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S04.E28: Acting Out

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...and then the try-hard duckling turned into the Black Swan.

With black opera gloves, just in case you weren't sure this was in the first half of the 90s.


The fat-shaming of a pregnant woman is vile, but at least G. Cart got to snack.

Why, that's how I exercise...

Ok, that isn't true. I'll try to have a cocktail of two or three flavors when I do, instead of just one.


That's...pretty clearly the determined trench removal (and minimalist "dress") of a woman who's there for the casting couch. Too bad the writers lost their nerve.

Was the storyline changed mid-way? I always thought it was the writers intentionally throwing some misdirection at us, like, we were supposed to think Brenda pole vaulted onto the casting couch, then finding out later oops, not really.

30 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Was the storyline changed mid-way? I always thought it was the writers intentionally throwing some misdirection at us, like, we were supposed to think Brenda pole vaulted onto the casting couch, then finding out later oops, not really.

It's not clear, but I really can't imagine that the show was ever going to go there. I mean, much as they all hate Shannen, Brenda actually sleeping with Roy for the part is going REALLY far. I think it was supposed to just be a question/debate between episodes. 

Also: Laura's black bodysuit and jeans outfit was my entire wardrobe during this time. Oh, 90s. 

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I'm actually shocked that Sarah and Tara are on Team Kelly in this! I know she's a glorious bitch but for once it feels justified--I'd be SO pissed if I were Brenda. Kelly should have talked to her about it immediately and made a case for why she wanted to go out for it and if Brenda was still a bitch then maybe I'd be on Team Kelly. And the fact that Kelly immediately believes the "she slept with Randolph" theory is just icing on the cake. Maybe I'm just still angry about Summer of Deception? Ha!

  • Love 4

This episode also marks the start of an upcoming glaring inconsistency that I always hated. OK, yes Kelly and Dylan hate each other, but the Kelly hates the scamily thing- especially Erica- is all over the place. Last week, didn't Kelly invite Erica to join the Not sorority? Now she sort of hates her? And isn't Erica all Team Brenda and shitty to Kelly in the next weeks for pretty much no reason? This has driven me crazy for years! Thoughts?

I'm kind of also Team Brenda here. Kelly doesn't give a shit about the part, but she knows that Brenda does - so as a minimum she should have told her about it. Not that it would have changed anything, Brenda would still have been a total bitch about it. For once I don't totally hate Brandon all the time, his "get the fuck away from me"-speech (which btw is almost the same as he gave Emily, he's really unlucky with the stalkers this guy) is really justified. She is creepy. And for once he stands up for his sister, even though it is in a little misguided way.

1 hour ago, jenrising said:

I think that's the next episode. I will cringe so hard I pull a muscle. Mostly because that's totally accurate. 

Hahah yessss! Obnoxious actress Brenda is the best Brenda. I'm going to be so sad when she's gone. Not that Val isn't fun, but it's not the same.

Thought of something else--in reality no way would the competition be watching each other audition right? Or do I just not know enough about the theatre? I figured Brenda would have been in a waiting area.

41 minutes ago, Tooch said:

Hahah yessss! Obnoxious actress Brenda is the best Brenda. I'm going to be so sad when she's gone. Not that Val isn't fun, but it's not the same.

Thought of something else--in reality no way would the competition be watching each other audition right? Or do I just not know enough about the theatre? I figured Brenda would have been in a waiting area.

In all my years of theater (okay, really not that many but still), I have only seen this done once.  And it was my freshman year of high school.  So yeah, no, I don't buy it at all that the girls would have been watching each others auditions.

By the way, first time commenting on these but I LIVE for these podcasts and visual aids.  Bravo!

Edited by slitz
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I could never stand Clare's greased back hair in this episode. I don't recall this even looking good in the 90s. I remember watching then thinking, yikes! She's gorgeous. Why did they style her hair so "greaser" look in the beginning episodes? Who ever thinks, "you know what would look good for a prom updo? Put a bunch of grease in my hair and grease it back to make it look wet." Um, no......

  2 hours ago, jenrising said:

I think that's the next episode. I will cringe so hard I pull a muscle. Mostly because that's totally accurate. 

Hahah yessss! Obnoxious actress Brenda is the best Brenda. I'm going to be so sad when she's gone. Not that Val isn't fun, but it's not the same.

Thought of something else--in reality no way would the competition be watching each other audition right? Or do I just not know enough about the theatre? I figured Brenda would have been in a waiting area.

It varies but I went to (and now run) auditions at a jillion colleges and I'd say they have auditions in front of everyone else more often than not.


I'm actually shocked that Sarah and Tara are on Team Kelly in this! I know she's a glorious bitch but for once it feels justified--I'd be SO pissed if I were Brenda. Kelly should have talked to her about it immediately and made a case for why she wanted to go out for it and if Brenda was still a bitch then maybe I'd be on Team Kelly. And the fact that Kelly immediately believes the "she slept with Randolph" theory is just icing on the cake. Maybe I'm just still angry about Summer of Deception? Ha!

Came here to say the same thing! ITA with Tooch and Nanna. I thought Kelly was totes wrong in this situation, especially given their backstory and the SOD. Fuck Kelly - she's all "let me be your friend and help you out with this part that I know means so much to you" and then it's, all, well "why do you think it's YOUR part?!" Yea, Brenda is a bitch, blah blah, but I'm firmly Team Brenda on this one.  I always hated how Kelly was the "reluctant" queen. She never wanted to model, until her mom didn't ask her to, she never wanted to act until some guy she thinks is creepy blows smoke up her ass and essentially chooses her over Brenda. She's always bitching and moaning about being Kelly Taylor but then bitching and moaning when no one notices that she is the great and beautiful and amazing Kelly Taylor. Ugh. 

And I need a straight guy's view - would you EVER even in college, fool around with a woman who had accused you of date rape? I mean, ever? I know we're supposed to believe in the power of the poontang, but c'mon. I would cover myself in Garlic and cross myself had I been Steve.

I think ShanDo just looks so pretty during this arc, that I looove. I'm sorry, I love everything about it's All About Eve backstage bitchery and cheesiness and totally agree that Tracy (aka Laura "Crazy Eyes" Kingman) plays the hell out of this part. "KIDZ from Beverly HILLZ" .... so awesome~

BTW she played Amber Frey opposite REEK! aka Dean Cain in one of my favorite TV movies ever "Perfect Husband" about Scott Peterson. She's great - whatever happened to her?

Edited by Klaw
Because "poontang" is not the same as "pouting"
  • Love 5

Kelly was way out of line in the way she handled it. She rehearsed with Brenda because she wanted to heal their friendship and help Brenda achieve something that was important to her. Then decided to aaudition for Mae so that she and Brenda could have a prject together. But she jumped on the chance to take Brenda's part for herself and didn't tell Brenda straight up what she was doing. And instead of acknowledging why Brenda might have been hurt by that and explaining why she auditioned for Maggie and that maybe it might mean something to her too, she just acted like a toxic cow.

To be fair to Kelly though, she does actually admit that she handled it badly and that in large part she only wanted the part because Brenda wanted it. All stemming from the insecurity that being in a relationship with Dylan is causing her (though she doesn't verbalise that last part).

  • Love 2

I posted in the visual aids with the question of why Kelly and Dylan are still together when they don't like each other and I figured out the reason I think. They probably feel like their relationship caused all of these problems within their gang that it'll to just break up would be stupid, and for some reason when you're 19 or in your early 20s, they probably think that their fights and dramatics means more than just.. Fighting about stupid things. 

I'm still on team Brenda because even Kelly's moment of realization about her just doing this because Brenda wanted it doesn't do much for me. Although I really wish this Kelly had stayed, ("what a weird guy", amazing, wish you hadn't changed) and Jenna Garth really does seem over it all. 

And I agree with Tara and Sarah, they have this fight every other episode.. What's the point? Were the writers really just biding their time until they knew Shannon was for sure leaving?

  • Love 1

Tracy Middendorf was recently in at least Season One of TNT's summer drama, The Last Ship. I can only vouch for Season One because it's a poorly written, poorly acted show and I did not make it through five eps. She was main cast.

I love her, too, because I first saw her as Laura Kingman and she really sold it. She seemed to be having fun with it, too.

2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah it's hard for me to be on Team Kelly here. Granted Brenda is a drama queen to the 9th degree here but still.. Kelly really was working to work on their friendship from
Ruining it with the summer of deception antics so..yeah.

Also why are Dylan and Kelly still together?

The real mystery of this season. They hate each other so much. I mean, I get Kelly's jealousy about Brenda, because Dyan actually likes Brenda. Dylan likes David's sewer pipes full of meth better than he does his girlfriend. 

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, jenrising said:

The real mystery of this season. They hate each other so much. I mean, I get Kelly's jealousy about Brenda, because Dyan actually likes Brenda. Dylan likes David's sewer pipes full of meth better than he does his girlfriend. 

Hee. I explained in the podcast thread how I answered my own question that they probably stayed together for the reason that they caused so much of an issue by the start of their relationship and they probably think all their fighting is because it's so dramatic to be in love.  But they don't.. Like each other at all. I wouldn't say they hate each other. I want to know why the writers  were choosing to write them this way, it doesn't make sense. 

2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also why are Dylan and Kelly still together?

I have a theory on Kelly at least.  When Kelly talks to Brenda at the end of the animal rights episode she mentions that Brenda will be the one who is remembered as Dylan's great love and that it fueled her jealousy during the episode.  Kelly isn't concerned about Dylan having lingering feelings for Brenda, or that Brenda might decide to go after Dylan again, she's concerned that SHE isn't known to all as Dylan's Great Love.  Kelly wants to be Number 1 in Dylan's life and she wants everyone to know it.  Pursuing this goal makes her unhappy, fuels her anger where the scamily is concerned and is the final nail in the coffin that is her already weak friendship with Brenda but she doesn't break up with him.  It's only when she's truly sick of Dylan's obvious preference for the scamily that she dumps him and goes after Brandon.  And then the cycle begins anew with Kelly hating that Brandon won't kick Val out of his life or the Walsh house, that Steve has the hots for her, and that she hooks up with Dylan.  One of the rare moments of honesty from the show where post-SOD Kelly is concerned is when she gets upset with Dylan for not prioritizing HER with regard to his engagement and he gets pissed.  Another is when Kelly dates Tom just to piss off Val, Val calls her on it, and she then admits to Tom that that's the entire reason she pursued him.  Those are times when Kelly is frustrating but in an honest way and I am completely on board with it.  So it's nice to see that begin before Brenda leaves and that it's not just season 5 onward characterization.

And I do think that the SOD and the triangle fallout play a role for both of them, as Kelly put pressure on Dylan to make a choice (and I don't think she actually expected it to be her) and Dylan made such a big deal about making said choice, so when they actually got together and realized that all they had in common was sex and cheating on Brenda and that they actually hated each other they were stuck.  But, I think they both got over that by early season 4.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, StephanieCaldwell said:

I could never stand Clare's greased back hair in this episode. I don't recall this even looking good in the 90s. I remember watching then thinking, yikes! She's gorgeous. Why did they style her hair so "greaser" look in the beginning episodes? Who ever thinks, "you know what would look good for a prom updo? Put a bunch of grease in my hair and grease it back to make it look wet." Um, no......

I think this was probably pretty close to my school formal hair...


would you EVER even in college, fool around with a woman who had accused you of date rape? I mean, ever? I know we're supposed to believe in the power of the pouting, but c'mon. I would cover myself in Garlic and cross myself had I been Steve.

I never understood Steve's decision to back Laura.  She was ready to destroy him by accusing him of rape in a public forum!  Even if we were supposed to think Steve wasn't thinking with his brain, it really makes no sense that he would want anything to do with her, much less believe her lies.

  • Love 1

You know WHY Brick is an alcoholic and "indifferent" to "making love" to Maggie? BECAUSE HE'S A CLOSETED HOMOSEXUAL. Is this meant to be shade at Dylan or have the writers, like Roy, not read the play? (Obviously the latter.)

I can't believe they got the rights to use so much of Cat for his nonsense.

Edited by adam807
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"But she jumped on the chance to take Brenda's part for herself"

Not that she couldn't be lying, but Rory Randrolph asked her to audition for Maggie -- sheerly hitting on her, no doubt, but it played into her insecurities about having nothing to offer besides her looks. I wouldn't say she "jumped on" it, but like the end of the Brenda scene at Rory's aprartment, we didn't see it and can't really say. 


Did she go out of her way NOT to cross up Brenda? No. I can see Brenda being annoyed. Spitting mad -- over a part Kelly's unlikely to get, or accept? Settle down.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I have a theory on Kelly at least.  When Kelly talks to Brenda at the end of the animal rights episode she mentions that Brenda will be the one who is remembered as Dylan's great love and that it fueled her jealousy during the episode.  Kelly isn't concerned about Dylan having lingering feelings for Brenda, or that Brenda might decide to go after Dylan again, she's concerned that SHE isn't known to all as Dylan's Great Love.  Kelly wants to be Number 1 in Dylan's life and she wants everyone to know it.  Pursuing this goal makes her unhappy, fuels her anger where the scamily is concerned and is the final nail in the coffin that is her already weak friendship with Brenda but she doesn't break up with him.  It's only when she's truly sick of Dylan's obvious preference for the scamily that she dumps him and goes after Brandon.  And then the cycle begins anew with Kelly hating that Brandon won't kick Val out of his life or the Walsh house, that Steve has the hots for her, and that she hooks up with Dylan.  One of the rare moments of honesty from the show where post-SOD Kelly is concerned is when she gets upset with Dylan for not prioritizing HER with regard to his engagement and he gets pissed.  Another is when Kelly dates Tom just to piss off Val, Val calls her on it, and she then admits to Tom that that's the entire reason she pursued him.  Those are times when Kelly is frustrating but in an honest way and I am completely on board with it.  So it's nice to see that begin before Brenda leaves and that it's not just season 5 onward characterization.

And I do think that the SOD and the triangle fallout play a role for both of them, as Kelly put pressure on Dylan to make a choice (and I don't think she actually expected it to be her) and Dylan made such a big deal about making said choice, so when they actually got together and realized that all they had in common was sex and cheating on Brenda and that they actually hated each other they were stuck.  But, I think they both got over that by early season 4.

The fact that kelly EVER was mad at brenda for still being friends with dylan and hanging out with him or that she was ready to steal the part from brenda boggles my mind. She royally screwed over her best friend with the "summer of deception" and continuing to date dylan after the summer was up and yet she was annoyed at brenda for not forgiving her an hour later and was upset that her insecurities were being brought out because dylan still wanted brenda in his life.... um? I thought brenda was being VERY forgiving when she ever spoke to kelly after that at all let alone become friends with her again. And even after Brenda put that all behind her and started a friendship up with kelly again, kelly was ALWAYS mad at Brenda for everything... and then i remember people were asking brenda to throw a party for kelly at her house lol.. If someone asked me to throw my backstabbing ex friend a party at my house I would laugh in their face... IMO brenda was way too good to kelly after everything and yet the princess still was never happy.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, StephanieCaldwell said:

I could never stand Clare's greased back hair in this episode. I don't recall this even looking good in the 90s. I remember watching then thinking, yikes! She's gorgeous. Why did they style her hair so "greaser" look in the beginning episodes? Who ever thinks, "you know what would look good for a prom updo? Put a bunch of grease in my hair and grease it back to make it look wet." Um, no......

Add that to the VERY strange choice of a full on men's suit, ill fitted at that, for her trip to the museum, and pretty clearly someone seems to have said "Let's make this character, who's supposed to be a sex-positive seductress, look like the girls in that one Robert Palmer video, for some reason, in drag." Lots of girls in the 90's were like "Nope, I don't have quite enough pomade in my hair. Where's my hair trowel?" Ugh. And like you said, she's a very pretty girl, that somehow they made really not so attractive. 


And I need a straight guy's view - would you EVER even in college, fool around with a woman who had accused you of date rape? I mean, ever? I know we're supposed to believe in the power of the pouting, but c'mon. I would cover myself in Garlic and cross myself had I been Steve.

 @Klaw, I'm not our spokesperson or union shop steward or anything, but speaking for this one, and most of the ones I know, the answer is fuck no. If someoen accused me of date rape, even privately, I don't think it's unfair to say "That's someone I want to avoid." It actually works both ways: if date rape is somehow on the table, isn't that basically a neutron bomb for future relationship? Like if someone says "rapist," they're pretty much saying "I'm permanently done with this person." I am assuming based on their interaction in the first place along this storyline the implication from the writers is that Laura was not, in fact, date raped by Steve (would any girl invite their date rapist into ANOTHER position of intimacy like this?). This means Steve would be like "I'm a fucking idiot if I even talk to this ticking time bomb, I will wake up sedated, bound and probably with my own underwear in my mouth as a gag if I'm not careful." She did, if you follow this logic, not only falsley accuse him but nearly did so in a public way AND told his friends. If, in fact, Steve DID date rape this woman, wouldn't he (a) be ashamed, based on his character, too much so to talk to her without being PROFUSELY apologetic at first (not "I owe you one!") and (b) think "I really dodged a bullet that first time, I am better off letting this poor girl be"?

Also, total Team Brenda on this one. There's no way Kelly should have done what she did. She's shown no interest in theater and she knew it meant a lot to her friend. She should have at least broached the topic. 

  • Love 1

I don't even know with those two. Like Kelly was asked by the director and could have been like "Yeah, not interested." but in saying that. It's a play and she has a right to audition for whatever part. She might have found it fun even if it was fleeting but whatever. Dylan is the absolute worst (well maybe after Erica). 

First: Why can't you support Kelly? Even if you don't mean it Instead of being all like "See it from Brenda's view"

Second: Erica learned to swim ages ago. Why is she just now going to the beach? Wait why does it matter that she goes to the beach? Why didn't she go when Dylan was going walking with Kevin? Why is Erica Ericaing?

Thirdly: JUST BREAK UP!!

Thank you Sarah and Tara for pointing out Donna's "Be virgins together thing." That was weird and made no sense. 

Also the first time I watched this episode, I thought it was really adventurous to have Brinda going to Rory's house for a 2nd chance especially after we learn his history and how handsy he was with Kelly. But then it ended up not adventurous, so whatever.  

I was in drama in HS and I do remember once where a girl auditioned on a lark with zero experience and got the lead.  There was something about her the director loved.  She didn't want that much of a commitment and asked for a smaller role and he declined.  So, she dropped out.

I normally am Team Brenda but listening to this, I felt that it was really petty.  First of all, Kelly wasn't the only one auditioning- there were 5 who made the call backs.  And even if Kelly left that doesn't mean Brenda was a shoe-in.  I'm surprised that 5 freshman even made the cut.  This is LA- there would be tons of theater majors right?

Frosh Kelly seems to be all about new experiences- Alpha House, Women's Rights, and now acting.  I think the group should have come together and said openly that they support everyone and wish them the best.  As for Steve- seriously, this girl cost him his relationship with Celeste and almost ruined his reputation.  WHY would he want to hang out, let alone put his long-term friendships in jeopardy by helping her?  Doesn't he say something later to Brenda that he isn't her friend and only Brandon's?  They've hung out for several years?! WTF!!!


IMO brenda was way too good to kelly after everything and yet the princess still was never happy.

If I could marry this post, I would, Jaclyn88 ITA! I thought the whole staying friends with Kelly after the SOD rang completely false. I know it's a TV show and they had to keep the gang together, but IRL, the "I hate you both NEVER speak to me again!" would have held up. She may have forgiven Dylan (because girls can be dumb that way), but never Kelly. That was her BFF and in High School for your BFF to step out with your first boyfriend, well, now, at that age, that's like worse than strangling a puppy. So yea, fast forward to the whole play thing and suddenly Kelly is all about playing Maggie. Yea, if that had been my "friend" I would have pretty much been like, so so done with her always biting my shit. And Kelly pretty much admits it! And she seemed a wee bit happy that Brenda blew her first audition. Can't stand these later seasons of Kelly and her self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude when she's truly just a backstabbing bitch. Princess, indeed.

Thanks for the "straight guy" perspective UncleJuice - I always wondered if a real straight guy, even a young one, would ever tangle with a woman who accused him of something like that (particularly, if, as they're indicating, it wasn't true). So weird. 


I'm normally am Team Brenda but listening to this, I felt that it was really petty.  First of all, Kelly wasn't the only one auditioning- there were 5 who made the call backs.  And even if Kelly left that doesn't mean Brenda was a shoe-in. 

I do see what you're saying and I do think Brenda was being a bitch and overreacting, but in this case, I think it was a fair response. I think that's what Donna was trying to say. It's one thing if someone you don't know goes after what you really want it's another if your "best friend who tried to help you and has screwed you over big time in the past" does, IMHO.


Thank you Sarah and Tara for pointing out Donna's "Be virgins together thing."

I think Oooohndrea said that, not Donna. 

Speaking of Ohndrea - Gabrielle really, really, really made a mistake by asking that her pregnancy be written into the show (if 90210 lore is to be believed). It was just ridiculous and her and balding Jesse looked liked contemporaries of Jim and Cindy. Trying to pass her off as a "teen mom" was just so, so, so dumb. She should have been written out or went on hiatus (like to Yale) and then come back somehow. I think it ruined the character forever.

BTW, love Tara and Sarah snickering during the auditions - so deliciously snarky!!!

I don't know if it's just because you planted the seed in the last lot of visual aids but the clip of Brandon snapping at Clare to not come by his house/call him/talk to him reminded me so much of when he did almost exactly the same thing to Emily Valentine. The phrasing and tone was eerily similar - and again, in public, where these things should always happen. 

There are a lot of similarities between the two storylines and characters, but Emily was always written as scary and unhinged whereas Clare is supposed to be... amusing? Cute? 

Yeah in my opinion, in real life, at this point in the show all Kelly and Brenda do is have the same fight over and over. In reality, they would just stop being friends because they would stop hanging out at all. They keep fighting over and over and never come to a realization really. Which is the same problem I have with Kelly and Dylan as well. 

  • Love 1
23 minutes ago, Klaw said:

If I could marry this post, I would, Jaclyn88 ITA! I thought the whole staying friends with Kelly after the SOD rang completely false. I know it's a TV show and they had to keep the gang together, but IRL, the "I hate you both NEVER speak to me again!" would have held up. She may have forgiven Dylan (because girls can be dumb that way), but never Kelly. That was her BFF and in High School for your BFF to step out with your first boyfriend, well, now, at that age, that's like worse than strangling a puppy. So yea, fast forward to the whole play thing and suddenly Kelly is all about playing Maggie. Yea, if that had been my "friend" I would have pretty much been like, so so done with her always biting my shit. And Kelly pretty much admits it! And she seemed a wee bit happy that Brenda blew her first audition. Can't stand these later seasons of Kelly and her self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude when she's truly just a backstabbing bitch. Princess, indeed.

I was essentially Brenda when I was 17 and my best friend and first boyfriend of a year cheated on me and started dating. (Though I was absolutely never pathetic enough to ask him to choose between us.) As soon as she confessed to me, I was done with both of them. I had been heartbroken that he had broken up with me for reasons I couldn't understand and desperately hoping he would change his mind. But once she told me (a not full version of the truth) I felt nothing but anger for both of them. For the last few months that we had at school together I refused to talk to her unless I had to. It did make things awkward with our larger group of friends as they didn't want to take sides but I just couldn't deal with her, nor did I want to. And once we graduated, stopped seeing each other and the anger faded, all I felt was indifference.

Though I did feel massively validated that after a couple of years he left her for another of her friends. Something that became a pattern for him. I'm also a little happy that his cute Mike Myers in So I Married An Axe Murderer look from when we dated has morphed into more of a Mike Myers' Scottish Character in Austin Powers 2&3 look.


Speaking of Ohndrea - Gabrielle really, really, really made a mistake by asking that her pregnancy be written into the show (if 90210 lore is to be believed). It was just ridiculous and her and balding Jesse looked liked contemporaries of Jim and Cindy. Trying to pass her off as a "teen mom" was just so, so, so dumb. She should have been written out or went on hiatus (like to Yale) and then come back somehow. I think it ruined the character forever.

I agree that the pregnancy is a terrible choice for the character, but it also made me see that Andrea really no longer had a place on the show, and it was a good idea to write her out after the fifth season.  Does anyone know whether GC was let go, or if she wanted to leave to do that talk she hosted? 

18 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

In reality, they would just stop being friends because they would stop hanging out at all.

Donna brings up the point of the high school connection fading.  Yes! Normally kids who hung out in HS would get new friends in college.  I think in terms of their own growth, Kelly/Donna/David did a huge disservice to themselves by not living in the dorms frosh year.  Many universities require it, just so you become part of campus life more.  These kids don't seem to have many other friends at all, except David (Howard from the radio station and drug friend/squealer).  IRL, Brenda would have an armload of new theater friends and Donna/Kelly would be more involved in the sorority. 

I understand for plot purposes, the gang has to stick together, but I never understood why they couldn't have some close off-camera friends at least.  Later on, when Val comes, she spends years trying to get in the gang, instead of hanging out with cool other students.

As for Carteris- I think she had a short lived talk show, like Ricki Lake. At least they hid Jennie Garth's pregnancy vs writing it into the show.

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