work on it all? There's no way to know if they could have salvaged it all if Shannon had left the show a couple of years ago (I'd say probably not, actually) but being on national television added stress to an already stressful situation. Kinda makes me wonder how much Shannon really wanted to make her marriage work. Most people would have left the show, not stayed on it and revealed every.single.thing to the world, stuff that will be on tape somewhere forever.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Cynical indeed.  I can't imagine a post-menopausal woman putting her health in jeopardy by piling on a significant amount of weight in a short time, with the unlikely goal of becoming beloved by overweight, jilted, middle-aged women .

Wouldn't it be interesting to find that she never needed feng shui to balance her energy, lemons, herbals, Dr. Quack, etc.  All that was required was an absence of a gas lighter.

Perhaps it's a foretelling of her own doom.

Could also have something to do with Kathy Griffin's recent rant about Andy and her accusation that he offered her coke.

Guessing that all Housewives who've taken hits throughout the years are smiling inside a little.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Someone whose marriage is in crisis mode due to an affair but decides to stay on a reality show instead of stepping away to work on it all? There's no way to know if they could have salvaged it all if Shannon had left the show a couple of years ago (I'd say probably not, actually) but being on national television added stress to an already stressful situation. Kinda makes me wonder how much Shannon really wanted to make her marriage work. Most people would have left the show, not stayed on it and revealed every.single.thing to the world, stuff that will be on tape somewhere forever.

The season when they shared all that therapy was too much, IMO.

Shannon also said that they had problems after the birth of the twins. It sounds like because they got married when older, they had kids quickly when in fact they did not really gel to start with.

As far as gaining weight for the show, no fucking ways lol. It is not like she is Charlize Theron and has a chance to win an Oscar.

She was depressed, confused and perhaps was trying to test and push away David subconsciously, imho.

In anycase, It is amazing how well she looks since she lost David.

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, Jextella said:

Could also have something to do with Kathy Griffin's recent rant about Andy and her accusation that he offered her coke.

Guessing that all Housewives who've taken hits throughout the years are smiling inside a little.


O, yes, that's one helluva wacky manifesto-- KG:

1) has lost her damn mind; 

2) has descended irrevocably into delusional paranoia; or

3) is secretly brilliant.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Well, a lot of common sense goes out the window when you're going through a divorce.  All the midlife women I know who've gone through that have either GAINED a lot of weight or LOST a lot of weight (2 were almost anorexic).  They all evened out eventually. 

In Shannon's case, I think a lot of the weight was put on by alcohol.  IMHO.

I wouldn’t be surprised if 20 pounds of that was bloat.  Shannon looked like someone who put on about 20 or so lbs of actual fat, but was puffed out from bloat.  She probably dropped 30 in two months . 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, SCS said:


O, yes, that's one helluva wacky manifesto-- KG:

1) has lost her damn mind; 

2) has descended irrevocably into delusional paranoia; or

3) is secretly brilliant.

You said what I was thinking.  My take is that there is 100% truth in 90% of what she said but she doesn't have facts to back it up.  Unfortunately.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 1

It's largely too little, too late considering some of the fucked up scenes to which they've already exposed their children and immortalized for their viewing pleasure in perpetuity (that morbid role play in front of Shannon's styrofoam tombstone comes to mind), but I hope David embargoes the girls from filming if he's not going to be around. I don't really have any faith that he'll have the good sense and/or temerity to stand up to Shannon on that count, but without her husband  to grouse at in front of the production crew, I suspect Shannon might lay out any troubles of and/or rebellion from the Beador daughters in the guise of 'being completely honest for other families going through the same thing.'

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Question,  who is more dateable, Vicki or Shannon?

Well, Shannon would share/over share on the show what happens on dates. Vicki will suck the life out of you while you try to fill her ever vacant/empty "love tank". Over sharing is annoying but filling that love tank could cause the death of the guy. So....Shannon is the better candidate IMO! LOL

2 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

Neither, IMO. Shouldn’t we also add Kelly to that question?

Kelly could out right kill the guy if he looked at her wrong/told her what to do or kill any female from his past, including his mother if they didn't sing her praises at all times. 

Soooo, Shannon = over sharing (annoying)..........Vicki = draining the life out of a guy...........Kelly = death! LOL

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, Shannon is a bit needy but Vicki is far worse IMO, she sucks the life out of a guy both emotionally and physically. LOL 


3 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Question,  who is more dateable, Vicki or Shannon?

Well, both would accuse you of abuse. Vicki would forget about that because she can't keep her lies straight and cry for you in the street. 

Shannon would call 911/get you charged and then later attack you while blackout drunk. 

Vicki would cheat on you with who knows how many extacurricular partners but buy you a new set of teeth. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 6
On 10/27/2017 at 8:44 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Are they separating with the intent to get a divorce?  Or is it temporary?  


I sure hope it’s over.  I hated watching that relationship death spiral go on and on. 

I haven't seen any rhetoric that would indicate this is temporary.  They're dunzo, should be dunzo, and will be better for the dunzo.  Really sorry for the girls.

On 10/28/2017 at 10:51 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

So has David.

cat fist bump.jpg

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 5
On 10/28/2017 at 0:54 PM, lunastartron said:

Shannon's indignant insisted that David has never laid a hand on her. 

Just talking to myself out loud here, but perhaps she was so crazed about defending him because she didn't want any sticking points in any agreements/decrees.  May have been afraid of how a judge would see it?

On 10/29/2017 at 2:13 PM, biakbiak said:

Looking fab at the reunion!

Wow!  She looks fantastic.

  • Love 3
On 10/30/2017 at 11:18 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

There are people not related by blood who like this putz?

Likes are for sale.

On 10/31/2017 at 0:42 AM, LilaFowler said:

Someone whose marriage is in crisis mode due to an affair but decides to stay on a reality show instead of stepping away to work on it all? There's no way to know if they could have salvaged it all if Shannon had left the show a couple of years ago (I'd say probably not, actually) but being on national television added stress to an already stressful situation. Kinda makes me wonder how much Shannon really wanted to make her marriage work. Most people would have left the show, not stayed on it and revealed every.single.thing to the world, stuff that will be on tape somewhere forever.

*ding*ding*ding*  We have a winnah!

On 10/31/2017 at 7:46 AM, LIMOM said:

As far as gaining weight for the show, no fucking ways lol. It is not like she is Charlize Theron and has a chance to win an Oscar.


weight gain meme.jpg

  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, lunastartron said:


Well, both would accuse you of abuse. Vicki would forget about that because she can't kept her lies straight and cry for you in the street. 

Shannon would call 911/get you charged and then later attack you while blackout drunk. 

Vicki would cheat on you with who knows how many extacurricular partners but buy you a new set of teeth. 

Well, if a guy is a scammer willing to fill Vicki's empty love tank (shudder) then Vicki is the one for him because she will help/lie for him all she can, just don't let that love tank meter dip down! LOL

  • Love 3
On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 10:42 AM, Jextella said:

I wish I could remember where I heard it, but I recall hearing recently someone saying something like divorce isn't a bad thing.  It means the marriage was no good and it is a solution.  Traumatic and hard for sure, but divorce can be GOOD.   I think the bigger challenge is dealing with with general emotions, e.g. mourning a loss for what could/should have been, fear of starting fresh, how to support and relate to the children, etc.  and the mechanics, e.g. where to live, etc.  

The good news for Shannon is that she has money and it seems the both parents are able to have reasonable conversations with the girls.

I don't feel bad for Shannon.   1st World problem, for sure.  Life's tough and shit happens.  Takes two to tango, and she and David weren't compatible enough to go the distance.  Simple and common.

Neither do I. Shannon (spoiled child graduate) is a major control freak and a drama queen. NOT surprised David had an affair. She was probably a pain in the ass to live with.

On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:25 PM, LilaFowler said:

I read on some tabloid site that David is "already" dating, which to me means that he had been dating before the separation, he's just not sneaking around anymore. SMH. I really hope that the separation/divorce was Shannon's idea and she's not waiting and hoping that he'll return.

Good for him. Living with Shannon was probably a nightmare.

3 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Question,  who is more dateable, Vicki or Shannon?

Wow, what a great question. That is a hard one. Both will over share which is never a good thing. In the end, I think Shannon is less dateable because I see her as being a completely non-sexual being. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see her being comfortable with just getting it on. Not that folks cannot find love and a partner to make them happy without letting their freak flag fly. I just see Shannon as looking for someone to take care of her more than anything else. Even though I have never cared for her I am excited to see what she will do with all of this and am totally rooting for her to be really happy. I cannot say the same for Vicki. 

Edited by gundysgirl
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Question,  who is more dateable, Vicki or Shannon?

No brainer, while Shannon's granny swag shennanigans bring me endless lulz, Vicky loves one thing more than casseroles... the D. (Insert puke). Seriously though, everything happening in the show is a result of Vicky being dumb n dickmatized.   May as well get laid in Mexico and a new set of teeth before the crazy sets in!

Edited by Inspectabecky
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