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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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My god the American insurance system sounds confusing! In Aus we all pay 1.5% of our income as a Medicare levy (unless you earn over $70,000 as a single or $140,00 as a couple and don't have private health insurance, then you pay 2.5%.  If you can pay for PHI, you should).  That covers everyone for hospital visits, doctors, cancer treatments, surgery, etc.  


Would Ben have PHI?  Does he get covered by TLC?  Does Jim-Boob have to give him health benefits since he "works" for him?  Can Jessa have PHI and not Ben?  Excuse the ignorance! 

It's confusing, stupid, and expensive.

With all the changes in our health care law, things have gotten more confusing. If you work for a company, they are required to offer something--but they don't have to pay for it--the employee pays for it. If you are lucky, you might find a job where your employer pays for some or all of your monthly premium. If your employer offers health insurance, you are part of a "group" and can get better rates. If you are an individual, you can get an "individual" policy, but it is usually pretty expensive and has high deductibles. For example, my DH is self employed and I don't get health insurance through my work. Our individual plan for 2 adults and 2 kids is almost $800 a month and we have to pay for the first $5,000 (individual) or $10,000 (family) deductible of any health care we receive. The Affordable Care Act ensured that preventive care is "free", that is, it is covered by your monthly premium and you don't pay any out of pocket for that.


So, unless JimBoob is paying Ben as an actual employee (and Ben gets a W-2 for filing taxes), then Ben is not considered an employee and would not be eligible for health insurance from JimBoob--JimBoob is not required to offer it if he doesn't have actual employees. There's a way to pay people in the US as independent contractors and at the end of the year they get a Form 1099 that details the income they were paid, but no taxes are taken out--it's on the individual receiving the 1099 to estimate their taxes quarterly and pay them, and there are certain guidelines as to who can be paid as an independent contractor vs a W-2 employee. I highly doubt JimBoob pays Ben as a regular, W-2 employee and withholds taxes.


So, to make a long story short--I doubt Ben gets health insurance through JimBoob, but the law requires that he  (Ben) have it or he has to pay a fine when he files his taxes (that started this year). Also, Ben would not be covered through TLC, because he would get a 1099 from them (if he is indeed being paid directly from TLC)


I don't know if that was helpful or understandable. Your system sounds so much easier!

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I do not think Jessa is covered under Boob due to her being married. She is no longer his dependant, and would be considered the dependant of her husband.  The son of a girl I work with was married last year. He was not covered under her insurance even though he was under 26 due to his marraige.  I also agree that Jessa could be a great mother. Just because she objected to taking care of all those kids does not men she would be a poor mother. It is not her job or responsibility to raise those kids. It is always different when it is your kids.

Well, that would be completely illegal, so either some facts are missing there, she works for a very small company that may be exempt from some provisions of the law.

You don't have to be a declared dependent on your parents tax return to be eligible, if that's what you mean by dependent. You can's be denied for being married. Many people are eligible to be covered under more than one person's insurance plan; they can actually choose the one that works best for them. From a tax point of view, I assume she's no one's dependent. From an insurance policy 'dependent benefits' point of view, she can choose among any policy offering them held by Jim Bob, Michelle, or Ben. And Ben could be on a policy that Jessa held in her own right, or on his parents'. But as I said before, coverage would not extend to Jessa and Ben's children.

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Just saw a recent pic (sorry, I don't want to open up an account to host). Jessa is definitely pregnant. I'd guess early second trimester; she has a VERY obvious bump, and boobs that she's never had before. 


Sorry for anyone who held out hope that she'd go on birth control, or otherwise wait. 

use.com....it lets me host without an account.  the downside is you need an account to save it.


like this


Edited by abseedee
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She was clearly pregnant in the People Magazine photos. They've done a really bad job of hiding this. But I don't know why it would surprise anyone; a Duggar girl's self-worth is derived primarily from her ability to add to the herd. Getting pregnant is Job One. I wish them all the best, but I just keep hoping one of them will break the cycle.

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Would Ben have PHI? Does he get covered by TLC? Does Jim-Boob have to give him health benefits since he "works" for him? Can Jessa have PHI and not Ben? Excuse the ignorance!

It's all private. The government has, at long last, instituted a few helpful but insufficient regulations for who and what private insurance companies have to cover, but there is no public health care in the U.S. except for veterans. Over the years we've sort of evolved this practice where most employers offer to pay or help pay for their employees, and the employees go on the plan of the employers choice. The government helps seniors and the severely disabled pay for insurance for treatment by private practitioners, through Medicare. Oh, and profoundly inadequate coverage for the very poor through another program.

It's all very ad-hoc and nobody thinks it works well, but it's what we have. Tip: Don't move here. ;-)

Jessa could certainly have insurance and not Ben. If she's being covered on her parents' plan, it would not extend to Ben, or to any children she may have. And sadly, pretty much as soon as they're born, babies become tiny "health care consumers" in their own right. (Side note-- Josie as a micro-preemie was considered severely disabled and was entitled to special benefits through Medicare or Medicade, I don't know which -- and she'd also have been covered under any plan her parents had.)

Edited by JenCarroll
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Well, she doesn't seem that excited about it. I'm sure she could have announced it if she wanted to. Seems she might be waiting for the first trimester to pass. Not like Jilly-muffin, announcing while the pee stick is still wet. Maybe Ben's parents are giving her advice.

I think it's more likely the producers are suggesting a timeline for premium exposure. It's a gold mine for them if they can roll out a big event every couple of weeks. Guaranteed ratings.

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Ugh - that just gave me a creepy thought. Anyone wonder if JB and Michele keep a chart of the daughter-in-laws cycles so they can tell them when the best time to get pregnant is? I don't think Jessa got pregnant on her honeymoon. What if she was told to be sure to get pregnant but delay it just enough so they don't have to announce until Baby Dilly is born. I can see Michele calling Jessa up... you are fertile tonight - be sure you are allowing God's will to happen. 


UGH - I just grossed myself out

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The government helps seniors and the severely disabled pay for insurance for treatment by private practitioners, through Medicare. Oh, and profoundly inadequate coverage for the very poor through another program.


I don't know about medical coverage, but it seems to be opposite for prescription coverage. Medicaid seems to be the better deal: low copays (in our state it's usually nothing, $1, or $3, depending on the tier of drug) and most everything is covered, including over the counter meds if they're prescribed by a doctor (including condoms!), whereas I see lots of older people with Medicare paying large copays or being forced to different medications because they're not covered.


It's frustrating to watch people come in for their OTC medications that are covered by Medicaid while they're sipping on the grande Starbucks drinks and texting on their iPhone and complaining about their $3 copay while next to them Grandpa pays $135 for the Spiriva that's covered by Medicare.


Jessa and Ben are probably still covered by their parents plans. Any child of theirs would qualify for Medicaid.

Edited by McManda
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Politically, it will ruin Jim Bob's schtick if his 200 grandchildren all end up on Medicaid.


Kinda goes against the Duggar mantra of no loans and buy used, save the difference, right? Except, well, it's not a loan so much as assistance, and if they're not paying for insurance that's more to save! /sarcasm.


Seriously though, it irks me when people come up to counter with iPhones and expensive coffee drinks and hand me a Medicaid card and say "here's my insurance". No, it's not insurance. It's assistance. Your insurance company didn't pay anything; Medicaid is not insurance. I (and everyone else) helped you pay for the medications you're picking up. Or even worse, when they want me to call for a vacation override. You're on Medicaid but can afford go on vacation? I had a lady yell at me once because Medicaid wouldn't cover her meds early (Medicaid will only grant early refills for very specific cases, and one state's Medicaid doesn't work in another state) and she needed them because she was leaving for a vacation to Hawaii.

  • Love 3

I'm your political liberal, but I hear you. I spent years without insurance because there was no money. It's a scary thing to be poor. But there were no vacations, either. I remember people making fun of Sarah Palin for not having a passport until nearly 40, and many of my friends were surprised that I had never been to Europe until I was 39. (My husband is an international attorney.). But poverty means no travel, and it took us a full decade to get to a break even point.

But then, the Duggars have traveled all over the world and most of them have seen less of it than I had when I was 22. And all I had seen came from books and my imagination. So there's that. I wouldn't trade my life for theirs.

And I've still never been to Hawaii. :)

Edited by GEML
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Excuse all the questions but if Jessa is pregnant, does Jim-Boob's PHI pay for the doctor's visits, the midwife and the hospital if she delivers there?  I'm assuming that before she gave birth, Ben would have to take out insurance on the baby in case it needed neonatal care?  I've heard that insurance is expensive so I can't see how unemployed Ben would be able to not only support a family but have insurance for the kids they want.    

Sorry if this is getting off topic but does Derrick's Walmart insurance cover Iz?

Sorry for the somewhat off-topic insurance talk!  It is just so different to our system.  

I doubt AR has a state exchange, so I have no idea how the independently employed (such as Binjermin claims to be) get coverage.


But yes, the babies, once born, can be claimed on either parent's plan, as long as those plans aren't connected to their parents. Ben may still well be covered on HIS parents' plan, if they have one that's NOT named Samaritan. 


Samaritan, for those who don't know, is an insurance pay-in hosted by Christians. They have very strict lifestyle rules regarding who can be "insured," and vote on what claims to pay. Sadly, if you get on someone's bad side, they may decide not to pay your childbirth expenses. But that's Samaritan. Bleech.

As far as Jessa's prenatal care goes, it would be covered by Jim Bob's insurance, provided she was still a beneficiary on his plan.

Babies are a bit different. Traditionally they are covered as a dependent by a parent's plan, but that wouldn't be the case if his parent was still covered by their parent. Then they'd qualify for state assistance (Medicaid). I'm not sure if you can buy private insurance for an infant, but I don't see why not. Baby Israel would be covered by Derick's insurance through Wal-Mart.

It often takes awhile to get newborns added to an existing plan, so usually parent's just pay out of pocket and get reimbursed later (for prescriptions, for office visits they probably just defer payment) until the paperwork goes through. Coverage would be backdated to the day they were born, so that would cover any postnatal care for the baby.

Newborns don't automatically qualify for Medicaid.  Parental income and resources are counted for eligibility.  Jessa and Ben aren't living on air and even if they don't get paid from TLC, in kind support counts the same as cash for Medicaid purposes.  Rent free housing for instance would be charged at fair market value.  

  • Love 2

I don't know about medical coverage, but it seems to be opposite for prescription coverage. Medicaid seems to be the better deal: low copays (in our state it's usually nothing, $1, or $3, depending on the tier of drug) and most everything is covered, including over the counter meds if they're prescribed by a doctor (including condoms!), whereas I see lots of older people with Medicare paying large copays or being forced to different medications because they're not covered.

It's frustrating to watch people come in for their OTC medications that are covered by Medicaid while they're sipping on the grande Starbucks drinks and texting on their iPhone and complaining about their $3 copay while next to them Grandpa pays $135 for the Spiriva that's covered by Medicare.

Jessa and Ben are probably still covered by their parents plans. Any child of theirs would qualify for Medicaid.

Medicaid has some extreme limitations on what can be prescribed, but the bigger issue is the medical care.

I doubt AR has a state exchange, so I have no idea how the independently employed (such as Binjermin claims to be) get coverage.


I'm pretty sure they do participate in the exchange.

Newborns don't automatically qualify for Medicaid.  Parental income and resources are counted for eligibility.  Jessa and Ben aren't living on air and even if they don't get paid from TLC, in kind support counts the same as cash for Medicaid purposes.  Rent free housing for instance would be charged at fair market value.

Micro preemies like Josie qualify automatically. Otherwise eligibility is based on household income. Jessa has income from her book, from speaking engagements, and probably from tlc. Bin has wages from the toilet-scrubbing and maybe also from tlc. The free housing is a gift so it's not subject to income tax, but is counted for things like poverty program eligibility or (Mechelle's favorite) bankruptcy. All in all, they're unlikely to qualify.

OK, yes, I used to be a lawyer. I changed careers, but apparently I still get excited about discussing public policy. Sorry I'm kind of flooding this thread; I will try to shut up now on this topic.


Edited by JenCarroll
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Iz likely would be covered immediately under Wal-mart so long as paperwork if filed correctly within 30 days.

I'm guessing Ben and Jessa took out healthcare through Onamacare on their own through the federal option via Ar. It they did, their baby would automatically be added to that when it is born, so long as they took a maternal rider policy (which I'm betting they did, if they took out their own.). If they actually are getting their own money (my JB, or PEOPLE or Jessa's book, speaking engagements, this could help them at tax season, etc) depending on the ratios.

I don't know if that was helpful or understandable. 

Sort of :) You explained it clearly but it just seems to be a rather complicated system! It seems like a lot of hoops to jump through.  

Looking at what you guys are saying about the system, it adds to my thinking that Jessa and Ben aren't prepared for a family.  Two unemployed young adults with no qualifications who are living in their grandmother's home.  Even if Jessa is on Boob's insurance, the money for Ben and Blessa Baby will have to come from somewhere and I seriously doubt that he is paying Ben enough to be able to live comfortably with a baby and car with everyone covered insurance wise. Ben is going to need a job beyond Jim-Bob's drudge if Jessa is pregnant.   

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I am holding out hope for Jessa. While I think she is PG now, I think she is not going to like all the changes to your body after birth ( stretch marks, bladder issues, hemorrhoids)


I think she ( like most normal women) will slow her roll after the first. Especially if she tears ( no sex for a while, could be painful ect) or has a rough delivery. 


I wonder if Michelle has every really told them any negatives about birthing? I remember reading an article a few years back and was horrified bc I didn't know you could legit split open down there and also get hemorrhoids and pee yourself and bleed for weeks. ( Didn't scare me tooo much I'm TTC soon and very much want kids but DAMN )


I grew up in a liberal household went to a really good public high school with decent sex ed ( we got slide shows of STDS, had to watch a baby being born ect) and I had no idea. Maybe I missed that day. Either way they should tell teenagers these things it might lower the teen pregnancy rates LOL

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OH MY GOD, NIKE!! Look at those girls in the background. I hope Jessa's keeping a close eye on Ben with all those defrauding hussies around.

JenCarroll - please don't shut up! Most of us here like to hear from, and appreciate, knowledgeable experts. Those with real credentials they actually sweated over and earned.

Aw, thanks. Still, I think we have pretty much wrung the 'healthcare in America' issue dry here, so I'm back to just throwing around my opinions for a while. :-)

Edited by JenCarroll
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Ugh - that just gave me a creepy thought. Anyone wonder if JB and Michele keep a chart of the daughter-in-laws cycles so they can tell them when the best time to get pregnant is? I don't think Jessa got pregnant on her honeymoon. What if she was told to be sure to get pregnant but delay it just enough so they don't have to announce until Baby Dilly is born. I can see Michele calling Jessa up... you are fertile tonight - be sure you are allowing God's will to happen.

UGH - I just grossed myself out

This whole thing had me somewhere between laughter and vomiting. I guess it depends on how regular the girls' cycles are. If the girls are kind of irregular, once they're out of the house Jchelle has no way of keeping track. I don't think she would go that far, but honestly, who knows with that freakish woman. Besides, I'm not sure that she actually cares too much about having grandchildren. They're numbers to her.

I love that it says she was looking at Maternity and Juniors. Granted, I know there are some petite women that feel more comfortable in Junior's sizes, but it really just speaks a lot about where she is in her life.

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I agree, she looks more likely pregnant from the front than the side.  Why has she gone back to the long skirts?  I think she looks better in the shorter ones.  If she's getting elastic waist ones, I know they are out there in shorter lengths.  Hint Jessa, go to H&M.

Apparently floor-length skirts are the Duggar Women's pregnancy uniforms. Why, I can't imagine; they're not flattering or practical.

She doesn't really look very pregnant from the side. If I didn't know her, and she was just some random girl, I would assume it was a bad angle or something. But because she's a Duggar, and there is going to be a special announcement as her honeymoon episode airs, I think it's safe to say she's pregnant.

By the way, has anyone ever taken the which Duggar daughter are you quiz on TLC's website? Be prepared to answer what your favorite chore is :) Anyway, I'm Blessa! I had better go find myself a dashing manchild ;)

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MAYBE she's just letting herself eat like a normal person now that she's married? PLEASE?????



Could be. Ben's looking kinda pudgy in the pic at the gym with the 2 random guys. For all Jessa's smoothie pictures, I think they eat a ton of fast food and it could be catching up with them. 

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MAYBE she's just letting herself eat like a normal person now that she's married? PLEASE?????


It'd be horrible if she was reading these forums and seeing how we all think she's pregnant just because she's getting comfortable around her husband and his family.

She was so thin before, and we all know about MEchelle's "ED"*. And how they sent a teenaged Jana to weight watchers. MEchelle seems very controlling when it comes too food and weight, and Gothard says all the women to be thin. Maybe this is the first time Jessa gets to eat normally, without someone saying "it's not proper to gain weight" or whatever goes on in there.

*I've never seen MEchelle talk about her eating disorder, but I've seen it talked about here so...

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Yea I said the same thing a couple days ago dillpickles. I sure hope she's not pregnant but I also hope she isn't reading that people think she is just by looking at her. That could send her into a serious spiral. If she's not pregnant, she definitely isn't overweight. She was looking really skinny at the wedding. I don't want to see her starve herself back to that.

  • Love 6

Yea I said the same thing a couple days ago dillpickles. I sure hope she's not pregnant but I also hope she isn't reading that people think she is just by looking at her. That could send her into a serious spiral. If she's not pregnant, she definitely isn't overweight. She was looking really skinny at the wedding. I don't want to see her starve herself back to that.

She actually looks pretty healthy in these pictures. I think more of the Duggar girls are built like Joy is, but they've been told to slim down in order to get courted.

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That side view looks perfectly normal to me.  I always wondered if there was enough food to go around in the TTH anyhow.  Now she is cooking for 2, and there is probably more than enough for seconds. 


Heck, I gained 10 lbs after I got married.  Sundays with lunch at my Italian mother-in-law followed by dinner at my parents were partly to blame.


I remember the endless speculation about Anna between Michael and Marcus, and before she announced she was pregnant with M4.  And the camera does make people look heavier.  


Jessa will announce a pregnancy when she is ready.  I sincerely doubt that it will be quite as early as Jill did- I can see her waiting until she is 3-4 months along.  And I would not be at all surprised if the cameras did not roll during her labor and delivery.  I don't think she would be on board with that.


But on the plus side, they will be married for 6 months in 2 weeks, and still no pregnancy announcement.  Pretty unusual for a Duggar.

Edited by 3 is enough
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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