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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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In the cases I've seen, it isn't so much a "dangerous" area, as an area where proselytizing is illegal. If you advertise you are going to China, for example (I think this is one where it is the case), for a missionary trip, you can be arrested.

But if you go to China to build orphanages, you're all good. The locals will figure out you are there to talk about Jesus, and it stays hush-hush.

Makes me think they're going to Nepal. The low hanging fruit Central and South American Catholic Countries wouldn't require that. Edited by Kokapetl

Is the Dillard family mission an approved 501c? Because then there is the possibility that Jim Bob is actually financing a lot of this and taking it as a huge tax write off.

From dillardfamily.com:

Dillard Family Ministries is recognized by the IRS as a 501©(3) tax-exempt organization that accepts tax-deductible donations.

The forum software changes the c in brackets to copyright symbol. Edited by Kokapetl

Is the Dillard family mission an approved 501c? Because then there is the possibility that Jim Bob is actually financing a lot of this and taking it as a huge tax write off.

Apparently Dullard's ministry is 501c, it says so on their website. I want to know how they got approved so quickly. I thought the government was making organizations jump through a lot more hoops these days. Nobody even knows where they're going or what they're really doing. Hell, I can go hand out Jesus leaflets on a tropical beach as well, does that mean I can write off my next vacation? It just seems so shady.

  • Love 11

LOL!  I saw that too.  My first thought was "can't you just say 'we are trying to visit all of our friends and family before leaving'?"


But then it wouldn't be holy and part of their mission (or pretentious and self-righteous, but those are just collateral benefits).

He might want to purpose to learn the difference between you're and your.


Hey, don't knock his spelling. He's just trying to be a good in-law and fit in with his wife's family.

  • Love 5

Given that they had that attorney friend of Mike Huckabee's set up Dillard Family Ministries (along with Derick the accountant), setting this entity up as a non-profit would be a foregone conclusion. 


And we know that this particular Huckabee friend is a dab hand at setting up organizations that funnel cash to your nearest and dearest and other non-"purpose"-related folks. So I'm sure it's all structured to Jim Bob's liking.


Since its inception, Huck PAC has never spent more than 12 percent of its funds on candidates or other PACs. It gave only 5 percent of its revenues—that is $47,000 of $1,063,142—to candidates during the 2012 cycle, when Huckabee briefly flirted with a second presidential run. Meanwhile, the PAC's budget has increasingly flowed to firms that specialize in direct-mail fundraising, a notoriously inefficient process that can cost a PAC almost as much money as it yields. So to a certain degree Huck PAC donors are not underwriting Huckabee's favorite conservative causes; they're financing more fundraising.





  • Love 4

I'm guessing the charity was a much longer time in the making than we probably think it was. Perhaps from the time Jill and Derrick were married. When Jim Bob said he was looking for "ministry" opportunities from his sons in law, it might be that he was looking for tax shelters. The irony might be that with Derick he may actually end up with a genuine missionary for his daughter. I hope so.

  • Love 4

They've also "purposed to spend as much time with friends and family as..."

Good grief.


LOL!  I saw that too.  My first thought was "can't you just say 'we are trying to visit all of our friends and family before leaving'?"


I think it's part and parcel of the thing where people think the bible was written in archaic english (possibly by King James). People seem to be under the impression that God talks like what they vaguely believe Shakespeare sounds like.  


Since its inception, Huck PAC has never spent more than 12 percent of its funds on candidates or other PACs. It gave only 5 percent of its revenues—that is $47,000 of $1,063,142—to candidates during the 2012 cycle, when Huckabee briefly flirted with a second presidential run. Meanwhile, the PAC's budget has increasingly flowed to firms that specialize in direct-mail fundraising, a notoriously inefficient process that can cost a PAC almost as much money as it yields. So to a certain degree Huck PAC donors are not underwriting Huckabee's favorite conservative causes; they're financing more fundraising.


Might be instructive to see who's running those firms that specialize in direct mail fundraising. The point of the exercise may be to funnel money to whatever useless nephew or black ops specialist they pay salaries and consulting fees to. After all, that's how Josh got a job.

  • Love 9

Boob: "Expect that we're going to show up." Interesting to note that ALL of the "working" brothers couldn't care less and didn't even bother to show up for this. I get that Benessa were somewhere else this weekend, but couldn't Boob have pulled the boys off of Josh House duty for an hour to say goodbye to their sister? Oh wait, I can'r remember that ANY of those boys have a relationship with her at.all.


When's the next SOS mission trip? Of course, they're going to show up! Jill is qualified to do a short SBC mission, but she can't be a full-time representative for them. The only other option is SOS, and we know the Duggars do that in December, but have also gone in the summer.


Oh wait! SOS has some mission trips beginning on the 18th that the Duggars could do, although some others started today. So yeah, the Duggars will be down there to check up on Jill tout suite! 



Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

I think they're just being self-absorbed when they use the "security reasons" excuse. Most missionaries who go to closed countries go as teachers of English or medical doctors. And even then, the missionaries will at least say what part of the world they are moving to. If Derrick is talking about language school, they're moving to a Central or South American country. They'll probably go to one place for for language school and then move to their ultimate destination six months or so later. Hopefully, they're moving to a larger city, so they have access to medical services.

ETA: Prayer cards are postcard size cards with a picture of the family on the front, usually with the caption "Pray for the ABC family serving The Lord in XYZ." On the back is a map of the country, mailing address for the family and the name of the mission organization. Churches pass them out for people to hang on the refrigerator. My grandma had about four or five of them (including two with her daughters on them).

Edited by irisheyes
  • Love 4

Did Michelle ever go near that baby?  Not on camera.  Me, I would have been clutching the grandchild for dear life in the last moments before they left!  And I did when mine flew back home after a visit this summer.  And we are going to visit them next week!  I guess her not having a heart for children extends to the grandchildren too.

  • Love 13



I. Can't. Even.

Mentioning Derick's father's death to help with the rebranding? No words. I kept waiting for one of those sad abused dog PSA's with "In The Arms Of An Angel" to come on.

I didn't even get that far. It turned into white noise after about 30 seconds until I heard the sobbing and looked to see Poor Joy and Jenni sobbing like babies. I'm not surprised that Mechelle was an emotionless robot. Business as usual for her. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 6

They're bringing that show back if they have to field subscribers and show it on YouTube, but I'm fairly sure they've already worked it out with TLC.


Maybe I should send another donation to Doctors Without Borders. I know where those donations go. They also venture into the most dangerous places in the world to offer medical care without the proselytizing. IMHO of course.

  • Love 9

Pops was trying so hard, without much success, to remember his scripted lines. Giving parting words to his daughter in such a pious and robotic fashion, and Jill standing at attention next to pops. She's been on camera for so much of her life. Well when I was her age, I joined the Air Force and was sent to Japan for two years. It was the only time I saw my dad cry when we were saying good bye. So much different than Jill and pops goodbye.

  • Love 8

From the Duggar Fam Blog.


Duggars pray for the Dillards before driving them to the airport.


All the world's a stage for Jim Bob, isn't it? Those kids are set up to believe that every damn moment in life should be a public performance. Takes the social-media warping of all of us to a whole other level, it seems to me. (not that I could stand to watch this all the way through. I made it to 37 seconds. Jim Bob's unctuous phoniness gives me the creeps.)

  • Love 2

I didn't even get that far. It turned into white noise after about 30 seconds until I heard the sobbing and looked to see Poor Joy and Jenny sobbing like a babies. I'm not surprised that Mechelle was an emotionless robot. Business as usual for her. 


Oh, I feel bad now for Jilly Muffin's buddy team. Their little escape place at the Dillards has evaporated. Poor kids.

  • Love 2

This was fairly low key and realistic, so I wasn't bothered that the howlers or Jessa & Ben were missing, they said their goodbyes earlier. If TLC had been filming, the whole family would be present along with endless flashback clips we've seen numerous times, and everyone piling into the stink bus to drop them off at the airport check-in counter.

Don't they normally do the SOS trips around the holidays? Jill & Derick need to be on their own w/o the Duggars for awhile -- I was pleasantly surprised that they weren't horning in on their trip.

Joy choked me up...

  • Love 4

Siah was missing.  There were a couple kids missing.

All the older boys down to Jason (probably behind the camera) were missing. 


They've done summer SOS trips in the past. I fully expect them to show up on social media painting some nails and kicking around some soccer balls in a couple of weeks. A couple missions (one 2-week, one 1-week) begin in about 12 days, another 1-week begins towards the end of the month thru 8/1. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

I like to think they read it here. LOL


eta: @TaxNerd, SOS is a mission devoted to Central American countries El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. I've heard people call places outside of Canada and Mexico "overseas." No, it's not technically correct, but look at who we're dealing with here! 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

I don't normally go deeper than maybe one level of things posted here, but I did go digging into the Cornerstone bit, as it rang a bell. It was founded in 2001 by one of the homeschoolers and has connections to Vision Forum (the subculture Ben came out of). Not sure what this has to do with the Duggars and Josh getting 5%, but it's definitely not their company.

  • Love 1

I can't recall now, but what was the name of Huckabee's PR guy's consulting firm? It was listed on the paperwork filed for Dillard Ministries. Sorry, I'm not going to go digging to try and find that thread. :/ 


Was THAT Cornerstone? I wish I could remember this guy's name. I assume that this is all his firm, but we don't know the Duggars' long-term connection to him; Josh may well have formed some kind of partnership deal with him. IF that's Cornerstone. 

  • Love 1

I can't recall now, but what was the name of Huckabee's PR guy's consulting firm? It was listed on the paperwork filed for Dillard Ministries. Sorry, I'm not going to go digging to try and find that thread. :/ 


Was THAT Cornerstone? I wish I could remember this guy's name. I assume that this is all his firm, but we don't know the Duggars' long-term connection to him; Josh may well have formed some kind of partnership deal with him. IF that's Cornerstone. 


It's Chad Gallagher. He's Legacy Consulting. (although he may have other organizations and companies -- the Duggars have dozens, so why not?)   



  • Love 2

Thanks, Churchhoney! That was going to plague me for days! I thought he was an attorney, but it doesn't appear that he has any post-grad education. However, it does appear that he comes from money; an "expansive" holding company that redevelops historic properties isn't the work of even middle class folks. I've followed the Duggar plane for some time, and JD has often flown to Chad's neck of the woods. One wonders how long the Duggars have been involved with Chad; did Huck just lend the guy to bail out the Duggars when Joshgate broke, and that's how Jill and Derick met him? We know that Jerick made an announcement to the family back before the season finale around the time of Joshgate, but were they to the point of setting up Dillard Family Ministries, or was that (and this trip) hastened along by Josh's actions? 

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