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S02.E04: Survivors

Tara Ariano
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Eh. From what seems to be James's Jimmy's upcoming storyline, again my mind is flashing back to Smallville when Pete needed some excitement and did the whole drag racing cars jacked up with liquid kryptonite.

If they keep doing this, I damned well EXPECT, nay DEMAND a guest appearance by TomGorgeousWelling AND MichaelFuckingRosenbaum!

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35 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

From what the producers have said going into the season. their idea is that, after S1 was about Kara Zor-El figuring out how to be Supergirl, S2 is about figuring out how to be Kara Danvers.  IOW, her actual arc is the reporting stuff.

But that's what's baffling to me--the reporter job is basically nonexistent right now. The cycle is "Kara does something a 5-year-old should know better than to do, Snapper calls her on it, she throws a tantrum but does it better/right, and he accepts it." The reporter stuff is so incredibly perfunctory--the show has little to no actual investment in it and Kara isn't ACTUALLY growing, changing, or learning from it--that it gets what, like 4 minutes of screentime an episode tops? There's no there there right now. So what's the point? And by extension, where is Kara's actual arc?

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Are the "Kryptonians looks down on Daxamites" jokes gonna be a thing? Because please not. Just because they were partying people surely doesn`t mean they all deserved to die on account of Kryptonians being such big assholes killing their own planet wasn`t enough for them. With that turn of events, Daxamites should look down on Kryptonians for the next two billion years or so.

It`s not Kara`s fault or anything but Mon-El is way too understanding and jovial. A person can`t be that easy-going, right?

I did like his dynamic with Winn. A "5.2 sidekick". Awww.

The White Martian story will lead to some serious heartbreak. But convenient that just as apparently Mon-El is the most laidback dude in the entire universe, M`Gann is apparently the only white martian who isn`t evil. Noone in that entire race before or since has ever been anything but two-dimensional evil? Ah, TV-writing, only you.

And they actually play it really complex with Snapper. I mean, on the surface he is the walking cliché of "mean boss" who we are supposed to be rooting against. They did it somewhat differently with Cat in Season 1. But his advice and ideas are actually all sound and Kara learns from him. If it were two-dimensional as well, he would be wrong about everything and Kara would thwart him every time by being perfect. So, complex. Or is this by accident?     

The city is getting a bit overcrowded by aliens now. Back in Season 1, we had Kara (and Clark) and all the survivors from the prison ship. Now it`s a legitimate Men in Black there.   

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14 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

But that's what's baffling to me--the reporter job is basically nonexistent right now. The cycle is "Kara does something a 5-year-old should know better than to do, Snapper calls her on it, she throws a tantrum but does it better/right, and he accepts it." The reporter stuff is so incredibly perfunctory--the show has little to no actual investment in it and Kara isn't ACTUALLY growing, changing, or learning from it--that it gets what, like 4 minutes of screentime an episode tops? There's no there there right now. So what's the point? And by extension, where is Kara's actual arc?

Maybe they should have renamed this Kara and her Amazing Friends. Bleagh! Clearly Berlanti and company have never heard of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it!'

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53 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

But that's what's baffling to me--the reporter job is basically nonexistent right now. The cycle is "Kara does something a 5-year-old should know better than to do, Snapper calls her on it, she throws a tantrum but does it better/right, and he accepts it." The reporter stuff is so incredibly perfunctory--the show has little to no actual investment in it and Kara isn't ACTUALLY growing, changing, or learning from it--that it gets what, like 4 minutes of screentime an episode tops? There's no there there right now. So what's the point? And by extension, where is Kara's actual arc?

I see what you're saying @stealinghome, and I think you could argue that the other characters' arcs taking up screen time and Kara's foray into reporting feeling perfunctory are related. Her reporter story arc is arguably feeling perfunctory because the show isn't spending more time on it. It's not getting the screen time to add the depth (that some would like to see). The show gives us short scenes (mostly in passing) for Kara to express her irritation with Snapper and frustration with trying to figure out how to do this new job well, but they don't follow that up with Kara actually dealing with people to gather witness accounts/statements, or learning to cultivate sources as an investigative reporter would. That's all happening mostly off screen because on screen the writers are developing the other characters. For right now, I'm willing to give the writers time for Kara's personal story arc/reporter arc to gain some depth, but I understand (and share) the concern that it doesn't seem to be building to anything truly meaningful at the moment.


(And as someone who follows spoilers, I don't think this concern will be allayed any time soon. Jimmy's Guardian story arc is about to eat a huge chunk of screen time, and that's already in addition to J'onn's and Alex's arcs which aren't going to be letting up anytime soon, and the crossover episodes are quickly coming up - and for those episodes,  I suspect we may see far less of Kara here on Supergirl because Melissa has to film scenes for the other shows involved in the crossover. Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if we were to see less of Kara's "arcs" in the upcoming episodes for this first half of this season. Granted, that's just my perception right now. I could be wrong. Frankly,  I want to be wrong. So, prove me wrong, writers. I welcome it.)

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I am legit surprised that Megan revealed her White form to the audience this early. Give it some time to breathe people! Although, that story she told was practically a confession. Maybe it's just because YJ, but I felt a little skeptical that J'onn would believe that. Also, the core trio gave me warm feelings when Alex and Kara used their united cuteness powers to get J'onn to talk.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to decide if we're getting faked out here with Maggie/Alex and the real new relationship is Kara/Lena. Talk about zagging when we expect a zig, because holy Supercorp, Batman (apparently that's their ship name). I am down with it. Winn/Mon-El was pretty fun IMO, and really the only low point for me was the performance by Roulette, who apparently took some sedatives before every single line reading. Although if I'm criticizing line readings, Lena needs an accent coach or a throwaway line about how she grew up in Ireland. Most of it was okay, but that first line that gave Kara a free pass into Lena's office anytime (lol) was pretty iffy.

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54 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

M`Gann is apparently the only white martian who isn`t evil. Noone in that entire race before or since has ever been anything but two-dimensional evil? Ah, TV-writing, only you.

I think that was pretty much derived from the comics (I didn't watch YJ), which also laid it out that way.

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7 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I'm confused. If he isn't a Kryptonian, why is his name Mon-El? That sounds like he is related to Kara.

In the comics, Mon-El was a name the Silver Age Superboy gave him in the first Mon-El story (Mon-El had amnesia at the time, and appeared to be another Kryptonian survivor who arrived on a <i>Mon</i>day). Eventually the truth was discovered because comics Daxamites are vulnerable to lead (as in bullets).

In the comics, his Daxamite name is Lar Gand.

It appears that they are sticking to his better known nickname, despite the confusion you rightly point out. 

(IIRC, there was also a period where the link to Superboy was retconned away and his name was M'Onel, because DC tries everything once, apparently.)

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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Part of the issue is that if Kara gives him a name that implies that he's "part of the family," then it's hard to then pair them up romantically afterward. That backstory only works if he's getting the name from a person who isn't romantically interested in him and won't be later.

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15 hours ago, Agent Dark said:

The Uncle/Niece thing is purely from Young Justice, which had a slightly different version of Miss Martian.  She's always been a White Martian in the comics, sent to Earth by her parents to escape the Martian Civil War, and initially pretended to be a Green Martian as part of the Teen Titans.  One of her main storylines involved her encountering and defeating an evil future version of herself that gone full White Martian, only to have elements of her evil version merge with herself which she has to overcome.

Miss Martian is a fairly recent character to the comics, only coming in shortly after the Infinite Crisis storyline (mid-2006), and I can't seem to think of her doing too much outside of the Teen Titans books.  A couple of cameos here and there in Supergirl and Batgirl books, but not much else.  I'm not even sure if she's been introduced yet in the New52 continuity yet.  The main thing I remember about her is that she lived in Australia for a while, because the Australian Outback reminded her of Mars.  I always that was pretty cool, because we don't get too many super-heroes down here.  We're claiming her as an Aussie!

The thing that the show runners should though have taken in consideration is that for a rather newly introduced character like Miss Martian, the exposure she got through the Young Justice cartoon was significantly higher than what she had before during her entire run in the comics. That's the characterization that more of those that know the character would expect.  (The show was pulling in 1.9 million viewers for the episodes and that was before reruns and netflix and DVD sales exposed it to even more.  I don't know Teen Titian sales numbers but the current run of Green Arrow that I'm hearing is considered very successful is around 80, 000 copies per issue.  The animated series had to have reached at least10 times as many individuals).  

Regardless of whether M'gann was ever written to be considered J'onn's niece in the comics she was always considered to be a peer of teenagers, not adults so yeah, it's just a weird choice all around.    

3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Eh. From what seems to be James's Jimmy's upcoming storyline, again my mind is flashing back to Smallville when Pete needed some excitement and did the whole drag racing cars jacked up with liquid kryptonite.


Well if they are copying from Smallville, after Pete got his drag racing storyline, his next arc was moving to Topeka aka leaving the show.  

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6 hours ago, regularlyleaded said:

Final note - Please, Show, don't make Lena evil. Please, please, please, please. please. I like her like this and/or absolutely okay with her being a grey hat, but not evil.  Please?

Everyone else has already touched on things I wanted to say about this episode so I just want to second this statement and add a few more please(s) to it. Keep her as a ruthless businesswoman but don't let her become a moustache-twirling villain like her brother has been portrayed (sometimes) to be.

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Is anyone else suspicious that the call to release Roulette came from...Lena? It was pretty much my first thought. Lena is obviously not all good. That look at the end of her scene with kara and the "I know you'll be there for me when the time come." Yeah, something's not right with her. 

It also seems obvious there are three main pairs with J'onn/M'gann, Alex/Maggie and Kara/Mon-El. I'm 100% convinced they all will turn romantic at some point and all seem to have the same underlying theme of finding companionship and someone to relate to. Someone they can connect with so they aren't...alone. So far I'm invested in all of them right now. J'onn, Alex, and Kara remain imo the heart of the show. So seeing all three of them getting their own individual arcs is nice. I do feel like we are due for a Kara/Alex sister scene though---and that's coming from someone who thought it was excessive last season and began rolling my eyes every time they declared their sister love for each other. 

Sorry, but I didn't miss James at all and the episode only reaffirms (for me at least) that this show doesn't need that character. Maybe what they have in store for him coming up will get him more involved with the action. Because right now he's not involved in the SUPERGIRL side of the show. 

Agree with others who don't care for the 'kara is a reporter' part of the show. It's not necessary, she's terrible at it, and it isn't getting enough screen time for me to really give a damn about it. 

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49 minutes ago, Kendra said:

Is anyone else suspicious that the call to release Roulette came from...Lena? It was pretty much my first thought. Lena is obviously not all good. That look at the end of her scene with kara and the "I know you'll be there for me when the time come." Yeah, something's not right with her. 

Oh heck yeah, that was my first thought. I also am suspicious that Lena saved Kara's fingerprints in the alien detector episode. Really the show has done a good job of making Lena shady--there's been something POTENTIALLY nefarious about all her appearances--while also leaving her open to not be evil at all. Well done, show (and surprisingly subtly for a show that is usually so NOT subtle).

agree I'm hankering for some sister time.

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I'll be honest and say that J'onn and M'Gann getting together squicked me out, because I also watched and loved Young Justice and they had that uncle/niece relationship. Also? How J'onn insisted after just meeting her that they need to "bond" because they're the last of their kind and need to...what? reproduce?

At this point, I'm just going to count the days until the crossover? crossovers? Because I want to see Kara and Barry be adorkable together again.

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Maybe that's why he's using the Mon-El name? I was confused as to why they were speaking English in the flashback to Daxam. Google tells me that Daxamites are descended from Kryptonian colonists (like the USA to Krypton's UK lol), so presumably that's what they should be speaking?

As a fellow watcher of YJ, the prospect of J'onn and M'Gann having a romantic relationship majorly creeps me out. 

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Yeah, this episode was... not good. Except for the Alex/Maggie development taking place (please let that be a thing!).

For one thing, Alien Fight Club has been done to death (I think every supernatural show ever has done some form of monster fight club), and this one didn't even seem to do it all the way. Why were the aliens fighting? Most seemed to do it by choice, but others were kidnapped and forced into it, but forced HOW? Why did M'Gann say that she and J'onn "HAD" to fight? What would have happened if they just... didn't? Why did Roulette think M'Gann would fight "to the death" this time just because she said so, when M'Gann clearly didn't want to? How were the aliens MADE to do anything they didn't want to do? Why DIDN'T they just fly away, as was mentioned upthread? There was really no explanation for that whole setup; it was just coasting on established tropes and hoping we wouldn't notice.

Lena continues to be very interesting. I actually have a theory about her. I am not a crackpot, but I think she's an alien. Last week's alien detector scene was so weird, it has to be significant. Lena registered "green" on the machine, and so did Kara. I think green means alien, and Lena pushed Kara to take the test because she suspected Kara of being Supergirl. She used it on herself first to establish that green was the desired response (even though we don't know what that colour indicates), so that Kara wouldn't be alarmed by the results. A test showing that both of them were "the same" would be reassuring to Kara if she believed Lena was human, and informative to Lena if she suspected Kara was an alien like herself. If Kara HAD been human and the light had turned a different colour, Lena could easily have played off that it wasn't working properly yet. The continued references to Lena having been adopted are also making me wonder. This week, Lena gives Kara a free pass to her office. This could very well be because she now knows Kara is Supergirl and wants Kara to rely on her, either to good or nefarious ends.

Or, you know, Lena just has a crush on her. That could also be it.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Also? How J'onn insisted after just meeting her that they need to "bond" because they're the last of their kind and need to...what? reproduce?

I thought Jonn clarified that "bond" in the Martian sense was a telepathic joining, not a physical joining.

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3 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

Man, that fight club wasn't even fair. They've got a spiky guy who had trouble fighting two humans fighting against a Martian?

Placing my bet: Mon-El is lying about how he got to Earth. He shanked the prince and stole the ship.


3 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Or he actually is the prince.

That would be a huge mistake, since we already saw how the Prince was the one who sent him to Earth before Mon-El even told Kara about it.  Once you've shown an event independently of someone's retelling of it, you can't go back and claim that what we already directly witnessed is a lie.  That's a good way to destroy credibility.

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What we saw was the version Mon-El was telling everyone.   That's why it cut back to him saying something like "and that's how I got here".  It's not uncommon on TV for them to show something one way (the storyteller's version) and then later to show how it actually happened.  Whether the actual truth is that he is the prince himself, or that he killed the prince to save himself instead of being saved, or whether it happened exactly as he said, we don't know.  We just know this is the version of events that he told the DEO group.

It would be much like how early in last season's Flash, we saw "Jay" being almost killed by Zoom.  That happened, except "Jay" was Zoom, and it was a different Jay that he almost killed.

Edited by Starfish35
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2 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

I thought Jonn clarified that "bond" in the Martian sense was a telepathic joining, not a physical joining.

He did but I found rushing into that kind of intimacy just as presumptuous.  

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13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

He did but I found rushing into that kind of intimacy just as presumptuous.  

I personally wouldn't say just as presumptuous, because I don't think it implies exactly the same level of intimacy (or a cultural level of monogamy). But at the same time, it's also much more significant than merely joining bodies. You sleep with someone, you don't see all their fears and shameful moments and hard times and that one time when they were really sick after a nasty bout of food poisoning. Considering how long J'onn has been on Earth, one would think that his experiences would show him the value of individuation and having certain aspects of your life kept for yourself, especially since he didn't even want to reveal his true form to the audience.

Now, this is an issue I had with Smallville most often in the past, because they often backtracked to prove someone right in the end when it was based upon a judgment they couldn't make due to lack of information. The narrative would frequently go out of its way to prop Clark and sometimes Lois by using distant future knowledge or something that hadn't yet been revealed to the characters or the audience so that they'd be right, but for the wrong--usually incredibly petty--reasons. (and while I know you know this, BkWurm1, not everyone suffered through SV like we did.) I feel like they're gearing up to do something similar here, because M'gann is a White Martian and that is the actual reason why she doesn't want to do the mind-meld. I hope that ultimately they won't have J'onn retract his apology, because regardless of why M'gann doesn't want to share, it's her right not to do so. This is true even without the White Martian thing coming into play, and so that shouldn't retroactively justify J'onn's outdoor voice being directed at her for something he didn't know to be true at the time.

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49 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

He did but I found rushing into that kind of intimacy just as presumptuous.  

The way J'onn described it to Kara and Alex is seemed like it was something relatively less intimate within Martian culture though, like their equivalent of sitting down and having a conversation over coffee.

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I took it as that "the Bond" was sufficiently universal that any two Green Martians would have some level of connectivity via a "web of trust," and that that was an accepted underlying aspect of their civilization.  I can see J'onn's point: to live your life that way -- to have everyone live their life that way -- and then have it completely and painfully removed (imagine him being bonded with his wife and children as they were slaughtered) must have left him feeling more alone than we here could ever be.

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Is that bond something Green Martins did with every stranger they met on the street? That seems a lot more intimate than sex. I'd think you'd want to at least befriend them first then do the mind bond. Even before the reveal that M'gann was a White Martian I would understand why she wouldn't want to share her pain and gain someone elses. She would want to forget and move on. 

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My impression, which could be mistaken, was that it was a giant communal bond that all Green Martians had with each other.  Not a hive mind, in that they still had free will, but they were all linked all the time.  That was just how it sounded to me when J'onn was explaining it to Alex and Kara.  I think it's not really a concept that humans could understand or be comfortable with, being used to having the privacy of our own minds, but if that was the culture you had grown up with and never known anything else, losing it must feel like the most incredible kind of loneliness.

Edited by Starfish35
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I dislike almost all alien/vampire/werewolf/demon etc fight club episodes, they are such a cliché at this point and usually follow the same pattern. It was done half assedly here as well. I really don't like that NC has a big alien subculture, it seems entirely at odds with how everything was presented last season.

I think in Lois and Clark, Clark interviewed himself a few times and Lois has become world famous essentially interviewing her boyfriend/husband (although she's usually a badass and great reporter in many other ways that Kara isn't right now) so it didn't surprise me that Kara's source was herself. It's a similar thing to stopping Cat firing Jimmy last season but she definitely can't use it as a get out of jail free card very week. The journalism does feel very tacked on and despite Kara's insistence that its what she wants to do she doesn't have the first clue how to actually go about it. She'd do better to go S1 Iris and write a blog for Catco, I'm sure Cat could have arranged that for her. Although it would be even more incredulous that she'd be able to see Lena Luther then. Except that Lena has a crush on her obviously.



It does appear to be a theme. Kara and J'onn, as aliens on Earth, are used to being the ones facing prejudice, but that doesn't mean they don't carry prejudices of their own. I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Terry Pratchett's books: "Just because someone's a member of an ethnic minority doesn't mean they're not a nasty small-minded little jerk.” Not that I think Kara or J'onn are nasty, small-minded jerks, but even the kindest heroes have flaws and prejudices of their own.

Certainly. I actually like Kara's "Daxam?!" "Rude Kryptonian Words" and all her other distain for the planet and it's people. J'onn is probably going to be both heartbroken and ragey when he finds out about M'gann but hopefully will end up forgiving her for refusing to follow orders. I wonder if she really helped some Green Martians escape?

In the same vein of episode secrets, no way did Mon-El get off Daxam in the way he said. He either killed the Prince in a panic and stole his pod and either will have to atone for that or become a twist villain. Or more likely he is the Prince. He did seem a defensive when Kara called him the worst frat boy in the galaxy and then went out and proved it with Wynn and the way he played that "I saw that guy fight when I was off world.......*protecting* the Royal Family". He's better at it than Kara "I flew here......on a bus" anyway.

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My impression, which could be mistaken, was that it was a giant communal bond that all Green Martians had with each other.  Not a hive mind, in that they still had free will, but they were all linked all the time.  That was just how it sounded to me when J'onn was explaining it to Alex and Kara.  I think it's not really a concept that humans could understand or be comfortable with, being used to having the privacy of our own minds, but if that was the culture you had grown up with and never known anything else, losing it must feel like the most incredible kind of loneliness.

I think you're right, Starfish35. I really only have exposure to M'Gann through Young Justice, but I remember when she was first introduced the other members of the team had to tell her that it wasn't okay for her to read their minds or enter their minds without asking first. Those close telepathic bonds were so normal for her and she had to adjust. And of course in season 2 her big problem with essentially destroying people's minds for interrogation or in anger. 

Edited by JustaPerson
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Dichen Lachman has never impressed me in any role, and this one was no different.

I've seen her in about four different things that I can think of. She has a very "exotic" look about her, for lack of a better description, and I think that's why she keeps getting hired. Especially for shows like this. I'm with you in that I've yet to be impressed with her acting. She's sufficiently bad-ass to play a villain like this one I supposed but there's not much depth to her.


Speaking of the fight club, since J'onn and M'Gann were able to break through the ceiling of the warehouse during their fight, why didn't they just fly away ?  There was no reason for them to stay and keep fighting.

So I'm not the only one who wondered about that.

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20 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

Maybe that's why he's using the Mon-El name? I was confused as to why they were speaking English in the flashback to Daxam. Google tells me that Daxamites are descended from Kryptonian colonists (like the USA to Krypton's UK lol), so presumably that's what they should be speaking?

Probably for the same reason they were speaking English in the flashbacks to Krypton.


I think this episode was just a whole lot of set-up, and I hope it pays off. I really wasn't interested in the fight club storyline, and there wasn't much else in the episode. I did realize Jimmy was missing, about 40 minutes in, but I didn't miss him at all.

That's a really interesting idea someone had about Lena being an alien. I think she's the new character I'm most interested in.

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I have quite a lot of leftover good will for the cast of Merlin in the spite of the fact I wasn't that fond of the ending, and Katie McGrath was one of my favorites so I guess I am predisposed to like Lena. Her interactions with Kara strike me as flirty, but I don't know if that's actually in the script or if it's just something Katie is doing and the producers are letting her get away with. That, or I'm just reading too much into it.

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16 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

The way J'onn described it to Kara and Alex is seemed like it was something relatively less intimate within Martian culture though, like their equivalent of sitting down and having a conversation over coffee.

It's true that the concept is hard to easily accept but 300 years had passed.  She says she's done what she's had to do to survive.  I do think it was presumptive that he'd expect anyone to just pick up where they'd left off before they'd had 3 centuries of living their life in an entirely different manner. What was normal would have felt foreign and threatening I would think for just about anyone.  

So yeah, I'm sure the ultimate reason was to hide her white Martain status but J'onn doesn't get to be mad later that she turned him down.    

5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Certainly. I actually like Kara's "Daxam?!" "Rude Kryptonian Words" and all her other distain for the planet and it's people. J'onn is probably going to be both heartbroken and ragey when he finds out about M'gann but hopefully will end up forgiving her for refusing to follow orders. I wonder if she really helped some Green Martians escape?

In the same vein of episode secrets, no way did Mon-El get off Daxam in the way he said. He either killed the Prince in a panic and stole his pod and either will have to atone for that or become a twist villain. Or more likely he is the Prince. He did seem a defensive when Kara called him the worst frat boy in the galaxy and then went out and proved it with Wynn and the way he played that "I saw that guy fight when I was off world.......*protecting* the Royal Family". He's better at it than Kara "I flew here......on a bus" anyway.

He probably will be the prince and the good news there is that we might still have a chance to get a better name for him.  Of course the twist will be that just when he accepts that everyone is gone and finds some happiness on earth (probably with Kara) that's when someone answers his beacon and he has to go serve his people.  Heartbreak!

2 minutes ago, KirkB said:

I have quite a lot of leftover good will for the cast of Merlin in the spite of the fact I wasn't that fond of the ending, and Katie McGrath was one of my favorites so I guess I am predisposed to like Lena. Her interactions with Kara strike me as flirty, but I don't know if that's actually in the script or if it's just something Katie is doing and the producers are letting her get away with. That, or I'm just reading too much into it.

Seriously one of the most disappointing endings to a series ever.  Basically no payoff for the whole series even though they had all the time in the world to do a good ending.  That was what they chose?  Why?  Why?  

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I'm probably the only one that missed James, and am glad to see an episode centered around him next week that doesn't revolve around him being a sidekick or pining after Kara (or at least I hope not). 

Not feeling Maggie and Alex, but I do like them fighting crime together. 

Still love Hank. He better not die this season.

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Mcgrath is definitely playing Lena as crushing. It's not just her, tough, it's in the script to.. "Just let the reporter barge in any time" is not normal operating procedure for a CEO.

I mentioned this on the subreddit, but I think it's all a very neat piece of obfuscation. The showrunners outright stated someone would be coming out. That's a major spoiler, but then they went ahead and set up 3 entirely plausible same sex couples, which keeps us guessing which one they're going to execute on.

Winn has decent chemistry with Mon-El, and it would be very easy to add to his backstory that the reason the prince tricked him into the pod is that they were lovers - heck, the dialogue of that scene was lifted straight from the pages of a bodice ripper. "For once in your life do as I say"?                                                    

Alex and Maggie are the odds on favorite, even with Alex getting her heart broken a bit this episode. 

And of course, Lena and Kara, who are a whole walking buffet of storylines just waiting to happen. Heck, I'd only be somewhat surprised if they executed on more than one of those pairings. 

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On 10/31/2016 at 9:41 PM, Kromm said:

And I'd argue that her White Martianness was obvious from how she told her backstory regardless.

Honestly, when she said that a guard broke ranks and rescued her, I figured it'd turn on to be President Linda Carter, and M'Gann didn't want to mind-meld because it's too early in the season to reveal that.  So her White Martianness was a surprise to me.  Not a particularly interesting surprise since I don't give a damn about that plot line, but a surprise nonetheless.


Mon-El is actually the prince, right, not just a member of the royal guard?  The actor is pretty and charming and has chemistry with everyone so far, but wow is his storyline bland right now.


As soon as they found the dead body, I said "alien fight club" and kind of checked out, so I may have missed some other stuff.  I'm really not enjoying the plethora of aliens this season, nor their out-in-the-open nature.  "Oh, we got all sorts of aliens in National City" steals some of Kara's uniqueness.

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9 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Given Maggie's "Oh, yeah, I forgot you ran with her" reaction in this ep, I wonder if we're going to find out that she thinks Alex is taken... by Supergirl.

Oh my God, I really hope so. imagining Kara and Alex's totally grossed out expressions is giving me LIFE.

Edited by stealinghome
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2 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Oh my God, I really hope so. imagining Kara and Alex's totally grossed out experiences is giving me LIFE.

Bold mine.

Idiot AUTOCORRECT strikes again! I think you meant their expressions, right? Because experiences doesn't compute for me.?

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17 hours ago, Last Time Lord said:

So, does this mean Mon-El was also caught in the Phantom Zone? Makes me wonder how his pod got out. Indigo pulled out Fort Roz, which took Kara's with it.

Maybe his was dragged out, too? Like they all towed each other out.

I thought they said his pod went through a section of space where time didn't pass, some nebula that Kara knew all about.  

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I thought they said his pod went through a section of space where time didn't pass, some nebula that Kara knew all about.  

You know what? You are 100 % correct, and I just completely forgot about that when I made that post. 

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3 hours ago, Last Time Lord said:

You know what? You are 100 % correct, and I just completely forgot about that when I made that post. 

You would think that when you program in your escape pod route in the Kryptonian Betta fish you just happen upon during a crisis, you might want to avoid a path that takes you through "known" areas of space where time doesn't pass.  Kara knew about it when she was just a teenager on Krypton -- I don't think she picked up that info in her times on Earth.

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On 11/4/2016 at 10:27 AM, MarkHB said:

Given Maggie's "Oh, yeah, I forgot you ran with her" reaction in this ep, I wonder if we're going to find out that she thinks Alex is taken... by Supergirl.

I'm a little bit torn about this.  Like, on the one hand, I kind of love the idea of Maggie being sort of passively jealous of Supergirl, followed by Alex and Kara being sort of horrified when they find out.  At the same time, though, I'm kind of rooting for Maggie to figure out that they're sisters on her own (she's a detective; she detects).  

16 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

You would think that when you program in your escape pod route in the Kryptonian Betta fish you just happen upon during a crisis, you might want to avoid a path that takes you through "known" areas of space where time doesn't pass.  Kara knew about it when she was just a teenager on Krypton -- I don't think she picked up that info in her times on Earth.

Keep in mind, he is a Daxamite.  

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On 11/5/2016 at 9:53 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

You would think that when you program in your escape pod route in the Kryptonian Betta fish you just happen upon during a crisis, you might want to avoid a path that takes you through "known" areas of space where time doesn't pass.  Kara knew about it when she was just a teenager on Krypton -- I don't think she picked up that info in her times on Earth.

"Stupid Kryptonian computer!" Mon-El randomly hits buttons until the engines start. "Finally!" Once in space: "Wait, isn't that the..." Takes twenty year nap inside the nebula where time doesn't pass.

Doesn't actually explain how he got out though. Assuming he is telling us the truth he flew (accidentally or intentionally) into the nebula in stasis. Which I would presume means the pod was on something like auto pilot. So what, I wonder, told it to start up after twenty years or so and head to Earth? As was stated Kara got pulled out by Indigo and Fort Rozz. Either there is more to the story than he's telling us or the writers aren't trying really hard.

On 11/4/2016 at 11:27 AM, MarkHB said:

Given Maggie's "Oh, yeah, I forgot you ran with her" reaction in this ep, I wonder if we're going to find out that she thinks Alex is taken... by Supergirl.

That was pretty much my interpretation of the scene. I also remember Alex's reaction last season when Astra saw the picture of her and Kara embracing and said something to the effect of "I knew there was something more between you and my niece".

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