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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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4 minutes ago, lordonia said:
  3 hours ago, kassa said:

On a lighter, less apocalyptic note... exactly who is going to show up/perform at the inauguration and other events? Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Nugent, Blake Shelton, Chachi, Wayne Newton, the Duck Dynasty guys, and Mike Tyson?

As for Romney, I'm not surprised. Party over country, power and money over integrity. Always. 

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4 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Tort reform would have a negligible impact on health care costs.

Tort reform is also bullshit. I don't feel like linking out because I'm lazy and listening to Doug Stanhope's podcast, but for anyone who's ever seen the documentary Hot Coffee, the truth about it is laid bare within.  

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I know a lot of people view (sane) Republicans joining Trump's staff/Cabinet as selling out, but I view them as possibly the greatest patriots on Earth. They know what a goddamn lunatic he is, but for the good of the nation, they are aligning themselves with him to try and influence legislation. This is what I choose to believe to make myself feel okay about it :-P

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1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

Did you see the video of the guy in Starbucks? He seems to have decided his order was taking too long, then started ranting, blamed it on discrimination against him as a white person and yelled that he'd voted for Trump. Make of that what you will...

Man who yelled ‘Trump!’ in viral Starbucks video: ‘I had a bad day’

You can give him a jingle, lol.

So, I think Stephanie Miller may have almost matched Coral Caligula with Mango Mussolini.  ;)

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3 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I am off now to find out more about this Trump Towers 5th Avenue problem. Other presidents have worked out going home and on vacations, I am sure New York will work it all out. If for no other reason than to not let Florida one up it when it Florida has a smooth transition for Trumps visits. 

I think NY will work it out too, but considering NY largely did not vote for him, I don't think NY will care if Florida bests them at making things smoother for Trump. 

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15 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

It's not only the GOP showing their asses, tbh.  Dems are lining up to work with Orange Hitler as well.  Tim Ryan, the Dem from OH running against Pelosi, said on Chris Matthews yesterday (basically repeating Trump's line) that working class people in the rust belt shouldn't have to go through job re-training; old economy jobs need to be brought back.   There's a lot of ballsack fondling going on right now, and it sickens me.

Did Tim Ryan remove his mouth from Coral Caligula's back side long enough to suggest that if the "administration" wants to bring jobs back to the U.S., it could actually start with Coral Caligula's companies?

And, yes--people should have to go through job retraining even if those jobs magically return.  After all, the technology has changed quite a bit and trying to pretend otherwise isn't doing Ryan's constituents any favors.  That's how people stay competitive.  But, yes--you keep right on massaging Coral Caligua's miniature bullocks, bruh!

Oh, and it's not just enough to bring the jobs back, but how about not demonizing unions and being willing to pay workers a living wage?   No one wants to get a job and then receive literature from the company on how to apply for public assistance to supplement the income the large multinational company is paying them.

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2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Also, I cannot wait to see how New York reacts if they have to regularly deal with the busiest shopping street in the world being closed off because the orange tosspiece wants to play with his teddies and snuggle in his blankie at night, instead of sleeping in the big, scary White House, where real men have slept.... I'm just really annoyed at this whole thing today.

Wonder what mental gymnastics he'll do to try to say New York's economy being hurt by that isn't his fault.

1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Yes. He is a complete and total idiot. We may as well have pulled in a random dude off the street who's never worked a day in his life and been like, hey you wanna be the president? That's what we're doing right now.

I think the average person off the street after getting elected would say "Holy shit, I have no clue what I'm doing.  I really need some help here, President Obama I'll take your offer to help."

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1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

So ... now Mitt Romney is scheduled to meet with Orange Julius this weekend. There is talk of Romney being considered for Secretary of State.

If I had known selling your soul was such a booming market I'd have hocked mine long ago.

On the one hand, I understand the theory that we don't want to tacitly endorse the "normalizing" of Trump.  On the other hand JFC, there are real world stakes here and a part of me feels relieved that actual adults are in the mix.  I don't agree with a lot of Romney's policies, but he has been pretty steadfast in his denouncing of Trump and I'm pretty sure that I would rather have him dealing with foreign powers than say, Sarah Palin, one of the Duck Dynasty guys or Chachi.

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I never thought I'd find Mitt Romney to be the best prospect but given the names being tossed about I'd rather it be him. He's already publicly stood up against Trump so I think he is someone who wouldn't be a total yes man. At this point he denouncing Trump again doesn't add much because he's already had his say. There needs to be someone in the mix that has some idea what of what to do and some concept of foreign powers as Trump has zero.

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2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

She should have said all this shit before the election. She's just as culpable as the rest of the media who gave Trump an easy ride. Even more so, if she actually went through this and said nothing.

I'm sick of these spineless, weak-willed cowards who just won't stand up to this guy because he has a load of dickwad supporters who'll spew filth on social media. Either you have principles or you don't. And if you don't you shouldn't go around trying to criticise anyone else. Right now people can just dismiss everything she says as sensationalist exaggerations designed to sell a book that will make her money.

Also, I cannot wait to see how New York reacts if they have to regularly deal with the busiest shopping street in the world being closed off because the orange tosspiece wants to play with his teddies and snuggle in his blankie at night, instead of sleeping in the big, scary White House, where real men have slept.... I'm just really annoyed at this whole thing today.


1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

He's going on a "victory tour" to swing states he won. Gross. Way to unite the country, dude. He's totally gonna do the Hitler thing of having rallies as president because all he likes are the crowds.

Who else thinks he's going to get protested like crazy on this "tour"?

On a somewhat related note (i.e. comparing him to awful dictators), I saw that one of his various mouthpieces keeps saying that "Donald Trump won by a larger margin than anyone since Ronald Reagan."  This statement is not true on either a popular vote or electoral vote basis (where he's 8th and 6th, respectively, out of 8 elections).  How Kim Jong Un can they be, getting all braggy about something that literally didn't happen?  It is so going to suck when we're all issued our mandatory wall portraits of Glorious Leader to be prominently displayed in our homes.  

1 hour ago, Danny Franks said:

While I find this slight of May and, by extension, her entire shitty government hilarious, it's pretty scary to think that this man is so utterly incompetent. Does he think world leaders can just drop in on a country unannounced? Does he think he can do that? Does he honestly have so little idea of international diplomacy that he can say idiotic stuff like this?

It's definitely both hilarious and scary.  As POTUS, you don't tell another world leader "hey, if you're ever in the area, give me a call.  I know a great hotel you can stay in."  

1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Yes. He is a complete and total idiot. We may as well have pulled in a random dude off the street who's never worked a day in his life and been like, hey you wanna be the president? That's what we're doing right now.

I compared his campaign (and people voting for him) a while ago to a sports team - sure, we all have ideas about what our favorite team needs to do better.  I'm a Bears fan, so there's plenty of "shit they could do better" to list.  That doesn't mean the team should hire some loudmouth fan off of Twitter who has no background in sports, no knowledge of things like the collective bargaining agreement, roster management, scouting, how to allocate money for various player contracts to stay under salary caps, what you need to assemble a proper training staff, and training facilities, league rules, etc, and make him GM, just because a bunch of other sports fans on Twitter like his posts ranting about all the things wrong with the team.  That's what we just did, except, you know, for our whole country.  

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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Nugent, Blake Shelton, Chachi, Wayne Newton, the Duck Dynasty guys, and Mike Tyson?

As for Romney, I'm not surprised. Party over country, power and money over integrity. Always. 

Ooh ooh I just read this morning that Duck Dynasty was cancelled .  I guess that must mean their cabinet post is going to be announced soon . 

2 minutes ago, lyric said:

I want to kiss that man on the lips and marry him and then I will be an Irish citizen.

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You know what really gets me?  I can't believe the naivete of people who really believe Trump is going to bring all those jobs back from Mexico.  The new plant being built in Mexico by Ford will cost $1.6 billion dollars.  To write that out the long way $1,600,000,000.  Source

That's just one plant, for one business.

How could anyone believe that American companies will shut down state of the art plants that they spent billions of dollars on, just to either remodel or build new plants in the U.S. that will cost double or triple those billions of dollars?  Those plants are there to stay.  It would make better business sense to pay the damn tariffs.  The plants couldn't afford to move back.  They'd go out of business.  How's that good for the American economy?

Why doesn't anybody call Trump on this?  I know. He filed a bankruptcy for almost a billion dollars.  The American economy wouldn't tank because of failed casinos.  The American economy would tank if all the businesses that have plants in Mexico were forced to pay punitive tariffs.

I don't have a business degree, and I can see the problems with the bring them back approach.

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13 minutes ago, lyric said:

Some folks may not like to click links. .This is worth a listen


13 minutes ago, callmebetty said:


I want to kiss that man on the lips and marry him and then I will be an Irish citizen.



Finally someone speaking out who has some nads.

Edited by ari333
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If I needed more reason to be concerned...

today, NPR featured an interview with the leader of the alt-right (can't recall his name, don't want to google it).


Let that sink in a bit.

They did preface it by saying that many listeners may find it highly offensive, racist, and disturbing, but because of the connections that now exist btw our POTUS and this group, they felt it was necessary for people to hear it.

You can go here to hear the clip: http://www.npr.org/2016/11/17/502476139/were-not-going-away-alt-right-leader-on-voice-in-trump-administration

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The interview I heard on my home from work today with white nationalist Richard Spencer on what he wants from a Trump administration.  Shudder. 


ETA: Cross-posted. "Interesting" view on the dangers of legal immigration.

Edited by moonb
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I tried searching for a comprehensive list of companies that have built factories in Mexico, and didn't have much luck.  I did find a list from CNN about how many American companies have outsourced jobs to another country.

The list is mind boggling, and I don't know how up to date it is.

Sure, Donald, you're going to bring all those jobs back to America.  There are 78 companies just in the A section.  I wasn't going to count the rest of the alphabet.  I'm not that much of a glutton for punishment.

Edited by mustbekarma
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2 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

If I needed more reason to be concerned...

today, NPR featured an interview with the leader of the alt-right (can't recall his name, don't want to google it).


Let that sink in a bit.

They did preface it by saying that many listeners may find it highly offensive, racist, and disturbing, but because of the connections that now exist btw our POTUS and this group, they felt it was necessary for people to hear it.

You can go here to hear the clip: http://www.npr.org/2016/11/17/502476139/were-not-going-away-alt-right-leader-on-voice-in-trump-administration

What was the gist of the link? TIA (cant open it)

1 minute ago, moonb said:

The interview I heard on my home from work today with white nationalist Richard Spencer on what he wants from a Trump administration.  Shudder. 


ETA: Cross-posted. "Interesting" view on the dangers of legal immigration.

Yikes guys. can you give me a summary? TIA. (cant open some links) Sorry I'm a pain for asking.

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@ari333: the brief version is that this guy wants to create a "safe" European state because in his opinion they've had the most influence in creating the US, and European-descended people have had a "difficult century." The NPR reporter quizzed him on hate speech, including swastikas, and he maintains that he doesn't want to interfere with anyone expressing themselves.  He also, incidentally, wants to limit even legal immigration except from Europe because he thinks it creates the divisive society we live in now. 


ETA: I'm betting this guy hasn't thought about the immigration act of 1924, which codified a whole hierarchy of European immigrants -north vs south - based on whether they were "white enough." Incredibly simplified, but....just, words fail me.

Edited by moonb
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4 minutes ago, moonb said:

@ari333: the brief version is that this guy wants to create a "safe" European state because in his opinion they've had the most influence in creating the US, and European-descended people have had a "difficult century." The NPR reporter quizzed him on hate speech, including swastikas, and he maintains that he doesn't want to interfere with anyone expressing themselves.  He also, incidentally, wants to limit even legal immigration except from Europe because it creates the divisive society we live in now. 

Thanks. Apreesh!


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OK, I'll say it.

If Romney takes that position (mentioned above) I could see it as a semi sane person taking the position OR..... I could see it as a person who is joining rump's team and therefore see it as approval of rump's ideas and plans. Im torn.

 There needs  to be masses of people and politicians joined together to stop rump. Not just one loner here and there. Although I applaud the loners so far who have spoken out

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10 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Malia and Sasha attend the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., the same school that Chelsea Clinton, Tricia Nixon Cox, and Archibald Roosevelt attended and that the grandchildren of Vice President Joe Biden attend. The Obama girls began classes there on January 5, 2009.

Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Described as "the Harvard of Washington's private schools", the school has educated children of notable politicians, including those of several presidents. Both of United States President Barack Obama's daughters, Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden's grandchildren attend the school. President Theodore Roosevelt's son Archibald, Richard Nixon's daughter Tricia, Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea Clinton, and Vice President Al Gore's son, Albert Gore III, graduated from Sidwell Friends.

If Barron Trump is sent to this school, he will be with peers. I had mentioned in a previous thread that Barron appears to be withdrawn and almost appears to have some sort of social dysfunction and maybe even something in the autism spectrum. But, he's 10 years old and in that awkward stage. He's a tall boy for his age so it appears that he's going to tower over his father in a few years.

Small point: Sasha Obama is the only Obama daughter currently attending Sidwell Friends School; I believe she's a Sophomore. Malia Obama graduated from Sidwell Friends in May, & is taking a "gap year" off--as British students do, including at least the younger members of the Royal family (like the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge & Prince Harry)--before entering Yale (I think it is) next Fall.

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6 minutes ago, ari333 said:

OK, I'll say it.

If Romney takes that position (mentioned above) I could see it as a semi sane person taking the position OR..... I could see it as a person who is joining rump's team and therefore see it as approval of rump's ideas and plans. Im torn.

 There needs  to be masses of people and politicians joined together to stop rump. Not just one loner here and there. Although I applaud the loners so far who have spoken out

I just saw a former Bernie guy on CNN, can't remember his name, but he made a very good point about how the media and former 'enemies' are now "normalizing" Trump by even dignifying the simplistic things he has said as being realistic or plausible. I am floored by the hypocrisy of people like Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney. I am waiting with bated breath for someone that Trump has screwed over in this campaign to grow a pair and call him out. Come on, Chris Christie or Mike Rogers. Someone please. This is like the worst version of The Emperor's New Clothes that I've ever known. 

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On 11/17/2016 at 6:54 PM, lyric said:

Bravo, sir. Although to be fair, the illegal Irish are white, so they'll be very low on the radar of deportation.

The way I see it, we're facing multiple threats for the perfect storm:

1) The raping and looting of the American taxpayer by Trump and his family.

2) The dismantling of social programs by Lyin' Paul Ryan and his ilk, with their "I got mine, fuck you" mentality.

3) The destruction of the environment in the guise of "deregulation."

3) The gutting of civil liberties and protections afforded minorities and the enactment of biblical laws by Dominionists like Pence the Putrid in their crusade to create an American theocracy -- the Christian States of America.

Edited by SmithW6079
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7 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:

I just saw a former Bernie guy on CNN, can't remember his name, but he made a very good point about how the media and former 'enemies' are now "normalizing" Trump by even dignifying the simplistic things he has said as being realistic or plausible. I am floored by the hypocrisy of people like Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney. I am waiting with bated breath for someone that Trump has screwed over in this campaign to grow a pair and call him out. Come on, Chris Christie or Mike Rogers. Someone please. This is like the worst version of The Emperor's New Clothes that I've ever known. 

I agree. I may be grabbing at straws, but I cant see how anyone can take a position with rump and not be giving tacit approval of his antics and hate speech. I think rump needs to be taken down by folks outside of his inner circle not within, but maybe Im missing something in the strategy. I'm open to being corrected on this notion.

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2 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Tim Ryan, the Dem from OH running against Pelosi, said on Chris Matthews yesterday (basically repeating Trump's line) that working class people in the rust belt shouldn't have to go through job re-training; old economy jobs need to be brought back.  

LOL. Yes, good point. It's far too difficult for a working class person in the rust belt to be trained for a new job. Much easier to reverse the space time continuum and set the clock back to before all these plants were moved. Also, what use could new skills be to a worker?


2 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

5. Reports like the one above are starting to begin with the words The Trump Effect. And just to push it over the edge I read several weeks before the election that Trumpism became a real word in the dictionary. 

It really probably shouldn't be. I just mean he's part of a wave that was already sweeping across Europe and it's probably not a good idea for people in the US to think it's just a US thing.

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1 hour ago, moonb said:

@ari333: the brief version is that this guy wants to create a "safe" European state because in his opinion they've had the most influence in creating the US, and European-descended people have had a "difficult century." The NPR reporter quizzed him on hate speech, including swastikas, and he maintains that he doesn't want to interfere with anyone expressing themselves.  He also, incidentally, wants to limit even legal immigration except from Europe because he thinks it creates the divisive society we live in now. 


ETA: I'm betting this guy hasn't thought about the immigration act of 1924, which codified a whole hierarchy of European immigrants -north vs south - based on whether they were "white enough." Incredibly simplified, but....just, words fail me.

FFS, limiting legal immigration except from Europe is just stupid and counterproductive. Case in point: I work for a very, very large bank that is required, like all large U.S. banks are, to submit documentation every year to the feds projecting how much money we might lose if the economy stays as is, or takes a downturn, or goes seriously to hell. This requires building financial models, which means you need people with advanced degrees in math and stats. In addition to the financial models my area builds, every other part of the bank does the same thing both to calculate regular risks but also specific risks. So, if they are thinking about offering a credit card with X% interest rate, the numbers people have to calculate what happens if people default on their card payments, etc. In my area, we have 8 math/stats people with advanced degrees. Only one of them is a U.S. native. The rest are from Asia and the Mideast. From what I have seen of the other teams throughout the bank, it's the same situation. We can't find enough U.S. natives with the necessary qualifications because students here don't want to fuck with taking STEM courses, much less do graduate work in  those fields. 

The "divisive" society is not created by immigrants but by people who discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, etc.



LOL. Yes, good point. It's far too difficult for a working class person in the rust belt to be trained for a new job. Much easier to reverse the space time continuum and set the clock back to before all these plants were moved. Also, what use could new skills be to a worker?

I have minimal sympathy for rust belt workers who fail to recognize that their old jobs are gone for good. It's been pointed out numerous times that the majority of lost jobs aren't due to outsourcing, but to the use of robots, etc. And this is nothing new. 100 years or so ago, people who made their living building horse-drawn buggies and so forth had to find new jobs when the preferred mode of travel became automobiles. The workers whose jobs are gone need to get training for something else instead of crying into their beer about the "good old days," because those jobs aren't coming back. I'm all for providing training for them, but many of them need a reality check. Nor will it help to impose high tariffs on goods that are manufactured elsewhere, because all that will happen is higher prices for the middle class to pay for stuff, and lower sales for items that the U.S. exports, because if we impose high tariffs on country X, you can bet that country X will respond by imposing high tariffs on us.

Edited by BookWoman56
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43 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

4. Apple is considering moving back to the US. 

They most certainly are not


One of those famed promises of Donald Trump’s is that his policies, now that he’s President-elect, will make Apple bring back their iPhone manufacturing to America. Ever so slightly an odd claim given that they never have been domestically manufactured so “back” isn’t really possible. Further, as one of my colleagues points out, it’s not really true that if tariffs are placed upon Chinese imports then the production will relocate to the U.S. Could well go somewhere even cheaper. There’s also the problem that the U.S. almost certainly doesn’t have the hinterland to be able to produce in such volumes.

But the real problem here is an economic one. There’s absolutely no reason at all why we’d even want Apple to bring back the “making” of iPhones from anywhere. For all the expensive and really productive parts are already made in the U.S., with a little bit going to Japan. China has just the assembly–and that’s such a trivial part of the process that it’s simply not something worth worrying about at all.

Another way to put this is that economics is about value creation and that “manufacturing” of an iPhone creates so little value that where it’s done is a matter of absolutely no interest whatsoever.

I Googled "Apple returning to the US." The only sites claiming this as something that's happening are Fox News and some other right-wing site. There is nothing in the press that's in the business of reporting the facts to indicate that that will happen. No more than Ford will return here or that Carrier will return here. They're not. 

The one thing that is slightly true, but was reported back in September, was that Apple could bring back the billions of dollars they're (legally) concealing overseas. No jobs are coming with it. 


Found another story


The report says sources in the Apple supply chain believe Trump will push Apple to make some percentage of iPhones in the United States. Whatever the reality, it makes sense for Apple to explore domestic iPhone production and be necessarily prepared for any eventuality.

The report does not say that Apple, Foxconn or Pegatron have any current plans to begin US manufacturing. Whilst Foxconn is conducting the research, it is also not known what will the ruling will be on its practicality. The report notes that Foxconn’s chairman is not very enthusiastic about the idea of moving Apple’s manufacturing line away from China.

From Apple’s perspective, it seems unlikely that the company would move iPhone production to America without a financial reason to do so. If the Trump administration decides to heavily tax company imports, it may end up being cheaper for Apple to manufacture in the US and absorb the higher production costs.

We'll see.

Edited by Guest
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16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I can't be the only one who thinks that these meetings with guys like Romney and Cruz are not going to lead to any appointments, but are, instead, his way of sticking it to those who opposed him?  I could so easily see him getting them to come to him, thinking they'll get a role in his administration, making them kiss the ring, apologize for ever opposing him, etc, then he'll pick someone else for the job without even calling these guys to let them know they were passed over.  Finally, he'll tweet something about how "Lyin' Ted came and begged me for a job in my administration after all the terrible things he said about me during the campaign. Sad."  

Honestly, the rational part of me thinks this is utterly ridiculous....as in, no way a President-elect expends political capital in that way.  Then, I remember we're in post-truth Trumpland.  Rationality from this gaggle of idiots cannot be assumed.

Edited by Duke Silver
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I don't understand how the Trump team thinks his son in law could be part of his staff.  There's the anti-nepotism law, commonly referred to as the Bobby Kennedy law.  And he can't work for free, because there are laws about not being able to volunteer.  During a federal government shutdown, it's why federal employees can't come to work regardless of being furloughed - it is illegal.  Do they somehow believe that these laws don't apply to them?  I know, silly question.  Rules are for other people, right? 

It's very common to throw a sop to various factions of your party by giving a courtesy interview to their people.  However, I could see Trump doing this just so he can publicly humiliate Romney, Cruz, etc.  But perhaps he's thinking of Pres. Obama offering State to Hilary Clinton, and wanting to mirror that.  I also think someone in Trump Tower must be realizing that the Cabinet posts require confirmation in the Senate and maybe picking some people that the Senate will quickly confirm out of sheer gratitude that they are not openly racist or have major ethical baggage would be a smart move. 

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Thanks @stewedsquash. I think the big hang up is still the bottom line as pointed out in that article (and I think the other one I posted): 


"Making iPhones in the U.S. means the cost will more than double," the source said.

Not gonna happen. 

Additionally, it doesn't take skilled labor to put together those phones. In China, children do it. Those jobs would be as lucrative to the American worker as working at Burger King. 

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So Orange Hitler sends this tweet out that gives the impression that he brokered some kind of deal to prevent Ford from moving a plant to Mexico.  It couldn't be further from the truth.  Ford was never moving this plant to Mexico per two different reporters/commentators on MSNBC.  He's trying to take credit for stopping something that was never going to happen.  What a buffoon...

Edited by Duke Silver
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Trump's America - on video, an "I voted for Trump" asshole having a meltdown.  


If DJT's team isn't making him aware of these incidents (its not like there's 2, its all over) then they have failed. If they have made him aware and he's still not addressing it then the fail is 100% on him. He should be addressing his supporters with more than a "stop it". The longer he says nothing the more clear it is that he does not give a shit if the country is completely divided.

Edited by windsprints
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The guy who vandalized Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has finally been charged, with Felony Vandalism. If convicted, he faces a 3-year sentence or $10,000 fine.


As I'm pretty sure everyone knows, the Secret Service will never let the immediate members of the Trump family (the new POTUS, FLOTUS, & their underaged spawn) live full-time anywhere but the White House (unless it's somehow deemed uninhabitable sometime before January 20th). During the last season of The West Wing, the Santos family (the incoming First Family after the Bartlets) also proposed many different permutations of living arrangements for at least part of Santos' 1st term, including the "FLOTUS & the kid(s) live in the current family home, at least until the end of the school year" version. Then it was pointed out to them/they came to realize that anything but everybody moving into the White House on January 20th would put all their neighbors in the most protected, but also the most restricted, neighborhood in the country & it would be beyond unfair to the neighbors. Given how the fictional Secret Service felt, I'm sure the real life version feels this way even more, & hopefully they're making the Trumps see the light: They have basically no other choice but for Donald, Melania, & Barron--at the least, plus any family pet(s)--to move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2017. Any other living arrangements would cause a great imposition on their neighbors & the Secret Service agents assigned to their protection details.

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Yeah, I don't get the impression that living in TT was ever anything other than something DT said he wanted because he's literally never thought of what being president would mean in a practical sense. So naturally he's focused on it interfering with his life as little as possible.

22 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

So Orange Hitler sends this tweet out that gives the impression that he brokered some kind of deal to prevent Ford from moving a plant to Mexico.  It couldn't be further fro the truth.  Ford was never moving this plant to Mexico per two different reporters/commentators on MSNBC.  He's trying to take credit for something that was never going to happen.  What a buffoon...

And of course it'll work. As of now there are probably thousands saying extra gratitude prayers for Trump already fixing things.

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16 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

Any other living arrangements would cause a great imposition on their neighbors & the Secret Service agents assigned to their protection details.

Like Trump would care. He's the best neighbor and will have the best secured apartment building in downtown Manhattan that ever existed. Trust him.

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 Also she stated that she and Trump had a tumultuous few months, then met before her special. She said he immediately let it go, she in turned let it go and now as prized as she thinks she is off of Fox. Her special was not a hit, her book isn't doing as greatt

Sorry for the poor formatting, but when I try to type or read in this politics forums (only) the screen begins to roll down quickly--impossible to read or post normally.

I'm not usually a big Megyn Kelly fan, but she did very well in this election year.  I just read her book and her story about Trump is devastating, imo. He is not only a bully, but a lunatic--he was tipped off about her debate question in advance--called Fox producers (probably Ailes as well) called Kelly three times, threatened to hurt her with my "beautiful twitter account" and did everything he could to stop her from asking the question.

She did anyway, and we saw what happened. (And, no, they are not "besties", though Ailes got him to stop harassing her and she gave that softball interview--then went back to doing her work on her show.)  He has not yet attacked her for her book, which is strange. He will hate what she wrote--and there is some suggestion that she might have been poisoned prior to the debate (or maybe stomach flu but you can see she has her doubts. He certainly is capable of that, which is scary.   When she was gtting death threats from his followers, the FOX execs called Trump's lawyers and tried to explain to them that her life was being threatened. They didn't seem to care, so they finally told them that it wouldn't look good for Trump if she were killed--that seemed to make some headway with them.

She wrote that if people had known ahead of time what he is like he probably wouldn't be president.

I don't think we're ever had a president this scary on so many levels--not Johnson, even at his nuttiest and with Hoover's help, not Nixon during his vendetta on his "enemies". 

Oh, and her book is actually doing very well--#1 on Amazon in several categories.  The LA Times wrote about the 1 star reviews yesterday (it is CLEARLY not a 1 star book--3 -5 stars, depending on what someone is looking for.) Many are from people who've never read and reviewed any product on Amazon before and clearly didn't read the book either--they just are down-scoring it on behalf of Trump.

The top review yesterday had over 1,000 "helpful" votes and more than 1000 "unhelpful" votes--in one day, which is unheard of unless you're flushing out trolls with  something very controversial.


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She wrote that if people had known ahead of time what he is like he probably wouldn't be president.

But we DID know! And yet...

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13 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

But we DID know! And yet...

And she chose to release her book after the election, so, whatever to her.  What he did to her was awful.  She didn't let that stop the timing of her book's release.  I hope she & her family can fade away into the background from Orange Hitler's gaze.  He has bigger fish to fry anyway.

Edited by Duke Silver
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5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I know a lot of people view (sane) Republicans joining Trump's staff/Cabinet as selling out, but I view them as possibly the greatest patriots on Earth. They know what a goddamn lunatic he is, but for the good of the nation, they are aligning themselves with him to try and influence legislation. This is what I choose to believe to make myself feel okay about it :-P

That's what I'm going with.

I have a feeling that a bill could be presented that was agreed to by every.single.member of the House and the Senate and Trump would find a way to fuck it up with some unrelated addendum that he had no right to insist on, instead of just signing it.

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