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S18.E39: Fast Forward, Eviction 13

Tara Ariano
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Mr. UN-E-VIC-TA-BLE finally gets shown the door, right and proper, and won't be coming back into the house. Thank you! 

Paul as F4 HoH? I can live with it. Better than Nicole and Corey being in power for a third week in a row. I hope they're on the block together. Because they deseeeerve it and they're not niiiiice people.

What a surprise, James flunks out of the HoH comp and can't even get the answer right for the Natalie clip. 

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Any ideas what the "explosive confrontation" is. A confrontation between Nat and somebody?

Paul actually makes me a little sick.

Dead-eyed Derrick needs to get off the screen.

Edited by zibnchy
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No! Not Derrick!

Yes Victor, hindsight is 20/20.  Not that it really matters.  Nat and Meech would have turned on you too.

Of course Nicole wins Veto.  Bye Victor.

Paul seems to think he's cute or funny or something.  That speech was pitiful.  Victor's was almost as bad.

Pretty generic interview with Julie.

I wish we got a jury house segment, that would be so much more interesting than the breakup of the bromance.  Oooh! So does stinking Paulie go after Nat in JH, or is Z pregnant??  Julie is such a tease!

Yeah Paul!  Flip it back around on Nicorey.  I hope one of them goes but it could easily be James.  Veto holder rules.

Did James throw that HOH?  How could he miss the Nat quote?

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I know throwing comps is a strategy in and of itself.  But jeeeeeeze, James, enough. He has irritated me the entire season.   And, you are not a Texan.  So there.  

I am a highly educated, aware and sane woman (my sons take issue with the the sane part, but fuck em).  Derrick could be my son. I am a terrible person.  To his mother, I apologize.  But so help me, I cannot look at him without obsessing on his tiny nose and on that large square head. That is all I see and his words turn to strained peas in my brain.   He is a character out of some science fiction book I have read but cannot place. 


As far as James and Natalie, I would rather stick needles in my eyes that give one more thought to them.  UGH to both.  

Edited by Stinger97
Spoilers from Twitter.
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I watched tonight because I’d read Victor was going to be evicted. And it was delicious. He deserved every bit of that after being a hypocrite last week with Natalie. Too bad Paul won HoH. I hate Nicole and Paul more than the other two and was almost leaning towards hoping she’d win so I wouldn’t have to hear Paul’s loudmouth bragging anymore. But I’d be fine with her going home, although I’m guessing the show will do their best to make sure she wins PoV.

What is up with Julie the past two weeks? She was talking to Derrick and asking him about whether or not people should throw their partner under the bus if it means saving themselves? Uh, yeah??? Why would anyone give up a half a million dollars to be “loyal” to somebody else, like dumbass Cody? Somehow I thought this was a backhanded way to criticize Natalie.

I’m guessing the explosive jury segment Julie hinted at will be Natalie and Paulie. I hope Corey doesn’t make top 2 just so we won’t have to see Paulie smirking and mugging for the camera.

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If that was James trying to win the veto, he needs to be dragged to the end.

Nicole's 13 mins was amazing, I think she can go to the end and if she does will deserve to win.

I guess Natalie causes a war in jury.

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Oh dear.  Nicole said "This is going to bite us in the bu. . ." then stopped and corrected it to "This is literally going to bite us in the butt."  I thought the constant misuse of that term came from being lazy or trendy, but I guess she really does not know what it means.


I happen to be a Paul fan, but I'd think most people would be happy for the added interest his HOH will give the remainder of the season.  Why would anyone want to spend MORE time watching Corey and Nicole flopped up against that aquarium??

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Well, that was a disspointing ending. I don't like that Paul is now once again posistioned for the win. I don't like preordained winners. I want to see an intereting final two like James and Nicole. James will be going home....in fact Corey and Nicole are probably throwing him under the bus even as we speak because despite Paul's declaration of revenge last episode he'will "Bro up" with Corey and get James out.

Speaking of preordained winners I couldn't hit the fast forward button fast enough when Derrick appeared. I've watched BB since day one episode one and he remains one of my most despised houseguests ever...he made 16 the worst season ever (season 1 doesn't count as it was a different animal) as he sneakily manipulated and puppet mastered the entire season to his win. Some may say great game play but guess what it was stupifyingly boring and not the least bit entertaining. I hope to never see him again.

James missed a great opportunity to say "This is for Natalie" when he voted Vic out.

The comics were great! (except Frank's which was stupid)...I loved how they spun Tiffany calling Bridget a cabbage patch kid into that being her identity in the comic.

I hope Vic was kidding about telling Natalie a lies saying James was talking smack about her. That would be as low as they come.

Edited by North of Eden
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Ugh, Derrick.

-Professionally trained in blending in

-In a season where a stupid new comp means HoHs work together, causing as few waves as possible

-Handed a secondary alliance (Team America) in addition to whatever other alliance he had, so trusted by as many as possible

-Gets to the end with one guy and pretends it was a final 2 all along (when they only started being shown as a duo late in the season)

-Uses his daughter to play on people's emotions (something women are excoriated for doing)

-Wins in a good-but-not-great 6 to 3 against an actual human laborador retriever

...and still is treated like some savant of the game. Overwhelming NO. My fast-forward button got a nice workout there.

I liked that Paul won, only because it shakes things up. I think he'd be wise to break up Nicole and Corey, but there's a part of me that really wants him to get James out. James is the final 2 goat that everybody wants in Survivor, and I'd like to see two actual competitors make it to the end -- not someone who got lost on their way to a prank-ridden edition of "The Bachelor."

Edited by Eolivet
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4 minutes ago, North of Eden said:


Speaking of preordained winners I couldn't hit the fast forward button fast enough when Derrick appeared. I've watched BB since day one episode one and he remains one of my most despised houseguests ever...he made 16 the worst season ever (season 1 doesn't count as it was a different animal) as he sneakily manipulated and puppet mastered the entire season to his win. Some may say great game play but guess what it was stupifyingly boring and not the least bit entertaining. I hope to never see him again.


Maggie was my worst winner, EVER. 

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I know they're all assholes at this point, but I still enjoyed looking at Vic. His well-spoken and clear-cut yet not profanity-laced throw-down speech in the HoH room to Nicorey was awesome, that purple shirt looked damn fine on him, and though I can't tolerate her, his too-long embrace-dip of Nicole had me mildly swooning.

Then that pig-faced Cabbage Patch Kid reject Derrick appeared and I lost my lady-boner. Bummer.

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Noooooooooooooooo!  Ugh.

The only redeeming thing is Paul winning HOH.  Please please put up Nicole and Corey because I'm sick of looking at their stupid faces and listening to her stupid voice and if I have to see one more chest bump or side bump I'll set fire to my TV.

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56 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't believe she did it in 13 minutes.  This competition wasn't on the feeds, right?  So production could have "assigned" her a time of 13 minutes. Or given her prompting in the DR.

We know they interfere but how much?  We tend to think they do more than they do.  I have my tin foil hat on, always. ALWAYS.  But I do believe they have an interest as to how things play out on their own.  

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23 minutes ago, wings707 said:


Yeah, more mole though.  Something is not pig so much, but yet it is.  I donna know.   As an animal lover, all of them, it pains me to make any  comparisons, at all.  But I am going with mole since they trashed my garden in '78.

I see pig and mole both, and haven't watched the ep yet, but I am always flummoxed at the Derrick hate.  I thought he was about as deserving a winner as I've seen on this show, and as blandly inoffensive as oatmeal.  I guess if you want huevos rancheros then oatmeal's going to make you spitting mad, though.  I like oatmeal ok.  

Speaking of huevos, I just watched some 30 minute Style Code show on Hulu hosted by Frankie.  He was as you'd expect-- over the top, a camera hog, as phony as his hair color and a bad teleprompter reader.  

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

What a surprise, James flunks out of the HoH comp and can't even get the answer right for the Natalie clip. 


2 hours ago, wings707 said:


I know throwing comps is a strategy in and of itself.  But jeeeeeeze, James, enough. He has irritated me the entire season.   And, you are not a Texan.  So there.  


Can't.stand.james.  What a waste of a houseguest.

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Twitter and Corey's comic saying, not implying, that he was going to dump her is deplorable.  Sure, her speech affect is annoying.  I get that and it irritates me, too.  He led her on the entire time?

I would be shocked that she would be shocked.  If you play the exact same game expect the exact same result.

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I am disappointed that Victor is out.  I would have liked to see him win.  I think he and Paul have been the most entertaining house guests this year.  Since Victor won't win, I hope he gets AFP.  He deserves a prize.

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Bye Victor, I'll miss you. I did think it was the right move, though. Paul is a bit smoother, and might be able to talk to the jury up. But first he has to get there. And I was thinking, given Victor's challenge wins, he'd have a better chance of getting to the end. But then....um...Paul won HOH. So there goes my theory. I'm really glad he did too! I've been rooting for Paul for a long time too. He is loud and obnoxious, but he has played a pretty damn good game, and he's had to fight since the early weeks. He cracks me  sometimes, and I'll admit - he may have become "my boy". 


I like Derrick, so I didn't mind seeing him. I don't think he's the best winner of all time, given the moronic sheep he had to play with. It was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. But I did think he was good at getting people to do what he wanted, without coming off super cocky and controlling like Frank and Paulie. He seemed like a decent enough human being, but his praise for Nicole is unfounded, IMO. 

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10 hours ago, lookattheflowers said:


This season is way too long, they need to wrap up this crap before Labor Day, like other summer shows do. I am ready for Fall shows and this show seems to be going on and on and on.


I agree with this. It's easier for me to commit to 3 nights a week in the summer. Once fall kicks in, I need to free up some time. (Wow, I sound pathetic. I swear I do more than watch TV!)


10 hours ago, candall said:


Oh dear.  Nicole said "This is going to bite us in the bu. . ." then stopped and corrected it to "This is literally going to bite us in the butt."  I thought the constant misuse of that term came from being lazy or trendy, but I guess she really does not know what it means.


The misuse of "literally" is one of biggest pet peeves. So of course Nicole would say that.

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I guess I'm getting tired of Paul. I'm tired of his I'm a fun, likeable, memorable reality show character act he's been doing all season. He's been giving a literal performance more than anyone else. I imagine he's been auditioning for another gig, maybe he'll show up next year on Project Runway to give Tim Gunn impressions and sing Santino songs. People do play up for the cameras - Natalie has - but it is continuous for him. I don't know who is the real Paul and who is Paul the reality show character.

So there's only one vote tonight. If Paul nominates Corey and Nicole, then Corey is out because I think James will save Nicole. If it's Corey and James, then James is out because Nicole will save Corey. If it's James and Nicole, then James is out because I think Corey will save Nicole, but he might be a bro and save James for a bro final three. I'm pretty sure Nicole will be OK, and I'll sit in a corner with my face to the wall and whisper that I'm kind of glad, because I still like her though not as much as I did before.

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I love the 'bleep' comp. Pretty funny stuff. Glad Paul won cause seeing Nicorey and James skate to F3 would be so anticlimactic. I am guessing Paul will put up Nicorey and I hope they don't win Veto. I'd really like to see Nicole go but I bet James will send Corey to jury over Nicole. Nicole has been a great player, probably the best this season but I just cannot stand her and don't want her to win a dime. I hope Vic wins AFP. And I agree with the poster above who is sad to have the eye candy go. Can't wait to see him again when they show him enter the jury house. Hey, Amazing Race, it would be awesome to have a Paul/Victor team on a season in the future!!!!

Edited by Lamima
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2 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

 If James or Paul win, one of Nicorey is going, with James casting the lone vote.

Agree with your reasoning, but think you should put "James" in quotes because he'll be following someone's instructions.

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16 minutes ago, candall said:

Agree with your reasoning, but think you should put "James" in quotes because he'll be following someone's instructions.

LOL.  Indeed!  The big question is:  Who does he follow?  My guess is Nicole, bye Corey.

If he (or Paul) manages to pull off the win, it will be a mad scramble of who can promise James F2 ($50K) most convincingly.  I'm not sure which one Paul wants out first.

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I will always hate Derrick, the ringiest ringer who ever ringered. I refuse to marvel at the game of someone who earned a paycheck for playing professional Big Brother. And he only won 6-3, so...he clearly didn't fool as many people as he think he did.

I also find it rich that he's suddenly a fan of Nicole (who clearly based part of her strategy on hiding behind men) when I believe he was a vocal critic of Vanessa (who played her own game)? Now that a woman isn't threatening to you, she deserves to win? Screw you, Derrick.

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Can't.stand.james.  What a waste of a houseguest.

Thank you for this!!  I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I just can't stand this guy!!  Didn't like him last season and dislike him more this season. He is up there as one of the most boring/useless houseguests ever to play BB!!  He kept me from watching much this season.  It's clear to me how he is such a favorite, as he is give so much air time.  Hopefully next summer will have all newbies.  

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2 minutes ago, Sammich said:

Thank you for this!!  I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I just can't stand this guy!!  Didn't like him last season and dislike him more this season. He is up there as one of the most boring/useless houseguests ever to play BB!!  He kept me from watching much this season.  It's clear to me how he is such a favorite, as he is give so much air time.  Hopefully next summer will have all newbies.  

I agree.  James has always just annoyed the hell out of me.  I don't hate him; that would be a waste of energy.

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Agree that annoying is a better way to describe how I feel about James.  He just took the fun out of BB for me this summer.  I feel it's a shame the reality show he was initially supposed to be on didn't fall through, which I think was a redneck cowboy show.  He thinks BB is either The Bachelor/Bachelorette or summer camp.  I don't like Nicole anymore at all, but at least I feel she is deserving of the win.  

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4 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

James has always just annoyed the hell out of me.  I don't hate him; that would be a waste of energy.

I was able to stop despising James when they stopped forcing me to watch him pop out and yell "BOO!" at people.

Who do I thank for shutting down the "pranks"?  Victor?  He's already my AFP, but I might actually go wherever and register my vote.

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That was a fun episode.  I always like the comic book challenge, as the covers are funny and kind of a "nice" version of Zingbot's jokes.  I was struck by the fact that the final 5 last night were all pretty pleasant people.  Sure, I have my favorites (James, Nicole), but all of them seem like decent human beings.  I can't say that about many seasons of Big Brother.

I'm glad Victor was finally staked through the heart.  Having a player return twice in a season is too much.  it really alters the players' gameplay, and not in a good way.

I didn't mind seeing Derrick return as an "expert".  He was a boring winner, but a very good player.  True, his season featured some of the worst players ever, but he still managed to thread the needle through that batch of contestants to the end.

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Meh. Can't hate any of these players, they're not interesting enough to hate.

Of course Victor had to go. No suspense there. The guy wins everything.

I have to give Corey & Nicole reluctant props. For most of the summer, I thought they weren't playing at all. Maybe they were or maybe they weren't, but laying low worked out beautifully for them. When they couldn't hide anymore, they started winning comps. And now they're in the final four - can't argue with any strategy that gets you that far (even an inadvertent one - though, can you really call it strategy if it's inadvertent?).

James is such a dim bulb. It's a scary couple where Natalie is the brains of the outfit.

And then there's Paul, who's set himself up nicely for a possible win. Paul is actually smart, and quite funny, if only he didn't work at being his "Paul" character so damn hard every friggin' waking moment. It's just not necessary.

Season can't end soon enough for me, either. There's REAL shows starting soon.

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12 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't believe she did it in 13 minutes.  This competition wasn't on the feeds, right?  So production could have "assigned" her a time of 13 minutes. Or given her prompting in the DR.

I don't know - I knew she had the fastest time because her first guess only had 2 wrong.  Paul's first guess had 5 wrong.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

The misuse of "literally" is one of biggest pet peeves. So of course Nicole would say that.

Is it "literally" one of your biggest pet peeves, though?  : )

Edited by Wouldofshouldof
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12 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't believe she did it in 13 minutes.  This competition wasn't on the feeds, right?  So production could have "assigned" her a time of 13 minutes. Or given her prompting in the DR.

She also seemed to be going slower across the line as well. Maybe due to her lower body weight?

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She also seemed to be going slower across the line as well. Maybe due to her lower body weight?

I was wondering if that was a conscious choice, because if it was, it was really smart -- launch yourself with as little momentum as possible so you have as much time as possible to memorize the placards.

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I always like the comic book veto comp, but I felt so bad when they showed Michelle's. She is a super-fan, so she knows what that's all about. She's also got some self-esteem issues, and when she sees that her comic was making fun of her weight, I don't think it'll be funny, I think she'll be really, really, really upset. 

There was no bad move in whom to vote out. Vic would probably be better at comps & potentially make it further, but having been evicted twice & having reentered twice, I'm not sure the jury would've given him the money. However, I truly believe Paul will beat anyone left if he gets to the final 2. I'd really like to see whom Michelle would vote for in a Paul/Nicole final 2. 

Completely agree, this season is about 3 weeks past it's expiration date.  

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I didn't take Michelle's comic was making fun of her weight. It was just basically calling her a big crybaby. So they made her look like a really big kid, stomping through the city, raining tears down on everyone. 

Edited by ghoulina
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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I didn't take Michelle's comic was making fun of her weight. It was just basically calling her a big crybaby. So they made her look like a really big kid, stomping through the city, raining tears down on everyone. 

Yeah but I also bet she won't be too thrilled to see it. I was shocked they made her so fluffy.

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I thought all of the comic covers were pretty insulting, except for Zakiyah's and Victor's.

Victor's drawing practically had production staff drool all over it, it was so over-the-top adulatory.

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I still enjoyed looking at Vic. His well-spoken and clear-cut yet not profanity-laced throw-down speech in the HoH room to Nicorey was awesome

Agreed. It was articulate and logical. He wasn't being mean spirited or bitter, he acknowledged that it was a good move for them strategically, but at the same time expressed the disappointment in their lies and told them he wasn't going to sit and play "patty-cake" with them afterwards. Good on him.

The thing is - I'm not nearly as impressed with Nicole and Corey as they are. They made final 2 deals with 2 pairs and then went back on both of them. And not in some brilliant long-term plan either - they just kept changing their minds. That's called second-guessing yourself, not genius strategy. If they had said "Oh, let's work with them this week to get so-and-so out, then next week we'll work to get them out," I would have been more impressed. But that's not what happened. They just kept deciding to stab people in the back because they got scared. And if Paul or Victor had won HoH they would have honored the F4 deal and evicted James like they planned. That makes Paul and Victor look much better than Nicole and Corey IMO.


I like Derrick ( . . . ) but his praise for Nicole is unfounded, IMO.

I agree with this too. She's basically doing the same exact thing she did last time: latching onto a guy and isolating herself from everyone else. She's just luckier this time around because nobody targeted her.

Paul might not be half as clever as he thinks he is, but he's still twice as clever as anyone else in that house. I kind of enjoyed his eviction ceremony speech. At least he put some thought into it instead of giving us the usual shout-outs to family and friends and boring platitudes about loving everyone in the house.

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14 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't believe she did it in 13 minutes.  This competition wasn't on the feeds, right?  So production could have "assigned" her a time of 13 minutes. Or given her prompting in the DR.

I could believe it.  Isnt this her second time playing that comp?? She knows how it works and what to look for.  Basically she just had more of an unfair advantage than anything. 

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