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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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The chaperones were not for accountability sake but to make sure the family secrets were not told before marriage. Sick.

Absolutely. Who would ever bring up a painful, adult topic like what Josh did to the older girls in front of a young sibling?

I still think that there was another layer of tension, once Jill came out on the Digging With The Duggars episode. Why? I think that the family is afraid of how the Dillard family will handle this knowledge. They have not come out in defense of the Duggars like the Seewalds have. According to Gothard rules, Jill's loyalty now must be to Derrick, not her father. The Dillards have a baby to protect. They may be going their own way in this crisis, and the Duggars know it. Thus the tension when Jill appeared.

Derrick also has a career outside of TLC, which will help if the couple decides to break away from the Duggars and/or the TLC gravy train ends.

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I sincerely hope that Jill's "parents" aren't ordering her to get pregnant again ASAP. Because, you know, cute newborns totally distract people from molestation.

Keep in mind they have Jessa for that!

(Her baby is due November 1st. Jill would have to have a Josie to have the next baby.)


I'm disappointed to hear Dan defend Josh. Not cool! If the Dillards are okay with this, I wonder if they would have felt differently if Jill had given birth to a baby girl. 


(Also on a side and unrelated note, I wonder if Jill has some sort of gender disappointment. Now given she is a Duggar, she no doubt intends to have plenty of children of both genders, but something about the first episode where all the little girls came over and played dress up made me think she wanted a girl. She also mentions she thinks she's having a girl, but that could just be random.)


I've always see Derrick less as a kool-aid drinker and more just infatuated with the Duggars and Jill.

Edited by Temperance
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Given that Dan has never once spoken for his in-laws as far as I know, and has never been, in my opinion enamored of the family, that consideration must be given that he is speaking on behalf of Derick and (more importantly) Jill.

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Given that Dan has never once spoken for his in-laws as far as I know, and has never been, in my opinion enamored of the family, that consideration must be given that he is speaking on behalf of Derick and (more importantly) Jill.

Yes, his statement was ambiguous enough that it could be interpreted in a few ways.

I feel for Jill. It's hard enough to deal with your first child without all this drama. I hope she's coping okay.

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Yes, Jessa and Anna are pregnant, but Jill is getting up with a new baby. None of those are easy times to be going through such a stressful time.

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No picture of the baby in weeks now.


I wonder if Jill is slowly de-programming herself as she is slowly becoming aware that her name is not going to get her through the doors anymore.

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Absolutely. Who would ever bring up a painful, adult topic like what Josh did to the older girls in front of a young sibling?


Now the chaparones and modesty rules have taken on an entirely new meaning to me.  I find myself reviewing scenes in my head, now knowing what THEY all knew at the time, and I see everything so differently.  It wasn't just for the sake of "purity and accountability".   

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Well, the Bates girls used the same rules, only they didn't listen in. I really do think this was standard Gothard practice. I think Ben knew before he married Jessa, and I think Anna knew before she married Josh. Jill and Derick? I'm not sure.

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Does anyone else find it incredibly odd that Jill hasn't put anything on social media (Twitter) for two weeks? If everything is truly water under the bridge and they've all healed, then what's up with the resounding silence? It makes me wonder if TLC has claims or rights to their image? Do they only post for ratings? The only peep we've had from any Duggars are from Amy (who presumably has no contract). Derek's brother's Twitter predates the Dillard marriage as does Mike Seewalds blog. Do you think TLC might have say over their social media?

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They might. But it's probably just being afraid of saying the wrong thing. Keep in mind how fearful this family is just every day about interacting with the world. That's why they became Gothard followers in the first place. Fundamentalists don't generally put themselves out there in the world - that's what evangelicals do. What they are doing now is actually more NORMAL than what they've been doing all along.

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I looked at the comments on Jill and Jessa's last Instagram posts and people were saying some pretty nasty things. With everything so fresh there's no point in adding gasoline to an already blazing inferno. They'll probably resume posting after the story has died down in the media.

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Does anyone else find it incredibly odd that Jill hasn't put anything on social media (Twitter) for two weeks? If everything is truly water under the bridge and they've all healed, then what's up with the resounding silence? It makes me wonder if TLC has claims or rights to their image? Do they only post for ratings? The only peep we've had from any Duggars are from Amy (who presumably has no contract). Derek's brother's Twitter predates the Dillard marriage as does Mike Seewalds blog. Do you think TLC might have say over their social media?

Yes I said this on the previous page. Strange no baby pictures. Just dead silence.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I'm sure they've been told to stay off social media for the time being, but tbh if I was one of those girls and seemingly the entire internet had an opinion about what was probably the worst thing ever to happen to my family I probably wouldn't want to talk to it either.

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I wouldn't be posting a picture of my baby only to open up fresh comments about what my brother had done, maybe or maybe not to me. I'd go silent too.

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I believe the girls are quiet on social media because they have been bombarded with negative comments. They most likely do not want to be reminded of a trauma they suffered as they post a joyous picture, nor be accussed of not taking the situation seriously, nor be reminded that the public knows what happened to them, or at least think that they know. I would bet they feel like prisoners in their own homes, which in a small way re-victimizes them. I truly feel bad that this has been made public. They now have no choice but to revisit this trauma, regardless where they are in their healing.

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I think it's a pr move. They might say or post the wrong thing. We don't need Benny Boy or Jessa Blessa going in on Catholics. We don't need Anna or Josh posting how sinful it is to have an abortion.

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I think it's a pr move. They might say or post the wrong thing. We don't need Benny Boy or Jessa Blessa going in on Catholics. We don't need Anna or Josh posting how sinful it is to have an abortion.

Or Anna posting another one of her "real" marriage memes.

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I feel very sorry for the girls in that they have to relive this whole mess all over again. I hope if CPS gets involved they will get the counseling they need. HOWEVER, when they post mean, nasty, hateful bible quotes against other people's religious beliefs, then they leave themselves open to the nasty comments. And that appears to be what the people are taking them to task for.  Just my two cents worth....

Edited by NEGirl
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I feel very sorry for the girls in that they have to relive this whole mess all over again. I hope if CPS gets involved they will get the counseling they need. HOWEVER, when they post mean, nasty, hateful bible quotes against other people's religious beliefs, then they leave themselves open to the nasty comments. And that appears to be what the people are taking them to task for. Just my two cents worth....

Jill & Derrick don't seem to post those kind of messages. Jessa does.

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Out of all of the Duggar children, Jill does seem to have the best ear for how something might sound to another person. This isn't to say she doesn't have her own principled beliefs that she occasionally shared (but don't we all?) or that she doesn't occasionally put her foot in it (but again, don't we all?) but she and Derick do at least seem to try to not deliberately stir the pot the way their siblings(in-laws) do.

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I also think Derick is aware that he needs to be careful of what he says given that he works at a company that employs people of all cultural and religious backgrounds. There's been several instances in the news of employees being fired for racist/homophobic tweets and posts. He can't exactly shoot off at the mouth the way Ben does.

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GEML - Yes, I know you are right about Jill. I was just responding to a earlier poster who was discussing the nasty comments left by people on the girls social media accounts.

Edited by NEGirl
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As obnoxious as I find Jill and Derick to be, I believe they are the couple that can most easily move into a variety of social circles. Derick has his work and it appears that they attend a legitimate church.

Maybe they will slowly break away from the family. Unlikely, I know, but would be great for their child(ren).

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As obnoxious as I find Jill and Derick to be, I believe they are the couple that can most easily move into a variety of social circles. Derick has his work and it appears that they attend a legitimate church.

Maybe they will slowly break away from the family. Unlikely, I know, but would be great for their child(ren).

I kind of have a feeling they might be the first to break away a bit. I can't really see Derick just rolling over and letting Boob run his life due to his background ( He was in college,did mission work in Nepal, basically was a grown adult making his own decisions). While I am disappointed in what we have seen so far I am pretty sure that he was not aware of what the hell happened in the Duggar house pre marriage, so I would be interested to see if he changes his tune. 


If anything I hope this opened his eyes up to how dysfunctional the QF movement is and how detrimental it is to the kids. And also with Jills traumatic birth I truly hope they are really questioning if this lifestyle is one that God truly wants for them


They do have financial freedom that Bin and Jessa don't, and Derick has more life experience than Jill Bin and Jessa combined so they would have an easier time moving on. 

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Out of all of the Duggar children, Jill does seem to have the best ear for how something might sound to another person. This isn't to say she doesn't have her own principled beliefs that she occasionally shared (but don't we all?) or that she doesn't occasionally put her foot in it (but again, don't we all?) but she and Derick do at least seem to try to not deliberately stir the pot the way their siblings(in-laws) do.

With the benefit of hindsight, Jill has become my favorite Duggar.

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With Cathy's illness, then Jill's morning sickness, the difficult birth, and now the scandal, I really feel for them as a couple. They really didn't know each other very well when they married, and had very little time alone to learn to become a "we" before they were a "three." This year will likely do one of two things - drive then deeply into the Fundy world, or, just maybe, force them to come out of it a little. They don't have to leave altogether, they simply need to say God and then ourselves will be in control of our lives now. Not two men named Bill and Jim Bob.

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So apparently Jill and Derick's big announcement is that they want to do "extended" mission work in Nepal. No specific timeline given so I hope they wait at least a few more months until Israel is older before they decide to leave. From the DailyMail - 

The 'shocker' for the family comes when the Dillard reveal they are 'pulled' to do missionary and aid work in Kathmandu, Nepal after the devastating earthquake on April 25.
'They tell the family they want to go for an extended amount of time to the region - and they're taking baby Israel.'
Jim Bob and Michelle are genuinely caught off guard by the revelation, according to the insider.
'Jim Bob goes sheet white. It's obvious he wasn't big on this idea and it was meant to be a dramatic moment for the show.'
The family offers to 'pray' for Jill and Derick as they make this momentous decision.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3108207/Josiah-Duggar-Marjorie-Jackson-courting-Jessa-hears-baby-s-heartbeat-time-Jill-family-going-Nepal-missionary-work-moments-WON-T-TLC-cancels-19-Kids-Counting.html#ixzz3c1Nb9GWR

Hmm I find the part about Jim Bob's reactions very interesting...

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I hope they go. Now, more than ever, being their own family and making their own decisions and creating their own memories is desperately what they need.

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I hope that they go as part of a reputable mission that does real humanitarian work.  Jill can do child care with Israel in tow, while Derek helps with rebuilding.  St. Francis is often attributed with this: Preach the Gospel, if you must, use words.  In other words, go show people God's love, don't just tell them about it.

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So apparently Jill and Derick's big announcement is that they want to do "extended" mission work in Nepal. No specific timeline given so I hope they wait at least a few more months until Israel is older before they decide to leave. From the DailyMail - 

Hmm I find the part about Jim Bob's reactions very interesting...


Huzzah for Jill and Derick. FIrst for thinking of doing this. And then for making JimBob go "sheet white."

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As an addendum, even though Jill doesn't have her license, could she still try midwifery in Nepal? I hope not.

I thought a lot of the credible missions required that the wife have a real college education, too?

Anyway, this could be the best thing for all of them.

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There's no way in hell I'd drag a newborn baby to a third world country that is in ruins where medical care is sketchy at best, but to each their own. I don't know why Jill doesn't pull an Elizabeth Smart and do mission work in Paris instead.

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Interesting - I also hope they go and establish a life for themselves as a family far, far away from that crazy house. Wow, we can just imagine what JB had to say about that off camera.

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That's fabulous. I hope they go and stay there long term and are able to impact actual positive change, and not a short term photo opportunity.


I wonder if Jessa will get the nice house.

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There's no way in hell I'd drag a newborn baby to a third world country that is in ruins where medical care is sketchy at best, but to each their own.

That was my first reaction too.  If that's what they really want to do with their lives, more power to them, but having a newborn along for the ride is a huge consideration.  

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Glad they are getting away, but I am suspect of all 'mission' work. Maybe she can use social media to inform the rest of the world what they are doing and how other people can help (not the Dillards, but the Nepalese)

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Most mission projects would certainly not let Jill practice midwifery. She could, perhaps, be something akin to a doula, however, in that she assists a midwife and comforts a birthing mother. I think Jill would make a good and level headed friend.

Israel will be several months old, and many of us who live in the global community have and know people with infants in such settings. He'll certainly be vaccinated (it may be a travel requirement) and he seems healthy enough.

This is what they dreamed of doing. If they do intend to have constant children, I'd go now too, before I had to drag three or four children along.

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JimBob's reaction to the Dillard's announcement made me laugh.  Most grandparents would be upset at the thought of their new grandbaby being taken away for an extended period of time, but knowing that JB and Michelle don't show any affection to their own little ones, let alone their grandkids, their reason to be against it is most likely the loss of control over the Dillards.

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Plenty of full-time missionaries have infants. And many have large families We've had a few come through our church who have 5-8 kids ranging from infant to teenager.  They manage just fine.

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So apparently Jill and Derick's big announcement is that they want to do "extended" mission work in Nepal. No specific timeline given so I hope they wait at least a few more months until Israel is older before they decide to leave. From the DailyMail - 

Hmm I find the part about Jim Bob's reactions very interesting...


This news makes me very happy. If they feel called to Nepal, then by all means they should go and do as much good as they are able. This truly seems to be a calling for both of them and what they wanted all along. I'm happy for them and happy that they'll be out of the immediate area for a while.

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Does anyone else find it incredibly odd that Jill hasn't put anything on social media (Twitter) for two weeks? If everything is truly water under the bridge and they've all healed, then what's up with the resounding silence? It makes me wonder if TLC has claims or rights to their image? Do they only post for ratings? The only peep we've had from any Duggars are from Amy (who presumably has no contract). Derek's brother's Twitter predates the Dillard marriage as does Mike Seewalds blog. Do you think TLC might have say over their social media?

You know she is dying to show everyone her positive pregnancy test.  I'm sure she is beyond pissed.  No chalk board pics, etc.  


Blame your bro and parents!  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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