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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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42 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Ugh, that's awful Churchhoney. I'm sorry. I wasn't even thinking of it from that perspective, but more from the "friends" side of things, of essentially being used by the Duggars as props. But since they grew up not being allowed to have anything but the most passing acquaintance with outsiders, it makes sense that everyone they have a pleasant conversation with is called friend.

Yep, and I wasn't thinking about it from the friends' side. Good thing there are two of us! Anyway, I'm sure you're quite right that the people being called friends are also disturbed by this -- because they certainly aren't friends, from their own point of view. I suppose the exception is when a Duggarling calls somebody else from the cult a "friend." That person understands "friend" the same way the Duggarling does, I imagine, so in that case -- which is the usual case for them, I guess-- everybody's happy. (happiness being relative, of course...)

I refused to use the word "friend" when I was kid. Starting when I was quite little. All kinds of trouble would ensue in the house when I would reject the word "friend" for some passing acquaintance I had. I remember screaming fights over my assertions that somebody wasn't my friend. (They made the mistake of letting me go to school, where books were available, so I could figure this out.)  In my family, a point was made of loudly declaring that everybody had friends, although nobody did. I suppose that was because the "we have friends" facade was necessary as a coverup for the fact that we were in fact a bunch of radically isolated little handpuppets ...   I wonder whether that's true with the Duggars or whether the crowd's so big that they haven't had the time to assert that detail. ................

I think my experiences are also proof that you have to be almost terminally stubborn to survive one of these families in anything like intact condition. And while Jim Bob seems to have passed on all his putrid-face genes, he doesn't seem to have passed on his genes for stubbornness, unfortunately. Those kids have really been crushed. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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9 hours ago, smores said:

Maybe I watch too many soaps, but from the last few pages, the pics of Jill look like she is pregnant with a big old pillow.

YES! Lol! It looks lumpy? Is it possible to have a lumpy bump? Ive never been pregnant but all my pregnant friends/sisters bumps did not look like that. 

But oh man, that would be a scandal of epic proportions. Duggars fake pregnancy for donations. ( I don't think she is actually faking it tho)

Edited by yogi2014L
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11 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

YES! Lol! It looks lumpy? Is it possible to have a lumpy bump? Ive never been pregnant but all my pregnant friends/sisters bumps did not look like that. 

But oh man, that would be a scandal of epic proportions. Duggars fake pregnancy for donations. ( I don't think she is actually faking it tho)

Jill's not wearing maternity clothes.  I always got that weird crease whenever I tried to wear non-maternity shorts or skirts.  Even if they fit, they aren't structured to give the belly room to move.  Whenever I was naked, I could always see various lumps and bumps depending on how the baby was sitting.  When I was dressed in proper clothes, the belly band part of the pants camouflaged it to the perfect round bump.

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43 minutes ago, saylubee said:

Jill's not wearing maternity clothes.  I always got that weird crease whenever I tried to wear non-maternity shorts or skirts.  Even if they fit, they aren't structured to give the belly room to move.  Whenever I was naked, I could always see various lumps and bumps depending on how the baby was sitting.  When I was dressed in proper clothes, the belly band part of the pants camouflaged it to the perfect round bump.

Interesting!! I never knew the bump could be lumpy. The more you know! Thanks for the explanation!

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4 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I'll be judgey and say Izzy is too young to be shipped off to Miss Grandma Cathy's for the weekend. Moreover, give the kid a chance to adjust to all to the change of being in DA, then traveling, now back "home" before separating him from you.

My brother and sister in law left their one year old with their grandparents for 6 days to attend an out of country wedding :-P., so I won't hate on that.

I think Izzy will be better looked after at Gma's house for the weekend anyway. Jill doesn't seem like she is with it these days. and Derrick probably doesn't help much.

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15 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I'll be judgey and say Izzy is too young to be shipped off to Miss Grandma Cathy's for the weekend. Moreover, give the kid a chance to adjust to all to the change of being in DA, then traveling, now back "home" before separating him from you.

On the bright side, once he got there and settled in for a bit, he probably had a much better time than he would have otherwise! 

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28 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I'll be judgey and say Izzy is too young to be shipped off to Miss Grandma Cathy's for the weekend

I think it depends on the kid and the bond he has with Grandma.  I had my grandson for two days at the same age and he was perfectly fine with it.   If she's seeing him weekly or so when they are in Arkansas and talking to him by Skype while they are in central america and visiting, he'll have a strong enough bond to be fine plus his parents were a relatively short drive away if anything happened.

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Grandma Cathy posted this picture of Izzy wearing an Oklahoma State University tee shirt.  OSU is where Derick got his degree in accounting.

Poor Grandma.  She actualy believes that Izzy might be allowed to go there someday and that he will be able to pass admissions standards with a high school education from Jill's homeschool.  

Dream on, Cathy.

0 0 1 Izzy.png

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54 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Grandma Cathy posted this picture of Izzy wearing an Oklahoma State University tee shirt.  OSU is where Derick got his degree in accounting.

Poor Grandma.  She actualy believes that Izzy might be allowed to go there someday and that he will be able to pass admissions standards with a high school education from Jill's homeschool.  

Dream on, Cathy.

0 0 1 Izzy.png

Aaa, I'm still not giving up all hope that the Gen 3 Duggarlings who have one non-Gothard parent may go to college and/or school one day. 

It's still a very long time until then. A lot of things can and will happen. The wheels are visibly coming off the current dispensation to some degree and that's only going to get worse. There are more and more people for JB and M to try to control including many they didn't spawn themselves so their influence will be increasingly diluted and Gothard himself is essentially gone. The terrible consequences of having an utterly uneducated family are going to become much more evident as time goes on and  JB's ability to manage his own businesses and money to help support them all will grow weaker because of time and stress. And all those kids have not only a parent who's attended college (and graduated in the case of Der and Jer) but grandparents and aunts and uncles who also clearly don't buy the Jim Bob/Gothard line about college education. 

I'm sure some of them will go to college. And maybe even all of them will. I think it's way too early to rule that out.

ETA: No matter what's wrong with Der, Bin and Jer, I'm pretty sure it's not exactly the same stuff that's wrong with Gothard and Jim Bob. While I do think there's a bit of the ego-driven control freak in at least a guy or two in that group, I think signs are that they aren't the incredibly insecure, unbelievably arrogant control freaks that Jim Bob is. Plus, they've all attended college. Having their kids go wouldn't be nearly the threat it is to Jim Bob, even if they were control freaks at something near his level. But I don't think they seem to be either.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Honestly, the more time that child spends with Cathy the better. She might actually read him a book that isn't the Bible or one of those fun "See Bobby sin. See Bobby get bitchslapped by God. See Bobby repent." kiddie religious books. She might actually talk to him about what he wants to be someday and NOT use the term, "ministry mindset." She might actually put her phone down and pay attention to him.

The second Duggar generation is a lost cause. Maybe the third generation has a chance if they aren't locked in the TTH gulag their entire lives.

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Two things came to mind right off looking at that picture of Jill & Michelle:

1. Might just be a weird angle, but Michelle looks like she lost a lot of weight.

2. At first glance, I almost mistook her for Jinger. Must have been a little of weight loss/bad angle, kind of gives her a lolly pop head. Take care of yourself, Jing, this could be your future.

On topic- I agree with whoever said it earlier, Jill always cleans up so nicely when she's back in "the states". Too bad she can't ever stay here long.

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On 5/23/2017 at 1:27 PM, Lunera said:

Meeeechelle looks high and uninterested and Jill's belly looks lumpy.


Sweet Jesus Michelle. I wish I were feeling half of what Michelle looks like she is feeling. Girl looks like she is feeling gooood. ?

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3 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

Sweet Jesus Michelle. I wish I were feeling half of what Michelle looks like she is feeling. Girl looks like she is feeling gooood. ?

She does. Except I kind of think that it's the sort of feeling good that might turn on a dime at any second and have her ripping a couple of doors off the hinges. 

I get the sense that things are about to be let fly. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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16 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

Sweet Jesus Michelle. I wish I were feeling half of what Michelle looks like she is feeling. Girl looks like she is feeling gooood. ?

Yep.  Looks like she just blew the smoke out and is feeling veeeerrrrryyyy relaxed!  Wasn't aware one could get weed that good in Arkansas!

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22 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Yep.  Looks like she just blew the smoke out and is feeling veeeerrrrryyyy relaxed!  Wasn't aware one could get weed that good in Arkansas!

I wish it was weed.  She would be much happier lol.

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My mom kept my kids overnight from very young - much younger than Izzy. The kids loved it, my parents loved it and my husband and I loved it too. They even had little backpacks that said - Going to Grandma's.

Missing my kids every once in a while made me a better parent.

Edited by GeeGolly
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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

She does. Except I kind of think that it's the sort of feeling good that might turn on a dime at any second and have her ripping a couple of doors off the hinges. 

I get the sense that things are about to be let fly. 

MOTY is no doubt in perimenopause and rapidly approaching the big M...let me tell you, that shit is like truth serum, anabolic steroids, and being one too many vodkas down all at the same time. One of these days some crucial hormonal rubicon will be crossed and thirty years of being pinned under the horny halitosis halfwit, churning out babies she didn't actually like, and keeping that stupid simper on her face is going to blow sky high.

Now THAT would be must-see teevee...

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21 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Can somebody tell me what Michelle needs an apron for? 

Trying to fool us that she is domestic.  Not going to work, we know how un-domestic she really is.

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1 hour ago, Marigold said:

Can somebody tell me what Michelle needs an apron for? 

She flips it up for easy access by Rim Job, errrr, Jim Bob. 

Eaww. I just grossed myself out. 

Edited by Catfin
Grossed vs. crossed
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19 hours ago, ariel said:

It seems to me that the Dillards are always on a break.

Can you think of a Duggar, period, who isn't always on a break? 

Maybe Jana or JD. But they're as close as it gets, seems to me. It's obviously the family profession. 

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3 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Can you think of a Duggar, period, who isn't always on a break? 

Maybe Jana or JD. But they're as close as it gets, seems to me. It's obviously the family profession. 

I don't know Churchie - imagine the stress and time of calculating when to pounce on an unsuspecting heathen to save their soul. Sounds like a full time job to me.

However, I'm thinking aprons aren't necessary. 

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I bet those doors open to the pool, and Izzy is at that age where they discover doorknobs. 

Also, that pic of Izzy in the OSU garb? That pic was posted on DFO, not by Cathy (I checked her SM accounts), although that could be either the Byrum's place or the Dullard's. It certainly isn't the Duggars'. They don't have nice rugs or floors like that. 

If Cathy or Jill sent it to Mechelle, why couldn't Mechelle acknowledge that it came from Cathy? Because she made it sound like SHE was the happy grandma. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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21 hours ago, ariel said:

It seems to me that the Dillards are always on a break.

Agreed, but then again, Jill spent her pre-teen and young adult years raising her siblings so she's been at this for a while.

I'm really tired so maybe that's why I'm almost saying something nice-ish about Jill. It won't happen again.

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3 hours ago, Marigold said:

Can somebody tell me what Michelle needs an apron for? 

For  fame whoring because she wants us to believe that she is cooking for Joyless' wedding?

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Definitely purchased with DONATED funds. 

Derick, there are these thing called temp agencies. You will be in the states for at least five months. Get a fucking job commensurate with your college education. Or go do some cheap flip renos for your FIL. Just go make yourself some actual money. You aren't featured on TLC enough to get through the next five months on that paycheck and DONATIONS alone, especially if Jill needs another c-section or specialized medical care after attempting a VBAC at home. And everyone knows she will try. 

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1 hour ago, Ripley68 said:

It looks like Izzy got Deriks under eye bags. Maybe thats what we're seeing instead of black eyes (hopefully)?  What is wrong with Michelle?!?

It could be under-eye bags with allergies, I suppose. Although I think you'd be more likely to inherit that combination from Bin! I had the under-eye bags plus allergy thing when I was a kid, and I did have a bit of a raccoon look at times. 

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Maybe they'll forget Izzy is at Cathy's and just leave him there. Maybe Cathy can convince them that Izzy has been called into toddler ministry at her house, so it's their duty to leave him there. One can hope.

Give him a spinoff. I'd watch Izzy 'minister' like those Little Big Shots on Steve Harvey who lead choirs and preach at age 5. They're cute. 

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Happy little photo of Israel.  He's got some long-asss toes there.


She might actually read him a book that isn't the Bible or one of those fun "See Bobby sin. See Bobby get bitchslapped by God. See Bobby repent." kiddie religious books.

Don't ask me to explain why, but my daughter was group-homeschooled for 9th grade using a Christian curriculum and the Math literally was "if Jill had 20 Bibles and Derrick gave out 12, how many more Bibles do they need to grift for?"

Michelle + apron = Photoshop

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Yeah, they need $$$ for the next five or six months. If they end up going back at all. With that murder, I doubt Jill has the constitution to handle it for any protracted amount of time.

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

Nope. They still have to pay for the Bibles, so profit margin, people!!!  DONATE!!!

Darn it, right you are!  You see how much better SODRT is as compared to heathen schools.  I completed ignored the profit margin.  That'll learn me.  Maybe MEchelle will take me on for tutoring.

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44 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I did the math for the first time (I'm slow) 8gs a month is nearly $100,000 per month. Shit.


Oh and Jill, that's about what a real CNM with experience makes.

I think you mean yearly salary. 8x12= 96k.

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