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Shannon Beador: Magic Crystals and Nine Lemons

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13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I keep reading that no one can impel a partner into an extramarital affair with their own behavior. And that's not necessarily a premise with which I disagree.  

What is notable to me, however, is that Shannon has repeatedly argued that she has been forced/pushed into different destructive behavior i.e. what was to me a very convenient retcon (because she was already stacking on weight prior to the bus ride from hell) in which Vicki's retaliation compelled her to gobble food and drink as well as her ascription of all the shrieking, crying, and plate-throwing she did this year to David's emotional distance. Although she's walked back some of these in the face of viewer backlash, she seems definitively comfortable presenting her poor conduct as the result of being influenced/nudged into patterns of action by emotional angst, even when the behavior in question has gone on for years (i.e. screaming, shrieking, stumbling out of gatherings). 

When recounting the night that David locked himself in Adaline's room, she couldn't even take responsibility for getting drunk, instead floating the possibility that she had been "slipped something" by ... well, who exactly would spike Shannon's drink? Aside from that being a textbook sign of a drinking problem, it underlines the lack of agency she assigns to herself in many of her self-narratives. 

Here is the clip of Shannon's reaction to Tamra divulging what David's mother said. She immediately flies out of her seat, sticks her fingers in David's face, and has no hesitation whatsoever about screeching at and humiliating him in public. And this is when she was happy in general with David and their relationship. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/episode-12/videos/shannon-loses-it-when-she-hears


And this is her initiating a dispute over David's choice of birthday venue to the extent that her daughters literally start pleading with her in anxiety http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-12/videos/shannons-unhappy-birthday


For all of her tearful handwringing over whether or not David has been looking at her adoringly enough, I don't recall that many instances of Shannon going out of her way to express her ardor to him. Complaining ad nauseum about chips, his inadequate enthusiasm for quinoa bowls, how he fucked up the wine selection, when he last held her hand, how he doesn't spend enough time with her because he wakes up early, his exercise regimen, etc etc etc. 

To me, they both seem to have expressed their resentment toward each other via passive aggression in a cycle that long predates the affair. And both had the freedom and latitude to leave but elected to perpetuate their toxic dynamic. 

I think the biggest mistake people make is answering someone's question, about why they did or said a certain something.  I gained weight, when people asked me why, I would say, "I consumed more calories than I burned."  I could have mentioned stress factors in my life or claimed my hormones had shifted but my reality is the only way the weight comes off is if I consume fewer calories than I burn.  I can understand it is a reality show so the why question is just a plot mover but sometimes the answer is worse than the behavior or comment.

Shannon has said the escalation in her voice is triggered by false accusations.  I don't know if she can work to modulate her voice to an acceptable level (she might want to stop using f-bombs as well) but at some point she needs to use her brain and realize others know how to get a reaction out of her.  

I never quite understood why Tamra thought it appropriate to tell Shannon about what David's mother said at the event.  I guess the answer lies in my above responses.  Reality show and guaranteed Shannon reaction.  That scene still makes me cringe.

As to Shannon's adoration of David, I get the impression there was never a lot of demonstrative affection between the two of them.  I picture Shannon retiring at night in sweats and a c-pack mask.  Shannon and David seemed pretty together and on the same page from post the second season she appeared and throughout the third season.  There were plenty of pictures of them vacationing together, going to USC games (home and away), out with non-RH friends, attending heavy metal concerts.  I firmly believe the turning point is when Shannon decided to become a restaurateur.  David made a few snide comments and did not seem to support her "dream".  

I agree they both have passive-aggressive tendencies and a side dish of victimhood in their relationship.  Listening to the children I kind of get the impression David may not have always been the easiest parent to be around.    

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On 12/5/2017 at 9:10 PM, lunastartron said:

Why so much money each month for childcare? I know she had a live-in nanny during the first season, but I didn't think she did any longer. The girls are of an age where they don't need someone with them all the time. Just seems like a lot of money for childcare for someone who has 3 kids over the age of 13 and are at school during the week. 

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Why does it look like there are L’eggs pantyhose in her tree?  Other than that, her home looks brighter and more homey from what’s visible than their original house which had crystals and enema hoses encased in the floors.  Maybe a smaller, brighter home means a brighter Shannon?  I sure hope so .  I think the stress of old Shannon made my hair fall out.  

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8 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

Why so much money each month for childcare? I know she had a live-in nanny during the first season, but I didn't think she did any longer. The girls are of an age where they don't need someone with them all the time. Just seems like a lot of money for childcare for someone who has 3 kids over the age of 13 and are at school during the week. 

This will not be a popular comment-David needs to pay about 30% of his income for the care and feeding of his children.  Shannon's expense declaration means little -it is one of those cases about what you make not what you spend.  The children deserve to be kept in the lifestyle they were use to-couple that with David having essentially no custody and you have a very large child support payment.   Worse case scenario is David will get to keep about $40k a month to live on.  Which makes him a lucky guy.  He is free to chase skirt all over town.

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7 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Why does it look like there are L’eggs pantyhose in her tree?  Other than that, her home looks brighter and more homey from what’s visible than their original house which had crystals and enema hoses encased in the floors.  Maybe a smaller, brighter home means a brighter Shannon?  I sure hope so .  I think the stress of old Shannon made my hair fall out.  

I think it is burlap. 

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On 12/8/2017 at 8:00 PM, Primal Slayer said:

So I see that Shannon has been liking Vicki's IG posts, so I'm guessing those two have patched things up for the most part which will be a good thing for all of us come next season.

I found this. . . I wonder if Vicki is really taking the leap.  https://pagesix.com/2017/12/06/why-you-may-not-see-vicki-or-tamra-back-on-rhoc/  Tamra just bought a house and is going nowhere.  

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Maybe Vicki thinks she can use the NeNe model: threaten to quit for more money, then quit, then be asked back in a future season. Vicki is probably panicking as there will be no more Brianna and her terribly TV unappealing family to film with. Snark.


Now back to Shannon, so where did she move ? I would imagine that she stayed in the area to keep the girls in their same schools.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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On 12/10/2017 at 6:06 AM, Bossa Nova said:

Now back to Shannon, so where did she move ? I would imagine that she stayed in the area to keep the girls in their same schools.

I’d like to know that too. 

I was in bed with a cold today half watching the show “selling mega mansions” and they were showing Shannon’s home in Crystal Cove to a couple. I didn’t even realize it was hers until they showed the basketball court. Of course, I was only half watching and ended up flipping the channel before the ending, so I’ll have to try to catch it again, lol. I wonder if that was the buyer? It was season 1 episode 1 and originally aired 4/16 I think. 

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20 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Yes, it does seem modest. But after that gaudy, over-the-top monstrosity they lived in before, I bet this feels more like a real home to those girls.

I think it’s better for Shannon too.  Less stuff to obsess over.  I’m assuming it’s at the beach or near, which means less square footage.

i loved the foyer in the old house.  But it was dark and looked like a set piece from an Argento film.  Too baroque and depressing to live with.

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On 12/10/2017 at 9:06 AM, Bossa Nova said:

Now back to Shannon, so where did she move ? I would imagine that she stayed in the area to keep the girls in their same schools.

Aren't they in private school? I don't think it matters where they move as long as someone is willing to make the drive.

*dead* at cat crap condo

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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I find it interesting that the girls don't want as much time with David as he's requesting. I always figured they preferred him because Shannon can be so intrusive and overbearring. 

The kids can have potato chips with David.

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Child support is often decided based on how many overnights the children spend with each parent. Shannon's attorney has probably advised her to keep the girls as often as she can. Although I like Shannon this story seems very one sided. On the show the majority of the girls seemed to favor David's company and be daddy's girls. I can see Shannon trying to turn them against their father since he had an affair, they've had to move and since David was the oen to file he may be viewed  as the bad guy. And unfortunately while the kids may be old enough to decide who they live with they don't really have a legal say in how much time the court awards the non custodial parent. 

Edited by kira28
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52 minutes ago, nexxie said:

The girls may have seen a lot passive aggressive behavior - or worse - from their dad. Hard to know what really goes on in someone else’s home.

The ring story is the kind of thing I can imagine the kids never forgiving David for doing.

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1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

The ring story is the kind of thing I can imagine the kids never forgiving David for doing.

I suspect that the ring incident wasn't the only ass h__e move David did to the girls/Shannon over the years, which is why they prefer time with Shannon not him. 

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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The ring story is the kind of thing I can imagine the kids never forgiving David for doing.

I think you are on to something.  The girls saw a lot and lived a lot.  My guess is they would rather hang with Shannon than a moody daddy.

9 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect that the ring incident wasn't the only ass h__e move David did to the girls/Shannon over the years, which is why they prefer time with Shannon not him. 

Leaving a family vacation early is a pretty big assh*le move, having an affair with the mother one of your team mates' was probably very crushing.  

12 hours ago, kira28 said:

Child support is often decided based on how many overnights the children spend with each parent. Shannon's attorney has probably advised her to keep the girls as often as she can. Although I like Shannon this story seems very one sided. On the show the majority of the girls seemed to favor David's company and be daddy's girls. I can see Shannon trying to turn them against their father since he had an affair, they've had to move and since David was the oen to file he may be viewed  as the bad guy. And unfortunately while the kids may be old enough to decide who they live with they don't really have a legal say in how much time the court awards the non custodial parent. 

The amount of child support in this case will be astronomical.  I wonder if this means the Sunday night dinners are off the table?  The difficult thing about kids this age and with the number of activities they are involved is it is difficult to have a full time job and meet the needs of the kids' schedule.  Shannon has somewhat of an advantage as she has been essentially a stay at home mom.

Bad backdrop-cute picture.

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22 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I find it interesting that the girls don't want as much time with David as he's requesting. I always figured they preferred him because Shannon can be so intrusive and overbearring. 

The whole cheating scandal and not to mention they witnessed first hand at how he treated Shannon in general. Paired with the fact that he seemed to be the stricter of the two it isn't that surprising to me.

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On 1/13/2018 at 5:20 PM, nexxie said:

The girls may have seen a lot passive aggressive behavior - or worse - from their dad. Hard to know what really goes on in someone else’s home.

Right. I don't necessarily think the girls wanting less time with David means Shannon is actively campaigning against him. It just struck me as interesting, but we really don't know the entire story. 

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

...but we really don't know the entire story. 

This. I have seen enough messiness from both Shannon and David that I am hesitant to jump to any conclusions about what is going on on either side.

THAT SAID - and I know this will never happen - but I so wish that David would pull a Peter Thomas and continue to appear on the show - the nosy part of me so wants to watch this divorce play out in all of its unhealthiness haha

Final note: good for Shannon if it's true that she's demanding a salary hike to air her dirty laundry. Go and get it, Shannon!

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If I were a teenage girl, I would rather be with the parent who doesn't go to the gym at 4 am, doesn't remind me of how privileged I am.  Shannon seems to be deeply involved in the day to day raising of her children.  I also think David was reluctant and probably a little brutal about  investing in Shannon's dream the restaurant.

There is nothing that keeps the girls from having one on one time with Dad.  Maybe one or more of the girls are more emotionally tied to David.  That is what family court is all about.  It is not uncommon for opposite sex children to want and go in and be the man of the house or the woman of the house.  I never saw David as that devoted a parent, but would not hold it against him as he was building an empire.

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Okay...so I will miss plate throwing Shannon, but I actually think I could be friends with Single Shannon..if only to hang out with Archie.

Got a question tho, isnt she supposed to be super duper rich?? I didnt figure her to join the D-list celebs hawking Flat Tummy Tea-esque crap on IG.  Seems the newest thing is the Fab Fit Fun boxes?.  QVC seems like an ok, sooomewhat respected way to get extra money, but those IG posts/commercials are pathetic.

Wonder how that weird restaurant idea panned out...

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6 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

Do I see some product placement in her pic??  Maybe she was friends with the Newmans.  I still can't get over that she is so close with Jeff Lewis!  I just don't see it!! 

Her IG has a Ton of product shilling...I even saw Kyle Richards hawking the stupid Fab Fit Fun box...its like crack or something

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11 hours ago, Christi said:

Okay...so I will miss plate throwing Shannon, but I actually think I could be friends with Single Shannon..if only to hang out with Archie.

Got a question tho, isnt she supposed to be super duper rich?? I didnt figure her to join the D-list celebs hawking Flat Tummy Tea-esque crap on IG.  Seems the newest thing is the Fab Fit Fun boxes?.  QVC seems like an ok, sooomewhat respected way to get extra money, but those IG posts/commercials are pathetic.

Wonder how that weird restaurant idea panned out...

Those IG sponsored posts pay BANK though.  Busy Phillips (actress) was open that she made more doing those IG sponsored posts in one year than she did on acting.  

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On 1/15/2018 at 2:28 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

This. I have seen enough messiness from both Shannon and David that I am hesitant to jump to any conclusions about what is going on on either side.

THAT SAID - and I know this will never happen - but I so wish that David would pull a Peter Thomas and continue to appear on the show - the nosy part of me so wants to watch this divorce play out in all of its unhealthiness haha

Final note: good for Shannon if it's true that she's demanding a salary hike to air her dirty laundry. Go and get it, Shannon!

I’ve never seen David shove a plate (toss?) and call someone a fucking bitch, but I’ve seen Shannon do it.  Little Miss Cotillion isn’t as well bred as she thinks she is.

Not seeing how she’s the victim in this.  I would have filed for divorce when my spouse expected me to dig something from their butt.  Shannon is actually a crude person masquerading as an uptight society lady. 

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Just because we haven't seen horrible things from David doesn't mean they don't happen. Shannon is very emotional and reactionary. What you see is what you get. David is much more controlled. I have no doubt that he doesn't give as good as she does. The incident with the wedding ring and their daughters was pretty bad. 

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Just because we haven't seen horrible things from David doesn't mean they don't happen. Shannon is very emotional and reactionary. What you see is what you get. David is much more controlled. I have no doubt that he doesn't give as good as she does. The incident with the wedding ring and their daughters was pretty bad. 

The point is that she’s as big an asshole as he is.  And I generally like Shannon.  

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Tamaratattles is reporting that Marcy is a new cast member but I'm assuming she's just partnering with Shannon on one of the kitchen ventures that Shannon previously teased on her Instagram. 

In other news, it looks like David has a younger blonde girlfriend.


And apparently is getting all hot and bothered in the comments section of her social media. 


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11 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Tamaratattles is reporting that Marcy is a new cast member but I'm assuming she's just partnering with Shannon on one of the kitchen ventures that Shannon previously teased on her Instagram. 

In other news, it looks like David has a younger blonde girlfriend.


And apparently is getting all hot and bothered in the comments section of her social media. 


Ugh, he is such a scumbag.  What the hell with all the #discreet crap too?  Shannon isn’t perfect but dude, he is just awful.

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15 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Tamaratattles is reporting that Marcy is a new cast member but I'm assuming she's just partnering with Shannon on one of the kitchen ventures that Shannon previously teased on her Instagram. 

In other news, it looks like David has a younger blonde girlfriend.


And apparently is getting all hot and bothered in the comments section of her social media. 


I wonder how those family Sunday dinners are going?  Or what will happen to the season USC tickets? 

It sounded like Shannon was prepared for the inevitable.  Wondering how the girls will adjust to David's GF having two small children?   

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On 2/12/2018 at 10:37 PM, lunastartron said:

Tamaratattles is reporting that Marcy is a new cast member but I'm assuming she's just partnering with Shannon on one of the kitchen ventures that Shannon previously teased on her Instagram. 

In other news, it looks like David has a younger blonde girlfriend.


And apparently is getting all hot and bothered in the comments section of her social media. 



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Just saw that David and his new girlfriend “came out” on SM and are no longer trying to keep their affair discreet. Story at the Dailymail.co.uk. She’s the mother of two and proclaims that now that she’s with David “the sky is bluer and her coffee tastes better”.  I’m gagging. Shannon did file for divorce last week even though they have been separated since October. I guess some of this (as they have begun filming the next season) will be her storyline and I just wish that I could have seen her happy and not dragged down by this news (assuming that we are going to see this played out on camera). 

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