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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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56 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Repeatedly kicked Jana's bunk when they were kids, for one.

Eh, Kids are jerks, and even the nicest kids get into scuffles with their siblings. The only effed up thing with that is that Michelle handled it terribly as a parent. My sister and I used to be awful to each other- if we were mad we would dump water on each others beds right before bedtime so whoever have to change all the sheets :-( LOL I wouldn't call either of us cruel. And we are best friends to this day. 

While I think she is horribly ignorant, and feels superior to the rest of us plebs because Jesus and TV- I do enjoy her prickly personality and that she doesn't keep sweet all the time.  We all forget that these kids were raised like feral children and had a horrible upbringing filled with abuse and neglect. I'm glad she doesn't keep sweet. Shows that despite their efforts Boob and Mechelle  didn't squash the life out of her like they did Jana and Joy. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, lascuba said:

How? I'm seriously asking. What has Jessa ever done or said that would give the impression that she'd be cruel?

Well, I'm not sure I'd exactly call it "cruel." But there is the famous, nationally televised incident in which Jill was obviously breaking down during the post-Josh-reveal interview. And Jessa, about 18 inches away, didn't even reach out to give her a brief, friendly punch on the arm in solidarity or whatever. So I would at least call that "cold."

Now, I'm notoriously cold as well, especially toward my family, and there are relatives with whom I expect I have as many issues as Jessa has with Jill. But if one of them is sitting next to me breaking down, I do at least give that person a brief nudge or mild punch or eye-catch-and-grimace (or whatever) of support.

And whatever aspect of the situation had Jill breaking down (whether the molestation or the media reveal of the molestation or whatever), it clearly had to be an aspect she had in common with Jessa, since they'd gone through the whole adventure together and were still going to it. So a person who allows any empathy or sympathy at all to reach the surface almost surely would have felt a bit of it in that situation. But Jessa? Apparently nothing. And if a cold-ass like me sees somebody as being pretty cold, I think they're cold.

"Cold" is certainly not a crime. But it doesn't make you likable to most people either.

  • Love 18
28 minutes ago, lascuba said:

HA! I should be serving a life sentence for the shit I pulled to annoy my big sisters when I was little.

Well, maybe you should be serving the sentence. I don't think "being kids" gets us off the hook for being rotten. Because when we're rotten as kids we virtually always know better. And I do know kids who almost never are actually rotten or mean to others (which isn't the same to me as causing trouble with hijinks or emotional outbursts or whatever) . And kids who show a great deal of empathy and even restraint. As well as people who mature enough to look back at rottenness they committed as kids and realize that it was wrong, and sometimes even apologize for it or make some amends for it and try to make sure they're not doing similar, more subtle rotten stuff as adults and still letting themselves off the hook for it, only now on some different grounds.

So those of us who are rotten or cold or whatever as kids do have stuff to answer for later, in my opinion. And our kid rottenness did show something essential about our personalities and characters, in my opinion. Especially if we never recognize it enough to make sure we're behaving better later.

I do make exceptions for kids who are just fighting back against the real instigators. (or engaging together in that play-fighting that lion cubs and puppies do -- looks tough but inside they both know it's a game) But kids who are instigators? Bad kid character. And we'd better make sure we aren't the same as adults, because plenty of people are. Where do mean, selfish, instigating adults come from? My experience suggests that very often they come from mean, selfish, instigating children.

Was Jessa the instigator in the Jana incident? I don't know. Maybe Jana was pulling some mean under-the-radar big-sister stuff and Jessa was fighting back. If so, then okay. Not Jessa's fault. But if Jessa was the instigator, she was old enough to feel guilty about being given a jewelry box that belonged to somebody she was already hurting, and there are children who at some point would have felt bad and maybe even said they did or given the box back. We'll never know what the real scenario was here, so to some extent I'm with you on giving Jessa a bit of a pass. If she did start it, though, and never reached out to make any amends at all, then I do think it illustrates bad character that she may very well still have.

The incident you recounted from the show, of Jessa telling the others that some dumb trick they were pulling was mean -- That's definitely a big point in Jessa's favor, for me.

I agree with you that the main thing we're all going on here is just our intuitions about the way Jessa (along with the others) strikes us. And real evidence is slim. Of course, it's slim in both the positive and negative directions. So she might be mean, or actually quite kind, or anywhere in between.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Aja said:

Wasn't it Jessa squealing with laughter during Catgate? Correct me if I'm wrong. Whoever it was, that was startlingly cruel.

I don't think we know who it was. It sounded like Joy to me, actually. But it sounded to others like Jessa. And there seemed to be pretty much background squealing, so it may well have been both of them or somebody else entirely. No way to tell. But I agree that it sounded extremely cruel to me. Some girl's or young woman's voice shrieking -- "Git eeeeem!!! Git eeeeem!!)     Whoever it was lacks empathy pretty completely at this point. And I actually wonder whether it isn't all the Duggars. That's the family culture, seems to me.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Wasn't it Jessa who felt the need to post dozens (hundreds?) of her own wedding photos (months after her actual wedding) when Amy got married?

Yep. There's one. Underhanded nonsense done purely out of jealousy by somebody completely old enough to know better. I don't see any other way to interpret that one.

  • Love 8

I seem to have sparked some of this discussion when I posted about Jessa having IMO a "mean girl" vibe. I'm not sure I'd call her cruel, but there's an edge to her that I don't see with the other Duggar girls. Somebody said she's got "spunk," and I agree.  

I'm among those who was struck by her not reaching out to Jill when Jill was crying during that horrible Faux News interview during Joshgate I. It was anything but warm, for sure. I wonder if Jessa has internalized a lot of emotional baggage about the molestations, so that any impulse she may have felt to comfort Jill, was smothered by all the inhibitions, rationalizations, and other crap that she was handed by her parents in lieu of actual, you know, honesty and help in dealing with it. She and Jill may have "gone through it together" as kids but that doesn't mean they will have identical reactions or responses.

I tend to agree with the comments above that Jessa's probably more sensitive and aware of how her family is perceived, than many of her siblings, and her prickliness and standoffishness with strangers is a protective response to that. And kudos to whoever said that her protective emotional wall is probably brittle and fragile. 

But oh, man, do I ever think she's got that entitlement going. Her response to Joshgate and the show's faux cancellation showed that. It also showed her pretty much undisguised lust to continue being a TV stah, which made her claim that they "aren't a TV family, just family who happens to be on TV" so hilariously, transparently, 100% bullshit. 

I'm just not on Team Jana. Jana's got some really nice looks and comes across as a nice person, but is just not into the TV thing. In terms of looks, Jessa may be less classically "beautiful" than Jana, but she's telegenic and hot, and shows there's something human behind the bullcrap Duggar made-for-TV piety. And she clearly loves loves loves to be on camera. Which is a job requirement for a reality TV personality. 

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, I'm not sure I'd exactly call it "cruel." But there is the famous, nationally televised incident in which Jill was obviously breaking down during the post-Josh-reveal interview. And Jessa, about 18 inches away, didn't even reach out to give her a brief, friendly punch on the arm in solidarity or whatever. So I would at least call that "cold."

Now, I'm notoriously cold as well, especially toward my family, and there are relatives with whom I expect I have as many issues as Jessa has with Jill. But if one of them is sitting next to me breaking down, I do at least give that person a brief nudge or mild punch or eye-catch-and-grimace (or whatever) of support.

And whatever aspect of the situation had Jill breaking down (whether the molestation or the media reveal of the molestation or whatever), it clearly had to be an aspect she had in common with Jessa, since they'd gone through the whole adventure together and were still going to it. So a person who allows any empathy or sympathy at all to reach the surface almost surely would have felt a bit of it in that situation. But Jessa? Apparently nothing. And if a cold-ass like me sees somebody as being pretty cold, I think they're cold.

"Cold" is certainly not a crime. But it doesn't make you likable to most people either.


26 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, maybe you should be serving the sentence. I don't think "being kids" gets us off the hook for being rotten. Because when we're rotten as kids we virtually always know better. And I do know kids who almost never are actually rotten or mean to others (which isn't the same to me as causing trouble with hijinks or emotional outbursts or whatever) . And kids who show a great deal of empathy and even restraint. As well as people who mature enough to look back at rottenness they committed as kids and realize that it was wrong, and sometimes even apologize for it or make some amends for it and try to make sure they're not doing similar, more subtle rotten stuff as adults and still letting themselves off the hook for it, only now on some different grounds.

So those of us who are rotten or cold or whatever as kids do have stuff to answer for later, in my opinion. And our kid rottenness did show something essential about our personalities and characters, in my opinion. Especially if we never recognize it enough to make sure we're behaving better later.

I do make exceptions for kids who are just fighting back against the real instigators. (or engaging together in that play-fighting that lion cubs and puppies do -- looks tough but inside they both know it's a game) But kids who are instigators? Bad kid character. And we'd better make sure we aren't the same as adults, because plenty of people are. Where do mean, selfish, instigating adults come from? My experience suggests that very often they come from mean, selfish, instigating children.

Was Jessa the instigator in the Jana incident? I don't know. Maybe Jana was pulling some mean under-the-radar big-sister stuff and Jessa was fighting back. If so, then okay. Not Jessa's fault. But if Jessa was the instigator, she was old enough to feel guilty about being given a jewelry box that belonged to somebody she was already hurting, and there are children who at some point would have felt bad and maybe even said they did or given the box back. We'll never know what the real scenario was here, so to some extent I'm with you on giving Jessa a bit of a pass. If she did start it, though, and never reached out to make any amends at all, then I do think it illustrates bad character that she may very well still have.

The incident you recounted from the show, of Jessa telling the others that some dumb trick they were pulling was mean -- That's definitely a big point in Jessa's favor, for me.

I agree with you that the main thing we're all going on here is just our intuitions about the way Jessa (along with the others) strikes us. And real evidence is slim. Of course, it's slim in both the positive and negative directions. So she might be mean, or actually quite kind, or anywhere in between.

Wait a minute...the thing about bugging Jana was meant as a serious criticism?  Holy hell, people.

From what I remember, the "cruel" shit Jessa did to Jana was when she was THREE YEARS OLD! And it amounted to kicking her bunk. And that jewelry box story is hinky as hell...I highly doubt that it ended with Jessa learning her lesson, she just got older and out grew the notoriously PITA that is a child's third year.

There's so much to say about perception and how we individually define words, because to me? Jill was not breaking down during that Megyn Kelly interview...at MOST she was quietly crying and *I* think the crying was fake. She was practically poking herself in the eye for several minutes to get a few tears to leak out. Compare that to the most recent Jill ridiculousness of crying over the memory of a fallen shower rack...those tears were obviously real.

And even if the FauxNews tears were real...why the expectation of performative sympathy? I just do not understand people getting mad over these people not being even faker than usual. They were doing a planned interview. About something that occurred when they were tweens and, if they are to be believed, they have no recollection of it happening. They had very obviously had long planning sessions about how they were going to spin things...but Jessa not being touchy-feely was the real crime.

For all the talk of the evils of Christian patriarchy, I really think a whole lot of people want these girls to fit the Gothard mold.

  • Love 11
41 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Yep. There's one. Underhanded nonsense done purely out of jealousy by somebody completely old enough to know better. I don't see any other way to interpret that one.

 Amy had gone to the media several times to talk shit in an attempt to get the spotlight on herself. Posting those pictures was a petty move on Jessa's part, but Amy doesn't deserve any sympathy there.

I do think Jessa has a mean streak.  She tries to control her siblings through passive aggressiveness and straight up aggression.  She took out her hostility on others who had no power. Rebel against your parents and be defiant, don't make your brothers and sisters' lives worse. Even Jinger said that Jessa had become nicer since she had Spurgeon. If her own "best friend" indirectly calls her a bitch there is something there.

I wouldn't applaud Jill if she continually underminded her siblings' plans, I would think she was pushy and needed to step off. Jessa tried to take over guest house decorating after plans were made and the real work had been done. Then she refused to look at the wall to see the decorations when she saw she couldn't get her own way.  It wouldn't have been a big deal but she constantly tries to get her way when her lazy ass does nothing.

The Jana jewelry box story gets so much traction because Jana was crying while she told the story and Jessa had a weird smirk on her face. It may have been a "whoa calm down"  rather than triumphant, but it showed no empathy. She may have been embarrassed that it was being discussed in public. Michelle is to blame for letting Jessa get away with shitty behavior.

It's more little things that build up to think Jessa is a bully.  

  • Love 11

I was happy when Jana finally threw some shade in a TH when she said she didn't want to marry "the first guy who came along." Even though her life is no great shakes, I can't imagine being stuck with an immature man-child like Bin. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 19

Jessa stands out to me so much because the rest of the kids appear so freaking laid-back to the point of almost being comatose.  I mean, heck - sometimes when JD comes onscreen and talks, I can't decide if his slow, plodding way of speaking is because he's just boring, or if he's actually so over having a camera in his face that he smartly gives non-answers to many of the questions posed to him.  Jill and Joy can barely string words together to make a sentence, and Jana always looks like she wants every question to be about anything other than her.  The younger boys are so vanilla that they all blend together except Josiah, who I think tries to show a spark of personality on occasion.  Jessa, however - you have to watch her.  She's got a sneaky, snarky side which can be either healthy for someone raised to be repressed, or just plain mean, because she's gotten away with it her entire life.

Either way, when Jessa is onscreen, I tend to watch her a little more closely to see what she'll say, whereas the other kids could be used as cures for insomnia.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I don't like Jessa and I don't think she's a nice person, but I do feel sympathy for her. I doubt I'd be Sally Sunshine either if I were forced to raise a group of my mother's children before I'd hit puberty. 

Yeah, I agree. I feel sympathy for all the kids, actually. To some degree that even includes Josh. And what the girls were put through (and in some cases are still being put through) was particularly crappy. Not surprising that so many of them appear to be misshapen in various ways.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, lascuba said:



For all the talk of the evils of Christian patriarchy, I really think a whole lot of people want these girls to fit the Gothard mold.

Yeah, I can see why you would think this, and you're probably right about some people wanting them to fit it.

I don't want them to fit the Gothard mold. At all. I don't want Jessa to be a housekeeper or kowtow to men. In fact, I'd like her to use her strengths to do something other than pump out babies for the Lord and post nasty stuff online about people who don't buy the Gothard religious tenets. I'd like her to insist that her family get out from under Gothard-daddy's umbrella of protection and live their own life and depend on themselves. So, to me, she's a lot more Gothard than I'd like to see. Despite her breaking the mold in some ways -- i.e., by being grumpy, snarky, and so forth. I guess, for me, the strength that you believe she shows by being grumpy and snarky just isn't enough. If she's got the guts for that, why can't she have the guts for something else, something substantial? is the way I feel.

The bottom line is that Jessa just repeatedly strikes me (just intuitively -- which can be right or absolutely wildly crazily wrong, of course) -- as being an undeservedly arrogant kinda bitchy woman who doesn't actually do anything or act on her feistiness, but instead just sits on her ass and pumps out kids -- just the way Gothard and Gothard-daddy and Bin-I-want-to-father-a-baseball-team want her to. And I react to her viscerally -- which could easily mean that I'm dead wrong in my judgments! Since I do react to her viscerally, though, I'm especially alert to events that buttress my responses! 

As I've mentioned before, I completely agree that we know very little of these people (and I know less than many because I don't even watch the show), so of course my intuitions here could be absolutely right, 2000 percent wrong, or, most likely I'd guess, somewhere in between.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

The bottom line, is that Jessa just repeatedly strikes me (just intuitively -- which can be right or absolutely wildly crazily wrong, of course) -- as being an undeservedly arrogant kinda bitchy woman who doesn't actually do anything or act on her feistiness, but instead just sits on her ass and pumps out kids -- just the way Gothard and Gothard-daddy and Bin-I-want-to-father-a-baseball-team want her to. And I react to her viscerally -- which could easily mean that I'm dead wrong in my judgments! Since I do react to her viscerally, though, I'm especially alert to events that buttress my responses! 


My main issue is that every single one of them is undeservedly arrogant. Every single one of the sits on their ass and pumps out kids or plans to. But the one that's routinely singled out for it is the one without the meek demeanor. It just boggles my mind that people, for example, criticized her for having a strongly worded opinion on the play house instead of being like her sisters and hesitantly ask, "Why don't we do [xyz]?"

  • Love 7

Jessa may be more outspoken, but her outspokenness is always self serving and usually insulting or demeaning someone who doesn't meet her approval. 

This whole family triggers my anger button so much, I had to make myself stay off here and not watch them for a long time. That said, I've said for years that Jessa is only HBIC in her tiny realm and on her own social media. She is partially aware of how 'different' aka Not Right(eous) in the Head her family is (absent MOTY Michelle, sex obsessed, Josh and that whole situation), yet she defends them fiercely. She also is absolutely terrorized and paranoid about anyone just like them, and may be bold on social media and in gothardy situations, but she'll cower in the corner when she has to interact with anyone else. It only takes a tiny slip to do straight to hell, remember? 

I think she resents Jana, who has been deemed the Perfect Sweet One, she doesn't like Jill but doesn't see her as a threat, and she'll turn on puppy dog Jinger the second she thinks she'll steal her spotlight. I think she totally detests Michelle, too, but since Jessa became 'the pretty one', she sees how that role has worked for Michelle and is following in her footsteps. 

On one hand, I commend Jessa for hustling in the only hustle she's known - extending the show, getting the speaking tour going, 'branding herself', etc. but on the other hand, I wish she'd actually hustle at something original or that she wasn't just riding coattails. She's going to be the one who is hit the hardest when the same ole same ole 19 Kids gravy train ends, because she isn't quite smart enough to do anything else. She'll be like the best milkman or blacksmith in the village - useless at her 'trade' in a few years.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, lascuba said:

My main issue is that every single one of them is undeservedly arrogant. Every single one of the sits on their ass and pumps out kids or plans to. But the one that's routinely singled out for it is the one without the meek demeanor. It just boggles my mind that people, for example, criticized her for having a strongly worded opinion on the play house instead of being like her sisters and hesitantly ask, "Why don't we do [xyz]?"

Totally one thousand percent agree.

I don't single her out for arrogance. They're all arrogant. Almost every time they open their stupid mouths.

But Jessa, as you've said, does show some signs of mouthiness, some signs of contrariness, some signs of perhaps a bit of personal backbone -- and that does suggest possibly a tiny bit more intelligence or guts. And yet -- to my eye, she's every bit as stupidly I'm-a-Duggar-so-I'm-great arrogant and committed to the damn Gothard principles as any of the rest of them. And, to me, if she had any real guts, she might question the family traditions and family brainwashings a bit.

That's why  I see her as not some stronger personality in the Duggar pile, but just another undeservedly arrogant, and in her case kinda openly bitchy woman, with no apparent substance of her own but completely in the Duggar mold. I see Anna and Josh as very much the same as Jessa. And I see Jill as a slightly different flavor of the substance-free arrogant Duggar -- in her case in the snitchy, suck-uppy mold. Joy appears to be an arrogant total idiot. Josiah seems to have joined Joy on the arrogant idiot pile. Various howlers have expressed lots of the Duggar arrogance and, appear to pretty much lack individual characters as well.   Jinger and Jana and Joe and JD I have less impression of because they say so little -- but I have a strong feeling that, if they did say something, it'd come out pretty much the same as all the others. I don't see any reason to imagine that they lack the Duggar arrogance just because they're quiet, although maybe they do.

That said, I feel sympathy for their having been brainwashed. (and for the girls being molested and then having it all swept under the rug without being allowed to deal with it) But I'm floored -- and, frankly, pissed -- that they're all so weak and and easily bought off that none of them questions any of the bullshit. As long as the money keeps coming, at least. I expect that, one day, some of them may be sorry that they bought it for so long.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8

Jana may be the biggest, yet quietest, rebel of them all. She just doesn't scream it from the rooftops. 

Despite all the 'Free Jinger' claims, I actually think she may be the most brainwashed. She's the not who seems ready to crumble at any second, especially after Jessa flew the dorm. Jinger's eye rolls to me were more of 'we are SOOOO cool, right Jessa? Everybody wants to be US, bc we do everything differently! Anything different *insert eyeroll*.' 

Jinger might be destracted for a split second by this wedding, but she's drunker on the koolaid than Jill. Jill is a space cadet, Jessa is hustling to keep her HBIC status intact, but Jinger neck deep in Koolaid. Joy's smugness and hatefulness disappoints me the most so far. I have hopes for Jenny, but that's about it. 

  • Love 4




Birthday greetings for Princess Jessa from Jill. When did Jill start calling Jessa "dehuh bubby" more importantly WTH does it mean. 



Edited by Brown eyed girl
Ignore the quote box and spoiler box. Couldn't get rid of them.

Regarding the "kick the bunk and get the jewelry box" story, Jessa was 6 and 7 years old, and she WAS repeatedly "corrected" for her brattiness.  Michelle stated that even after numerous punishments, Jessa wouldn't stop kicking Jana's bunk.  That's when Michelle gave Jana a little bible lesson in forgiveness and loving your enemies and giving your tormentor your most prized possession because jeebus. 

The REALLY sad thing in all this is just the logistics of ALL those kids and so little space each of them actually has for their OWN stuff.  I'm quite certain Jana had very, very few possessions that were all hers.  Maybe that prized jewelry box was her ONLY non-shared item.

  • Love 8

Brown eyed girl:  No birthday greetings from Bin to Jessa  yet. I wonder if it will be a video professing his undying love for her , a bible verse or a love letter. Or maybe all 3. Remember he is the dashing Bin Seewald. According to Jessa. 

Hold your horses.  He will get right to it after he finds the green crayon.

  • Love 12
40 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Brown eyed girl:  No birthday greetings from Bin to Jessa  yet. I wonder if it will be a video professing his undying love for her , a bible verse or a love letter. Or maybe all 3. Remember he is the dashing Bin Seewald. According to Jessa. 

Hold your horses.  He will get right to it after he finds the green crayon.

They're likely at the rehearsal right now, so I don't know if a public birthday greeting is forthcoming from him, since he HAS to be in the wedding party. He IS the one who got to know Jeremy and is therefore first in line getting the couple set up.

  • Love 1
36 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

"Visionary?" REALLY, Mechelle????? I don't think that word means what you think it means. (Picture's a retread; read the caption)

Oh my fucking God... "inspired thousands of young ladies to seek God..." 


I doubt Jessa has inspired anyone since she,  herself,  hasn't accomplished anything . No career,  no education, NOTHING.  Being a breeder for Jesus isn't inspirational.  A visionary???!!!  Hahahahaha.  

  • Love 19

Jessa is a visionary because she understands the importance of the TLC gig and the need to smile and be perky at all times.  I think some of the others, like Jana, have to be reminded frequently how important it is to the family that they keep up this crap.  Jessa is ready to do almost whatever it takes to keep the cameras rolling.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

Jessa is a visionary because she understands the importance of the TLC gig and the need to smile and be perky at all times.  I think some of the others, like Jana, have to be reminded frequently how important it is to the family that they keep up this crap.  Jessa is ready to do almost whatever it takes to keep the cameras rolling.

So, visionary = "meal ticket" in their world. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
closing quotes is important
  • Love 2

You've "inspired thousands of young ladies to seek God." Well, that wouldn't go to your head much, now would it?

This is what this idiot family truly believes. That they have a direct line to God and that they're responsible for turning the world over to God. Sweet merciful crap.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, riverblue22 said:

Jessa is a visionary because she understands the importance of the TLC gig and the need to smile and be perky at all times.  I think some of the others, like Jana, have to be reminded frequently how important it is to the family that they keep up this crap.  Jessa is ready to do almost whatever it takes to keep the cameras rolling.

I think that's pretty much exactly what Michelle meant by visionary. I'd bet Jessa, after being approached by show producers, shared her heart with Michelle and JB about Counting On and since this cobbled together mess of a show keeps the Duggars on TV, Jessa is a visionary. I think both the producers and Ma & Pa are disappointed in Jill's contributions and Jinger is still a bit of an unknown but probably won't bring much to the show after the wedding.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They're likely at the rehearsal right now, so I don't know if a public birthday greeting is forthcoming from him, since he HAS to be in the wedding party. He IS the one who got to know Jeremy and is therefore first in line getting the couple set up.

And we can't forget - HE helped pick out Jessa's engagement ring.

3 hours ago, louannems said:

Regarding the "kick the bunk and get the jewelry box" story, Jessa was 6 and 7 years old, and she WAS repeatedly "corrected" for her brattiness.  Michelle stated that even after numerous punishments, Jessa wouldn't stop kicking Jana's bunk.  That's when Michelle gave Jana a little bible lesson in forgiveness and loving your enemies and giving your tormentor your most prized possession because jeebus. 

The REALLY sad thing in all this is just the logistics of ALL those kids and so little space each of them actually has for their OWN stuff.  I'm quite certain Jana had very, very few possessions that were all hers.  Maybe that prized jewelry box was her ONLY non-shared item.

Jessa should've had consequences. But Michelle blamed Jana. What a bitch. Poor Jana. 

  • Love 2

Mechelle ostensibly was trying to teach 7 year old Jana a lesson in forgiveness. Well, over 15 years later, she broke down when telling the story in front of a large group of people. What did 4 year old Jessa learn? That you can get away with stuff without punishment. I think that's a huge part of her personality today; she's entitled and can't take criticism, pretending that it doesn't exist when she deletes and blocks anything that doesn't fit into her worldview. Even Ben allows comments to stand that he might not agree with. I don't think Jessa will ever adopt this stance. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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