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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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24 minutes ago, sixlets said:

That video of Jill in the pool bothers me.  Izzy wants to go along the next side of the pool.   She says it's deeper, and he won't be able to touch the bottom, and then tells him to go ahead!  He is 3 for crying out loud.  Yes, he's tall for his age, but he's still 3!!  I'm not a parent, but I would *never* have more than one child in the pool at the same time with me***.  Two kids (at this age) require two parents/adults, who are both strong & seasoned swimmers.  She's so focused on Sammy that if something were to happen to Izzy, she would not be able to get to him in time.  

As I was saying once you get past the first couple of kids, you realize that there's a pretty good stretch of time between when they are in "trouble" and in "danger", and you sort of get to the point of reacting accordingly. And if a child has some sort of flotation device, as long as you are within an arm's reach, it hardly matters whether the pool is 3 feet deep or 5, just as if your child can swim to the surface unaided, there's no difference whether their feet can actually touch bottom. It's all about being aware when and if they begin to show a problem. I spent hours at the pool with three kids between 3 and 8.

  • Love 10

Jill, your swimsuit is sluttish. 

(using Jill Rod's word!)

Seriously, I wonder what the other Fundie families think of Jill's pants, nose ring, swim suit etc.  Do they whisper behind Jill's back that she looks sluttish and feel sorry for Jim Bob and Michelle?   Six years ago, the Duggars would've yelled Nike at Jill's clothes.  Now Jill is strutting around like a peacock! 

Can we get a refund for the Growing Up Duggar book?  Clearly it was all bull shit. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Derick and Cathy confuse me so much. Why is she supporting his lifestyle? She bought the fire pit, and now lifejackets? What else does she buy? Is she their primary supporter? If so, why buy them anything above the necessities?

it makes no sense, because as strongly fundie as Cathy is, why would she be okay with her son not working? I can totally, totally see her okay with wives staying at home as a matter of principle. Maybe Cathy's husband wasn't as religious, or maybe they really needed two incomes to get by, or perhaps she enjoys working but supports women being SAHM's a thousand percent. Perhaps she was more liberal as a young woman, and now wishes she had stayed home. Maybe she had a lot of student loans to pay off. I've always gotten the feeling that she loves working and is good at it, even though she seems to believe every other aspect of the fundie doctrine.

I could see her, with her belief system, subsidizing a daughter's family when she wanted to stay home, but her husband didn't make enough. I just don't understand her subsidizing her lazy son. How is that fundie or Biblical at all? This family makes no sense to me. 

Maybe Cathy feels guilty on account of Derrick's father dying, and makes babying excuses for him on account of it. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, SMama said:

Our daughter has been in pools (lakes, ocean) since we met her at sixteen months. She always wore swimming diapers. We have also had passes for water parks since before she was potty trained. As long as the kid is wearing swim diapers they are OK. Our first water park was within walking distance from our home. She’d be in the water at least five days a week. We spent a mint on swimming diapers. Did I miss something on the video? Did their diapers look soggy. But these are the Dullards so...

I didn't see any diapers.  I mean, clearly Sam is probably wearing them on account of his age, but I could see nothing but blue board shorts on Israel.  Are people assuming because Jill didn't come out yay!ing about it that he isn't toilet trained?

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, SMama said:

Is Jill actually wearing a bathing suit or regular clothes? I can’t tell, even though there was a glimpse of her kneeling and bit away from Sam. 

From one of the pics it looks like she is wearing either large shorts or possibly a skirt on her lower half, so it appears to be typical Gothard bullshit. Can't have Jill stirring up unrighteous desires in other men can we?

Edited by Normades
Gothard not collard! Stupid autocorrect
  • Love 1

For some reason, I can't quote the earlier poster. Anyway, my comment about the TBone steak for breakfast was more about the cut of meat than having steak for breakfast. Usually it's a smaller cut of meat. Anyway, I doubt Dillweed can even chew it. 

With regard to the kids in diapers in the pool, my twin 2 year olds have spent the last week in the pool, and have been wearing swim diapers and rubber pants over them. And they've both been wearing life jackets that will keep them both on the surface of the water and keep them either upright, or on their back. Basically, they can't go under or face down. So I'll give Jilly and Dillweed credit for that much. I'm actually surprised they're that aware of the danger of the pool. The Duggars haven't been too safety conscious with regard to kids historically. 

  • Love 5

It looks like Jill is wearing a t-shirt and skirt. Which has been standard swimwear for the Duggars in addition to their wholesome swimsuits. Jill's sticking with the as-long-as-it's-not-a-bathing-suit Duggar logic.

With Jill's swim attire, Derick needs to be life guarding her in addition to the boys. I wonder what Jill would do if her skirt was tangled and heavy and keeping her from swimming to the surface? Remain modest or drown?

  • Love 1

It's starting to become difficult to figure out who is actually the most loathsome person in those circles. So much to choose from.

Jill continues to post unhealthy slop that passes for healthy meals in her world. Dreck, well, he's Dreck, don't expect much from that one now.

I cannot begin to express how much I wish I could take away all those children and give them a loving home.

  • Love 7

If I remember correctly, Derick used to be a lifeguard when he was in school. It also seems like Israel knows absolutely nothing about swimming. I don't know why DDD hasn't taught his son the basics of swimming. Israel is 3. My boys were taking private swimming lessons at that age mostly for safety reasons. Israel could have the benefit of that with Derick's knowledge. Derick obviously has the time to teach the kid how to swim since he has no job. That video was pitifully boring IMO. Jill looks like an idiot in her shorts and tank top, both of which are not made of swimsuit material. It's a step in the right direction from those awful 'modesty swim dresses' they HAD to wear.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Normades said:

From one of the pics it looks like she is wearing either large shorts or possibly a skirt on her lower half, so it appears to be typical Gothard bullshit. Can't have Jill stirring up unrighteous desires in other men can we?

My family and I stayed at a hotel that had a water park in it this weekend. There were several Mennonites at the hotel. I fear I may have defrauded them by showing my 49-year-old cleavage and my giant thighs in my halter-top swimsuit.

  • Love 11

Happy Father’s Day To Our Dads-Derick, Jim Bob & Rick!

Jun 17, 2018 | Family Blog | 0 

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”


Happy Father’s Day dads!!

Derick and I are so grateful to God for the wonderful dads we have and had.  We are blessed to live pretty close to my (Jill’s) dad and get to spend time with everyone frequently. As many of you know, Derick’s dad passed away suddenly during Derick’s first year of college.  Although we look forward to Heaven, where we will see Rick one day, we continue to miss him here on earth.  Our hearts go out to anyone who has lost their dad and don’t get to celebrate this special day with him.


Below is my (Jill’s) Father’s Day letter to Derick:


As I watch you father our sons, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with you! You exemplify Christ in so many ways by your character and love for me and the boys. Thank you for not always taking the easy path, but following God’s leading in our lives. Thank you for being our protector, both physically and spiritually, as you seek God’s will during your daily devotion time.  As I was looking back over old photos of your dad, I see where you got your handsome looks!  And you also got so much more…I see you investing in our children, just like your dad did with you and Dan and it melts my heart! He taught you what it means to be a Godly man, and I see you reading the Bible and teaching our children how to pray. He taught you a selfless love for his wife, and I see you teaching our boys to take car of their mama and by your gentleness, love and care for me, they are learning what a husband should look like. Your dad taught you skills, and I see you letting our boys observe you and be apart of so many things already, from car maintenance (the tire shop that Israel absolutely loved!), to playing music (trumpet), to planting the garden, building fires and so much more! You are teaching them things they’ll carry with them forever! Your dad also taught you that being a dad means having a good time, while trying no to get hurt (lol). And although things might occasionally get broken (haha ;-), relationships are what matter. Your love for God, your family, and others are all things that I pray our boys learn from you, just like you learned from your dad! You’re the best hubby and father!


Your Wifey, Jill

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Happy Father’s Day To Our Dads-Derick, Jim Bob & Rick!

Jun 17, 2018 | Family Blog | 0 

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”


Happy Father’s Day dads!!

Derick and I are so grateful to God for the wonderful dads we have and had.  We are blessed to live pretty close to my (Jill’s) dad and get to spend time with everyone frequently. As many of you know, Derick’s dad passed away suddenly during Derick’s first year of college.  Although we look forward to Heaven, where we will see Rick one day, we continue to miss him here on earth.  Our hearts go out to anyone who has lost their dad and don’t get to celebrate this special day with him.


Below is my (Jill’s) Father’s Day letter to Derick:


As I watch you father our sons, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with you! You exemplify Christ in so many ways by your character and love for me and the boys. Thank you for not always taking the easy path, but following God’s leading in our lives. Thank you for being our protector, both physically and spiritually, as you seek God’s will during your daily devotion time.  As I was looking back over old photos of your dad, I see where you got your handsome looks!  And you also got so much more…I see you investing in our children, just like your dad did with you and Dan and it melts my heart! He taught you what it means to be a Godly man, and I see you reading the Bible and teaching our children how to pray. He taught you a selfless love for his wife, and I see you teaching our boys to take car of their mama and by your gentleness, love and care for me, they are learning what a husband should look like. Your dad taught you skills, and I see you letting our boys observe you and be apart of so many things already, from car maintenance (the tire shop that Israel absolutely loved!), to playing music (trumpet), to planting the garden, building fires and so much more! You are teaching them things they’ll carry with them forever! Your dad also taught you that being a dad means having a good time, while trying no to get hurt (lol). And although things might occasionally get broken (haha ;-), relationships are what matter. Your love for God, your family, and others are all things that I pray our boys learn from you, just like you learned from your dad! You’re the best hubby and father!


Your Wifey, Jill

Oh my. Their lives are exactly what she posts. How incredibly sad. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, magpye29 said:

Wow!  I know she didn't mean it this way, but Jill perfectly summed up life as a Duggar--being apart from everyday experiences the rest of the world enjoys as part of regular life.  

What is it with these people and "apart/a part"? I'd like to think Jessa knows the difference, being one of the more literate Duggars, but then again she couldn't spell "breathe" in her last post either. 

And am I supposed to be confused by the "he taught you a selfless love for his wife" bit? Rick taught Derick to love Rick's wife (Cathy, his own mom) selflessly? Or he demonstrated to Derick how a man (Rick) loves his wife (Cathy, Derick's mom) selflessly?

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Mollie said:

That long, long Father's Day message and not a single mention of Derick's stepfather Ronnie, who has known Derick much longer than Derick has known Jill.  Ronnie was at Cathy's side all during her cancer treatment and his love and support no doubt aided in her recovery.  I don't know why Derick and Jill insult Cathy's husband by ignoring him all the time and focusing on Rick, who has been dead for 10 years.  It's not very nice behavior from such 'godly' people.

I was thinking, they could at least put his NAME in there, so he can share in the generic greetings.  

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, Mollie said:

That long, long Father's Day message and not a single mention of Derick's stepfather Ronnie, who has known Derick much longer than Derick has known Jill.  Ronnie was at Cathy's side all during her cancer treatment and his love and support no doubt aided in her recovery.  I don't know why Derick and Jill insult Cathy's husband by ignoring him all the time and focusing on Rick, who has been dead for 10 years.  It's not very nice behavior from such 'godly' people.

I've said before that I think Derelict is one of those adult stepchildren who just refuses to accept a stepparent. I have relatives who refused to accept my grandmother's second husband, even though their father was a loser who left her while she was pregnant and she was alone for more than twenty years before remarrying. They were rude and dismissive to their stepfather even when he was terminally ill. Those relatives sure had no problem stealing money and painkillers from him, though. 

  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, Mollie said:

That long, long Father's Day message and not a single mention of Derick's stepfather Ronnie, who has known Derick much longer than Derick has known Jill.  Ronnie was at Cathy's side all during her cancer treatment and his love and support no doubt aided in her recovery.  I don't know why Derick and Jill insult Cathy's husband by ignoring him all the time and focusing on Rick, who has been dead for 10 years.  It's not very nice behavior from such 'godly' people.

It was God who saved her. Ronnie had nothing to do with it. *rolling eyes*

 And speaking of Ronnie, it does take a special person to be at a person's side when their spouse is dealing with a life threatening illness and treatment. Not mentioning is a slap in the face for all he has went through himself with Cathy's illness and treatment. My in-laws have not said thank you to me for all I did for my husband, but it is okay because I know the whole story and how I supported and loved him since the day he was diagnosed. In the case of Ronnie, he may not want to have anything to do with Deredick and Cling A Long Jill, but he probably enjoys being around his step grandchildren. 

I would give credit to Mr. Byrum for Cathy being here with us. It was HIS strong suggestion that she get herself to a doctor ASAP. Without his words, perhaps she would have waited too long. The man did help save her life too, even if he was prompted by the Lord to say those words to her. He chose to speak them. Perhaps there's more to this relationship (Mr. B and Cathy's sons) than we know.

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

With regard to the kids in diapers in the pool, my twin 2 year olds have spent the last week in the pool, and have been wearing swim diapers and rubber pants over them. 

That is what the pool I worked at recommended. I'm not sure if they were necessarily rubber pants, but they definitely recommended a second, reusable layer under your standard swim diaper, which worked well to help contain accidents should the swim diaper not fit properly or not be fully sealed.

7 hours ago, floridamom said:

If I remember correctly, Derick used to be a lifeguard when he was in school. It also seems like Israel knows absolutely nothing about swimming. I don't know why DDD hasn't taught his son the basics of swimming. Israel is 3. My boys were taking private swimming lessons at that age mostly for safety reasons. Israel could have the benefit of that with Derick's knowledge. Derick obviously has the time to teach the kid how to swim since he has no job. That video was pitifully boring IMO. Jill looks like an idiot in her shorts and tank top, both of which are not made of swimsuit material. It's a step in the right direction from those awful 'modesty swim dresses' they HAD to wear.

That I don't understand either, FLORIDAMOM. If I recall correctly, Land's End makes a nice range of swimwear that would fit the Duggars' modesty standards, like long sleeve rashguards and swim skirts.

I also taught private swim lessons for three years. The youngest kids my pool offered lessons for were three year olds. At that age, the focus is water safety and ensuring that the kids feel comfortable in the water. I worked with kids on kicks, holding their breath, blowing bubbles, back floating, and going underwater. One thing I taught kids to do if they got in water that was too deep to stand in was to bounce off/jump off the bottom and take a breath each time their mouth broke the surface. Basically, the goal was to give them a tool they could use if they got in a trouble spot--rather than panic straightaway and frantically inhale a bunch of water. This buys either a lifeguard or an adult time to get to the kid, mainly. (Like what @Jynnan tonnix said. Arm's length was the distance a parent had to be from a non-swimming child in the pool I worked at.)

Honestly, in my experience, no three year old is going to become a perfect swimmer and master all four strokes. The best thing you can do is make sure they feel comfortable in the water, teach them a few basics about swimming, and help them learn water safety techniques. A lot of this has to do with motor coordination development as well. Kids have better developed coordination at age five or six, which is when they really start being able to pick up swimming strokes or just swim on their own for longer distances in general.

Edited by SnarkyShark
  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I would give credit to Mr. Byrum for Cathy being here with us. It was HIS strong suggestion that she get herself to a doctor ASAP. Without his words, perhaps she would have waited too long. The man did help save her life too, even if he was prompted by the Lord to say those words to her. He chose to speak them. Perhaps there's more to this relationship (Mr. B and Cathy's sons) than we know.

Mr. Byrum and I have something in common since I had my husband sit down make the call to get an appointment and made sure he went because if he had waited much longer he probably would have died between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe Mr. Byrum is not mentioned because he is not Godly enough for Deredick and Jill because they only want to mentioned the good Godly people who share and believe the same crap religious beliefs they do.

32 minutes ago, SnarkyShark said:

That I don't understand either, FLORIDAMOM. If I recall correctly, Land's End makes a nice range of swimwear that would fit the Duggars' mod

Seriously! I wear rash guards, shorts and/or skirts from Lands End every time I go to the pool. I like that they are modest, but I really wear them for sun protection and so I don't always have to shave all the places. 

  • Love 7

I also think it's possibly that Mr. Bynum isn't mentioned because he doesn't want to be. It's not necessary to post a "tribute" on SM to wish someone a Happy Father's Day. The can buy him a necktie, or make him a cake (please have it be Deana, not Jill who makes the cake), or any number of other things. It's very possible that Derick and Dan aren't close to Mr Bynum, but we've seen no indication that he wants any part of the Duggar media circus either.

  • Love 11

I don't blame Derick for not including his mother's husband. I've known other people who phrased it that or for the opposite gender (my father's wife). Stepfather implies that this man would have played a role in Derick's life like a father would, and from what I've seen, Mr. Byrum does not seem to act in anyway like a father towards Derick or his brother. Taking care of Derick's mother makes him a good spouse, but that does not make Mr. Byrum a father figure to Derick.  It also could be that Mr. Byrum doesn't want public attention, but it seems more likely to me the first is true.  

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I don't blame Derick for not including his mother's husband. I've known other people who phrased it that or for the opposite gender (my father's wife). Stepfather implies that this man would have played a role in Derick's life like a father would, and from what I've seen, Mr. Byrum does not seem to act in anyway like a father towards Derick or his brother. Taking care of Derick's mother makes him a good spouse, but that does not make Mr. Byrum a father figure to Derick.  It also could be that Mr. Byrum doesn't want public attention, but it seems more likely to me the first is true.  

Hmmm...Maybe Mr. Byrum has seen the way Deredick has turn out and does not agree with his wife defending his stepson. It does not make him a bad stepfather if he does not want to be filmed or mentioned on social media or the show. I do not blame him at all. Maybe there is some tension because of Cathy being sick between Deredick and Ronnie. Believe me an illness does not always bring out the best in people. He may be stressed out from dealing and being there for Cathy during her illness and does not like the fact Deredick and Jill wanting to use her serious illness for a storyline for the show. I have noticed Deredick and Cathy not coming out and saying thank you to him for all he has done for Cathy or mentioning him being part of the team who saved her life.

41 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Hmmm...Maybe Mr. Byrum has seen the way Deredick has turn out and does not agree with his wife defending his stepson. It does not make him a bad stepfather if he does not want to be filmed or mentioned on social media or the show. I do not blame him at all. Maybe there is some tension because of Cathy being sick between Deredick and Ronnie. Believe me an illness does not always bring out the best in people. He may be stressed out from dealing and being there for Cathy during her illness and does not like the fact Deredick and Jill wanting to use her serious illness for a storyline for the show. I have noticed Deredick and Cathy not coming out and saying thank you to him for all he has done for Cathy or mentioning him being part of the team who saved her life.

My point was it's fathers' day. It makes sense to me that since Derick and his mother's husband do not seem to have much of a father/son relationship, Derick would leave him out of the fathers' day post.  Either it's a private relationship that can be acknowledged privately or it's not a very paternal relationship.  Derick was an adult when they got married, and it's fine if he doesn't see his mother's husband as a father figure.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Temperance said:

I don't blame Derick for not including his mother's husband. I've known other people who phrased it that or for the opposite gender (my father's wife). Stepfather implies that this man would have played a role in Derick's life like a father would, and from what I've seen, Mr. Byrum does not seem to act in anyway like a father towards Derick or his brother. Taking care of Derick's mother makes him a good spouse, but that does not make Mr. Byrum a father figure to Derick.  It also could be that Mr. Byrum doesn't want public attention, but it seems more likely to me the first is true.  

That's my thought as well. My parents divorced when I was in college and my mother began a long term relationship with another man and while I liked him and we got along great, I didn't really consider him a second father. It's hard to explain why, but the dynamic is just different than it would be if your parent remarried while you were young.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

That's what I think, too. Mr. Byrum married Cathy when Derick was an adult and Derick by all accounts had a very good relationship with his father. I'm sure he appreciates that Mr. Byrum takes care of his mom, but he probably doesn't consider him a "stepfather". 

Well, Jill and Derick certainly consider Ronnie to be a grandpa to their kids.  They see no problem dropping off their diaper-wearing Izzy to stay with him and Cathy for a day or for several days.  That should at least get him a 'Happy Father's Day' wish.

  • Love 15

What I find interesting is Jill and her we will be seeing Deredick's father in heaven. If they thought he was in hell  for being a sinner and not turning his life over to God before dying, would they want anything to do with him. Just like JB going on and on about how he was abused by his own father because daddy was not religious enough for his taste. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

11 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

This is from Dan and Deena’s engagement notice:


The prospective groom is the son of Ronnie and Cathy Byrum and the late Rick Dillard of Rogers. He is the grandson of Norman and Sue Dillard and the late Vergie Payne and Shuford George.

How many years apart are Dan and Derick? Did Derick ever actually live with R Byrum?

  • Love 1

I feel like Derick considers Byrum to be his "mother's husband" rather than a step parent.  Derick was in college when his father died so he must've been even older when Cathy remarried. 

I have no steps in my immediate family so I don't know from experience, but that seems like a reasonable emotion to me.

I can only recall one clip of them interacting.  Cathy and Mr. Byrum walked into the home.  Derick greeted everyone and then realized Mr. Byrum was there.  He immediately went over and shook his hand in a warm way but certainly not in an intimate father-son way.  

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 7
8 hours ago, graefin said:

What is it with these people and "apart/a part"? I'd like to think Jessa knows the difference, being one of the more literate Duggars, but then again she couldn't spell "breathe" in her last post either. 

And am I supposed to be confused by the "he taught you a selfless love for his wife" bit? Rick taught Derick to love Rick's wife (Cathy, his own mom) selflessly? Or he demonstrated to Derick how a man (Rick) loves his wife (Cathy, Derick's mom) selflessly?

I think Jessa has someone else write/edit her posts. She is just as ignorant as the rest of them.

  • Love 6

So the swimming pool thing - most of the pools I've seen/been to in the past few years will allow swim diapers and generally another barrier.  They all have posted anyone, baby to adults, that have had diarrhea within the past 7 days cannot go into the pool.  So I'm not freaked out that much on Izzy and Sam.  Because, you know, Jill and Derilick in the pool with his black armpit stains and who knows the last time they showered has me grossed out more.

  • Love 3
On June 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM, Christina87 said:

Derick and Cathy confuse me so much. Why is she supporting his lifestyle? She bought the fire pit, and now lifejackets? What else does she buy? Is she their primary supporter? If so, why buy them anything above the necessities?

it makes no sense, because as strongly fundie as Cathy is, why would she be okay with her son not working? I can totally, totally see her okay with wives staying at home as a matter of principle. Maybe Cathy's husband wasn't as religious, or maybe they really needed two incomes to get by, or perhaps she enjoys working but supports women being SAHM's a thousand percent. Perhaps she was more liberal as a young woman, and now wishes she had stayed home. Maybe she had a lot of student loans to pay off. I've always gotten the feeling that she loves working and is good at it, even though she seems to believe every other aspect of the fundie doctrine.


I have a couple of friends that became grandmothers fairly young.  Both of them dug their heels in and did the tough love thing with their teenage sons who had knocked up their teenage girlfriends and said, Nope not moving home here.  Get a job and go to night school to finish your degree.  That being said, they all agreed that the baby would lack for none of the essentials - the grandparents, that is, agreed.  So every time  grandma and grandpa visited they might show up with a box of diapers or some cute clothing they couldn't resist or crib sheets, formula, etc.  But everything was for the babies.

I sort of see Cathy doing this.  Maybe she said, ok, I'm budgeting $50/month on my grandkids.  On month it's the firepit and maybe garden plants - GET THE BOYS OUTSIDE!!!  The next month it's life vests - take the boys SWIMMING!!!  I can see that maybe she's providing opportunities for Izzy and Sam that they wouldn't get otherwise.  Hopefully she isn't buying Jilly bean bags of canned soup to cook with.

  • Love 16

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