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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Lawn sign disparity

Our town has voted close to 50:50 in last few presidential elections. (slightly bluer). This is in Metrowest MA. I am looking for Trump Pence signs and in last week I have not seen any while driving around my town and nearby towns. I have spotted more than 25 Clinton-Kaine signs. I think that we will end up at 55:45 or 60:40 in our town in favor of Clinton Kaine. So are Trump supporters afraid of putting up the sign? (Just as some of the Hillary supporters are afraid of doing that in red areas?) The funny thing is though, we are not a Blue town by any stretch of imagination. Or may be all of them are reluctant Trump voters?

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2 hours ago, Captain Carrot said:

I know this is a small thing when you look at the mountain of reasons to hate Trump, but I've always been interested in history. So, I have to stop from throwing something at the TV whenever he says, "___ is the best/worst ____ in the history of this country". No, NAFTA wasn't the worst deal ever, Hillary is not the most corrupt politician ever, and the media treatment of him is not the greatest pile on in history.

I think this is part of his appeal to some people. Those buzzwords ( disaster, corrupt,mess, we're going to fix it,believe me) almost seem put them in an hypnotic state. I can't see anything resembling a decent person in the man, but I really think some people just get hypnotized as if he is the pied Piper.

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I love all your colorful and clever nicknames for Trump!  However, my favorite will always be "effing asshole."

Contrary to what I heard on morning news shows today,  it's my opinion that Trump's longing to cancel the election and to install himself as president was NOT an attempt at humor.  Rather, he just spoke out loud what he thinks is the only logical conclusion to this mess of an election.  Herr Trump must prevail!  He DESERVES to win!

Effing asshole!

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10 hours ago, maraleia said:

Where in the suburbs? I grew up in Glen Ellyn and live in Chicago right now. Also, they can't ask for your ID in IL at all. It's against the law. The way they check is to look at your signature on file and how you sign the rolls that day.

It is bullshit and they are doing it on purpose. We can't let them get away with this at all.

I live in Aurora, but the corner of it that's wedged in between Naperville and the rural area of Oswego.  So my little corner is kind of blue, but the area surrounding us is decidedly red. 

8 hours ago, backformore said:

Rachel maddow just had a clip on that made me laugh.   Trump, doing an interview in, I think 2014, said "I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young."   The interview goes on, and he says that from an early age, he was always the best player in every sport.    Rachel giggled about it, and so did I, because it is so typical of the way Trump talks about himself.  Not a "pretty good" player, not saying he was on a good team - but the BEST. 

(too bad he was so tragically disabled that he was ineligible for the military draft, huh?)

That just made me think of the story last year about Putin having a hockey game for his birthday.  I believe he played with some players from one of the professional teams in Russia, and, naturally, his team won.  Of course, he scored the most goals.  

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I've actually taken a much less charitable view of his supporters.  I've come to regard them as incapable of empathy.   And they honestly make me recoil nearly as much as their Orange Emperor does.   I didn't take his comment as "humor" either.  I wouldn't be shocked to see a press conference held by his Orangeness announcing that the Trump bloodline has been touched by divine right and elections are a thing of the past, when the curtain comes down on him he'll want Eric Jr. to ascend to the Oval Office.   If that monster wins, he'll turn on all those that have supported him, it's what he does.

Come what may, I definitely want the Media to pay the piper.  Them enabling this monster has brought us to this point.   And there should be a special place in hell for the GOP.

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15 hours ago, Kromm said:

By the way for some REAL perspective on Trump? Read some OLDER articles about him before any attempts at reinvention. 

For example, a good Vanity Fair 1990 article: After The Gold Rush BY MARIE BRENNER SEPTEMBER 1990: 


You can see SO much in common with what we still see. For example, the writer talking about how impatient/easily bored Trump is. How he was obsessed with his image (he laughably compares how he looked in a photo for another article to Robert Redford, when speaking to this Marie Brenner). How angry he is when people question how rich he is (when Forbes took him off their "richest" list he was livid). How obtuse he seemed about people's reactions (there's an example with Bob Tisch in the article where Trump, witnessed by this writer, is clearly totally oblivious to Tisch's actual reactions to something). How he talks in the third person, as himself as a brand and that he "free associates" (the writer's nicer way of describing the rambling word salad he does). 

And remember... this was all in 1990!

The big one for me is this:

We KNOW this is a vital part of his current behavior. A key thing we see constantly.

I had several takeaways when I read this article on the way home last night.  Did you find it interesting that old money Palm Beach saw both Donald and Ivana as social-climbing strivers?  For all the Drumpfs' wealth, their old money neighbors in both Palm Beach and New York were actually laughing at and tsk-tsking about them behind their backs.  Their taste in furniture and furnishings and their attitudes towards the builders, contractors and help clearly demonstrate that having money does not equate with having class.  I actually cringed when the decor of their Central Avenue apartment, their triplex at the Trump Tower and the Palm Beach estate were described.  Drumpf was railing against the "effete elites" and the "establishment" even back then all because they had issues with his crudeness.

Drumpf gets bored easily and always has to have something to constantly stimulate him, which is one of the reasons he's running for president.  Even when he was supposedly married to the women of his dreams, he was always looking for something more "exciting."  Look at how quickly he was chasing women barely months after he married Melania.  He obviously has no respect for his wives and as appalled as I was by Ivana, I remember feeling sorry for her in real time when all this was playing out.  It's even more horrifying to read about years later.  Drumpf had no qualms about publicly humiliating the mother of his children and could have cared less that the future Drumpf horrors were coming home from school in tears everyday.  Not to mention all the plastic surgery she felt compelled to have, only to end up unrecognizable by those closest to her. The way he started belittling her when he grew tired of her because he had Miss Marla ensconced at his place in Atlantic City was all by design.  But, the poor woman still loved him!  And, check out how many times he renegotiated his nuptial agreements after his marriage to Ivana.  How much do you want to bet that there are several nuptial agreements between him and Melania?

I was also struck by how, when he was in deep financial trouble, would lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours and would be on the phone.  Kind of reminds me of the 3 a.m. Twitter bombs.

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6 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

I've actually taken a much less charitable view of his supporters.  I've come to regard them as incapable of empathy.   And they honestly make me recoil nearly as much as their Orange Emperor does.   I didn't take his comment as "humor" either.  I wouldn't be shocked to see a press conference held by his Orangeness announcing that the Trump bloodline has been touched by divine right and elections are a thing of the past, when the curtain comes down on him he'll want Eric Jr. to ascend to the Oval Office.   If that monster wins, he'll turn on all those that have supported him, it's what he does.

Come what may, I definitely want the Media to pay the piper.  Them enabling this monster has brought us to this point.   And there should be a special place in hell for the GOP.

I just don't see how his supporters think he's going to do a damn thing for them.  He has a very well established history of not doing anything for anyone other than himself.  It's kind of bizarre that they can simultaneously admire him for that characteristic while still thinking he's going to do what's best for them if he takes office.  I have an uncle who is completely and totally in the bag for Trump.  We're talking up at 3 AM posting pro-Trump/anti-Hillary memes on Facebook, repeating all the catchphrases like they're Gospel, and devoting large portions of his day to Breitbart and EndTheFed reading level of committed.  But, here's the thing - this uncle has leeched off the system (and some family members) pretty much his entire adult life.  Most of his means of support would decrease or dry up completely if Trump had his way.  But here he is, ranting and raving about "those damn liberals living off the rest of us," and how Trump is going to put an end to that.  I so badly want to say "do you really think he'll put an end to it for everyone but you?"  But, I think the thing with Trump is that he's managed to tap into whatever inner prejudices people have felt they had to hide all these years, and now, the rest of it doesn't matter, because he's told them "you're right" about those.  For my uncle, it seems to be homophobia and racism, as it is for a portion of his support base.  For others, I think it's this building feeling some have had that there are people out there "getting away with" living some high life off their tax dollars.   So it really just does not matter if you point them to one hundred different sources that show that the things he says are lies or that the few policy items he's managed to discuss are not feasible.  He's told them "you're right about that." That is incredibly powerful to some people.  

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40 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I think this is part of his appeal to some people. Those buzzwords ( disaster, corrupt,mess, we're going to fix it,believe me) almost seem put them in an hypnotic state. I can't see anything resembling a decent person in the man, but I really think some people just get hypnotized as if he is the pied Piper.

I have wondered about that myself. His hand gestures follow a specific pattern, his voice rises and drops in the exact same way when he makes a statement, and he repeats the same words and phrases over and over again. I wouldn't be remotely surprised to find out he was doing some kind of mass hypnosis. 

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10 hours ago, HumblePi said:

If anyone has ever wondered, as I have, why Melania Trump always appears to be looking for her lost eyeglasses that maybe she left on the gold leaf coffee table, here's a possible explanation as to where she gets that 'Russian-cold-war-spy' look.




What the hell?!  How did anyone not see the "wardrobe malfunction" before the Drumpfs left home?  Is she even wearing a bra?

When I think about all the shrieking and carrying on by Michelle Obama's detractors for daring to wear a black sleeveless sheath in her official portrait, it still makes me seethe.  Maybe this is what Drumpf likes--to be able to flaunt the supposed hotness of his wannabe Bond villainness.

32 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

I've actually taken a much less charitable view of his supporters.  I've come to regard them as incapable of empathy.   And they honestly make me recoil nearly as much as their Orange Emperor does.   I didn't take his comment as "humor" either.  I wouldn't be shocked to see a press conference held by his Orangeness announcing that the Trump bloodline has been touched by divine right and elections are a thing of the past, when the curtain comes down on him he'll want Eric Jr. to ascend to the Oval Office.   If that monster wins, he'll turn on all those that have supported him, it's what he does.

Come what may, I definitely want the Media to pay the piper.  Them enabling this monster has brought us to this point.   And there should be a special place in hell for the GOP.

That's pretty much where I am at this point.  I've given up on trying to convince people.  At this point, I take the position, "Hey--you do you!" The thing I'm really starting to resent is the way the mainstream media act as if these are the only people who have legitimate grievances and are entitled to be angry about the hand that life has dealt them.  For once, I wish someone would remind some of these people that they are the ones who sent representatives to Congress repeatedly, who have voted to shut down the government when they couldn't get their way and obstructed all efforts by President Obama to institute jobs bills, etc.  They are the ones who bought into the racist and sexist B.S. touted by party elders in coded language for years.  They are the ones who repeatedly voted against their own economic interests because they were so paranoid that "those people" would get a leg up over them.  They are the ones who voted for people who hate "big government" and want to shrink it small enough to drown in a bathtub.  Meanwhile, they don't want anyone to touch their medicaid or social security.  They are the ones who fall for the okey-doke every time some foolish preacher convinces them that abortion trumps [no pun intended] anything else and that their vote should be Bible-based.  In their view, appointing anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court is more important than good jobs, financial security, good schools for all children regardless of their parents' zip codes, healthcare as a right for all, and the importance of preserving the planet for future generations.  

They're angry?  Well, so am I!  Angry and fed up that a segment of the population is willing to vote in a serial liar, serial adulterer, sociopath, and open racist and mysogynist.  I'm angry and fed up that some of them are so selfish that they don't give a rat's patootey about what happens to the rest of us should this tangerine twit ascend to the White House.  As Keith Olbermann so eloquently stated: You KNOW this man!  When Drumpf loses (Please, Lord!) this election, let's see if he will deign to walk among his adoring masses again.  

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11 hours ago, maraleia said:

Where in the suburbs? I grew up in Glen Ellyn and live in Chicago right now. Also, they can't ask for your ID in IL at all. It's against the law. The way they check is to look at your signature on file and how you sign the rolls that day.

It is bullshit and they are doing it on purpose. We can't let them get away with this at all.

I'm in a little town about 55 miles south of Chicago called Beecher.  

Funny thing about the ID check - we are one of those towns where you would be really unlikely to get someone without ID anyway. It's an old semi-rural community full of people who have lived there forever. I'm one of the newer people, and I've been there about 14 years. It's the kind of place where you pretty much recognize everyone you see at the grocery store, so for someone to do an ID check is really weird.  I can only guess the person manning the polls that day might be someone who is a Trump supporter and is trying to help out her guy. The whole exchange was really weird, because she got kind of defensive when I pressed her on it (Why would you say some form of ID is required and then tell me you aren't allowed to ask for it?).  Anyway, I had ID and I voted democratic across the board, because really - fuck the GOP.  I would have voted democratic anyway, but I used to mix it up a little just to keep the balance. 

Fun fact about Beecher. We are a sundown town. Sundown Towns

That means that back when discrimination was ok, we had a sign that said if you weren't white, you better not be in town after sundown.  We have a reputation of being unwelcome to black people, and rumor has it the KKK is alive and well in my little town. I've never seen it, and we have maybe 10 black people max living in town.  4 Asian (they own the Chinese restaurant - no shit), and I can't say I've ever seen anyone of Indian or any kind of brown descent in the grocery store.  So yeah - Trump territory.

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

I think this is part of his appeal to some people. Those buzzwords ( disaster, corrupt,mess, we're going to fix it,believe me) almost seem put them in an hypnotic state. I can't see anything resembling a decent person in the man, but I really think some people just get hypnotized as if he is the pied Piper.

It appeals to the uneducated only.

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1 hour ago, sleekandchic said:

I love all your colorful and clever nicknames for Trump!  However, my favorite will always be "effing asshole."

Jezebel called him an "inflamed gallbladder" today. Theirs have been #OnFleek for the entire election. 

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11 hours ago, Padma said:

Also, if anything is out of the ordinary, people should contact the press--CNN (which Trump watches most, btw), a major newspaper, etc. Also Huffington Post wants emails about anything of interest related to the election "The Scoop" --  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/contact/

Great photo--Melania looks and sounds in her GMA interview like a perfect Bond villain. A nice first lady representing Americans and making sure their rights are respected? Not so much....

I keep expecting to hear the words 'moose' and 'squirrel' when she speaks. 

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1 hour ago, sleekandchic said:

I love all your colorful and clever nicknames for Trump!  However, my favorite will always be "effing asshole."

Contrary to what I heard on morning news shows today,  it's my opinion that Trump's longing to cancel the election and to install himself as president was NOT an attempt at humor.  Rather, he just spoke out loud what he thinks is the only logical conclusion to this mess of an election.  Herr Trump must prevail!  He DESERVES to win!

Effing asshole!

It is so ironic when you consider that most of his supporters are incensed by what they consider as entitled 'takers'. Then we have DT  feeling entitled to the presidency. These folks don't have a generous bone in their bodies. Highly averse to sharing. 

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They're angry?  Well, so am I!  Angry and fed up that a segment of the population is willing to vote in a serial liar, serial adulterer, sociopath, and open racist and mysogynist.  I'm angry and fed up that some of them are so selfish that they don't give a rat's patootey about what happens to the rest of us should this tangerine twit ascend to the White House.  As Keith Olbermann so eloquently stated: You KNOW this man!  When Drumpf loses (Please, Lord!) this election, let's see if he will deign to walk among his adoring masses again.  

I think what's made it so heated for me, other than the most repugnant potential ruler since Hitler, is that I am truly at my core, disillusioned with people.  People in general and people in my life, and I think for that alone, I will never stop hating The Orange and Cohorts.  That they are willing to be blind to things I find so reprehensible.   I've always looked at things like a New Age was Dawning.  In my day to day life, I see a lot of diversity, people have preconceptions but ........... I don't know.  

To the point where I feel like maybe I should just use the next 4 years as time to find someplace else.  I'm so serious.   That's how disgusted I feel with the support this man has garnered.  I've seen racism and everything else online but I guess, I mistakenly liked to believe, that it was always just some loser in a basement somewhere.  The fact that seemingly rational and credited as intelligent people, could support him.  *shakes head*

The good news is, when he loses (Dear god PLEASE) I don't think he'll get another shot.  The man does not look well.   And with his inability to follow linear reality could it be, the monster is winding down???????  But then I think, what will the Republican party cook up next?

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34 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Fun fact about Beecher. We are a sundown town. Sundown Towns

Very interesting.  I looked up Beecher on Google Maps and they don't have street views for the entire town.  I wanted to see a picture of Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church and went to their website.  This is the excerpt from Sundown Towns for the town where my grandmother lived:


"The ownership and occupancy of lots and buildings in these additions are forever restricted to members of the pure white race. No negro, mulatto, Chinese, Japanese, or person of any race, or mixture of races, other than a person of pure white race shall acquire title to any lot or building in these additions or acquire the right to occupy any such lot or building"

So yeah, drumpf country.  Much of that website is about the Klan resurgence in the the 1920s, so this is before the nazis even.

28 minutes ago, Dresdengirl said:

It appeals to the uneducated only.

I have to disagree on that point.  I know at least two teachers who parrot the nonsense that drumpf spouts. 

It's funny that drumpf and son thought Michael Moore's Trumpland was something that favored them.  I wonder if they'll try to use the clips where MM sympathizes with the voters that he's trying to get to vote for Hillary. 

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I know...it's beyond ridiculous. What makes it worse is that the Trump, with an active rape trial in the court system, has gotten away with directly calling Bill Clinton, who never was tried for rape, an actual rapist. By his logic, so is he. And you hear nothing about this. Innocent until proven guilty, of course, but the media covers every accusation, every rumor, every orchestrated "scandal" aimed at Hillary Clinton. The rape trial should be much bigger news, especially as Trump bragged about sexual assault, perving on young girls and leering at naked women who thought they were in a safe space. 

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3 minutes ago, roughing it said:

I was feeling disheartened watching all of the news shows today, and them saying the polls are tightening...EEEKK! 

Go read fivethirtyeight.com. They had an editorial on there yesterday about the race tightening.  I, too, was feeling anxious hearing that, but I thought, "How can it be really tightening when 538 polls show such a huge gap"?  Well, the article there said what I thought - the race is tightening a little bit, but not as much as the media would like you to think.  They are invested in that verbiage, because it makes you watch more to see what happens next. The candidates are invested in it as well, because news of a tightening race inspires people to get out and vote rather than sit home, thinking it's already over.   So cheer up, Buttercup - Trump still has very little chance of success in this election.

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9 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Go read fivethirtyeight.com.

I've been following it.  What concerns me is the unknown, the number of independent voters - will they vote Trump?  (I'm in Colorado, and there are more independent voters than Dem/Rep)  The media/FauxNews/GOP have been slamming Hillary for years now, that people start to believe the crap.  And then things like this rape case, and the Trump University case getting little to no play.  Gotta wonder (hope) if there is more to come from the Dem campaign.

Edited by roughing it
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Just now, roughing it said:

I've been following it.  What concerns me is the unknown, the number of independent voters - will they vote Trump?  (I'm in Colorado, and there are more independent voters than Dem/Rep)  The media/FauxNews/GOP have been slamming Hillary for years now, that people start to believe the crap.  And then things like this rape case, and the Trump University case getting little to no play.  Gotta wonder if there is more to come from the Dem campaign.

I keep hearing that it would be unprecedented for the number of independent voters that haven't weighed in to all go for Trump and be enough to sway what already seems to be obvious - a Clinton win. Now, I know it ain't over 'til it's over, and I admit that at this point the majority of my news is coming from Samantha Bee, The Daily Show, John Oliver, and  MSNBC (which may have a liberal bias but less so than CNN, I think), but I feel like that's true. They are basing it on past history. Essentially what they said was it was super unlikely that there would be that many polled voters who would lie about who they were voting for out of shame.

And, may I just say, if you are that ashamed of who you are voting for, maybe you should reconsider voting for them.

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How can you find out if you need to show ID to vote? I'm in Maryland. I've never had to show ID, but I don't know if that's actually the law or not and this talk has me a bit worried they're going to ask this time and I'd like to know if that is allowed here or not. Maryland is a blue state, but I live in a county that is very much red so I'm a bit concerned about election day to say the least. We've had someone steal our Clinton sign and replace it with a Trump one and honestly there's probably 10 Trump signs to every 1 Clinton sign here. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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My husband just sent me a thing that says it's legit to ask for ID for early voting in Illinois. So my pollster was just a weirdo.

I would think you could just google what states require ID to vote.  How disgusting that someone would steal your sign and then replace it with one for that pig.

Edited by Pixel
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14 minutes ago, roughing it said:

What concerns me is the unknown, the number of independent voters - will they vote Trump? 

The thing that seems to have given drumpf the recent bump is that fewer people are responding for Johnson. 

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

How can you find out if you need to show ID to vote?

I bring ID and at least one piece of mail with my address on it.   I don't want to take any chances. 

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The only tightening that could occur is if Republicans would come home in the next week. I think Hillary is going to get to 50 or 51% of the vote on Election Day.

The question about Trump is whether he stays under 40% (as he should and deserves to), or if enough Republicans solidify to get him into the mid-40's like they did for other losers like McCain and Romney.

I personally want to see him go down as hard as possible, and it's annoying that it's really up to Republican voters whether he does. Come on guys, just stay home. Don't vote for this man.

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I too am feeling sick at the news of the polls tightening (one article said it's white women who are turning his way - WHY????). I'm considering taking the weekend off from the news to get ready for my hip replacement surgery next week. Maybe I'll do some needle felting, since stabbing something might make me feel better.

"Short-fingered vulgarian" has been and always will be my favorite name for Trump. Thank you, Spy magazine.

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It seems that Don the Con just can't running his scams.  His latest campaign filings apparently show that donors' contributions were paid to three of Drumpf's hotels, including the one he just opened here in D.C.

And, you all may remember his boast that he was going to self-finance his campaign to the tune of $100 million.  As of now, he's only donated a little over half of that amount.  What's the likelihood that he will pony up the rest before the campaign is over?

That's why I can't shed any tears over the true believers who are so willing to throw their money away on this thief.  What pisses me off is that we probably wont' hear much about it until later this evening from Rachel Maddow who is  usually all over things like this.

Drumpf's 5-Star Scam

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38 minutes ago, Pixel said:

My husband just sent me a thing that says it's legit to ask for ID for early voting in Illinois. So my pollster was just a weirdo.

I would think you could just google what states require ID to vote.  How disgusting that someone would steal your sign and then replace it with one for that pig.

When I was checking out the information for our local early voting place before I went, it said right on there that they can't.  I saw something yesterday from 2012 that said they could for early voting, so I wonder if something has changed in the past 4 years.  

I just checked.  SB0172 was passed in IL and became effective 6/1/15.  So there may still be information floating around out there that still reflects the now outdated information.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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14 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

It seems that Don the Con just can't running his scams.  His latest campaign filings apparently show that donors' contributions were paid to three of Drumpf's hotels, including the one he just opened here in D.C.

And, you all may remember his boast that he was going to self-finance his campaign to the tune of $100 million.  As of now, he's only donated a little over half of that amount.  What's the likelihood that he will pony up the rest before the campaign is over?

That's why I can't shed any tears over the true believers who are so willing to throw their money away on this thief.  What pisses me off is that we probably wont' hear much about it until later this evening from Rachel Maddow who is  usually all over things like this.

Drumpf's 5-Star Scam

Right - that is the maddening SCAM he has been pulling.   Trump the businessman  has been doing business with Trump the candidate .  So Trump can use campaign donations to pay rent on hotels, meeting rooms, even use of the private plane, (all at prices that were inflated when his campaign began)  because the campaign is renting them from the businessman.  There was even something a while back, about Trump "giving" out copies of his book to supporters -  and then charging the campaign.  With all these deals, a portion of CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS is going directly into his pocket.

AND - additionally, he can claim the books are selling like crazy (because his campaign buys them)  and the hotels are filling up and very busy and popular (because his campaign is booking them)  He has found a way to turn this whole presidential run into a profit-making machine.

here's part of it :


Trump’s campaign further paid $8,544 to his golf resort in Potomac Falls, Virginia, and $6,040 to his son Eric Trump’s winery in Charlottesville, Virginia.

These payments were on top of his monthly rental payments of $9,000 to the Trump Plaza and $169,758 to Trump Tower. The Trump Tower rent jumped fivefold in July over what it had been for most of the campaign, even though the number of employees working there has no more than doubled.

That rent increase coincided with the signing of a joint fundraising deal with the Republican National Committee that started sending Trump tens of millions of dollars in donors’ money for the first time.

Edited by backformore
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

How can you find out if you need to show ID to vote? I'm in Maryland. I've never had to show ID, but I don't know if that's actually the law or not and this talk has me a bit worried they're going to ask this time and I'd like to know if that is allowed here or not. Maryland is a blue state, but I live in a county that is very much red so I'm a bit concerned about election day to say the least. We've had someone steal our Clinton sign and replace it with a Trump one and honestly there's probably 10 Trump signs to every 1 Clinton sign here. Sigh.

From the aclu:



ID Needed for Voting?


You will be asked to provide identification at the polling place if:

- You are voting for the first time in Maryland

- You registered to vote by mail on or after January 1, 2003

- You have not previously met the identification requirements

If you registered to vote by mail after January 1, 2006, you most likely satisfied the identification requirement during the registration process. If you did not satisfy the requirement, your county election board will have notified you and requested information to satisfy the identification requirement. You can satisfy the identification requirement by providing one of the following:

- A copy of a current and valid photo ID (i.e., Maryland driver's license, MVA-issued ID card, student, employee or military ID card, U.S. passport, or any other state or federal government issued ID card.)

- A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address.


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26 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

It seems that Don the Con just can't running his scams.  His latest campaign filings apparently show that donors' contributions were paid to three of Drumpf's hotels, including the one he just opened here in D.C.

And, you all may remember his boast that he was going to self-finance his campaign to the tune of $100 million.  As of now, he's only donated a little over half of that amount.  What's the likelihood that he will pony up the rest before the campaign is over?

That's why I can't shed any tears over the true believers who are so willing to throw their money away on this thief.  What pisses me off is that we probably wont' hear much about it until later this evening from Rachel Maddow who is  usually all over things like this.

Drumpf's 5-Star Scam

The press barely covers it. However, it's a little after 9 a.m. here and I've already seen 3 reports (on two different stations) about Hillary's email (via Russian intelligence and Assange on behalf of Trump--not that they mention that small detail either).

Also little noted was that, while he's stopped fundraising EVENTS, he's fundraising ONLINE more aggressively than ever. I get at least 7 requests for money every day now.  Why? Because the events give a big chunk of the money raised to the RNC for others.

Trump gets to keep the money raised online for himself (and, truly, I think that's exactly what he's doing--getting it all to keep after the election. Imo, that's why he has no ground game and few ad buys.  He's got about $60 million cash on hand and is planning to reimburse himself for the $56 million he put in during the primaries. That, plus the millions he's taken of donor money every time he makes a speech or announcement at one of his hotels. And, of course, he's billing us, too, for part of the cost of the $450,000 trip on his jet, because he bills the SS.  I wish the small donors sending him their hard earned money realized that he boosted the rates on his lousy campaign rooms in Trump Tower, so he could keep more of their cash for himself.

Rubio called it back in the primaries--he's a "con man". (But, of course, Rubio is voting for him anyway, with no hesitation at all about turning the government over to a liar and a crook.)

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additionally, he can claim the books are selling like crazy (because his campaign buys them)  and the hotels are filling up and very busy and popular (because his campaign is booking them)  He has found a way to turn this whole presidential run into a profit-making machine.

I honestly can't begin to express my lack of surprise.  The man is dirt maybe he'll get struck by lighting. Sigh.  I'm hoping maybe I'll feel better once I get to vote.   I wish I was in a place that had early voting.   As it is, I'm going BEFORE work and I already told my boss that I may be late and I can't say what time I'll be able to make it in.

I believe another one of his victims is going to be holding a Press Conference today, and I hear this girl has been taken under the wing of Gloria Allred. 

Gloria I don't know anything about you, but I do like the few articles I've read from google.   Please consider this a request for blood in the water.   I want Scandal, I want Sordid.


Rubio called it back in the primaries--he's a "con man". (But, of course, Rubio is voting for him anyway, with no hesitation at all about turning the government over to a liar and a crook.)

While I do hope he fries in hell, I question him.   His soundbites lately about not using "Wikileaks" info.   Does he know of something in the wind or is it something specific to him?   I know/heard he is definitely NOT comfortable with Russia.  Whatever it is, he can go to hell and make a left when  he get's there.

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what I had mentioned last night about Rachel Maddow's show: 

His bragging about how great he was, how he was the BEST at every sport he tried , how "everyone"  wanted him to be a baseball player, says a lot about his personality.  The guy is delusional .

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This "working class champion" is a spoiled rich kid who thinks he's God's gift and doesn't give a damn about other people. It's incredible to see the effect he has on a room. Really helps understand what happened in Germany in the 30s.  If he was just a little smarter--had just a little less obvious baggage in personality and personal history and more self control to avoid personal attacks and keep hitting the "corruption" of his opponents and messages of economic populism--I think Trump could have won in a landslide.


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9 minutes ago, Padma said:

This "working class champion" is a spoiled rich kid who thinks he's God's gift and doesn't give a damn about other people. It's incredible to see the effect he has on a room. Really helps understand what happened in Germany in the 30s.  If he was just a little smarter--had just a little less obvious baggage in personality and personal history and more self control to avoid personal attacks and keep hitting the "corruption" of his opponents and messages of economic populism--I think Trump could have won in a landslide.


That's why we have to be ever vigilant.  We may have dodged a bullet this time.  But, the next time Breitbart & Co. could put up a candidate who is a little more clever and not so obvious in putting forth their agenda.  He--or she--just has to be charismatic, reasonably attractive and keep a lid on the cray-cray long enough to have most of the voting populace fooled.

And, speaking of that undisciplined nectarine nightmare, I hear he is still stewing because Governor Kasich snubbed him and has stood firm in his refusal to support, endorse or campaign for him.  But, then, too, he's still pissed off about a fight he had with Rosie O'Donnell years ago.

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Penn Jillette  was on two seasons of Celebrity apprentice.   He has some interesting insight, spending a lot of time with Trump:

Interesting that when he refused to say he would endorse Trump for president (and this was a few years back), that was the reason he didn't win the show.   And THEN - Trump took a shot back at him later, tweeting that  his magic show was boring.  

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And, this, folks is how a weasel like Paul Ryan tries to stay in good with the nectarine nightmare.  Is he kidding me with this shit?  He wants to suspend Secretary Clinton's classified briefings.  Yet, he has Putin's bitch not only getting briefings, but denying that Russian has had anything to do with these hacks.

I just can't with these people.  Will the mainstream media finally stop feeling sorry for Lyin' Ryan?  

Ryan Renews Call to Deny Clinton Classified Briefings

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1 hour ago, Grommet said:

"Short-fingered vulgarian" has been and always will be my favorite name for Trump. Thank you, Spy magazine.

Ha!  I'd completely forgotten that.  Pretty much all of my Trump knowledge, until the current election, was from Spy Magazine.  So I was never a fan. 

Just the other day I was looking for a hat to wear and found a mint condition baseball cap with the Spy Magazine logo on it--I assume I got it with a subscription.  Hey, Trump will be here tomorrow--maybe I should wear it to the rally. 

Damn, I miss Spy Magazine.

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I know! Everything's a disaster, everything is the worst or the best. There's no middle ground with Donald. Nuance and subtlety are lost on him. And his fans. He's the king of hyperbole.

But what if some of those ridiculous statements are not him engaging in basic hyperbole? 

I watch the 3a.m. Rachel Maddow, so now I've seen the "found footage" mentioned above where Trump says he was the best baseball player in New York.  I ran it back and watched it multiple times.  I swear, there was no indication the man was being the slightest bit facetious.  He was 100% sincere that there were no baseball players, professional or otherwise, superior to Donald J. Trump at the time.  Maddow named some of the players from that era and even to non-sporting me, they were recognizably famous.

(I imagine showing him stats proving that some of those hall-of-famers threw faster, hit harder, fielded better than he:  "Rigged.")

I've always thought he was motivated by avarice and systematically applying his own theory that "if you repeat something enough times, people will believe it."  (Which obviously has a great deal of merit as a campaign technique.)  But now I think the man may be mentally unbalanced, literally; that he's been manifesting some kind of clinical grandiosity syndrome for a long, long time.  Maybe he truly believes if the media and bureaucracy would just stop lying and step out of the way so the people could be heard, we'd all gratefully agree en masse to skip the electoral process and acclaim him the smartest man in the world and our rightful leader.


I've read the narcissistic personality descriptions; does that disorder extend to certifiable let's-discuss-commitment-proceedings levels of "protect himself and others" delusional dysfunction?


Does anyone else think this could be true?  Are we so close to making a madman our president? 

Although I guess that's not entirely unheard of, in the history of the world. . .

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Comey's announcement is so wrong, so morally wrong (since all he is doing is spreading more innuendo), that I feel physically ill over it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fbi-hillary-clinton-email-investigation_us_58138552e4b0990edc30cb36

The gleeful posts from Trump and Priebus and Conway only make it worse--while voting is happening.

Meanwhile, is ANYONE in government investigating the likely ties between Trump (Manafort still there, too, in the background) and Russian intelligence agents hacking private U.S. citizens' email to undermine our democracy?  Anyone? Anyone?

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10 minutes ago, Padma said:

Meanwhile, is ANYONE in government investigating the likely ties between Trump (Manafort still there, too, in the background) and Russian intelligence agents hacking private U.S. citizens' email to undermine our democracy?  Anyone? Anyone?

Nope.  That was blocked by the GOP controlled congress.

Edited by scriggle
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13 hours ago, millennium said:

The BEST damn 4-F you ever saw.

So good he was 5-F!

50 minutes ago, candall said:

I've read the narcissistic personality descriptions; does that disorder extend to certifiable let's-discuss-commitment-proceedings levels of "protect himself and others" delusional dysfunction?

He'd proudly announce when his picture is inserted next to the definition in the DSM.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Damn, I miss Spy Magazine.

Esquire magazine has a temporary Spy section with some great articles, including one on what a dump Trump Tower is.

I lugged around a box of Spy issues for many years. I just discovered the archives are on Google books!

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56 minutes ago, Padma said:

Just in case anyone needs a reminder what a jerk he is

The first thing that came to mind was Hillary at the debate saying he likes to hang around backstage at pageants.  This drumpf quote should be used in Hillary's ads:


“That wouldn’t have been true, but I would have said it anyway.”

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Trump was in Maine today and he looked more orange than usual. His hair was a different shade of yellow. He really looked like a friggin clown, more so than usual.

Edited by rcc
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7 minutes ago, rcc said:

Trump was in Maine today and he looked more orange than usual. His hair was a different shade of yellow. He really looked like a friggin clown, more so than usual.

Good.  Let's go low.  I'm tired of high.

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5 hours ago, Pixel said:

My husband just sent me a thing that says it's legit to ask for ID for early voting in Illinois. So my pollster was just a weirdo.

I would think you could just google what states require ID to vote.  How disgusting that someone would steal your sign and then replace it with one for that pig.

Can you share the link because I just early voted and the election judges there said what they're doing in the suburbs is illegal. They can ask for ID but only if your address doesn't match up with what they have on file.

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