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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

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Amy is the classic "wannabe".

And is that really true that Amy has to come to their house? Maybe it's because there are so many Duggars that they don't fit in a regular house? It's easier for one person to go to the Duggar house than 5+ Duggar sisters to squish in a house that was set up for a family of three (Amy, her mom and her dad). Amy, who is any only child (like myself) probably enjoyed going over to the Duggar house with her 19 cousins.

Currently, how many kitchen chairs does Amy's house/apartment even have? Or sofas? It's just Amy and the husband. Her current space is probably not big enough.

Exactly how sinful is Amy anyway? She claims to be a Christian so does she have an altar to Satan in the living room? Any personal stuff such as magazines, music, alcohol, DVDs, trashy lingerie or whatever is so "offensive" is usually put away. Do people leave crotchless panties on the kitchen counter? What the hell is Amy talking about?

The girls go out with Amy or she visists them in their home. That sounds about right.

I think Amy is being dramatic and looking to say things about the Duggars so she can get attention.

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No, Famy clearly said that if she wants to spend "quality time" with her cousins, she must go to them because Boob is afraid she will "influence" them. I imagine that Jana also accompanied Jinger on that lunch, which given Jinger's outfit, happened right after that horrific TLC photoshoot.

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JimChelle let Amy and her inappropriate husband be around their children. They can't be that strict if they let two winos come over.

And educate their six year-old about sexy colors.

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Amy's narrative seems to change depending upon which tabloid is ponying up a paycheck.

If JimBob disapproved of Amy that much she wouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the TTH. He's a dick, but I can't recall him ever treating Amy poorly.

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Amy's narrative seems to change depending upon which tabloid is ponying up a paycheck.

If JimBob disapproved of Amy that much she wouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the TTH. He's a dick, but I can't recall him ever treating Amy poorly.

There was the DESITIN® clown incident, but I think she was faking her phobia.

Amy got to go along to the British Isles trip. She got a funny hat montage.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Amy's latest was in response to a leghumper. I would think that she'd lie her pants off to her "followers" if she was trying to keep up the image. Now, as Koka said, I think she wants to be her authentic self, which includes mimosas after church (really, who does this?), and wine...pretty much all the time. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I can't stand Amy. Increasingly. Imagine spending so much time and energy constructing stupid stories designed for nothing but to get some cheap-ass publicity from tabloids so you can score some trendy products from stores, presumably.


Get a job, you phony little two-faced creep. Figure out a calling for yourself. Pay careful attention to your potentially doomed marriage and see if you can help out your alcoholic husband. Shut your mouth.

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I can't stand Amy. Increasingly. Imagine spending so much time and energy constructing stupid stories designed for nothing but to get some cheap-ass publicity from tabloids so you can score some trendy products from stores, presumably.


Get a job, you phony little two-faced creep. Figure out a calling for yourself. Pay careful attention to your potentially doomed marriage and see if you can help out your alcoholic husband. Shut your mouth.

You said everything I think about Amy!

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I can't stand Amy. Increasingly. Imagine spending so much time and energy constructing stupid stories designed for nothing but to get some cheap-ass publicity from tabloids so you can score some trendy products from stores, presumably.


Get a job, you phony little two-faced creep. Figure out a calling for yourself. Pay careful attention to your potentially doomed marriage and see if you can help out your alcoholic husband. Shut your mouth.

aMEN. I've never been able to stand Amy. Her phony, psychotically perky schtick was always annoying to me, as is her most recent bs about how difficult it was growing up as the "rebel" Duggar (IS NOT A DUGGAR. CHANGED HER NAME TO DUGGAR IN ORDER TO FAMEWHORE IN NASHVILLE. WAS NOT RAISED BY THEM. IS AN IRRESPONSIBLE MORON, NOT A REBEL. HUGE DIFFERENCE.)

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I'll just fiddle while Famy burns on social media. I think a lot of Mommys will shut down their leghumping daughters' social media accounts if they discover that they follow a woman who posts pictures of herself consuming booze. Heck, just a few days ago, she posted one of them cooking dinner with their glasses of Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio front and center. 


It's only a matter of time...

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I can't stand Amy. Increasingly. Imagine spending so much time and energy constructing stupid stories designed for nothing but to get some cheap-ass publicity from tabloids so you can score some trendy products from stores, presumably.

Get a job, you phony little two-faced creep. Figure out a calling for yourself. Pay careful attention to your potentially doomed marriage and see if you can help out your alcoholic husband. Shut your mouth.

I give Amy and DUI Dill five years tops. I get the vibe that he's a mean drunk and Amy's starting to take on that bloated alkie look herself.

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I find the cake cute looking, but not tasty looking, lol - something about its shape plopped on the plate is unappealing.  Still, you go girls.  Get some use out of that pretty kitchen.

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Praising the lord, of course.

while writing a book on his experience getting back to God. We all know that his momma schooled him well. Write a book son so we can sell them at the Redemption Tour 2016.

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Amy is the classic "wannabe".

And is that really true that Amy has to come to their house? Maybe it's because there are so many Duggars that they don't fit in a regular house? It's easier for one person to go to the Duggar house than 5+ Duggar sisters to squish in a house that was set up for a family of three (Amy, her mom and her dad). Amy, who is any only child (like myself) probably enjoyed going over to the Duggar house with her 19 cousins.

Currently, how many kitchen chairs does Amy's house/apartment even have? Or sofas? It's just Amy and the husband. Her current space is probably not big enough.

Exactly how sinful is Amy anyway? She claims to be a Christian so does she have an altar to Satan in the living room? Any personal stuff such as magazines, music, alcohol, DVDs, trashy lingerie or whatever is so "offensive" is usually put away. Do people leave crotchless panties on the kitchen counter? What the hell is Amy talking about?

The girls go out with Amy or she visists them in their home. That sounds about right.

I think Amy is being dramatic and looking to say things about the Duggars so she can get attention.

I dislike Amy's overdone perky personality and her shameless attempts to become famous through the Duggars, but I do believe her on this one. I assume no crotchless panties are on display, but Boob and J'Chelle are worried about any movie that isn't rated G, any book that isn't the bible or a Christian biography, anything on TV, etc. The rule of thumb in the fundy world is to never let your children into a home where the people aren't "like-minded." I was never allowed to go to sleepovers for the same reason growing up.


JimChelle let Amy and her inappropriate husband be around their children. They can't be that strict if they let two winos come over.

Well, the younger kids at least don't even know they drink. Certainly they wouldn't be allowed to bring alcohol into the house.


Touche! LOL


But they're Southern Baptists. Doesn't that sect frown on imbibing, or is that just the IFB peeps? 

Yep, Southern Baptists are definitely against any alcohol, but these days the younger crowd seems to be drifting further away from that.

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I have a Southern Baptist friend who spouts the complementarianism line, and she and her church friends drink like fish.  In fact, she had to cut back because she and her husband suddenly realized they were having several glasses of wine every night and it was becoming a problem. Actually she knows other SB who have opened up a winery (with a biblical name).

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Amy's a total fame whore, but its scary when you consider that adult women are not allowed to visit their own cousin alone. They can't see Amy, but they can be in the same house with their molesting brother. Its not about morals or protection, its about control and keeping women in line until they can be handed over to a husband. And Amy doesn't help when she just accepts it. I wonder if Anna visits her alone though? Didn't they show Amy and Anna at some function together? 

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As much as I can't stand Amy, I don't know what she can really do. Jana and Jinger are grown ass women who could walk out the door any time. Bin and Jessa are legal adults who choose to live off Daddy and TLC money instead of working real jobs. Ditto for the Dullards. If anything Amy was always the one making the effort to spend time with the Duggar kids, especially Joy, and this was before she turned into a total famewhore.

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I think Amy is just saying anything so her name can get publicity. She likes to talk...maybe after a few drinks...

I read this initially as - Amy is just saying her name ...


I imagined her repeatedly practicing getting her name into each sentence to make it relevant. Then I realized she actually is.

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People has up an article about Josiah and the "truth" as to why he and Margorie broke up. I can't get it to open.

Aw, darn it! I was hoping to hear what sort of carefully crafted, PR spun response the Duggars put on the break-up.

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Aw, darn it! I was hoping to hear what sort of carefully crafted, PR spun response the Duggars put on the break-up.

From People:

"Marjorie and I had a good time together," he tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "We were just trying to follow God's lead on everything. She didn't feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit."

A bit??

Edited by NewDigs
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Thanks, NewDigs! Aw, poor Si. He can't admit he got dumped like yesterday's garbage once it became clear to Marge that the Duggars weren't her ticket to Supah Stahduhm....

Plenty more fish in the sea, Si. Just hurry though because Duggar males hit their expiration date around 20.

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From People:

"Marjorie and I had a good time together," he tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "We were just trying to follow God's lead on everything. She didn't feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit."

A bit??

Translation: when scandals hit the fan, she got a glimpse of what a truly dysfunctional freak show we really are and ran like hell.

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I don't think there's any question that she is in it to be on television. First she dumps him the instant the scandals hit and the show gets cancelled, then Jill and Derick have a "going away" party that's going to be televised -- and there she is!

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From People:

"Marjorie and I had a good time together," he tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "We were just trying to follow God's lead on everything. She didn't feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit."

A bit??


Translation: Until we -- and by "we," I mean Marjorie and my dad, Jim Bob -- were sure that there was actually a renewed Duggar show that would use our courtship as a lead story line. Continuing it when the show was canceled and nobody knew whether it would return would have been pointless. So stay tuned for the season finale of the spring 2016 season of The Duggars: Counting On when Marjorie and I will be back to tease our renewed courtship as the key story line for the winter 2016 season!

Edited by Churchhoney
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Amy's a total fame whore, but its scary when you consider that adult women are not allowed to visit their own cousin alone. They can't see Amy, but they can be in the same house with their molesting brother. Its not about morals or protection, its about control and keeping women in line until they can be handed over to a husband. And Amy doesn't help when she just accepts it. I wonder if Anna visits her alone though? Didn't they show Amy and Anna at some function together? 


I can't testify to A&A one way or another but I should think, once you know what sex is let alone having your own "headship", they'd remove the rule.

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12747539_778165382317113_741693978160849From the Duggars' Facebook page, Jackson killing time at the dentist office flipping through flashcards - 5+0, 6+0.  Educational neglect is rampant in this family.  Do they have a clue how concerning and just plain weird it is to see an 11-ish year old boy working on the most basic of addition facts?

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Could someone please send a love offering to Jackson to buy that waif a new pair of boots? God knows that asshat, Jim Bob, cannot be bothered to care for one of his blessings' basic needs.

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12747539_778165382317113_741693978160849From the Duggars' Facebook page, Jackson killing time at the dentist office flipping through flashcards - 5+0, 6+0.  Educational neglect is rampant in this family.  Do they have a clue how concerning and just plain weird it is to see an 11-ish year old boy working on the most basic of addition facts?

Lets hope he is tutoring the young J girl??

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You have GOT to be kidding me. Eleven years old and he's doing first grade math?! Jesus take the wheel. That is a disgrace.


A disgrace but not a surprise, I'd say. His parents couldn't care less about math, education or their kids. They're just two massive egos careening about the world, with not one whole adult brain between them to guide the movement, and crushing whatever lies in their path -- notably their NINETEEN damned children. It's plain evil to have raised these kids the way they have, but they've practically been sainted for it as the TeeVee continues to celebrate their "inspirational" family.


And he actually looks kind of confused to learn that 5 + 0 = 5.

Could someone please send a love offering to Jackson to buy that waif a new pair of boots? God knows that asshat, Jim Bob, cannot be bothered to care for one of his blessings' basic needs.


I thought Jesus took care of all of those.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Thank you NewDigs!  I too question "a bit."  Can courtships have a time out?


No, they're having a "break!"  Sorry, a flashback to friends.  It's a shame they won't use this time to find out if someone else is perhaps a better fit for them.

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... It's plain evil to have raised these kids the way they have, but they've practically been sainted for it as the TeeVee continues to celebrate their "inspirational" family....


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12747539_778165382317113_741693978160849From the Duggars' Facebook page, Jackson killing time at the dentist office flipping through flashcards - 5+0, 6+0.  Educational neglect is rampant in this family.  Do they have a clue how concerning and just plain weird it is to see an 11-ish year old boy working on the most basic of addition facts?

Oy, so many thoughts when I saw this. First, yeah...a big boy like Jackson looking at first grade math flashcards. But then I really looked at his face and it kills me. I see a child who is desperately bored, desperately hungry to learn something. And a family so bent on being television stars/god warriors that they are more interested in taking a photo for Facebook than ACTUALLY GIVING HIM AN EDUCATION. He should not be slouched in a doctor's office while someone else in the family has an appointment. He should be at school!! I know a lot of viewers find Jackson irritating, but I always had a soft spot for this kid. He strikes me as one who needs a an extra academic push. Super distractable little boys (and girls, although I've seen it more with little boys) take some special finesse to become successful students, and this picture shows the reality: he's languishing.


And on the pure snark side, WTF is up with allowing a kid out in a pair of too-big broken down boots like that? Jesus wept. They're both dressed for cold weather, so you cant tell me that having the sole of that boot completely flapping open is a good thing. God knows how many of his brothers had the boots before he did. The lost girl next to him (Hanny?) looks like her boots are way too big for her, too, but at least they seem to be in one piece.


The whole photo just screams NEGLECT to me, because I know the story behind those boots and those flashcards. Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are a two-person parenting plague.

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12747539_778165382317113_741693978160849From the Duggars' Facebook page, Jackson killing time at the dentist office flipping through flashcards - 5+0, 6+0. Educational neglect is rampant in this family. Do they have a clue how concerning and just plain weird it is to see an 11-ish year old boy working on the most basic of addition facts?

Not to mention, times must be tough between TLC shows! Take a closer look at Jackson's right boot sole! It's completely disintegrated!

Edited by louannems
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I cannot believe I am saying this, but Jackson may want to keep the shoes and wear them. Some kids and even grownups can have a favorite pair of shoes and want to wear and keep the shoes. I know it sounds crazy when it comes to the Duggars, but it could be the case here.

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...I see a child who is desperately bored, desperately hungry to learn something...


I see a boy who is desperately bored, but considering he's about to turn 12 and the poor diet at the TTH, I don't think he's desperate to learn anything, I think he's just hungry.  The appetite of a boy about to start a growth spurt is a wonder, but when the growth spurt is actually in progress it's terrifying.  It's got to be worse when the boy has been raised on cheap carb loaded food and looks at fresh fruits and vegetables with suspicion.  Throw in hot dogs and cheap hamburger for meat, instead of the more 'real' cuts of beef or chicken that hasn't been processed, and you have a boy that's constantly hungry and can't give his growing body the proper foods to really grow.


Not surprising, since every other aspect of their lives are addressed with quick and dirty fixes designed to keep the family on TV.  The physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs are ignored so the parents can bask in the unearned adoration of the ignorant leghumpers.

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I cannot believe I am saying this, but Jackson may want to keep the shoes and wear them. Some kids and even grownups can have a favorite pair of shoes and want to wear and keep the shoes. I know it sounds crazy when it comes to the Duggars, but it could be the case here.

It may well be, but someone needs to take those things to a cobbler and have them resoled.

I think once Jill and Jessa left, the remaining J'Slaves just gave up. I think Jinger was depresssed, Joy was too young to exert any real authority and Jana was just too overwhelmed. The youngest horde of kids always looks filthy and feral. God forbid their parents or any of the lazy ass boys pitch in. They're all too busy working in some mythical real estate empire.

Edited by BitterApple
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I cannot believe I am saying this, but Jackson may want to keep the shoes and wear them. Some kids and even grownups can have a favorite pair of shoes and want to wear and keep the shoes. I know it sounds crazy when it comes to the Duggars, but it could be the case here.

I wouldn't doubt it a bit. Kids want a whole lot of things that parents have to moderate. One of my five had a "shirt" (it was actually a heavy flannel man's pajama top) that he wanted to wear like a jacket everywhere. He adored it. There were places it was acceptable, and others...not so much. I think Michelle and JB simply don't give a shit. They go apoplectic over exposing a kneecap, yet let their young son drag around in public in a broken shoe. They're selfish pinheads.

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