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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Some of those reviews are pure gold. The one good thing that has come out of this whole election is finding out just how funny people can be. Even if it's bitter, gallows humour, so many people are absolutely killing it right now.

They always say that living under right wing governments is endless material for satirists, and it's so true. I know Steve Bell, the Guardian's longstanding political cartoonist, had his two most memorable periods under Thatcherism and Reaganism in the 80s, and during Dubya's presidency. I realised this when he recently drew a cartoon with Trump and Obama, and I couldn't remember him ever drawing Obama before. Poking fun at these figures can really bring people together.

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Some of those reviews are pure gold. The one good thing that has come out of this whole election is finding out just how funny people can be. Even if it's bitter, gallows humour, so many people are absolutely killing it right now.


OMG, LOL, this one so far is the best:


It called Mary a nasty woman, told Joseph to go back where he came from, built a wall around the manger, and then when you press it it sings "I'm Dreaming Of A Totally White Christmas."

This one too:


When I got the cap, instead of what was pictured, it said "Make Russia Great Again." When I tried calling the 800 # on the accompanying paperwork, someone with a thick Baltic accent said the product was right, but the picture shown on Amazon was wrong. Ah, Photoshop strikes again!

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I literally choked on my coffee. Wow.

Trump is too busy saving companies from moving to attend security briefings. Or something



Donald Trump has only made time for two intelligence briefings since becoming the president-elect, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

A team of intelligence analysts has offered to give Trump daily briefings since his election victory but so far he has turned them away, the Post reported. Mike Pence, on the other hand, has made time for the briefings every day since the election.


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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 0:51 PM, SoSueMe said:


Sorry about the quote box.

Does anyone else really hate the stupid exclamation points at the end of his tweets? JUst me? Alrighty then

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Intelligence professionals from several government agencies work hard on these reports and arrive ready to present the digest of world problems to the president-elect every day.

He thinks it's okay to just wave them off?

I find that incredibly disrespectful. Not just ignorant but insulting. Tell me again how we have entrusted our future--and the security of the world--to this loser?

If he can't "fill some Cabinet positions" and ALSO find time for this one important daily briefing, how in the world is he going to multitask as president?

He should resign now, before its too late.

ETA: He's been saying Carrier (his big targeted company leaving the U.S.) makes air conditioners for 16 months!!!! Turns out they make furnaces! What a stupid man.

Oh, and I guess, judging from  the NYT interview, no one will ever ask when HE is moving production of his own back to the U.S.

Edited by Padma
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Mike freaking Pence as VP has acted more like a President should than the man who was elected President.  Once again, can we keep Obama for another 4 years, or have another election where it's Bernie vs Lindsey Graham vs Hillary?

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9 hours ago, candall said:

Oh great.

[Rachel Maddow reports that] DT has only received TWO of the daily presidential briefs prepared for the POTUS, and the POTUS-Elect. 

All the others, he declined--not interested.

I saw this on her show as well and I was a bit shocked, though I guess nothing related to Trump should shock me these days.

So in addition to him appointing a white supremacist,  being overly cozy with Russia to the point there could be concerns about treason, admitted he violated the "self dealings" act with regards to his "charity" and, therefore, committed perjury as he signed off on the filings and forms, losing the popular vote (quite bigly and they are still counting), the possibility that Russia interfered with the voting, him trying to restrict or ban the First Amendment, having numerous conflicts of interest (though he claims nothing he does can be considered a conflict of interest) between his personal, privately held companies and his duties as President, he now has very clearly shown his complete and total lack of interest in the job and can't even be bothered to do the bare minimum, which is to read the damn daily briefings, including the security briefings! It's similar to me, as an attorney, refusing to read a case file or a complaint someone has filed against my company - a complaint that could potentially cost us millions and  just let it sit on my desk. The deadline for filing a response would pass, and I would basically hope it just somehow magically goes away. If I did that, the other side could automatically get the win and it could be significant enough to put my company out of business, regardless of how big we are. How irresponsible is that? It is flat out dereliction of duty (or at least it most certainly will be once he is officially in office). If any of us neglected our key duties in our own jobs, no matter what field we may be in, we would probably be fired. No one forced him to run - he had to know the job would require reading, briefings, meetings, etc. If he hates all of those things, then why bother? I think a large part of why he hates these things is because he simply is not capable of comprehending a lot of it. He is not a smart man. He can be a bit devious and manipulative, but a lot of people are behind him telling him what to do and say. He is a marionette and when he goes off book, he often doesn't make any sense at all and can't even see that he's contradicting something he may have just said a day ago or that he sounds like a child throwing a tantrum with his Twitter rants. He can't and/or won't focus on things that make him feel more inadqueate than he already knows he is (though he will never admit it). Why do you think his scripted YouTube videos sound so horrible? He can't even read off a teleprompter without sounding like an uneducated twit. I know 5 year olds with better reading and speaking skills. He's clearly on a pure power trip at this point and he is poison for this Country.

We, as his employer, need to stay on top of all the corrupt actions going here, regardless of what MSM may or may not do. He is clearly unfit, incompetent, incapable, etc. He has no business being in that job, and he likely cheated to get there. He lost the popular vote, and he's not a true Republican. They Republicans may be pacifying him for the moment, but I have a feeling that, at least some of them, will come to their senses and see how much damage he is doing to their Party and this Country. More and more dirt will come out - he's admitted to committing crimes officially now in relation to his charity. As things like this continue, the smart ones will realize they have no choice but to try to distance themselves. They will do it diplomatically and they won't do it right away, but I think enough of them are smart enough to see the writing on the wall and will do it - otherwise they will go down with the Titanic of Presidents. Also, since so many of the put Party above all else, they need to consider that here as well. Trump is not good for the Republican Party. As he self destructs, so too will the Party. I think a lot of them are starting to see it - they just have to pick their moment (and I hope it comes fairly soon).

Edited by Rapunzel
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Not only does Trump have no political knowledge or steadfast beliefs (outside of his delusion of greatness), his campaign insiders say that his decisions are always influenced by whoever speaks to him last. That's a scary cocktail, especially if Bannon is always in his ear. His ineptness and lack of self-control will have him stumbling through the job from Day 1, and, given his misplaced illusions of grandeur, it's only a matter of time before he makes a grave misstep that level-headed Republicans can't ignore. If we're lucky, he'll just tinker with Obama's efforts and try to claim them as his own.

On 11/24/2016 at 11:18 AM, Rapunzel said:

We, as his employer, need to stay on top of all the corrupt actions going here, regardless of what MSM may or may not do.

I doubt that we (the more than 70% of Americans who want Trump gone) will get complacent about his presidency. And that 70% will grow with each passing year as he breaks his promises to his base.

Edited by numbnut
spelling matters
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3 hours ago, candall said:

These reviews are hilarious!   Thanks so much, Fishcakes, for this most excellent source of holiday jollies. 

~1700 reviews.  91% "1 Star."  (The angel on top of my tree just hired a lawyer.  Would not buy again.)

Amazon now has it listed as "currently unavailable." The reviews are hysterical.  I wonder if they got so many returns and complaints from people that might have actually bought it (you know, those KKK members looking for the perfect gift or just the right finishing touch for their tree) that they pulled it. I mean, what else do you get for the white supremacist in your life that has everything? Amazon is pretty good about returns and such - maybe some of them got duplicates.

Also, think about how many of these Trump is probably going to hand out as "gifts" to all those who visit him is gauche, tacky, tower. If  I got handed this as a gift, I would drop it right in the first trash bin I saw once I was outside of the Tower of Gold Horror.

In any case, I see him stuck with a warehouse full of these.

Edited by Rapunzel
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On 11/23/2016 at 9:11 PM, onthebrink03 said:

I think he's trying to act presidential.  Not working, oh Orange Oaf!  He just comes across as a monotone moron with poor reading and oratory skills.

Exactly!  He comes across as such a phony!  Poor speaking skills & thinking his over-inunciation makes him sound "serious".  UGH!

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3 hours ago, windsprints said:

Thank you for posting the reviews. There's 2800 and its still going strong. There's many great ones.

Over 3,200 now (and even the 5 star reviews I read are anti-Trump).  And if you really want to "waste" some time, check out the comments to the reviews and check out the questions and answers section.

I remember 4 (8?) years ago when Romney (I think? - geez, I must have blocked this from my mind) made a comment about having a "Binder full of women" and someone put "Binder of Women" on Amazon and it got a ton of funny reviews.  

ETA: I checked and I don't think the Binder of Women is listed anymore.   

Edited by needschocolate
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From the AP:

A top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump has gone on Twitter to note opposition among some of his supporters to selection of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as secretary of state. In a pair of posts on her verified Twitter account @kellyannePolls on Thursday, Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway seemed to be stating an argument against the placement of Romney in Trump’s Cabinet. Romney vehemently opposed Trump’s nomination early in the campaign, assailing the billionaire as a “phony.”

In one tweet, Conway notes that she has been “receiving a deluge of social media & private concerns re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state.” In another, she makes references to former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Schultz, both Cabinet secretaries in Republican administrations, as men who “flew around the world less, counseled POTUS (president of the United States) close to home more. And were loyal. Good checklist.”

WTF? Why is K.A. Conartist using Twitter to advise Trump? The only way she can communicate to him is through social media? Their transition process is a clusterfuck.

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31 minutes ago, numbnut said:

WTF? Why is K.A. Conartist using Twitter to advise Trump? The only way she can communicate to him is through social media? Their transition process is a clusterfuck.

It's Trump, that's the best way to reach him.  Their hatred of Romney is pretty funny.  They want the guy to apologize for everything he said about Trump, which of course is evil while all the things Trump has said are perfectly fine.

Give him the job of Secretary of State, at least it will be somebody competent, and somebody who won't be played by Putin in that position.  Like him or hate him, the dude was right about Russia.

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....he now has very clearly shown his complete and total lack of interest in the job and can't even be bothered to do the bare minimum, which is to read the damn daily briefings, including the security briefings!....

I'm of two minds about this.  On the one hand, I immediately think of the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" daily brief that W chose to ignore, and start hording seven years worth of supplies in my survival bunker when I read about Drumph being too busy supervising the polishing of his golden throne to attend security briefings. But, even if he did attend briefings does anyone think he would take any reasonable action based on those briefings.

On the other hand, I'm reminded of an Arlo Guthrie comment back in the '80's regarding Reagan's penchant for taking naps, and advisors' reluctance to wake him to make important policy decisions:  "The more he sleeps, the safer I feel".   The Russians substantially helped elect Drumph.  I think in the end, the less Drumph actually knows about security operations,  the (relatively) safer I feel.  

I despise Mike Pence and everything he stands for.  But at least I don't think he'd outright commit treason if he thought passing on a juicy tidbit from a CIA briefing could get  him a nice low interest loan from Vlad.  So, maybe I don't mind if Drumph decides to spend his time tweeting about SNL being too mean to him, instead of doing this aspect of his job.

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Tubby can't stop self congratulating himself.  It's obscene.  Tweeting, I'm working on Thanksgiving!  I going to force Carrier to do what I want!"

What's going to happen when we really has to work 24/7?

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5 minutes ago, stormy said:

Tubby can't stop self congratulating himself.  It's obscene.  Tweeting, I'm working on Thanksgiving!  I going to force Carrier to do what I want!"

What's going to happen when we really has to work 24/7?

I agree.

Pass the pepto.

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Trump's Thanksgiving dinner comprised 24 dishes, including a choice/choices from among 6 main courses & 8 desserts (see linked article for the entire list of the family's menu choices). But in what universe are deviled eggs & "tuna martinis" considered to be "from the garden"?


If anyone's interested in comparing/contrasting, I posted the Obamas' last White House Thanksgiving menu in President Obama's thread.

Edited by BW Manilowe
To change placement of a word & add a comment.
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How about this? Trump tried to take credit for Ford not moving a plant from Kentucky to Mexico (a move that was never going to take place to begin with), is bragging about spending Thanksgiving working to keep Carrier here, and told the CEO of Apple what an accomplishment it would be for HIM (Trump) if HE could get Apple to build a large facility or several large facilities in the U.S. He doesn't want to be bothered with the every day duties of a president; he just wants to do things that will make him look like a hero. In his eyes, that goal, along with the fact that he will make the largest amount of money "in the history of the world" while serving as president (due to his conflict of interest dealings and other shady deals which will be ignored by Congress and the press), will make him the most successful president "in the history of the world". 

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1 hour ago, numbnut said:

WTF? Why is K.A. Conartist using Twitter to advise Trump? The only way she can communicate to him is through social media?

Kellyanne isn't directing any of that to DT--she's laying some advance groundwork so it will be easier to explain, and refute the objections, when Giuliani is made Secretary of State instead of Romney.

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23 hours ago, stormy said:

NYT 's Maggie Haberman on CNN this morning said his not receiving the briefings is OK till January 20th. For christ's sake, the fucking excuses they make.

Do you suppose he's letting his surrogates (i.e., Pence, whemeverelsethefuck person/persons designated?) take those briefings instead? Why would someone be delaying something so important?

Is there any possibility of this guy just bowing out at the last minute? Just leaving it all to Pence to figure out? In that way, he wouldn't be actually running the country and accumulating all the nasty critical blows he would be faced with, actually getting blamed for everything blowing up around him, and he'd be able to give it to his rich friends - you know, the ones all with the last name Republican - to blame. He could run his mouth non-stop, 24/7 in one endless Tweet shitstorm after another and hurl firebombs at the Rethugs while deflecting all the blame for country erupting simultaneously in flames whilst sliding down the toilet.

I just can't really wrap my head around this monstrosity really wanting to be saddled with this burden for the next four years - or for as long as it takes a sleeping giant of a populace coming for him with torches and pitchforks, hoisting the burning rail they plan to ride him out of the country on. He's certainly done one thing after another up to this point to make me think he really just wishes somebody still running the government would marshal enough courage to just put up a hand and call HALT! After January 20th or whatever, he's fucking stuck with this albatross. I keep daydreaming about scenes from Danel Silva's novels in which Gabriel Allon, master art restorer and master of spycraft for Mossad, works in a joint black op with the US, Brits and Israel to take out a mutual "enemy of the State". As silly as it sounds, seriously, why would the heads of England, Germany, Israel, and the NATO-backed countries be looking forward to "doing business" with someone who seems to have thrown in with their avowed enemies, and especially since it's very, very clear - terrifyingly so - that the Russians, A/K/A RasPutin not only hacked into a few databases here in the US to "tinker" with the election result via "popular opinion", but probably actually managed to rig the results in a type of disk-uploaded code for electronic voting machines in swing states? I can't imagine them being just hunkey-dorey with allowing this oafish, know-nothing, emotionally and intellectually retarded blowhard to become the second most powerful man on the planet.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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28 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

How about this? Trump tried to take credit for Ford not moving a plant from Kentucky to Mexico (a move that was never going to take place to begin with), is bragging about spending Thanksgiving working to keep Carrier here, and told the CEO of Apple what an accomplishment it would be for HIM (Trump) if HE could get Apple to build a large facility or several large facilities in the U.S. He doesn't want to be bothered with the every day duties of a president; he just wants to do things that will make him look like a hero. In his eyes, that goal, along with the fact that he will make the largest amount of money "in the history of the world" while serving as president (due to his conflict of interest dealings and other shady deals which will be ignored by Congress and the press), will make him the most successful president "in the history of the world". 

How do you figure he's gonna handle the criticism for Ryan  trying to scuttle Medicare? The one thing the rethugs and Dems agree on (I'm talking the electorate not the legislators) is the fact that the retirees don't want for them to "mess with MY Medicare!". They've pitched hissyfits every time the word "voucher" has been brought up to privatize Medicare (and SocSec as well). They've, the rethugs, got both houses of Congress and the residency now. They can do whatever the fuck they jolly well please, thank you very much, and I think they feel emboldened enough to just do it now. I really do. They've tried time and time again to roll back every New Deal and Great Society program every chance they've gotten and if they've been foiled, they've started a war someplace just work off jangled nerves and hard feelings. Mess with Medicare and SocSec, even Rump can't overcome the shitstorm he'll take for that. The buck WILL stop for Rump on that one. That's one he won't be able to wriggle out of, because basically, when you land with the title President Of THE United States of America, the buck stops right. there. The old, white man pains that put him in the WH will be coming for him in their mechanized wheelchairs and he won't have to worry about standing for reelections in four, because these people will be beating him to death with their canes and running over him doing wheelies.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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Toomuchsoap.  Pence supposedly is getting the briefings instead crown prince trump.

But WTF? Has there ever been a president-elect that really doesn't give a damn about doing anything that isn't easy or in his eyes makes himself look good?

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4 hours ago, stormy said:

Tubby can't stop self congratulating himself.  It's obscene.  Tweeting, I'm working on Thanksgiving!  I going to force Carrier to do what I want!"

What's going to happen when we really has to work 24/7?

Yeah, I hate this. This is not "above and beyond." This is expected when you are President - you will work 24/7. 

Also, how many others worked yesterday? The police, EMTs, firefighters, doctors, nurses, many in retail, people at restaurants and grocery stores, many people who work for multi-national companies and work with countries who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, etc. I had to work for a while yesterday on a critical contract negotiation with a company in Europe. I can't remember the last time I've been able to actually take a full vacation day and not have to do at least some work - but as an attorney for one of the largest tech companies in the world, sometimes you don't have a choice. My job is no where near as critical as being President - he has lives depending on him - yet I'm still expected to deal with critical issues as, not doing some things that are time sensitive and could cost money or lead to a lawsuit, which could put people out of work, etc. The chances of that happening are slim, in my case, but as with every job, you accept the responsibilities that go along with it - even that means putting in some time on a Holiday or while you are on vacation.

As part of the group of people that employs the President, I expect him to work whenever and wherever it is called for. I don't care if it's 3am and he spent a "hard day" at the office napping on the sofa in the Oval Office or out on the golf course with Putin or working on his own, private businesses. He signed up for this and that means 24/7 - no breaks, nothing. If those in other roles can and have to do it, why can't he? His lazy ass can't even be bothered to read briefings FFS.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 hour ago, candall said:

Kellyanne isn't directing any of that to DT--she's laying some advance groundwork so it will be easier to explain, and refute the objections, when Giuliani is made Secretary of State instead of Romney.

Ugh. The dog and pony show. I hope Romney wiped his hands after being sucked into that staged meeting.

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15 minutes ago, stormy said:

Oh, yeah, now he's busy fund raising for his inauguration.  Which he problaby thinks is his coronation.

Since he's admitted to violating the "Self Dealings" laws when it comes to his "charity" and committed perjury in the process, it's a shame the IRS can't step in and put a freeze on all of that money and any other liquid assets he may have until he pays back the "charity" what he stole from it and also pays any additional fines that he will incur. This is preferable to jail time, which, technically, he could be sentenced to for the perjury issue.

I know it won't happen, but I would love to see the look on his face if it did. Also, since he served friggin' sliders at his new hotel for the foreign dignitaries, as well as "Trump branded Champaign (read "cheap as fuck and tasted like sweaty socks but found someway to write it off  for $100s/bottle), I have a feeling his inauguration is going to be another, rather tacky, affair. He'll probably set up a taco bar and serve taco bowls and KFC or something and then charge us, the taxpayers, $100/bucket of KFC.

Seeing the Thanksgiving Menu at Mar-a-Lago was interesting, and excessive, but contained kind of a mish-mash of stuff that didn't really go together and a lot of dishes that haven't been popular since the 80s/90s. Nothing really classy on there at all, though it was higher end than "sliders." Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sliders, however if I were invited to an event like the one he threw at the hotel, I would have expected something a bit more classy and high end.

Just goes to show you that money doesn't buy class - but we all already knew that given his tacky, faux gold, obscene, over the top palace. He's stuck in the 80s to top it all off - I'm surprised he doesn't wear a gold tie everywhere he goes.

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1 hour ago, ari333 said:

In my perfect world there'd be a recount and HRC would take it.

Mine, too.  In fact, I think a late-breaking "recount" win or a "rigged election" win or a "faithless elector" win for HRC would be better than a flat-out win the first time around. 

You could go blue in the face trying to convince people DT would handwave his campaign promises about Obamacare and special prosecutors, install these HORRIFYING people (from the swampiest section of the swamp) into key positions, fail to give fuck one about presidential briefings and US security updates, gleefully leverage The Office for the benefit of T. Inc. International, chop his supporters off at the ankles on their overtime pay, Medicare would go on the endangered species list in the first ten days, etc, etc, etc.

Who would ever believe all that?  We can barely believe it and we're watching it!


It's true I've only seen one person admit he made a terrible mistake voting third-party, so maybe I'm incredibly naïve and delusional, but surely, surely, the sighs of relief if the results were reversed would emanate from more people than "just" the original Hillary voters.

An apples-to-apples comparison between two President-Elects could only accrue to HRC's benefit.  I just can't accept that half the country, having had the opportunity to witness the real DT in action, would want to link arms with the KKK and go goosestepping along with them in protest.


Edited by candall
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We all know that there is tons of fake news being circulated daily. And that we now live in an era where facts no longer matter.

What would happen if thousands and thousands of people started sharing posts, tweets, blogs, etc discussing the concern that our POTUS-to-be might be showing early signs of dementia? Speculation. Concern. Not facts. Just concern about his welfare. Concern about his health. A few bullet point lists of the early signs of dementia. A few video clips of him in public. Planting those seeds of doubt. Making things look different than people thought they looked.

It seems like as legitimate as any other thing that is out there.

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7 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

We all know that there is tons of fake news being circulated daily. And that we now live in an era where facts no longer matter.

What would happen if thousands and thousands of people started sharing posts, tweets, blogs, etc discussing the concern that our POTUS-to-be might be showing early signs of dementia? Speculation. Concern. Not facts. Just concern about his welfare. Concern about his health. A few bullet point lists of the early signs of dementia. A few video clips of him in public. Planting those seeds of doubt. Making things look different than people thought they looked.

It seems like as legitimate as any other thing that is out there.

"I'm told Trump suffers from various cognitive disorders.  Now, I'm not saying he does, but it's what I'm hearing."

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Do you suppose he's letting his surrogates (i.e., Pence, whemeverelsethefuck person/persons designated?) take those briefings instead? Why would someone be delaying something so important?

Articles have said Pence has taken time every day to go over the briefings. Maybe its better Trump doesn't. That way when he's cutting his deals with his hotels, etc. at least he can't let security info slip. I have absolutely no faith in his ability and have zero trust that he wouldn't do whatever necessary to gain personally as its already out that he's using his position to his personal/business benefit.

I think he's completely in over his head. His doing his 60 Minutes interview, controlled press meetings and his infomercials shows (IMO) that he isn't willing to be put on the spot with questions, etc. It would be way too easy to expose how ill prepared he is at this point.  When you go watch the press conferences other President elects have done (regardless of party & my agree/disagreement with their policies) and compare to the utter shit he is shoveling its pretty obvious that he has no where near the knowledge and ability those before him had. 

Edited by windsprints
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Totally agree he's in way over his orange or whatever the hell color his head is today.  

Just heard a sound byte that he's been on the phone with a top dog at Carrier, trying to force them not to move.  If I were Mr. Carrier, I'd do whatever I wanted, tell him to piss off.  Every business head at every level thinks they're the cat's meow, so I don't think any CEO will just roll over for the Orange.

He doesn't like to deal with details, which a security briefing is a lot of details.  Little people (Pence) can handle the details.  He's got more important things to do.  Tweet, brag, tweet, eat, brag, eat, tweet.

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2 hours ago, Toomuchsoap said:

The old, white man pains that put him in the WH will be coming for him in their mechanized wheelchairs and he won't have to worry about standing for reelections in four, because these people will be beating him to death with their canes and running over him doing wheelies.

They will let the olds stay on Medicare. The question is will they sell their kids  and grandkids down the river?

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1 hour ago, Rapunzel said:

As part of the group of people that employs the President, I expect him to work whenever and wherever it is called for. I don't care if it's 3am and he spent a "hard day" at the office napping on the sofa in the Oval Office or out on the golf course with Putin or working on his own, private businesses. He signed up for this and that means 24/7 - no breaks, nothing. If those in other roles can and have to do it, why can't he? His lazy ass can't even be bothered to read briefings FFS.

Yeah, I don't see Obama bragging about how he was working while others had the day off.  I didn't hear W saying "While others aren't working, I'm working for you people."  No President is going to say that, because they know that comes with the job.  They know that being President of the United States should be the most demanding job in the nation.

39 minutes ago, candall said:

Medicare would go on the endangered species list in the first ten days, etc, etc, etc.

If the Republicans allow that, their party is dead.  They'd piss off the AARP and they'd be pissing all over their top base.  Yeah, it's supposed to stick around for those currently 55 or over, but everybody else would be getting screwed, and the AARP and ones who don't get Medicare would be out for blood.

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10 minutes ago, khyber said:

They will let the olds stay on Medicare. The question is will they sell their kids  and grandkids down the river?

You bet they will. who cares about family loyalty when you got to look out for number 1.

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8 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Totally agree he's in way over his orange or whatever the hell color his head is today.  

Just heard a sound byte that he's been on the phone with a top dog at Carrier, trying to force them not to move.  If I were Mr. Carrier, I'd do whatever I wanted, tell him to piss off.  Every business head at every level thinks they're the cat's meow, so I don't think any CEO will just roll over for the Orange.

He doesn't like to deal with details, which a security briefing is a lot of details.  Little people (Pence) can handle the details.  He's got more important things to do.  Tweet, brag, tweet, eat, brag, eat, tweet.

I hope Mr. Carrier tells Tubby, "I'll do what you say about this--just as soon as you bring back YOUR manufacturing (shirts, ties, vodka, etc.) from China, Mexico, and 20 other countries."  THAT would shut our PEOTUS up. He has NO intention of losing money by manufacturing his Trump garbage (TM) here.

He's already such an embarrassment. Yeah, Tubby complained when Obama took a (so-called) vacation but now whines that he has to "work" on Thanksgiving because he (perhaps) made a phone call or two. (Still won't take those intelligence briefings though!)

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