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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Yeah, I got a chance to read the article while getting a gel mani removed this afternoon. Dill also admits that he was a party animal (I think those were his exact words) before getting involved with Famy. No mention of the truck accident made, but Famy claimed (not in the article) that's when she fell for him. She's no rebel, but on the days they actually aren't hungover enough to go to church, they admit to going out for mimosas afterwards to discuss what they learned. 


It's confirmed that Terry is Famy's bio father; there's a picture of him with her when she was a little tyke. He says that he was "hurt" that Deanna chose to name Amy as a Duggar and not a Jordan. Their rocky relationship and divorce filing are mentioned. 


They also claimed she was a "part-time nanny." I laughed out loud at that old saw. We haven't seen her with kids since...forever?


All that said, I don't know why it's newsworthy. How many other people grow up in broken, or tenuously strained, situations, and turn out to be okay?

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Spent time at the hair salon Saturday afternoon with time to read the gossip magazines. The photo of Amy and her mother in People caught my attention. Amy's mom was the spitting image of Jessa in that shot. I thought I was seeing double.

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Spent time at the hair salon Saturday afternoon with time to read the gossip magazines. The photo of Amy and her mother in People caught my attention. Amy's mom was the spitting image of Jessa in that shot. I thought I was seeing double.

Maybe because it was a side shot and Deanna had visible cheekbones then. What I saw was Famy. Mother and daughter are dead ringers. 

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hmm, I'm puzzled by something I just read (see quote below) - it's a snippet from Amy's new People article in which Dillon says he didn't know how conservative the Jim Bob Duggar family is and had never watched the show when he first met them. How long ago did he meet them, I wonder?  Doesn't Amy say that she and Dillon had been good friends for years before they became romantically involved more recently?  So did she bring Dillon over to the Duggar's house years ago - was this when he "danced into the room" and talked about "sexy" colors? Or did these things happen once he became her boyfriend? Either way, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know much about the JB Duggar family and hadn't watched their show when he was such good friends with Amy. 


from the article:  "What’s it like when a ‘rebel’ like Dillon King meets and starts falling for a Duggar? Amy and Dillon recently spoke with People Magazine and shared some of the awkward first encounters. “I made some pretty good mess-ups,” he says of meeting Amy’s uncle Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the family. “No one told me how conservative they were and I never watched the show!”

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I think it's all a load of horseshit. These people live in rural Arkansas for fuck's sake, not Manhattan. I find it hard to believe DUI Dill, Derick and Bin "knew little" of the Duggars and "never watched the show" the way they claim. Nor do I believe they knew nothing of the family's beliefs or reputation. Word gets around when you live in a small town.

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hmm, I'm puzzled by something I just read (see quote below) - it's a snippet from Amy's new People article in which Dillon says he didn't know how conservative the Jim Bob Duggar family is and had never watched the show when he first met them. How long ago did he meet them, I wonder? Doesn't Amy say that she and Dillon had been good friends for years before they became romantically involved more recently? So did she bring Dillon over to the Duggar's house years ago - was this when he "danced into the room" and talked about "sexy" colors? Or did these things happen once he became her boyfriend? Either way, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know much about the JB Duggar family and hadn't watched their show when he was such good friends with Amy.

from the article: "What’s it like when a ‘rebel’ like Dillon King meets and starts falling for a Duggar? Amy and Dillon recently spoke with People Magazine and shared some of the awkward first encounters. “I made some pretty good mess-ups,” he says of meeting Amy’s uncle Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the family. “No one told me how conservative they were and I never watched the show!”

Mr King seemed quite pissy when his wedding to Famy went untelevised due to Josh scandals. He knew about the Duggars.
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hmm, I'm puzzled by something I just read (see quote below) - it's a snippet from Amy's new People article in which Dillon says he didn't know how conservative the Jim Bob Duggar family is and had never watched the show when he first met them. How long ago did he meet them, I wonder? Doesn't Amy say that she and Dillon had been good friends for years before they became romantically involved more recently? So did she bring Dillon over to the Duggar's house years ago - was this when he "danced into the room" and talked about "sexy" colors? Or did these things happen once he became her boyfriend? Either way, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know much about the JB Duggar family and hadn't watched their show when he was such good friends with Amy.

from the article: "What’s it like when a ‘rebel’ like Dillon King meets and starts falling for a Duggar? Amy and Dillon recently spoke with People Magazine and shared some of the awkward first encounters. “I made some pretty good mess-ups,” he says of meeting Amy’s uncle Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the family. “No one told me how conservative they were and I never watched the show!”

I thought Amy was trying to put her Duggar affiliation behind her? I thought she was ready to become 'Mrs.King'? Are you telling me this is all lies?! The Duggars never lie!

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from the article:  "What’s it like when a ‘rebel’ like Dillon King meets and starts falling for a Duggar? Amy and Dillon recently spoke with People Magazine and shared some of the awkward first encounters. “I made some pretty good mess-ups,” he says of meeting Amy’s uncle Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the family. “No one told me how conservative they were and I never watched the show!”

Leave it to People to paint that skid mark as some cutsie West Side Story "rebel" instead of a redneck asshole who put innocent lives in danger while driving drunk. Repeatedly.

Edited by Aja
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Leave it to People to paint that skid mark as some cutsie West Side Story "rebel" instead of a redneck asshole who put innocent lives in danger while driving drunk. Repeatedly.

Right? Because drunk driving is soooo bad ass. I'd bet any amount of money that DUI Dill is an alcoholic and a mean one at that. He just comes off as such a belligerent asshole.

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hmm, I'm puzzled by something I just read (see quote below) - it's a snippet from Amy's new People article in which Dillon says he didn't know how conservative the Jim Bob Duggar family is and had never watched the show when he first met them. How long ago did he meet them, I wonder? Doesn't Amy say that she and Dillon had been good friends for years before they became romantically involved more recently? So did she bring Dillon over to the Duggar's house years ago - was this when he "danced into the room" and talked about "sexy" colors? Or did these things happen once he became her boyfriend? Either way, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know much about the JB Duggar family and hadn't watched their show when he was such good friends with Amy.

from the article: "What’s it like when a ‘rebel’ like Dillon King meets and starts falling for a Duggar? Amy and Dillon recently spoke with People Magazine and shared some of the awkward first encounters. “I made some pretty good mess-ups,” he says of meeting Amy’s uncle Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the family. “No one told me how conservative they were and I never watched the show!”

"One of the first times Dillon came to the Duggar compound was for a birthday party. Jordyn started asking him questions, as children tend to do and asked what his favorite color was. “Black’ he responded. “Really?’ she asked. And I was like “Yea, black is a pretty sexy color.” Says Amy, “I kicked him so hard! I was like ‘Oh my Gosh!’ ”"

Dipshit King told 6 year old Jordyn he thought black was a sexy color? Who the fuck says that to a child that age?

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I thought Amy was trying to put her Duggar affiliation behind her? I thought she was ready to become 'Mrs.King'? Are you telling me this is all lies?! The Duggars never lie!


She was surprised when "Mrs. King" failed to get any magazine covers.

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After hearing JB and Michelle boast in front of the children about being able to have sex, dry humping in front of their daughter and the kid courting her, having their daughters track momsie's cycle, and the two Josh scandals, Dillon saying sexy in front of a six year old is very mild.

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After hearing JB and Michelle boast in front of the children about being able to have sex, dry humping in front of their daughter and the kid courting her, having their daughters track momsie's cycle, and the two Josh scandals, Dillon saying sexy in front of a six year old is very mild.

Sexy is wrong. Hey hey hey, on the other hand, is perfectly fine.

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He was probably drunk.

my internet win for the day. Only excuse I can think of! Honestly I can't even imagine how "sexy" could pop into his head while talking to a little girl. Ugh. Not a guy I'd date, what a turnoff. Let alone marry.
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So how long before Amy is knocked up and this obnoxious husband is gone? Who wants to start the betting pool? I won't be 100% mad if he becomes the escape route for some of the adult kids.

I give the marriage three years tops. Or however long Amy needs to hang in there to get halfway decent alimony payments.

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I don't know if Amy, before the inevitable divorce, would be willing to give up the booze for a baby, and I don't think she will have an unplanned pregnancy, she seems to have idiot proof contraception.

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I think Amy got married because there comes a time where it seems like the thing to do.  She loves to party, so she got a guy to party with.  She was raised in a single parent home, only had dad with mom for the last few years, raised permissively and with love, with 19 super fundy cousins.  She's fine.  Alimony is rarely ordered, and if it is, it is for short duration.  For some reason, while she worked at singing, she has not apparently held a real job.  Babysitting doesn't count.  It would be far better if she was expected to have a real job, but with the turmoil in her life, that wasn't expected.  Overindulged by mom, discouraged from actual work by uncle JB.  

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OMG. If anyone had called a color sexy to one of my kids at that age, they would have been like ."What is sexy?" And then yelled to me in another room "MOOOMMMAAA, WHAT DOES SEXY MEAN?"


Jordyn didn't ask what he meant? What did she think? That sexy means dark or pretty? Can you imagine her telling Josie. "Look at that cat, isn't it sexy!"

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Amy and King live in a fantasy world if they think we buy their story of "I didn't even know who the Duggars were. never saw the show".

Please don't insult my intelligence.

I live in the greater NYC area and while I don't watch many reality shows, i really do know which ones are filmed in my area. I think most people do. It's Arkansas...are there many reality shows filmed there?

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I think Amy got married because there comes a time where it seems like the thing to do.  She loves to party, so she got a guy to party with.  She was raised in a single parent home, only had dad with mom for the last few years, raised permissively and with love, with 19 super fundy cousins.  She's fine.  Alimony is rarely ordered, and if it is, it is for short duration.  For some reason, while she worked at singing, she has not apparently held a real job.  Babysitting doesn't count.  It would be far better if she was expected to have a real job, but with the turmoil in her life, that wasn't expected.  Overindulged by mom, discouraged from actual work by uncle JB.  

Must run in the family. Not ever holding real jobs. Can't 100% blame the fundie world on that one, Duggars.

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Amy and King live in a fantasy world if they think we buy their story of "I didn't even know who the Duggars were. never saw the show".

Please don't insult my intelligence.

I live in the greater NYC area and while I don't watch many reality shows, i really do know which ones are filmed in my area. I think most people do. It's Arkansas...are there many reality shows filmed there?

Bingo. My oldest son moved for a while from the West Coast to Fayettville, Ark. (about 20 miles from Tontitown). He couldn't give a hamster's hiney for the Duggars and knows nearly nothing about them, but he said the Duggars were a constant bit of everyday-ness around those parts. This is a larger load of crap than usual.

Edited by SometimesBites
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Famy thinks that we all have the short term memory of a hummingbird, like she does. One day she wants to go by Amy Duggar instead of Amy Jordan. The next day she's been oppressed by her affiliation with the Duggar family. The next day she's back on the Duggar train to Nashville to try to cash in with the most painfully embarrassing 2 hours of reality television I have ever seen. The next day she's marrying a drunk driver and getting illegible tattoos because she's finally 'free'. She grew up in a completely different house with completely different parents and a completely different social circle and a completely standard public school experience and speaks of how "difficult" it was to be a "rebel" in the Duggar family. Just shut the fuck up, Amy. I've never been able to stand her.

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Aja, I agree Amy is full of crap.

Say what we want about Boob, but I don't think he's ever rejected or shamed Amy because she grew up differently. Whenever they showed flashback pics of the older kids, Amy was in a good deal of them and she and Josh seemed close. If the Duggars were treating her poorly, I doubt Deanna would have let her daughter spend so much time with them.

Okay, Amy is officially on my shit list for making me defend JimBob. I feel cheap and dirty now...

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Aja, I agree Amy is full of crap.

Say what we want about Boob, but I don't think he's ever rejected or shamed Amy because she grew up differently. Whenever they showed flashback pics of the older kids, Amy was in a good deal of them and she and Josh seemed close. If the Duggars were treating her poorly, I doubt Deanna would have let her daughter spend so much time with them.

Okay, Amy is officially on my shit list for making me defend JimBob. I feel cheap and dirty now...

You are totally right.

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I happened to read the article in the salon last weekend. Terry is indirectly quoted as saying he was disappointed that Famy was not given his surname. She's also still claiming to be a "part time" nanny. I don't know how that works; those workers are actually babysitters. The last babysitting I remember from her was maybe two years ago when she accompanied a family to the Redneck Riviera and occasionally watched the kids. Since then? It's been all partying and showing off her extensive closet.

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I happened to read the article in the salon last weekend. Terry is indirectly quoted as saying he was disappointed that Famy was not given his surname. She's also still claiming to be a "part time" nanny. I don't know how that works; those workers are actually babysitters. The last babysitting I remember from her was maybe two years ago when she accompanied a family to the Redneck Riviera and occasionally watched the kids. Since then? It's been all partying and showing off her extensive closet.


Amen to this. Without accredited training, Amy is nothing more than your garden-variety babysitter. The only advantage she has is her age - she's about 10 years older than the average sitter and likely has more experience. But of course these days most women refer to babysitters as "nannies" - it just sounds so much more high-end, upscale. Good grief...

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Famy thinks that we all have the short term memory of a hummingbird, like she does. One day she wants to go by Amy Duggar instead of Amy Jordan. The next day she's been oppressed by her affiliation with the Duggar family. The next day she's back on the Duggar train to Nashville to try to cash in with the most painfully embarrassing 2 hours of reality television I have ever seen. The next day she's marrying a drunk driver and getting illegible tattoos because she's finally 'free'. She grew up in a completely different house with completely different parents and a completely different social circle and a completely standard public school experience and speaks of how "difficult" it was to be a "rebel" in the Duggar family. Just shut the fuck up, Amy. I've never been able to stand her.


100% agree. Since she first began appearing on 19Kids, she's been a giddy, endlessly-grinning opportunist. The only time I had any sympathy for her was when the Duggars got a clown on stilts for her birthday party, knowing that she's always been nervous of clowns. Insensitivity is a primary character trait DEEP in the DNA of this family.

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I remember that clown incident and was feeling really bad for her.  It was done with deliberate malice by the Duggars.


Amy was the only look at a real person who went to real school and had a real  life.  I think her influence was good for the kids.  Ultimately futile, but good.  And JB was loving towards his sister and to Amy.  He never set down rules about how they should dress when they came over.  He seemed very pleasant with them.  He is a bit of a contradiction.  A conflicted man.

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I have spent a lot of time in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. This is neither cute nor very age-appropriate for a six year old.


If they're posting this to show how Josie is learning apace, it's not working. Sorry. I know 4 year olds who are better behaved with better retention. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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