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S18.E34: Live Eviction 11, Head Of Household 12

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I'm gonna miss you, Big Meech (and Sad Meech and Angry Meech and all the aspects of Meech). Not because I was a huge fan of yours but because, like Paul said, you tended to drop truth bombs and fire shots. Even though your voice went unnaturally loud and screechy while you did it, I appreciated it. 

My God, those bird sounds were annoying during the HoH comp.

  • Love 13

Okay, now I'm starting to wonder about Meech... last eppy she was eating/gnawing at that kiwi like a badger or something... then today while Corey & Nicole were talking they bounce to a pic of her chewing on one end of a clear plastic hanger (and showed her doing it again after while talking to James and Nat...). Oral fixation much?*

And the chances of Nicole winning have plummeted to hmmm... ZERO! Enjoy 4th place!


*ETA: GMTA TimWil and how sad is it that that's the day's highlight?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 5

I hope the final HoH competition consists of angry birds, Internet trolls, glitter, and a black box with Uncle Austin. The way the houseguests have been tortured this year has been highly entertaining.

I am...dumbfounded that in the entire week, James, Natalie and Michelle just laid around and did nothing to check in with Nicole and Corey (or at least, nothing we were shown). Natalie was on my last nerve, when she said "James...go investigate." You're so worried, Natalie -- you do it your damn self!!

I predict those few minutes of James and I think Nicole just yelling at each other after Michelle was evicted will be the most entertaining aspect of Sunday's episode. I always wish they could give us a split-screen of the post-eviction drama while the boring interview is going on. It's 10 times better TV than Julie asking someone "So...what happened?" for the hundredth time.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Marie80 said:

The highlights of this otherwise boring episode have to be Michelle giving Nicole  a hug and then immediately talking crap about her to the other HGs and then the fact that she took Paul's beloved Pablo with her on the way out.  Hilarious. Gonna miss you, Big Meech!

That was awesome!  I want to read her whole speech.  I didn't catch it all.   I loved that she wasn't afraid to call people out.  

  • Love 4

I really think in that house you lose all sense of reasoning.  Meech said to Julie that she sent Victor out but he came back.  Then she said Victor is the biggest flip flopper in the house.  Did she really think Victor was going to be on her side again, let alone vote her to stay over Paul? What kind of fool does she think he is?  Come back and trust your side again.  What a stupid thing to say.  She who didn't bother to talk to Nicole, listening to James who didn't bother to see if their deal was still good.  He does realize that he promised Frank and Brig that he wouldn't put them up if they let him have the HOH, then he turned around and stabbed them in the back.  What in the world made him think he couldn't  be stabbed in the back.  Well he wanted to hang out with Natalie instead of playing the game, so, so long Meech.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 10

Those eagles should be heavier but I also guess they really can't be as they'd risk breaking fingers if they were heavy enough to squash eggs.

And yeah James, nothing in this game just comes to you if you just believe and wait. Not a good strategy. "I'd guess they're just sitting up there talking about the good times or something." As they are shown up their solidifying the f4 alliance.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I didn't catch what James yelled at Nicole as the credits rolled.  Anyone?  So foolish of him to be angry at her!  He is a lazy player and distracted by Natalie on top of that.   No AFP for you this go around. 

Wings707, Nicole said you see why I had to get her out and James said, "yeah I know" and " I get that." 

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 1

Well my fastforward button got a workout tonight. Nothing against Vic's family but since I don't care about Vic I had no interest in what they might have to say. Also FF through most of the voting....if that wasn't the most forgone conclusion to a vote in years I don't know what is. Then there is the mind boggling stupidity of Corey and Nicole using the $5000 to buy a vote that was as guaranteed as the sun rising in the east. Hands down the worst flop of a bribe since the infamous Season One where producers literally had a suitcase of maybe as much as $50K to try and bribe one of the kumbaya dullards to leave the house so they could bring in a new houseguests to spice things up.....and nobody took it.

James...oh, James. I so wanted you to win this year but you are playing terribly. I hope its clear to him now that Nicole and Corey are out to get him and Natalie and he simply HAS to win the comp and I hope he realizes how foolish he was to nearly have taken money to sit out a HOH comp he needs now more than the entire summer...but G'damn his kid is adorable!

I want James or Nat to win the comp but I have this sinking feeling that Victor will prove to be some sort of idiot savant when it comes to moving eggs.

Look I know a lot of people don't like Jatalie....but the alternative is two very boring weeks where they get pagonged out of the game. I want to see a situation where Paul, Victor,Corey and Nicole must at last turn on each other.

Nicole's family sounded like they were reading directly off giant cue cards held up by a junior Production assistant just off camera. Incredibly stilted...especially the mom.

Speaking of Nicole did anyone see her put her fingers to her mouth after she was doing god knows what to Corey's feet.

Fall edition?! On access only....whose playing...a B team of rejects who couldn't make the cut for the summer edition?

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Speaking of Nicole did anyone see her put her fingers to her mouth after she was doing god knows what to Corey's feet.

Saw that one too, and she was painting his toenails a beautiful shade of bright red. WTF? Sounds like yet another chapter from the "Reasons Why Your Showmance Might Actually Be Gay" book; right next to the 'He Calls You Dude' chapter.

ETA: "Fall Online Only Season" sounds like someone grossly overestimating the draw of their crappy teevee show. We watch this crap every summer because it's there and nothing good is on. When it comes down to putting up real dollars for this "special" season I think they'll find the numbers are much much lower than they expect.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 6

Well, that final care package sure did flop. I get that Corey's not the kind of house guest who's going to come up with some brilliant strategy to use the bribe on, but James literally dropped an ideal situation right in his lap. He volunteered to sit out the next HOH for the bribe. James and Natalie are the two people that Corey and Nicole don't want to win, and one of them was willing to throw it... and he uses the bribe to ensure Victor doesn't vote out Paul. Who is his best friend that he's been working with since day one and is 100% loyal to. How he and Nicole keep fumbling further and further along in this game is so frustrating. James is damn lucky that Corey was the brain power behind the bribe, otherwise he would have severely screwed himself if Corey took him up on it. If Natalie was pissed last HOH for James throwing it, I can only imagine what she would have felt this week had that happened. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I hope the final HoH competition consists of angry birds, Internet trolls, glitter, and a black box with Uncle Austin.

Well... you're already covered on the angry birds, at least.  :>


1 hour ago, lasandi said:

I really think in that house you lose all sense of reasoning.  Meech said to Julie that she sent Victor out but he came back.  Then she said Victor is the biggest flip flopper in the house.  Did she really think Victor was going to be on her side again, let alone vote her to stay over Paul? What kind of fool does she think he is?  Come back and trust your side again.  What a stupid thing to say.

In terms of pure strategy - not necessarily.  One of the most valuable tools in a HG's skill set - quite possibly THE most valuable - is the ability to not hold a grudge; to leave past issues by the wayside, and forge mutually beneficial arrangements with former opponents.  Being able to do so is the mark of the best in this game, because such partnerships carry the biggest blindside potential.  Quite frankly I think Victor's primary Achilles' heel is his oft-voiced desire to avenge past grievances, because focusing on the past distracts you from what's going on in the present.

  • Love 6

Michelle's behavior after being evicted is exactly why Nicole was right to get rid of her. She's been a miserable person all season and the worst excuse for a so called super-fan. Loved Julie calling her out on her doing nothing all week to campaign and Michelle's response was she tried a couple hours ago? Yeah you come to Nicole 2 hours before the live show and she expects a deal?  

And Michelle who did nothing all week is attacking Nicole for being in the HOH room and boring? Did Michelle not think as a superfan it was because there were plans being made. 

Good riddance to Michelle. Hope she took that hanger she chewed on with her.

James wanting to throw the HOH for 5K? He was probably going to throw it anyways, he just wants 5K. I'm glad Corey went with Victor, he actually wins comps and tries. 

Surprised the mother of James's child and her other child were in his video. They seem like a family unit based on that.

  • Love 12

My biggest issue with Michelle was her castigating Nicole for "sitting up in her HoH room all alone and not talking game with anybody".

  1. It was totally inaccurate - Nicole was hardly ever alone, and there was tons of strategizing going on - which Michelle might have known, if she'd ever gotten out of bed.
  2. Since when is the HoH supposed to search out a nominee for discussion/negotiation?  Fer fuck's sake, girl - it's YOUR ass on the Block, not the HoH's.  Want a shot at saving it?  Haul your own damn cookies up the stairs to the HoH Room.
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Well... you're already covered on the angry birds, at least.  :>


In terms of pure strategy - not necessarily.  One of the most valuable tools in a HG's skill set - quite possibly THE most valuable - is the ability to not hold a grudge; to leave past issues by the wayside, and forge mutually beneficial arrangements with former opponents.  Being able to do so is the mark of the best in this game, because such partnerships carry the biggest blindside potential.  Quite frankly I think Victor's primary Achilles' heel is his oft-voiced desire to avenge past grievances, because focusing on the past distracts you from what's going on in the present.

I don't know if that would work for Big Brother, human nature being what it is.  Leaving past issues by the wayside is usually supposed to be done in the jury house as you choose a winner.  I can't imagine coming back into the house and working with the same 3 people that put me up and out unless I had no choice.  Afterall, I would still be low man on their totem pole and if push came to shove, they would put me out before each other.  That's my opinion anyway and yours is probably the mature, logical way which is why I would not win Big brother.  Lol

  • Love 4

James.  Such a waste of BB space.  Since they seem to have quashed his "pranks," his goals are 1. Rub up against Natalie and 2. Avoid responsibility.  He would have loved having a $5k excuse to throw HOH; he never wants to win any of the competitions because then he'd have to declare a position other than "save me, and also Natalie."

Michelle.  Well, now we know Michelle can cry without the big huh-huh-huh-huh sound effects.  I bet she really hated being called 'Big' Meech all summer--and that her family has happily slathered mayo on their food while she's been gone.


I didn't think giving Victor the $5k was the worst move in the world.  It's amusing when Nicole's paranoia rages if two people even make eye contact, but it's possible there was a plan afoot that would have eliminated an extremely strong player instead of the weak sister.  Showering five grand on Victor made him happy, easily passed as "Friendship!" instead of "Suspicion!" and bought Nicorey a few minutes of peaceful confidence that there wasn't a strategy in place they'd missed.  Letting the thing expire would have been typically Corey, so at least there's that.


I think it's fun that we're down to three pairs.  And Production brought back a task where Corey's big meat paws are going to be a disadvantage.  Finally.

  • Love 10

Corey - "Let's stop playing Baby Brother and start playing Big Brother". 

Still waiting. 

Nicole's entire reason for getting Michelle out is just petty, catty girl BS. Paul should have gone home. He and Victor have been dominating this house. But you know what it is? Nicole and Corey just LOVE that "bro" feeling they get when they're making plans and cutting up with the two jocks in the house. They are both so dumb and useless. 

The family videos were interesting. Paul and Victor were the only two who got super emotional. Mama's boys? Nicole's brother said nothing. He looked just thrilled to be sitting on that step making a video. Did Michelle's mother have an accent of some sort? Was that James's baby mama in his video? Awkwarrrrd. 

ANOTHER "to be continued" HOH. So sick of it. This comp may favor James or Nat, with their smaller hands, but we shall see. I'm hoping Paul can pull it out. I think he and Vic are the only two who deserve to be in the finals. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, TimWil said:


Michelle chewing on a plastic hanger is an image I will cherish for the rest of my life.


Right? First a kiwi with the skin on, then a hanger. Thank goodness she was evicted or she might have started eating people!


10 hours ago, Eolivet said:

am...dumbfounded that in the entire week, James, Natalie and Michelle just laid around and did nothing to check in with Nicole and Corey (or at least, nothing we were shown). Natalie was on my last nerve, when she said "James...go investigate." You're so worried, Natalie -- you do it your damn self!!

Yes! Michelle was complaining that Nicole didn't talk game. As much as I dislike Nicole and think she has played a boring/safe game, it's kind of up to the people on the block to talk game! Julie even called her out on laying around all week! You know, even if you think it's a sure thing, you shouldn't just clock out. Paul might overplay sometimes, but at least he keeps his head in the game. 

I honestly don't even think James cares about winning anymore. He just wants to hang out with Natalie. And Nat seems too concerned with being America's sweetheart to step on any toes. I had such high hopes for them with the Paulie nom and eviction, but then it all just fizzled out, as everyone is basically handing Paul and Vic the finals. 

9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Look I know a lot of people don't like Jatalie....but the alternative is two very boring weeks where they get pagonged out of the game. I want to see a situation where Paul, Victor,Corey and Nicole must at last turn on each other.

I like James and Nat as people, but as players they have lost a lot of my respect. Especially James. I just think they're playing a weak, scared game. At this point, I want to see Nicole and Corey go to the FF only to be outsted by Vic and Paul. They should have seen that coming, but they're too interested in being "popular". I am eager for their downfall. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

At this point, I want to see Nicole and Corey go to the FF only to be outsted by Vic and Paul.

That's kind of my goal, as well, but I'm also now sort of ironically rooting for Corey -- the poster child of a failed season Big Brother winner (an attractive, dumb white guy). I also want to see Corey have to choose between Vic and Nicole, because I'm evil. I have a feeling we might get "Dan Evicts Shane, Part 2."

I know I'm in the minority, but I still don't think the Final Four alliance is the worst thing in the world for Nicole and Corey, especially if they win power. Paul and Victor are strong competitors, but they have to know that Nicole or Corey would be easier to beat in the finals than their fellow "bro." Between the fireworks and the potential MacBeth-ian power grabs, I'm Final Four all the way (this week).

If James or Natalie win, it'll be another week of Natalie complaining  that she never realized being HoH meant voting people out or James vowing that this time, for real, he's really going to start playing Big Brother, like Charlie Brown and the proverbial football.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Nicole's entire reason for getting Michelle out is just petty, catty girl BS. Paul should have gone home. He and Victor have been dominating this house. But you know what it is? Nicole and Corey just LOVE that "bro" feeling they get when they're making plans and cutting up with the two jocks in the house. They are both so dumb and useless. 

I don't think her reason was petty.  Michele was laying for her and she had a good relationship with Paul and Victor.  She was the free agent who would gladly align with the boys to get Nicole out.   It was a good game move for her game. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I don't think her reason was petty.  Michele was laying for her and she had a good relationship with Paul and Victor.  She was the free agent who would gladly align with the boys to get Nicole out.   It was a good game move for her game. 

Michelle didn't seem to have a good relationship with Paul and Victor to me. Not anymore. After Michelle let Nat talk her into putting Victor on the block (or was it Paul), those two seemed really pissed at her. She was hanging tight with Paul and Nat after that, not really the boys. And I don't know that the boys WOULD align with her to get Nicorey out. I think they should stick with their FF with them, because I think Paul and Nat would be harder to beat. 

Paul and Victor are the biggest threats in this house, IMO. I would have taken one of them out, not Michelle. Even if they WERE still tight with Michelle, leaving one less in the house is one less she has to work with. They really should have just stuck with Natalie and James, and taken the boys out. 

  • Love 1

I really think in that house you lose all sense of reasoning.

I'd believe that under most circumstances but in this case I think it's just an excuse. Michelle is clearly an unstable person and I have a hard time believing she's got her shit together 100% so long as she's not in the BB house. We've seen plenty of HGs over the years who managed to maintain sanity and reason from start to finish but we've seen even more batshit crazy people who lose it in just a week or two, and it's because the show deliberately looks for people like that. They think unstable people like Michelle make "good TV."


I don't think Corey is the least bit stupid.

Really? Have you seen any of his diary room footage? It's not as if he's playing dumb so the other HGs won't know he's smart. He's really like that.

  • Love 6

To be fair...James worked to get Paulie out, then they got Vic out for the second time. I think James' game play ceased after that because Vic came back in...again. He's the energizer bunny...just won't die. That has to be disheartening to Jatalie. They wasted a lot of gameplay on Victor, who production seems to want to win. I agree that a lot of the HG's have been lazy and not played smartly...including Jatalie at times. But I feel Nicoery have been the biggest non-smart players in this final group. So I hope Vic, the guy with 9 lives, wins it. Will be so funny when Nicole takes 4th place...and I think Corey is the goat who will take 2nd place and has zero chance to win. Down to if Paul or Vic win the final comps to choose Corey for F2. Will be like last season with Stephen, Vanessa and Liz...Liz is goat with 2 good players who battle to win and take Liz with them.

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

: "Fall Online Only Season" sounds like someone grossly overestimating the draw of their crappy teevee show. We watch this crap every summer because it's there and nothing good is on. When it comes down to putting up real dollars for this "special" season I think they'll find the numbers are much much lower than they expect.

I think it will do just fine. In fact it's a very smart thing to do to re-invigorate this service. They'll be adding the spin-off of The Good Wife as well as a new Star Trek series to this next year so BB: Over The Top seems a viable idea. I only wonder if we'll get to see HGs celebrate Thanksgiving for the first time.

7 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

Did Michelle say on her way out the door that she is Dan's cousin-in-law???  Did we know that?  I find it irritating that she got cast 1) because she had an "in" and 2) I don't like Dan and 3) if she won, he would take credit for "coaching" her.

She did, but she was lying.

  • Love 1

They wasted a lot of gameplay on Victor, who production seems to want to win.

In this case I don't think the show necessarily wants Victor to win. (I think Alison Grodner wanted Frank to win.) I think that it just turned out that all their little twists tended to favor Victor. He was the physically strongest player evicted pre-jury and it was pretty easy for him to beat Glenn, Josea, Bronte and Tiffany to get back in. I don't think the jury buy-back favored him any more than it favored Paulie and the show probably would have preferred Paulie came back into the house for the sake of the drama. But I don't think either competition benefited Victor by design.

  • Love 6

I'll forever love Michelle for saying (paraphrasing) that Nicole slept her way to the end of the game. It's true, without her showmance she would've never made it so far. Also glad she took Pablo even though Paul hasn't been wearing it lately. (Probably because once he didn't recieve a care package, he realized his antics may not be as popular as he thought.)

  • Love 2

I can't hate on Victor and Paul for being mama's boys because I am currently raising one, much to the consternation of my husband.  Also, I like those two WAY more than anyone else in the house, so there's that.

Victor's friends, however.  Did anyone notice the sign that said "Peurto Rico?"

Bye Michelle.  Can you please tell me the nutritional content of a shirt hanger?

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11 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I think they just couldn't get sponsors to pay Fall ad rates for the show, and this was Plan B.

This was never planned for CBS in the fall because there wouldn't have ever been any room on the primetime schedule for it. It was planned for CBS All Access all along. 

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Did Michelle say on her way out the door that she is Dan's cousin-in-law???  Did we know that?  I find it irritating that she got cast 1) because she had an "in" and 2) I don't like Dan and 3) if she won, he would take credit for "coaching" her.

On the After Show on CBS All Access today she admitted that it was a lie and intended as something to incite speculation. Epic fail.

  • Love 2
On 9/2/2016 at 8:02 AM, PreviouslyTV said:

Another houseguest flies the coop.

View the full article

Best line in the article:

Michelle sows as much chaos as she can on the way out, not only calling Nicole a floater and advising everyone to get rid of Victor, but walking out with Paul's beloved duck-shaped pool toy. Well, that's one less floater in the house.


  • Love 3

I know this is so stupid but I've been watching everyone run around all summer with those handled cups with the straws they each have like kids at summer camp and it made me want one.  I looked everywhere and finally found one for three bucks at a kitchenware outlet store.  It's the little things that make me happy, really.

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