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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?

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Whoopi has so much going on these days it is hard to see why she even wants to be associated with this train wreck.  One the other hand - a steady salary in a profession with no guarantees must be might tantalizing!


I firmly believe that Whoopi has so much talent and respect in the industry that she is golden, but that is looking from the outside.  All of our insecurities about everything, including money, are ours alone.

Edited by kaygeeret
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Whoopi has so much going on these days it is hard to see why she even wants to be associated with this train wreck. One the other hand - a steady salary in a profession with no guarantees must be might tantalizing!

I agree, it's hard to believe that she stays with this crapfest given how busy she is with all kinds of other projects. Although as you say, it's a pretty nice paycheck for showing up 2 or 3 hours a day 4 days a week for a job that she can largely snooze through. It's a pretty cushy gig that allows her plenty of time to do all the things that she actually enjoys and cares about.

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It's a pretty cushy gig that allows her plenty of time to do all the things that she actually enjoys and cares about.

Also, it puts her on the airwaves 5 days a week and (at times) in the news. She has a place to mention her projects and who doesn't love free publicity.

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I think one of the reasons Whoopi Goldberg is on The View is the bullshit she said yesterday.  In trying to excuse Justin Bieber's racist jokes, Ms. Goldberg claimed that 'nigger' doesn't mean the same thing in Canada that it does in the US and that African-Canadians were a completely seperate and different animal to African-Americans.


Well, Ms. Goldberg, I've been Black all my life and Canadian for most of it and let me tell you, nigger means nigger in Canada too.  I should know since I've been called it enough times.  And yes, African-Canadians are different than African-Americans because we live in Canada.  But our experience in the Great White North hasn't been a crystal stair.  Ask an African-Canadian in Nova Scotia (whose family has probably been in Canada since the American Revolutionary War, by the way) what being Black in Canada is like.


Whoopi Goldberg isn't as smart as she thinks she appears or as she thinks she is.  Just like she's not as young as she claims.

Edited by mightysparrow
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I agree that Whoopii is not as smart as she likes to believe.  She says things with such authority and frequently patronizing way that you assume she knows what she's talking about. Shes like Oprah in that way. It drives me nuts when she says stuff like "white folks don't think that way,  white folks don't look at things like that..". Umm, what?? I've also always questioned her age.  There's an old song lyrics that reminds me of Whoopi -"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."

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Whoopi's opinion on that show is the end all. They can get their points in, but, Whoopi's opinion is rule. Pshh.. She couldn't even get Bergdahl's age even close to correct today. 

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Putting together all the different things that Whoopi has said about her younger years, I'm pretty sure she has to be more than 1 1/2 years older than I am - probably more like 4.  I would be stunned if she isn't. 

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I think one of the reasons Whoopi Goldberg is on The View is the bullshit she said yesterday.  In trying to excuse Justin Bieber's racist jokes, Ms. Goldberg claimed that 'nigger' doesn't mean the same thing in Canada that it does in the US and that African-Canadians were a completely seperate and different animal to African-Americans.


Well, Ms. Goldberg, I've been Black all my life and Canadian for most of it and let me tell you, nigger means nigger in Canada too.  I should know since I've been called it enough times.  And yes, African-Canadians are different than African-Americans because we live in Canada.  But our experience in the Great White North hasn't been a crystal stair.  Ask an African-Canadian in Nova Scotia (whose family has probably been in Canada since the American Revolutionary War, by the way) what being Black in Canada is like.


Whoopi Goldberg isn't as smart as she thinks she appears or as she thinks she is.  Just like she's not as young as she claims.

Thank you for that!  I could not believe it when Whoopi said that African-Canadians didn't view the word "nigger" like African-Americans do. 

Whoopi has a very bad habit of thinking she can speak for others.

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Putting together all the different things that Whoopi has said about her younger years, I'm pretty sure she has to be more than 1 1/2 years older than I am - probably more like 4.  I would be stunned if she isn't.

I agree CattyTiger. I am one week younger than her if her age is correct. I have always had doubts about her age too. I do remember reading a long time ago that she was actually born in 1952. Not sure where I saw that but it seemed more accurate.

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Whenever Whoopi Goldberg talks about her career, she mysteriously omits the years she spent in the Bay Area where she worked with the San Francisco Mime Troup in several of their shows.  I knew several people from the Mime Troup and they all have very interesting stories to tell about Ms. Goldberg.  Add those years in and there's no way she's as old as she claims.  I think born in '52 is generous.  I'd say '47 or '48.

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Whoopi is interesting and talented. But I WISH she would stop making references to her sex life- it completely grosses me out. She was cracking up and talking in a "valley girl" voice the other day, when talking about a study that said that women who sleep with men on the first date don't always have a long relationship (or something like that.) She thought that was sooooo hilarious, because of all of her "one night stands" where she does it like a man, has so many orgasms, blah blah blah. Okay woman, we get it. Kudos to you for getting yours. Enough already. And this brings me to the second thing that annoys me- her laughing at things that *she* finds ridiculous. Just announce the topic, and then lets get into opinions/discussions, no need to crack up while you are telling the next topic.

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I would take the distaste for Whoopi's sexual references one step further and say that I find all the stupid innuendo and overly sexual comments to be a show stopper.  Not because I am a prude, but because it brings any chance for a half way interesting (god forbid it should be intelligent!) conversation to a screeching halt.


A joke I might laugh at in a comedy club is not terribly funny at 10am on tv - and usually doesn't have the best set up either.


They should all stop it.  They are not impressing me at all.

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does anyone else think Whoopi and Robert DeNiro are former lovers?  They both are eachother's types.  If so, I think it's very nice that they have stayed such good friends all these years.


It looks like they have a deep, genuine fondness and love for eachother.  Actually if that's the kind of relationship they started out with - it's a shame they couldn't stay together - I wonder why they didn't.

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Is it because I'm way older than Whoopi that I find her sexual confessions kinda funny?   I don't mind the comments about her "breastesses" being a 48-long, etc.  

My only complaint would be that I'd rather hear something original rather than the same ol' same ol' schtick.

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I'm not really sure people that like/love someone of a different race prefers them over the other. Nor assume Whoopi and Robert had a relationship.

I think a deep respect for each others work and interests in the arts in NYC and most likely beyond in other areas of their creativities.

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I got the feeling that Whoopi has a crush on De Niro but I didn't get the impression that they had ever been lovers.  De Niro has always had a preference for Black women, in fact I don't think I've ever heard of him being with a White woman.  But he likes his women to be more glamourous than Whoopi has ever been on her best day.  I remember when he was with Toukie Smith.  She was a very voluptuous woman and she was smoking hot!  They were together for years and when she wanted to have a child, he agreed to be the father even though they weren't together.

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Does anyone else think that Whoppi may get tired of "carrying" these idiots, including co-hosts, on the Spew. It's like she's the mom, and their the bratty kids.

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Does anyone know Whoopi's daughter's full name? I think first name is Alexis? The reason I ask is because if we find out her birthdate, then we know for sure how old Whoopi is.   She has said she had her when she was 18 yrs. old. 


I really don't care.   I would be surprised though if Whoopi is claiming to be younger than she really is, because she certainly doesn't strike me as someone who would give a crap about people knowing how old she really is.

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Although I don't care how old Whoopi is, I do recall that she wouldn't reveal her daughter's age in a recent show, saying that her daughter didn't like her to mention it. Maybe that is a clue to her being older than she admits. If Whoopi was born earlier than she admits, that's no big deal to me. I was able to shave a few years off my age due to circumstances that I went to college a number of years after I graduated from high school rather than right after high school. Because my college graduation year effectively put me into another age group, younger, I believe it aided my career in that I got interviews that I not have gotten - ageism is alive and well here in the US and probably other countries as well. I think that I would not have been hired for at least one job I can recall if I had been passed by for an interview. Everyone thought I was ten years younger and I didn't correct them.


Whoopi's daughter Alex Martin was born in 1973 when Whoopi was 17. I don't think she manipulates her age much if at all. As far as Robert DeNiro and her, although they may or may not have been lovers, they definitely have an attraction to each other. Speaking of DeNiro, it's interesting how his relationships with African American women has gone under the radar for his whole life. I've seen other celebrities defined by their mere choice in a spouse who was not the same race. There is something to be said about valuing privacy.

Edited by maryis1
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I'm amazed that Whoopi is producing a reality show, featuring her daughter, when she has railed against the genre for years!! She is so hypocritical, it's hard to take her seriously anymore. What a sellout!!!! Hope it crashes and burns....

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@ginger90 I thought I read in this forum that Whoopi had her teeth finally worked on even though she has a fear of dentists (and can't find the post now, of course). The hand/fingers in front of the mouth could be to hide her teeth before they were fixed and now has become a habit. Just a thought.

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I'm fed up with the references she makes to the smells and sounds when a man goes down on her for oral sex.  That I can do without.


There is not enough brain bleach to erase that comment from my memory.  Gross.

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I'm amazed that Whoopi is producing a reality show, featuring her daughter, when she has railed against the genre for years!! She is so hypocritical, it's hard to take her seriously anymore. What a sellout!!!! Hope it crashes and burns....


Same as Oprah.  Oprah was totally against reality tv.  Until she got her network.  Except Oprah calls them docu-series, or something like that.  Yeah, right Oprah.

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Whoopi was so full of shit today when talking about the fact she had Whooping Cough. Telling the others they didn't need to be worried was ignorant. Granted they can't do anything about it now, except get the booster. But just because Whoopi didn't know she had it, doesn't mean she wasn't spreading her infected droplets all over. Saying she was off for the week she had it? Umm, doesn't work like that, dear.

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Whoopi is the ultimate know-it-all. I love a lot of her movies and agree with a lot of what she has to say, but, she really doesn't need to be the know all end all on every.single.topic.always. She's loaded and world famous. I'm still baffled as to why she ever chose to be on this show. 

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Whoopi is the ultimate know-it-all. I love a lot of her movies and agree with a lot of what she has to say, but, she really doesn't need to be the know all end all on every.single.topic.always. She's loaded and world famous. I'm still baffled as to why she ever chose to be on this show. 


Whoopi  was quoted at least once as saying she only does this job for the paycheck. Yes, a nice, big, fat paycheck for a very easy, part time job with many weeks off a year.


That's the primary reason, without a doubt. Secondarily, she has a  platform to promote any of her other projects.

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I think, when Whoopi started on The View, she was barely eking out a living (royalties only), but with the bucks from The View & the other opportunities she's dug up, I'm guessing she's doing quite well now.  Just sayin'.

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I remember several years ago, maybe in her first year or two on the show, Whoopi said she was very thankful for The View job, especially after she lost that Slimfast contract and didn't have much work. I couldn't find those comments in a search, but I did find this charming tidbit from April of 2013:


Whoopi Goldberg made it abundantly clear that she has zero interest in who joins the "View" roundtable.


Earlier this year, longtime "View" co-host Joy Behar announced that she was leaving the ABC daytime show at the end of the season. Reports surfaced that co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck was also on her way out the door, though Barbara Walters denied such movement. Walters, though, announced her plans for retirement in May 2014.


At the Vanity Fair party at the Tribeca Film Festival, Goldberg told US Weekly that she was not interested in such personnel issues.


"Let me tell you this about 'The View': I take a paycheck every other week. That's all I do. I could give a sh-t what comes. I do my job -- I have a contract. That's where I stand. I don't give a f-ck," Goldberg said. She added, "My job is to show up and be cute by 11:00 and get the f-ck off that show by 12."


Edited by LuckyBitch
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Brooklynista, I totally get that as many, many people feel the same way. Yet, they don't advertise it like Whoopi does. To be getting paid as much as she does for this part time job and come right out and make that statement is so rude and disrespectful. I can't imagine Barbara being thrilled to hear or read about that.


Whoopi comes off as a crass, ungrateful bitch when she should be thanking her lucky stars that she's had this easy, ridiculously high paying gig for several years now. Babs must be a lot nicer than I am, because if I were her and I read that statement I would have made sure that Whoopi's present contract is her last contract.

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My opinion is that, while Whoopi is grateful to have an easy, millions-paying job like this, she isn't hurting so much for money that she's going to bend over backwards to kiss Barbara Walters' behind like Walters expects everyone to do. It reminds me of one day this past year during topics when Barbara made a snide comment towards her and Whoopi said she'd be happy to leave this show if Barbara wanted it that way, and Barbara backtracked.


Plus Whoopi is probably aware that she is the biggest name and Q rating they have at this point, and they probably won't get any better. She's also too old and well-off to care if she ruffles feathers, which is the same way Joy was in later years on the show. More importantly, her not-caring contribution still manages to be more than Sherri's or Jenny's, and they seem like they really are trying. Which is pretty sad.

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Plus Whoopi is probably aware that she is the biggest name and Q rating they have at this point, and they probably won't get any better. She's also too old and well-off to care if she ruffles feathers, which is the same way Joy was in later years on the show.

BUT - I recall both Joy and Whoopi having been forced to make on-camera apologies (O'Reilly, Joy for Rachel Uchitel?) that IMO were NOT necessary, and Elisabitch NEVER had to make the same kind of apologies (esp for the horrid way she treated Bill Maher).


Hence the reason why I stopped watching this show!

Edited by DangerousMinds
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Actually EH was forced to make an apology about "glitterglasseswhatshisname."  (Depak Chopra) IMO that was an awful thing to say.


ETA - a 20 second apology before commercial, btw

Edited by maggiemae
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This is from the "Daily News" in May 2010:


Elisabeth Hasseleck gave a weepy apology to Erin Andrews while on 'The View' last week.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck may have publicly apologized to ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews last week after criticizing her skimpy wardrobe on "Dancing with the Stars," but the conservative "View" co-host never had the chance to do it privately.
Hasselbeck, 32, said that she called Andrews Tuesday night to personally apologize after her 5-year-old daughter, Grace, advised her to just pick up the phone.

"Thankfully, I listened to her … and I did," she said.

However, Andrews wasn't on the other end of the line when Hasselbeck made the call.

"I didn't speak with her, no," Andrews told UsMagazine.com. "I never talked to her."

Despite knowing that Andrews has faced two separate stalking incidents within the past year, Hasselbeck slammed the leggy blond on-air for "wearing next to nothing" on the dance floor.

She said, "In light of what happened and as illegal and as inexcusable as it was for that horrific guy to go in and try to peep on her in her hotel room … I mean, in some way if I'm him, I'm like, 'Man! I just could've waited 12 weeks and seen this – a little bit less – without the prison time!'"

A "very shocked" Andrews, 32, spoke out about the slam, telling People.com that Hasselbeck's remarks were "a slap in the face to victims of stalking and sexual predators."

Now that a week has gone by since the incident, the ESPN reporter says she's "dealt with" the harsh comments and is "moving on."

"I'm tired of talking about it," she said. "It's a new week."


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Actually EH was forced to make an apology about "glitterglasseswhatshisname."  (Depak Chopra) IMO that was an awful thing to say.


ETA - a 20 second apology before commercial, btw

An awful thing to say, sure, but definitely showed her true character.

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If Geddie (and Walters) doesn't go I suppose it won't make a difference. But if they are really looking to change the nature of the show Whoopi should go too. She's got too many bad habbits to get over. They need a new --and real-- moderator.

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