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S11.E14: Secrets, Lies And Vicki's New Guy

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7 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Vicki's GoFundMe campaign is stuck on $143, and there are currently 28 very unflattering comments and none in support of KillALLCancer.  She laid a major egg with this idea.  I wonder who paid for the professional "commercial" that aired on the show.  I also wonder if she's even a little bit embarrassed about this whole debacle.  


There is a button at the very bottom of the page to report the campaign.  Have to wonder if anyone has yet.  Certainly the commenters should have.

  • Love 2

Poor Vicki - it must kill her that being the OG of the OC that Tamra has surpassed her in salary.  This could explain why Tamra feels comfortable in distancing herself from Vicki - bottom line she doesn't need her anymore.   Vicki has basically been the same since the beginning.  As much as I think Tamra is just trash, she has managed to reinvent herself most seasons.   Tamra was forced to make a story line for herself that doesn't include her kids - so for the most part she appears doing things on her own (as if single) or with Eddie (always can get him to show up if there is food).    Vicki - same old story.  Manipulating her kids with money, insurance, "I work", and horribly fitting clothes.   Same house, same job, same kids, same old same old.   

I could easily see Tamra trying to take over as the OG of the OC.  If Meghan somehow manages to catch on, Tamra will go after her.  She need Heather so she can mingle with the "fancy pants" set.  Shannon is a maybe for Tamra, depends on what she brings to the table - something that doesn't take away from Tamra. 

On the other hand, Vicki needs to have that money coming in.   Her ventures have failed - even Gretchen managed to make some money from appearing on the show.    Kelly will be gone, institutionalized, or in jail.  Vicki doesn't fit in anymore - and from what I've seen since the season ended, Tamra is done with her.  The two "BFF's" are no more - so she has managed to kick Vicki to the curb.  

  • Love 3
On 10/4/2016 at 8:58 AM, Giselle said:

It depends, cops can make pretty good money and have a pretty good pension. I know a retired CHP higher up with a nice home and a $400K motorhome. He ain't hurting at all.

I don't know if this has been posted--but Icki's new boyfriends pension is in the $60k range per year. 

Here in CA we have a public database (wwe.transparentCalifornia.com) that details any amount of money paid in salary or pension to public employees.   

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Poor Vicki - it must kill her that being the OG of the OC that Tamra has surpassed her in salary.  This could explain why Tamra feels comfortable in distancing herself from Vicki - bottom line she doesn't need her anymore.   Vicki has basically been the same since the beginning.  As much as I think Tamra is just trash, she has managed to reinvent herself most seasons.   Tamra was forced to make a story line for herself that doesn't include her kids - so for the most part she appears doing things on her own (as if single) or with Eddie (always can get him to show up if there is food).    Vicki - same old story.  Manipulating her kids with money, insurance, "I work", and horribly fitting clothes.   Same house, same job, same kids, same old same old.   

I could easily see Tamra trying to take over as the OG of the OC.  If Meghan somehow manages to catch on, Tamra will go after her.  She need Heather so she can mingle with the "fancy pants" set.  Shannon is a maybe for Tamra, depends on what she brings to the table - something that doesn't take away from Tamra. 

On the other hand, Vicki needs to have that money coming in.   Her ventures have failed - even Gretchen managed to make some money from appearing on the show.    Kelly will be gone, institutionalized, or in jail.  Vicki doesn't fit in anymore - and from what I've seen since the season ended, Tamra is done with her.  The two "BFF's" are no more - so she has managed to kick Vicki to the curb.  

I think the assertion that Tamra earns more than Vicki is erroneous.  I was pointing out that verifiably Tamra was making $600,000.00 four years ago, so I don't see why Vicki would be making so much less than Tamra.  When these women negotiate there isn't necessarily seniority pay but there is usable storyline pay.  It would not surprise me to see Shannon making close to the old timers salary and of course Heather would have come in making some big money.  I think their first year (these days-not originally) they are paid right around $150,000.00, and after that it is negotiable.  It was explained to me this way if you take all the franchises and combine the 40 or so returning RH and pay them $1,000,000.00 each (there are no benefits or rerun royalties) it is a drop in the bucket about 4% of the billion dollars the combined franchises bring in.  In the case of OC where it is the primary or sole source of income for Vicki and Tamra it is great incentive to create drama year after year.  Having said that about creating drama, it falls pretty flat when someone comes in and just creates drama like Kelly has been doing.  Tamra gave her a beautiful out-she is hurting, which was great when it involved Heather or Shannon's feelings, let's see if she can keep that up when she is the target of Kelly.

As far as Vicki, the days of just highlighting what a hypocrite she is and always has been should be over.  I liked Vicki when she cheered for David and Shannon's marriage citing her experience with divorce at the mid-century mark.  This year it seems forced with Kelly and Michael, who come off as the poster couple for divorce and have in fact filed previously, with Kelly getting engaged.  Now it is Vicki trying to dig at Shannon and David's marriage which leads me to believe she had alternative motives all along for encouraging coupling versus divorcing.  Or she just likes to hear herself talk.  For some reason producers think the audience is tied to the OG of the OC nonsense.  I don't think they are, she is like Ramona of NYC all she does is create misery for others and threaten to out secrets.  Boring.

I believe Tamra has realized at long last that there is not necessarily strength in teaming with Vicki.  Their scenes seem forced and I believe Vicki uses Tamra's access to Briana as a hole card.  No one cares about Briana.  Vicki doesn't care about the others' family members so why should any of them care about hers?  Vicki is slipping back to her upper  middle-class existence, dating a retired cop and hopefully she has stashed some of her earning to carry her through the rest of her life.  I hope the stash isn't just in buying homes for her two children.  She always has her insurance career. 

  • Love 7

There is a button at the very bottom of the page to report the campaign.  Have to wonder if anyone has yet.  Certainly the commenters should have.

I am surprised if no one has, clearly the entire thing is a front for leads.  I also wonder if City of Hope will ask them to take down the section on the website that indicated they are partners, I am sure CoH wants no association with Vicki at all.  Really, this cancer scam she is doing now with her phony charity is reprehensible.  I am surprised her PR team encouraged her to do this.  After last year Vicki should stay far away from anything to do with cancer.


Poor Vicki - it must kill her that being the OG of the OC that Tamra has surpassed her in salary

How do we know this is true?  I do not think Vicki's salary is public knowledge.

  • Love 5

Vicki's blog is up and I usually refrain from calling people psychos, narcissists and other such terms but after reading this I truly believe Vicki is a pathological liar. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-gunvalson-enough-is

From her blog:

She has decided to remove herself from where ever Shannon was.  She was not pleased with Shannon confronting her about the phone message. (huh?)

"Everyone who knows me knows my heart and knows I would never do anything like Shannon is accusing me of.  Everyone who knew "him" and I, experienced the same thing. I did and also believe(d) he was/is sick."

She then prattles on and accuses Shannon of bullying her.  From this comment I think after admitting and asking for forgiveness that most of the rest of the cast and her daughter doubted Brooks' cancer claims-she still believes.  And then Vicki misses the point entirely of why Shannon is not re-friending her:

"I have zero desire to keep my ex-boyfriend's name and the problems I went through with him in her vocabulary is her problem and her issue . . . She has zero compassion for what I went through, and I can't spend any more time discussing it with her."

As I understand Vicki she owes zero in the way of an honest explanation, let alone an apology and it is those pesky cast members who aren't sending her casseroles over her lying boyfriend dumping her ass.

On to the accident and this just downright newsworthy.  

"I had asked if one of them could run to the store and grab me some inexpensive sweat pants, T-shirt and sandals, so when I was discharged I had clothes to wear home since they were cut off me when I got to the hospital.  It's not like I needed her to hold my hand, just a quick stop in to see if I needed anything would have been nice."

So is Vicki lying in her own sentence?  Did she ask one of them to get her garb to wear home or it would have been nice if Shannon had stopped by to see if she needed anything.   To me it sounds as if she specifically told someone to ask that Shannon gather these items.  This is my problem with pathological liars, at 3 pm or whenever when Meghan learned of the accident, Vicki would have had no idea that she would be discharged, (unless of course she was knowingly exaggerating her symptoms) so she knew she would be discharged.  Vicki has after the fact admitted to there being a producer at the hospital so there was someone to errand run for her.  So did she contact "one of them" at midnight when she knew she would be discharged to fetch her some clothing or is this just another Vicki lie.

She likes Tamra when they are one on one because a whole season could be based around their hysterical antics while shopping.  Once tamra surrounds herself with her puppets (perfect way to slap both Tamra as a pot stirrer and make Shannon and Heather seem beneath Tamra) she is a pot stirrer.  Vicki is done with Tamra. " I am at the point where I am desensitized from her perpetual mood swings and screaming at me.  I just don't understand her motive.  Is this how she believes Christian women speak to one another?"

Regarding the secret and the lie:

"Truth of the matter is, I know something that is very hurtful about the Beadors, which she has lied about.  I have no desire to hurt her or her family, but she hurt me beyond words and I don't know what to do about it anymore.   I simply want her to stay away from me, to stop talking crap about me and my family for attention. . . .. " 

I believe the disconnect for Vicki is she doesn't understand the concept of accountability. 

The good news is she does not mention her bogus cancer scam in her blog.  Left out the entire scene and not even a link at the bottom of her blog.

  • Love 12
54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Vicki's blog is up and I usually refrain from calling people psychos, narcissists and other such terms but after reading this I truly believe Vicki is a pathological liar. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-gunvalson-enough-is

From her blog:

She has decided to remove herself from where ever Shannon was.  She was not pleased with Shannon confronting her about the phone message. (huh?)

"Everyone who knows me knows my heart and knows I would never do anything like Shannon is accusing me of.  Everyone who knew "him" and I, experienced the same thing. I did and also believe(d) he was/is sick."

She then prattles on and accuses Shannon of bullying her.  From this comment I think after admitting and asking for forgiveness that most of the rest of the cast and her daughter doubted Brooks' cancer claims-she still believes.  And then Vicki misses the point entirely of why Shannon is not re-friending her:

"I have zero desire to keep my ex-boyfriend's name and the problems I went through with him in her vocabulary is her problem and her issue . . . She has zero compassion for what I went through, and I can't spend any more time discussing it with her."

As I understand Vicki she owes zero in the way of an honest explanation, let alone an apology and it is those pesky cast members who aren't sending her casseroles over her lying boyfriend dumping her ass.

On to the accident and this just downright newsworthy.  

"I had asked if one of them could run to the store and grab me some inexpensive sweat pants, T-shirt and sandals, so when I was discharged I had clothes to wear home since they were cut off me when I got to the hospital.  It's not like I needed her to hold my hand, just a quick stop in to see if I needed anything would have been nice."

So is Vicki lying in her own sentence?  Did she ask one of them to get her garb to wear home or it would have been nice if Shannon had stopped by to see if she needed anything.   To me it sounds as if she specifically told someone to ask that Shannon gather these items.  This is my problem with pathological liars, at 3 pm or whenever when Meghan learned of the accident, Vicki would have had no idea that she would be discharged, (unless of course she was knowingly exaggerating her symptoms) so she knew she would be discharged.  Vicki has after the fact admitted to there being a producer at the hospital so there was someone to errand run for her.  So did she contact "one of them" at midnight when she knew she would be discharged to fetch her some clothing or is this just another Vicki lie.

She likes Tamra when they are one on one because a whole season could be based around their hysterical antics while shopping.  Once tamra surrounds herself with her puppets (perfect way to slap both Tamra as a pot stirrer and make Shannon and Heather seem beneath Tamra) she is a pot stirrer.  Vicki is done with Tamra. " I am at the point where I am desensitized from her perpetual mood swings and screaming at me.  I just don't understand her motive.  Is this how she believes Christian women speak to one another?"

Regarding the secret and the lie:

"Truth of the matter is, I know something that is very hurtful about the Beadors, which she has lied about.  I have no desire to hurt her or her family, but she hurt me beyond words and I don't know what to do about it anymore.   I simply want her to stay away from me, to stop talking crap about me and my family for attention. . . .. " 

I believe the disconnect for Vicki is she doesn't understand the concept of accountability. 

The good news is she does not mention her bogus cancer scam in her blog.  Left out the entire scene and not even a link at the bottom of her blog.

IMO, Vicki is trying to get ahead of whatever we are about to see go down in Ireland, especially concerning Tamra! Whatever Vicki spills about both Tamra and Shannon must be big enough, nasty enough that she realizes she crossed a line she may not recover from with Tamra, Shannon, Meghan and Heather.......ever.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Vicki's blog is up and I usually refrain from calling people psychos, narcissists and other such terms but after reading this I truly believe Vicki is a pathological liar. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-gunvalson-enough-is

From her blog:

She has decided to remove herself from where ever Shannon was.  She was not pleased with Shannon confronting her about the phone message. (huh?)

"Everyone who knows me knows my heart and knows I would never do anything like Shannon is accusing me of.  Everyone who knew "him" and I, experienced the same thing. I did and also believe(d) he was/is sick."

She then prattles on and accuses Shannon of bullying her.  From this comment I think after admitting and asking for forgiveness that most of the rest of the cast and her daughter doubted Brooks' cancer claims-she still believes.  And then Vicki misses the point entirely of why Shannon is not re-friending her:

"I have zero desire to keep my ex-boyfriend's name and the problems I went through with him in her vocabulary is her problem and her issue . . . She has zero compassion for what I went through, and I can't spend any more time discussing it with her."

As I understand Vicki she owes zero in the way of an honest explanation, let alone an apology and it is those pesky cast members who aren't sending her casseroles over her lying boyfriend dumping her ass.

On to the accident and this just downright newsworthy.  

"I had asked if one of them could run to the store and grab me some inexpensive sweat pants, T-shirt and sandals, so when I was discharged I had clothes to wear home since they were cut off me when I got to the hospital.  It's not like I needed her to hold my hand, just a quick stop in to see if I needed anything would have been nice."

So is Vicki lying in her own sentence?  Did she ask one of them to get her garb to wear home or it would have been nice if Shannon had stopped by to see if she needed anything.   To me it sounds as if she specifically told someone to ask that Shannon gather these items.  This is my problem with pathological liars, at 3 pm or whenever when Meghan learned of the accident, Vicki would have had no idea that she would be discharged, (unless of course she was knowingly exaggerating her symptoms) so she knew she would be discharged.  Vicki has after the fact admitted to there being a producer at the hospital so there was someone to errand run for her.  So did she contact "one of them" at midnight when she knew she would be discharged to fetch her some clothing or is this just another Vicki lie.

She likes Tamra when they are one on one because a whole season could be based around their hysterical antics while shopping.  Once tamra surrounds herself with her puppets (perfect way to slap both Tamra as a pot stirrer and make Shannon and Heather seem beneath Tamra) she is a pot stirrer.  Vicki is done with Tamra. " I am at the point where I am desensitized from her perpetual mood swings and screaming at me.  I just don't understand her motive.  Is this how she believes Christian women speak to one another?"

Regarding the secret and the lie:

"Truth of the matter is, I know something that is very hurtful about the Beadors, which she has lied about.  I have no desire to hurt her or her family, but she hurt me beyond words and I don't know what to do about it anymore.   I simply want her to stay away from me, to stop talking crap about me and my family for attention. . . .. " 

I believe the disconnect for Vicki is she doesn't understand the concept of accountability. 

The good news is she does not mention her bogus cancer scam in her blog.  Left out the entire scene and not even a link at the bottom of her blog.

Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole.  I mean what kind of person says those things?  Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion????  And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her????  WTF?  That is some next level mean right there.

All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.

  • Love 12
21 minutes ago, NewGranny said:

Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole.  I mean what kind of person says those things?  Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion????  And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her????  WTF?  That is some next level mean right there.

All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.

Yes, she did apologize at the reunion then took it right back by saying she "did nothing wrong" and has stuck to that lie since then! LOL

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, jaync said:

David was right - Vicki is the lowest of the low. I hope she gets a yeast infection.

She is a horrible woman. Always has been, always will be.

I have to give it to her here. She has never said anything that interests me. Not in the least.  She now has my attention, which is what she is looking for. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, NewGranny said:

Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole.  I mean what kind of person says those things?  Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion????  And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her????  WTF?  That is some next level mean right there.

All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.

Last year Vicki could have shut down the Brooks talk by simply sitting the rest of the season out after her mother died.  There was very little talk of Brooks and he could have "recovered" gracefully and without suspicion.  She is such a greedy bitch that she insisted on pushing through with the Brooks nonsense.   She brought on her own disgrace.  She could have even gone on the trip to Tahiti and decided to bow out.  No she brought the second half of the season on herself.  She wanted to secure Briana a paycheck and a Tahoe, get Brooks a little something from production and then wonders why the others are appalled at her lies.   She kept trying to convince people she was there for the appointments so Brooks must be telling the truth.  When the wheels fell off the wagon she expected everyone to believe her co-conspirator Brooks, she had nothing to do with the scam.  Heather gave her the perfect out here:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-16/videos/heather-is-worried-about-brooks  It was only then Shannon adopted the theory Vicki Gunvalson doesn't get duped.  Shannon and Heather had put their heads together and realized they had been played.

Her is how Vicki's karma will work-if she doesn't come back it will be due to the injuries she suffered and she will walk away with policy limits and seven figures.  Vicki doesn't get duped.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, NewGranny said:

Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole.  I mean what kind of person says those things?  Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion????  And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her????  WTF?  That is some next level mean right there.

All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.

She really is a completely terrible person.

First, she did admit that she lied during the reunion. It is known. It was captured on film (not really film, but whatever). I can watch it on Hulu or buy the episode on Amazon, YouTube, or the apple itunes store. I know they hate the 4th wall breaking, but I don't know how the other women don't just send her the youtube clip when she starts in with this nonsense.

Second, no one in Vicki's life thought Brooks had cancer. Not Heather, not Tamra or Eddie, not Meghan, not Brianna or her kids, not Michael, not the fucking psychic, and clearly not Brooks. Shannon should be commended for her willingness to believe this bullshit for as long as she did. Additionally, I don't think Vicki has ever thanked Shannon for moving heaven and earth and calling in favors for Brooks and acknowledged how hurt Shannon might be in putting in all of this work in service for a liar.

Third, Vicki has never acknowledged her lies in corroborating Brooks' lies when she had no evidence that what he was saying was true. There are worlds of difference between I went to chemo and sat next to him and I took him to chemo and stayed in reception area and even when she also admitted that she dropped him off at chemo and picked him up 4 hours later. She delusionally felt like their questions about Brooks' cancer and treatment were indictment of her feelings for Brooks. She perpetuated this way longer than it needed. In the most altruistic innocent reading of the situation, Vicki is a liar because she claimed to have witnessed things that she didn't see or know about.

Fourth, Vicki spent 8 or 9 hours in the hospital. She probably only learned that she would be discharged in the final 2 or 3 hours in her time at the hospital. Assuming that Vicki got to the hospital around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, she some how thinks Shannon is a terrible person for not schlepping an hour to find an unfamiliar hospital at 10 at night, locating Vicki, and driving to a Walmart to get her clothing. Or Vicki could have given her credit card to the producer who was present to go to the gift shop to pick up some clothing. Or she could have asked the social worker on duty if there was anyway she could get some clothes. I'm one of the people who thinks that Shannon and Meghan should have gone to visit Vicki earlier in the day because at the time Heather called, no one knew how serious or not serious her injuries were. But Vicki is an asshole if she thinks that Shannon and Meghan should have spent the night running around getting shit for Vicki's entitled ass.

Fifth, in what universe is outing someone's secrets or lies an appropriate response to being hurt by someone? Is this eye for an eye bullshit what a good Christian woman does? I suspect her grandchildren are far more mature than she.

  • Love 17

Oh, Vicki.  Why do you have to be such an absolutely awful human being?  Whyyyy???

But, despite it all, I was somewhat happy for her, to see her in what appears to be a functional relationship with a seemingly okay man.  What is wrong with me, you guys?!?  Like, I really do want to see her in a normal, loving relationship.  I think I may have some version of Stockholm Syndrome from too many years of watching this show.  That's the only explanation.

  • Love 4
On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 8:26 PM, b2H said:

There is a button at the very bottom of the page to report the campaign.  Have to wonder if anyone has yet.  Certainly the commenters should have.

I clicked the report buttin and got this :


  1. When should I report a campaign? 43 %  ASKED
    You should only report a GoFundMe campaign if you believe the organizer is committing fraud or breaking 
    the law. Personal disputes between two parties will be ignored.
  2. What is considered fraud on GoFundMe? 31 %  ASKED
    A campaign organizer may be committing fraud if:
    They are intentionally including factually incorrect information on their campaign.
    They have not used the funds that were raised for the stated purpose within a reasonable amount of time.
    They are impersonating someone else or have copied a campaign that already exists on GoFundMe.


  3. What if I have a personal dispute with the campaign organizer? 27 %  ASKED

    GoFundMe will not get involved in personal disputes. Instead, personal matters should be handled with 
    the help of legal council or local law enforcement.




I get the impression they're not serious about fraud...

  • Love 6

I wouldn't be surprised if Tamra makes more than Vicki.  Tamra has been top dog for at least the past three seasons.   Vicki is that person at work who you keep because she's been there forever and gets the job done, but you know she'll never find the same position somewhere at the same salary range, so you don't worry about not giving her a raise.   There is no tv for Vicki after RH.  She's an awful business woman when it comes to marketing herself as product.  

  • Like 1
  • Love 3

From Vicki's blog:

Tamra thinks that I was upset that Shannon didn’t see me in the hospital which was true, but also I saw (as you all did) that Tamra and Heather thought she should have shown up too. It wasn’t just me. I had asked if one of them could run to the store and grab me some inexpensive sweat pants, t-shirt, and sandals so when I was discharged I had clothes to wear home since they were cut off when I got to the hospital. It’s not like I needed her to hold my hand, just a quick stop in to see if I needed anything would have been nice. I’m over it, moved on and really know now I can’t count on those two for help. It’s fine, I get it.

So is Vicki now saying that she 'did' ask Shannon to run to the store to pick up clothes?  Or did she ask both?  Funny how this never came up on the show but her going home in plastic scrubs did.  But then she wanted a quick stop to if she needed anything would have been nice.  What the heck 'is' Vicki actually saying here?

Again, why didn't she ask the producer, who Vicki admitted was there, to pick her up clothes?

This is what happens when you lie...a lot.  You have to make up more lies to cover the lies you already said.  Vicki is a textbook case study on this.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

From Vicki's blog:

Tamra thinks that I was upset that Shannon didn’t see me in the hospital which was true, but also I saw (as you all did) that Tamra and Heather thought she should have shown up too. It wasn’t just me. I had asked if one of them could run to the store and grab me some inexpensive sweat pants, t-shirt, and sandals so when I was discharged I had clothes to wear home since they were cut off when I got to the hospital. It’s not like I needed her to hold my hand, just a quick stop in to see if I needed anything would have been nice. I’m over it, moved on and really know now I can’t count on those two for help. It’s fine, I get it.

So is Vicki now saying that she 'did' ask Shannon to run to the store to pick up clothes?  Or did she ask both?  Funny how this never came up on the show but her going home in plastic scrubs did.  But then she wanted a quick stop to if she needed anything would have been nice.  What the heck 'is' Vicki actually saying here?

Again, why didn't she ask the producer, who Vicki admitted was there, to pick her up clothes?

This is what happens when you lie...a lot.  You have to make up more lies to cover the lies you already said.  Vicki is a textbook case study on this.

If she had asked Meghan, who she was texting with from the ER, to buy her some clothes, she would have screamed that in her blog for the accident episode or the one after when Tamra/Heather confront Shannon then Meghan. Yet she didn't. Vicki can't keep her lies straight and is hoping that we don't realize what she is doing, which is......... she is trying to mitigate her nasty behavior in Ireland before the episodes air.

  • Love 7

Does Bicki's GFM page have an address attached?

I am going to tell you how I clown on people who need money.

I ONLY DO THIS to people like politicians or shady organization that send me mail and a self addressed stamped envelope.

If you are so inclined, you can invest an envelope and a stamp, too?


I have a gag One Million Dollar bill that I Xerox and have send to political parties that send me a SASE looking for funds. I also include a little note, expressing my hope and dreams for the cause, too.

I ONLY have donated 6 million dollars on this election cycle. 

I do have some extra paper to spread around........

And, boy did that feel good.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Does Bicki's GFM page have an address attached?

I am going to tell you how I clown on people who need money.

I ONLY DO THIS to people like politicians or shady organization that send me mail and a self addressed stamped envelope.

If you are so inclined, you can invest an envelope and a stamp, too?


I have a gag One Million Dollar bill that I Xerox and have send to political parties that send me a SASE looking for funds. I also include a little note, expressing my hope and dreams for the cause, too.

I ONLY have donated 6 million dollars on this election cycle. 

I do have some extra paper to spread around........

And, boy did that feel good.

My insurance agent sends me a million dollar bill for my b-day every year. Now I know what to do with it. Thanks for the idea!

  • Love 3
On Monday, October 03, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Steff said:

Kelly is trying WAY too hard to make Michael look bad. 

If I liked her, I would tell her to relax and stop trying so much. These shows are a truth mirror. She just needs to wait for Michael to reveal his awfulness because it will happen. She doesn't need to force it. It happens on every franchise. We've seen all manner of awfulness from the husbands/boyfriends: the thirstiest most acute cases of famewhore, grifters, abusers, criminals, cheaters, guys who pushed their wives to be on the show as a prelude to divorce, and who knows what else.

It took however long, but Cynthia has finally realized that Peter's probably cheating, thirsty thieving ass has to go. If Michael is bad, he'll show his true colors.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Her is how Vicki's karma will work-if she doesn't come back it will be due to the injuries she suffered and she will walk away with policy limits and seven figures.  Vicki doesn't get duped.

I sincerely doubt Vicki would be able to "walk away" with a seven figure settlement for that accident, since she probably was required by Bravo to sign some sort of waiver of liability before going on the trip.  And anyway, rule of thumb in the industry is three times medicals.  She wasn't even admitted to the hospital so her medicals are probably in the $10,000 or $12,000 range (a lot of which was probably covered by her medical insurance policy) she most likely didn't miss any time from her all-important WORK so no lost wages claim, and I doubt she suffered any permanent injury she could claim limits her ability to work or do other things, so my guess is if she's entitled to any recovery, it would be maximum low- to mid-five figures.  And surprise -- if she recovers any money on the accident, her medical insurer will investigate fault and put a lien on the settlement in order to be reimbursed for whatever they paid out for her medical expenses.

Edited by Anne Thrax
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Anne Thrax said:

I sincerely doubt Vicki would be able to "walk away" with a seven figure settlement for that accident, since she probably was required by Bravo to sign some sort of waiver of liability before going on the trip.  And anyway, rule of thumb in the industry is three times medicals.  She wasn't even admitted to the hospital so her medicals are probably in the $10,000 or $12,000 range (a lot of which was probably covered by her medical insurance policy) she most likely didn't miss any time from her all-important WORK so no lost wages claim, and I doubt she suffered any permanent injury she could claim limits her ability to work or do other things, so my guess is if she's entitled to any recovery, it would be maximum low- to mid-five figures.  And surprise -- if she recovers any money on the accident, her medical insurer will investigate fault and put a lien on the settlement in order to be reimbursed for whatever they paid out for her medical expenses.

Vicki's target defendant in California would be Tamra as the driver of the vehicle.  Hopefully, she sold Tamra a nice umbrella policy.  Bravo may have a hold harmless cause, but Vicki was directed at as part of her contract to get into a dune buggy.  There is also the production company who is the actual entity Vicki contracts with. Evolution Media.

Well Vicki has said her medical bills are in the hundreds of thousands and she has had multiple MRIs, CT scans and X-rays, physical therapy and took significant time off of work, either three or six weeks.  Usually out here it is five times the medical.  And yes , her medical insurance can be reimbursed.  I am just predicting what I think will be Vicki's karma.  For one I don't understand how within the same month as the accident she is well enough to jet off to Ireland, and how that trip is maybe not the reason she missed work at her insurance agency.  That is me and I don't have to mediate a settlement with Vicki and the various defendants. 

  • Love 6

I'm sure that Evolution will respond that Vicki was not directed to participate in activities, but encouraged to participate in events and activities. I'm sure there is language in the contract that says if you have a conflict, medical issues, or have a specific safety or morals issue then you may still get payment or propose an alternative event. Meghan and Shannon, who both have contracts with Evolution, didn't go on the trip or the dune buggy ride. Additionally an Evolution contractor, Tamra, not an Evolution employee was directly in control of the operation of the dune buggy.

I always remember Kelly Bensimon insisting that they made her go on the Scary Island trip and Andy being absolutely adamant that they did not. I think with more of the women negotiating pay for play contracts, it shifts the incentive to the wife to participate in as many events and activities as possible.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm sure that Evolution will respond that Vicki was not directed to participate in activities, but encouraged to participate in events and activities. I'm sure there is language in the contract that says if you have a conflict, medical issues, or have a specific safety or morals issue then you may still get payment or propose an alternative event. Meghan and Shannon, who both have contracts with Evolution, didn't go on the trip or the dune buggy ride. Additionally an Evolution contractor, Tamra, not an Evolution employee was directly in control of the operation of the dune buggy.

I always remember Kelly Bensimon insisting that they made her go on the Scary Island trip and Andy being absolutely adamant that they did not. I think with more of the women negotiating pay for play contracts, it shifts the incentive to the wife to participate in as many events and activities as possible.

My point is there are plenty of pockets deep or otherwise for Vicki to go after for her "injuries".  She will not leave RHOC or even if she stays without a big check in her pocket for the accident.

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On 10/5/2016 at 8:27 AM, Sage47 said:

David gives me a bad feeling. I was very happy for them when he planned that beautiful vow renewal and thought, maybe he does feel deep remorse for hurting Shannon and really wants to start over. I was cheering them on.

But then last episode he seemed a bit *too* chipper and up with Shannon, out at dinner. Something rang false to me-that he is trying SO hard to show the audience (and her) that he is a nice guy. Then when they were at the mattress store and she was blathering on about the organic mattresses...I could see that same "try hard to look interested/loving" façade and I had a sinking feeling in my gut. I truly HOPE I am wrong but I felt squicky wondering if he is still seeing his "affair". Something about him and them in general feels....off. Maybe it is just me.

If David truly did have his affair over to meet his family, he is the lowest of the low of garbage. And Shannon is a Doormat with a capital D if she was willing to look past that. That is utterly unforgivable.

David seems too smooth somehow. I really, really like Shannon. She is the most real and has a sweet, vulnerable side. But I must say, she needs to lose the grandma mannerisms/personality. The way she talked about those mattresses....she always sounds about 75 in the way she thinks and dresses, and being so uptight. Loosen up Shannon!

Shannon also sounds old in the cadence of her speech. It's squeaky and warbling 

it kinda sounds like Roseanne & Jackies crazy mom on the show Roseanne or a Simpsons character 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Vicki's target defendant in California would be Tamra as the driver of the vehicle.  Hopefully, she sold Tamra a nice umbrella policy.  Bravo may have a hold harmless cause, but Vicki was directed at as part of her contract to get into a dune buggy.  There is also the production company who is the actual entity Vicki contracts with. Evolution Media.

Well Vicki has said her medical bills are in the hundreds of thousands and she has had multiple MRIs, CT scans and X-rays, physical therapy and took significant time off of work, either three or six weeks.  Usually out here it is five times the medical.  And yes , her medical insurance can be reimbursed.  I am just predicting what I think will be Vicki's karma.  For one I don't understand how within the same month as the accident she is well enough to jet off to Ireland, and how that trip is maybe not the reason she missed work at her insurance agency.  That is me and I don't have to mediate a settlement with Vicki and the various defendants. 

I have a friend who was rear ended hard by another vehicle and she sustained whiplash injuries, thankfully nothing permanent.  Her medical insurance carrier immediately went after the other driver's insurance and her insurance gave her a cash settlement, although not much of one.  I think Vicki's medical carrier will not have to pay for Vicki's injuries in this rollover, they probably won't even make the initial payouts.  Somebody else,  whether it be Tamra's insurance, Bravo or the production company will pay.  If Vicki continues to have issues with her back and neck as a result of this accident, I think she should sue. Ditto for Heather and Kelly.  The whole trip was a ridiculously stupid and dangerous idea to begin with.  Tamra is not a professional driver, she's not even a good driver from what I could see and she has bad judgement.   Add to that the fact that they filmed Tamra picking out the helmets for the women and someone responsible for the filming is negligent.  Helmets need to be fitted to the individual for any sport my kids have ever done and of course there's NFL players with their helmets specially fitted.  You have to at least try them on to know they fit and will protect the head properly.  Vicki's obviously didn't because it flew off.  I think if push came to shove any releases that the women signed could be null and void because of negligence. 

On 10/7/2016 at 8:31 AM, zoeysmom said:

It was explained to me this way if you take all the franchises and combine the 40 or so returning RH and pay them $1,000,000.00 each (there are no benefits or rerun royalties) it is a drop in the bucket about 4% of the billion dollars the combined franchises bring in.

And this is why if Bravo or some production company gets sued up the ass I have zero sympathy for them.  They get all the benefits of a long running show and have none of the costs of paying actors.  Since the women (and husbands, boyfriends, etc.) aren't considered actors and aren't in a union they get none of the protections regular actors get.  Same goes for the writers on these shows is my understanding.  So the women get the exposure they like - some of them use the show to promote their businesses - and they get a nice chunk of change, taxed heftily I'm sure, but still it's a little exploitative imo. 

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

I have a friend who was rear ended hard by another vehicle and she sustained whiplash injuries, thankfully nothing permanent.  Her medical insurance carrier immediately went after the other driver's insurance and her insurance gave her a cash settlement, although not much of one.  I think Vicki's medical carrier will not have to pay for Vicki's injuries in this rollover, they probably won't even make the initial payouts.  Somebody else,  whether it be Tamra's insurance, Bravo or the production company will pay.  If Vicki continues to have issues with her back and neck as a result of this accident, I think she should sue. Ditto for Heather and Kelly.  The whole trip was a ridiculously stupid and dangerous idea to begin with.  Tamra is not a professional driver, she's not even a good driver from what I could see and she has bad judgement.   Add to that the fact that they filmed Tamra picking out the helmets for the women and someone responsible for the filming is negligent.  Helmets need to be fitted to the individual for any sport my kids have ever done and of course there's NFL players with their helmets specially fitted.  You have to at least try them on to know they fit and will protect the head properly.  Vicki's obviously didn't because it flew off.  I think if push came to shove any releases that the women signed could be null and void because of negligence. 

And this is why if Bravo or some production company gets sued up the ass I have zero sympathy for them.  They get all the benefits of a long running show and have none of the costs of paying actors.  Since the women (and husbands, boyfriends, etc.) aren't considered actors and aren't in a union they get none of the protections regular actors get.  Same goes for the writers on these shows is my understanding.  So the women get the exposure they like - some of them use the show to promote their businesses - and they get a nice chunk of change, taxed heftily I'm sure, but still it's a little exploitative imo. 

Not to nit pick but it was Kelly's helmet that came off, not Vicki's and Kelly said that she undid her helmet and that Vicki loosened hers. I agree the trip was stupid and reckless but production approved it and all 4 of the HWs agreed to participate in it. Vicki is on record saying that her son Michael warned her he though going was dangerous but she elected to go anyway. If Vicki does decide to sue, it will be a mess.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Not to nit pick but it was Kelly's helmet that came off, not Vicki's and Kelly said that she undid her helmet and that Vicki loosened hers. I agree the trip was stupid and reckless but production approved it and all 4 of the HWs agreed to participate in it. Vicki is on record saying that her son Michael warned her he though going was dangerous but she elected to go anyway. If Vicki does decide to sue, it will be a mess.

California is different this just a straightforward negligence case and as a passenger there is no comparative negligence assigned to Vicki.  They didn't agree to get injured or have Tamra roll the vehicle.  On the upside if Vicki is asked not to return she can't really use the accident as an excuse for not being asked back, since she managed to film the rest of the season.  The bad news is Vicki has two years from the date of accident to file suit.

  • Love 4
On 10/6/2016 at 7:54 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

Not at all hard to believe.  Maybe Shannon told Vicki that David's affair last year wasn't his first. Shannon kept telling everyone she was shocked because he wasn't the sort of chap to do something like that. Maybe that is a lie. With all that we have learned about the dude, I can easily believe that. He was too unhappy and had been unhappy for a long time.  Always seemed strange he would pick the week he started filming a reality show to make such a huge life altering decision.  Sounds more like the behavior of someone who had done this before. Maybe Shannon confessed an affair of her own, after telling us she had never strayed (I do find this unlikely). A secret and a lie. 

This is what I'm thinking "the big secret" is all about.  There was enough of what appeared to be animosity on Shannon's part well before "the affair" came to light.  She acted like someone who'd been wounded and was chock full of resentment.  

Only the vile Vicki would spill a secret that could hurt a family.  Somehow, she'll spin it and either blame it on or have it result in her being, once again, Vicktimized... she knows no other role and has no other defense for anything she's done or will ever do.   That's pretty much a given by now.

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, straightshooter said:

This is what I'm thinking "the big secret" is all about.  There was enough of what appeared to be animosity on Shannon's part well before "the affair" came to light.  She acted like someone who'd been wounded and was chock full of resentment.  

Only the vile Vicki would spill a secret that could hurt a family.  Somehow, she'll spin it and either blame it on or have it result in her being, once again, Vicktimized... she knows no other role and has no other defense for anything she's done or will ever do.   That's pretty much a given by now.

I think Vicki is going to say that David and Nicole are still having an affair or continued to see each after Shannon and David reconciled and Shannon claimed he had stopped seeing Nicole. 

I am not getting where Vicki feels the need to get even with Shannon if she is not nicer to her.  Shannon called her Vicki refused to acknowledge it. 

I am idling on what is it exactly Vicki wants from Shannon.  Does she want Shannon to apologize for not believing Vicki when she says she believes Brooks is/was ill and would never lie about such a thing?  Does Vicki want Shannon to admit to being vile and disgusting?  Here we are at Episode 15, and I am not seeing any meaningful movement from Vicki. At this point the worse thing that could happen for Vicki is Shannon to reach put and just try and have fun with Vicki because Vicki appears to want Shannon ruminating over their lost friendship. Getting in accident where Shannon was no where in the vicinity is really not an opportunity for Vicki to erase her words and misdeeds towards Shannon.

  • Love 2

Jesus--this is the worst gaggle of screeching hags I've seen on TV OR in real life. PLUS, they are SO boring. I just put them on in the background because they're so uninteresting, and they sound like they're trying to out-screech one another. They are such classless trash, too. I cringed about everything that happened. And Madame Puppy and Miss Terry hawking a book? Snore. Very professional--"Me 'n her will try stuff, so you all can see if it works or not." Umm...okay. Why would anyone care about a couple of useless famewhores hawking their jar-o-glycerine? And Vicki, the cancer-scammer in a cancer commercial? I can't decide if I'm amused, mortified, or patently offended. Finally, I know a lot of people like Costco, and I don't think of myself as a snob, but I would never go to a Costco or any other big box store. Lord, we're supposed to envy these people and their "lifestyles"? The lower-middle class and working poor have better, more fun, and more fulfilling lives than these useless, substandard rubes. I just watched the trailer for the new Jackie Kennedy movie, so, in contrast, these fake-boobed, uncultured, illiterate, snakeoil hawking hicks REALLY looked like barnyard animals.

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On 10/7/2016 at 0:43 PM, WireWrap said:

IMO, Vicki is trying to get ahead of whatever we are about to see go down in Ireland, especially concerning Tamra! Whatever Vicki spills about both Tamra and Shannon must be big enough, nasty enough that she realizes she crossed a line she may not recover from with Tamra, Shannon, Meghan and Heather.......ever.

Fingers crossed!!!!

On 10/7/2016 at 0:54 PM, NewGranny said:

Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole.  I mean what kind of person says those things?  Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion????  And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her????  WTF?  That is some next level mean right there.

All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.

I am hoping Karma goes by the name Tamra

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On 10/7/2016 at 5:55 PM, ladle said:

Oh, Vicki.  Why do you have to be such an absolutely awful human being?  Whyyyy???

But, despite it all, I was somewhat happy for her, to see her in what appears to be a functional relationship with a seemingly okay man.  What is wrong with me, you guys?!?  Like, I really do want to see her in a normal, loving relationship.  I think I may have some version of Stockholm Syndrome from too many years of watching this show.  That's the only explanation.

Google him and then it will be crystal clear how he ended up with that horrible woman.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Not to nit pick but it was Kelly's helmet that came off, not Vicki's and Kelly said that she undid her helmet and that Vicki loosened hers. I agree the trip was stupid and reckless but production approved it and all 4 of the HWs agreed to participate in it. Vicki is on record saying that her son Michael warned her he though going was dangerous but she elected to go anyway. If Vicki does decide to sue, it will be a mess.

If she sues this will be part of the case.  Not a lawyer but couldn't they argue any injury sustained was due to the passenger loosening their safety equipment?  Doubtful Vicki has enough $ to sustain a lengthy and expensive lawsuit.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zulualpha said:

I'm not a lawyer so I don't know.  If she loosened her helmet because it didn't fit because it was purchased for her by Tamra?  IDK.

I know we saw Tamra/Eddie shopping for helmets but did they really buy them or was that just an excuse to intro the trip? Neither Kelly or Vicki said their helmets didn't fit, that they were too big or too small just Kelly saying that she felt claustrophobic and that is why she loosened the strap on hers and I think she said Vicki felt the same way and loosened her as well.

  • Love 1

Here's my favorite part of Vicki'a blog:


When I called Shannon a liar, is because she is. We all have lied in the past for something, whether it was a white lie, a malicious lie or something in between.

Who in the what now? "We all lie so Shannon is a liar"?

She continues:


The truth of the matter is, I know something that is very hurtful about the Beadors which she has lied about. I have no desire to hurt her or her family, but she has hurt me beyond words and I don’t know what to do about her anymore. I simply want her to stay away from me, to stop talking crap about me and my family for attention and to just focus on her family and what makes her happy. I don’t like this type of friendship, and don’t have these issues with my friends outside of this circle of women. I have compassion for people that are hurting, and don’t want to make things worse for her or for her family.

Vicki to English translation: "She has hurt me (by telling the truth) and so now I'm going to share something devastating about her because I feel justified in doing so."

i mean Vicki, REALLY. Maybe she wasn't *lying* so much as trying to preserve some shred of dignity for herself.

  • Love 10

I just can't get over the Costco story. If I were sitting around with a group of women, and one of them started in with this mind-numbingly, pitiful, boring yarn, I would think to myself, "This can't be my life--sitting around listening to a lower-middle-class 1950s housewife telling this boring-ass story. And I don't want to go over there--where the self-proclaimed "truck driver with t**s is comparing food to a yeast infection." Sheesh, a crowd of crack addicts would have more interesting things to say. Smh.

I must say, though, Madame Puppet's true classless trash rube finally came out. They need more flashbacks of her disapproving, "Oh, my" when she first came on the show. Madame Puppet, you're a bonafide trashbox now, just like the rest of your colleagues, so please don't try the Miss Fancypants stuff. That ship has sailed. And your kids are so lucky to have a leering, smutty looking creep slobbering, "Isn't Mommy hot?" in front of them. Now THAT was gross. I guess it beats calling his infant a "bitch," though, so Congratulations?

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 2
On 10/8/2016 at 3:02 PM, zoeysmom said:

Vicki's target defendant in California would be Tamra as the driver of the vehicle.  Hopefully, she sold Tamra a nice umbrella policy.  Bravo may have a hold harmless cause, but Vicki was directed at as part of her contract to get into a dune buggy.  There is also the production company who is the actual entity Vicki contracts with. Evolution Media.

Well Vicki has said her medical bills are in the hundreds of thousands and she has had multiple MRIs, CT scans and X-rays, physical therapy and took significant time off of work, either three or six weeks.  Usually out here it is five times the medical.  And yes , her medical insurance can be reimbursed.  I am just predicting what I think will be Vicki's karma.  For one I don't understand how within the same month as the accident she is well enough to jet off to Ireland, and how that trip is maybe not the reason she missed work at her insurance agency.  That is me and I don't have to mediate a settlement with Vicki and the various defendants. 

I've been working in the plaintiff-side civil litigation biz in California for over 40 years.  Never once heard the phrase "five times medicals" until right now.  Just sayin'.  

Although it's no surprise to me that Vicki would CLAIM to have incurred "hundreds of thousands" in medical expenses, it's absurdly unrealistic to believe any such thing.  If she'd been hospitalized in intensive care for a week, THEN I'd believe that.  

Insurance companies aren't stupid.  They have medical staff to review plaintiffs' medical records to determine the actual injuries incurred and the appropriate amount of treatment for them, and believe it -- they don't pay for more than what they decide is appropriate. Furthermore, if someone is deemed to have over-treated on the physical therapy, they won't recover the whole amount.   

Also, I personally had 2 MRIs in the past 3 months.  Total charges sent to my insurance company were around $2,600 each.  I was out of pocket $165 for each one, and I have the crappiest PPO coverage known to man and a huge unsatisfied deductible. 

Of course, if a claimant's attorney believes the amount being offered in settlement is too little, he or she is free to take them to trial.  And most lawyers simply won't to go to trial on personal injury cases where the injuries are not life threatening or caused permanent disabilities, or where there might be quasi-workers comp issues.  Jury trials are just too costly and the outcome is uncertain at best.

That's what I've seen.  Many, many times over.

Edited by Anne Thrax
  • Love 2

I was in a car accident.  I took an ambulance ride to the ER.  Over a 4 year period I had several MRIs, CT scans, a live x-ray (the worst), saw spinal injury and pain management specialists and an orthopedic surgeon, had nerve blocks, had surgery, and several hundred hours of PT, etc.  All my care, except PT, was at Cedars Sinai, which I don't think is known for being cheap (I paid some of the ortho out of pocket before being reimbursed and that guy was over $400 a visit).  My total for medical was ~$80k.  That's for 4 years and includes surgery and there were months at a time where I had 7 appointments per week between all the specialist and PT.  I'm not discounting the fact that a medi-vac helicopter ride is expensive, but there's no way Vicki racked up hundreds of thousands in medical bills with her treatment in only a few weeks without having major major surgery.  I think my arthroscopic shoulder repair was ~$35k of my bill.  Maybe she had some kind of organ transplant due to the accident and didn't take the opportunity to lord it over everyone and demand casseroles.  That would explain the bills.  And keeping maladies on the downlow sounds just like Vicki.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

So regarding weinergate, I don't think Costco has Diet Coke in their fountains at the snackbar.  I think it is Pepsi products.  This is probably Michael's fault too.  No wonder Kelly stormed off.  Diet Pepsi is the pits.

I was gonna mention earlier that last year Costco switched from Coke to Pepsi products (the pits -- damn straight!).  And every single time I've gone there since, I put a note in the "suggestions" book saying that I HATE diet Pepsi, and would actually pay more for the drink cup to be able to fill it with diet Coke instead.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

I've been working in the civil litigation biz in California for over 40 years.  Never once heard the phrase "five times medicals" until right now.  Just sayin'.  

It's no surprise to me that Vicki would CLAIM to have incurred "hundreds of thousands" in medical expenses, but it's absurdly unrealistic to believe any such thing.  If she'd been hospitalized in intensive care for a week, THEN I'd believe that.

Also, personally had 2 MRIs in the past 3 months.  Total charges sent to my insurance company $2,500 each.  I was out of pocket $165 for each one, and I have the crappiest PPO coverage known to man and a huge unsatisfied deductible.  Furthermore, if someone is deemed to have over-treated on the physical therapy, they won't recover the whole amount.  That's what I've seen.  Many, many times over.

I do believe there was a standard for many years of 3 times the meds as in 1 part for the medical expenses, 1 part for the attorney and one for the plaintiff.  My reference is more along the lines on the eve of the trial.   

Here is Vicki comment- she claims over $200,000.00 in medical records and bills.  (her words not mine).  And she is not sharing her bills.  Bad news for Vicki oh yes she will if she sues. 


I don't find it hard to believe that Vicki found a way to get her bills way up there.  I noticed one of the southern California hospitals charged $6,900.00 for an MRI.  There was that charge and what the insurance company paid was closer to what you paid.  So I am quite certain Vicki is aware of padding the meds to up her settlement. 

I will say the cost of the helicopter ride  could have been $40,000.00++  -http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/06/business/rescued-by-an-air-ambulance-but-stunned-at-the-sky-high-bill.html?_r=0  which since she had to wait for 45 minutes and it was a 45 minute ride could have been accomplished by the less costlier ground ambulance. 

I am in no way justifying a million dollar payout to Vicki but given her karma and the producers of the show it would be a nice handshake.  To me it would lead to other RH who may be out of storylines have a variation on the theme with slip and falls and "injuries" they need to be compensated for since there is no golden handshake provision.  Half the time they are tottering around on dangerously high heels. 

I am not cheering for Vicki to get some great big fat settlement-I find her beneath contempt and an opportunist of the highest form. 

  • Love 1

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