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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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31 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I don't get how Anna took him back. And is pregnant. She really is pathetic and has no backbone.

Well she never left him so there was no "taking him back", he was shipped off to Jesus Jail right after the news broke. She is pregnant because they had vaginal-penis intercourse and are both reproductively capable, Anna wanted to have more kids, and she wanted to have sex with Josh. I think she really has "forgiven him" and wants to go back to a "normal marriage".  I believe that, but this is a man that molested his own sisters, if Anna wasn't receptive to having sex he couldve pulled the "I'm your husband card" and raped her- either by coercion or force. He's being watched to closely to get his jollies elsewhere these days. 


I think Josh will leave the fold eventually with Anna and the kids getting the short end of the stick, but that probably won't happen until another 2-3 more children have been brought into this. 

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36 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Well she never left him so there was no "taking him back", he was shipped off to Jesus Jail right after the news broke. She is pregnant because they had vaginal-penis intercourse and are both reproductively capable, Anna wanted to have more kids, and she wanted to have sex with Josh. I think she really has "forgiven him" and wants to go back to a "normal marriage".  I believe that, but this is a man that molested his own sisters, if Anna wasn't receptive to having sex he couldve pulled the "I'm your husband card" and raped her- either by coercion or force. He's being watched to closely to get his jollies elsewhere these days. 


I think Josh will leave the fold eventually with Anna and the kids getting the short end of the stick, but that probably won't happen until another 2-3 more children have been brought into this. 

yeah it's not like she really had a choice to leave with her upbringing and the Duggs as ILs. I'm sure she gets regular reminders to be joyfully available or whatever the hell they say. And I agree I think he'll be the one to leave eventually to cater to his baser perverted whims leaving the poor girl with no support bc of course it will be all her fault she couldn't keep him happy.

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On 6/24/2017 at 6:40 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

By all accounts, Anna's mothering skills are far superior to Muffy's.

Anna may have crappy tastes in husbands, but I'm pretty sure she's happiest being a mom.  Too bad she had to marry a loser to reach that goal. I wonder if she thinks about any of the other cute, fundie boys she met at Big Sandy. 

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3 minutes ago, irisheyes said:

I wonder if she thinks about any of the other cute, fundie boys she met at Big Sandy. 

Example of an oxymoron.

Her negotiated deal was for Joshley. I don't think she had any other choices.

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11 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

He wants $75k. The legal fees will eat that up. Wtf us the point? Maybe Jim Bob just wants to humiliate him publicly some more.

The $75k is a placeholder.  Civil suits are categorized as to where the damages fall against a certain threshold.  It must be $75k in Arkansas.  His suit says his damages are at least $75k.  He doesn't have to provide an exact dollar amount until later in the proceedings, the filing allows him to eventually claim any amount over that threshold.

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40 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Is that attorney, the Storey guy also representing the Duggar sisters? If so, he can't represent Josh also in his separate suit. There would be a conflict of interest there.

The sisters are being represented by Robert C O'Brien, an attorney with a very impressive career, and a founding partner of boutique Los Angeles firm Larson & O'Brien, along with two other attorneys from that firm, plus two attorneys from Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton in Fayetteville.    

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

The $75k is a placeholder.  Civil suits are categorized as to where the damages fall against a certain threshold.  It must be $75k in Arkansas.  His suit says his damages are at least $75k.  He doesn't have to provide an exact dollar amount until later in the proceedings, the filing allows him to eventually claim any amount over that threshold.

Oh, thanks doodglebug. I was worried he wouldn't be able to file for $14 mil!

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12 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Heartwarming how anxious he is not to impose further on his sisters and his other victims.

That Josh is an all around swell guy.  /sarcasm

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Duggar's attorneys filed the lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court. The lawsuit claims Duggar's right to due process was violated and his privacy was invaded. It seeks $75,000 in damages, lawyer's fees and a jury trial.

"It is unfortunate that now, at this late date, the plaintiff has chosen to file a misguided lawsuit against dedicated public servants and seeking damages from public tax dollars," the statement said in part.

I love how he feels his right to due process was violated and his privacy was invaded. Really...What about his sisters being violated and their privacy. He knew what he did was wrong and lied though his teeth and went on national television knowing the secrets behind close doors while calling out certain groups by saying they are child molesters because they went against his beliefs. He definitely is his father's son.

I feel bad for the girls, but I do not think they should get money also since they were willing to blame the social media and others for their brother's molesting them and their idiot parents for not getting them the help they need. They are victims of a sick brother and bad parenting, not a leak cause by their religious beliefs, judging others, and famewhoring. If they did not want the news to come out one day they should have stayed off television and not call out others for the the life they lead because *gasp* they are heathens and not a bunch of holier than thou, we are special snowflakes Duggars. Money will not heal the emotional damage their brother and parents invoked on them. I would rather see the four girls get the help they need instead of them allowing their father to pick out husbands for them because they are considered damaged goods. Marriage and having children right and left will not heal them either, and bringing in a new generation of Duggars who are suffering already by the mistakes made by their parents and grandparents is not the answer either *cough Josh, Anna, Derick and Jill especially cough*

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18 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Wth with these people? 

By nature and nurture, extremely fearful, needy, greedy, rigid? Which ultimately means that every one of them feels paranoid, threatened, resentful and entirely on their own -- like they're living in a thoroughly Hobbesian world? So nobody can actually be open -- even to the individuals supposedly "closest" to them, kind, curious, charitable, community-hearted, happy?

That's my diagnosis, anyway. It's heartbreaking. But I also would welcome the news that it's curable by repeated slapping, because I'd like to have at a lot of their faces over it, frankly. Joshley being high on that list.

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3 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

If Josh persists with this, he is probably going to end up having to pay hundreds of thousands in legal costs to the other parties. 

Serves him right if it does happen this way. What a piece of work. Poor me I am the victim here crap. Yes, he is a victim of crappy parenting and lack of professional help, but he is also a victim of his ego driven, famewhoring, I am a special snowflake mentality.

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Josh's statement: “I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.

I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.

I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.

The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings.

As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example.

I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna and our family during this time.”


Josh - These were your words then. They should be your words now. Withdraw the law suit, Josh and go away.

Edited by GeeGolly
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Smuggar, had your parents done the right thing when this originally happened, the records would have been sealed. You were of age when the police reports were made and as such, didn't require redaction. Too bad, so sad for you.

No sympathy,


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Fighting immorality in our country....GRRR!!! Just because someone is different than the precious Duggars. GRRR!!! You hypocrite. Go crawl under your rock. I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself before judging others.

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I think the fact that mighty TLC sued no one when they lost a 22 million dollar show proves these suits are gonna have a rough time.


Smuggar, had your parents done the right thing when this originally happened, the records would have been sealed. You were of age when the police reports were made and as such, didn't require redaction. Too bad, so sad for you.



I think this this new suit is a tacit admission that Josh is unlikely to ever earn a penny on his own, ever again. He can't ever sawaklow Gus pride and work a fast food register to feed his 5 kids. No one is buying cars from the town creeper.

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Who in their right mind would want to hire a lazy, obnoxious, know it all hypocrite who calls out others by saying they are child molesters when it fact they were hiding the fact  he molested his own sisters over and again and sues the police and a tabloid magazine and plays the victim card because the bad evil world finds out what a dirt bag he really is. Add the fact he blames the devil and evilness for his own actions, and he is certainly someone an employer wants to hire. What happens if someone calls him a creepy child molester at his work place? Would he sue the person and his employer? Plus the fact JB and Gothard would not approve a man of Josh's caliber to work in a fast food place. Yes, I was able to type the last sentence without cracking up laughing or rolling my eyes until they fall out.

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Josh should be suing his parents for mishandling his situation all those years ago. They didn't go through the proper and legal channels. Had they done that, they file would have been sealed at the proper time and no one would have been able to 'request it'. We already know why his sisters shouldn't be suing their local government and that magazine.

I'm sure Derelict is right behind this cheering Jilly on....3 million for her is a nice amount of money . He won't have to think about working a real job, not that he thinks about it now, but you know what I mean, folks.

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31 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I think the fact that mighty TLC sued no one when they lost a 22 million dollar show proves these suits are gonna have a rough time.



I think this this new suit is a tacit admission that Josh is unlikely to ever earn a penny on his own, ever again. He can't ever sawaklow Gus pride and work a fast food register to feed his 5 kids. No one is buying cars from the town creeper.

Worked on this for a while before deciding it was probably "swallow his pride". But I had a moment of wondering whether Gus Sawaklow  was some shady new lawyer or something. 

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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

By nature and nurture, extremely fearful, needy, greedy, rigid? Which ultimately means that every one of them feels paranoid, threatened, resentful and entirely on their own -- like they're living in a thoroughly Hobbesian world? So nobody can actually be open -- even to the individuals supposedly "closest" to them, kind, curious, charitable, community-hearted, happy?

That's my diagnosis, anyway. It's heartbreaking. But I also would welcome the news that it's curable by repeated slapping, because I'd like to have at a lot of their faces over it, frankly. Joshley being high on that list.

Thanks for the new word, @Churchhoney!

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It still makes no sense--except for the fact that dude needs money and isn't willing to earn it by actually WORKING--that he's filed this suit TWO YEARS after everything was made public. I do hope the opposing attorneys pounce on that fact. A lot.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

anyone remember when Jand A made the baby announcement? trying to see if we will be on baby watch any time soon.

I am pretty sure she announced in March and already knew the sex. She has to be pretty close to delivery. 

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I wonder if  M5 will be announced with a People  cover photo or if it will be quietly announced days later as was done with Meredith.  Also, I remember with Mackenzie they announced her sex on Meredith Vega's show.... Meredith made a comment about naming a baby after her....is that what they did when their next girl child was born?  Hoping to score points with her amidst all the Josh sex scandals?

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10 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I wonder if  M5 will be announced with a People  cover photo or if it will be quietly announced days later as was done with Meredith.  Also, I remember with Mackenzie they announced her sex on Meredith Vega's show.... Meredith made a comment about naming a baby after her....is that what they did when their next girl child was born?  Hoping to score points with her amidst all the Josh sex scandals?

I was just proud of Anna for not buckling and naming her Michelle. 

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I know there's no predicting based on prior deliveries, but ... Anna's last 3 were June 2011, June 2013, July 2015 so maybe August 2017? It makes sense with what @Sew Sumi said about announcing it was a boy in March.

I'm guessing Mitchel Joseph

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13 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

Denied due process = true information I didn't want to get out because it makes me look like the perv I am?

Sorry, but I'm ignorant.  What due process was he denied?

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4 hours ago, floridamom said:

Josh should be suing his parents for mishandling his situation all those years ago. They didn't go through the proper and legal channels. Had they done that, they file would have been sealed at the proper time and no one would have been able to 'request it'. We already know why his sisters shouldn't be suing their local government and that magazine.

I'm sure Derelict is right behind this cheering Jilly on....3 million for her is a nice amount of money . He won't have to think about working a real job, not that he thinks about it now, but you know what I mean, folks.

The girls should sue Josh and their parents, but it was the evil heathens, the police and the one magazine who did them wrong and not Josh or their parents.

In my opinion, I do not think Jill will get three million dollars, and any money they get will be going to the lawyers since the legal team usually get up to 2/3 of the winnings unless the lawyers are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts via pro bono work.

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It's important to remember that the sisters are suing for the suffering, distress and humiliation they endured when the city rushed to release the sister's own interviews (which they had been led to believe would be confidential), with piss poor and basically useless redactions, to a crap checkout rag tabloid that published all the details of their childhood sexual assaults. The city was likely negligent in it's actions and Bauer Media was likely negligent, reckless and malicious in it's actions. A reasonable person could foresee that InTouch's publication of the intimate details of the sisters sexual assaults would cause harm to the sisters. 

The sisters don't need to legally pursue their parents or their brother. Their claim is basically about the violation of their privacy that was caused by the release and publication of intimate information about themselves and the subsequent harm they suffered. 

Imagine if you had HIV, and it was published in a national gossip magazine. Would it be reasonable for people to demand that you "deal" with who ever infected you before you make a claim against the gossip magazine that caused you significant mental suffering by published sensitive and intimate information about you?

Edited by Kokapetl
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It's important to remember that the sisters are suing for the suffering, distress and humiliation they endured

 Not seeing much of that unless you count them crying on an interview THEY volunteered for. Publicly they said it was no big deal and for everyone to get over it and move on. 

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