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S18.E37: Live Eviction 12

Tara Ariano

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"Dig 'em." Did... did you really just say that, Corey? To Chenbot? "Dig 'em."? 

#ButFirst... thanks for wasting all that time on Jeff and Jordan. Because we really care.

Aaaand speculation over. Natalie wasn't talking about James when she said she put her trust in the wrong people. She was talking about the failed F4 deal with Nicole and Corey, which is what I had assumed, unlike the two chuckleheads in the HoH room who immediately thought she was talking about James. I mean, sure, she could have worded it better but still. 

Seeing Da'Vonne's reactions to everything in the jury house really makes me sad that she's no longer in the house. She's the most entertaining about of all of them. Da'Vonne for a third season of BB!

Victor has no idea that he's supposed to be campaigning for F2 votes in his goodbye messages, does he? Gloat all you want but that isn't going to get someone to put a key with your name in the Big Box. 

Yay I love this comp! Here's to some spectacular falls and spills!

  • Love 2

I'm rooting for Victor or Paul all the way.  I'm all in at this point and very excited to actually have someone to root for.  That being said I hope that Paul doesn't throw this comp because one of them are definitely going to go up if any of the others win.  Next week Victor can win it.  Speaking of which how stupid are they that they keep Paul and Victor still.

Oh no..Day does think Nicole is running the house.  I saw a look of admiration when she heard that...ugh.

Did anybody notice Paulie and Z are back together?

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

"Dig 'em." Did... did you really just say that, Corey? To Chenbot? "Dig 'em."?

He's saying "Gig 'em" It's an Aggie/Texas A&M thing. Barf.

6 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

Did anybody notice Paulie and Z are back together?

Color me shocked. *eye roll* They deserve each other. Day's reactions are hilarious. I would love to get a daily video commentary from her on life in the jury house.

  • Love 8

I hope James has kissed his AFP $$$ goodbye with that display tonight.  That was dreadful.  I've never liked the creep and this just reinforced my opinion.

Nat is better off without him.  Anybody with a pulse is better off without him.

Then there are "the 4 Assholes of the Apocalypse" (h/t AS) now trying to suck up to James.  Yuck!

So Paulie is banging Z and is still an asshole.  They deserve each other.  Meech was cool.  She'll have fun with the other girls.

James throwing that HOH to Nicole finished his pathetic game.

Nice speech Nat.  Keep it positive! James, well, lame as always.

Nice interview too.  To me, it was obvious she was referring to Nicorey, but P/V either didn't understand or didn't want to.  Then easily rationalize it as the "reason" to take her out

Victor shouldn't gloat.  He could be next.

Paul shouldn't either.

Bleep you, Nicole!  

Did filling the small container always give you a bigger scoop or was there some other "prize"??

Corey looks entirely too good at this.  It looks like the lanes are less slippery than previously.  Maybe it will get better as they spill yellow stuff.

I actually want James to surprise us with a win just to bust up the gang of 4.

  • Love 3

Yes, Da confirmed that Zaulie has reformulated and that she basically has stopped talking to her...

A. I don't believe a word Natalie said. You can't be a pouty little bitch all week and think saying sorry and "it was the House" to get you back into everyone's good graces (which is what she admitted she does is say whatever she wants and apologize if someone was hurt by it and everyone is happy again!!) Soul mate my ass. Don't trust it James!!!

B. Her voice actually surpassed Nicole's on the 'nails on a chalkboard' chart today as she was just soooo super bubbly and sweet, really laying on her public persona. Ugh.

Speaking of Nicole's voice I love to watch Nicole during this comp. She is going to biff it sooner than later and probably many times... we got a trademark "Deeeeeeeennnggg Iyyyittt" before leaving for the day. And yes yet another TBC comp though I don't mind this one as it does need a long time before it gets to be worth watching.

Though less Jeff and Jordan would have been nice... interesting she wasn't speaking in her tiny little voice and actually carried the convo with Julie. Odd.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 13

I actually liked Natalie for a while there but I'm afraid she went out like a beauty pageant wind-up doll with the most irritating voice imaginable. Quite a phony, that Natalie. My only consolation is that she'll hear Paul saying/yelling that she threw James under the bus in her head for all eternity. And she should kick herself for all eternity for turning on the wrong pair at the wrong time, thus destroying her game.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 10

Nicole said "expecially."  She is dead to me.

I've never liked Natalie and Jesus you're wearing a microphone so bring the decibels down a notch or thirty but James was the way more annoying one of that pair.  I don't blame her for not wanting to be miserable and mopey and James just had to follow her around spreading his asshole aroma in his wake.

Corey's stupid long legs are very annoying in this comp.  And I noticed most of the tweets were pro-Corey with one for Nicole thrown in.

  • Love 9

What they he11 was up with Julie giving Natalie the AARYN GRIES treatment?! Sure Nat has been a brat lately but that doesn't put her in the category of getting called out with the flashcards! Man, they sure rained on her parade. She put on a good face for the eviction and then Julie topedoed all that.

But...I really was uncomforatable with the James/Natalie fight in the bedroom....because he was 100% right on calling her out. Her treatment of him in the last couple episode now calls into question her sincerity the whole time. Worse was Paul...he has disgusted me since day one but the past month or so I have had grudging respect for his gameplay but his glee at Jatalie fighting was despicable.

Sorry announcer but Jeff and Jordan aren't BB favorites...they are Allison Grodners favorites. Thanks for giving me a chance to fast forward through part of the episode though. There was that....I can't stand that pair...no appeal...what...so...ever.....

Looks like no suspense on who will win HOH this week the way Corey was rampaging his way down the slide. I bet he gets it but will be too stupid to take out Paul or Victor and will go the easy route with James.

Jury House!  Did anyone really believe that Zakiya wouldn't be all over Paulie again....especially with no cameras ...so probably anything goes behind closed doors. I hope the other ladies have a room far down the hall.

DaVonne....oh she is priceless...throwing shade on Paulie for naming Corey as his number one while Zakiya stands there and takes yet another round of humiliation.

I truly believe CBS will find some way to repurpose DaVonne....she is simply gold and I don't believe they would let her fade back into obscurity. If there is an All Stars she is lock.

Seeing Bridgette just kind of hanging there reminded me how much she wanted to spend jury with Frank but that dream died early on.

Why was Paulie acting depressed when Big Meech arrived...she was gunning for him like no one's business. Faker!







Quote this

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lamima said:

Harsh much, Chenbot! Telling Nat how she threw James under the bus.

Nat went out with grace.

I just came here to say that I can't put into words how very, very much I hate the phrase "throw him/her under the bus".  I really can't stand it.  

Speaking of can't stand, I really dislike Nicole immensely.  Has she ever had a relationship with another woman in the house?  I can't recall if she has.  She's such a petty, jealous, insecure witch, if she wins I'll be pissed. Which means she probably will win. 


Seeing Davonne in jury reminded me of how happy I am that she's gone. The way she speaks drives me insane. She yells everything she says and every damn thing she says sounds like she wrote and rehearsed it prior to the show. Even in a conversation with somebody she sounds so fake and rehearsed. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

"Dig 'em." Did... did you really just say that, Corey? To Chenbot? "Dig 'em."? 

#ButFirst... thanks for wasting all that time on Jeff and Jordan. Because we really care.

Aaaand speculation over. Natalie wasn't talking about James when she said she put her trust in the wrong people. She was talking about the failed F4 deal with Nicole and Corey, which is what I had assumed, unlike the two chuckleheads in the HoH room who immediately thought she was talking about James. I mean, sure, she could have worded it better but still. 

Seeing Da'Vonne's reactions to everything in the jury house really makes me sad that she's no longer in the house. She's the most entertaining about of all of them. Da'Vonne for a third season of BB!

Victor has no idea that he's supposed to be campaigning for F2 votes in his goodbye messages, does he? Gloat all you want but that isn't going to get someone to put a key with your name in the Big Box. 

Yay I love this comp! Here's to some spectacular falls and spills!

So Da Vonne could not win any comps and talk herself out the house a third time. I'll take a hard pass on that.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Lamima said:

Harsh much, Chenbot! Telling Nat how she threw James under the bus.

Nat went out with grace.


2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

What they he11 was up with Julie giving Natalie the AARYN GRIES treatment?! Sure Nat has been a brat lately but that doesn't put her in the category of getting called out with the flashcards! Man, they sure rained on her parade. She put on a good face for the eviction and then Julie topedoed all that.

Actually, I thought Julie handled a difficult task very gracefully; the divine Ms. Chen gave Natalie a (relatively gentle, I thought) heads-up on how some of Nat's game actions might be perceived differently than what Natalie would have otherwise expected.

That's liable to be some mighty valuable info for Natalie; at least she won't be blindsided by some of what she might encounter when she gets back out in the real world.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

the divine Ms. Chen gave Natalie a (relatively gentle, I thought) heads-up on how some of Nat's game actions might be perceived differently than what Natalie would have otherwise expected.

Which, IMO, is entirely too much game information for Julie to be divulging.  What the remaining contestants think and why, is something Julie should never be sharing with the Jury members.

And this aside from the Flashcards of Accurate Quotation, which are usually used when a houseguest has said something controversial, be it the truly offensive (Aaryn's racism) or just something Production wants to make a big deal of (the weekly "You said [blank] about Janelle! Explain yourself!" litany during All-Stars).  I hardly think Natalie merited this "here's what you did wrong, do you feel bad about it?" shaming technique, but JMO.

Depressing that we have Yet Another TBC comp for HoH.  In 13 HoH comps, Julie has had to announce the winner live exactly three times (Bridgette and the Tennis Rackets in Week 3, Paulie and the Week 4 memory comp, and Corey during the double eviction).  That's just ludicrous, IMO.

What's more is that this comp is built for long-striding guys (Austin threw it last year, otherwise there would be a perfect record of it always being won by the tallest man competing) and Corey is easily going to lap this field.  Maybe we'll get a nice montage of Nicole falling, over and over, but the actual HoH win is completely suspense-free.  The upcoming strategy (stick to the F3 with James or the F4 with V/P?  If you want to break up V/P, do you nominate them both or put up one as a "pawn" against James to lull them to sleep?) may hold some interest, though.

Da'Vonne and Bridgette must have been so very pissed to see James throw the endurance HoH, given how long they spent stepping over those ropes in the Week 5 HoH contest, all the way into the morning, with James unwilling to drop out and their both having to give it to him.  "Now he wants to let other people win??", they must be thinking.


Did filling the small container always give you a bigger scoop or was there some other "prize"??

In S14, there were two smaller containers; one got you safety for the week (Britney got that one) and the other was worth $10,000.  Mike Boogie, greedy as ever, took the cash.  (He also was showing faith in his alliance, given that Frank was the outgoing HoH and wasn't playing.  The good news was that one of his allies, Shane, won.  The bad news was that the rest of the alliance turned on FrankenBoogie, and Mike went home.  So perhaps he should have gone for the "safety" container instead.)

And last year, there were no ancillary containers, but there were three balls in the target jug, so you could choose to take the $5000 ball or the Never-Not ball before going for the HoH one.  Basic Becky was so far in the lead she had time to grab all three.

Lastly, I'm bummed about the scheduling.  I had thought we'd drop to F4 this week, to F3 on Sunday, September 18 and then finish up on the 21st.  Instead, by reaching F3 next Wednesday, this means there either won't be an episode on the 18th at all…or it will be Clip Shew, Part Deux.   Kill.Me.Now.  (Sigh.)

  • Love 4

Poor Natalie.  She was so excited to meet Julie that her voice went to scream level like the two year old we sat next to in the Dairy Queen last night.  Then Julie treated her as though she had literally thrown James under a bus.  I  don't care if she had meant to throw a little shade on James during her conversation with the Vic and Paul or not. It's a game, you're supposed to try and win.  Nothing Natalie did warranted Julie acting like she had been a horrible person.  I remember when Boogie won after practically proposing to Erika all season, while  DR-ing that he didn't like her, and not a word was said against him in the final show. In fact the show went so far as to allow an ex-houseguest to stand up from the audience and pretty much call her a slut. 

I don't know anything Nat said to James that compared with the way he treated her.  Nat was feeling bad and just wanted to sleep alone and his reaction was to  get mad, as though he had some permanent right to her body,  and then bring up all her past relationships in the house from before they were together.  She's been a NFL cheerleader, just wait till he hears about all the big athletes she dated before him.  Is he going to try to shame her for it?  I hope she goes home and forgets him.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, zibnchy said:

Paulie and Zak were both radiating smug and self-satisfied. Z looked like she thinks she won BB but all she got is a puffy douche bag from NJ who is NOT going to age well. (I try very hard not to judge appearances but I think Paulie has made himself fair game.) Please, don't get pregnant Z. Please.

Actually to me, Z just looks over it. Like she was ready for the whole thing to be done with. And I pray she's not pregnant at all. I hope this was a "summer fling" for her or a rebound since she just got out of bad long-term relationship cause she deserves better than Paulie. 

  • Love 2

I'm really torn. On the one hand, I wanted to see Natalie leave simply because it would thrill me to no end to know that Paulie is alone in that jury house with nothing but females. On the other hand, now Nicole is lone in the BB house with all the dudes and I know this just serves to validate some delusional "cool girl" image she has of herself. 

I did not care for Nat's attitude up until the end. I was hoping they were the one showmance that wouldn't disintegrate on the block. But I thought she was acting like a mega brat and being really condescending towards James. I agree with him, that those were their last few nights in the house together and they should have tried to enjoy it. 

James said some mean things as well, but I think that was out of hurt. I hate to be all immature and say, "She started it", but it's true. Nat was lashing out at him and he finally had enough and responded out of pain. I really cannot figure out why she was being so mean to him. She needs to take some ownership for her position in the game. James did play a crap game this summer, but I think a lot of that was just trying to lay low to take any target away from himself and Natalie. I think the other half was just being so enamored by her that he really didn't care about the game as much. He didn't have his head in it, and that's on him. But she's a big girl and she can make her own decisions. She CHOSE to stay within his shadow. She could have been more forceful. She could have gone off on her own and made different moves. 

I really don't know what the future holds for the two of them. She says things like "best friend", but then says things like "you're stuck with me forever", and I can't really get a feel for the intent behind it all. I was expecting a bigger goodbye between the two of them, though. Her Julie interview gave me a headache. Shouting, nasal voice, talking a mile a minute. Yikes. 

Interesting to hear that Da says Zak is back with Paulie, but Zak acts like they're just being cordial. I really don't know how anyone could put up with his douchey ass. 

Jeff and Jordan, yawn. TBC HOH, yawn. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

"Dig 'em." Did... did you really just say that, Corey? To Chenbot? "Dig 'em."? 

Ha. I cringed. Is he the new Honey Smacks spokesperson? 


2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

He should have seen it from the start, he just can't let her go.  He looked kind of possessive to me.

Nat and James kind of reminded me of my husband and myself. Except flip the roles. When we have an argument, I'm the kind of person that wants to hash it all out, reach a solution, and be back to "normal" right away. My husband needs time alone. He needs to calm down, think, and just let some time pass before we can get into it. It's taken me a long time to be able to put aside my "fix this now" mentality and give him what he needs. That's what I saw with James. I felt like he just wanted to fix things. And since one of them would be leaving, there was a lot more pressure added to the situation. But he should have realized that she needed her space and just let it go. I know, first hand, how hard that is. But you're not going to make things any better by following the other person around when they just want some peace to work things out in their head. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Sorry announcer but Jeff and Jordan aren't BB favorites...they are Allison Grodners favorites. Thanks for giving me a chance to fast forward through part of the episode though. There was that....I can't stand that pair...no appeal...what...so...ever.....

Whenever I see Jeff and Jordan, I always feel like he is just pacifying her. I'm sure he must love her to have gotten married & be having a baby together but he just seems to disregard her opinions. Oh, I don't know - I just don't feel the love with these two the way I do...I know, gasp...Brenchel. lol (Who I really think love & respect each other despite the fact they really are obnoxious. lol)

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

DaVonne....oh she is priceless...throwing shade on Paulie for naming Corey as his number one while Zakiya stands there and takes yet another round of humiliation.


 I don't blame DaVonne and Bridget for no longer speaking to Z.  It sickens me that she's back with Paulie.  I wonder who Z is going to cry to when Paulie dumps her like last night's leftovers the second they leave the jury house.

1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Poor Natalie.  She was so excited to meet Julie that her voice went to scream level like the two year old we sat next to in the Dairy Queen last night. 

I don't know anything Nat said to James that compared with the way he treated her.  Nat was feeling bad and just wanted to sleep alone and his reaction was to  get mad, as though he had some permanent right to her body,  and then bring up all her past relationships in the house from before they were together.  She's been a NFL cheerleader, just wait till he hears about all the big athletes she dated before him.  Is he going to try to shame her for it?  I hope she goes home and forgets him.

Oh, Natalie!  She was so composed and thoughtful with Julie in the beginning.  She spoke like a grown woman, didn't shy away from the questions or try to giggle them away, and I actually thought - was she seriously putting on the ditzy cheerleader act the entire summer?  But then, she went up three octaves and it was all over.

I understood the Jatalie tension from both sides, until James brought up Victor, Corey, and (shudder) Paulie.  I thought Natalie dealt with his accusations calmly, and to me it seemed that she'd simply had all she was going to take from James during that particular conversation, and she went to sleep.  It's kind of gross how Nicorey and Vic/Paul all immediately started circling around James like vultures, wanting to be his shoulder to cry on, but they all need him now, badly.

I was enjoying Victor's hearty laughing at Nicole's expense during the slip & slide challenge.  I hope her messy bun ends up coated in rancid, warm butter.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 4

I am not reading the spoiler thread. I want to be surprised on Sunday...just 2 days. I hope beyond all hope that Paul wins HOH...or James if he has the chutzpah to put up Nicorey. I think Meech woke the jury up to Nicole being a good player and she might get the votes...wished the other HGs knew this. Although, and this is just dreaming cause it will never happen, it would be SPECTACULAR if Corey won and put up Nicole and James. I do NOT want Nicole in F2!!!!!!!

Edited by Lamima
28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

 I don't blame DaVonne and Bridget for no longer speaking to Z.  It sickens me that she's back with Paulie.  I wonder who Z is going to cry to when Paulie dumps her like last night's leftovers the second they leave the jury house.


She will find some other loser to latch onto.  She's pretty enough.  Good for Day and Bridget.  Let her lie in her own filth.

  • Love 3

Ho hum. No surprises there.

If James and Natalie try to have a relationship outside the house, they need to learn how to fight constructively. That was some nasty passive-aggressive shit on both sides. Neither covered themselves in glory. 

But this coming week should be interesting, at least - James just went from powerless to the most powerful person in the house. Let's see what he does with it.

This is going to sound awfully petty, but remembering how Jordan used to nag Jeff about getting married every time they were on TV, I couldn't help thinking that she got pregnant deliberately to finally corner him into it.  A very old-fashioned tactic that obviously still works. This time, anyway.



She will find some other loser to latch onto.  She's pretty enough.

Pretty enough? Zakiyah is friggin' stunning, the kind of woman who, if she's walking down the street, will cause guys to drive into telephone poles while they watch her. And yet she seems to have no self-esteem whatsoever and hooks up with guys who treat her like crap. Hopefully there's some serious therapy in her future - she deserves better.

Edited by Gummo
  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I understood the Jatalie tension from both sides, until James brought up Victor, Corey, and (shudder) Paulie.  I thought Natalie dealt with his accusations calmly, and to me it seemed that she'd simply had all she was going to take from James during that particular conversation, and she went to sleep.

Natalie was calm. She wasn't yelling at him or anything. But I thought her entire demeanor was nasty and condescending. She was just being all bright and fake, saying things like - "I can't wait to get evicted. I can't wait to get to jury" - like she couldn't wait to get away from him. She was half laughing all the things she said and it came across really condescending to me. I wasn't a fan of what James said, but I think he was really really hurt by her sudden haughty and icy behavior with him. She's acting as if James, himself, put her up. 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Which, IMO, is entirely too much game information for Julie to be divulging.  What the remaining contestants think and why, is something Julie should never be sharing with the Jury members.

???  Given the presentation I took it that Julie was discussing perception by viewers, not HGs.  And I think Paul's goodbye message said a lot more about HG perception than anything Julie said.

  • Love 2

I woke feeling benevolent today. It will pass, but in the meantime I've decided to give CBS and Julie the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they aren't monsters.

First, does the Chenbot even have a warm, compassionate, gentle setting? I don't think so, so they had to make do. I think maybe Production actually has feelings for Nat and are trying to prepare her for the outside world. She will find out that her every fart was broadcast and that someone was always watching. She will find out what the nasty kids said about her. And it is going to hurt. We never really get to see that part, but maybe they should show us. I don't thin k we (humans) would change our ways because we are nasty, but maybe a few would.

Think about that for a second. Someone is always watching. I would have cracked and gone postal on day 2. I would have already killed Paul on Day 1. (Shut Up, Paul!)

That stuff with the bed was creepy. Leave the woman alone, James!

  • Love 2

Just to be a contrarian for a moment:

I don't hate Nicole (though I do find her voice insanely annoying). I don't think she's a horrible person.

I don't think Corey's an idiot, either. (I did for most of this game, but I've been reconsidering the last couple of weeks.)

It looks now like their "strategy" of laying low and fucking the summer away while the rest of the houseguests picked each other off was actually quite smart. They're reached final 5, after all. And all of a sudden, Corey's actually working to win. And he seems to be succeeding.

These days, I'm one of those folks who thinks there's no such thing as not 'deserving' to get to the end of one of these game shows. Whether you were dragged as a goat, or whether you won everything in sight, or whether you were everybody's best friend, there's no such thing as "not deserving" it, just as there's no "wrong" way to win (I would have had to amend that if Russell Hantz had ever won anything on Survivor, however; I just can't see rewarding sadistic psychopathy).

And from what we saw, even the jury are starting to look at Nicole's gameplay with a new respect. Did she lie & betray people? Of course, that's built into the game. The question is, did she make those moves at the right time? It now appears so.

So I don't think there's anyone in the final 5 who doesn't 'deserve' to be there, and it's going to be an interesting scramble to see who breaks the final four agreement first.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, partofme said:

Sad Nat was evicted but she kept it classy and took Mr Jenkins with her too!   I hate the final five, wish the season was over already.  Nicole is ridiculous with her last girl standing crap.  She does know a girl has never beat a guy right?

Ohhhh, I think there's already been some beating of guys by girls in the house. (Stay tuned for more with a Nicorey final two!)

Is it weird that I'm really looking forward to a Bridgette-Mr. Jenkins reunion in the JH?

  • Love 1

I've never felt strongly about James one way or another but he really turned me off this episode by playing dumb about why Natalie was upset (and whether or not he was "playing" is another matter). People kept asking him "what's wrong with Natalie" and he kept going "I don't know." Well, duh. She's upset because she's going home, and she's going home because she listened to James and trusted Nicole and Corey against her better judgment. She has every right to be upset and if she wants to be by herself leave her the hell alone and don't play the victim card. The way he tried to turn it around on her was disgusting. Not saying she handled the whole thing as maturely as she could have, but James pretending not to know which one of them was going home or why she was upset was disingenuous to say the least.

I'm growing increasingly disturbed by the "fan favorite" edit Nicole and Corey are getting, as though the show thinks they're going to be the next Jeff and Jordan. Honestly, this show is so obsessed with "showmances" it's all they care about anymore. Seeing Da'Vonne give props to Nicole for "running the house" turned my stomach. I'm also suspicious of the fact that they are using the slip and slide HoH competition just now - usually they do that when there are more people left to play it. The timing on it seems sketchy because it does favor Corey out of those who are left to play. I'm just afraid the show is going to do everything in their power to help Nicole and Corey make the F2 because a showmance has never done that before.

Speaking of which . . . Jordan was going to name her baby girl Sailor? Even if it isn't spelled that way . . . Sailor Schroeder. Jordan actually seems to have matured a little bit, although she's never going to be Einstein. 


Depressing that we have Yet Another TBC comp for HoH.  In 13 HoH comps, Julie has had to announce the winner live exactly three times (Bridgette and the Tennis Rackets in Week 3, Paulie and the Week 4 memory comp, and Corey during the double eviction).  That's just ludicrous, IMO.

Sheer laziness. That way they can fill half the Sunday episode with the HoH comp.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Gummo said:

It looks now like their "strategy" of laying low and fucking the summer away while the rest of the houseguests picked each other off was actually quite smart.

That's customarily called "flying under the radar". It's not as easy as it looks since others can catch on to what you're doing and get paranoid about what skills you might be hiding; nor do you want to get to the finale with everyone still thinking you don't have any.

  • Love 4

Natalie might have been acting cold towards James during their little tiff but, as far as I'm concerned, he's the one who crossed the line when he said she'd been with Victor (Really? Guess I missed that relationship.) then Corey (Guess I missed that one too.) and then had a fling with Paulie (Which everybody knows isn't true.)  He basically defaulted to the first thing male douchebags do when they're mad at a woman: call her a slut. Sorry James, you're dead to me.

  • Love 14
40 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Natalie might have been acting cold towards James during their little tiff but, as far as I'm concerned, he's the one who crossed the line when he said she'd been with Victor (Really? Guess I missed that relationship.) then Corey (Guess I missed that one too.) and then had a fling with Paulie (Which everybody knows isn't true.)  He basically defaulted to the first thing male douchebags do when they're mad at a woman: call her a slut. Sorry James, you're dead to me.

As someone who watch the feeds, I want Nat to run, not walk, away from James, despite the fact that I don't like her. But James wasn't lying about the guys, at one point or another Nat made her desire to have a showmance with all these guys. 


She started with Victor the first week or two, he dumped her. It seems like she was going after Corey (flirty with him and such) until he got with Nicole.  Flirty with Paulie, talked to Bronte about wishing they were Zakiyah, mostly cause of the fact that Paulie was willing to do everything for Zakiyah  (cooking, cleaning and doing laundry for her, basically he was treating her good. I think this is cause Zakiyah at time acted like she wasn't into Paulie as he was into her )and told Bridgette that Paulie was funny, good looking and her future husband. Nat might have been using all of these as strategy but James wasn't wrong in calling her out about these things base in his pov.

Edited by SevenStars
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15 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Thinking the guys are attractive and flirting are nothing. James basically accused her of being with all 3 guys. (And, please, how many women did James flirt with in his 2 seasons?)

  • James' comment wasn't solely about attractiveness or flirting; it was primarily about feigning affection as a game strategy.
  • While I don't think James and Natalie's relationship ended up that way, I'd admit to being more than surprised if it didn't start out that way - at least, in the very beginning.
  • Given that here at the end of Natalie's run in the House her affection levels for James frequently seem to vary inversely to her potential for Game elimination, I can see where - at times - James could get paranoid about whether Natalie's past professions of affection might have been more strategy than genuine emotion. 

Keep in mind these people have little to do in this House all day but sit around and THINK about stuff.  For many of these HGs, I expect engaging in rampant, incessant thought is a relatively unfamiliar experience.  :)

Edited by Nashville
Qualifying qualifiers
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