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7 hours ago, izabella said:

SJP is 51 years old, and she's always had distinctive features that make her just short of "pretty," so what are people expecting?  I think they could do a better job on her make-up, but I'm at least glad there are roles for women her age.  It's usually the invisible age - tv shows young women and grandma/old women, and expects all the women in between to look like they are 30 with the help of fillers, Botox and plastic surgery that makes them look more like clowns than human.  I'm sure SJP has probably had some of those fillers and whatnot, but otherwise, hooray for a woman being allowed to look her age and still work as an actress!

She's never been a conventional beauty.  And I shouldn't have said she "aged horribly."  But with the fillers that she is using her eyes look really small now and I think she looks odd.

What I was really trying to say, unsuccessfully, is that her character doesn't seem like she'd be with such a boob like Robert.

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Nick and Diane have the best parties!

Dallas and the lawyer was great too.

I think if they want to do multiple seasons of this, it's going to be a drawn-out process, with various characters introduced.

Are these secondary characters interesting enough to keep the show going over a season?  My guess is the ratings aren't boffo so this may be a two-season thing before they're finally divorced.  

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9 hours ago, EdnasEdibles said:

Here's my issue with Frances - it seems like every time she has warm feelings about her husband, she has second thoughts on the divorce. Which somewhat makes sense but then also - you can like someone and still recognize that you should not be married to them. They have real genuine problems in their marriage and even if they don't want to stab each other, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're meant to be. 

My issue is how uneven Robert is.  Is he a complete dolt? Is he supposed to be charming?  What is i about him that would've drawn Frances to him? That he is a hands-on dad that dances with them doesn't seem to be enough reason for Frances to have been married to him.  I just don't quite get what his character is supposed to be.

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I liked this episode. I loved Frances' "stop having parties'.  Yes, this. Molly Shannon/Tracy Letts are a horrifying couple, and they keep subjecting all their friends and acquaintances to their stupid melodrama. They're like Madonna, they can't exist if someone isn't watching them.

Dallas and Mayhem were really, really gross.

Yeah, the biggest flaw remains Robert, unfortunately. There is pretty much no time that we can understand why or how Frances was ever into him.

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11 hours ago, sasha206 said:

My issue is how uneven Robert is.  Is he a complete dolt? Is he supposed to be charming?  What is i about him that would've drawn Frances to him? That he is a hands-on dad that dances with them doesn't seem to be enough reason for Frances to have been married to him.  I just don't quite get what his character is supposed to be.

Yes, this. It seemed like all of the other parents knew him and liked him - but I have not seen any part of Robert yet that I find interesting or fun to be around. 

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He seems like a kind of good dad, tho. Fun, mostly, probably because he's a little childish himself. There's a certain warmth to him. He seems like a weirdo, but not a bad guy. Like a kid would be embarrassed by him, as a lot of kids are, but still love him and like to be around him, some of the time.

It's the husband part I can't get. I'm loathe to admit this, because it makes me look like an idiot, but there ya go--but he reminds me of my ex in a lot of ways. Loud, attention seeking, given to inappropriate remarks to get a laugh. I so relate to Frances' reactions to him---the eyerolls and the head shakes--cuz that was me the last few years of my marriage too.  So I say I don't understand why on earth Frances was with ever with him, but..that's how I feel about my ex too. Like: wtf was I thinking?? Yet...people like my ex, at least in small doses. They think he's funny and fun and personable. So I can kind of see how people at the party find him amusing or likable enuf, but Frances just thinks he's a moron.

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I think one of the problems is that they are making it on the surface that this is a higher end or at least wealthy couple.  The truth is they are middle class and not solidly so , because of all the debt.  They are acting like rich people who do not want to share the Shetland ponies or divide time between the beach house or the lake house, when in truth this divorce would bring dire economic consequences for both of them.  This would even be more in such an expensive area of the country.

Also, even though there are many legitimate gallery owners that work very hard, the way the show is going about it makes it seem like a bored rich woman job.

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On 11/30/2016 at 10:52 AM, EdnasEdibles said:

I agree with everyone about the job. It makes no sense. Start the job, fresh start on life- new beginnings and a chance at happiness. It truly makes no sense at all. Her friend that she was hanging with is a little too sour and that's fine - we all have a sour friend, but maybe don't take life advice from them on your career when you're actually happy for a change. 


On 11/28/2016 at 4:11 PM, cpcathy said:

Since my husband is currently looking for a better job, the Sotheby's thing really irked me. Take the damn job, Frances! She then burned her bridges with that woman she was talking to, they won't EVER want to give her another chance.  Frances is as clueless as Carrie Bradshaw!

It is an annoying trope.  Character with no relevant experience gets a chance at a dream job in a fiercely competitive industry with much more qualified people and he/she turns it down for dumb reasons that make no sense.

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5 minutes ago, ennui said:

SJP drives me crazy with her hair. By the end of the episode, I was screaming at the tv, "Buy a f****** barrette!!"

OMG! Yes! Hey here's a few more ideas... Try a headband.  How about a braid?  Or a hat? Or just cut a friggin hair cut.  Anything to keep those mop strings from getting in her face.

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I think its her goofy long bangs that are driving us all nuts, including her! That's why I refuse to cut my bangs again. it's either all the way grown out or short-short because those in the middle things she is sporting right now are awkward and tickly. That's why she kept sweeping them off her face in my opinion. I hate hair sometimes yet I became a hairdresser!?

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Maybe older actresse self-conscious about their looks so trying to cover up her face?

I remember in Project Greenlight, one actress kept bothering the director to make sure they were using soft filters no the camera or something.

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19 hours ago, luna1122 said:

He seems like a kind of good dad, tho. Fun, mostly, probably because he's a little childish himself. There's a certain warmth to him. He seems like a weirdo, but not a bad guy. Like a kid would be embarrassed by him, as a lot of kids are, but still love him and like to be around him, some of the time.

It's the husband part I can't get. I'm loathe to admit this, because it makes me look like an idiot, but there ya go--but he reminds me of my ex in a lot of ways. Loud, attention seeking, given to inappropriate remarks to get a laugh. I so relate to Frances' reactions to him---the eyerolls and the head shakes--cuz that was me the last few years of my marriage too.  So I say I don't understand why on earth Frances was with ever with him, but..that's how I feel about my ex too. Like: wtf was I thinking?? Yet...people like my ex, at least in small doses. They think he's funny and fun and personable. So I can kind of see how people at the party find him amusing or likable enuf, but Frances just thinks he's a moron.

Oh. My. Goodness. You hit onto something there because you've perfectly described my ex, loud, attention seeking, inappropriate remarks, check, check, check. And that made me think that the person he's become is very, very far for the fun, good looking guy he used to be - so didn't hard to try so hard, perks of being a hunk, and with usually a sharp sense of humour - except when he felt uncomfortable and forced it, which has become a constant (at least to my eyes) since he's become my ex. Seen that way, I must say I see our fictional Frances/Robert marriage slightly differently - Thank you!!!

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17 hours ago, ennui said:

SJP drives me crazy with her hair. By the end of the episode, I was screaming at the tv, "Buy a f****** barrette!!"


17 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

OMG! Yes! Hey here's a few more ideas... Try a headband.  How about a braid?  Or a hat? Or just cut a friggin hair cut.  Anything to keep those mop strings from getting in her face.


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I am both happy to see women over the age of 30 working in Hollywood, and also on the "she does not look good" train.  As Izabela said above, she has always had "distinctive features" but her features, which include a very long face, are not helped by the long, straggly hair.  I'm not of the opinion that all women need to cut their hair off once they hit 40 but that style is doing her absolutely no favors.  Cut it, woman!

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21 hours ago, scrb said:

Maybe older actresses self-conscious about their looks so trying to cover up her face?

I think that's a separate issue. Jennifer Aniston hides behind her hair, she's admitted it in interviews. 

I think SJP just needs a study hair spray so she doesn't have to constantly fiddle with it.

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On 12/7/2016 at 0:25 AM, qtpye said:

I think one of the problems is that they are making it on the surface that this is a higher end or at least wealthy couple.  The truth is they are middle class and not solidly so , because of all the debt.  They are acting like rich people who do not want to share the Shetland ponies or divide time between the beach house or the lake house, when in truth this divorce would bring dire economic consequences for both of them.  This would even be more in such an expensive area of the country.

Also, even though there are many legitimate gallery owners that work very hard, the way the show is going about it makes it seem like a bored rich woman job.

Ouch and yes.

Ouch because yes, unless you're filthy rich, your standards of living do go down when you divorce. Of course, in parallel, you gain (or regain) other unquantifiable stuff, such as freedom (of mind, of time, of chores) and a renewed will of doing things for yourself/that make you happy. But yeah, if the kids are gone, you're looking into an abode more akin to your single one's than the one you lived in while married.

And yes, gallery owner is not something you decide to become on a whim. Gallery assistant, on the other hand, is a big one amongst daughters of money. 

Then again, maybe we'll learn later on that Kate studied art and only took her current job to support her family and pay the mortgage until Robert made it big after his career change.  

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On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 2:19 PM, ennui said:

I think SJP just needs a study hair spray so she doesn't have to constantly fiddle with it.

Probably a real life habit, but you can also tell SJP is using all those "hair tics" to establish her Frances character--distracted fiddling with it, hiding behind it, flinging it back defiantly.  Ugh.  I think she must not realize how annoying it is to viewers.

I caught Ordinary People recently and remembered that director Robert Redford was praised for knocking the trademark fidgets out of MTM.   We need some of that tough love here, please.

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I am an SJP fan.

That said, I don't understand this show. Is it a comedy? A drama? A dramedy?  None of the characters are appealing to me. I don't understand them. I really wanted to like this show, because I am a fan of the female actresses, but none of their characters are likeable and compelling.

What am I missing? I can be convinced otherwise.

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It seems to be a story about people who are decent but things spin beyond their control and it's going to become adversarial.

The lawyers really mess with the other party, possibly unintentionally, and now they're going to fight over the kids as well as everything else.

Theyre also trying to keep some side stories with the secondary characters like the Molly Shannon one.

And they keep trying to shoehorn Germaine here and there but can't present a convincing story line in which he'd still be around.  At least have him do a song or two if he's going to remain, into the second season.

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It seems to be a story about people who are decent but things spin beyond their control and it's going to become adversarial.

I think this is a good way of putting it.  I still don't really understand why they both have high priced, highly aggressive attorneys when neither appears to have substantial assets worth engaging in this type of fight over.  It seems like the end result is that they'll be bankrupted by lawyers' costs, along with their other debts, unless one of them ends up with a substantial infusion of income. 

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I know this is the basis for most TV shows but it always bugs me when a situation veers out of control when a simple conversation could resolve it. 

If Robert had said, "Frances, I don't know if you're aware but your lawyer froze my assets so I can't start FunZone and that will negatively impact our children's future." I'm pretty sure she would have said "Let me make a call" and the problem would be solved. But he didn't. He just seethed and then he got her arrested for kidnapping (essentially). 

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SJP's hair touching doesn't bother me; I don't even notice it. Probably because I do it myself, and hide behind my hair too. All those chicks on award shows with high ponies? I admire them, esp if they're over a certain age, like I am, and SJP is.  I'm like Jeffrey Dean Morgan on "walking dead": once he shaved off his beard, it revealed saggy skin and old people face. I need my hair to hide shit, yo.

I am more than ready for Robert's 'stache to be gone too, and can't figure out why he still has it, except that Frances hates it.

I still often don't get this show either, what it's going for, what it's trying to be, but I'm weirdly compelled to watch it every week. I liked the scenes with the kids missing the bus, the way they interacted rang true to me. I liked the cop car pulling Frances over scene, I liked Frances' reaction to her Flight of the Conchord lovah showing up---the embarrassment, the disbelief that she'd ever fallen for his crap. I liked the scene between Frances and Robert at her gallery; there was actual tenderness there. So yeah, it makes it all the more frustrating when they don't just TALK to each other.

I do not care at all about Molly Shannon's drunken weirdness and her terrible relationship with her husband  (tho I like Tracy Letts).

I will come back for next season. I'm curious.

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WTF? I just don't get what they were going for here. Robert was furious that Frances' lawyer had his assets frozen but every time he went to talk to her he ended up being really nice to her, then throwing a fit in private. Then he calls the cops and tells them his ex kidnapped his children?? Was he trying to lull her into a false sense of security by being so nice to her? What exactly is this going to accomplish anyway? Obviously she's not going to be arrested, this just ends up being an inconvenience. There's no formal custody arrangement in place so there's nothing the police can even do. And the kids are old enough that this isn't going to traumatize them. 

What a baffling episode.

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I don't know what it is about this show. It infuriates me, but still, I'm drawn (much like I was with Vinyl). I really don't know if I'll commit to a second season - if it gets renewed - because it's so all over the map.

Agree. SJP's excessive hair touching is annoying and distracting. Cut that mess, go back to being a blonde and ease up on the eyeliner. You're not auditioning for a gig with Whitesnake

My dislike for Robert has now turned into full-on hatred. What a prick!! Now isn't he the one who remortgaged their house WITHOUT TELLING HER?!!! And didn't he do some other dodgy money things without her knowledge? And now he sics the cops on her for kidnapping because her lawyer - not her personally - froze his assets. What a douche! So why have that tender little moment at the gallery then? It's like this show's writers can't decide where to take this thing.

Why did Frances feel that she had to tell her father that she had the affair? Does it really matter at this point? I always think it's so stupid when characters feel that they just have to "come clean." Some things are better left unsaid and sometimes, this truth-telling does more harm than good. 

Molly Shannon and her obnoxious asshole husband can both disappear. They're horrible characters that add nothing to this fiasco.

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More than likely they're going to have to wrap this series up next season, like Enlightened had to.

So the divorce finalizes and they both have moved on, perhaps find new partners and the kids are well-adjusted after adopting to whatever custody arrangement they have and the gallery and the fun zone are both successful?

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7 hours ago, scrb said:

More than likely they're going to have to wrap this series up next season, like Enlightened had to.

True. Because how much longer can you drag this out and not turn off viewers in the process? The show is called Divorce so that's where we're headed. No surprises there.

I had a problem with the "quote" thing...initially there was only the first word in the box so I had to try it again.

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On 12/12/2016 at 10:56 AM, EdnasEdibles said:

I know this is the basis for most TV shows but it always bugs me when a situation veers out of control when a simple conversation could resolve it. 

If Robert had said, "Frances, I don't know if you're aware but your lawyer froze my assets so I can't start FunZone and that will negatively impact our children's future." I'm pretty sure she would have said "Let me make a call" and the problem would be solved. But he didn't. He just seethed and then he got her arrested for kidnapping (essentially). 

If they communicated that way they would not be getting divorced.

 Realistically, if they would have been open and honest with each other they would have never married.

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On December 12, 2016 at 3:22 AM, LilaFowler said:

She touched her hair five times during that shitty speech.

SJP's hair drives me CRAZY.  Pushing it back every two seconds.  She's been wearing this part in the middle long stringy hair far too long now.  And her makeup has to go.   I just see slits where her eyes are.   Far too much eyeliner for her age.  In her movie "Miami Rhapsody", she had a layered curly perm that looked great.  I liked her in her Sex and the City, but just can't in this show.  Between the hair, makeup and constant chattering with that same look on her face is very annoying, and she over acts.   Not too fond of Molly Shannon either in this role.  And, while I'm complaining, what's with the 30 minute episodes?  Why not 1 hour?  I will be surprised if this show comes back.

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4 minutes ago, ChlcGirl said:

It was renewed several weeks ago so a second season is a definite.  What it will look like though is a baffling thought.

O.k.  Then I hope she cuts her hair and parts it on the side.  Maybe a hair clip too, ha ha.

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11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

O.k.  Then I hope she cuts her hair and parts it on the side.  Maybe a hair clip too, ha ha.

i mentioned on another thread that given SJP's long face, that straggly, ratty hair is doing her no favors.  She most definitely needs a cut (and probably a hot oil treatment as well because that looks like straw.)

I just can't get into this show.  Most of it is because of SJP.  I truly disliked Carrie Bradshaw by the end of SATC and sometimes it feels like she can never STOP playing Carrie.  Does that make sense?  As if Carrie is so ingrained in her at this point that she is unable to sink fully into another role.  Right now it feels like I am watching SJP play Carrie playing Francis.  All of the little mannerisms and ticks are still there.  Even the rhythm of the line delivery.  It's really off putting. 

Or of course I could be crazy.

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Agree with everything you said.   I can't understand about the money situation.  Living in Westchester, N.Y. On the Hudson costs a fortune, taking the railway into the city, and her expensive clothes doesn't make sense,  especially being the breadwinner.   And once again, not to be mean, I really don't get the hair.  She's not a little girl anymore with the long strings hanging all over the place.  So unattractive.  If I see that part in her head next season, I'll flip.  Strange for a New York City and Hamptons woman.

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Long waves are a good choice for someone with SJP's angular features, but the centre part is a bad idea for her long face. A side part, more fullness on top, and a good trim would do wonders. I don't notice the hair touching and don't know why it's considered annoying.

The showmis a dramedy, seems obvious. There are funny bits and serious stuff. Yes, the characters are obnoxious and unpredictable, I think that's the point. That's how their seemingly adequate marriage fell apart. People don't know how they'll react to a stressor they've never experienced.

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On ‎12‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 1:53 PM, Gem 10 said:

I can't understand about the money situation.  Living in Westchester, N.Y. on the Hudson costs a fortune, taking the railway into the city, and her expensive clothes doesn't make sense,  especially being the breadwinner.

Not to mention opening a gallery, which has to be a money drain, during divorce proceedings.  Frankly, very little about this show makes much sense, starting with why Frances and Robert were married to begin with.

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On 10/10/2016 at 8:17 AM, bagatelle said:

I put a lot of the blame on the husband. Whenever he was onscreen, I just wanted Frances to kick him out, so we'd never have to see him again.  I'm not sure what the actor is trying to do. He's just reciting his lines and he's not appealing in the slightest. He's not vulnerable and he's not interesting. That moustache didn't help, as Frances said. 

I don't know THC from anything but his character was the thing I hated in this episode, though I'll keep watching.  

I love Sharon Horgan.  I wish she was in the show.  I love SJP, too.  

I didn't notice teal/turquoise throughout but I did lust over SJP's gorgeous teal trench coat and noticed how it was virtually identical in color to the train seat she was on, which I thought was odd.  

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I thought SJP looked terribly old in that opening scene with her hair pulled back.  But I agree with virtually everything else on this thread.  This ep was bad.  I disliked the giant manbaby character the first ep so watching her chase him around for a half hour wasn't at all entertaining.  And since the title of the show suggests the giant manbaby isn't going anywhere, I think I will.  

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On 10/31/2016 at 11:05 AM, cardigirl said:

I get that the scene where Francis asked for help with getting her financial information was supposed to be comedic, but come on.  She can't figure out where to find her financial information from the company?  Even if you do have direct deposit, you're going to have an online file where you can sign in and see what you're paid, what taxes are taken out, and how much you're putting in the 401(k).  And if not there, you can go online and check your bank account, or call the bank for information. I was deeply insulted by that scene. She's an executive in a high pressure business.  Not some woman who just started back to work after staying home for 10 years.  Gah.

And I agree with all the parenting observations.  Although, the scene where they finally tell the kids played very real for me.  Of course the kids knew something was up. Kids are smart.

I'm coming to this party late... just watched the first 4 episodes.  OMG, I was deeply insulted by that scene, too.  All she needed was a paycheck stub, which would easily be found online via a self-service module set-up by the Payroll dept (which pretty much would be found at any company these days).  

With that scene leading into her not vacating the conference room for a birthday party... I'm left to believe the writers really want us to dislike her character immensely, and pretty much want us to believe she is an absolute idiot.  They have succeeded... however the joke is on them, because I don't want to watch a TV show about someone I dislike this much.

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