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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Heartbreaking to think of the waste that's going on. And not just that the Duggar kids aren't being encouraged to learn and grow and make contributions to society. But all fundie kids everywhere, regardless of their fundie "species." Nothing but a  damn waste. Maybe God, or the Celestial Magistrate, or Nature, intended for one of those kids to be the next Steve Jobs - Albert Einstein - Martin Luther King - Gandhi - Leonard Bernstein - Beverly Sills - Jonas Salk - Billy Graham - Pope Francis - Meryl Streep - Daniel Day Lewis. I could go on and on. Heavy sigh...

I often think of Malala (sp?) who got shot in the head by the Taliban for trying to get an education while the Duggars have willfully turned their back on an education that most of the world would kill for.

  • Love 20

I often think of Malala (sp?) who got shot in the head by the Taliban for trying to get an education while the Duggars have willfully turned their back on an education that most of the world would kill for.

And not only did she get shot in the head for it, she still persevered, and her father was just bragging on Twitter about the straight As his daughter received. Can you imagine Jimboob being proud of one of his daughters for getting such high marks in school? (And I don't mean their fake-ass home school.)

  • Love 15

Knowing Fire & Binstone if their baby is a boy he'll have to  follow the tradition of having a biblical name, one of the harsher and more judgmental characters from the bible I'm sure .  If it's a girl she'll just have a regular non biblical name.

I'm thinking she is going to name that boy Jesus so she can one up Jill because we all know that if she has another boy that so would be his name. lol

I'm thinking she is going to name that boy Jesus so she can one up Jill because we all know that if she has another boy that so would be his name. lol

I figure that's Jill's next son. It's pretty popular in a lot of Spanish-speaking countries. And now I'm picturing Jim Bob trying to pronounce it in Spanish -- Hay - Soos - O.

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Love it too, but reminds me of a book I read of Middle-Eastern patterns where that particular pattern is supposed to look like a woman's nether part, and the paisley represents sperm. Nice choice for a follower of Gothard.   I don't believe the sperm part, as the pattern is quite old and I don't think the ancients knew what sperm looked like. Maybe a twisted teardrop?

I think it's paisley? I have a friend whose daughter has a comforter set like that and it is gorgeous.

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Jessa for sure. The other sibling is IMO, Jinger or Jana. Jill is drowning in the kool-aid. There's no saving her.

I hope so! At least Jessa is out there being honest about what she believes. She is pushing buttons and doesn't seem to care who she insults. She pisses off JB and us.  Gotta admire that.


Jana seems as deep into this as Jill, so Jinger please.


Nice to see they got the wedding video up. Are there other episodes on youtube? Just wondering if they are showing leniency for the Duggs to be nice, or if JB has some control written in his contract.

Edited by sometimesy
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Are we allowed to speculate about possible baby names for the Benessa spawn? If so, I'm putting my money on something religious with an edgy twist. 



Roman (Book of Romans) Truthfully, I hope they leave Roman alone. I actually like this name. 

Ransom (Mark 10:45) Yes, Ransom is really a given name. I know two grown men named Ransom!



Basically any virtue name. Mercy (Hebrews 4:16) or Glory (Psalm 3:3) come to mind, but I hope not... especially Glory. Too many inappropriate jokes.  

Are we allowed to speculate about possible baby names for the Benessa spawn? If so, I'm putting my money on something religious with an edgy twist.


Roman (Book of Romans) Truthfully, I hope they leave Roman alone. I actually like this name.

Ransom (Mark 10:45) Yes, Ransom is really a given name. I know two grown men named Ransom!


Basically any virtue name. Mercy (Hebrews 4:16) or Glory (Psalm 3:3) come to mind, but I hope not... especially Glory. Too many inappropriate jokes.

I actually think Jessa will be a bit more modern and trendee with the baby names.

I can see Carter, Greyson, Malachi, Blake, Brayden for a boy.

For a girl, Emma, Eva, Ava, Grace, Isabella, Aubrey, Olivia etc. Something super girly and prissy, just like Jessa.

  • Love 1

All this talk of Jim Bobs rock solid thatch of hair,I thought it was obvious he wore a lace front?The trick is to buy them in a few slightly differing lengths,to give the illusion of growth.


Men who do it right,pick a piece with less fibres in to relate to age,thats why Travoltas one looked ridiculous he chose one with a 20 year olds  amount of hair.

Edited by kandinski
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I'm not gonna lie, i hope Jessa jumps ship for money. Her parents did screw her over from birth after all. But i hope she jumps off completely. I wanna see her wear jeans and go to a mainstream Christian church, and i think that would have been easier to see if she hitched camp to derick instead of Ben.

A lot of people said she married the first guy that wasn't a creep to get the hell out of Duggar town, and honestly i can't blame her, but i wish Ben's family wasn't so fire and brimstone, because she's actually like a sponge. Eagerly absorbing anything that isn't what her parents taught her, because i think she's one of the kids who never bought it. Hopefully after she steps away from her family (trust me, it will happen) she can step into the real world and see that not everything is going to send you to Satan's house party.

I'm probably in the minority, but i really like Jessa. She's vain, bitchy, petty... all qualities you know her family tried to be out of her. They say she's strong willed, and yeah... I can see that.

And hopefully, wherever she goes, she takes jinger with her.

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I wonder what they're relationship is like these days? Jinger does not look well. Does Jessa ask her how she is doing?

Jinger got dropped like a bad habit once the nuptials were complete. Of course it's to be expected for Jessa to spend the majority of her time with Bin, but I don't even think Jinger gets a cursory text or phone call anymore. I haven't seen a picture of them together in months.

  • Love 2

Jessa is releasing never before seen pics of her wedding day. Just before Amy's big day. She's such a snob, and can't stand when the spotlight isn't on her.

Jessa and Ben are the ones who seem to be missing the show the most. IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU JESSA! You can get all the money and covers. Get that tell-all going before we have to read boring-favourite daughter-teachers pet-schmooze Jill or masochist Jana. Derrick may figure this out before Ben and ruin everything.

I am sticking my tongue out at all you Jill lovers. :) 

Jessa is my horse and I'm keeping my money on her. Oh Jessa, my little snarkable horsey.

Oh and Jessa, um co write this thing with Jinger and Joy. K?

  • Love 7

Jessa is releasing never before seen pics of her wedding day. Just before Amy's big day. She's such a snob, and can't stand when the spotlight isn't on her.

Wow, what a petty little bitch. She knows exactly what she's doing. As much as I think Amy is a grifting famewhore, I do believe she's entitled to her special day, just the same as any other bride.

  • Love 12

I have never met anyone like Jessa -- meaning so full of righteous rage at 22 (or whatever she is). I usually associate things like her FB posts and tweets to really old men of the "Get off my lawn" school.


Does anyone know anyone like this? Is this something she might outgrow, or will her rage just be directed at different things over time?

I have a 25 year old nephew that isn't religious at all, but who my whole family has blocked on Facebook because of his right wing rants about gun owners rights, welfare cheats, illegal immigrants, etc.

This is my sister's son, and I know for a fact he didn't grow up with this stuff being drilled into his head. Seems like once he joined the Marines he started all this..and the weird thing is, he seems to love us all and treats us so nicely when we see him in person, even though none of us agree with anything he posts (and have told him so.)

It makes me wonder if being online, it's easier for people like Jessa (and my nephew) to rant and rave, but in real life they turn it way down?

I wonder if Jessa acts differently to someone's face. And yes,my nephew and Jessa seem to me to be the "get off my lawn" type people.(at least online)

  • Love 5

Jessa takes a lot of selfies without the wedding rings.

Not that i personally care but you would think she would be all excited to have some "Ben Bling" and let the entire world know she is married to Binjerminseewald.

She doesn't look swollen but maybe she is...who knows...just an observation.

I think she's realized just how fragile that ring is. She might have even lost a stone by now. She does wear it out on public, so I don't think it's a size issue. Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

I think she's realized just how fragile that ring is. She might have even lost a stone by now. She does wear it out on public, so I don't think it's a size issue.

When I first saw Jessa's e-ring my first thought was she needed to have that diamond reset because the setting look cheap and flimsy. It wouldn't surprise me if stones were falling out of her wedding band.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

Jessa is releasing never before seen pics of her wedding day. Just before Amy's big day. She's such a snob, and can't stand when the spotlight isn't on her.


In fairness, King Dill Pickle did go on record about Joshgate with InTouch magazine. JB likely ordered Jessa to return the favor by stealing some of their wedding spotlight... Or, y'know, just the thought of going to a wedding this weekend is making a hormonal pregnant woman nostalgic about her own wedding. 

Hah! We're the same generation and I remember that well. Except you had to move to Hartford, Connecticut (where I guess all the insurance companies were) and I wasn't willing to do that at age 20 from my hometown of Chicago.


Wasn't someone going to attend Jessa's presentation last week? I recall seeing a mention but I thought we'd get a blow-by-blow account.

I doubled in crim and behavioral health, and worked as an activities director in a residential facility for adults with developmental disabilities aging in place. Cuts in funding have seen me back in the service sector. I'm okay with that since it is never boring, pays the bills and I can leave it behind me at the end of the day.

Th e main thing is that I know I I accomplished something, Jessa does not have that.

  • Love 2

I'm watching the full episode of "A Duggar Says Yes" for the first time, and it's kinda hilarious how they're describing Ben.


"Oh, Jessa can be harsh, but Ben's more compassionate, so they complement each other..." Compassionate? On what planet? Ben and Jessa are like two peas in an assholish pod. 


"He's tall, dark, and handsome..." LOL.


"I'm more of a people person, I worry about hurting people's feelings." Yes, I could tell how worried you were when you posted your anti-Catholic rant. Oh wait, I guess that was just ~telling the truth in love~, right? After all, not telling those poor Catholics how damned they are would be hateful. 

  • Love 22

Jim Bob can't be bitchy, that's a womans trait!

The funny part is that I always assumed how the specific word for a female dog became a word for a hostile, unreasonable woman is that female dogs are incredibly volatile and dangerous if they think you're trying to hurt their babies. So far, I haven't identified a lot of bitches in that family.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 6

I'm watching the full episode of "A Duggar Says Yes" for the first time, and it's kinda hilarious how they're describing Ben.


"Oh, Jessa can be harsh, but Ben's more compassionate, so they complement each other..." Compassionate? On what planet? Ben and Jessa are like two peas in an assholish pod. 


"He's tall, dark, and handsome..." LOL.


"I'm more of a people person, I worry about hurting people's feelings." Yes, I could tell how worried you were when you posted your anti-Catholic rant. Oh wait, I guess that was just ~telling the truth in love~, right? After all, not telling those poor Catholics how damned they are would be hateful. 


The best compliment? JB referred to Ben as "articulate." Lawd help us!  

I'm watching the full episode of "A Duggar Says Yes" for the first time, and it's kinda hilarious how they're describing Ben.


"Oh, Jessa can be harsh, but Ben's more compassionate, so they complement each other..." Compassionate? On what planet? Ben and Jessa are like two peas in an assholish pod. 


"He's tall, dark, and handsome..." LOL.


"I'm more of a people person, I worry about hurting people's feelings." Yes, I could tell how worried you were when you posted your anti-Catholic rant. Oh wait, I guess that was just ~telling the truth in love~, right? After all, not telling those poor Catholics how damned they are would be hateful. 


I don't know. I suspect that Ben may be eligible for mixed reviews on this score, while Jessa's behavior may be more all of a piece.


We know that both of them can be quite harsh toward people in general -- i.e., the people they've never met who disagree with their religious ideas. But I'll bet in these comments they're talking about Jessa's and Ben's relationships to real people in their families that they meet everyday. I think we've actually seen Ben's greater compassion and warmth in some interchanges he's had with Jinger and with some of the younger kids, and we've heard from his family about a warm, kind of nurturing relationship he seems to have had with his own siblings. He's apparently picked up stray people fairly often, too, like the ones he invited to his wedding and who seemed to speak pretty highly of his being a nice person. I take these comments as some evidence that Jessa truly is a cold-ass bitch even to her inner circle, on a daily basis. We've seen some of that, too, including her cold side-eyeing of poor dumb Binjermin's attempts to be romantic and loving toward her and some of her interactions with her siblings as overseer and so on.


The thing is, they don't know the people at whom they throw the religious damnation talk that they've been taught all their lives. And as with most of us much of the time (well, maybe more so), they don't really think of those people -- us people -- as real. Those you're-damned rants aren't human relationships, they're just the sermonizing their families constantly practice as a core activity of their self-righteous ideologies. Neither of them has the imagination or intellect to really view people-at-a-distance-and-not-like-me as real, and, in the Duggar household, at least, they've actually been taught to view all non-Duggars/non-Gothards as alien, wrong and dangerous.  (And if the rest of us think that we routinely do view people-at-a-distance as real, we should probably spend a little more time observing our own responses to immigration, "collateral damage" in Middle Eastern wars, the bombing of Hiroshima and, heaven help us, Nagasaki. Etc.)


Anyway, I'd say that -- following an unfortunate general human trend but with special Duggar/Seewald-imbued zeal -- they both easily embrace the idea of raining Fire and Binstone on people they don't know. But when it comes to their own tribe, Ben may have a warmer heart and be a bit of softy, while Jessa's more of the cold, relentless type even there.

  • Love 11

I don't know. I suspect that Ben may be eligible for mixed reviews on this score, while Jessa's behavior may be more all of a piece.

We know that both of them can be quite harsh toward people in general -- i.e., the people they've never met who disagree with their religious ideas. But I'll bet in these comments they're talking about Jessa's and Ben's relationships to real people in their families that they meet everyday. I think we've actually seen Ben's greater compassion and warmth in some interchanges he's had with Jinger and with some of the younger kids, and we've heard from his family about a warm, kind of nurturing relationship he seems to have had with his own siblings. He's apparently picked up stray people fairly often, too, like the ones he invited to his wedding and who seemed to speak pretty highly of his being a nice person. I take these comments as some evidence that Jessa truly is a cold-ass bitch even to her inner circle, on a daily basis. We've seen some of that, too, including her cold side-eyeing of poor dumb Binjermin's attempts to be romantic and loving toward her and some of her interactions with her siblings as overseer and so on.

The thing is, they don't know the people at whom they throw the religious damnation talk that they've been taught all their lives. And as with most of us much of the time (well, maybe more so), they don't really think of those people -- us people -- as real. Those you're-damned rants aren't human relationships, they're just the sermonizing their families constantly practice as a core activity of their self-righteous ideologies. Neither of them has the imagination or intellect to really view people-at-a-distance-and-not-like-me as real, and, in the Duggar household, at least, they've actually been taught to view all non-Duggars/non-Gothards as alien, wrong and dangerous. (And if the rest of us think that we routinely do view people-at-a-distance as real, we should probably spend a little more time observing our own responses to immigration, "collateral damage" in Middle Eastern wars, the bombing of Hiroshima and, heaven help us, Nagasaki. Etc.)

Anyway, I'd say that -- following an unfortunate general human trend but with special Duggar/Seewald-imbued zeal -- they both easily embrace the idea of raining Fire and Binstone on people they don't know. But when it comes to their own tribe, Ben may have a warmer heart and be a bit of softy, while Jessa's more of the cold, relentless type even there.

I think Jinger and Ben have more chemistry on display in their Instagram/Twitter video than I've ever seen between Jessa and Ben. Maybe Jessa is avoiding Jinger because she fears something will happen.
  • Love 4

Wow, what a petty little bitch. She knows exactly what she's doing. As much as I think Amy is a grifting famewhore, I do believe she's entitled to her special day, just the same as any other bride.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Fraud and Limpstone tried to pull focus away from Amy because everything at all times has to be about them (Jessa) and no one else.  I expect an avalanche of fake smiles and scowly photos from her. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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