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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 8:57 AM, laurakaye said:

I cannot imagine how incredibly lonely and sad it will be for Anna to give birth to Baby #5 while her husband sleeps, or mentally checks out, or wanders away to find some free WiFi.  

OR waiting for the day when she gets medical clearance to roll over and be "joyfully available" to service his manly needs, thinking that is the road to happiness. I'm sure Michelle gave her the same speech as she did with her married daughters. Probably used Anna for preliminary target practice.

Wonder what horny man will do the 4-6 weeks until medical clearance, ? Or do they do "other sexual activities".... Josh has learned many new freaky tricks now...

Edited by sATL
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OR waiting for the day when she gets medical clearance to roll over and be "joyfully available" to service his manly needs,

It's a boy - so 40 day this time. At the stroke of midnight on day 40.

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On 3/22/2017 at 6:06 PM, Mollie said:


Anna was really stupid not to divorce Josh two years ago, when Josh made most of the money and she was basically a stay-at-home housewife/mom.  She's not going to get much in a divorce settlement now, plus she will be responsible for 1/2 the debts. 


They will not be able to have any assets in their names for years, especially if the fifth victim comes forward or there's someone else, which is highly likely.

One has to wonder if Anna's dad still thinks Joshley Madison is a great catch for his daughter.

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5 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

One has to wonder if Anna's dad still thinks Joshley Madison is a great catch for his daughter.

He's been silent on the matter, but given that he tried to discourage Anna from divorcing him....I think he's still  "all-in" to some extent, but I can't imagine he approves of the treatment of his daughter.


3 hours ago, sATL said:

Wonder what horny man will do the 4-6 weeks until medical clearance, ? Or do they do "other sexual activities".... Josh has learned many new freaky tricks now...

Eeeeeeek! There isn't enough brain bleach! 

You can rest assured that any freaky tricks he may have learned have little to do with Anna's pleasure.

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On 23/03/2017 at 3:30 AM, doodlebug said:

The one advantage that this plaintiff has is that he apparently has no connection to Josh, never met him, was never an escort, didn't have his own Ashley Madison account.  Danica's rather colorful history was something Jim Bob's minions could exploit in order to get her to go away.  All JB's lawyers had to do was dig up a salacious detail or two in order to smear her in court.  Josh apparently found this guy's picture randomly someplace online and appropriated it.  I don't believe there is any evidence that Josh knew who he was or that the guy's presence online was anything other than legit. 

In some civil cases, (ie, malpractice) where there is a fair amount of money available and getting a settlement is easier than others due to insurance, etc; lawyers will take these cases on a contingency basis which means the plaintiff only has to pay if he wins (usually a third of the judgment/settlement).  If this guy's case is strong enough and his lawyers feel like there's a good possibility of a major award, they could take the case on contingency and pursue it more aggressively than you were able to pursue yours.

I think a lot of lawyers may have declined this case. 

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I don't feel anything for Anna anymore except anger. She deserves everything that comes her way. Anna was offered an opportunity to make a new start with her brother, if not for her but for her kids. She got an opportunity that not many women in a bad marriage get. An offer to live for free, rebuild her life and her kids with support and love. She chose to be selfish, to meet her wants for more babies and to save face in her world of small- minded idiots. The only ones I feel sorry for are her kids. Their parents don't care about them, only their selfish desires.

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22 hours ago, Aja said:

Read any account from any woman who managed to extricate herself from the Gothard cult and you'll get a pretty good idea of where Anna is at. There are plenty of them out there, and it's heartbreaking stuff, but it's also up to Anna to pull her head out of her ass.

I'm too lazy to do a full google search.  Any suggestions on where to find some of these stories?  I'm curious.

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22 hours ago, Aja said:

Read any account from any woman who managed to extricate herself from the Gothard cult and you'll get a pretty good idea of where Anna is at. There are plenty of them out there, and it's heartbreaking stuff, but it's also up to Anna to pull her head out of her ass.

But don't they go though a life of shame and isolation - losing all contact with friends/family/etc - kinda like what Leah Remini is describing ?

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1 minute ago, sATL said:

But don't they go though a life of shame and isolation - losing all contact with friends/family/etc - kinda like what Leah Remini is describing ?

They do, and it is sick and shameful and heartbreaking what these cults do to (in particular) women. However, many women who have nowhere near the resources and exposure to "reality" that Anna has reached a point in their misery and subjugation that caused them to take action. I recall the account of a former FLDS member who was born into the cult, married off as a young teen to an old man with multiple wives and finally made her move when they started talking about marrying off her own 12 year old daughter. All she had to go on was the overwhelming feeling that she could not subject her daughter to the same things she'd been subjected to at that age. 


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Something I only just remembered in light of this new baby announcement: more than once in talking heads, Anna would insist that they had to have at least 5 kids because she's #5 of 8, while Josh sat there looking completely disinterested in any more children. So this baby could very well be at Anna's insistence and not a result of her submitting to keep Josh happy and faithful.

I've always found Anna to be a nasty piece of work all around, so I've never felt the slightest bit sorry for her. No one deserved to be cheated on but it happens to, so, SO MANY people that I can't be bothered to view it as some tragedy when it happens to such a shitty person. She's not the first, she won't be the last, she needs to make decisions that she can live with, whatever those standards are. The end. As for brainwashing...honestly, I'm not sure if I believe in the concept, at least not in the way it's spoken about in terms of religious fundamentalists. She's arrogantly stupid but not a simpleton, she's making choices for herself and there's a whole lot of mess involved but life is complicated for everyone. People a hell of a lot more educated and smarter than her stay with cheaters...brainwashing doesn't come into it unless you view society's conditioning women the world over to put up with shit from men as brainwashing (which, hell, maybe it is because the crap people are willing to deal with in relationships...).

Either way, I see this baby being entirely about Anna, with Josh going along because he can't afford to break the rules. And I'm not saying that in a "poor Josh" way, just that if Josh at any appoint expressed a desire to not have any more kids after the scandals, thereby denying Anna's wish for at least five kids (because her dumb ass thinks that if they don't have at least five it would negate her own birth or something), Anna would have gone running to JB about how Josh really hasn't been rehabilitated enough.

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We don't know if it's Josh, Anna or both that are determined to stay in the cult. We do know Josh promoted fundie stuff, but escaped when he thought no one was looking, and Anna had a chance to leave and made a choice to stay. There is a niggling feeling that Anna is keeping Josh chained to the TTH wall, not the other way around.

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20 minutes ago, lascuba said:


I've always found Anna to be a nasty piece of work all around, so I've never felt the slightest bit sorry for her. 

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

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I really can't hold any of this against Anna. She's in a very difficult situation and I think she's been pressured to stay with Josh from both sides of the family. I'm well educated and come from a loving supportive family that taught me how to live independently. If my husband turned out to be a creep, I would leave him in a heartbeat because I have the knowledge, support, and wherewithall to do so. Now, if I was brought up with limited education, in a family that devalues women, and taught my whole life that my duty was to be a breeder subservient to my husband, I don't know that I'd be able to just "snap out of it" and run to freedom as soon as shit hit the fan. For every one of those fundies who ran away from their terrible situations, there are about a hundred more who didn't and never will. If it was easy, every woman in a crappy situation would run away, but we all know they don't.

I think it's a damn shame that they're bringing another child into this mess, but that's what happens when you don't believe in using birth control and have to be joyfully available to your perverted husband.

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And lets not forget she thinks she is a special snowflake because she is married and has children. To the Duggars, the ones who are married and producing children right and left are considered the top dogs in the family. It is like some weird contest with them to see who can court, get married and reproduce until the cows come home. It is "the" accomplishment to end "all" accomplishment in their own little world. And the sad fact is her five children are suffering because their parents do not have the sense God gave a goose. I see animal parents who have better parenting skills than all the Duggars put together.

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13 minutes ago, Kirjava said:

I think it's a damn shame that they're bringing another child into this mess, but that's what happens when you don't believe in using birth control and have to be joyfully available to your perverted husband.

And that's exactly why it's impossible for me to feel much sympathy for Anna. I get that she's indoctrinated, but she wasn't raised in a cave.

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6 minutes ago, Aja said:

And that's exactly why it's impossible for me to feel much sympathy for Anna. I get that she's indoctrinated, but she wasn't raised in a cave.

Yes, and I just don't believe that she's being pressured in any way, at least not when it comes to staying with Josh. She's exactly where she wants to be right now. She's one of those women who will always find a way to blame others for her husband's "wrong choices" as she so obnoxiously put it. She could be independently wealthy with loads of familial and societal support and she'd still stay with him because it's worth it to her for various reasons.

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I think, much like her in-laws, Anna's clinging like a terrier to the "most wholesome TV family in America" horseshit because she wants the fame and the money, and she thinks it is still possible to go back to old form because what intelligence she has is clouded by greed. Her continued appearances on TV (believe me, NOBODY forced her to do that), her strategic baby announcement, the assertion that her marriage is superior to all other marriages because...well, I'm not sure why, other than it is apparently REAL!!!111!!!!1...all comes from someone who is calculating. Not particularly bright, granted, but calculating. I really don't give a shit about her and Josh anymore--they can go be judgmental asshole hypocrites all they want, and I'll ignore them just like I ignore all sociopaths. But to do this to their kids--and defiantly brag that they're having another one to boot--is just disgusting.

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Anna has always seemed to think she's better than the Duggars. I mean, she probably is, her kids are cleaner and far less feral, she seems to have a passing interest in cooking vegetables. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

You aren't making it up since I remember it too.  But like you I cannot remember details.

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I've been thinking about the lawsuit and all that.  Here's what I'm thinking:

I'm thinking that Anna doesn't receive a check directly from TLC for her appearances.  Same with Jessa, Jill and the others.  I think that, after the first lawsuit, Jim Bob established a system that could look like this:  All TLC money goes into a family trust from which Jim Bob (or a fundilicious accountant) pays the bills for each of the houses, as well as provide a food and clothing allowance for each of the kids not living at the TTH.  That way, the kidults have no real income aside from anything they earn outside of the arrangement, which isn't much, I'm willing to bet.  This may protect the money earned from TLC.  The TLC income goes into a community pot not controlled by any of the kidults.  Thereby protecting it from any lawsuits because their names are not directly attached to it.  It could be something like "Duggar Family Trust".  This would also explain why the Dillard donate button is alive and well...they can't touch TLC money without it being released by the executor under certain conditions/circumstances.  And a missioncation is not one of those circumstances.  That's why have to fund their own missioncation.  But I could be wrong...I'm not an attorney, so feel free to shoot down my hypothesis if you feel it's wrong.  It's just what's going through my mind.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

During her time in DC she started acting quite smug and uppity. They were spending a lot of time with conservative socialites and we're the main focus on the show. I was so glad when the scandals knocked them down from their fundy pedestal.

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

IIRC, the rudeness came about because the person was talking to Josh and since she was showing shoulder Anna had to rush in and protect her man from the defrauder. I remember the poster saying that Jana was very polite but that Anna had an attitude and was clinging to Josh the whole time.  I think I remember a picture with Anna like a barnacle on Josh's arm.

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27 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

I've been thinking about the lawsuit and all that.  Here's what I'm thinking:

I'm thinking that Anna doesn't receive a check directly from TLC for her appearances.  Same with Jessa, Jill and the others.  I think that, after the first lawsuit, Jim Bob established a system that could look like this:  All TLC money goes into a family trust from which Jim Bob (or a fundilicious accountant) pays the bills for each of the houses, as well as provide a food and clothing allowance for each of the kids not living at the TTH.  That way, the kidults have no real income aside from anything they earn outside of the arrangement, which isn't much, I'm willing to bet.  This may protect the money earned from TLC.  The TLC income goes into a community pot not controlled by any of the kidults.  Thereby protecting it from any lawsuits because their names are not directly attached to it.  It could be something like "Duggar Family Trust".  This would also explain why the Dillard donate button is alive and well...they can't touch TLC money without it being released by the executor under certain conditions/circumstances.  And a missioncation is not one of those circumstances.  That's why have to fund their own missioncation.  But I could be wrong...I'm not an attorney, so feel free to shoot down my hypothesis if you feel it's wrong.  It's just what's going through my mind.

Since it became the Jessa & Friends Hour, TLC must have started paying the kidults directly. We rarely see any of Jimbob's kid children anymore. How the kidults handle their money is beyond TLC's control, but I can't see any reasons for anyone to sue the Counting On kidults, Jimbob's "protection" is unnecessary. 

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45 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

I'm thinking that Anna doesn't receive a check directly from TLC for her appearances.  Same with Jessa, Jill and the others.  I think that, after the first lawsuit, Jim Bob established a system that could look like this:  All TLC money goes into a family trust from which Jim Bob (or a fundilicious accountant) pays the bills

I believe it does work somewhat along those lines.  I've forgotten the name of the company, but there is a Duggar Family Entertainment or equivalent corporation or there was for awhile.

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

I think that was FakeJoshDuggar. I'd tag her here, but I have no idea how to do that!

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4 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I'm too lazy to do a full google search.  Any suggestions on where to find some of these stories?  I'm curious.

Recovering Grace is Gothard-centric. There are TONS of stories there.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

I believe it does work somewhat along those lines.  I've forgotten the name of the company, but there is a Duggar Family Entertainment or equivalent corporation or there was for awhile.

This is what I'm thinking...if the "corporation" still exists, the kidults and howlers (and even JB and Michelle) could be "employees" of the corporation, who are then "contracted" to TLC as "actors" for the shows.  That way the "corporation" would be the named payee on salaries and not the individual family members.  And therefore,  none of them would receive a paycheck per se.  The "corporation" would receive the money.  Think of it like someone working for a temp agency.  Their salary is paid via fees that the agency charges their client for the employee's work.   The employee does not technically work for the client, they work for the agency.

At any rate, in exchange for their appearances on the shows, the family could be contracted to the "corporation" to receive room and board, clothing, and incidentals as compensation.  So that way they have no attachable income or assets and, therefore, there's nothing to be gained in a lawsuit.  No assets, no income.  Jim Bob (and the "corporation") most likely couldn't be sued for any of Josh's adult insurrections with the stripper or the poor guy who became Josh's online avatar (that I know of...again, not an attorney), as they are simply Anna's employer.  

All speculation, of course.  And pretty smart if it can be done legally, IMHO.  Again, I'm not an attorney.  I've just watched a LOT of legal drama shows on tv, lol!!!!

Edited by Lady Edith
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23 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

This is what I'm thinking...if the "corporation" still exists, the kidults and howlers (and even JB and Michelle) could be "employees" of the corporation, who are then "contracted" to TLC as "actors" for the shows.  That way the "corporation" would be the named payee on salaries and not the individual family members.  And therefore,  none of them would receive a paycheck per se.  The "corporation" would receive the money.  Think of it like someone working for a temp agency.  Their salary is paid via fees that the agency charges their client for the employee's work.   The employee does not technically work for the client, they work for the agency.

At any rate, in exchange for their appearances on the shows, the family could be contracted to the "corporation" to receive room and board, clothing, and incidentals as compensation.  So that way they have no attachable income or assets and, therefore, there's nothing to be gained in a lawsuit.  No assets, no income.  Jim Bob (and the "corporation") most likely couldn't be sued for any of Josh's adult insurrections with the stripper or the poor guy who became Josh's online avatar (that I know of...again, not an attorney), as they are simply Anna's employer.  

All speculation, of course.  And pretty smart if it can be done legally, IMHO.  Again, I'm not an attorney.  I've just watched a LOT of legal drama shows on tv, lol!!!!

My sister and I say this a lot!  And then laugh at ourselves.  HA!  

I think this is most likely the scenario.  Wonder what the going rate is for the kidults pay?  Jim Boob is such a control freak I can see them maybe getting min wage.  I hope that is just made up bs by me.    

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I think we saw some pics of Jessa and Ben at TLC headquarters right before Counting On became a show. I think up until the new show all money went straight to JB with the exception of Josh & Anna who were listed as 'special guests' or something like that, at the end of the credits on the later shows of 19 & Counting. I'm guessing the married couples are getting their own paychecks. I'm curious if the adult SAH kids do.

As for Anna I think it's a lot easier for her to stay. Indoctrination/faith, finances, fame and family are reasons I can see her staying. When family reaches out to other family and offer help, like Anna's brother did, it's often temporary. I doubt he was offering to permanently support Anna and the kids. A single mother of four with no work history would need some time to be self-sustaining. Anna is not unique in trying to repair or remain in an unhealthy marriage. Like many of you, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, but I can wrap my head around her decision to stay.

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13 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

My sister and I say this a lot!  And then laugh at ourselves.  HA!  

I think this is most likely the scenario.  Wonder what the going rate is for the kidults pay?  Jim Boob is such a control freak I can see them maybe getting min wage.  I hope that is just made up bs by me.    

That's the thing...the kidults wouldn't get any pay.  Their upkeep would be paid for by the "corporation" in exchange for their work.  A pretty sweet deal, IMHO.  Picture it...no bills to pay and no worries about buying groceries.  No expenses for clothing or housing, either.  All paid for by the boss!  And those drippy sundaes and dates at Tacos 4 Us (or whatever it's called)?  Expense accounts set up with the businesses.  The businesses could run a tab which could then be billed to the "corporation" each month.  That would explain why we see them going to the same restaurants and coffee houses time and again.  And if they need money for things that are not covered via expense accounts?  Charge it against a small expense account via debit card that is set up in the "corporation's" name.  

I feel like I just went down the rabbit hole with all this speculation lol!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

That's the thing...the kidults wouldn't get any pay.  Their upkeep would be paid for by the "corporation" in exchange for their work.  A pretty sweet deal, IMHO.  Picture it...no bills to pay and no worries about buying groceries.  No expenses for clothing or housing, either.  All paid for by the boss!  And those drippy sundaes and dates at Tacos 4 Us (or whatever it's called)?  Expense accounts set up with the businesses.  The businesses could run a tab which could then be billed to the "corporation" each month.  That would explain why we see them going to the same restaurants and coffee houses time and again.  And if they need money for things that are not covered via expense accounts?  Charge it against a small expense account via debit card that is set up in the "corporation's" name.  

I feel like I just went down the rabbit hole with all this speculation lol!!!!!!

I would not be surprised if the kidults didn't see any actual cash.  That is awful though if true.  Provides zero freedom and you are up for review from the person in charge of the purse strings so you best spend that cash on approved items.  That's one way to keep your kids from buying any form of birth control.  It would also help stop another Ashley Madison scenario.  

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7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I would not be surprised if the kidults didn't see any actual cash.  That is awful though if true.  Provides zero freedom and you are up for review from the person in charge of the purse strings so you best spend that cash on approved items.  That's one way to keep your kids from buying any form of birth control.  It would also help stop another Ashley Madison scenario.  

Exactly what I was thinking.  

This scenario would totally insulate them from any sort of lawsuit too, as they technically would have no assets for the courts to attach.  Everything is owned by the "corporation".  Cars, houses, furniture, computers, everything.  The kidults own nothing but the clothes on their backs and the food in the fridge. 

Think about it...the second scandal broke and Anna and Josh nearly immediately sold off their house (the very house they may still be occupying).  They were the only married couple who actually owned the home they lived in at the time.  Now, none of them own their dwelling.  

Edited by Lady Edith
Had another thought
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5 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

Exactly what I was thinking.  

This scenario would totally insulate them from any sort of lawsuit too, as they technically would have no assets for the courts to attach.  Everything is owned by the "corporation".  Cars, houses, furniture, computers, everything.  The kidults own nothing but the clothes on their backs and the food in the fridge. 

Think about it...the second scandal broke and Anna and Josh nearly immediately sold off their house (the very house they may still be occupying).  They were the only married couple who actually owned the home they lived in at the time.  Now, none of them own their dwelling.  

I guess they are getting what they settle for.  NO ONE can stop them from leaving if they tried (the over 18s).  But there is a personal cost to giving up ones autonomy.  I feel sorry for exactly zero in that family.  Well I feel for Jenni and Jordyn.  They always have a look on their face that they are on to their parents and their bullshit.

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I think that at the very least the married kids have their own contracts and paychecks from TLC. Jim Bob is a control freak but I think marriage is the one line he respects...to a point. He'd think nothing of guilt trips and manipulation to ensure those contracts are favorable to him and the rest of the family, but he'd at least want the veneer of his married kids being semi-financially independent. He can justify giving them houses and whatever else, but not pulling any income at all? Even if it's just TLC which at base came from him, I doubt he'd be ok with that. 

Assuming the whole corporation thing is illegal (I don't even watch legal dramas so I really have no idea, I just hope it's illegal because that would be super sketchy), the unmarried kidults would have to have their own contracts, right? I could see them all putting that money in the Duggar family pot. Or, on the off-chance that JB has some limits on his hypocrisy, he could have set up trusts for each of them where they put in their money and it can't be touched until they're married. 

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11 hours ago, lascuba said:

I think that at the very least the married kids have their own contracts and paychecks from TLC. Jim Bob is a control freak but I think marriage is the one line he respects...to a point. He'd think nothing of guilt trips and manipulation to ensure those contracts are favorable to him and the rest of the family, but he'd at least want the veneer of his married kids being semi-financially independent. He can justify giving them houses and whatever else, but not pulling any income at all? Even if it's just TLC which at base came from him, I doubt he'd be ok with that. 

Assuming the whole corporation thing is illegal (I don't even watch legal dramas so I really have no idea, I just hope it's illegal because that would be super sketchy), the unmarried kidults would have to have their own contracts, right? I could see them all putting that money in the Duggar family pot. Or, on the off-chance that JB has some limits on his hypocrisy, he could have set up trusts for each of them where they put in their money and it can't be touched until they're married. 

I'm thinking he "sold" them on the "great idea" that Daddy manage everything for them.  No fuss for them, easy $$, protecting assets.  They are only quasi-adults, those older kids, none of them seem competent in much, especially money management, except maybe Babe, and I wonder if it is illegal for them to "voluntarily" sign the paperwork giving Daddy that power and authority.  And they could get a raise every time they have a kid.

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20 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I can't remember which poster it was, but didn't somebody here (or maybe on TWoP) meet the Duggars when they were touring on the stink bus and said Anna was rude and standoffish? I know I'm not making this up, I'm just fuzzy on the details. 

It was here  since I remember her posting the pictures of the encounter.

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Because of Josh, Anna has repeatedly had to lower her marriage standards. She'll put up with anything at this point in her marriage and just hope that things don't get worse. If/when they do, she'll again lower her expectations, but she'll never leave. That poor, innocent baby - no matter what M name they come up with, people will always secretly know him as Curad Ouchless Duggar. My heart breaks for that kid, and his older siblings too.

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

I'm thinking he "sold" them on the "great idea" that Daddy manage everything for them.  No fuss for them, easy $$, protecting assets.  They are only quasi-adults, those older kids, none of them seem competent in much, especially money management, except maybe Babe, and I wonder if it is illegal for them to "voluntarily" sign the paperwork giving Daddy that power and authority.  And they could get a raise every time they have a kid.

There was no selling involved, he's the head of the family, they do as he says, no matter what.  Gothard is very big on 'Honor thy father, not so much thy mother'.  They've been raised to believe that a family business run by the head of the family ((ie, their father) is what Jesus wants. 

Legally, I think JimBob would be like their manager or agent.  He would handle contracts, hold all the money and pay their bills.  However, if they end up losing in court, a judge is going to look at those contracts and decide what amount of the proceeds was due to Josh, no matter how his 'money manager' doles it out.  It does, however, add another layer of complexity and difficulty to the process and, if JB got good legal/financial advice, it would make it easier to hide assets and cost the plaintiff a whole lot more in lawyers' fees trying to unravel it.  They probably count on that to discourage lawsuits.



Recovering Grace is an ex-Gothard place                               htt

Sure is.  It has a lot of information about ATI Wisdom Booklets and the education the Duggar kids got at the SOTDRT.  Scary stuff there.  Amongst other gems, if a woman is raped and she doesn't cry out for help during the assault, she is just a guilty as her rapist.  The Wisdom Booklets start 'em young learning that women are nothing but chattel and anything bad that happens to them is their fault because men cannot be blamed for their crimes.  Explains a lot about how Josh' sisters responded to his assaults as well as how Anna has dealt with her slimedog of a hubby.

Edited by doodlebug
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