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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

On a happier note, thank you for Harry Reid's letter: https://mobile.twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/792846527811186689?p=v


I am glad NBC is getting the letter out there.  Let's hope it becomes the next "thing that everyone is talking about" unless, of course, Access Hollywood has another tape lying around. 

There were a few comments/tweets when I checked the page linked above - all of them see  to be from the Anti-Hillary camp, including this gem 



@NBCNightlyNews @SenatorReid @FBI Ridiculous. Comey went outofhis way 2attempt to clearthings 4the election - he appears to act w/integrity


Wonder if he'd think Comey acted with integrity  if he went "outofhis" way "2attempt" to "clearthings" "4the" election if it was telling everyone they were investigating Trump for his involvement with the Russian hackers.

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6 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

I am glad NBC is getting the letter out there.  Let's hope it becomes the next "thing that everyone is talking about" unless, of course, Access Hollywood has another tape lying around. 

There were a few comments/tweets when I checked the page linked above - all of them see  to be from the Anti-Hillary camp, including this gem 

Wonder if he'd think Comey acted with integrity  if he went "outofhis" way "2attempt" to "clearthings" "4the" election if it was telling everyone they were investigating Trump for his involvement with the Russian hackers.

People REALLY need to read up on The Hatch Act. Already elsewhere on this board I've seen total dismissals of it as some kind of "tool" of Evil Crooked Hillary" despite it being a 70+ year old law, which has been repeatedly upheld in every challenge in The Supreme Court, which in turn was based on an older existing Executive Order from no less a personage than some hack with no credentials named President Thomas Jefferson.

It's a complex law in it's current form in many ways primarily to establish specific activities which are allowed or disallowed. But there's an overriding guideline for anything else which is not mentioned specifically: that non-elected Federal Employees (this includes Military by the way, which is why the law may sound familiar to a lot of ex-soldiers) "may not use their official authority or influence to interfere with an election".

How clear is this?  Like glass. Like crystal. Like clean water. 

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If after all the chants at the various Trump rallies about locking Hillary up, it ends up that Trump is the one who goes to jail for working with Russia, etc., that will be some sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

Aside from that and his other activities that at worst are criminal and at best are highly unethical, the man is a fucking moron. And what's more, he is someone who takes pride in being willfully ignorant. I still cannot understand why he is being touted as a hero for the common worker. In what alternate reality? His only concern is getting not just his share but the entire pie. His view of the common worker is that those are the schmucks who can do the grunt work for him, only for him to turn around and not pay them the agreed-upon price. A guy who has spent his life fucking over people is not going to get elected and suddenly stop fucking over people; instead, he's just going to do it on a larger scale.  

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Just now, BookWoman56 said:

If after all the chants at the various Trump rallies about locking Hillary up, it ends up that Trump is the one who goes to jail for working with Russia, etc., that will be some sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

It WOULD be. 

But it won't happen. It's been indirect, and as dumb as Trump seems and without discretion on most things, he's also paranoid enough to guard his ass on something like this. He may for example have never had discussions with Putin, but is hiding behind intermediaries who have. It won't be easy to prove unless YOOOGE mistakes were made.

That said, he's going to lose the Trump U. class action suit. Not a criminal affair, of course, but it's a start because it will cost him BIG. 

I'd be surprised in the short term if he suffered any big gotchas on any cases about his predatory sexual nature. I think those cases will linger for years and won't be resolved any time soon.

What I'd like to see is charges in the Pan Bondi bribery situation (on both sides, against both Bondi AND Trump). Likely won't happen. What a shame. It's as much as 15 years in jail in the State of Florida. And there's apparently similar suspicions about Texas. 

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41 minutes ago, Kromm said:

He is a shitty orange slimeball, but he WAS careful with his language for once...

"They'll void your old ballot" Actually came out of his mouth.

No, I think you were right the first time. What I read, he was telling them to vote by mail (all Coloradans get mail-in ballots). But since you can't trust they'll be counted, you should ALSO go to the poll and vote in person.  Then he added the nonsensical part about "they'll void your ballot".

Which they would--IF they brought it in in person. But they can't. Because they've already mailed it, per Trump.

I hope--believe--that the vast majority of Americans would feel bad to vote twice (not to mention, be guilty of a crime, like the Trump supporter arrested for double-voting the other day). And I hope they're not so stupid that they think they "need to vote twice to be sure its even counted once". 

He's truly the most despicable American I've ever seen. C'mon Republicans! Step the Hell up and REPUDIATE this monster!  It's not too late!

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58 minutes ago, Padma said:

No, I think you were right the first time. What I read, he was telling them to vote by mail (all Coloradans get mail-in ballots). But since you can't trust they'll be counted, you should ALSO go to the poll and vote in person.  Then he added the nonsensical part about "they'll void your ballot".

Which they would--IF they brought it in in person. But they can't. Because they've already mailed it, per Trump.

I hope--believe--that the vast majority of Americans would feel bad to vote twice (not to mention, be guilty of a crime, like the Trump supporter arrested for double-voting the other day). And I hope they're not so stupid that they think they "need to vote twice to be sure its even counted once". 

He's truly the most despicable American I've ever seen. C'mon Republicans! Step the Hell up and REPUDIATE this monster!  It's not too late!

In Southern CA, where I live, you can register to be a permanent mail in voter, which I am. I mailed in my ballot over a week ago now, and if I were to try to go to vote in person at a polling place, I would be unable to. They would ask for a voter registration card, which I do not have as my ballot is mailed to me (they don't send cards to mail in voters), and they would also see in their records that I was listed as a permanent mail in voter anyway.

There are safeguards in place, at least where I live. I mentioned in a post several days ago that, on just one occasion, I did not receive my mail in ballot. This was for a mid-term election and not a Presidential Election, however I was still concerned. They send out a notice at least a month in advance with detailed information on the various props and measures along with a letter stating the time period you should expect to receive your official mail in ballot. They state clearly in the paperwork that if you do not receive it by a certain date, to call the voting office (they provide the number) to inform them. I did just that and they sent me a letter that I had to sign which very clearly stated that, under penalty of law, I swore that I did not receive my initial ballot, I was not voting twice, I was not committing voter fraud, etc. They also sent me a replacement ballot, and it was marked stating that it was a replacement to help remind them to check that I hadn't already sent something else in. As an attorney, the paper that I had to sign was pretty thorough and made the penalties very clear. Of course I signed it and then completed my actual ballot. I'm glad they send out the advance notice as otherwise many people may not even notice that they did not receive their ballots by mail in time.

Even when you get your actual mail in ballot, there are detailed instructions, they tell you how much postage it typically takes to return (though the return address is the voting office anyway, not your own), but I bring it in to the Post Office and have it weighed and sent anyway just in case, and they also include what date you should mail it in by to ensure it makes it in time to be counted.

Honestly, the most complicated thing about the process for me this year was just reading through the various props and measures and deciding how to vote on those. There were a decent amount of them, though I've seen a lot more in previous cycles.

My vote for President was an absolute no brainer, of course. There is no way Trump will win CA and I don't even think he's made an appearance anywhere in this state - at least not since he won the nomination and maybe not even before then. I do travel a lot for business, however, and since I have dual citizenship, we spend about half of our time living abroad, so maybe I missed something.  It's odd though that, as blue as CA is, we will, on occasion, elect a Rep Governor (apparently especially if they happen to be former actors - Arnold was elected and out of office before I ever lived here and Regan was before I was born, so I didn't have anything to do with either one), but when it comes to Presidents, it seems we're always blue.

Hillary just has to win this thing. They need to get Harry Reid's letter out there and they need to start investigating both Comey and Puffy Cheeto for various crimes, including election fraud and even treason given Trump's relationship with Putin and using him (most likely with the help of Assange) to rig an election. That cannot be ignored anymore. The Press should be mentioning this far more often and questioning his integrity and his fitness to be President far more than they are now.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 minute ago, Rapunzel said:

In Southern CA, where I live, you can register to be a permanent mail in voter, which I am. I mailed in my ballot over a week ago now, and if I were to try to go to vote in person at a polling place, I would be unable to. They would ask for a voter registration card, which I do not have as my ballot is mailed to me (they don't send cards to mail in voters), and they would also see in their records that I was listed as a permanent mail in voter anyway.

There are safeguards in place, at least where I live. I mentioned in a post several days ago that, on just one occasion, I did not receive my mail in ballot. This was for a mid-term election and not a Presidential Election, however I was still concerned. They send out a notice at least a month in advance with detailed information on the various props and measures along with a letter stating the time period you should expect to receive your official mail in ballot. They state clearly in the paperwork that if you do not receive it by a certain date, to call the voting office (they provide the number) to inform them. I did just that and they sent me a letter that I had to sign which very clearly stated that, under penalty of law, I swore that I did not receive my initial ballot, I was not voting twice, I was not committing voter fraud, etc. As an attorney, it was pretty thorough. Of course I signed and then completed my actual ballot. I'm glad they send out the advance notice as otherwise many people may not even notice that they did not receive their ballots by mail in time.

Even when you get your actual mail in ballot, there are detailed instructions, they tell you how much postage it typically takes to return (though the return address is the voting office anyway, not your own), but I bring it in to the Post Office and have it weighed and sent anyway just in case, and they also include what date you should mail it in by to ensure it makes it in time to be counted.

Honestly, the most complicated thing about the process for me this year was just reading through the various props and measures and deciding how to vote on those. There were a decent amount of them, though I've seen a lot more in previous cycles.

My vote for President was an absolute no brainer, of course. There is no way Trump will win CA and I don't even think he's made an appearance anywhere in this state - at least not since he won the nomination and maybe not even before then. It's odd as we will, on occasion, elect a Rep Governor (apparently especially if they happen to be former actors - Arnold was elected and out of office before I ever lived here and Regan was before I was born, so I didn't have anything to do with either one), but when it comes to Presidents, we're always blue.

Hillary just has to win this thing. They need to get Harry Reid's letter out there and they need to start investigating both Comey and Puffy Cheeto for various crimes, including election fraud and even treason given Trump's relationship with Putin and using him (with the help of Assange) to rig an election. That cannot be ignored anymore. The Press should be mentioning this far more often and questioning his integrity and his fitness to be President far more than they are now.

Yes, I vote absentee in CA too. But Colorado is different. Everyone is automatically mailed a ballot. I don't think its like it is here where if you try to vote in person you are supposed to bring and turn in your mail-in ballot. Maybe they have safeguards that the article (and Trump) didn't include. He made it sound like you could mail it in, and then just in case they didn't count it, go vote, too. (Of course, they should make that IMPOSSIBLE, because it sounds easy to do. Hopefully, a Coloradan will weigh in with the info.) 

My point was that Trump himself supports cheating--if it helps HIM. He said much the same the other day in Ohio. Big surprise.

He was here several times during the primaries--including a melee in San Jose. I saw him in Anaheim in May, a couple of blocks from Disneyland, at the Convention Center.  You're lucky to be born post-Reagan. I remember California putting him in office--and the many Republicans we had for governor (also, of course, Nixon was from Ca.) It's still incredible to me that we have a Dem governor and a super-majority in the State Assembly and Senate. Yay! That is why California has made such progress. If only it could happen nationally, too.

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3 minutes ago, Padma said:

Yes, I vote absentee in CA too. But Colorado is different. Everyone is automatically mailed a ballot. I don't think its like it is here where if you try to vote in person you are supposed to bring and turn in your mail-in ballot. Maybe they have safeguards that the article (and Trump) didn't include. He made it sound like you could mail it in, and then just in case they didn't count it, go vote, too. (Of course, they should make that IMPOSSIBLE, because it sounds easy to do. Hopefully, a Coloradan will weigh in with the info.) 

My point was that Trump himself supports cheating--if it helps HIM. He said much the same the other day in Ohio. Big surprise.

He was here several times during the primaries--including a melee in San Jose. I saw him in Anaheim in May, a couple of blocks from Disneyland, at the Convention Center.  You're lucky to be born post-Reagan. I remember California putting him in office--and the many Republicans we had for governor (also, of course, Nixon was from Ca.) It's still incredible to me that we have a Dem governor and a super-majority in the State Assembly and Senate. Yay! That is why California has made such progress. If only it could happen nationally, too.

Completely understand your point and wasn't disagreeing with you at all. I was just explaining my own experience here, though having lived in many different states myself, I know each state has their own nuances and rules regarding voting. Some states may not have the best safeguards and it may be easier to game the system while others are more rigid. I can't speak to CO personally, having never lived there. I was just describing my own experiences in CA.

Also agree that of course Trump supports cheating if it helps him. Has he said anything about that woman in Iowa yet? This is the same reason he has stated that he will accept the results of the election as long as he wins. If he doesn't win, he'll throw a big hissy fit and claim it was all rigged and that Hillary had everyone cheat, despite what he has stated about voting in the last day or so.

I live in Northern San Diego, so Anaheim isn't that far from me, however we were over in Europe at the time so thankfully weren't subjected to any news coverage of his visit - he didn't mean enough then for a visit to CA to make news across the Pond. You actually met him? Did you shake his tiny orange hand? Did you see him speak live and was the crowd engaged? Just curious as to how Californians reacted to him, though the Primaries seem like forever ago for some reason and I wonder how people would react if he were to visit now.

Agree with you as well that CA has made progress and we're lucky the Dems are in control of our state for the moment. I wonder how that would be affected if, heaven forbid, Puffy Cheeto gets elected.

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6 hours ago, random chance said:

I guess that for some people, it's more painful to admit that they might have fallen for a scam than it is to actually be scammed.

And, there's cognitive dissonance theory.  If someone has done something as simple as put a Trump sign in their year, or bought a $30 Trump t-shirt, even put a Trump bumper sticker on their car -  they are going to have a hard time believing anything bad about Trump.   Because to believe that he's bad, means that they have been wrong.  so they won't listen to any information that contradicts what they've already invested in.

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22 minutes ago, backformore said:

And, there's cognitive dissonance theory.  If someone has done something as simple as put a Trump sign in their year, or bought a $30 Trump t-shirt, even put a Trump bumper sticker on their car -  they are going to have a hard time believing anything bad about Trump.   Because to believe that he's bad, means that they have been wrong.  so they won't listen to any information that contradicts what they've already invested in.

I'm trying to give a "like" to your post, backformore, but I get an error message stating that I am "not allowed to like content from this user." I know people have been having issues with this, posting, and other things, but this message in particular just seems really rude. Did you do something to irritate a mod? :-)  I'm completely kidding about irritating a mod, of course. I've seen you post on several boards and never has anything been offensive or violated any of the rules as far as I know.

In any case, I agree with what you said - it is very hard to get someone to admit they may have been "wrong," or believe anything negative, about something, even small things, if they have even the slightest investment in it.

ETA: Looks like my "like" of your post is showing up now. What a strange little glitch.

Edited by Rapunzel
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4 hours ago, Darian said:

It's real. 

And, yes, I agree with your post. 

It's real and it's spectacular ... but does anyone truly believe something will come of it?  It's just bluster.  No teeth to back it up.   Comey will never be charged with violating the Hatch Act.   Trump's Russian connections will never be confirmed or denied by the FBI.   Politicians write letters like this all the time.   At best, Reid's letter is a Band-Aid for Democrats ... on a sucking chest wound.

We watched George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld skate away after destabilizing the Middle East, killing millions of people on the basis of false claims, and sending more than 5000 American soldiers to needless deaths.

If they got away with that, how can anybody hold out hope that one polite letter from Harry Reid will accomplish anything other than make Donald Trump laugh?

Edited by millennium
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37 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

If he doesn't win, he'll throw a big hissy fit and claim it was all rigged

When he loses, little donald still wants the attention to be on him.  I hope the media stops playing along, but I have no hope for them.  The news media have been a disgrace this year, with a few bright spots here and there, but they absolutely have to stop having campaign spokespeople on their broadcasts.  Why on earth do they think that the American public has to listen to people telling them that up is down?

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Wow -  Harry Reid's letter is there, and most of the responses have been from Trump supporters.  I read that there are "twitter bots"  on his feed, that reply and like and re-tweet, but aren't actually real people (or are people each managing multiple twitter accounts for a fee)  I'm beginning to think that must be the case.  

Anyway -  is it possible that the info about Trump and Russia - which has been hinted about, but never proven - is about to come out?  I hope so.  

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Just now, atomationage said:

When he loses, little donald still wants the attention to be on him.  I hope the media stops playing along, but I have no hope for them.  The news media have been a disgrace this year, with a few bright spots here and there, but they absolutely have to stop having campaign spokespeople on their broadcasts.  Why on earth do they think that the American public has to listen to people telling them that up is down?

I don't want to date myself, but I remember when news talk programs consisted of reporters and news analysts, not paid lobbyists for whatever topic was under discussion.   When did this practice begin?  What makes these news channels think I want to hear Corey Lewandowski's viewpoint?   This man who shoves women around?  Or Kelly Anne Con-job?  They offer no insight, no indepedent thought.   They merely chant the day's talking points.   Or redirect every discussion back to those talking points.   CNN actually aired an "At Home with Kelly Anne Conway" segment the other day, showing her fixing her kids breakfast  in her million dollar house,  then dashing off for work as if to show the world she can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan.   Are Clinton surrogates getting this kind of attention?   Not that I can see.  (And how can Kelly Anne be at home fixing breakfast when she's on CNN almost every morning by 6 am?)

I don't even like the word "surrogate."  They should call them what they are: goons.

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1 hour ago, Rapunzel said:

... You actually met him? Did you shake his tiny orange hand? Did you see him speak live and was the crowd engaged? Just curious as to how Californians reacted to him, though the Primaries seem like forever ago for some reason and I wonder how people would react if he were to visit now.

Agree with you as well that CA has made progress and we're lucky the Dems are in control of our state for the moment. I wonder how that would be affected if, heaven forbid, Puffy Cheeto gets elected.

Oh dear God no! (to shaking his little hand. It would be tempting to do it, if offered, and look down and say, "How small!" then pull out the hand sanitizer before he pulls out his wipes. Lol.)

In person it was exactly as on television. And the crowd seemed normal and pleasant... UNTIL you interacted with them individually over issues, or they spoke candidly about their feelings. Then, too, it was exactly what you'd expect.  I did learn to never go to a Trump event at night. (Unlike San Jose, this was mid-day). Anaheim, because of Disneyland, is known for their serious police force and they called in reinforcements throughout the county--in riot gear, on horseback. Seriously, it was a preview of Trump America, blocks and blocks of police in riot gear. 

Even his supporters were surprised as "we", leaving the rally and trying to get to our cars, were instead detained (I presume for our "safety" since none of the police ever spoke) on the street behind a police barricade--armed, and some with rifles pointed, even at kids--for 2 hours. It was hot and this was very hard on some of his more "senior" supporters. None of the police cared.  His rallies are about 5:1 men:women and on the street it was about 10:1. When pedestrians entered and fights broke out, the police did not intervene. It got scary at some points. (On the other side of the building, apparently they were herding protesters with massive police force over there, too. I suppose the strategy was to keep us separated.)  At night I can only imagine how it all would have gotten out of hand. No other candidate provokes events like this. The media doesn't talk about why. (I felt sorry for reporters who, wearing badges, went in and out of our area. Several young men would harass them, shouting, "There's the lying media! Look, it's a liar from CNN!!!"  They did not film or interview any one in this crowd.


Wow -  Harry Reid's letter is there, and most of the responses have been from Trump supporters.  I read that there are "twitter bots"  on his feed, that reply and like and re-tweet

I'm going to call his office tomorrow morning in support and also send a snail mail. You know he will be getting HUGE negative feedback all week--and probably death threats too, as that's the general M.O. when their leader is criticized. Hopefully, Reid will get a lot of support. It is so refreshing to see a Democrat hitting back for a change. If only his point would get some traction (I -am- counting on at least Lawrence O'Donnell here!)

Reid's address is: 522 Hart Senate Office Building,  Washington , DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-3542  Fax: 202-224-7327  Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID

This is the contact form on his website: http://www.reid.senate.gov/contact

Edited by Padma
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3 hours ago, Padma said:

What the hell? Is he saying "vote once by mail then go to the precinct and vote again"? Technically,(not legally) you can do that. A presidential candidate advises people to vote like that? That sucks!


He wants anything that will muddy, delay and confuse results as well as nurture the idea that the results themselves can never be trusted.   Alongside the notion that if he wins the results are clear and fair it works so to his advantage to simply stay in the spotlight and avoid him having to admit "losing".  No matter what the final counts are he wants to at the very least position himself as the pretender to the throne that can always raise the notion that no matter Hillary Clinton being sworn into office, he might be the "legitimate" President.  At least in a significant number of citizens' eyes.  This keeps him front and center for the rest of his life and he can pretend and make all kinds of posturing every time something goes wrong and claim he would have never let it happen but was cheated out his due reward.

As for Comey.  While I think part of the issue was to perhaps derail Hillary from winning, I think the broader view was to taint her win a week from Tuesday as much as possible.  This was not a pro-Orange Scrotum move so much as just doing the same thing as that Eric Cantor led meeting when President Obama was elected that was determined to limit him to one term and make sure he got nothing done. 

This is yet a strong illustration for me as to no matter how ambitious and self-serving the Clintons are (outside of William Jefferson's wandering dick and even perhaps its penchant for some breaking and entering which I really find unsettling to say the least and really hope that she relegates him to funerals of heads of state and I would love actual divorce papers though that is not happening); the conservative establishment is so much worse.  So much.  I mean it is boggling no matter how long it has been going on.   The Clintons at worst bent rules and tried to wiggle through every loophole and made bad choices that benefited themselves.  Maybe they were careless.  Arrogant that they knew better or could slip through the cracks.  But within their self-interest were two motives.  One was to promote their overall general idea of how the world would be better in what ways they could achieve.  For ego maybe.  But no matter how flawed Hillary's ambition.  No matter how shady the foundation in some ways was and even is, it still promotes great things.  They might have engaged to better themselves but it was never overtly at the cost of others.  It did not trample the rights of the people and it did not put an entire nation below the needs of simple petty political fury the level of a child told it is part bedtime.

The Republican establishment has admitted to eight years of obstruction on the very matters they have campaigned on for decades.  They have placed their own spite at Democracy not working in their favor and decided to punish a nation all the while claiming they put it first and better than the other side.  They are angry and quite simply evil as they have gone out of their way to make sure people remain uninsured, unfed and denied their own rights as citizens set forth by the very document these evil selfish children have claimed to worship.  Take away votes.  Take away equal rights.  Take away freedoms they claim for themselves but no one else.  And lets not forget these are the men and women who have all the statistics on deaths from lack of health care in the US.  The number of deaths from depression.  From even lack of proper nutrition.  And they not only block the initiatives that would alleviate these ills, but have gone out of their way to stop or destroy agencies already in place, even already funded to simply save fellow citizens lives that don't and should never be at risk.  They willfully plunged their hands in the bloods of the "people" to satisfy an incredibly immature fury simply because they cannot abide losing.  We have been "ruled" by a minority in so many ways these last years and Comey is doing his part to make sure at the very least that minority still gets its way for four more no matter what the results are next week.

Comey is the latest shot.  He already tried to create havoc leading up to the convention that would make the Democrats squabble over the nomination and even more hopeful split the party with Sanders being refusing to concede.  They wanted another Nadar figuring a smooth Republican shift into the general election with a firm Republican establishment as the VP on a Rancid Yam ticket would settle things down and they could let the walking Agent Orange play America's Boss while they with Pence or whoever else got the tap would carry out their agenda of making sure they clung to power as they slid even more into a minority position. 

And now he clouds and at the very best he makes sure Conservatives get all three branches of government in their grasp for not just four years but for however many they can cheat and destroy the laws they claim to revere and remake them into rules that disenfranchise everyone that might stand in their way.  Modestly he raises the Presidential vote to a close one that lets them lessen any potential wins by the other side and perhaps makes down-ticket races less of a risk.  And at worst he tarnishes and validates the unreasonable and outright false notion that Hillary Clinton is a crook and she stole the election.  And feed into just the malaise and distrust reasonable Republicans have that hate the pig their party let waltz in on a tide of hate.  People who would never vote for him but resent the other party from holding onto the White House for four or possibly eight more years and especially by her simply for being her/

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33 minutes ago, Padma said:

Oh dear God no! (to shaking his little hand. It would be tempting to do it, if offered, and look down and say, "How small!" then pull out the hand sanitizer before he pulls out his wipes. Lol.)

In person it was exactly as on television. And the crowd seemed normal and pleasant... UNTIL you interacted with them individually over issues, or they spoke candidly about their feelings. Then, too, it was exactly what you'd expect.  I did learn to never go to a Trump event at night. (Unlike San Jose, this was mid-day). Anaheim, because of Disneyland, is known for their serious police force and they called in reinforcements throughout the county--in riot gear, on horseback. Seriously, it was a preview of Trump America, blocks and blocks of police in riot gear. 

Even his supporters were surprised as "we", leaving the rally and trying to get to our cars, were instead detained (I presume for our "safety" since none of the police ever spoke) on the street behind a police barricade--armed, and some with rifles pointed, even at kids--for 2 hours. It was hot and this was very hard on some of his more "senior" supporters. None of the police cared.  His rallies are about 5:1 men:women and on the street it was about 10:1. When pedestrians entered and fights broke out, the police did not intervene. It got scary at some points. (On the other side of the building, apparently they were herding protesters with massive police force over there, too. I suppose the strategy was to keep us separated.)  At night I can only imagine how it all would have gotten out of hand. No other candidate provokes events like this. The media doesn't talk about why. (I felt sorry for reporters who, wearing badges, went in and out of our area. Several young men would harass them, shouting, "There's the lying media! Look, it's a liar from CNN!!!"  They did not film or interview any one in this crowd.

I'm going to call his office tomorrow morning in support and also send a snail mail. You know he will be getting HUGE negative feedback all week--and probably death threats too, as that's the general M.O. when their leader is criticized. Hopefully, Reid will get a lot of support. It is so refreshing to see a Democrat hitting back for a change. If only his point would get some traction (I -am- counting on at least Lawrence O'Donnell here!)

Reid's address is: 522 Hart Senate Office Building,  Washington , DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-3542  Fax: 202-224-7327  Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID

This is the contact form on his website: http://www.reid.senate.gov/contact

Thanks for sharing your experience at a Trump event Padma. At least it sounds like it was an interesting experience, but definitely not very well controlled or organized at all.

Hope that other Dems step up to support Harry Reid and his letter. I would love to hear comments from the Obamas on this and I don't know if Hillary or her people have officially responded yet either. Backing from other Dems, especially from those in battleground states, would definitely be helpful. I'm also curious to see Trump's official reaction. We know he doesn't like to be criticized or even have anyone hint that he is doing something wrong, so maybe this will cause him to become even more unhinged and more maniacal - it's been proven that if you bait him right, he can be his own worst enemy and I hope that happens here. That whole relationship he has with Putin/Russia needs to be called out and investigated - it boarders on treason. How can all these people who claim to be patriots, many of whom went through the Cold War, support Puffy Cheeto and his cozy relationship with Russia?

Comey also needs to be held accountable for what quite possibly amounts to breaking the law and almost certainly violating the Hatch Act. At a minimum, Comey should have to resign tomorrow.

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Hatch Act complaint filed by a Republican ethics lawyer:

Former Bush Ethics Lawyer Files Complaint Against FBI Director for Email Disclosures


This is no trivial matter. We cannot allow FBI or Justice Department officials to unnecessarily publicize pending investigations concerning candidates of either party while an election is underway. That is an abuse of power. Allowing such a precedent to stand will invite more, and even worse, abuses of power in the future.

Edited by millennium
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3 hours ago, millennium said:

It's real and it's spectacular ... but does anyone truly believe something will come of it?  It's just bluster.  No teeth to back it up.   Comey will never be charged with violating the Hatch Act.   Trump's Russian connections will never be confirmed or denied by the FBI.   Politicians write letters like this all the time.   At best, Reid's letter is a Band-Aid for Democrats ... on a sucking chest wound.


I think the most important result of Reid's letter will be that the Democrats on tv now have an opening to bring up the fact that Trump is under investigation too. The media sure wasn't going to on their own. In fact on CNN this afternoon they put Reid's letter up on the screen while Poppy Harlow read it aloud but they cut out the Trump/Russia paragraph. Jennifer Granholm tried to get it into her spiel but Harlow tried to talk over her and cut her off so I don't hold out much hope that any of the media outlets will talk about it unless the Dem surrogates force the issue. Reid's letter gives them a base to build on and get the info out.

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On 10/29/2016 at 6:13 PM, Rapunzel said:

Get over it Trump -  you big, whiny, lying, deplorable, Puffy Cheeto. You are likely going to lose – to a WOMAN! Go far, far, far away and throw your cocaine fueled temper tantrum from one of your nauseatingly gauche Trump properties with your buddy Putin and quit trying to make America horrible.

Bolding mine.

Yes, God yes, to all of this. I suspect I'm to the right of most of the people here - I'll confess I only read a couple of pages, because I spend most of my time trying to forget that this election cycle is real and not some horrible nightmare. But Donald Trump is inherently unfit to be President. Forget that he has no record, no clear policies, no qualifications, and no restraint. He is repellent.

Trump is the embodiment of the divisiveness and hate that is so troubling in today's culture. And don't even get me started on the p**sy-grabbing. I'm supposed to fill in an oval for a man that I wouldn't trust alone with my nieces? No, I won't do it.

Anyway, I thought it was important to speak out and note that there are plenty of us who are center and center-right who are also strongly #NeverTrump. It's something all thinking people can agree on! Cheeto is a unifier after all. >:-[

For as much as liberals hate Trump, imagine how horrifying it is to end up with him as "your" candidate! (Not that I've ever been party affiliated, or voted on party lines - I'm somewhat skeptical of anyone who agrees with one party or politician 100% of the time.  My beliefs are all over the map, depending the issue.)

My vote doesn't really matter, as Illinois is solidly blue, but I'm voting for Evan McMullan. I want to send a message to the Republican party that just because I lean conservative, that doesn't mean they own my ballot and I'll vote for whatever cretin they nominate. And I want to send a message to the world, and my more liberal friends, that not all conservatives are racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic assholes. (Although social media makes me wonder.)

Following Evan, I've seen so many posts from Trumpists saying things like, "we can't let Hillary win!" Who, pray tell, is "we"? I sure didn't have anything to do with nominating that nutjob. I said all along that he was a deeply flawed candidate, with no chance to win the general election, even against HRC. So don't come crying to me now that your chickens are coming home to roost. There were so many times that he could have been stopped, if someone had just shown a little courage. I've lost a LOT of respect for some "leaders" who failed to act. 

Basically, I really miss the days when I felt like our leaders had our best interests at heart, even if their views differed from mine. 

3 hours ago, Padma said:

Oh dear God no! (to shaking his little hand. It would be tempting to do it, if offered, and look down and say, "How small!" then pull out the hand sanitizer before he pulls out his wipes. Lol.)

Thanks for this! I needed the laugh. Great palate cleanser.

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4 hours ago, photo fox said:

Yes, God yes, to all of this. I suspect I'm to the right of most of the people here - I'll confess I only read a couple of pages, because I spend most of my time trying to forget that this election cycle is real and not some horrible nightmare. But Donald Trump is inherently unfit to be President. Forget that he has no record, no clear policies, no qualifications, and no restraint. He is repellent.

Trump is the embodiment of the divisiveness and hate that is so troubling in today's culture. And don't even get me started on the p**sy-grabbing. I'm supposed to fill in an oval for a man that I wouldn't trust alone with my nieces? No, I won't do it.

Anyway, I thought it was important to speak out and note that there are plenty of us who are center and center-right who are also strongly #NeverTrump. It's something all thinking people can agree on! Cheeto is a unifier after all. >:-[

For as much as liberals hate Trump, imagine how horrifying it is to end up with him as "your" candidate! (Not that I've ever been party affiliated, or voted on party lines - I'm somewhat skeptical of anyone who agrees with one party or politician 100% of the time.  My beliefs are all over the map, depending the issue.)


As I get older, I think I get more liberal. A couple of years ago I would have put myself squarely in the center.  Before that, more right.  But I care deeply about social issues and women's health, and there's no getting around that. So in essence, I'm agreeing with you. I think most people are closer to center, and simply lean a little one way or the other.  I have a born-again Christian friend who is pro-life, but who is also a nurse practitioner who would not dream of taking away the right to an abortion for women, because she knows the damage that will do to women's health.  Those are the sorts of people I appreciate - those who understand that they can hold a personal belief and respect it, without imposing it on others.  I am pro-choice, but I promise - I will never force you to get an abortion if you don't want it!  I won't even encourage it, but if you come to the conclusion that you need one, I will support you!

My cousin threw a fit on my FB a week ago because I never criticize Hillary. Of course I don't. It doesn't mean I am unaware of her shortcomings or agree 100% with her. It means I see no point in spreading negativity about her when my main goal is to make everyone aware of the vile disgustingness that is Trump. Why in the hell would I ever disparage her when I'm trying to get her into the White House, flaws be damned?

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5 hours ago, photo fox said:

Bolding mine.

Yes, God yes, to all of this. I suspect I'm to the right of most of the people here - I'll confess I only read a couple of pages, because I spend most of my time trying to forget that this election cycle is real and not some horrible nightmare. But Donald Trump is inherently unfit to be President. Forget that he has no record, no clear policies, no qualifications, and no restraint. He is repellent.

Trump is the embodiment of the divisiveness and hate that is so troubling in today's culture. And don't even get me started on the p**sy-grabbing. I'm supposed to fill in an oval for a man that I wouldn't trust alone with my nieces? No, I won't do it.

Anyway, I thought it was important to speak out and note that there are plenty of us who are center and center-right who are also strongly #NeverTrump. It's something all thinking people can agree on! Cheeto is a unifier after all. >:-[

For as much as liberals hate Trump, imagine how horrifying it is to end up with him as "your" candidate! (Not that I've ever been party affiliated, or voted on party lines - I'm somewhat skeptical of anyone who agrees with one party or politician 100% of the time.  My beliefs are all over the map, depending the issue.)

My vote doesn't really matter, as Illinois is solidly blue, but I'm voting for Evan McMullan. I want to send a message to the Republican party that just because I lean conservative, that doesn't mean they own my ballot and I'll vote for whatever cretin they nominate. And I want to send a message to the world, and my more liberal friends, that not all conservatives are racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic assholes. (Although social media makes me wonder.)

Following Evan, I've seen so many posts from Trumpists saying things like, "we can't let Hillary win!" Who, pray tell, is "we"? I sure didn't have anything to do with nominating that nutjob. I said all along that he was a deeply flawed candidate, with no chance to win the general election, even against HRC. So don't come crying to me now that your chickens are coming home to roost. There were so many times that he could have been stopped, if someone had just shown a little courage. I've lost a LOT of respect for some "leaders" who failed to act. 

Basically, I really miss the days when I felt like our leaders had our best interests at heart, even if their views differed from mine. 


Yes, yes, a thousand times--yes to this post!  Photo Fox, I have friends who are #NeverTrumpers who have lost friends over their stance.  A couple of them were even signatories (along with other conservatives) to a letter sent to Reince Preibus a few months ago insisting that RNC funds be devoted to down ballot races.  The letter very clearly outlined why they believed Drumpf was unfit for the presidency.  Obviously, that letter was ignored until the Access Hollywood tape was released. 

I haven't agreed with everything Secretary Clinton has done, but I sure as heck believe she is qualified and prepared for the presidency.  Not only is Drumpf unfit for the presidency, but it's clear that he is more concerned with winning--and enriching himself--than actually doing the job for which he was foolishly nominated.

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Well, Drumpf's hypocrisy continues to astound.  According to him, Secretary Clinton should be in jail and he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into her situation.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, according to Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald, Drumpf's companies often defied court orders by systematically destroying or hiding emails, digital records, and paper documents in official proceedings.

Orange Toilet Bowl--meet Kettle.

Drumpf's Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders

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12 hours ago, Padma said:

What the hell? Is he saying "vote once by mail then go to the precinct and vote again"? Technically,(not legally) you can do that. A presidential candidate advises people to vote like that? That sucks!

I have the same thought about this that I had when I read about the Trump supporter trying to vote twice - what makes them think, if they believe that votes are being switched to Hillary, that their second vote will somehow magically count for Trump?  Wouldn't they just be casting two votes for Hillary, if the system is rigged and all that?  If they had any power of rational thinking, they'd realize that this "the voting is rigged" BS by him is just his effort to get them to do his bidding and double vote - a process where they assume all of the risk on his behalf.  They can get arrested for double voting, and their lord and savior can just shrug and say "hey, I mentioned that part about voiding their mail ballot, it's not my fault they didn't pay attention to the fine print."  

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So according to Post reporter Fahrenthold, Trump's Foundation *just* filed the necessary paperwork to allow them to raise "charitable dollars." In other words, I guess they were doing it illegally all along.

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5 hours ago, photo fox said:

I suspect I'm to the right of most of the people here - I'll confess I only read a couple of pages, because I spend most of my time trying to forget that this election cycle is real and not some horrible nightmare.

I'm pretty center-right, except on social issues where I'm a bleeding heart lefty, and I'm from a red state where everyone I know is happy to lecture me on Trump's holiness and "Crooked Hillary's" recent murder spree (or so you'd think to listen to them). It irks me that some of the things I'd actually be for otherwise, would require me to vote for Trump. And even if he could guarantee those things, I'd never vote for him.

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10 hours ago, Rapunzel said:


I live in Northern San Diego, so Anaheim isn't that far from me, however we were over in Europe at the time so thankfully weren't subjected to any news coverage of his visit - he didn't mean enough then for a visit to CA to make news across the Pond. You actually met him? Did you shake his tiny orange hand? Did you see him speak live and was the crowd engaged? Just curious as to how Californians reacted to him, though the Primaries seem like forever ago for some reason and I wonder how people would react if he were to visit now.

Agree with you as well that CA has made progress and we're lucky the Dems are in control of our state for the moment. I wonder how that would be affected if, heaven forbid, Puffy Cheeto gets elected.

Waves hi to my neighbor.  I live in North County, too!

Not a citizen, but I'm probably more informed than the majority of voters (which, of course, is the problem with elections - people don't bother learning about who or what they're voting for, or against).

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I have the same thought about this that I had when I read about the Trump supporter trying to vote twice - what makes them think, if they believe that votes are being switched to Hillary, that their second vote will somehow magically count for Trump?  Wouldn't they just be casting two votes for Hillary, if the system is rigged and all that?  If they had any power of rational thinking, they'd realize that this "the voting is rigged" BS by him is just his effort to get them to do his bidding and double vote - a process where they assume all of the risk on his behalf.  They can get arrested for double voting, and their lord and savior can just shrug and say "hey, I mentioned that part about voiding their mail ballot, it's not my fault they didn't pay attention to the fine print."  

He will always leave himself enough wiggle room for plausible deniability.  But, the folks who take him at his word or who hear what they want to hear won't read the "fine print" (i.e., "I was just kidding!").

I wonder if he will offer to pay the legal fees of anyone who "mistook" what he said.

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28 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:


I wonder if he will offer to pay the legal fees of anyone who "mistook" what he said.

Thank you @MulletorHater, for my first big laugh of the morning.  drumpf is more likely to solicit funds from the mistookers, or to try to get them to enroll in trump "university". 

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Three cheers to Harry Reid for putting both Trump and Comey on blast.  As far as I'm concerned, if Comey had done his job right the first time months ago and investigated all of the Clinton camp before now, none of this shit would be happening in the first place.  Fuck them both, preferably with chainsaws. 

A couple of great tweets. First, from Stephen King:


Trump voters, please think again. Sure, you're mad. I get that. But you don't burn down the house because you don't like the decor.

Next, from Ana Navarro, with a costume suggestion for Drumpf:


Happy Halloween...Here's a thought: why don't you dress up as an orange-haired pussy cat and grab yourself? Meow.

Edited by DollEyes
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26 minutes ago, atomationage said:

Thank you @MulletorHater, for my first big laugh of the morning.  drumpf is more likely to solicit funds from the mistookers, or to try to get them to enroll in trump "university". 

And, the sad thing, Atomationage, they would happily pay those funds and proudly take those Trump "University" degrees on future job interviews.

Drumpf has claimed that this email mess is "bigger than Watergate."  Former White House counsel to President Nixon, John Dean, penned an op-ed piece in today's New York Times explaining why this is not worse than Watergate.  

John Dean Takes Drumpf to School

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Just now, Landsnark said:

Trump probably has no idea what Watergate was.

I started this whole riff on Trump responding (his water is better, a gate doesn't keep out the rapists and terrorists, blah blah wall), but I am really bad at capturing his speech patterns. So many people can do it, but I can't. 

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1 minute ago, Darian said:

I started this whole riff on Trump responding (his water is better, a gate doesn't keep out the rapists and terrorists, blah blah wall), but I am really bad at capturing his speech patterns. So many people can do it, but I can't. 


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I mentioned to three people this weekend about Trump's upcoming court cases on Trump University and the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl.  All three said no way, that is not true, where in the world did you hear such a thing.  Even this morning on the Stephanie Miller show, a caller didn't believe it and said he had never heard such a thing.

This information has GOT to get put forth to the public immediately!! Why is no one talking about this???

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Waves hi to my neighbor.  I live in North County, too!

Not a citizen, but I'm probably more informed than the majority of voters (which, of course, is the problem with elections - people don't bother learning about who or what they're voting for, or against).

Hey there neighbor! So nice to see someone else from Northern San Diego here!

My husband and in-laws are British and I have a lot of friends scattered all over Europe and other places around the Globe and travel a lot internationally for work, so I hear a lot of opinions from a wide variety of people. I am always fascinated by how well informed they are and how interested they are with our elections. Many of them know far more about the candidates and the issues than some of my American friends and they follow it pretty closely. I think the BBC in particular does a good job covering our elections and they have some other good media outlets as well. 

If my overseas friends could vote in our election, they would largely be for Hillary. Everyone is troubled by what could happen and how the world would be impacted in Trump ends up winning. I love going to various places in Europe and seeing the Trump signs hung up with his face on them and a big red "No" symbol spray painted across them. I've seen rallies in some cities where they are asking any Americans living in their Country to make sure they get their absentee ballot and vote for Hillary. No one in the world wants this man to be anywhere near those nuclear codes. He's pissed off a lot of Countries by saying that they should start paying America for protection - so he wants to turn us into the Mafia now? The man is just too unstable to have even been allowed to run in this election, let alone be so close to Presidency.

I hope that Harry Reid's letter and others that have come out help make people realize that this e-mail issue with Hillary is no where near as bad as the disgusting, ridiculous, deplorable things Trump has said and done. Hillary made a mistake, but not a monstrous one. She owned up to it, she apologized, now can we all move on and focus on getting that shit Comey locked up or at least have him forced to resign for interfering with a Presidential Election? Can we please start investigating Trump, his "charity," his abuse of campaign funds and his ties to Putin and Russia and the fact that he possibly committed treason?

I'm having a Halloween Party tonight, and I know of at least one friend who is coming as Trump - he's a Republican, but not a Trump supporter. I told him I would not be held accountable if he had eggs thrown at him or got TPed or silly stringed. :-)   He will probably win the award for scariest costume, though.

Happy Halloween Everyone! I hope you don't all get too many mini-Trumps showing up at your door tonight! :-) 

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 hour ago, roughing it said:

I mentioned to three people this weekend about Trump's upcoming court cases on Trump University and the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl.  All three said no way, that is not true, where in the world did you hear such a thing.  Even this morning on the Stephanie Miller show, a caller didn't believe it and said he had never heard such a thing.

This information has GOT to get put forth to the public immediately!! Why is no one talking about this???

Talk about rigged. How in the hell does the media NOT blow this up all over their programming? How does this not get covered? It involves a teenage girl, period. How in the hell do you get accused by a teenage girl, that shit doesn't happen to all men, no it's happened to this pervert. Who once again, is seen threatening a ten year old girl in his building that he would be dating her in x amount of years.  I also don't care that it's a civil case. I don't know if it started out as a civil case, but it's a case and again, it involves a kid.

I don't blame  those three people who said no way. It's not being covered ANYWHERE, one would think it was made up. The case is against him and the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein both he and Trump are named as the defendants in the case. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

This man's vileness and vindictiveness knows no bounds.  He's everything that's wrong with this country.  I don't know what worse - people who know what he is but hold their nose and vote for him anyway, or people who gleefully vote for him by willfully ignoring all the things he's said and done.  Maybe they're equally disgusting. 

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1 hour ago, roughing it said:

I mentioned to three people this weekend about Trump's upcoming court cases on Trump University and the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl.  All three said no way, that is not true, where in the world did you hear such a thing.  Even this morning on the Stephanie Miller show, a caller didn't believe it and said he had never heard such a thing.

This information has GOT to get put forth to the public immediately!! Why is no one talking about this???

My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.

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4 minutes ago, partofme said:

My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.

That's odd. I absolutely believe it.  When you look at who he was buddying around with at the time (a man who threw those parties and is now a convicted sex offender) and the way he talks about women, and comments about 10 year old girls that in 10 years he'll be dating them?  It's not even a small mental stretch to believe he'd rape a 13 year old girl.  

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A lot of folks are asking how anyone can still be undecided in this election.  I have to talked to a lot of people who just don't follow politics.   They don't feel invested in the process, sometimes vote, but sometimes don't.  When asked, their view is "both are crooked".  they have some vague ideas that Hillary was guilty of sending emails to someone she shouldn't have, but don't know anything more than that.   If I say something like "Trump avoided paying income taxes for 18 years, which is why YOUR taxes are so high"  that makes them think. 

A lot of people read posts on facebook from like-minded friends, and don't get NEWS from anywhere else.  you know how the evening news is "news weather and sports?"  Well, a lot of people tune in to find out if the Cubs won, and is it going to rain.  It drives me crazy how many people have a "don't care "  attitude.  There's an historic ground-breaking ELECTION about to happen, and they are choosing to stay uninformed.

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1 minute ago, partofme said:

My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.

The fact that the case has made it this far means that, at least on its face, it has merit. It likely would have been thrown out long before making it to this point otherwise. I know it's a civil suit, so it won't send him to jail, but I hope it brings some comfort to that little girl and her family. I have a feeling that if Puffy Cheeto loses, however, he will appeal (maybe even multiple times) and it will take a while to get any money/damages out of him. I know that money is likely not the family's motivation here, but let's face it, money is the only thing Trump understands and the thing that hurts him the most.

Anyone know how old the girl is now? If she was 13 when it happened, she is likely a bit older now as lawsuits, especially civil ones, can take a while to get to court, so I'm just curious. In any case, she's quite brave for doing this and I hope it helps her get some closure.

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17 minutes ago, partofme said:

My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.

Right, but the case isn't even  new. I don't think this case just came about during this election season. It's like the rest of the countless cases against him that have been pending or for some time. He may be innocent, but like I said,  men don't just get accused of raping little girls, little girls don't just go around accusing. I'm of the frame of mind that most of the time you've gotta work to get accused of shit like this and Trump's body of  work is on tape. Did your mom hear what he said about his daughter? That he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. Did she hear him go along with Howard Stern, on that tape where Stern talks about his daughter's breasts? Oh he's sick one alright.

No normal man at least where I come from, wants to even say let alone hear the word breast and his daughter's name in the same sentence. No matter how old she gets she remains his little girl and anything sexual in nature a father should not want to go there where his daughter is concerned. She gets married gives him some grand kids and he still wants to think she conceived those kids like the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus, seriously. Yet he's on Howard Stern kicking it up on the subject of his daughter's breasts. So yeah, again, he's a sick one. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

A lot of folks are asking how anyone can still be undecided in this election.  I have to talked to a lot of people who just don't follow politics.   They don't feel invested in the process, sometimes vote, but sometimes don't.  When asked, their view is "both are crooked".  they have some vague ideas that Hillary was guilty of sending emails to someone she shouldn't have, but don't know anything more than that.   If I say something like "Trump avoided paying income taxes for 18 years, which is why YOUR taxes are so high"  that makes them think.

It doesn't help that people like Evan McMullin get a lot of air time to say HRC and Cheetos Mussolini are equally corrupt and no one challenges them.  Whatever people's complaints are about HRC, she's not a danger to this democracy.  Cheetos has made clear multiple times that he doesn't care about the Constitution, domestic or international laws, equal rights, etc.  The man is a fucking menace.  Sometimes I still can't believe he made it this far.

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24 minutes ago, Pixel said:

That's odd. I absolutely believe it.  When you look at who he was buddying around with at the time (a man who threw those parties and is now a convicted sex offender) and the way he talks about women, and comments about 10 year old girls that in 10 years he'll be dating them?  It's not even a small mental stretch to believe he'd rape a 13 year old girl.  


22 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

The fact that the case has made it this far means that, at least on its face, it has merit. It likely would have been thrown out long before making it to this point otherwise. I know it's a civil suit, so it won't send him to jail, but I hope it brings some comfort to that little girl and her family. I have a feeling that if Puffy Cheeto loses, however, he will appeal (maybe even multiple times) and it will take a while to get any money/damages out of him. I know that money is likely not the family's motivation here, but let's face it, money is the only thing Trump understands and the thing that hurts him the most.

Anyone know how old the girl is now? If she was 13 when it happened, she is likely a bit older now as lawsuits, especially civil ones, can take a while to get to court, so I'm just curious. In any case, she's quite brave for doing this and I hope it helps her get some closure.

I'm not saying he didn't do it, I'm inclined to believe it myself, but this seems to be a line that a lot of people don't think someone would cross.  

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27 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

This man's vileness and vindictiveness knows no bounds.  He's everything that's wrong with this country.  I don't know what worse - people who know what he is but hold their nose and vote for him anyway, or people who gleefully vote for him by willfully ignoring all the things he's said and done.  Maybe they're equally disgusting. 

Do you ever get the feeling we've been living in Bizarro World ever since the Orange Being from Another Planet entered the race?

Things that would have been deal breakers for any other candidate are either ignored or applauded when it comes to this clown.  He has literally dodged releasing his tax returns and his crusty feet aren't being held to the fire.  Numerous women have come forward and claimed he sexually assaulted them after he denied doing it (second debate) and he gets away with calling them liars and threatens to sue them.  He has been riding Putin's jock for months and had people in his campaign who might as well be Russian spies.  His one-sided bromance with Putin is based on a misconstrued compliment and he's loathe to criticize Putin to the point where he takes his word over the word of American intelligence officers.  Yet, it's Democrats who are "un-American."  That cheap shit he and his daughter sell in department stores is made in China and other foreign countries.  Yet, he's going to bring jobs back to these shores.  Bill Clinton is a horndog but people willfully choose to ignore that Drumpf acts as if everyday is one big ol' fuckfest.  

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Just now, partofme said:


I'm not saying he didn't do it, I'm inclined to believe it myself, but this seems to be a line that a lot of people don't think someone would cross.  

I understood your point and I didn't interpret your post as you not believing that he could have done it. Apologies if my response caused any confusion - it was meant more as a response to what you said was your mother's opinion and also to any of the Trump supporters or others out there that think he couldn't have done something like this. I believe he's capable of it and one of the key indications (among others that have been mentioned) that has me inclined to think there's a strong possibility that he did do something is that cases typically do not make it this far if they don't have merit and I'm sure that Trump's many lawyers tried to get this thrown out very early on in the process. The fact that it is still moving ahead says that there is some meat to it and that it deserves to be heard.

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