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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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How long before Jill starts bringing out baby Dilly on the campaign trail and rallies. He will be a part of God's Army to promote the Duggar's political and religious views.


I have not seen any pictures of articles of Jill and Derick at rallies, but the family does like to pimp out the younger kids to sell their views. Got to build up the next generation of God's Army. I would not be surprise if Jill takes Baby Dilly out on the campaign or rally field.

I can picture Dilly in a onesie with whatever is the slogan of the day on it.

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The March for Life rallies happened on a weekday last week, so no, Derick would have been at work. And Jill is never seen without him attached to her hip any longer, so I doubt she even went to the "local" march that the Duggars attended in Little Rock. Being apart from Derick for an entire day is too much to ask of her right now. /end sarcasm


That said, I'm sure that they will do "pro-life" their own way on social media once the self-anoited savior Baby Dilly arrives. 

The thing is, I'm 100% certain Jill and Derick are pro life, but that isn't the same thing as being obnoxious and aggressive about your political beliefs (which both sides enjoy being.). I also see thoughtfulness in the way they approach missions, making it about the people and not about themselves, unlike other members of the family.

Not saying it can't or won't happen. And they are certainly capable of being self centered. I just haven't seen it with politics.

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She might not be going to rallies because Derick is at work, she is pregnant, and she cannot let go or be away from Derick for a long period of time. Plus the fact, there are other Duggars family members who can parrot what they have been taught by JB and Michelle to attend the rallies and spread the message of God's Army.


I also saw the pictures of them at the mission they went on with other families members. I do not see thoughtfulness in handling out religious pamphlets and candy to people who are hungry, sick, and struggling to survive.

I wonder if Jill will kick J'Chelle out of the room when she's having Baby Dilly.  I'd love to see that happen. J'Chelle is a fame hog. Your daughter, not you, is giving birth. Let her have her moment. 


I doubt that Mechelle is capable of letting someone else be the center of attention - or to have their needs come before her own.  She's an "alpha" last-born - one of the most extreme last-borns I've ever seen. She has, for years, compromised and IMO, diminished the quality of her own children's lives in order to have things easy, to have things her way.

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Do we have to go there, or can you paraphrase what 'mommiedawn' said?

 It was basically a shot at how the Duggars are hell-bent on promoting their agenda, but don't think beyond having x-y-z outlawed. Kind of along the lines of how some people are rabidly pro-life, but rant and rave about all the single mothers receiving EBT and welfare.

  • Love 3

Jill, is indeed, IMO, a young teen who got to marry and sleep with her first crush. Of course she says he's her best friend, as he is her ONLY friend. They aren't allowed to form any real bonding relationships with other girls and experience a friendship outside of their own siblings in the first place.

If Jill's "finger-licking" at the wedding is any indication of her "being hot for Derick", I can imagine what kinds of dreams that girl had during her "skyped and chaperoned dates" with derickdillard. She is still riding high on hormones for that guy, but as always happens, that will cool off in time. We will see how happy Jilly Muffin looks then.

  • Love 4

On the question of how conservative the Dillards are, I creeped on her Facebook page before she locked it down and she had 'liked' Answers in Genesis which is a pretty conservative 7 day creationism website. To me that's more conservative than being pro-life. I think she may have also like Living Waters by Ray Comfort (the guy who Kirk Cameron has a show with), but I'm not 100% sure - it was a while ago! This was during the courting but before the engagement/marriage, so they were probably pretty fundie even before the Duggars.

I read here somewhere that WalMart (Corp) is going to lay off employees? I can just hear Jim Bob now. He will preach to derickdillard about the ungodliness of working for anyone else but yourself, (or Jim Bob)...as you would never lay yourself off, etc..

Derick needs to "hand 'em over" right now to Jim Bob and change his name to Duggar. Make it official.

I am curious to see how WalMart handles Derick, the employee, regarding that layoff as the public will know if he was one of them and receive criticism for whatever decision they make. I also see some resentment from the fellow corp. employees if Derick is held on to, as they all know he has another TV income that only supplements his salary there, and if let go, they also will know that it wouldn't hurt him too bad for that same reason.

My opinion, would have been if Jill was going to marry someone who has a job with a public corporation such as WalMart, etc., they really needed to fade into the sunset as far as the TV show is concerned and show up at the family homestead for holidays and/or special occasions and keep a lower, more private profile. this, of course, is just my opinion so far.

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50 or so layoffs in a huge corporation are really not that "significant" and I imagine that they are going after "higher priced" people, not people who are being paid a starting salary like Derick. In any event, while I'm not a fan -- why are people "wishing" for a layoff for him? That's a terrible thing for anyone to have to go through in any stage of a career. If anything I hope this makes him "realize" that things like this can happen to anyone at anytime and maybe he should focus 100% on his work at work, rather than texting Jilly, making lunch plans with her, or taking days off or whatever else it is he does.

  • Love 5

The thing is, I'm 100% certain Jill and Derick are pro life, but that isn't the same thing as being obnoxious and aggressive about your political beliefs (which both sides enjoy being.). I also see thoughtfulness in the way they approach missions, making it about the people and not about themselves, unlike other members of the family.

Not saying it can't or won't happen. And they are certainly capable of being self centered. I just haven't seen it with politics.

Not exactly a response to your post, GEML, but I wanted you to be alerted. Can you share what the rules would be about Jill being out and about alone now? And what would be the rules about Michelle being out and about alone? I kind of think it is fine now that they are wives and mothers, but I wasn't certain. 

If they still have Gothard rules, you always have an accountability partner. But this can actually be a small child, so even someone like Michelle or Jill is rarely out or about strictly alone. To be fair, it isn't only about tattling (although that is part of it) as a baby can't tattle. But it's supposed to always keep you focused on your family and internally driven, not looking outward. It you look outward, you might think about what you might be missing - I mean, you might be more susceptible to the dangers of the outside world.

Men are a little more free to come and go, but there's a reason JB takes his younger children with him, and it isn't only so they can "learn" on the job.

  • Love 2

GEML, that is a curious statement about Jim Bob taking his young children with him. Please explain what you mean as I would like to understand properly. Thanks.

I sincerely don't think anyone is "hoping" Derick gets laid off from work. That wouldn't be nice at all... after all, we snark and let our opinions be known here, but I don't think anyone, including myself, wants anything bad to happen to any of those people. We simply wish they would wise up and "see the light" and give their kids a real chance at life.

I'm just saying that it isn't only women who aren't supposed to be on their own without accountability. But also men - hence all the "Nike" comments. And accountability is a bigger concept than tattling. It's to keep you focused AND it also gives you someone to back you up if someone accuses you of something unjustly. Granted, we don't worry about this stuff, but think of how many have suggested Jill had sex before her wedding and this is a group that EXPECTS (and even hopes) to be persecuted. Having a "witness" is part of that philosophy.

Plus, they can tattle if you step out of line. ;)

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In their world, I've secured myself a seat on the bus to Hell. I may even be the driver. Even though I am a happily married Christian wife & mother, when I am out alone shopping, I may have noticed a man & thought to myself, "he's nice looking." I have even gone as far as *horrors* pointed out a nice looking woman to my husband.

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Especially since the New Testament says that a woman shouldn't pray with her head uncovered (I Cor 11:5-6).  If they are true biblical literalists, why aren't they doing this?  (Answer:  Because almost no one who claims to believe in inerrancy and biblical literalism is actually a complete literalist.  They pick and choose what they want to take literally and what they do not).

  • Love 8

Did anyone else see this on the Pickles FB???

Apparently this is what Derick Tweeted- I copied and pasted from twitter for those ( like me ) too lazy to click on links most of the time


Derick Dillard @derick4Him  ·  Feb 1
Little kid: "Hey Jill"
Jill: "What"
Little kid: "Remember when you were skinny and beautiful?"
#thingsnottosaytoapregnantgirl #babydilly
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UMMM, ok.I feel bad for JIll! Why would he take the time to tweet that *kindofmean* offhand comment. Then he doesn't even follow it up with a " my wife is even more beautiful now that she is carrying "2ndcomingofChristDilly". And who is the little kid? James? Jordyn? lol


SMH, Maybe Derick is just as big of a tool as Smuggar and we were all fooled. LOL

  • Love 1


Today. 10:25 am

Did anyone else see this on the Pickles FB???

Apparently this is what Derick Tweeted- I copied and pasted from twitter for those ( like me ) too lazy to click on links most of the time


Derick Dillard @derick4Him  ·  Feb 1
Little kid: "Hey Jill"
Jill: "What"

Little kid: "Remember when you were skinny and beautiful?"
#thingsnottosaytoapregnantgirl #babydilly
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UMMM, ok.I feel bad for JIll! Why would he take the time to tweet that *kindofmean* offhand comment. Then he doesn't even follow it up with a " my wife is even more beautiful now that she is carrying "2ndcomingofChristDilly". And who is the little kid? James? Jordyn? lol


SMH, Maybe Derick is just as big of a tool as Smuggar and we were all fooled. LOL


I'm starting to think that in college Derick was all the girls' "best friend."  He got close, but never quite made the boyfriend cut.  No relationship experience?

  • Love 1

I'm starting to think that in college Derick was all the girls' "best friend."  He got close, but never quite made the boyfriend cut.  No relationship experience?

I some what think the opposite- I think he was shy and more in to his guy friends ( not sexually) But was too shy and awkward and inexperienced to make any moves with girls...he probably used religion as a reason to avoid it as well. I would venture to guess he chose not to get close enough to even get friendzoned.

We all know the type! *end armchair diagnosis* lol :-) just my 2cents. His obvious idiocy with females is apparent here. 

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I'm kind of shocked too that Derick would have even tweeted this & not do a follow-up compliment comment. He just doesn't seem the type of guy that would say this in the first place. Not very Christian like in my opinion. Plus I'm sure Jill is at the point where she does feel fat & swollen & doesn't need to be reminded. Maybe poster Yogi2014L got it right that Smuggar might have worn off on him.

I don't have twitter so I can't access the page, but are people commenting? What are they saying? (Or retweeting?)

FYI anyone can look at twitter whether you have an account or not unless the person has locked down their page which Derick hasn't. Have fun checking out his and the rest of the Duggar crew's tweets. They are hilarious and frightening at the same time.

  • Love 4

I some what think the opposite- I think he was shy and more in to his guy friends ( not sexually) But was too shy and awkward and inexperienced to make any moves with girls...he probably used religion as a reason to avoid it as well. I would venture to guess he chose not to get close enough to even get friendzoned.

We all know the type! *end armchair diagnosis* lol :-) just my 2cents. His obvious idiocy with females is apparent here.

Agreeing. There were a lot of these types in my Christian group in college.

FYI anyone can look at twitter whether you have an account or not unless the person has locked down their page which Derick hasn't. Have fun checking out his and the rest of the Duggar crew's tweets. They are hilarious and frightening at the same time.

I'll try again on a computer then because every time I do it on my phone it doesn't work. Thanks!

Is Jill still posting how far along she is because I truly need to know and am not being sarcastic.


No baby shower postings anywhere? Maybe for Valentine's Day?

According to the family blog, she is due March 24. I was wondering about a shower too. It's kind of weird when you think about 9 months ago she had wedding showers. Fast forward to now & it's a baby shower for Dilly.

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Wow, which "little kid" made that comment to Jill? I'm assuming it was one of the Duggars, because I don't know what other kids she would be around at this point.


The Duggars have no emotional intelligence. Even if the comment was made in jest, that's still a very mean thing to say. I don't know why Derick or Jill would find it cutesy or funny.

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Agreed that the Duggars have zero emotional intelligence. These are the people who think it is funny to pretend to drop babies, after all. Or who stand back and laugh at their daughter when her head is stuck in the balusters (MEchelle). Or who video their son after he has fallen in an orchestra pit. Almost sociopathic in MEchelle's case, actually.


And good grief, I just looked at Derick's Twitter. What a collection of religious claptrap. I liked him better before I read all that.

  • Love 5

Did anyone else see this on the Pickles FB???

Apparently this is what Derick Tweeted- I copied and pasted from twitter for those ( like me ) too lazy to click on links most of the time


Derick Dillard @derick4Him · Feb 1

Little kid: "Hey Jill"

Jill: "What"

Little kid: "Remember when you were skinny and beautiful?"

#thingsnottosaytoapregnantgirl #babydilly

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UMMM, ok.I feel bad for JIll! Why would he take the time to tweet that *kindofmean* offhand comment. Then he doesn't even follow it up with a " my wife is even more beautiful now that she is carrying "2ndcomingofChristDilly". And who is the little kid? James? Jordyn? lol

SMH, Maybe Derick is just as big of a tool as Smuggar and we were all fooled. LOL

All I could think was "you idiot" (said in my best Napolean Dynamite voice. SMH

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I just think Derick is clueless. Chances are that's something one of the howlers said, and he tweeted it because he thought it was funny. Either it never occurred to him that the comment could be considered offensive, in which case he's demonstrating that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, or it was deliberate, in which case he's just a tool.

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