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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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47 minutes ago, Macbeth said:

I was amazed that a CNN? host early yesterday morning talking with Alan Dershowtiz and another guest about how surprised he was that Trump's first appointments were all white men - it sends a wrong message he thought.  Really has he not been paying any attention. 

Trump started off his campaign by accusing the Mexicans of being rapists and wanting to build a wall.  Look who's on his staff and who he's appointing  He's choosing people to ensure that no group (other than white, male, heterosexuals) will escape discrimination.  VP Mike Pence is against LBGT  people.  Sessions has a history of discrimination against African Americans and will suppress their vote.  Kris Kobach is an advisor who is advocating for a Muslim registry.  Bannon is the KKK representative....

That's why I don't get the big amazement.  At all.  Mango Musselini has shown who he was since day one.  Why didn't they believe him the first time?

Fred and Donald Drumpf + housing discrimination against "the blacks" (that the shit stain gets along with) = racism.  See how simple that math was?

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45 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I'll say it for you...Pence is the Antichrist and the Evangelical Christian Right will follow him straight into the gates of Hell, chanting Bible verses along the way because he speaks their language and is a nice-looking, well-groomed white Christian man, who could be their pastor.


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3 minutes ago, candall said:

Maybe--however this all plays out--Barron can move to the same floor as his mother.  Or maybe they'll shuffle Melania off to Barron's part of the gilded cage.

Look, I don't like kids and I don't have kids, but I was shocked and disturbed when they were bragging about Barron having "his own floor" in T-Tower.  FFS, even *I* know little kids don't want to live on their own hotel floor, away from mommy and daddy.

Away from daddy but I think Melania shares the floor with Barron and not the penthouse with Donald.

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1 minute ago, Padma said:

Donald Trump is not special and no better and no more important than any other American president.  As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate the cost (how many millions, seriously) of turning  Trump Fortress into an alt-White House.   They work for us now. Shape up or resign..

I think this is one of the main things that he's actually pushing now, that he IS special. It's like Kellyanne's stuff about how "obviously" we've never had a situation where a president was so "successful" in other things (sure George Washington was known for that general job, but that's hardly the same as being in real estate or having a reality show!). It's laying the groundwork for Trump absolutely being special and other people being crazy for expecting him to not do exactly what he wants. Their position is absolutely that the country and the government needs to work around Donald's very important business and life and not the other way around. And so far they've agreed with him.

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Drumpf can go on whatever talk show he wants.  I will exercise my freedoms and not watch them. 

Matter of fact, whenever he does appear on a talk show or even giving a speech that is covered, I will watch Logo, BET and Lifetime during those time slots.

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I can't believe the things Trump and Co. are doing/planning. Having secret meetings with foreign dignitaries, wanting to keep their emails secret, wanting to criminalize anti-Trump protests, ignoring the First Amendment's freedom of the press rights while making sure the Second Amendment is adhered to, picking the worst of the worst for top positions, promoting Trump's businesses.......the list goes on and on. How many laws is this slimeball and his crew going to be allowed to break? America, as we know it, will never be the same as of January 20th.

Also, I suspect that Barron has taken over Trump's Twitter because his recent tweet sound like they were written by a ten year old.

eta: On a shallow note, Melania is always squinting, as if she left her glasses at home and is trying to read some far off sign. God, I'm going to miss that elegant, classy, intelligent, fun First Lady Michelle! 

Edited by parisprincess
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37 minutes ago, Padma said:

I sympathize with kids caught in the parents' politics. BUT I also think our president-elect needs to learn -- ASAP-- that the rules that applied to everyone else also apply to him.  I don't see why Barron has to stay in NYC till summer.  Eveyr other young child came to DC and changed schools. He could even do home-schooling for half the year if needed.   It's a choice his father made, to become President.  Families move when the father gets a new job. Kids change schools.

Donald Trump is not special and no better and no more important than any other American president.  As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate the cost (how many millions, seriously) of turning  Trump Fortress into an alt-White House.   They work for us now. Shape up or resign..

I live in San Diego, which has a considerable military presence and lots of bases here - the SEALs are trained here out on Coronado Island, we have Camp Pendleton, which I think is the largest Marine base in the world, Miramar (for all of you Top Gun fans out there - one of the major highways in San Diego runs through Miramar and you can frequently see the fighter jets and other types of aircraft overhead - It's pretty amazing), ships in port here at any given time, etc. Those military families, even the ones with kids, relocate when re-assigned. Parents who serve go into this knowing that their kids will likely have to switch schools - probably more than once depending on how long they stay in, if just one parent or both parents are military, etc. Yet they still do it because they know they want to serve their country. If they are expected to relocate at the drop of a hat and have their children change schools, then why can't the president do the same? It just seems so hypocritical - especially as these military families are out there risking their lives for us every single day. They manage to cope with the relocation and know it is for a greater good. Trump is just setting a very poor example here and disrespecting all of those who do sacrifice so much for this country. But I guess I shouldn't expect much from him since he claims he "knows more than the Generals do."

Edited by Rapunzel
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33 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

I think this is one of the main things that he's actually pushing now, that he IS special. It's like Kellyanne's stuff about how "obviously" we've never had a situation where a president was so "successful" in other things (sure George Washington was known for that general job, but that's hardly the same as being in real estate or having a reality show!).

There's also Eisenhower and WWII.  If you have filed bankruptcy for your businesses 6 times or so - can you really be considered a successful businessman?? 

Gore has said successful businessmen don't run for office - "Why  become a senator, when you can buy one." 

Trump was a democrat from 2001-2009.  Just after Obama became president he switched parties, and demanded to see Obama's birth certificate.  Racist to his core - the only reason he ran for president as Obama dissed him at the correspondent's dinner.  How can anyone be surprised that he has surrounded himself with white supremacists?

I also don't mind if Melania and Barron stay away.  It shows someone in that family has some sense.  His need for his family to support him at all times is way too incestuous for me.

Edited by Macbeth
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8 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

I live in San Diego, which has a considerable military presence and lots of bases here - the SEALs are trained here out on Coronado Island, we have Camp Pendleton, which I think is the largest Marine base in the world, Miramar (for all of you Top Gun fans out there - one of the major highways in San Diego runs through Miramar and you can frequently see the fighter jets and other types of aircraft overhead - It's pretty amazing), ships in port here at any given time, etc. Those military families, even the ones with kids, relocate when their parents are re-assigned. Parents who serve go into this knowing that their kids will likely have to switch schools - probably more than once depending on how long they stay in, if just one parent or both parents are military, etc. Yet they still do it because they know they want to serve their country. If they are expected to relocate at the drop of a hat and have their children change schools, then why can't the president do the same? It just seems so hypocritical - especially as these military families are out there risking their lives for us every single day. They manage to cope with the relocation and know it is for a greater good. Trump is just setting a very poor example here and disrespecting all of those who do sacrifice so much for this country. But I guess I shouldn't expect much from him since he claims he "knows more than the Generals do."

Oh, btw.... did we forget to mention that California should consider a proposition up for vote to build a wall? No, not that one between California and Mexico, I mean the wall that California will need to KEEP US OUT. California is one State that many people are considering moving to only because it's progressive, diverse, and wanting to secede from the other States connected to it and become an independent little country. 'Calexit' is not a far-fetched idea since the State can easily support itself with all the resources and money right there. Secession could actually work well. California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point by point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states. So, count me in if that ever happens. It doesn't hurt that marijuana is legal either, not that I partake but I'm willing to give it a go.

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21 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

I can't believe the things Trump and Co. are doing/planning. Having secret meetings with foreign dignitaries, wanting to keep their emails secret, wanting to criminalize anti-Trump protests, ignoring the First Amendment's freedom of the press rights while making sure the Second Amendment is adhered to, picking the worst of the worst for top positions, promoting Trump's businesses.......the list goes on and on. How many laws is this slimeball and his crew going to be allowed to break? America, as we know it, will never be the same as of January 20th.

Also, I suspect that Barron has taken over Trump's Twitter because his recent tweet sound like they were written by a ten year old.

eta: On a shallow note, Melania is always squinting, as if she left her glasses at home and is trying to read some far off sign. God, I'm going to miss that elegant, classy, intelligent, fun First Lady Michelle! 

I'm feeling equally shallow and wanted to pass along the theory that the squint is due to too much filler. And on another shallow note it is fun to see the family photo ops that include Tiffany. Poor girl always seems like the odd girl out and (sorry, Tiff) but her head is noticeably larger than almost everyone's in the family, including the men. For real. 

5 minutes ago, Macbeth said:

There's also Eisenhower and WWII.  If you have filed bankruptcy for your businesses 6 times or so - can you really be considered a successful businessman?? 

Gore has said successful businessmen don't run for office - "Why  become a senator, when you can buy one." 

Trump was a democrat from 2001-2009.  Just after Obama became president he switched parties, and demanded to see Obama's birth certificate.  Racist to his core - the only reason he ran for president as Obama dissed him at the correspondent's dinner.  How can anyone be surprised that he has surrounded himself with white supremacists?

I also don't mind if Melania and Barron stay away.  It shows someone in that family has some sense.  His need for his family to support him at all times is way too incestuous for me.

Except, Ivanka and the older boys will probably still be there for good old dad.

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

I can't wait for the fallout between Trump and Pence to go public.  Because you know that Trump won't appreciate a "good cop/bad cop" scenario" In which Pence, not Trump, is the "good cop".   

While Trump was using his power to destroy "Hamilton", tweeting "I've heard its very overrated", Pence was on Fox and Friends saying that he wasn't offended, that he heard cheers and boos and told his daughter "that's what freedom sounds like".

Pence is probably a big phony  and I know he has some terrible ideas, but he's kind of normal, psychologically, in a way that Trump isn't.  I don'dt think Trump will like it if Pence begins getting a lot of good press while Trump's is getting worse and worse.

Oh, and I feel bad for all the people in Trump Tower and the businesses around it, people  in the area, whose lives will be so negatively affected by Melania and Barron living there--in some cases, I'm sure the financial impact will cause businesses to fail.

Melania and Barron staying there is, imo, most of all a way for Trump to excuse/rationalize going back "home" eve ry weekend and having Ivanka and Jerrod (and their three kids?) living in the WH with him.  How much more than the Obamas is this narcissistic greedy family going to cost us?

He definitely will not like it.  Remember after the VP debate, when people were saying that Pence did so much better at his debate than Trump did at his?  Pence had to issue statements about how Trump won the VP debate, and Trump made his "joke" about Pence not being his first choice for running mate.  He will one hundred percent put Pence in his place somehow if too many people point out that Pence handled the "Hamilton" incident a million times better than he did.  

37 minutes ago, Padma said:

I sympathize with kids caught in the parents' politics. BUT I also think our president-elect needs to learn -- ASAP-- that the rules that applied to everyone else also apply to him.  I don't see why Barron has to stay in NYC till summer.  Eveyr other young child came to DC and changed schools. He could even do home-schooling for half the year if needed.   It's a choice his father made, to become President.  Families move when the father gets a new job. Kids change schools.

Donald Trump is not special and no better and no more important than any other American president.  As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate the cost (how many millions, seriously) of turning  Trump Fortress into an alt-White House.   They work for us now. Shape up or resign..

This is why people make the decision to run for office with their family's input.  It's not something that just affects the candidate - the family is on display all campaign long, and, if the candidate wins, it creates upheaval in their lives.  In the case of winning POTUS, that means moving to the White House, no matter how much you love your existing home.  This was something the Trump family was well aware of before his ridiculous escalator ride.  Whether your child(ren) can handle moving schools mid-year, moving away from friends and whatever family they live by, etc, is one of the things you have to take into consideration when deciding on whether to run or night.  After years of right wing bitching about the Obamas "spending out money" any time they took a vacation, now we're just supposed to suck it up and deal with the large added expense (to the taxpayers) to maintain the POTUS in the White House while also maintaining his wife and child in a New York apartment.  And not only is there added expense, but extreme added difficulties in transportation in New York City, inconveniencing countless people who live and work in the area, so the SS can provide adequate protection for the two of them 24/7.  

And I'm still betting we're going to end up paying to renovate some part of Trump Tower to provide accommodations for the SS agents to live and work.  After reading that article a few weeks or so ago about what a dump that place is (outside of Trump's floors), I'm sure he'll be happy to have the tax payers foot the bill to do some renovations for him, under the guise of arranging needed space for the Secret Service's use.  

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2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

How does that insipid little family work anyways?  Junior, Eric and Ivanka are Ivana's, Tiffany is Marla's and Barron is Melania's?

Any other hellspawn out there we know about?

I'm guessing he was successful in aborting any others  

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11 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Oh, btw.... did we forget to mention that California should consider a proposition up for vote to build a wall? No, not that one between California and Mexico, I mean the wall that California will need to KEEP US OUT. California is one State that many people are considering moving to only because it's progressive, diverse, and wanting to secede from the other States connected to it and become an independent little country. 'Calexit' is not a far-fetched idea since the State can easily support itself with all the resources and money right there. Secession could actually work well. California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point by point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states. So, count me in if that ever happens. It doesn't hurt that marijuana is legal either, not that I partake but I'm willing to give it a go.

That's the problem with California liberals. We WANT to escape from Trump and make our own little paradise here, but, sadly, we're not selfish enough to leave y'all behind with all the Monster  from the Black Tower and all his new swamp creatures.   At least we have the satisfaction of knowing California helped give Hillary a yuge, and very visible margin of victory. If you just look at the front numbers (as Trump will), it's 63 million to 61 million, haha.

Rapunzel's comment about military families relocating is a really good one. I hope someone starts spinning that on MSNBC (LOD, perhaps?) Military families relocate as part of their job. It's far more difficult for them than for a billionaire with all the help at his fingertips but they do it for their country.

I think Trump will never stop being a self-centered spoiled (fill in expletive of your choice), but someone needs to tell him (publicly would be best) that the time to start putting his country first is now.

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1 minute ago, ari333 said:

I'm guessing he was successful in aborting any others  

The totally unfair media apparently was unsuccessful in uncovering that possibility. I wonder if it would have been a deal breaker. Probably not, because the threat of violating a NDA would have been enough to intimidate any players involved.

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2 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Oh, btw.... did we forget to mention that California should consider a proposition up for vote to build a wall? No, not that one between California and Mexico, I mean the wall that California will need to KEEP US OUT. California is one State that many people are considering moving to only because it's progressive, diverse, and wanting to secede from the other States connected to it and become an independent little country. 'Calexit' is not a far-fetched idea since the State can easily support itself with all the resources and money right there. Secession could actually work well. California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point by point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states. So, count me in if that ever happens. It doesn't hurt that marijuana is legal either, not that I partake but I'm willing to give it a go.

I so wish CA would secede - It would make things interesting. If we do secede HumblePi, I'll help draft your immigration paper work.  :-) 

Yes, CA does have the 6th largest economy in the world, as was mentioned earlier in this thread by another poster. We are, overall, very liberal, have Hollywood and the filmmakers and celebrities along with Silicon Valley, etc. Downsides, however, are that we do have a water issue and that the cost of living in most places is pretty high. What I pay in taxes is absurd. The only "decent" tax we have is property tax. I've lived all over the world though, and still split my time between here and London, and both have their upsides (even with the Brexit crap in the UK). If things get really bad with Trump, at least hubby and I have plan B and can go back to London. We're also considering Australia or New Zealand. I work for a multi-national Silicon Valley-based company that has offices all over the world and my husband and his father own a business in London but they have projects all over the world, so where we physically live doesn't really matter.

Medical Marijuana has been legal for a while in CA (though it's actually pretty easy to get a card if you wanted), and now we have legalized recreational marijuana, however, from what I've read, that won't actually go into effect until 2018 as they have to sort out how it will be taxed, the general logistics, etc. It was on the ballot several years ago and for some reason did not pass, but this time around it went through.

In any case, Trump isn't welcome here and he knows it. He didn't really campaign here at all and Hillary won "bigly" here and I don't even think they've quite finished counting all the votes yet. Even if they have, I honestly don't know a single person that voted for Trump here (even some Republicans that I am friends with). The whole Wall with Mexico, as I've mentioned in previous posts, is also a big joke. I live  45 minutes or so from the boarder, and we all know that there are tunnels that can be used to transport people, drugs, guns, other contraband, etc. (there are fairly regular news stories about ICE or other law enforcement groups finding tunnels). There is also transport in fishing boats over the ocean. There is a lot of ocean and lot of coast line and the Coast Guard can't cover all of it. A Wall isn't going to stop things or people from crossing the boarder. It just goes to show you that Trump never really thought that one through at all. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? Also, the Cartels aren't stupid and they will likely continue to get whatever they want across - in either direction. They've been doing it for decades.

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4 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

I so wish CA would secede - It would make things interesting. If we do secede HumblePi, I'll help draft your immigration paper work.  :-) 

Yes, CA does have the 6th largest economy in the world, as was mentioned earlier in this thread by another poster. We are, overall, very liberal, have Hollywood and the filmmakers and celebrities along with Silicon Valley, etc. Downsides, however, are that we do have a water issue and that the cost of living in most places is pretty high. What I pay in taxes is absurd. The only "decent" tax we have is property tax. I've lived all over the world though, and still split my time between here and London, and both have their upsides (even with the Brexit crap in the UK). If things get really bad with Trump, at least hubby and I have plan B and can go back to London. We're also considering Australia or New Zealand. I work for a multi-national Silicon Valley-based company that has offices all over the world and my husband and his father own a business in London but they have projects all over the world, so where we physically live doesn't really matter.

Medical Marijuana has been legal for a while in CA (though it's actually pretty easy to get a card if you wanted), and now we have legalized recreational marijuana, however, from what I've read, that won't actually go into effect until 2018 as they have to sort out how it will be taxed, the general logistics, etc. It was on the ballot several years ago and for some reason did not pass, but this time around it went through.

In any case, Trump isn't welcome here and he knows it. He didn't really campaign here at all and Hillary won "bigly" here and I don't even think they've quite finished counting all the votes yet. Even if they have, I honestly don't know a single person that voted for Trump here (even some Republicans that I am friends with). The whole Wall with Mexico, as I've mentioned in previous posts, is also a big joke. I live  45 minutes or so from the boarder, and we all know that there are tunnels that can be used to transport people, drugs, guns, other contraband, etc. (there are fairly regular news stories about ICE or other law enforcement groups finding tunnels). There is also transport in fishing boats over the ocean. There is a lot of ocean and lot of coast line and the Coast Guard can't cover all of it. A Wall isn't going to stop things or people from crossing the boarder. It just goes to show you that Trump never really thought that one through at all. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? Also, the Cartels aren't stupid and they will likely continue to get whatever they want across - in either direction. They've been doing it for decades.

Can I buy thatpence-hamilton.gif with my Mike bucks?

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1 minute ago, ari333 said:

I'm guessing he was successful in aborting any others  

I don't know the timeframe of the clip, but during the campaign, I saw (ONE time!) a newsclip of someone asking DT . . . something like, whether he'd ever known anyone who had an abortion or had he ever had to have any personal experience with the termination of a pregnancy?  And his answer was "No comment."

I was gobsmacked.  I expected to see that little Q&A replayed a thousand times, but no--just the once.

That clip, and the recent one where he's asked to explain how a Muslim registry would be any different from the Germans registering the Jews--the only times I've seen him shut down completely and walk away.

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Wouldn't it have been smart to put in a temporary drive-through window like Burger King on the side of Trump's New Jersey Golf Club mansion? It would allow all those guys to roll up in their fancy chauffeur driven cars to the window, roll down the window, have the meeting thing and drive off.  He's been 'interviewing' dozens of prospective cabinet candidates every day. Truth is, he decided long ago who's in and who's out. This is all for show.

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11 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I fear for what could possibly happen if a sociopathic narcissist has to be the Consoler-in-Chief.

Considering that Trump's campaign media advisor and current ally is Alex Jones, who maintains that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook was a hoax staged with child actors, this is a very rational fear.

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Trump’s big infrastructure plan? It’s a trap.


As the White House official responsible for overseeing implementation of President Obama’s massive infrastructure initiative, the 2009 Recovery Act, I’ve got a simple message for Democrats who are embracing President-elect Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan: Don’t do it. It’s a trap. Backing Trump’s plan is a mistake in policy and political judgment they will regret, as did their Democratic predecessors who voted for Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts in 1981 and George W. Bush’s cuts in 2001.

First, Trump’s plan is not really an infrastructure plan. It’s a tax-cut plan for utility-industry and construction-sector investors, and a massive corporate welfare plan for contractors. The Trump plandoesn’t directly fund new roads, bridges, water systems or airports, as did Hillary Clinton’s 2016 infrastructure proposal. Instead, Trump’s plan provides tax breaks to private-sector investors who back profitable construction projects. These projects (such as electrical grid modernization or energy pipeline expansion) might already be planned or even underway. There’s no requirement that the tax breaks be used for incremental or otherwise expanded construction efforts; they could all go just to fatten the pockets of investors in previously planned projects.

Moreover, as others have noted, desperately needed infrastructure projects that are not attractive to private investors — municipal water-system overhauls, repairs of existing roads, replacement of bridges that do not charge tolls — get no help from Trump’s plan. And contractors? Well, they get a “10 percent pretax profit margin,” according to the plan. Combined with Trump’s sweeping business tax break, this would represent a stunning $85 billion after-tax profit for contractors — underwritten by the taxpayers.


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38 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I fear for what could possibly happen if a sociopathic narcissist has to be the Consoler-in-Chief.

He might attempt it but he will fail. He does not possess empathy. He is not that good an actor. He will deal with tragedy by going on the offensive and lashing out against real or perceived enemies, natural disasters or anything to which he can assign blame.

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On at least two different news shows this morning, Reince Priebus described the people who've been appointed to the Trump administration, and the people under consideration, as The Best and the Brightest.

I don't think he's read the book, or even heard about it.

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On at least two different news shows this morning, Reince Priebus described the people who've been appointed to the Trump administration, and the people under consideration, as The Best and the Brightest.

I don't think he's read the book,


Or a dictionary.

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2 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Oh, btw.... did we forget to mention that California should consider a proposition up for vote to build a wall? No, not that one between California and Mexico, I mean the wall that California will need to KEEP US OUT. California is one State that many people are considering moving to only because it's progressive, diverse, and wanting to secede from the other States connected to it and become an independent little country. 'Calexit' is not a far-fetched idea since the State can easily support itself with all the resources and money right there. Secession could actually work well. California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point by point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states. So, count me in if that ever happens. It doesn't hurt that marijuana is legal either, not that I partake but I'm willing to give it a go.

California is the 6th largest economy in the world. We're progressive and liberal near the coast but even the racist assholes who are seeking refuge from Trump can find themselves a home with like-minded ilk inland. Come if you want. The weather is great but the cost of living is insane ($1500 for a studio or 1bd is "cheap", and the norm in many areas).

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28 minutes ago, Padma said:

I wonder if any Trump supporters will defend this? 79 Year Old Trump Supporters Repeatedly Deface Children's Mural

WTF is wrong with these people? If you are 70 or 80, you are, to some extent, expected to set an example for the youth of this Country. Defacing a mural that was not political nor necessarily anti-Trump created by CHILDREN is repulsive. They are definitely old enough to know better. It seems one was charged with a criminal offense but the other not even arrested. I would propose sending both to a nice, quiet, mental facility for 30 days where they can get their anger and frustrations out and not have to take it out on some harmless mural painted by children. Shame on them - If my grandparents or parents did anything like that, I would put them into therapy straight away.

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

The plan to fix our infrastructure involves selling bonds to investors. These investors can be from anywhere in the world. The thing about a bond investor, they expect a ROI - return on investment - so that's achieved simply by making the roads they repair a toll road, by making the bridges they fix a toll bridge. Basically an investor in China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia or Missouri USA can buy bonds to invest in infrastructure repair.

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2 hours ago, Constantinople said:

On at least two different news shows this morning, Reince Priebus described the people who've been appointed to the Trump administration, and the people under consideration, as The Best and the Brightest.

I don't think he's read the book, or even heard about it.

I have such a hard time reading or speaking Reince Priebus' name without giggling - I can just think of so many substitutes for it and every time I see it, I just want to laugh. I know, I'm acting like a 12 year old.

2 hours ago, Bastet said:

Or a dictionary.

I'm questioning whether or not Reince or some others Trump has selected for posts or nominations know how to read at all - or at least comprehend what they are reading and/or hearing. Trump has admitted that he himself doesn't read much, which is pretty apparent in his speaking ability and vocabulary, even though most of what he's supposed to say is written for him (he goes off book, of course, and that is the entertaining part that helps get him into trouble and where he shows his true lack of ability and intelligence). His Tweets and other things, including some articles I've read here and there, put his reading ability, vocabulary, etc. at elementary to middle school level.

We all know Trump can't stand being upstaged, so why would he have someone close to him with a higher academic ability than he has (or at least someone that would show it)? Forget that we're talking about just basic skills here - there is no way he is going to allow anyone with significant intellect, regardless of party and regardless of how the American people feel about them, outshine him in this sense. The man's ego is tremendous. If someone dares to use bigger words than he does or is more articulate than he is, he will have a meltdown. It will be "bigly." Ivanka is Trump's "woobie" (for anyone who has ever seen Mr. Mom with Michael Keaton, you know what I mean. For those who haven't seen it, I recommend it for a good laugh first and foremost, and the "woobie" is a security blanket one of his kids has and he has to take it everywhere).

I used to laugh and be entertained when they poked fun at W (especially when Will Farrell played him on SNL and they did a skit where they asked W to sum up his campaign in one word and he blurted out "strategery"), but Trump wins the new prize for having less than desirable traits and questionable intelligence. I'd love to see the two of them play "jeopardy!" or "Trivial Pursuit" or something. It would be hilarious and I think W would likely kick ass against Trump.

4 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Can I buy thatpence-hamilton.gif with my Mike bucks?

I would do it pro bono - which would be the same as getting "Mike Bucks" anyway, right? :-) 

Edited by Rapunzel
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21 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

....I used to laugh and be entertained when they poked fun at W (especially when Will Farrell played him on SNL and they did a skit where they asked W to sum up his campaign in one word and he blurted out "strategery"), but Trump wins the new prize for having less than desirable traits and questionable intelligence. I'd love to see the two of them play "jeopardy!" or "Trivial Pursuit" or something. It would be hilarious and I think W would likely kick ass against Trump.

I'm revising some citizenship books (a boring task). My mind wandered to imagining W and Trump competing to answer the citizenship questions.  The easiest, of course, is "Who is President of the United States?"  I pictured both of them saying, "I am!" then arguing over it. (The humor, of course, is that they both would be wrong, since for 62 more days, it's Obama.)

I really wish at least one of the debate questions for Trump had been about the Constitution. I'm quite sure he knows next to nothing about it and would miss most of the questions that immigrants-becoming-citizens are expected to know. (It was pretty shocking when he talked about SC Justices "signing a bill", for example. I really wish they'd asked him about it--not stumpers, just things he should know, like "What do you know about the first amendment?" Or, from the test, "What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?" Or "What's the supreme law of the land?" or even "The legislative branch makes the laws. What does the president do?" etc.

I remember the senator asking him how he felt about Article 2 (the part that defines the job of the President). He bluffed his way through that, "I like Article 1, Article 2,... 12,... all of them." kind of like the way Sarah Palin answered the question about which newspapers she read.  (Too bad there are only 7 Articles. Oh well. Good try!)

And not that showing his ignorance of things he should know as president would matter to his cultists anyway. They probably would think it was just proof what a refreshing "outsider" he is, untainted by any actual, you know, knowledge of the job of president or the laws of the country. 

Edited by Padma
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I served in the USAF for 20 years and not once did I have a choice of letting my husband or children not move when I got orders to a new location.  Yet our new Commander in Chief (elect) doesn't want his son to move until next school year?  Wow.  What a super special snowflake he is.  

I can say that moving every 3-4 years helped my kids learn how to be flexible.  I hated moving all the time because just when we caught up with all the bills, my husband would have to get a new job in our new location.  He would be making somewhat good money, and then BAM! I got orders and he had to start over.  And even though the military covered most of the move, every move would cost us around $1,000.  When you are living paycheck to paycheck, that is a lot of money.  This is something that Trump wouldn't understand.  

I truly believe that there should be a requirement for all President's to have served in the military at one point or another.  If you are going to be our boss, you need to understand where we come from. 

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3 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

I so wish CA would secede - It would make things interesting. If we do secede HumblePi, I'll help draft your immigration paper work.  :-) 

Yes, CA does have the 6th largest economy in the world, as was mentioned earlier in this thread by another poster. We are, overall, very liberal, have Hollywood and the filmmakers and celebrities along with Silicon Valley, etc. Downsides, however, are that we do have a water issue and that the cost of living in most places is pretty high. What I pay in taxes is absurd. The only "decent" tax we have is property tax. I've lived all over the world though, and still split my time between here and London, and both have their upsides (even with the Brexit crap in the UK). If things get really bad with Trump, at least hubby and I have plan B and can go back to London. We're also considering Australia or New Zealand. I work for a multi-national Silicon Valley-based company that has offices all over the world and my husband and his father own a business in London but they have projects all over the world, so where we physically live doesn't really matter.

Medical Marijuana has been legal for a while in CA (though it's actually pretty easy to get a card if you wanted), and now we have legalized recreational marijuana, however, from what I've read, that won't actually go into effect until 2018 as they have to sort out how it will be taxed, the general logistics, etc. It was on the ballot several years ago and for some reason did not pass, but this time around it went through.

In any case, Trump isn't welcome here and he knows it. He didn't really campaign here at all and Hillary won "bigly" here and I don't even think they've quite finished counting all the votes yet. Even if they have, I honestly don't know a single person that voted for Trump here (even some Republicans that I am friends with). The whole Wall with Mexico, as I've mentioned in previous posts, is also a big joke. I live  45 minutes or so from the boarder, and we all know that there are tunnels that can be used to transport people, drugs, guns, other contraband, etc. (there are fairly regular news stories about ICE or other law enforcement groups finding tunnels). There is also transport in fishing boats over the ocean. There is a lot of ocean and lot of coast line and the Coast Guard can't cover all of it. A Wall isn't going to stop things or people from crossing the boarder. It just goes to show you that Trump never really thought that one through at all. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? Also, the Cartels aren't stupid and they will likely continue to get whatever they want across - in either direction. They've been doing it for decades.

Most rational people knew that a physical wall stretching across the Southern border was nothing more than foolishness. It's a madman talking and people liked what they heard so they believed it.  It sounds like you have a lot of choices if things go bad here. Australia wouldn't be an option in my mind. England, maybe, but the Brexit may cost people since they're planning to pretty much screw middle class by raising taxes and that will create a lot of drama there. Everyone will be pissed off, but mostly at foreigners and middle class.

It will be interesting to see how President Trump deals with sanctuary cities such as S.F. and L.A. He's certainly not happy about it and if he plans to document every immigrant, the cities are going to do battle with him. One thing is for sure, there's a lot of retribution in Donald Trump's plans and he's not going to stop until he extracts his justice on all those that he felt did him wrong including every Republican that denounced him. I saw Hillary Clinton today speaking at some kind of thing. She looks horrible, defeated, down and shows every year of her age.

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10 hours ago, Padma said:

I'm revising some citizenship books (a boring task). My mind wandered to imagining W and Trump competing to answer the citizenship questions.  The easiest, of course, is "Who is President of the United States?"  I pictured both of them saying, "I am!" then arguing over it. (The humor, of course, is that they both would be wrong, since for 62 more days, it's Obama.)

I really wish at least one of the debate questions for Trump had been about the Constitution. I'm quite sure he knows next to nothing about it and would miss most of the questions that immigrants-becoming-citizens are expected to know. (It was pretty shocking when he talked about SC Justices "signing a bill", for example. I really wish they'd asked him about it--not stumpers, just things he should know, like "What do you know about the first amendment?" Or, from the test, "What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?" Or "What's the supreme law of the land?" or even "The legislative branch makes the laws. What does the president do?" etc.

I remember the senator asking him how he felt about Article 2 (the part that defines the job of the President). He bluffed his way through that, "I like Article 1, Article 2,... 12,... all of them." kind of like the way Sarah Palin answered the question about which newspapers she read.  (Too bad there are only 7 Articles. Oh well. Good try!)

And not that showing his ignorance of things he should know as president would matter to his cultists anyway. They probably would think it was just proof what a refreshing "outsider" he is, untainted by any actual, you know, knowledge of the job of president or the laws of the country. 

I definitely agree with you about the debate questions. I think he honestly hasn't read anything in the Constitution beyond the Second Amendment (even that was probably given to him in some sort of "Cliff Notes" form) since the NRA and its supporters played a fairly significant role in getting him elected.

He also clearly needs to go back and watch that little cartoon/musical clip that many of us saw on Sesame Street or in elementary school about how a bill becomes a law, what veto really is, etc. He literally needs to learn about government from the very first step - he has clearly never had a Civics class or anything of the sort and, since he hasn't held public office nor has he even had to deal with the bureaucracy or running a publically traded company (which has governmental entities and policies to follow and answer to) as opposed to a privately held one, which he has seen fit to abuse at every conceivable turn, he clearly has no concept of even running a publically held company and understanding the rules and regulations that go along with that, no understanding of how government works, definitely no clue that he actually works for the American people, etc. He is so grossly underqualified and unprepared and he's not surrounding himself with people who can help him as, in part, his ego likely will not allow it.

Also, this whole BS about him not taking a salary, he got that from Meg Whitman (founder of e-bay and current President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and Chairman of the Board of HP Inc.) and some other CEOs/Execs that have done similar things. Meg joined HP it split into two separate companies (they split just a little over a year ago now) and was President and CEO of the whole thing. She came in at a bit of a rough time for them, especially in light of what was going on with the economy at the time, though I think HP may have still been doing a little better than many others. In any case, from what I read, I understand she told the board she would take a salary of $1 per year. The rest of her pay would be variable based on how well the company performed. Meg was already a multi-millionaire (if not billionaire) at the time she took over HP. She didn't need the job, but she took it and helped turn some things around. Her variable pay was earned. I've heard her speak in person on more than one occasion, and she's quite charismatic, well spoken, educated, and seems to be a good leader. Everything Trump is not. This does not mean I agree with everything she says, but at least she appears to inspire confidence and can articulate her ideas and plans and justify them.

Imagine if Trump's salary were purely variable. We know he's cash poor and his claim of not taking a salary for being president is still not proven and may very well be BS, despite the fact that it isn't a ton a money. If his salary were variable, however, and directly linked to his performance and how much he worked to help improve the economy, bring back jobs, increase wages, lower taxes for the majority of the population (not the wealthy 1% or whatever it is), improve healthcare, increase our overall standard of living, etc., what would he do to try to accomplish those things? How would he really try to help out the majority of American citizens? It would be interesting to see how he would react if he were measured on a clear set of metrics, many of which go against what he has shown as his typical behavior, in order not just to collect a paycheck, but to remain in office. He wants to be a political outsider? Fine. Let's treat him like a CEO and start setting up the metrics.

Edited by Rapunzel
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4 hours ago, SoSueMe said:
4 hours ago, parisprincess said:

On a shallow note, Melania is always squinting, as if she left her glasses at home and is trying to read some far off sign. God, I'm going to miss that elegant, classy, intelligent, fun First Lady Michelle! 

I'm feeling equally shallow and wanted to pass along the theory that the squint is due to too much filler.

Correct. Also, an overly aggressive lower blepharoplasty. Probably several. 

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35 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Most rational people knew that a physical wall stretching across the Southern border was nothing more than foolishness. It's a madman talking and people liked what they heard so they believed it.  It sounds like you have a lot of choices if things go bad here. Australia wouldn't be an option in my mind. England, maybe, but the Brexit may cost people since they're planning to pretty much screw middle class by raising taxes and that will create a lot of drama there. Everyone will be pissed off, but mostly at foreigners and middle class.

It will be interesting to see how President Trump deals with sanctuary cities such as S.F. and L.A. He's certainly not happy about it and if he plans to document every immigrant, the cities are going to do battle with him. One thing is for sure, there's a lot of retribution in Donald Trump's plans and he's not going to stop until he extracts his justice on all those that he felt did him wrong including every Republican that denounced him. I saw Hillary Clinton today speaking at some kind of thing. She looks horrible, defeated, down and shows every year of her age.

Agree with your comments on the Wall. It's just so absurd - especially when, at one time, he claimed Mexico would pay for it. I so loved that the Mexican President came out and responded immediately to that Tweet from Trump and said that there was no way Mexico was paying for it. It's just sad that so many people still believe that Trump will actually build this Wall and can't see that, even if he does, it won't have any real effect other than being a huge waste of money.

Yes, the Brexit thing is a mess, however, since my husband is a Brit and I have dual citizenship and we kept our house over there (thankfully it is paid for -it was inherited), we're still affected by it anyway. We spend roughly half our time there, though with both of our travel schedules, we're really only home, at either place, a little over a week or so every month. The biggest exception is the holiday season, and we are spending Thanksgiving here in San Diego with my in-laws coming over from the UK and my family coming in from Minneapolis and we're both taking 2 weeks off so we can relax a bit.

For Christmas and New Year's, we'll be in Europe, mostly in the UK. My company shuts down for 2 weeks for Christmas and New Years in most countries, so it's always a nice break to look forward to (it's not a totally 'free' vacation, however. You have to use some of your own vacation days and, if you don't have enough left to cover them, you have to take those days without pay, despite being salaried. Taking the time off is mandatory.).

Why wouldn't Australia be an option for you? Just curious. After watching certain nature shows and hearing about certain snakes and funnel web spiders or whatever they are called, it makes me nervous every time I have to go there for business. I definitely have arachnophobia - that movie with John Goodman and Jeff Daniels used to scare me to death as a kid.

New Zealand is a place to keep in mind, however. Less issues with the spiders and whatnot and the people are lovely. Aussies are as well, of course. NZ is gorgeous as well and the cost of living is lower than in most parts of Australia.

Agree that Trump is the kind of person to go looking for vengeance. How he handles immigration everywhere and how high up it is on his agenda, will tell us a lot. I do worry about CA, especially Silicon Valley since so many of the most talented engineers at these major companies are from all over the world (these are the companies that created the devices and enable you to tweet,Trump, so keep that in mind before you start turning people away or deporting anyone). I am so proud to work so closely with these engineers and, as an attorney, I will go to the ends of the earth to protect them, their inventions and patents, manufacturing deals, sales contracts, etc. Innovation keeps technology, this country, and the world, moving. If we do things to harm it, including not allowing engineers from other countries in, that will just set America back and have a significant impact on our economy.

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53 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

We'll never know if he takes the salary because we'll never see the tax returns.

Trump actually did run a publicly held corporation, but like everything else he touches, it went to shit.

Heh, I just love these School House Rocks clips!




You have no idea how much I'm trying to restrain myself from posting those links on his Twitter page. They're adorable and I think he might even learn a thing or two from them.  Should I?

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Melania clearly has no real interest in being First Lady. And Trump has no real interest in doing this job, his priority has been his business interests since the election.

This whole thing is just such a joke.

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5 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

I so wish CA would secede - It would make things interesting. If we do secede HumblePi, I'll help draft your immigration paper work.  :-) 

Yes, CA does have the 6th largest economy in the world, as was mentioned earlier in this thread by another poster. We are, overall, very liberal, have Hollywood and the filmmakers and celebrities along with Silicon Valley, etc. Downsides, however, are that we do have a water issue and that the cost of living in most places is pretty high.

Also, if I'm not remembering wrong the awesome show "How the States Got Their Shapes" (I could, it's been a long time!), California is on the same electrical grid as the rest of the west. Texas has its own, so they could be independant on that front but California would have to rent the use of the grid to the US and I doubt Trump would give it away for free if there is a secession! 
California being its own country would be fun to see though and would definitely be a proof that we are in the wrong timeline or something. A part of me still want to blame Barry Allen for all this election mess!

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10 hours ago, windsprints said:

None of those places are even remotely as densely populated as 5th Avenue in NYC.

How much security will be provided in NY for Barron and Melania?  What will it cost? Will the Secret Service be present at Barron's school? How much additional security will be there and how will that impact other children, teachers & parents bringing/picking up their kids at school? Will the street the school is on remain fully opened?  It not just a matter of they  will stay home while Daddy is off at work in DC.  Everything they do now is far more  complicated than it was a week ago.

The Secret Service will have to accompany Barron to school, yes. And everywhere else he goes until Trump's term ends.

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:


Get a load of this.  I posted two of those videos on four of his recent tweets and within five minutes, they were removed.  I'm waiting for the FBI to come knocking on my door. So suddenly now that he's President elect he gets to control all the responses to his own tweets. He wasn't able to remove my tweets before, now he has the POWER!  Screw them too. I'm going to blame you for making me doing it.  LOL!!

Edited by HumblePi
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