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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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19 hours ago, Heathen said:

To keep the white kids from having to go to school with Black kids (or heathens). 

I went to a private Christian school from kindergarten to seventh grade in the late 70s to mid 80s. A black student was in my class in the last year. My younger cousins went to the same school years later, and the youngest one is friends with a black classmate(They're around 30 now). I don't know if there's been real progress. I hope so.

Yes, it was good Derrick was mostly silent. The old clips of Jill reminded me of how much work she did as a sister mom. 

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I wonder what kind of health insurance Derick carried when he worked at Walmart. IIRC he quit Walmart after Izzy was born. So while I'm sure they had some hefty co-pays after the unanticipated hospital delivery Derick was employed full time.

I'm not saying Jill didn't deserve to be paid for all her years on TLC, or even saying TLC or JB shouldn't have ponied up to help with medical expenses. But most full time insured adults can manage the cost of a birth.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I wonder what kind of health insurance Derick carried when he worked at Walmart. IIRC he quit Walmart after Izzy was born. So while I'm sure they had some hefty co-pays after the unanticipated hospital delivery Derick was employed full time.

I'm not saying Jill didn't deserve to be paid for all her years on TLC, or even saying TLC or JB shouldn't have ponied up to help with medical expenses. But most full time insured adults can manage the cost of a birth.

Was Derrick still at Walmart when Jill delivered?  I know he was a honeymoon baby and born before their first anniversary.  If he was employed fulltime at Walmart headquarters, there is no way he didn't have access to affordable health insurance.  Of course, being the idiots they are, perhaps he and/or Jill decided that she didn't need to be added to his coverage since she was using lay midwives and planning a homebirth so none of that would be covered anyway.  I could see them being arrogantly ignorant that way.  But, even if Jill wasn't covered, I'm sure he could've added Israel to his coverage as soon as he was born.  Plenty of couples with coverage through their jobs don't add their spouses, just their kids.

I am thinking that, if he was still at Walmart, he simply turned down coverage for himself and that made Jill and Israel ineligible.  Of course, Cathy seemed to have insurance coverage when she went through cancer treatment, so it can't be that he was raised not to have it

I think maybe JB convinced Derrick that health insurance was a waste of money and told him to buy into a Christian plan which ended up refusing to cover the full cost.

Whatever happened, I do think it was pretty shi**y of JB, who'd made millions off the TV show without his children knowing, to not offer to help them with the bills.  I think most parents would help their kids out with unexpected medical expenses if they had the resources and the kids didn't.

Edited by Notabug
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I really think Derick is cherry picking the details he shares. I am all for them being compensated but Derick - the adult with two kids and an accounting degree - made horrible financial decisions himself too. At the time I think he really thought their fame would sustain their "lifetime missionary" work through donations. 

Derick keeps talking about "minimum wage." It was what JB had "offered." But its also what they actually received after getting a lawyer. I have to wonder why they did not get more $ if they were already working through the courts. 

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Derick keeps talking about "minimum wage." It was what JB had "offered." But its also what they actually received after getting a lawyer. I have to wonder why they did not get more $ if they were already working through the courts. 

Even if you believe that Jim Bob made $18 million off the show, you have to divide that by the 19 kids and the two parents if you're going to hand out everyone's fair share. Then minus the taxes. Derrick says minimum wage, but I haven't seen him say how many hours it was determined that Jill worked. It could be quite a bit of money even if it ends up being minimum wage, if you count every minute the camera crew was present as work time. 

Derrick is bitter and a bit of an opportunist. Same as Amy. 





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13 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I haven't seen him say how many hours it was determined that Jill worked. It could be quite a bit of money even if it ends up being minimum wage, if you count every minute the camera crew was present as work time. 

I’ve assumed it was figured out as during the time she was an adult on the show(s).

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I 100% believe the way the whole money situation went down was wrong in so many ways but...

Jill and Derick were given the use of a McMansion for at least a year and then they were given enough money in the pay out to buy a house, finance Derick's education and live for about 5ish years with little to no additional income.

Jill would have been around 25 or 26 when the shit hit the fan. So in the end, IMO, she made out okay money wise.

It just so wrong it wasn't initiated by her parents, for each kid. It sucks big time for Jill that her husband had to fight for money that was rightfully hers.

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Why not pay her from when she was a minor? I know Coogan Laws aren't in effect in AR, but shouldn't JB have saved for each minor child who appeared on the show in some capacity? 

I believe child labor laws don't apply to kids on reality shows in general. Because children on reality shows are seen as "participants" and not working actors, they get little to no protection from the government. 





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10 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I believe child labor laws don't apply to kids on reality shows in general. Because children on reality shows are seen as "participants" and not working actors, they get little to no protection from the government. 





I'm aware. Kate Gosselin was forced to start trustee accounts for her kids because PA didn't have Coogan laws. I was saying that JB should have done the same. 

Now, he appears to be giving his adult children payouts after what happened with Jill. 

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27 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I'm aware. Kate Gosselin was forced to start trustee accounts for her kids because PA didn't have Coogan laws. I was saying that JB should have done the same. 

Now, he appears to be giving his adult children payouts after what happened with Jill. 

From what I've read it appears that JB and Michelle signed the contract on behalf of their minor children.  I think there were actually 5 of them that were legally adults so perhaps the payouts were to alleviate any possible legal actions they could take.

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49 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Since Jill so authoritatively proclaimed that public schools brainwash children, who wants to guess what blasphemous thing that Israel said that had Jill and Derick pull him out of school?

I think it was dinosaurs. Israel said they lived more than 65 million years ago and Jill lost her shit. 

Irony: Izzy was still in public school when Jill filmed for the docuseries. 

And yeah, the last we heard, after several years of marriage, Jill was still a Young Earth Creationist. 

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I'm going to guess Jill's brainwashing comment had something to do LGBTQ+ acceptance. Maybe Izzy had a classmate or two with gay parents, or maybe a gender fluid/trans classmate and book(s) related to that were read to the classroom.

Like I said in a different thread, I feel really bad for Jill. It seems to me her life with Derick is more isolated than what she grew up in. Jinger has her own little community in CA and a (wanted) relationship with her family. Joy has both her family and Austin's and Jessa is still deep in Duggarville. Each of the sisters have taken baby steps, or bigger steps away from Gothard but haven't been alienated. Granted they all share hateful faith based beliefs, but so does Jill.

IMO, Jill isn't breaking away from anything. She's caught in the middle of a feud and has lost a lot because of it. And now it seems she's going to lose even more.

Also IMO, Derick's intentions for getting a law degree align very much with JB. Derick is JB 2.0.

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31 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

Derick is a Bitter Betty and needs to get over this.  What JB did was crappy for sure, but as I've said before, sometimes you just have to cut your losses, take it as a lesson learned to read everything thoroughly before you sign, and move on.

As for public school, I hate to break it to these two, but Heather will still have two mommies whether they hide that fact from their kids or not.

Derick is a Bitter Betty still...because it benefits him of course. His public image has really done a 180 since 2017 when he was at the bottom of the barrel. After his hate tweet storm, TLC had to release a statement that they were no longer associated. But now... he's found that being anti-JB is extremely popular. He will milk that for all its worth.

Edited my comment - deleted a paragraph that contained thoughts I have not fully worked through 

Edited by Tuxcat
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8 hours ago, lascuba said:

She said that IBLP believes that public schools brainwashing kids, and then added that brainwashing does happen sometimes. 

I think her comment that it “can” happen is open to so many interpretations that it leaves us knowing nothing new about what Jill thinks. 

It can happen, but won’t if parents stay involved and make sure their children learn their parents’ beliefs? It can happen, but only in certain schools in certain states? It can happen, depending on the kid’s personality? It can happen, and it’s a total roll of the dice whether it does?

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2 hours ago, Panopticon said:

I think her comment that it “can” happen is open to so many interpretations that it leaves us knowing nothing new about what Jill thinks. 

It can happen, but won’t if parents stay involved and make sure their children learn their parents’ beliefs? It can happen, but only in certain schools in certain states? It can happen, depending on the kid’s personality? It can happen, and it’s a total roll of the dice whether it does?

It WILL happen if she continues homeschooling. 

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7 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I didn't grow up in a cult, but brainwashing is not a word I would associate with attending public school. Exposing maybe, but not brainwashing.

I'd say that Jill was brainwashed into thinking that way about public schools. I don't think they're that much different from what we've heard from the Rodrigues kids in that regard.

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Some of my optimism for progress was pinned to the Dillard boys attending school. I guess now that hope has to rest on the Derick’s investment in seeing his children carry on his family’s Pistol Pete legacy.

A bit less inspiring. 

If Jill had an actual K-12 education instead of serving as an around-the-clock mother to her siblings, and parents who cared about their children launching snd succeeding in this world, she could have been a medical or health professional and lived her original dream of midwifing or adjacent care. She had the work ethic (a school would have helped with “Duggar time”), somehow retained enough curiosity to pursue midwifing as she could while still living in the TTH, and she’s bright enough to have taken on courses  if she could outgrow the Duggar attitudes.

I wonder if that’s ever even occurred to her. I wonder if she knows Abby is using her nursing license and that sparks any thoughts.

I don’t discount the SM work — though she and most of her siblings would benefit from curating better content — or the book. SM is a job in and of itself, but it can also be fickle; it didn’t see them through the post-TLC/JB falling out; and they need to recognize that it requires an investment of time that she/they haven’t demonstrated they can make. 

The book: that depends. The “JB betrayed our trust” stories will sell this book, but I’m not sure about future books unless she (more than they) can separate meaningfully from beliefs in which she was raised.

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The abrupt transition from "My man is so great!" to "By the way, I have a book coming out" cracked me up. 

8 hours ago, TrixieTrue said:

I genuinely hope that at some point, Derick takes a close look at the material Jill is teaching and pushes to get the kids into public school.

I feel like that ship has sailed. If he truly wanted them in school, they'd be in school, like Izzy was for a while. He may very well have been the one who pushed for public school initially, but I think whatever caused them to pull Izzy out and not send Sam is something they agreed on. 

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Would it be possible that the kids aren't in school anymore due to Josh? Maybe they thought kids would say something to the boys? I know Jill doesn't have Duggar in her name anymore, but I'm pretty sure she s well known enough, that parents know who she is and what had happened.

I ask this because I know someone that was questioned by friends about a family member of theirs, that the kids were too young to find the info themselves. They were for sure told about it by their parents or overheard the parents talking about it.


Edited by Madtown
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These days, a lot of conservative Chritians are really promoting that public schools are brainwashing kids with their woke agenda.

So even though Derick went to public school, I would not be surprised if he thinks schools are not the same that they used to be and that he doesn't want his kids to be exposed to some things.

Edited by Future Cat Lady
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9 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

These days, a lot of conservative Chritians are really promoting that public schools are brainwashing kids with their woke agenda.

So even though Derick went to public school, I would not be surprised if he thinks schools are not the same that they used to be and that he doesn't want his kids to be exposed to soem things.

Yes I was thinking this too. "These are different times," he might reason. Once they get the book money, they could always send their kids to a private christian school like the one owned by Chad Gallagher LOL/

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2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

According to Derick, Jill has more college than most people. 🙄

According to what was said in the program, parents were told that using Wisdom Books was equal to several collage degrees.  Derick was, in my opinion, a "lost soul" who had lost his father, and had a mother fighting cancer.  Somehow he had JB as a prayer partner, and he became immersed in IBLP.  So I really think that rant about Jill's education qualifications was naively based on what he had heard from the  IBLP community and he was stating the propaganda he had been told.  I don't think he knew how poor Jill's schooling had been until he realized she couldn't qualify to be a missionary wife.  I think (truly hope) that his past rants and behavior were due to his convert beliefs at the time, and that he now is more accepting of reality.  Their household must be living with a lot of stress at this time.  I'm willing to hope that his actions and attitudes of the past are really in the past, and that he has grown up in the past few years.  It would be better, however, if he kept his opinions to himself.  Maybe he has grown up to realize that.

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