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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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FWIW GD increases gestational size (and causes lots of other problems) - making a homebirth a less viable option. Izzy was so big I thought GD with Jill too, but it could just be genetics there, too. Seriously, TLC would've paid for a prenatal visit or two if they were filmed. It's scary that Jessa got nothing - other than Dr. Jill's examination.

  • Love 5

That's funny, I missed the "cold brew" discussion.  I've been doing it myself, not 'cuz it's hip - I was just (1) following Grady's lead (http://www.gradyscoldbrew.com/); (2) need a lot of coffee on the regular to sling myself through a day at work and prefer cold; (3), too lazy to make it every morning a la carte.


Though, I find that's usually the way of things - in the main I think I am considered to have good taste, but really, considering we tend to buy what's currently in stores and on shelves, it's eminently likely that most of us will discover that we are "cool by accident", lol.

Edited by queenanne
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When posters say that they think Jessa and Jill won't be having many of their own babies - are you all suspecting that they will use birth control?

Or needlessly killing themselves in the attempt.



Something tells me they could film the Duggar driveway lined with human heads on spikes and the "fans" would be falling all over themselves to point out how neatly it was done and how they got the spacing just right.

and asking the Duggars to come to their houses to help place severed heads on their driveways. Such a blessing to watch and an inspiration!



SomePity, the Duggars could run over a litter of kittens and their leghumpers would be praising them for their efforts to help control the pet population. It's no big wonder why Jessa's ego is so massive and why the whole family has such an entitlement complex.

Already done. remember catgate?

  • Love 7

Funny... in the Flame post comments, people are complaining that they have been blocked, including people who, at first blush, seem both utterly puzzled and blandly sincere.

Also, not for nothing, Ben, as Flame could be the most interesting young man in the world but... don't you think it would behoove you, for interest, to cut out of the screechy electro-violins to, at one point, interject at least a one-sentence soundbite, of something Flame has actually said instead?

  • Love 2

Bolding mine

Funny... in the Flame post comments, people are complaining that they have been blocked, including people who, at first blush, seem both utterly puzzled and blandly sincere.

Also, not for nothing, Ben, as Flame could be the most interesting young man in the world but... don't you think it would behoove you, for interest, to cut out of the screechy electro-violins to, at one point, interject at least a one-sentence soundbite, of something Flame has actually said instead?

I dunno.

After reading that IG post I think Bin might be too busy adjusting his hair shirt.

  • Love 6

"I love that cold brew is less acidic/bitter tasting when compared to normal hot-brewed coffee!

@ben_seewald thinks it tastes so good that he just adds water, but I'm not that brave! No black coffee for me! Here's my favorite way to drink it:
3oz cold brew, 9oz milk, and agave nectar to sweeten (around 1 tbsp or so)."


A little coffee with your milk and sugar Jessa? (seriously, 3x the amount of milk, and a whole tbsp of agave? You aren't drinking coffee, you are drinking coffee flavoured sugar water)

  • Love 10

The one good thing about my eyes being so bad is that I can't read that page on instagram that Ben posted.  Of course, I don't see all the mistakes I usually make typing either, so my apologies for any and all I make.  It's a good deal I do type by touch or I wouldn't post at all.  But I surely do feel it in my heart that it is better for me to be prevented from seeing Ben's picture of somebody else's writings.  Kind of keeping me from evil.

  • Love 2


Gee, Ben is sure down on himself, with his filthy rags and all!



"My best services are filthy rags."    Apparently God did make junk.


"Give me perpetual broken-heartedness."   Just wait, Bin. Just wait.


You know, I get this, I get what it means, what the significance is. I do. But, seriously, WTF is wrong with a young person who never cites anything about his religion except this aspect? Does no other biblical quotation or concept appeal to him, on any day of the week?  I really really don't get that. At all. Is he depressed? Overwhelmed with self hatred? So struck with the evils of all the rest of humanity that he feels called upon to post this as a warning and exhortation over and over and over again? .... Is his needle just stuck?      Seriously....

  • Love 9

Here's a link to Ben's "devotional".

Straight to you from the Banner of Truth. They make a pretty big deal about copyright infringement. I guess they don't want all of that happiness going viral.

I don't think I'm ready for their truth. No one should be, imho.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4

Ben's old testament god seemed to be shown in his Instagram around the same time as when Jessa was anticipating blessing # 1. And after Spurgeon was born. It is simply not normal for young,"happy" newlyweds, expecting a baby, and neck deep in a newborn's first year to even think this way!

  • Love 6

"Devout" religion is their schtick, that's all. Their gimmick. What they believe sets them apart and makes them special flowers. I doubt it has much to do with the way they actually think. The way they actually think comes across pretty clearly to me. Typical monstrous ego of unbright teenagers given way too much attention and money for doing nothing. 

Edited by Aja
  • Love 13

"My best services are filthy rags."    Apparently God did make junk.


"Give me perpetual broken-heartedness."   Just wait, Bin. Just wait.


You know, I get this, I get what it means, what the significance is. I do. But, seriously, WTF is wrong with a young person who never cites anything about his religion except this aspect? Does no other biblical quotation or concept appeal to him, on any day of the week?  I really really don't get that. At all. Is he depressed? Overwhelmed with self hatred? So struck with the evils of all the rest of humanity that he feels called upon to post this as a warning and exhortation over and over and over again? .... Is his needle just stuck?      Seriously....


(Answering my own question). .... I suppose it may just show that, like the Duggars, he believes that nothing is motivating except fear? I do believe that he honestly feels called upon to bring us all to his truth, so maybe he's never really been exposed to or thought about conversion that comes through any other medium than fear of hell?.........He really isn't too bright, so I suppose other ways are beyond his ken, kind of. So he's just fulfilling his "ministry" by the only means he believes works (or maybe the only means he's even familiar with.)


I can't imagine that it's good for his state of mind to be endlessly rooting out these passages about himself and everybody else being crap. But I suppose it's this kind of stuff that got David Waller and Jinger to see themselves as miserable sinners flinging themselves onto Jesus at the ages of, what, three and six or something? Geez.

  • Love 7


Read the comments - they're great. Nearly every one slams People for being pathetically-needy for something to print. And the Duggars for all the usual reasons.

  • Love 6

Read the comments - they're great. Nearly every one slams People for being pathetically-needy for something to print. And the Duggars for all the usual reasons.


I like their spelling, too.    "A little COURSER than she prefers"?    No wonder People likes the Duggars, they're equally dumb and careless.

  • Love 6

Read the comments - they're great. Nearly every one slams People for being pathetically-needy for something to print. And the Duggars for all the usual reasons.

The lone cry of the solitary leghumper:

"i [sic] so sorry about jessa duggar of the labor [sic] and Jill and her family and i sorry [sic] about the Anna duggar divorce and i always watch yall shows [sic] and it is pretty awesome and yall all [sic] the best [sic]" 

Edited by Aja
  • Love 10

The lone cry of the solitary leghumper:

"i [sic] so sorry about jessa duggar of the labor [sic] and Jill and her family and i sorry [sic] about the Anna duggar divorce and i always watch yall shows [sic] and it is pretty awesome and yall all [sic] the best [sic]" 

I think someone has had too much of Jessa's hyper-sweet, hyper-milky cold brew. (I wasn't aware that it was supposed to be diluted!)

I drink iced coffee. Without sweetener. It's amazing that I learned to cold brew it on my own without Jessa Blessa's instructions. When I'm not in the mood to brew my own, these guys' stuff is outstanding. http://www.anchorheadcoffee.com/


Imagine the boredom of those working for People if this is all they have to report on...

  • Love 7

The lone cry of the solitary leghumper:

"i [sic] so sorry about jessa duggar of the labor [sic] and Jill and her family and i sorry [sic] about the Anna duggar divorce and i always watch yall shows [sic] and it is pretty awesome and yall all [sic] the best [sic]" 


LOL, Aja. This leghumper couldn't have been more helpful in making your point for you - !!!

  • Love 3

I drink iced coffee. Without sweetener. It's amazing that I learned to cold brew it on my own without Jessa Blessa's instructions. When I'm not in the mood to brew my own, these guys' stuff is outstanding. http://www.anchorheadcoffee.com/


Imagine the boredom of those working for People if this is all they have to report on...


I'm guessing - hoping really - that some clueless and newbie 20-something People staffer came up with this idea for a "story." But scariest to me is that someone else, much higher up the pole that that staffer - actually had to sign off on this for publication. What a top-notch, crack staff they have over there at People now! Good grief...

  • Love 4

I'm guessing - hoping really - that some clueless and newbie 20-something People staffer came up with this idea for a "story." But scariest to me is that someone else, much higher up the pole that that staffer - actually had to sign off on this for publication. What a top-notch, crack staff they have over there at People now! Good grief...


Wonder whether they've gotten so many page views from Duggar stories over time that they're just super-eager for them to continue with a show, to continue the ad-viewing run, so they're trying to subtly (lol) push them. I'm sure it's very convenient for them and their advertisers to have some of these long-running people, whose particular readers are well understood for ad targeting and so on. I can imagine them to be distressed every time one of their staples looks to be fading from fame.


I doubt that you're going to be able to goose Jessa into much long-term prominence, though, People.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

I'm guessing - hoping really - that some clueless and newbie 20-something People staffer came up with this idea for a "story." But scariest to me is that someone else, much higher up the pole that that staffer - actually had to sign off on this for publication. What a top-notch, crack staff they have over there at People now! Good grief...

Top-notch, crack staff that doesn't know the difference between "course" and "coarse", which is actually good news for Jessa. If the reality thing doesn't work out, she can always go work at People.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 10



I look at all of Ben's hopeless, judgmental, fire and brimstone, sad, Oh-Woe-Is-Moe, teenage-posturing posting as the Fundie version of a Facebook post where someone says "Oh, my God ! I just can't TAKE people anymore !", someone asks "What's that matter ?", and the response is always - ALWAYS - "I don't wanna talk about it..."


Someone needs to give Ben some Haagen Daz and a Midol. 



  • Love 20

Jessa thinks acid makes coffee bitter? And that mixing coffee with fructose (sugar) is hot new thing?

I know, right?! How did we get by this long without her wise words of coffee wisdom? What a team they make. Ben can instill fear in all, and Jessa can teach kitchen skills. I now have such hope for 2016. ;)

  • Love 8

Ben's hopeless, judgmental, fire and brimstone, sad, Oh-Woe-Is-Moe, teenage-posturing posting


Oh, the angst of the young.  The problem is that they just haven't lived long enough to realize there is worse ahead.  These are the days they should be enjoying!


Jessa's Cardashian Café


Perhaps she's envisioning a future of a potential new business - Jessa's Jubilant Java!

  • Love 7

Oh, the angst of the young.  The problem is that they just haven't lived long enough to realize there is worse ahead.  These are the days they should be enjoying!



Perhaps she's envisioning a future of a potential new business - Jessa's Jubilant Java!

Served with Ben's Bitter Bullshit.

  • Love 7

Top-notch, crack staff that doesn't know the difference between "course" and "coarse", which is actually good news for Jessa. If the reality thing doesn't work out, she can always go work at People.

I can't ding People too hard on this. I see it a lot now, even in newspaper articles. I think perhaps everyone is saving actual live editors for the print versions and letting the online stuff just go through auto-correct or spellchecker.



I look at all of Ben's hopeless, judgmental, fire and brimstone, sad, Oh-Woe-Is-Moe, teenage-posturing posting as the Fundie version of a Facebook post where someone says "Oh, my God ! I just can't TAKE people anymore !", someone asks "What's that matter ?", and the response is always - ALWAYS - "I don't wanna talk about it..."


Someone needs to give Ben some Haagen Daz and a Midol. 


Fuck Ben, give ME the Haagen Dazs.  ALL the Haagen Dazs.

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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